
2019-11-01 TOEFL: listening practice, ind writing

Nov 4th, 2019
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  1. Greg Malivuk
  3. - notes from all classes
  4. ---
  6. ---
  7. Listening simulation (ETS Guide test 1 on the computers)
  8. ---
  9. Read the comments and corrections on your old writing. Do you understand everything?
  10. ---
  11. “like” and “as”
  13. I cried as a baby. = I cried when I was a baby.
  14. I cried like a baby. = I cried similarly to how babies cry.
  16. New York is great as a place to visit but not as a place to live.
  17. = If you consider NYC to be a place to visit, it’s great, but if you consider it a place to live, it’s not.
  18. As a teacher, I have a lot of experience with different accents.
  19. = In my teaching role, I have this experience.
  21. She explained things like a teacher. = The way she explained things was similar to how a teacher explains.
  22. ---
  23. BREAK
  24. ---
  25. Grammar: Relative Clauses (a.k.a. adjective clauses)
  27. incorrect: The text gives three reasons for this conclusion, which the lecture contradicts them.
  28. correct: The text gives three reasons for this conclusion, which the lecture contradicts.
  30. (also incorrect: The text gives three reasons for this conclusion, the lecture contradicts them.)
  31. (correct: The text gives three reasons for this conclusion, and/but the lecture contradicts them.)
  32. (also correct: The text gives three reasons for this conclusion. The lecture contradicts them.)
  33. (also also correct: The text gives three reasons for this conclusion; the lecture contradicts them.)
  35. incorrect: This is the restaurant where we ate here last week.
  36. correct: This is the restaurant where we ate last week.
  37. ---
  38. Independent Writing: final writing task, 30 minutes to write an answer to a choice question prompt
  40. There are two basic types of choice question:
  41. - agree/disagree: “Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?”
  42. - some people/other people: “Some people believe…. Others think…. Which do you agree with?”
  43. The prompts always end with, “Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.”
  44. “Typically, an effective essay will contain a minimum of 300 words.” - This means that if your response is much shorter than 300 words, you probably haven’t developed your points enough.
  46. Two or three specific reasons for your opinion are probably best, because if you have more, then it’s harder to support and explain those reasons sufficiently. (And if you have only one reason, you haven’t supported your main idea well.)
  47. ---
  48. Example agree/disagree: It is the responsibility of the government to provide health care to everyone living in that country.
  49. - One thing to look for in independent prompts is absolute words like “everyone”. If you can think of and support even a single exception, then that’s a reason to disagree.
  51. Supporting paragraphs have to do three things:
  52. 1 State a reason for your opinion. (Everyone living in a country pays some money to support the country.)
  53. 2 Show that the reason is true. (For example: sales taxes, rent that pays property taxes, etc.)
  54. 3 Show that it supports your opinion. (Everyone who helps pay for what the government does deserves to benefit from those government programs.)
  56. Kevin labels these jobs like this:
  57. 1 reason
  58. 2 example
  59. 3 explanation
  61. You can acknowledge the opposite opinion as long as you explain why it’s wrong: “Some people agree that government healthcare should be available for citizens, but not for everyone living in a country. However, everyone living there pays some money…”
  63. State your opinion clearly. Don’t just say you agree or disagree with the statement.
  64. “In my opinion, governments should provide healthcare for all citizens of that country, but not for everyone else who lives there.”
  65. - This is a disagreement with the prompt, even though it “mostly” agrees.
  66. ---
  67. The best things in life do not cost money.
  69. - A simple way to organize your response is three paragraphs about the three best things in life.
  70. - Each paragraph should support why you think that’s one of the best things and make it clear that it does or doesn’t cost money.
  71. ---
  72. Response organization (5 paragraphs):
  73. 1 Introduction:
  74. Background to introduce the topic
  75. Summary of the options you’re choosing between
  76. State your answer to the question (thesis statement / your opinion)
  77. Lead-in (“I have three reasons for this opinion.” or “I believe this because ___, ___, and ___.”)
  78. 2-4 Body:
  79. State each reason
  80. Give examples to show that the reason is true
  81. Give explanation to show that it supports your opinion
  82. 5 Conclusion:
  83. Restate your opinion and summarize the reasons you gave.
  84. “Takeaway” for the reader: recommendation or a prediction
  85. ---
  86. Homework: independent writing (prompt emailed to you)
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