
Lucy's GM

Oct 16th, 2013
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  1. The Supremely Simple Stat System
  2. (Supremely WIP)
  3. - An addon for the SSS for players that just can't turn 4C into FEMTO fast enough -
  5. How has living in Equestria been so far? Had fun? Learned some lessons? Well, it shows! You're already a lot more coordinated than you were when you first got here. You and me know it, but your GM could really use a unified description so he always knows what his players can/can't do. As such, from now on, whenever you are playing a PnP, ask your GM if he is using the SSSS or not (GMs can still play with the well known old SSS rules no problem). So your itching to get that character sheet started? Then let's get to it!
  8. -- Experience Points and Purchasing Abilities --
  9. Your character's progress in mastering his body and the ins and outs of adventuring are measured in Experience Points (XP). You are awarded 1 experience point for each month (30 days) Fourcannon has existed, not for how long you have been playing, as such all players have the exact same number of XP. You can "spend" these points on "perks" (Which are universal, passive abilities and anyone can pick) and "maneuvers" (which are abilities that usually take a turn to use and are race specific). Unless otherwise noted, you can only take each maneuver once. Some though are "leveled", giving you the listed bonus depending on how many XP you invest in that ability. Some maneuvers have prerequisites, such as a certain XP level or having certain other maneuvers. You may only buy such a maneuver if you already fully fulfill the listed prerequisites and if you ever lose access to one of your maneuvers (Such as flying if your wings are crippled), all maneuvers having that as a prerequesite cannot be used as well.
  12. -- Your "Character Sheet" --
  13. In the spirit of the Supremely-Simple design philosophy, your character "sheet" is also supremely simple! When you begin an adventure and your GM asks for race and equipment, you simply modify it to look as follows:
  15. [Your Name, Your Race and gender, levels in toughness, levels in agility, levels in training, levels in maneuver 1, 2, 3, 4]
  17. For example, I may post:
  19. [Lucyne, Unicorn Mare, 0, 0, 1, 2, 1, 0, 0]
  22. This immediately tells the GM I am playing a unicorn mare with 1 XP invested in the "Combat Training" perk, 2 into "Improved Spellcasting" and 1 into "Improved Missle". Sorry GMs, you'll have to learn to recognize the abilities from this cryptic number line, but I trust you can do it.
  25. -- Perks --
  26. Without further ado, here are the perks. There are three perks that reflect passive training and abilities that are useful in combat. In each, you can invest up to 3 XP and gain the listed benefits.
  29. -Perk 1: Strength-
  30. Level 1: You are a particularly large and/or tough pony and have 1 HP more than normal!
  31. Level 2: You are very strong for your size! Any succesful melee attack deals 1 additional damage.
  32. Level 3: It takes a lot to bring you down, and even while heavily wounded you can shoulder on! You gain a further +2 HP and a +4 to resist unconsciousness.
  34. -Perk 2: Agility-
  35. Level 1: You have razor sharp reflexes, add +2 to your initiative roll each round.
  36. Level 2: Thanks to your fast strikes, you gain a +1 on any hit rolls. (This stacks with the Earth Pony bonus)
  37. Level 3: Your extreme dexterity allows you to dodge attacks and other hazards more effectively! You gain +1 to AC and a +2 to dodge any attack or hazard requiring a roll to dodge.
  39. -Perk 3: Combat Training-
  40. Level 1: You have trained in the usage of weapons. You take no penalty for using weapons up to sword size.
  41. Level 2: Your training has taught you how to block and parry. As long as you hold a weapon at least the size of a shortsword, you gain +1 to AC.
  42. Level 3: You are fearsome in your melee abilities. You now score a critical hit with a weapon on a 19 or 20.
  45. -- Maneuvers --
  46. The maneuvers are divided by race, each race has 3 maneuvers and may only buy those of it's own kind.
  49. - Earth Pony Maneuvers -
  51. -Maneuver 1: Adrenaline Rush-
  52. In the heat of combat, when your friends are in danger, you can really get a rush to save them. Whenever you witness a friend be wounded to 5 HP or worse, you gain a +1 bonus to hit and a +1 bonus to damage for the rest of the encounter. This bonus dissapears after the combat and does not return unless you witness such an event again in another fight.
  54. -Maneuver 2: Improved All Out Attack-
  55. Level 1: Not having to deal with any pesky additional limbs, you can focus fully on your four hooves to dish out heavy punishment and stay safe. Attacking with an all out attack does not penalize your AC.
  56. Level 2: You know where your hooves are and where to hit hard, the penalty to hit from performing an all out attack is reduced by 2 (Meaning you hit as good as another race, but twice!).
  58. -Maneuver 3: Improved Natural Attack-
  59. Level 1: Earth pone don't need no fancy smancy weapons! Your unarmed damage increases to d6.
  60. Level 2: Earth pone stronk. Your unarmed damage is now d8. (Jikes!)
  62. -Maneuver 4: Buck-
  63. You can buck, and I mean BUCK. For a -4 to hit(-2 with your Earth Pony passive bonus), you can buck an enemy across the battlefield for normal unarmed damage +2. The enemy then must roll a standard die or lose his next turn as he is dazed by the blow. GMs may rule that particularly tough or large monsters gain a bonus to this roll or are outright immune.
  66. - Pegasi Maneuvers -
  68. -Maneuver 1: Improved Flight-
  69. After many, many, many, (many, many, many, many,) falls and false starts, you finally are starting to feel a bit more comfortable in the air. You gain a +4 bonus to gain flight at any time.
  71. -Maneuver 2: Wing Buffet-
  72. Level 1: You can annoy your enemies with a strong blast of air, disrupting their sight and concentration. If you spend a full turn blasting air at your opponents, all foes in front of you (GM's discretion) take a -2 to attack and init for the next round unless they succeed on a standard die.
  73. Level 2: Your wings are so powerful, the airflow can knock enemies straight off their feet! When you use your Wing Buffet ability, any enemies failing the die are knocked prone and lose their next turn!
  75. -Maneuver 3: Lightning Cloud-
  76. Level 1: You can collect some ambient moisture and create a quick cloud in one round! It doesn't do much but hey, it's really comfy and stuff.
  77. Level 2: You have refined your cloud gathering technique and can now make a thundercloud! This takes one round to make and you can fire it the next round. Pick how much damage you want it to deal, either d4, d6, d8 or d12. Roll a d20, you must roll above 11, 13, 15 or 17 respectively for it to work, otherwise it fizzles and does nothing. On a nat1, you strike yourself with your bolt! The bolt ignores AC.
  79. -Maneuver 4: Flight Mastery-
  80. Prerequisites: Improved Flight, 6 XP
  81. You've finally done it and feel at home in the air! You need no longer roll to get airborn, you can do it whenever you wish. You do not gain any bonuses to avoid unusual situations such as strong winds though.
  84. - Unicorn Maneuvers -
  86. -Maneuver 1: Improved Spellcasting -
  87. Level 1: While you spent less time in free fall than your pegasi colleagues, you spent no less time in agonizing pain. It's starting to show though. Out of combat, you can levitate anything you could carry in one hoof indefinitely without rolling. In combat, you gain a +2 on your magic missle success roll and your fizzling is reduced to d2 rounds.
  88. Level 2: Continuing to refine your general spellcasting, you gain a +2 bonus to succeed on any spell, which stacks with the previous +2 for magic missle only. Thanks to your advances in ignoring splitting headaches, your fizzling time is reduced to a flat 1 round no matter what.
  89. Level 3: Getting closer to your eventual goal of not being a walking colorful piece of dynamite, the damage of your lashbacks (for TK and magic missle) is reduced to only one point of damage on a nat1 and you do not fizzle at all on other rolls.
  91. -Maneuver 2: Fireball-
  92. Level 1: Applying what you know of the magic missle spell, you've learned to discharge that energy into a more fiery form. You can attempt to cast a tiny fireball on your turn. Roll a d20, you must roll 15 or higher to succeed. On a success, you incinerate one enemy for 1d8 damage. You can also use this as an impressive and handy if dangerous way to light your fireplace at home. If you roll a 6-14, you fizzle as normal. On a 2-5 you burn yourself for 1d2 damage! On a nat1, you combust brilliantly and marshmellowy for 1d8 damage. If no one puts you out (requiring one turn and a bucket of water, blanket or similar), you continue to burn for 1d3 damage per turn until put out.
  93. Level 2: As above, but your fireball now also deals 1d4 damage to any enemies next to the one you target (GM's discretion, fireball size ~10 ft). You can decide whether you wish to cast a large or small fireball. Beware, on a nat 1 with a large fireball, not only do you combust as above, but all your allies next to you also take 1d4 damage!
  95. -Maneuver 3: Drown Compound-
  96. Because it was impossible not to include. You can summon a torrent of water down on your enemies, or just amuse(/annoy) your friends with an impromptu water party. Summoning is rather difficult, and you have no idea where the water is coming from anyways, so the roll needed to succeed is a 15. You can either hose down a single enemy or a group. If you hose down a single enemy, any but the largest and strongest enemies are knocked off their feet by the sudden geysir and lose their turn. If used against a group, their sight is obscured and their clothes/hides/fur very wet, giving them a -2 to hit and init. Since summoning spells have less chance of going boom, you fizzle on a 2-14. On a nat1 though, you drown yourself, filling your lungs quickly with magic water. If no one saves you (requiring 2 man-turns of effort to push all the water out), you suffocate and drown within 10 rounds. You can attempt to cough the water up with a standard die, you need to succeed two times to cough it all up and can try once per turn.
  98. -Maneuver 4: Spell Mastery-
  99. Prerequisites: Improved Spellcasting Level 3, 6 XP
  100. After months of grueling trial and error you finally master the greatest skill of unicorn kin: Immunity to Headaches(mostly). You need no longer roll for TK or magic missle and gain a further +2 to all magic rolls. All self inflicted damage is halved, spells dealing 1 self damage now do none.
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