
Seb. Linden at CCPS Party Conference

Nov 9th, 2013
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  1. Socialism within micronations frequently finds itself reflected within the culture and structure of that nation. The extent of this influence has diminished somewhat since 2009, but it is still frequently the case that socialist micronations will draw on symbolism and administrative concepts from the Soviet Union, Yugoslavia, China, Cuba, Venezuela, and other Cold War-era socialist states. This ranges from the explicit declaration of socialism as a national ideology within the constitution to less significant gestures like hammers and sickles on flags.
  3. I would thus like to examine a counter-example, and I believe it will be fairly predictable which: The Federal Republic of Francisville. Article 78 of the Constitution, in reference to foreign policy, states that "Francisville is a neutral country." This applies however not only to international relations, but very much to intra-national politics as well: Theoretically, a neoliberal party would be treated no differently than an ecological, socialist or even fascist one. Despite the fact that most citizens are left-libertarians, the constitution does not posit progressive, socialist, or civil libertarian views as the fundamental morality of the nation; it does not afford those who support socialism any rights, status or support over those who support a free-market economy. Even in terms of the economy itself, the constitution does not prohibit enterprise nor assigns the means of production to the proletariat.
  5. However, for one the constitution still enshrines rights typically afforded only by socialist nations as fundamental rights for all citizens. I shall list the most significant of these articles here for your convenience.
  7. Article 54: Freedom to Work
  8. (I) Every person has the right and the responsibility to work and the freedom to choose their occupation.
  9. (II) The state aims to ensure the social protection of those who are not able to work and their dependents, be it due to disability or unavoidable personal responsibilities.
  11. Article 55: Freedom to Unionise and Collective Bargaining
  12. (I) All employers and employees have the right to unionise and form associations for the protection of their interests under the principle of freedom of association.
  13. (II) No person may be discriminated against in the workplace for their membership in any such organisation nor forced to pay fees to a union of which they are not a member.
  14. (II) The state may aid collective bargaining within the scope of its powers.
  16. Article 56: Rights of Workers
  17. (I) All workers have the right to safe and healthy working conditions.
  18. (II) All workers are entitled to a limited working day and to reasonable working hours as set by law.
  19. (III) All workers are entitles to rest and leisure, and to minimum paid holidays as set by law.
  20. (IV) All workers have the right to adequate pay and to equal pay for equal work.
  21. (V ) The state aims to protect and aid workers in the workplace and during times of involuntary unemployment.
  23. Article 58: Private Enterprise and Economic Freedom
  24. (I) Every person has the right to freely participate in private economic activity within the limits of the law.
  25. (II) The right to industrial self-management and collective ownership is guaranteed.
  26. (III) The law regulates private enterprise to prevent fraudulent activity and protect the interests of consumers.
  28. Article 59: Limitations on Legal Personality
  29. (I) Legal personality may only be granted to profit making entities if they remain under direct public control or conform to the principle of mutuality.
  30. (II) The status of legal personality must not compromise or exceed the rights of natural persons.
  32. Article 60: Right to Education
  33. (I) Every person has the right to adequate, free, basic education based on the principle of freedom of opportunity, and suited to their needs and capacities.
  34. (II) The state aims to provide equal access to education based on ability to all citizens throughout their lives.
  36. Article 61: Right to Health
  37. (I) Every person has the right to adequate protection of their health regardless of their economic situation, and has the social duty to protect it.
  38. (II) Every person has the right to a safe and healthy working and living environment.
  39. (III) Every person has the right to assistance during emergency if they are not able to provide it.
  41. Article 62: Right to Adequate Dwelling
  42. (I) Every person has the right to an adequately sized dwelling and the basic conveniences necessary to live a healthy and dignified life.
  43. (II) The state aims to protect people from homelessness, and to ensure that housing is of a decent standard.
  45. Article 63: Children and Young People
  46. (I) Children and young people have the right to be protected from poverty and mistreatment.
  47. (II) The state aims to ensure that abandoned and orphaned children are suitably cared for.
  48. (III) The state aims to further the education and personal development of young people, and to encourage their involvement in society.
  50. Article 64: Old Age
  51. (I) Old people have the right to adequate living conditions, and aid for their specialised needs.
  52. (II) The state aims to ensure economic security in old age, and to prevent the social marginalisation of the old.
  54. Article 66: State and Social Responsibility
  55. (I) Economic rights and social aims do not eliminate individual social responsibility.
  56. (II) No direct claim to state subsidies may be derived from social aims.
  58. Those of you familiar with the history of socialism within liberal democracy may notice that the rights thus guaranteed are similar to the rights proposed to be added to the United States Constitution by Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 32nd US President and the man who introduced social security to America.
  60. The rights above in summation ensure not only that all businesses are controlled by their workers – workers' self management being one of the essential components of socialism – but also that all citizens are guaranteed a living. In other words - "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need." The summary of a socialist economy. And yet, Francisville avoids making it the national ideology and remains, for all intents and purposes, a politically neutral and ideologically un-charged nation, with no socialist symbology included in its national image. All this goes towards the principle of Article 78 - neutrality. By refusing to outwardly promote any ideology, Francisville, much like Switzerland, ensures that it is regarded as a trustworthy and impartial partner by other nations, regardless of the beliefs of their governments.
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