
the date. part one

Jun 17th, 2015
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  1. The aroma of steamed veg, boiling rice and grilled mushrooms rise from the table and dashing into the kitchen you find that the muffins are baked to perfection. Tonight you are having a date, something that had been put on hold since you had to take care of Vital. Speaking of the current mare of your life, Vital has been since you announced you were having company over. Perhaps she feels threatened by the presence of another mare stealing all your attention until you cast her away like an unloved rag? Nah probably because you haven't played any games with her today, you're going to have to spend the entire day playing with Vital [spoiler]no lewd[/spoiler] tomorrow.
  3. Satisfied that you can leave the meal simmering away you dash upstairs to get changed.
  4. You slither out from under the table, making the goo trail follow you through force of will, after all, you don't want any evidence left behind. Climbing the counter you swap salt with the sugar before grabbing the tub of water and taking it upstairs. Nopony is going to take YOUR Anon.
  6. You are Bright Spark, pegasus in charge of Cumulonimbus (thunder) clouds. A dangerous task that is sadly unappreciated by many a pony, after all whats the point of lightning other than the tornadoes extra rain after droughts and just being one of the few pegasi who can safely discharge one? Well Anon is not a pony and was really interested, it was nice getting complimented and just having someone appreciate what you do... even if you cant remember most of it seeing as Anon “forgot” to mention that he has a liver of steel, you were plastered while he was fresh! You also maybe kinda sorta get REALLY flirty when drunk and the fact that anon could lift and carry you home was really hot, as in accidentally made his shirt dirty kind of hot.
  8. “phew~ calm down girl”
  10. slightly extending your wing's you tug at the hem of your dress to cool down somewhat. Stupid dress, if it weren't for you, you could be soaring through the sky's the wind whipping through your short mane. Instead you have to walk, which is sooo boring.
  12. “ *sigh* at least I look good”
  14. you mutter as you pass a puddle catching a glimpse of your reflection.soon Anons house comes into view, and, double checking you still look amazing you rap on the door.
  16. ~splash~
  18. what the-
  20. Anon again and adding some salt to the meal makes it complete, but before you can imitate a chef someone knocks on the door. Keeping your lips sealed while smiling you swing open the door only to hear a small splash and reveal a very pretty, but very wet not that kind of wet pony
  22. >“ohh no! My dress!”
  24. indeed the dress that would of looked stunning was now more of a wet lump of cloth, and her mane is plastered to the side of her face. Taking a quick look up shows not a cloud in the sky, just a bunch of stars.kneeling down to her level you rack your brain for something to say, there's a sad pony here dammit.
  26. “...there's gotta be a better way to get me to take you out of that dress right?”
  28. fuck you brain.
  29. Somehow this gets a half sob half giggle rather than the anticipated hoof to the crotch. [spoiler]in the painful way you guys[/spoiler]
  31. “come on you, the clouds may be your home but I don't want you catching a cold on my watch”
  33. ignoring the damp spot on your good shirt you lift the mare, bridal style and bring her into your abode.
  35. “Vital can you grab some towels for me please?”
  37. sparks again and you are one depressed mare. All that effort to keep your dress clean and pretty was ruined by some stupid feel like you could cry. Anons feet grind against the dirt as he approaches and crouches, slowly caressing your face and wiping away a runaway tear.
  39. >”... there's gotta be a better way to get me to take you out of that dress right?”
  41. Wat.
  42. It takes several seconds before your brain can process what anon just said before you give a small giggle at the sheer randomness of that sentence.
  44. >“come on you, the clouds may be your home but I don't want you catching a cold on my watch”
  46. you were about to retort that pegasi don't get cold's before once more, Anon shows his strength by picking you up and carrying you into his home. Bringing your hoofs to your face you try and hide your blush.
  48. >“Vital can you grab some towels for me please?”
  50. all i got right now but im gonna stop before my already bad grammar takes a nose dive like exhibit A;
  52. there's gotta be a better way to get me to take you out of that this somehow doesn't get you dress right?”
  53. who? The question dies on your lips as a pony made from some sort of liquid leaps downstairs, towel in hoof right into anon.
  55. >”ooph, thank you vital.”
  57. placing Vital on the floor Anon hoo- errr hands over the towel to you.
  59. >”Vital, this is Bright Spark. Spark's this is Vital Syrup. “
  61. “oh I heard about you , you're the exper- err extraordinary pony that makes that cool healing gel right?”
  63. holding out a hoof you hope the compliment will cover your blunder, yet Vital still shows a remarkably neutral face.its kinda creepy, but Anon is stood right behind you so you do your best to keep the casual grin on your face.
  64. Mechanically Vital looks to your outstretched hoof and mimics your action. huh she's kinda clammy
  65. you think before her hoof slowly envelops your own. 'ewww this feels really weird, her whole hoof is swirling around your own. Obviously you cant keep the shiver from being noticeable as Anon soon intervenes
  67. >”Alright you that's enough, some pony's need their feet ya know”
  69. you don't care that anon just called your hoof a 'foot', instead you watch with frown as vital is pulled from you leaving behind your suspended hoof dripping with stay like that shifting your eyes to Anon as you lower the damp appendage to the ground
  71. >”sorry about that Vital can get a bit clingy. Oh right, don't worry about leaving a, errrm trail, Vital leaves a path most of the time wherever she goes. Bathrooms upstairs second door on the right ill just make sure the table is set and stuff”
  73. “oh cool, cool...Just a minuet then.”
  75. Calmly walking up the staircase, you resist the urge to run like a little filly after all its just a bit of slime. The setting sun provides enough light from the window to illuminate your path and you find yourself admiring some pictures along the way. A newspaper clipping from when Anon first arrived, Anon shaking hoofs with Princess Celestia after gaining citizenship in equestria, various photos of Anon and some other pony folk, wow he sure met a lot of pony's and finally at the end is Anon with a happy looking Vital. Smiling at the quint picture you realize Vital can show emotion. Finally you push open the door to the bathroom and move to the sink and turn on the hot water.
  77. “ haa~ my manes a mess.”
  79. you say out loud before returning to cleaning your hoof. Slowly you pull out your hoof, now slime free before stifling a yell as you look up at the mirror
  81. 'LEAVE'
  83. is smeared across the mirror, clear against the condensation.
  85. Either Anon has a horrible sense of humor or... nah don't be silly Spark's only little filly's believe in ghost stories. Shaking your still damp mane, you leave the bathroom as the sun has left the horizon leaving behind a slight pink tint beyond the faraway forest. The slightly darker hallway feels colder now but- wait. The hell is that? Cautiously you approach this new object that is on your path. A doll?[spoiler] fuck you guys porcelain dolls are creepy as fuck[/spoiler]
  87. Its jut a doll placed to sit and stare down the hallway.WELL that isn't creepy or anything. Placing the lost doll on a near cabinet something else catches your eye. Were these paintings alwayslike this? Many have positions swapped or just plain turned around so the back of the frame is visible.
  88. OKAYYYY downstairs we go. Power walking down the rest of the hall the hairs on your neck stand and a shiver rips through your spine. You manage to keep mostly composed as you near the stairs right until a loud thump knocks against the door you were passing. With a scream you ignore the dress and leap into the air flying downstairs right into a bewildered Anon who barely manages to not drop the food.
  90. >“whoa the food aint that good ya know?”
  92. “ha ha. that prank wasn't funny you know.”
  94. there's a pause which sets your fur on end.
  96. >”what prank?”
  98. “i already said it wasn't funny Anonymous. Stop. The mirror was creepy but the doll, pictures then banging at the door was just over the top.”
  100. suddenly Anon stands, a frown overtaking his face
  102. >“which room” he all but growls.
  104. “th-the first left”
  106. you gotta admit, now Anon was terrifying you, more so than anything else so far. You know that Anon is a predator, and everything about him right now
  107. is sending your instincts into overdrive, screaming at you to run. You pity whatever fool chose to break into this house.
  108. The creak of a floorboard causes you and anon to pause before continuing to creep up the staircase. Vital was left downstairs so she can escape easier if need be, but she didn't seem fazed much. She's a weird one alright.
  109. Crouching by the door Anon beckons you over and begins to whisper his plan.
  111. >“as soon as I open that door I want you to guess if I'm likely to survive. If not I need you to take Vital someplace safe can you do that for me?”
  113. you feel like a filly jumping out would likely send you screaming right about now so you nod at the chance to get moving
  114. griping the handle Anon takes a deep breath before throwing open the door and charging in with a blood curdling battle scream.
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