
M-12 app

May 30th, 2015
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  1. Name: M-12
  2. Age: Undefined Classified.
  3. Species: Khelan
  4. Gender: Female
  5. Soul Alignment: None, but can materialize a number of items and create objects and having an echo soul, but no soul allignment to echo.
  6. Appearance: around 5'5, White Skin, White hair which are braided all together and at the end ,has a blade linked onto it, dark red eyes, wears a bright blue bio suit, and have a metal collar going around her neck, she wears a eye-patch which have a scope attached onto it. She is completely bare foot meaning she does not wear any form of shoes. When she wears her armor is completely white, and her foot is no longer visible as towards the bottom of her foot rounds out, and goes along the ground, Several consisting plates of armor goes along along her body, 2 arm-blades attached to both her arms one on each hand which can retract out at anytime. a Visor/mask goes over her Eyes which also displays a Digital Red eye, which is at the center of the visor, the Mask arcs around her forehead and 2 antennae extends out. On her Back 2 red Circles on onto it where 6 Blades hovers from them 3 one each side
  7. Personalities: Emotionless Monotone Computer like voice this stays consistent except if she is in the presence of any 22-3 soldier, and or TPF member she will re-frame from this form of personalities in a more of an innocent kind of girl voice action and Personality.
  8. Special traits/Powers: She is an extremely overwhelming opponent unlike any other, She has several ways on approaching her targets choosing to either suppress or attack using her long range attacks or go CQB using her 6 blades that can all move simultaneously freely around her body this making it difficult for her opponents to block, or even try to dodge the incoming blades if she gets close enough, not to mention her remarkable accelerating speed of 1000-1500 MPH this is done from her Suits Mobility advantage(Scroll down to the "Suit" Part of the Special traits). She can create a gravity field under her opponents which either can Crush them or slow them down remarkably this allowing her to either escape or employ her range attacks the gravitational field Concentrates more gravity around that area, generally making it where if earth was slightly larger than it would this does not alter the gravitational effects of Earth as it only lasts 15 seconds and it vanishs along with any extra gravitaitonal force, as if it never existed this avoids screwing up earth gravitational effect on us and the field can only cover 5 ft around the target. Her range attack is allowing her to materialize Multiple blades in various of different kind of angles around her opponents, which are projected down up, angled, or any form of where or how she position them towards her opponents generally a feet away towards where she wants to hit, this being extremely accurate....and overwhelming. Or she can create a "rift" which than shoots out Hundreds of blades towards her opponents ; downfall this form of attack can only go in one direction and can't move around as it is firing oit lasts for 15 seconds and will close up. Or if her opponents are close enough she can Materialize a Ginormous blade coming vertically down and crushing her foes granting them a low chance of survival a best way to counter act this is either that the person is TOO close(good "too close" would be like 1 milometer in front of her), or suddenly dashing back in an attempt to minimize the potential damage DO NOT TRY TO BLOCK IT THOUGH THE CONSEQUENCES WILL BE SEVERE! it hits about 900,000 tons worth of force, that implying it will crush every little bone the person will have and if the person did not have any armor or strong enough armor in that case, the person will be cut in half the blade size is about 10 ft wide, and its length is about 25 ft tall. All these blades are at least 2x stronger than steel, and de-materialize after impact. Also her suit generates enough power and she can apply some of her aura to create "Rifts' That are not linked to the void but serves as a teleportation mechanism, covering short distances and usually is used to materialize more blades or for her to escape, or use tactical well used approach. Unlike her previous failed units she can repair herself either during battle or after battle wires re-connecting onto its Representative, or joints wielding themselves together, or re-creating parts. She also have very little nerves or none at all throughout her body which in that case she cannot detect pain or any climate Weather conditions. Her muscles also Rejuvenate meaning 10x more oxygen are sent into them are are extremely less likely to tire out, this granting her to go long periods of time fighting, battling or doing any other labor, Without her getting fatigue. She can also punch up to 10,000 tons worth of force, and her re-flexes are suburb than any other being.
  10. Suit: Her suit is general made from titanium , Steel, and other strong or extreme Metals This suit covers the entire body and shows very little gaps, except for any joints or any place that will render or cripple her mobility. The suit have an under-layer of grahpyne it being used for extra protection along with also keeping the user comfortable. Now getting towards her mobility Advantages is that Her Legs have a rotating Track System which rotates either clockwise(Forward) or counter-clockwise(Backwards). The track system metal is a Nano-metal meaning it operates like rubber adjusting to any surface as possible and providing little to no friction to any surface. And rotates in an extreme speed in either direction The track system are in pairs meaning 2 actually Operates at the same time rather than one, the rotating module have a built in cooling system which reduces overheating and of course ..Exploding. Upon near the bottom of the foot though a rotating module also is placed which allows her to change direction with ease, while still maintaining a consistant speed. there this allowing for emergency turns such as turning suddenly to the right or left, which it goes along the persons legs on that bottom partial of the bottom of the legs is separated for that main purpose to rotate with ease either 45-90 degrees to the right or left, without doing any damage onto the users body. On how the person stops the break system operates just like a break system in a car would as 2 Soft end swabs retracts towards the rotating module which slows it to a halt or, the other approach emergency breaks which this can damage the track system but as a built in safety switch the armor, armor locks which reduces the amount of damage if the user would to fling off and land in an awkward position or land in Lethal parts of there bodies(Head per say).Also the user can stop by doing a technique on how a Roller blade user would do, by jumping up and turning the persons body where they are not facing the incoming wall but goign along it in which the Bottom of the foot, while cause upon friction and is more of a better form of stopping, sliding to a halt but damaging the track system severly as it would have no time to re-adjust. The suit is powered by a miniature Reactor which Generates 2x the amount of power a Nuclear Reactor would The reactor is built inside the center Chest piece of the Suit but it is dug well inside the suit and if it was to be damaged severly it will not explode as it is divided up from the center to its corners to operate regardless of its state it will not explode, but will shut down immidaitly if it is going to explode, as the potential of it exploding would be equalivent to 25 nukes and making that entire Land uninhabitable for hundreds of years It can also absorb incoming energy outputs and go beyond its storage capacity too.. The blades and the Bright red circles on the back of her shoulder plates is where the blades levitate off of, as a small magnetic Field draws the blades closer to it but also keeps it away, the blades have a receiving end nu-rel transmitter unit in which the main Nurel transmitter is built inside the helm.
  11. The mini tare reactor is about 8 inchs wide, and only about 2 inches thick also made of Barvesten metals which was scavenged throughout the lands it looks a lot similar ot Iron mans Reactor, but it does not glow, and it is linked up onto the armor.
  12. Where you can see the lines that seperates this small circle in which case the reactor is divided up to power each individual part of the Armor. It is a lot similar to Iron mans Arc reactor, Providing Pure Energy for the Suit, and can go years without need of a replacement. if the Core is damaged or needs to be replaced, it is re-powered by either supplying it or, generating an equivalent amount of energy to provide it. Also the Arc Reactor can re-use or recharge if it is at a low power state by generating electricity but only for a short time.
  13. M-12 and the suit: When M-12 needs her suit a MASSIVE blade lands behind her in which she jumps back and where the blade separates into separate pieces of her armor, and respective blades in which M-12 and The suit connect sand links to each other. M-12 and the suit actaully are linked together meaning there is no delay in the suit what so ever her reaction time would be just as fast as if she was not wearing the suit meaning Her brain, and body and the suit are linked together, which makes M-12 and the suit completely unique. The suit also have a built in Force field which protects her against incoming Projectiles such as Railguns, Plasma fire or any other extreme Damage in which she cannot survive herself. Also her track system can go onto any surface and she can even run up walls easily, by either bringing up her foot to do so, or just lean back slightly to prevent any collision to the wall in which she can Converge from the floor to the wall, and maintain the same speed.
  15. Other: M-12 also have a Multi-puporse Advance AI unit, which can learn and improve onto itself over the years and course of its life-span, the AI being UNhackable as it has developed its own In-cripted codes, which actually is another language which is not linked by any form of language using random numbers, Letters, and sometimes Egyptian Symbols. It can also create down-graded forms of itself and can actually hack, and even control other Digitally linked Devices, regardless if it has an output signal or not. The AI unit is extremly advance which keeps itself update on recent events such as Factions, History that does not go beyond Pre-war, And also learns about each individual or possible opponent. In combat it is more suited as it can learn the opponents moves, or plan otu there possible attacks, also bringing up any Records that the user encountered, and knowing who and what they are regarding to species by doing a mass scan that will be able to show the anatomy of the creature and display any recent injuries in which for the user to use that injuries or Defect of the person to its fullest advantage. The AI and M-12 is linked together and over the years of being IN-active they have became a singluler Individual. As for the AI unit, there is generally little to no weaknesses making M-12 a living threat to everyone around her, and her a living death wish for anyone who dares harming anyone else, or attacking her.
  17. Bio: M-12 was built in a TPF lab generally manufactured by Rachel Hellsing, Her purpose was to assist and aid the TPF in the PAA and TPF war, along with providing protection to all civilians, regardless of the current situation. M-12 was suppose to be the future of all soldiers having no emotions in which this eliminating a soldier being afraid to die, the M-12 units would replace all the Current soldiers in the tpf and help them win against the PAA. But unfortunately when the TPF leader was assassinated and the TPF forced back underground Rachel Funding was cut, and she was even forced out of the lab and abandoning M-12 for a number of years...but that doesn't mean the AI she implanted into her was de-activated. M-12 Was left there, most of her body was made, and the suit was also completed but she coudn't be deployed. M-12 was deployed only once or twice in the TZ to see if there were any bugs but when the TPF was shut down, Rachel was force to shut her down, and leaving her. Rachel not knowing that the AI needed to be removed as it began learning, improving itself, and of course..M-12 and after many many years M-12 was re-activated, the lab in complete control of the AI unit in which upon M-12 re-activating the AI and her were Re-linked back together. All of M-12 protocols were outdated and thus being removed except only a few such as only engaging if the target was either attacking a "human being" or engaging upon her, or a faction in trying to capture her. Another protocal in tact will be scanning every encounter she meets, and taking full priority On the civilians protection and dis-regarding any other action. She will also not respond to any authority line as she is built for that purpose. Unlike her previous units which collasped and died, M-12 is like a Virus if her body was destroyed and the AI not removed from her before hand meaning the AI will bounce around every possible digital computer going from one area to another and than re-creating M-12 if it stumbles upon abandon factories. Unlike any other unit M-12 does have an Echoes soul and within her armor she has Void stones built inside of it to stablize her Aura, but her Echo soul is not connected to Echo, and can only produce Aura more faster and not having any abilities of echo Herself. In M-12 spare time she reads a Fictional book that is primary about Love, compassion and adventure, something she is still trying to comprehend about, but enjoys the book and she has read it more than 1.2 million times.(DAM!) She loves books and love collecting Valuables such as trinkets or highly outdated items that were before pre-war, mainly collecting junk like Belt buckles, AA batteries , that sort of stuff, and any book she can get her hands on. She also loves Learning as per that is also what the AI loves to do. She tries not to provoke any form of Violence espicailly upon an opponent she knows very little about.
  19. M-12 has one little downside, she lacks human emotions, along with having no memoris of herself, as per a symbol was embeded onto her back which cancels and removed all her memorys, keeping her from thinking a higher form of thinking such as disobeying orders or going rouge. This symbol can be removed but the characters need to know how to remove it by supplying enough Energy in which it was created onto her and her approval, as per she does not even know it is on her back. The symbol glows if M-12 was thinking of a thought which involves her breaking her main protocols such as killing an innocent for no reason, or trying to remember her past, or someone trying to convince her to remember who she is. It also glows when she uses a higher form of a ability calling it "Mu's regrets" in which a massive rift if open and the Arc Reactor power, and her Aura is poured into this single move, materializing millions of blades coming down, exploding on contact and summoning a massive blade in which cuts through all but salem. It can cover 14 sqaure miles and leaves nothing but craters after the conclusion the massive blade being the finally and exploding in which makes a massive explosion, as M-12 vanish's from sight in the conclusion of everything, only having 1% of aura, and 1% of power in her Arc Reactor in which She runs away from the scene.
  21. OOC purpose: I did had her before but i vodied her myself as per she has a lot of complications and i had a very to no understanding on how science worked, and the khelan lore. So i have fixed her up, removed some of her powers, and or fixed them up so people can understand. As per why i would like her? She is an old char i actually enjoyed rping and was my only cyrbog Char i ever had. And honestly even before i used her she has yet to kill a single opponent since some of her protocols in reach tries to prevent Violence and neutrilize foes by putting them unconscious. She will only kill if Killing is the last resort to go to, in which everyone should of done this rather than saying" You took my wallet so i am going to kill you" General response, she will either attempt and keep attempting to arrest you untill i see oocly that this have escalated from trying to stop violance and just kill the people who is starting it and i have already attempted to stop the violence. Another key thing is that she does not know of new Factions Imperials for example or PAAR, or knowing the Paladins destruction, the factions she knows of is the UU, PAA, TPF, 22-3 , The Guardian Order, Messengers, and most of the khelan factions And that's pretty much it
  23. NOTE: she empahsis fantasy and i would love to see if she can get re-approved you are allowed to remove any of her powers if you see fit. (I won't get butt hurt trust me) i prefer you remove some of her powers than not accepting her because of her powers.
  25. Here is a pic of her, if you can see the slight gap near the bottom of her foot that's where it can rotate freely, but can't go 180 degrees of 360,
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