
Anon's Gangster Paradise (Work In Progress)

Jan 30th, 2015
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  1. >"Hey, Anon?"
  2. "Yeah, Dashie?"
  3. >I've been meaning to ask you this, but what exactly was your life like in Detrot--I mean, in full detail?"
  4. >At this point, the heads of the rest of your friends shoot up.
  5. >You’ve never elaborated on how your life in Detrot actually was, aside from a couple of recollections regarding drug dealers.
  6. >This doesn’t stem from a desire to repress anything traumatic; you just never considered it important.
  7. >The others, however, seem to think otherwise.
  8. “Why would you want to know that?”
  9. >“Just curious, I guess. I’ve been thinking, and I realized I don’t know anything about how you’re life was before you transferred.”
  10. >”A’ve been wonderin’ that too, to be honest. It strikes me as kinda odd how a sweet guy like you existed in a place like Detrot.”
  11. >”I as well, darling. You must have had quite the life if you found it necessary to learn how to fight”
  12. >”I’ve never seen someone chase after a mugger either—especially one with a gun!”
  13. >”We all just want to get to know ya a little better, Nonny!”
  14. >They won’t let up.
  15. “You really want to know what my life was like back then?”
  16. “YES!”
  17. >Why are they so interested?
  18. >Well, you might as well tell them.
  19. “You see, back in Detrot…”
  20. >”They learn in, intent on hearing every word from you.
  21. “…I was a rapper”
  23. >The girls stare at you in disbelief
  24. >How hard is it for them to believe that you used to spit dope rhymes?
  25. >”Darling, you can’t be serious!”
  26. “I am”
  27. >”Anon, how does being a rapper even begin to justify why you know how to fight?”
  28. “Our perception of how rappers should be is different in Detrot. In Detrot, a rapper’s life is something to aspire for. Rappers are the highest level of gangsters. Detrot rappers actually live the life they rap about, and have the lyrical skill to back up the shit they talked”
  29. >”Umm…does that mean?”
  30. “Yep. I was a thug.”
  31. >”Y’all are kiddin’, right?”
  32. “I’m completely serious. We respect those who can spit. If you kill your favorite rapper, you lose your favorite artist. The best rappers are practically untouchable, if they don’t have beef, that is. “
  33. >“Is that why y’all got into spittin’?”
  34. “Not really. It was a nice perk, but that’s not how it began”
  35. >”How did it begin then, Nonny?”
  36. “Well…”
  38. >Be Anon
  39. >Hate life in Detrot
  40. >Nothing but car chases in the morning, stabbings in the afternoon, and gang fights at night.
  41. >Your city has a bit of a crime problem.
  42. >You’ve gotten used to this pattern in your life.
  43. >It’s not that bad though. You only experience this on weekends.
  44. >School however, you can never find normal.
  45. >The classes in your school offer nothing of value.
  46. >Drug deals, gang initiations, and pretty much everything but learning goes on in this so called “learning environment”
  47. >It’s nothing but tumult here at Mareshall Mathers High.
  48. >If it wasn’t for the library, you’d be completely brain dead.
  49. >The books in here were all brand new—this being the only place where the students won’t go.
  50. >You always wondered why they never used this for a hangout.
  51. >You chalk it up to them not needing a quiet spot to do things when the whole school is basically an open center for drug dealing and gang banging.
  52. >How you haven’t been killed yet, you don’t know.
  53. >Thankful for not being dead yet, you enter your 1st period class
  55. >Your first period was chemistry—or, going by what actually goes on in this class—drug production 101.
  56. >They make everything here, from weed, to ecstasy, to meth.
  57. >Meth
  58. >What are they, hillbillies?
  59. >2nd period was English
  60. >This is where they made all the drug deals, planned gang attacks, etc.
  61. >Reading the books from the library was your usual pastime during this period.
  62. >3rd period was when you had mathematics.
  63. >The gangs managed their finances until the period was over.
  64. >For a collection of individuals who never learned anything in class, they sure can calculate well.
  65. >Street smarts really are a thing.
  66. >After lunch, the only time when the school seemed normal, you were off to history.
  67. >History was pretty much a free-for-all in terms of what the students did.
  68. >They usually played games that they brought (stole) and spent the period doing whatever they saw fit.
  69. >The teachers didn’t care as long as they students didn’t bother them. They were getting paid either way.
  70. >Sometimes they’d teach you if you asked. Other times they focused on their own lives.
  72. >After school lets out, you return to the “safety” of your home
  73. >Implying anyone could feel safe in this city
  74. >You greet your mother as you walk into your home.
  75. “Hey, mom”
  76. >”Hello, Nonny. How was school?”
  77. “Same old, same old.”
  78. >”Learn anything new?”
  79. “I make a habit of learning something everyday”
  80. >After all, it’s the only way you’re going to make it out of this dump.
  81. >“That’s great! Dinner will be ready in half an hour”
  82. “Okay. Thanks, mom. Is dad getting off on time today?”
  83. >”He should be home today”
  84. “Cool.”
  85. >Your dad works overtime often.
  86. >He’s saving the extra money in case something happens.
  87. >Robberies and “accidents” happen a lot here
  88. >You’re hoping that he’s secretly saving that money so you all can move out of Detrot.
  89. >That’ll be the day
  91. >”Nonny?”
  92. “Yeah, mom?”
  93. >”You really should start using that journal the Dr. Maxwell gave you. It could help, you know? With all of…this”
  94. “Okay, mom”
  95. >With that, you head up to your room.
  96. >Dr. Maxwell was your therapist.
  97. >You started seeing him after your 3rd mental breakdown here.
  98. >Living here all your life can mess with your head.
  99. >You used to be paranoid about getting shot or stabbed no matter where you went
  100. >It got so bad that you wouldn’t leave the house for anything.
  101. >A few visits later—along with some boxing and martial arts training—you’ve gone from being paranoid about everything, to blending in and not having anyone bother you.
  102. >You just want to focus on your studies so you can go somewhere other than Detrot once you graduate
  103. >During one of your sessions, Dr. Maxwell gave you a journal.
  104. >He said it might help you turn your frustration and worries into something valuable.
  105. >Stories, art, and poetry were among the suggestions for what you could put into said journal.
  106. >You open the blank journal.
  107. >Art is not something you’re good at, so that was out of the question
  108. >As for stories, what can you really write?
  109. >”I used to get jumped and threatened but now I’m just a loner?”
  110. >Stories are out
  111. >All that’s left is poetry
  112. >You could probably work with that.
  113. >You read poetry books all the time, so you’re no stranger to it
  114. >Poetry it is.
  115. >A grab a pen and begin to write
  117. >”I’m home!”
  118. >You cease your writing in order to greet your father
  119. “Hey, dad!”
  120. >”Sup, son?”
  121. >Your dad was born in Detrot
  122. >Sometimes it shows, but he learned how to speak without that dialect when he started working in business.
  123. >”Dinner smells great, hon.”
  124. >”I’m glad that you can enjoy while it’s hot, for once.
  125. >The three of you take your seats at the table
  126. >”How’s school, son?”
  127. “Eh.”
  128. >”Figured as much. Just bear with it until college”
  129. “Got it.”
  130. >”Anything else new?”
  131. “I started writing in that journal that Dr. Maxwell gave me.
  132. >”Oh, really? Would you like to share, or is it personal”
  133. “I don’t mind”
  134. >You give your father the journal
  135. >He starts reading it, a surprised look on his face appears
  136. >After a while, he puts down the journal and turns to you.
  137. >”This some dope shit, son!”
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