
The Fluffy Factory: Training Day

Apr 28th, 2012
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  1. >It's five in the morning, and you're at work early.
  2. >The foals you sorted last night start babbling as you set the litter boxes into their pen.
  3. >They think these boxes contain food.
  4. >”Yay! Nummies!” they shout.
  5. >You get to work helping a dam birth her foals while they contemplate the litter.
  6. >The sorted foals are completely confused. Some of them sniff at the boxes.
  7. >You hear a few say “Ewwies, no taste pwetty!” They've tried to eat the litter.
  8. >These are the sounds of training day.
  9. >About twenty minutes later, you hear the soles of combat boots scraping along the concrete steps.
  10. >Sarah has arrived, her twin unicorns toddling along close behind.
  11. >These unicorns are ultramarine blue, with violet eyes and silver manes and tails.
  12. >Since they're identical, they wear a ribbon on their tails for identification. Shokaku's is white, and Zuikaku's is black.
  13. >”Mommy! Mommy! Hewp! Mista take babehs! Gif babehs pwease!”
  14. >The dam you just helped to foal, a tan pegasus with auburn mane and tail, tries to get Sarah's attention as she walks past.
  15. >”Mommy! Mista take Desewt's babehs 'gain!”
  16. >Sarah ignores her cries until she gets her babbling fluffies into the pen.
  17. >”Mommy!”
  18. >”Desert, shut the fuck up. Only two fluffies here get to call me that, and you're not one of them.”
  19. >Sufficiently cowed, Desert's cries become anxious mumbles. You return her to her cage.
  20. >While you go about recording the litter info, Sarah issues orders.
  21. >”You have to teach these foals to use litter boxes, all right?”
  22. >The unicorns nod slowly as the foals begin to come over, asking for hugs or play.
  23. >”Zwee show wittle fwuffies how make good poopies?”
  24. >”Yep. Don't be afraid to kick them around if you have to.”
  25. >They look rather uncomfortable as all the foals crowd around them.
  26. >A few foals try to squirm under them to get milk.
  27. >Those get bucked and waddle away crying.
  28. >”Why mumma huwt fiwwy?!”
  29. >”Not mumma. Fwuffies wissen Sho-Sho now, show how make good poopies.”
  30. >Sarah leaves, and that's when the fun really starts.
  31. >Zui wanders over to a litter box. “Wook!” She strains for a few seconds, then shits.
  32. >”See? Dis good poopies! Good poopies mean nummies and huggies!”
  33. >The foals babble happily about food and hugs.
  34. >As usual, some begin to shit where they stand.
  35. >”Cowt make poopies! Poopies mean nummies!”
  36. >Like a fuzzy blue bullet, Sho waddles over quickly and bucks the offending colt.
  37. >He falls over into the deuce he just dropped.
  38. >”No! Dat bad poopies! Bad poopies mean huwt and no huggies!”
  39. >”Owwies! Why new fwiend huwt cowt? Cowt sowwy!”
  40. >Sho points a hoof at a litter box nearby. “Go dere when wan' make poopies!”
  41. >The twin unicorns waddle around, bucking every foal that's shitting in the wrong spot.
  42. >A few of the smarter foals climb into litter boxes and do their business.
  43. >”New fwiend, wike dis? Dis good poopies?”
  44. >Zui and Sho hug them as they step out of the boxes. “Fwuffies good! Make good poopies!”
  45. >You whistle for Steve, then point out the smart foals that are being hugged.
  46. “Those are ready to go, take them up.”
  47. >They cry as they're lifted out of the pens, wanting to stay with their friends.
  48. >Steve assuages them with the statement that smart fluffies like them get spaghetti, which makes them all very happy.
  49. >The foals that are left behind do the crying now. They're hungry, and spaghetti sounds like nummies.
  50. >”Hung'y! Pwease gif fiwwy miwkies!”, “Cowt tummy huwt! Nummies pwease!” they cry.
  51. >The unicorn teachers have none of it, bucking foals that try to suckle them.
  52. >”No! Not mumma! No nummies unwess make good poopies!”
  53. >The intelligence level of each foal becomes clearer as the moments pass.
  54. >Some of the foals that got bucked once already try the litter boxes.
  55. >”Make pee-pees! Fiwwy make good pee-pees? Pwease no huwt...”
  56. >”Good fwuffy! Make good pee-pees!”
  57. >Other foals are beginning to get jealous. “Wan' huggies! Why mummas no gif?”
  58. >It gets worse when Sho and Zui ignore them.
  59. >”Mummas meanie! Show dem!” a pink, particularly nasty pegasus filly yells.
  60. >You were wondering when she'd act up. She's been making trouble in the pegasus pen for a week.
  61. >You watch as she runs over to Zui, raises her tail, and pisses on the unicorn.
  62. >”Show meanie mumma! Gif huggies to fiwwy now!”
  63. >Zui cries out about the 'smewwy wawa'. An incensed Sho waddles over and bucks the filly right in the nose.
  64. >”Bad fwuffy! No nummies! No huggies!” she shrieks. The filly curls up and trembles.
  65. >”Fiwwy sowwy! No huwt!”
  66. >Sho continues to buck her as she shivers on the floor. “Neva make poopies on fwuffies! Neva!”
  67. “Shokaku, that's enough. Get back to teaching.”
  68. >With a pronounced snort, Sho waddles away from the sobbing filly and back to the other foals.
  69. >You pick Zui up to wipe her off.
  70. >”Fank you,” she sniffles.
  71. >You set her back down just as some of the dimmer foals are beginning to shit in the pen again.
  72. >”No! Bad fwuffies! Bad poopies!” she yells, running over to buck them.
  73. >The process continues on for another two hours.
  74. >Slowly, the foals pass their tests and get sent upstairs.
  75. >There are now about ten foals left. These are the grade-A idiots.
  76. >The pink pegasus filly is among them. She's shat in the litter box, but you stop Steve from taking her up.
  77. >They mewl incessantly about nummies and huggies, since that's basically the only words they know.
  78. >The twin unicorns are becoming frustrated. “Why fwuffies no make good poopies? Fwuffies dumb!” Sho yells.
  79. >They drag the fluffy morons over to the litter boxes by their tails and throw them in.
  80. >Most climb out and shit or piss right beside them. They get bucked harshly and wail.
  81. >Three actually do something in the boxes, so you send them up.
  82. >The six that are left are either too young to understand, or just plain stupid.
  83. >The unicorns are so pissed, they start bucking the foals even though they aren't doing anything.
  84. >”Fwuffy dumb! No wuv! Neva make good poopies!” Zui shrieks.
  85. >Sarah comes down again. “I'm back, kids.”
  86. >”Mommy!” they bleat, waddling over to meet her.
  87. >She looks at the remaining foals. “Nine left, huh? Close enough.”
  88. >You get a confused look when she notices Zuikaku's fluff smells bad.
  89. “The pink one got mad and pissed on her.”
  90. >Sarah glares down at her, causing her to squeak.
  91. >”I'll deal with her in a minute. Sho, Zui, go upstairs and wait for mommy.”
  92. >They waddle away and up the steps, babbling happily.
  93. “Man, those two are freaky. How did you train them to do that?”
  94. >”I read online about some guy that reset his unicorn a bunch of times and tried it. Made it really easy to get them to follow directions,” she replies, snatching the pink foal out of the pen.
  95. >”Owwies! Fiwwy sowwy! No huwt fiwwy!”
  96. >”You don't know what sorry is yet, you little cunt.”
  97. >Instead of ending the foal's life here, she heads back to the steps.
  98. >”I'll bring mine back down in a few minutes and try again, so don't throw any of them out yet.”
  99. >You nod at her and she walks up out of sight. You can barely hear her fluffies cheering, then scolding the foal she has in her hand.
  100. >It's freaky how much they act like their owner sometimes.
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