
Twi and Anon on earth

Feb 27th, 2014
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  1. >It had been a number of weeks since you found Twilight Sparkle and befriended her
  2. >After a shaky start she had just about gotten used to everything here on Earth
  3. >She was living with you and had also grown quite close to you, as you had to her
  4. >You both did things together and enjoyed many a night of reading
  5. >Throughout the course of the weeks your relationship had grown and it was often you were found teasing each other
  6. >The odd bout of a tickle fight was becoming less of a rarity as well.
  7. >Today however was one of those down days.
  8. >Twilight was quite depressed. She was missing her friends greatly and wondered if she would ever get back to Equestria
  9. >You give her a shoulder to cry on and and she seems to buck up when you are near her.
  10. >Wiping the tears from her eyes you plant a gentle reassuring kiss on her forehead and tell her the plans for the evening
  11. >Tonight was a special night for you were going to show her one of natures most beautiful events; a meteor shower
  12. >The following hug tackle you received from her knocked you to the floor
  14. >Evening had finally come and you were both setting off to a location which would be perfect to watch the shower from
  15. >All day an excited Twilight had been bombarding you with questions on the shower
  16. >Twilight was no stranger to the phenomena of meteor showers after watching many back home
  17. >But this was the first time she would see one from another dimension. Naturally she was excited
  18. >Pretty soon you were on your final approach to the location; a hill overlooking the countryside,
  19. >One of your favourite places you went to when things got a bit too much
  20. >There was little to no light pollution. You two would be in for a tremendous treat
  21. >The dirt path was pitch black and only your torchlight guided you both
  22. >Twilight stuck close to you while you noticed her looking up at you numerous times from your peripheral vision
  24. >With the position reached you set up everything
  25. >You lay out a large blanket on the grass and place a small lamp in the corner that would give you both just enough illumination to see each other
  26. >Offering Twilight to lay down first, like the classy gentleman you are, you then take your position next to her
  27. >The sky was littered with stars. You had seen this scene many times before but the wonder on Twilights face was evident
  28. >There was still a time before the shower was to start.
  29. >You passed the time by answering Twilights questions about the night sky and pointing out the various constellations to her
  30. >A surprise sight was the International Space Station passing through
  31. >Twilight sits up and for a moment, you fear of having done or said something wrong
  32. >You join her at her side
  33. >She has tears in her eyes. She turns to you
  34. >"This evening is so beautiful..I'm so happy you bought me here, thank you"
  35. >She looks to you with those glistening eyes
  36. >All you can do is smile, while reaching a hand to the back of her head and begin scratching behind her ear
  37. >She closes her eyes and moves her head into your hand while the fingers do their work
  39. >At one point a giggle escapes Twilight as she enjoys the treatment you're giving her
  40. >You move you fingers back to the point. She squirms while giggling more
  41. >Interesting
  42. >You bring yourself round to sit infront of her while you move the free hand up to her other ear and begin scratching
  43. >She lets out a slight moan as she gets lost in the moment
  44. >You allow her to enjoy it for a few minutes before testing a theory
  45. >Both sets of fingers find their way to the same area on the respective ear. Almost straight away Twilight is laughing
  46. >"Ahh..what you..doingaha..anon...stop"
  47. >A mischievous smile across your face, you let her know you have found a place you intend to take advantage of during the next tickle fight
  48. >"That's not fair!" She leaps into you and places her head over your shoulder.
  49. >Immediatly your senses are overloaded with the sensation of fur on neck, tickling away at you
  50. >Your hands make their way to just under her forehooves while the fingers gently prod the delicate area under them
  51. >"Ahh" She jerks and tries to keep up the offence she has on you but as you increase you touch it becomes too much
  52. >Very quickly she is in uncontrollable laughter
  53. >With her defences down you roll her into her back while you look down upon her
  54. >The last fits of laughter leaving her system, she looks up into your eyes as you look down into hers
  55. >My god is she beautiful
  56. >In almost an automatic input you find your hand has come up to caress her cheek
  57. >She moves her head slightly into you hand
  59. >You're both lying there in a loving embrace, looking into each others eyes
  60. >you can see the stars twinkling within her beautiful eyes
  61. >With another seemingly automatic input, both of you move in slowly to kiss when Twilight's eyes open wide.
  62. >She gasps and points a hoof skyward
  63. >turning your head around you see a streak making it's way across the night sky
  64. >The shower has started
  65. >you roll onto your back, keeping an arm around her and turn your gaze to the stars
  66. >Twilight shuffles close to you and rests her head on your shoulder while a hoof drapes over your body
  67. >She sighs happily as she rests against you and together, you watch natures very own fireworks display
  68. >While watching the show she reaches up to you and kisses you on the cheek. before returning to her previous position. "Thank you so much anon"
  70. >Hours have passed and the show was spectacular but by now the the meteor frequency has gone from around two a minute to one every half hour
  71. >You decide to call it a night and head for home
  72. >You go to move but notice Twilight taking slow deep breathes.
  73. >She had fallen asleep in your embrace. The corners of her mouth turned up into a smile
  74. >A smile creeps across your face and your heart melts
  75. >How could you wake the cuteness that was snoozing in your embrace
  76. >Instead you lean in and give her a kiss on the forehead
  77. >She squirms a little and snuggles closer into your body
  78. >With a wide smile and the cuteness reaching overflow levels, you carefully tilt your head back and close your eyes
  79. >Soon enough you join Twilight in a sweet slumber as one last shooting star moves slowly through the night sky.
  81. End
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