
Maeka- Desire

Jan 24th, 2020
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  1. Captain Louis wouldn't say he was the smartest man when it came to women. He wasn't the sort who had a lover in every port, nor was he the kind that was constantly chasing after that one true love. He was enamored with exploration, with discovery. Those were what kept him warm at night, and because of that his romantic experience Of course, that didn't mean he was entirely clueless as to how to treat a woman. His mother had raised him well, and had told him how to react and respond in many situations, when he was growing up and discovering the fairer sex for himself. He’d found that advice to be invaluable throughout his formative years, and still quite worthwhile well into his adult ones.
  3. So when Rodrick called him to the bridge and showed him an image on one of the floating cameras of a despondent-looking Maeka trundling back, head bowed, he was already outside and waiting for her, ready to take on whatever bad news or sorrow that she was about to give. Not that he couldn't take an educated guess. The tears in her eyes kind of clued him in.
  5. When her head finally rose and she saw him, those tears only grew, and she ended up dropping to her knees before he realized what was going on, her posture an indication of supplication. “Maeka...couldn't do it. She tried...” She was shivering- immediately Louis felt a brief bit of alarm, and he was quick to kneel down to her level in order to embrace her. This was all that was needed for her to burst into tears.
  7. What followed was a deluge of stuttering tearful words that Louis couldn't quite make out. He was fairly sure she was going in and out of her own native language, and the combination of her shivering and her sincere, repeated apologies and the occasional begging for forgiveness told him all he needed to know. However, that wasn't important. She was. “Are you alright?” He asked, only leaning back enough to tilt her face up so that his eyes were staring into hers. “Did they hurt you? Do anything to you?” The way she looked up at him, astonished, told him that she wasn't expecting him to ask such a question... And instead of responding, she simply shook her head and hugged him tighter. He wasn't so callus as to sigh just yet; she was clearly hurting emotionally, if not physically, and needed someone to be there for her during her a moment of grief.
  9. It only took a few moments for him to realize he was still outside, however. Scooping her up into a bridal carry, he quickly brought her back inside, where a number of the others were waiting with concerned expressions shared all around. Nancy was the first to speak up after seeing her. “I take it that the meeting didn't go so well?” she asked with a grimace as he set her down.
  11. Louis nodded- he had made out enough to get the general picture after a few moments of mentally going through the jumble of words. “Seems like they didn't quite take to her like she was hoping for. From the sounds of things, they rode her out on a rail. Frankly, I'm just thankful that they didn't try to assault her or anything of the like.”
  13. “Damnit,” Nancy swore. “We’ll have to beef up surrounding security. Probably launch a few more surveillance drones, get a couple of the old combat stands out of storage. If they're coming for us, we're going to give ‘em a fight.”
  15. Suddenly, Maeka’s head shot up. “No!”
  17. It was the first thing that she had said clearly since coming back, and everyone was surprised as she looked straight at Nancy, tears still fresh in her eyes. “Will not fight! They will not! They are scared and- and do not understand! They will stay away, and they- they…” her breathing grew rapid, and it was only through Louis's gentle patting that she calmed down. “They think you demons, or worse. They do not understand the gifts that you bring. They refuse to understand.”
  19. “Oof.” Rodrick could only look away in thought. “Well, so much for an easy resolution…”
  21. Maeka shook her head in denial, looking up at them with eyes red from crying, but no less determined. “Maeka-servant will MAKE them understand, do not fear!”
  23. “Well, just don't put yourself in any danger doing it,” Nancy said carefully. She’d grown to like the little cat enough to not want her injured, and the way she was speaking didn't sit entirely well with her. “Why don't you head to your quarters and take a lie down, and we'll put our heads together and brainstorm an answer to this little conundrum.”
  25. Maeka still wasn't quite sure of all the language, but she knew when she was being dismissed, and bowed deeply. “As you wish, God-Hunter Nancy.” With that, she walked off, although it was plain to see her posture was still slumped over, and she was still quite down.
  27. It wasn't until she was far down the hall and well on her way to her own quarters that they resumed talking.
  29. “I don’t like this,” Nancy admitted. “As far as I can tell, this whole thing as a real possibility to blow up into something we really don't want.”
  31. “Gotta agree,” Rodrick said, nodding. “I like the kid, and maybe I was being a bit optimistic all things considered, but if they're thinking we're some kind of major intruders- which to be fair, we are- then they're not going to let that sit for very long. Especially if they figure out the mining we’re doing, most likely.”
  33. “Just means that we’ll have to work quicker,” Nathan spoke up. “I’ll see what I can about pushing the drill’s limits in a safe way, or, failing that, see if I can jerry-rig something to help out.”
  35. “Sounds like a plan,” Louis agreed. He didn’t like the way things were turning out, but he was Captain for a reason. “Get to work and get me a report of preliminary ideas within forty-eight hours. Rodrick, Nancy, I want those extra drones out by tonight, have the stands set up near the drill by tomorrow. Rotating patrol, people.”
  37. As the trio nodded and set to their tasks, He looked over to Basil, who simply wore a wan smile. “Let’s hope this is all unneeded, eh? I’d hate for my skills to have to come into use.”
  39. Louis could only agree. “I’m both surprised and not that she couldn’t convince them we were alright- especially when they haven’t seen anything of us.”
  41. Basil just shrugged. “Folks can be superstitious. I wouldn’t be surprised at a bit of distrust.” It was then that he leveled a serious look at Louis- something rather rare for him. “But speakin’ of superstition, I think you’d do well to clear the air of a particular superstition the lil’ one’s been having about us.”
  43. Ah. That. Louis sighed, but inwardly he agreed. “I won’t lie, it WAS flattering…”
  45. “Being considered divine usually is,” Basil acknowledged. “But it ain’t right.”
  47. “’s not.” Louis nodded. “Nancy enjoyed it too, for a while, y’know. Told me one evening at dinner.”
  49. “Well, I think it’s high time you told her what’s what. Elsewise she might not be too keen on us anymore when she finds out- and I dunno about you, but all things considered, right now might be the best time, ‘fore things get too dicey and she feels like she might wanna do somethin’ about bein’ led on.”
  51. Ugh. He hated it when Basil was so right.
  53. Maeka, when he got to her room, was lying face down on her bed, her face buried in her pillow. If he was a betting man, he’d wager she'd been crying ever since she closed the door. The soft sobs he soon heard from her only proved him right, and he had to admit, his heart really went out to the little thing, his face twisting into a sympathetic frown. His steps were gentle, and he didn’t say anything as he gently walked up to the bed, carefully putting his weight on it to not scare her too much. She didn’t respond at all, however, barring a slight twitch of her ears that told him she knew he was here.
  55. A shame, that a sweet girl like this was reduced to tears- and for what? A perceived failure over a false idol. The thought of it made his heart clench with more guilt than he was comfortable with, and he knew he needed to set the record straight.
  57. The sigh he let out caused her to flinch, but when he placed his hand on her head and began to rub it slowly, she let out a mewl of surprise that warmed his heart and squeezed it simeotaneously. “W-what...why?”
  59. As she looked at him, he could only give a wry smile. “Because I feel like we’re to blame for this.” At her horrified look, he felt his stomach drop, but pressed onwards. “We’ve been letting you go on calling us gods, and you’ve been trying to live up to this image of us that...that I just can’t say is accurate.” He shook his head, as though trying to banish the idea of it even in his own head. “We’re not gods, we just...know a bit more about how nature works. It’s knowledge, not magic or spiritualism or any of that. We’re just as mortal as anything else. We grow. We bleed. We die. So don’t have to go thinking that we’re some sort of otherworldly beings. We’re not. So...I’m sorry that we just let you go believing that for as long as we did.” There. He’d said it. He’d told the truth. If she wanted to leave now, though- and for good- then he’d not say no…
  61. Meanwhile, Maeka’s brain was spinning. Not for the reasons that Louis might’ve thought, however. All she could think of was…
  63. ‘How humble.’ Oh, on a level, she understood what he said. They were flesh and blood, if not fur. Beings of the earth- she had been told this before, to tell the truth. But yet, she couldn’t reconcile them as anything but gods. Perhaps they did not seem so to themselves- perhaps they thought themselves not yet ascended truly, despite living in the heavens so readily. Perhaps only when they were one with all would they consider themselves to have broken through that veil that separated godhood and mortality.
  65. For her, however? “It matters not.” She lay her head against his chest- indeed, she could hear the pulse of blood, the thumping of a heart so much stronger than hers, or anyone’s. In a way, she knew he spoke the truth. But it was of no concern to her. “You gave me shelter. Delivered me from death. Maeka owes her life to you. To be among your kind is still bliss, and…” here she looked up to him, passion written all over her face. “To be with you is beyond such.”
  67. Louis had expected a number of responses. Had hoped for her at least letting it slide and wanting to stay, at best.
  69. He’d never anticipated her leaning up to him and licking him on the corner of the mouth. Her tongue was only a bit rough, but it was warm, and the slow manner in which she did it made HIM warm, himself.
  71. “I would...give you all of me. If you would have it.” Louis was sure she wasn’t being literal. Not to mention, the theoretical problems of it...medically and otherwise.
  73. But the way she pressed against him made him think twice...and legally, they were an independent company. There weren’t first contact rules to worry about- at least not for him. Otherwise she wouldn’t have been around for so long anyway. And she...well, clearly she forgave him. He was about to leave it at that, content in the knowledge that she’d be staying.
  75. And then she licked him again. Closer to the mouth. She lowered her head, nuzzling deeply into the crook of his neck, and Louis felt his heartbeat increase and his grip tighten- he hadn’t even realized that he’d grabbed hold of her in the first place, not that she seemed to mind at all. There was a moment of concern from him, even fear…
  77. One whisper wiped such thoughts from his head, though. “I am yours.”
  79. His lips met hers, and they did not part for some time.
  81. It was...she wasn’t sure what time it was when she next awoke. But she did so with near disbelief. The night that she had been shown was...beyond remarkable. He was so gentle, yet fulfilling! He was the higher being, yet he treated her as the most precious thing. His...his touch was so warm, and his being was...immense to behold. What was more, he was...unique in that aspect. Indeed, no part of him seemed outwardly dangerous, but the raw essence of his being that she could scent on him drove her to dizzying heights. She had worried naught, however, for she trusted in her lord. And she was rewarded- oh how was she rewarded. She felt as though, for one brief, shining moment at the climax of events, that she had went to see her ancestors, as a great and impossible pleasure and peace had flowed through her. Such joy she didn’t think she was capable of!
  83. Alas, if so, it was a brief visit, and she was back within the realm of these higher beings...gods they may not have believed themselves to be, but gods they undoubtedly were. After all, even gods bleed- for that was Kai-lo-Ra’s great fate, that in his war with his brother, he was stricken, and bled the blood of the gods, and thus forced to rest for periods at a time, allowing Luh-hin-Ra to cast his gaze over the lands. That is what made day and night, after all. Only the lesser spirits of the land, formed from the drips of Kai-lo-Rah’s blood scattered across the sky, were present during the night to try and protect what they could.
  85. She dreaded the idea of them bleeding, however. She put it out of her head quickly- particularly as she noticed her bedchamber was absent her God-Chief. A pang of disappointment hit her then, but she quickly quashed it- she knew full well his responsibilities were great and many, and if they intended to expand their territory to this realm, he would remain busy for many moons, for even the greatest of gods must take time and care in their efforts.
  87. She had access to a couple more things now- robes and clothes that they had bequeathed her. Such finery was beyond the skill of even the best leatherworkers of her people, and she relished them. That said...the ‘pants’ that they suggested proved to her to be...both comfortable and not, her fur rubbing against her legs oddly due to the tightness. Not that she would ever tell them that- and it was an extremely minor thing aside, to be honest. She much preferred what they called ‘skirts’ and upperwear called a ‘tank top’, which was far more similar to an Kai-Ai’s usual wardrobe, if much more covering.
  89. This was far better. It cooled her when hot, and warmed her when cold. The material used was something she couldn’t even fathom. Just another reason why they’d be so much better off following the humans- imagine if the Hunters had access to such clothing! They’d be able to laugh utterly at the cold! No, she WOULD convince them one day...but for now, she should perhaps present herself to the gods and see if they desired any work of her.
  91. Although if they felt as though they were not to be called ‘gods’ openly, perhaps ‘greater beings’ may suffice…
  93. As she approached the section of wall Louis had pointed to her, she took a moment to marvel yet again at what they’d done for her- though she had long had this blessing from Louis to split the walls on a limited scale, it still marveled her at times. With resolution in her heart, she headed out. There was much to do around the god’s pocket realm.
  95. ----------------------
  97. Lorakin, by a happenstance of fate, felt similar. She’d felt a tugging- of what, she was unsure, but from time to time, she found herself looking into the distance on her walks out, in the direction where she’d seen Maeka flee last.
  99. The thought of her sent shivers down the breeder’s spine- although, unlike most, they weren’t of fear of her former charge. True, she’d seen the new appearance, the impossibly recovered body. That wasn’t the young girl she’d nursed from the edge of death more than once, nor was it the girl that sat on the logs and watched while the other children danced and played. No, it wasn’t her, COULDN’T be her, not as she remembered young, excitable, and fevered Maeka.
  101. ...but yet a part of her insisted that it was. And it was that part that spoke to her most loudly. This is why she found herself packing a few fruits, a few vegetables in a small earthen bowl. It was only after she grabbed a talisman, an offering to Kai-lo-Ra, and gripped it tightly before she realized that the shiver she felt was worry. She was worried for the girl she had grown to call her own. To see her so taken by something- well, she’d only seen similar before when the girl had indulged in one of her maddening ideas. To be sure, she did not approve of all the girl did; no proper Caretaker would. However, she understood the desire to be helpful, and as her body failed her, for certain, she took to utilizing her mind. Alas, she had such desire to do something, anything, that she failed to heed that sacred balance between mind and body. And what a poor result.
  103. But, she’d paid attention well to the lessons, this old Kai-Ai. She’d heard that it was not impossible to retrieve someone from the clutches of the Night Demons. A bubbling anger flared up at them for this transgression- why, were she some years younger, she’d see to grabbing a spear herself to enact retribution!
  105. But as she thought about it, the anger died just as it had came. Maeka was clearly angry at them, for certain. Perhaps if she let the girl air her grievances properly, perhaps if she was allowed some sort of recompense...maybe their hold on her would lessen. Maybe the girl passionate about her clan and peoples would return to her bosom.
  107. She was in front of the Elder’s hut before she realized, and she had just managed to retrieve her senses as the Elder spoke to her. “Ah, Lorakin.” The old cat was a longtime friend of hers, truly, and she’d had the fortune of claiming motherhood to several of his kits, Coroka included. “Your eyes wet and shake. Dearest, what troubles you?”
  109. It was an open secret that the Grand Elder had a soft spot for his Elder Breeder, and truthfully, had she accepted his offer of union all those years ago, she might have been called Matriarch by now. But, she could not stave off the call of the Breeder, and so they yet enjoyed a friendly relationship, if no more an intimate one these days. “It is...little Maeka.”
  111. Almost immediately the Grand Elder’s countenance darkened slightly, though his voice held a whisper of fear that belay his true thoughts. “Speak no more of that name. She is lost to us.”
  113. “But what if she is not, Rahukta?” It was a low blow using his name, but she HAD to know, at least. “You know that girl has always thought herself too much lesser of a Kai-Ai. I want to seek her out. If we perhaps gave her chance to at least vent her frustrations, then maybe-”
  115. “No!” His voice wasn’t any louder, but it was more fervent. “Make no mistake, dearest...I did not enjoy seeing what became of her. Much less so informing her of the truth of her situation. But I cannot risk many for one- not when this strange new beast is out- one which may be due to her involvement.”
  117. Indeed, the rumors hadn’t taken long to swim throughout the village, and soon all knew of the beast said to have teeth strong enough to rip rock asunder with ease. Apparently, few had seen it, but that was to change as soon as tonight. “Nonsense. Do you think she controls it?” The very thought of it horrified Lorakin to her bones.
  119. The Elder, however, shook his head. “No. It is likely under the thrall of her masters, and she was merely made privy to it. Nonetheless, it is far too dangerous at the moment for such things. In fact, I will be sending a hunting party tomorrow to see what to make of it. The other Elders will be doing so as well.” At that, he shook his head. “To think. Demons in our days...I had hoped that history would ever remain history. But to hear her speak such things…”
  121. “I know,” she said, and here she couldn’t resist going forward to embrace him, which he accepted humbly. “I was there, and yet I could hardly believe her. Rahukta...she was so STRONG.” If nothing else, that concerned her. “Even should she have managed to train for the entirety of the cold season, she shouldn’t have been so strong!”
  123. He could only nod. Indeed, with Makorok having been bested so quickly and easily, an undercurrent of fear had gripped the village. There was soon becoming wild talk of Maeka having such demonic strength as to lay several Hunters low simeotaneously- a claim he wasn’t sure he was willing to refute so easily. Suggestions that one day she’d be back with an army of wicked creatures right out of the lessons, to terrorize and subdue all. “We must retain our faith, and our way, as always and forever.” Gently, he tilted her head up. “We shall persevere.”
  125. The smile that made it to her lips wasn’t a full one, but it would have to do. “As always and forever.”
  127. That night, she was sure that she would die.
  129. Why?
  131. Because of her own foolishness, as she carefully wrapped up a parcel of food and covering for the girl. She had always felt that she was unwanted, that no one would ever truly listen. Hear her, certain, but listen? Never. Perhaps...perhaps just once, someone could listen to her. And that someone could be Lorakin.
  133. The guard on duty that evening thought nothing of it when she excused herself from the village gates- she was no Hunter, but she would occasionally seek out some fruits just for her. In fact, were it not already stripped bare, perhaps she would stop by a favorite bush area for her...but first, she had to at least see to where the hut was. She’d been one to help in providing the poor girl her initial ration of food, and had brought it to the location personally, so the way was known to her.
  135. But when she got there…
  137. “I-what?” The hut looked long abandoned and fallen to disrepair. There, in truth, was hardly anything of a hut left- one wall had completely collapsed, the root full of holes, and the rest taken by nature. But then, where was she staying? Surely she was not so subsumed she could survive in the Spaces Between, where the Nightsnatchers and Lu-hin-Ra’s other foul servants lived? But then where?
  139. “Maeka? Maekaaaaa!” She would have to search thoroughly- and quickly, before the night got too dark.
  141. -----------------
  143. Rodrick wasn’t really paying a ton of attention to his scans by now- there were a decent number of viable spots to use as a forward base that weren’t too close to what had been identified as Maeka’s village. He’d been surprised at the distance- a few miles between where her village was, where her old hut had been, and them. Although, that had begged the question of just WHAT she was doing in said old hut after they’d realized. It was likely a sensitive topic, and so they’d agreed if nothing else to not mention it yet, although he’d been worried. He could see why they’d put that bit off, though, especially considering the worship she’d been giving them. He still felt uncomfortable with it, himself, but he could kinda get it. After all, folks come from out of nowhere and suddenly make light and do stuff you’d thought impossible, and you weren’t out of the spears and huts ages yet? Yeah, ‘gods’ might be first or second to pop in your head. But, at least the captain was going to deal with that.
  145. “Better him than me…” he muttered, flitting through the cameras. It was more for security than anything else now- didn’t want any big beasts coming sniffing around, despite the ship’s cloaking. It was still solid, and something running into it by accident wouldn’t be good, even if it was unlikely to do damage. Ditto the dig site- they’d placed cameras around the mineshaft it’d been boring just to make sure nothing decided to try and make it a new home without their knowledge.
  147. He’d ran through two circuit cycles by now and, considering how late it was, was preparing to put the system on automatic cycle alert so he could catch some shuteye, finally. The AI would handle the watchman duties until morning, at least, and alert them if anything serious came up. At least, he was- before he noticed movement in one of the screens. “Whoa, now...what’s that?” Immediately he recognized it as bipedal. “Soo...someone finally came sniffing around, huh? Can’t say I’m too surprised.” Maeka had indicated that her people weren’t the biggest fans of intruders, so they’d been ready to ward off natives- preferably without lethal force. This one looked to be a spy at best, however. Alone, no visible weapons, and walking slowly...actually, from the look of it…
  149. He zoomed in on her a bit more. “Is she lost?” It seemed female, and it was carrying what looked like a bowl, but her expression, from what he could tell, seemed nervous. The sun had recently gone down- perhaps she wasn’t a fan of the night. Then again, maybe she was out here intentionally after all...gah, he’d probably be best off asking the ‘expert’. She hadn’t gotten a communicator, but she should be wiiith… “Engineer Cathy?” One of the folks under Nathan. “You’re currently supervising the kitty-cat, right?”
  151. “Yessir. We’re just, uh...going over some cultural exercises.” A snort escaped him at that one. Playing games again. “Do you need anything, sir?”
  153. “Bring her up here, I want to get a positive ID on something.” Hopefully she’d know what’s going on.
  155. “Yessir. Hey, Mawka? Rodrick wants you where he usually is.” A couple of groans and a chirpy ‘At once!’ met his ears, and the rapid footfalls told him she’d be there in a couple of minutes. “Uh, we- she’s on her way, sir.”
  157. “Thank you, Cathy. Back to your business.” Now he just had to keep this one in view…
  159. When she arrived at the Great Vision, she saw Rodrick turn around in his seat, looking at her with gratitude. Really, aside from Louis, he was the one she found most pleasant to be around, and she never tired of seeing what his vision granted him the ability to see. This time, however, her eyes focused on something that looked very familiar…
  161. “Yeah, you noticed?” Rodrick said unsurprisingly. “Think this is the first time we caught another one of you folks out this way. Is this something done normally, or is it strange?”
  163. For a moment, Maeka couldn’t answer. Not that she didn’t want to, but that she was utterly gobsmacked. Because she recognized that figure. “...Lorakin?”
  165. The navigator and primary pilot cocked an eyebrow. “Lorakin? What’s that?”
  167. “Her name,” Maeka said, still in some disbelief. “Was...was caretaker to Maeka. Very precious.”
  169. It took a second to register that. “Wait, so that’s basically your mom?” Well, shit, that might be-
  171. “N-no. It, ah…” she racked her head for the proper word, but the gods’ blessing did not see fit to grant it to her. “After birth, Lorakin took care of Maeka more than others. Lorakin is very precious to Maeka.”
  173. Ah. So like her favored nanny or something? Well, that brought up some personal questions, but he decided to not ask them, instead sticking to the important stuff. “Well, she’s been out here for about a half hour, and I think she’s lost. From what I can see, though, she’s closer to your village than she is to us, she’s just going in the wrong direction perpen- nevermind, I’ll show you real quick. S.A.M, bird’s eye view on current camera. Zoom out by...let’s say 220%. Continue to highlight current object of interest.”
  175. “Adjusting,” the AI responded, and it quickly swapped over to an overhead view that started Maeka only slightly.
  177. “Alright, now you see that blue speck there? That’s where your friend is. And she’s going…” here he draws a line down southeast. “And her village is over THIS way,” and here he traced his finger all the way cardinal northeast. “She’s gonna miss the village entirely at this rate.”
  179. Maeka wasn’t sure of everything, but she wasn’t stupid. “She is in danger!” she yelled. “We must retrieve her!”
  181. “Whoa, us?” Although as he said it, he wasn’t entirely surprised. As soon as he’d pathed out her current direction, he had figured it’d take some kind of intervention if his initial guess about her circumstances had been right- which it had. “I mean, we DO have transport, but last I checked, she might not be exactly pleased to see either of us.”
  183. Maeka paused at this, and her thoughts were all over her face. “...yes, but…”
  185. “...But you wanna do it anyway.” His lips turned up into a half-smile. He was always a sucker for helping folks. “Look, let’s just get out and back before anyone notices. The hovercraft should be refueled by now.” Not that he WASN’T authorized to make such decisions when the Captain was indisposed, but it still felt like he was breaking a rule.
  187. She could only hug him around the waist. “My endless gratitude to you!”
  189. Great. “Yeah, yeah, let’s get outta here. S.A.M, automatic continuous scan mode.”
  191. “Acknowledged.” He sighed as the AI took over watchman duties at last. For him? Time to go on a midnight ride.
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