
Template OC WIP - Lusine

Mar 5th, 2015
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  1. Name: Lusine
  2. Age: 21
  3. Gender: F
  4. Classification: Werewolf
  5. Occupation: Adventurer, Hunter, Pilot
  6. Height: x’y”
  7. Weight: z Lbs.
  8. Eyes: Yellow
  9. Hair: Gray
  10. Appearance:
  11. A young girl with a very athletic figure, Lusine has short, gray hair that reaches about halfway down her neck, paired with large ears that have a large amount of white fluff sticking out of them, with large almost glowing yellow eyes and somewhat thin eyebrows. She has a small, dainty nose, and when she opens her mouth, one can see a pair of canines in the back of her upper jaw. On her forehead, aviator goggles are worn. She wears a brown aviator jacket, with fur trim (fake of course) on the collar and sleeves and a stylized wolf head with the words “WOLF PACK” in big emblazoned on the back, over a black turtleneck sweater, which has a yellow zigzag pattern at the bottom. She wears denim skinny jeans and dark grey Uggs, which have (not-as-guaranteed fake) fur trim on them. Her tail kind of sneaks out from the back, gray with a black tip, and is somewhat long, as it drags across the ground normally
  13. Powers and Abilities:
  14. - Hunter’s Mark
  15. A common skill in her line of work, Lusine can designate one enemy within her field of vision as her target, or Mark. While a character is Lusine’s Mark, the following happens:
  16. ~ All homing attacks will focus on this character. Lusine’s regular arrows will also home in, though they can fire elsewhere if Lusine needs.
  17. ~ Lusine will be able to notice slight movements that her opponent makes, allowing her to more quickly evade that character’s attack.
  18. ~ Certain attacks, such as Barghest, will get a special effect when used on Lusine’s Mark.
  19. In the event Lusine is only fighting one opponent, that one opponent will automatically be deemed her Mark; for larger enemy parties, however, the player must announce who they are deeming their Mark in some fashion when posting.
  21. - Freezing Arrows
  22. Lusine uses the power of ice magic in battle, allowing her to use a plethora of attacks that work well with her bow. She is especially potent at using her ice magic to freeze enemies; this encases them in a large chuck of ice, which renders them vulnerable to Puncture, Impact, Slash, and Fire damage, though all of these will free the opponent; enemies can free themselves by using a Fire-aligned skill, or a similarly energetic skill, or otherwise wait three turns. All Ice-based skills are treated as Water attacks. On top of just regularly shooting arrows, Lusine can use the following skills:
  23. ~ Barghest – Lusine creates a barrage of about 20 icicles, which are fired in a shotgun spread & fly outwards, becoming less focused but increasing in speed the further out they go. When used on a Mark, all the icicles will focus on their position.
  24. ~ Wulver – Lusine creates five long icicles, which spin around her. They will immediately throw themselves at any enemies who close in on her. Lusine can also choose to make them hover around her Mark, and then immediately launch themselves at the Mark, one by one.
  25. ~ Amarok – Lusine shoots a large icicle upwards, which goes up for a short distance, but then disappears. The next turn, the icicle will appear directly over the head of Lusine’s Mark, crashing upon them & knocking them back down to the ground, should they be in the air. Should Lusine lack a Mark, then Amarok will appear over the head of the nearest enemy (to the GM’s discretion).
  26. ~ Skoll – Lusine creates a wolf-shaped entity of blue energy, which stays near her and acts as her hunting dog. While active, Skoll will seek out sources of heat within a range of 35 meters and attack them; this can mean homing in on & attacking nearby enemies, or taking a Fire-based attack for Lusine, getting itself hurt to protect her. Skoll can take up to three hits of any kind, with a turn of invincible recovery when it is hit as it temporarily dissipates. If Skoll is destroyed in this way, Lusine cannot use this ability for two turns.
  27. ~ Cu Sith – Lusine fires a beam of blue energy, which freezes the ground beneath it as it moves along. The resulting freeze creates a wall of ice about 20 feet tall, and is considered to have one star (*) in every stat. If the beam hits an opponent, they will be frozen solid; however, it will not deal damage. If used on her Mark, not only will it home in on them, but it will even move to match their own movements. After use, Lusine cannot use this ability for two turns.
  28. ~ Fenrir – Lusine’s ultimate. Lusine focuses on her Mark, filling the surrounding area about 50 meters across with many small ice arrows. These arrows will then promptly fly at her opponent, dealing a large amount of ice damage & leaving the target frozen. However, the focus required means that Lusine takes a turn to charge the attack, plus a turn before the icicles actually fire, and afterwards, Lusine will be unable to use this attack for twenty turns.
  30. - Werewolf Traits
  31. Lusine is a werewolf, and gets several unique traits as a result. For one, she has excellent tracking abilities, allowing her to notice even small details, or ones that people normally can’t identify, such as heat signatures or smells, and can use these to track down a target. She also has the ability to “sense” what her allies are planning on doing, allowing her to synchronize with them more easily. As a werewolf, Lusine also receives a one star buff to Endurance & Speed in humanoid form, or Strength & Speed in wolf form, when under the effects of moonlight.
  32. And of course, Lusine is also capable of transforming into a wolf at will, taking the appearance of a Gray Wolf. While in her wolf form, Lusine cannot use magic or her bow, and her Projection goes down, but she becomes an overall smaller target, and also gets improved Strength, Endurance, and Speed, and is capable of physical attacks such as scratches, tackles, and bites, which can drain her opponent’s strength and restore her own. Her bow also changes into a form resembling wings on a plane, allowing Lusine to fly in this form. Lusine can change forms as she wishes, but she must stay in it a minimum of one turn before changing back.
  34. Stats:
  35. -Strength: ** (normal)/*** (Skoll)/**** (wolf)
  36. -Projection: ***(normal/Skoll)/* (wolf)
  37. -Toughness: ***(normal/wolf)/** (Skoll)
  38. -Attack Type: Water, Puncture, Slash, Impact
  39. -Resistances: Water (+1), Fire (-1)
  40. -Endurance: ****(normal)/*** (Skoll)/***** (wolf)
  41. -Stamina: **** (normal/wolf)/*** (Skoll)
  42. -Speed: **** (normal)/*** (Skoll)/***** (wolf)
  44. Standard Equipment:
  45. ~ Artemis
  46. A longbow which Lusine carries on her back.
  48. NOTES:
  49. ~ A turn refers to the time take during a player’s post, which starts when the player posts and lasts until they must post again. As a result, in larger RPs it’s possible for effects based on rounds to last longer, or for cooldowns to take longer.
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