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Feb 5th, 2016
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  1. ---- Minecraft Crash Report ----
  2. // I just don't know what went wrong :(
  4. Time: 2/5/16 7:10 PM
  5. Description: Exception while updating neighbours
  7. java.lang.ClassCastException: com.bluepowermod.tile.tier1.TileIgniter cannot be cast to micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.core.tile.TileEntityParaChest
  8. at micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.core.blocks.BlockParaChest.func_149695_a(
  9. at
  10. at
  11. at
  12. at
  13. at
  14. at
  15. at com.bluepowermod.tile.tier1.TileIgniter.extinguish(
  16. at com.bluepowermod.tile.tier1.TileIgniter.redstoneChanged(
  17. at com.bluepowermod.tile.TileBase.checkRedstonePower(
  18. at com.bluepowermod.tile.TileBase.onBlockNeighbourChanged(
  19. at com.bluepowermod.tile.TileBase.onTileLoaded(
  20. at com.bluepowermod.tile.TileBase.func_145845_h(
  21. at com.bluepowermod.tile.tier1.TileIgniter.func_145845_h(
  22. at
  23. at
  24. at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71190_q(
  25. at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.func_71190_q(
  26. at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71217_p(
  27. at
  28. at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer$
  31. A detailed walkthrough of the error, its code path and all known details is as follows:
  32. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  34. -- Head --
  35. Stacktrace:
  36. at micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.core.blocks.BlockParaChest.func_149695_a(
  38. -- Block being updated --
  39. Details:
  40. Source block type: ID #51 ( // net.minecraft.block.BlockFire)
  41. Block type: ID #632 (tile.parachest // micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.core.blocks.BlockParaChest)
  42. Block data value: 0 / 0x0 / 0b0000
  43. Block location: World: (-602,63,2198), Chunk: (at 6,3,6 in -38,137; contains blocks -608,0,2192 to -593,255,2207), Region: (-2,4; contains chunks -64,128 to -33,159, blocks -1024,0,2048 to -513,255,2559)
  44. Stacktrace:
  45. at
  46. at
  47. at
  48. at
  49. at
  50. at
  51. at com.bluepowermod.tile.tier1.TileIgniter.extinguish(
  52. at com.bluepowermod.tile.tier1.TileIgniter.redstoneChanged(
  53. at com.bluepowermod.tile.TileBase.checkRedstonePower(
  54. at com.bluepowermod.tile.TileBase.onBlockNeighbourChanged(
  55. at com.bluepowermod.tile.TileBase.onTileLoaded(
  56. at com.bluepowermod.tile.TileBase.func_145845_h(
  57. at com.bluepowermod.tile.tier1.TileIgniter.func_145845_h(
  59. -- Block entity being ticked --
  60. Details:
  61. Name: bluepower.igniter // com.bluepowermod.tile.tier1.TileIgniter
  62. Block type: ID #632 (tile.parachest // micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.core.blocks.BlockParaChest)
  63. Block data value: 0 / 0x0 / 0b0000
  64. Block location: World: (-602,63,2198), Chunk: (at 6,3,6 in -38,137; contains blocks -608,0,2192 to -593,255,2207), Region: (-2,4; contains chunks -64,128 to -33,159, blocks -1024,0,2048 to -513,255,2559)
  65. Actual block type: ID #632 (tile.parachest // micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.core.blocks.BlockParaChest)
  66. Actual block data value: 0 / 0x0 / 0b0000
  67. Stacktrace:
  68. at
  69. at
  71. -- Affected level --
  72. Details:
  73. Level name: world
  74. All players: 0 total; []
  75. Chunk stats: ServerChunkCache: 638 Drop: 0
  76. Level seed: 2568324237468143082
  77. Level generator: ID 04 - RWG, ver 0. Features enabled: true
  78. Level generator options:
  79. Level spawn location: World: (-662,87,1956), Chunk: (at 10,5,4 in -42,122; contains blocks -672,0,1952 to -657,255,1967), Region: (-2,3; contains chunks -64,96 to -33,127, blocks -1024,0,1536 to -513,255,2047)
  80. Level time: 18904 game time, 18904 day time
  81. Level dimension: 0
  82. Level storage version: 0x04ABD - Anvil
  83. Level weather: Rain time: 47382 (now: false), thunder time: 70242 (now: false)
  84. Level game mode: Game mode: survival (ID 0). Hardcore: false. Cheats: false
  85. Stacktrace:
  86. at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71190_q(
  87. at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.func_71190_q(
  88. at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71217_p(
  89. at
  90. at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer$
  92. -- System Details --
  93. Details:
  94. Minecraft Version: 1.7.10
  95. Operating System: Windows 10 (x86) version 10.0
  96. Java Version: 1.8.0_66, Oracle Corporation
  97. Java VM Version: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (mixed mode), Oracle Corporation
  98. Memory: 172446464 bytes (164 MB) / 519110656 bytes (495 MB) up to 1037959168 bytes (989 MB)
  99. JVM Flags: 2 total; -Xmx1G -Xms512M
  100. AABB Pool Size: 0 (0 bytes; 0 MB) allocated, 0 (0 bytes; 0 MB) used
  101. IntCache: cache: 0, tcache: 0, allocated: 0, tallocated: 0
  102. FML: MCP v9.05 FML v7.10.99.99 Minecraft Forge 55 mods loaded, 55 mods active
  103. States: 'U' = Unloaded 'L' = Loaded 'C' = Constructed 'H' = Pre-initialized 'I' = Initialized 'J' = Post-initialized 'A' = Available 'D' = Disabled 'E' = Errored
  104. UCHIJAAAA mcp{9.05} [Minecraft Coder Pack] (minecraft.jar)
  105. UCHIJAAAA FML{} [Forge Mod Loader] (TekkitLegends.jar)
  106. UCHIJAAAA Forge{} [Minecraft Forge] (TekkitLegends.jar)
  107. UCHIJAAAA appliedenergistics2-core{rv2-stable-10} [AppliedEnergistics2 Core] (minecraft.jar)
  108. UCHIJAAAA CodeChickenCore{} [CodeChicken Core] (minecraft.jar)
  109. UCHIJAAAA Micdoodlecore{} [Micdoodle8 Core] (minecraft.jar)
  110. UCHIJAAAA <CoFH ASM>{000} [CoFH ASM] (minecraft.jar)
  111. UCHIJAAAA bspkrsCore{6.15} [bspkrsCore] ([1.7.10]bspkrsCore-universal-6.15.jar)
  112. UCHIJAAAA Treecapitator{1.7.10} [Treecapitator] ([1.7.10]Treecapitator-universal-2.0.4.jar)
  113. UCHIJAAAA CoFHCore{1.7.10R3.1.0} [CoFH Core] (CoFHCore-[1.7.10]3.1.0-323.jar)
  114. UCHIJAAAA BuildCraft|Core{7.1.14} [BuildCraft] (buildcraft-7.1.14.jar)
  115. UCHIJAAAA BuildCraft|Transport{7.1.14} [BC Transport] (buildcraft-7.1.14.jar)
  116. UCHIJAAAA BuildCraft|Silicon{7.1.14} [BC Silicon] (buildcraft-7.1.14.jar)
  117. UCHIJAAAA BuildCraft|Factory{7.1.14} [BC Factory] (buildcraft-7.1.14.jar)
  118. UCHIJAAAA additionalpipes{4.7.0} [Additional Pipes] (additionalpipes-4.7.0.jar)
  119. UCHIJAAAA appliedenergistics2{rv2-stable-10} [Applied Energistics 2] (appliedenergistics2-rv2-stable-10.jar)
  120. UCHIJAAAA MovingWorld{1.7.10-1.8} [Moving World] (movingworld-1.7.10-1.8.jar)
  121. UCHIJAAAA ArchimedesShipsPlus{1.7.10-1.8} [Archimedes' Ships Plus] (archimedesshipsplus-1.7.10-1.8.jar)
  122. UCHIJAAAA qmunitylib{1.0} [QmunityLib] (QmunityLib-1.7.10-0.1.114-universal.jar)
  123. UCHIJAAAA bluepower{0.2.962} [Blue Power] (BluePower-1.7.10-0.2.962-universal.jar)
  124. UCHIJAAAA BuildCraft|Builders{7.1.14} [BC Builders] (buildcraft-7.1.14.jar)
  125. UCHIJAAAA BuildCraft|Energy{7.1.14} [BC Energy] (buildcraft-7.1.14.jar)
  126. UCHIJAAAA BuildCraft|Robotics{7.1.14} [BC Robotics] (buildcraft-7.1.14.jar)
  127. UCHIJAAAA ThermalFoundation{1.7.10R1.2.2} [Thermal Foundation] (ThermalFoundation-[1.7.10]1.2.2-111.jar)
  128. UCHIJAAAA ThermalExpansion{1.7.10R4.1.1} [Thermal Expansion] (ThermalExpansion-[1.7.10]4.1.1-237.jar)
  129. UCHIJAAAA BuildCraft|Compat{7.1.3} [BuildCraft Compat] (buildcraft-compat-7.1.3.jar)
  130. UCHIJAAAA CarpentersBlocks{3.3.7} [Carpenter's Blocks] (Carpenter's Blocks v3.3.7 - MC 1.7.10.jar)
  131. UCHIJAAAA ChickenChunks{} [ChickenChunks] (ChickenChunks-1.7.10-
  132. UCHIJAAAA chisel{1.5.7} [Chisel] (Chisel-1.7.10-1.5.7.jar)
  133. UCHIJAAAA lootablebodies{1.3.5} [DrCyano's Lootable Bodies] (CyanosLootableBodies-1.3.5-backport.jar)
  134. UCHIJAAAA EnderStorage{} [EnderStorage] (EnderStorage-1.7.10-
  135. UCHIJAAAA IC2{2.2.999} [Industrial Craft Classic] (IC2.Classic.Version.
  136. UCHIJAAAA Railcraft{} [Railcraft] (Railcraft_1.7.10-
  137. UCHIJAAAA eng_toolbox{} [Engineer's Toolbox] (EngineersToolbox-
  138. UCHIJAAAA farseek{1.0.8} [Farseek] (Farseek-1.0.8.jar)
  139. UCHIJAAAA ForgeMultipart{} [Forge Multipart] (ForgeMultipart-1.7.10-
  140. UCHIJAAAA McMultipart{} [Minecraft Multipart Plugin] (ForgeMultipart-1.7.10-
  141. UCHIJAAAA GalacticraftCore{3.0.12} [Galacticraft Core] (GalacticraftCore-1.7-
  142. UCHIJAAAA GalacticraftMars{3.0.12} [Galacticraft Planets] (Galacticraft-Planets-1.7-
  143. UCHIJAAAA IC2-Classic-Spmod{} [IC2 Classic Detection Helper] (IC2.Classic.Version.
  144. UCHIJAAAA IronChest{} [Iron Chest] (Ironchest-1.7.10-
  145. UCHIJAAAA JABBA{1.2.1} [JABBA] (Jabba-1.2.1a_1.7.10.jar)
  146. UCHIJAAAA journeymap{5.1.3} [JourneyMap] (journeymap-1.7.10-5.1.3-unlimited.jar)
  147. UCHIJAAAA Mantle{1.7.10-0.3.2.jenkins191} [Mantle] (Mantle-1.7.10-0.3.2b.jar)
  148. UCHIJAAAA MetallurgyCore{4.0.4} [Metallurgy Core] (MetallurgyCore-1.7.10-
  149. UCHIJAAAA TConstruct{1.7.10-1.8.8.build988} [Tinkers' Construct] (TConstruct-1.7.10-1.8.8.jar)
  150. UCHIJAAAA Metallurgy{4.0.6} [Metallurgy 4] (Metallurgy-1.7.10-
  151. UCHIJAAAA numina{} [Numina] (Numina-
  152. UCHIJAAAA powersuits{} [MachineMuse's Modular Powersuits] (ModularPowersuits-
  153. UCHIJAAAA PowerConverters3{1.7.10-2.11} [Power Converters 3] (PowerConverters-1.7.10-2.11.jar)
  154. UCHIJAAAA ProjectE{1.7.10-PE1.9.3} [ProjectE] (ProjectE-1.7.10-PE1.9.3h.jar)
  155. UCHIJAAAA RedstoneArsenal{1.7.10R1.1.1} [Redstone Arsenal] (RedstoneArsenal-[1.7.10]1.1.1-89.jar)
  156. UCHIJAAAA RWG{Alpha 1.3.2} [Realistic World Gen Alpha] (RWG-alpha-1.3.2.jar)
  157. UCHIJAAAA streams{0.1.4} [Streams] (Streams-0.1.4.jar)
  158. UCHIJAAAA ForgeMicroblock{} [Forge Microblocks] (ForgeMultipart-1.7.10-
  159. CoFHCore: -[1.7.10]3.1.0-323
  160. AE2 Version: stable rv2-stable-10 for Forge
  161. ThermalFoundation: -[1.7.10]1.2.2-111
  162. ThermalExpansion: -[1.7.10]4.1.1-237
  163. Mantle Environment: Environment healthy.
  164. TConstruct Environment: Environment healthy.
  165. RedstoneArsenal: -[1.7.10]1.1.1-89
  166. AE2 Integration: IC2:ON, RotaryCraft:OFF, RC:ON, BC:ON, RF:ON, RFItem:ON, MFR:OFF, DSU:ON, FZ:OFF, FMP:ON, RB:OFF, CLApi:OFF, Waila:OFF, Mekanism:OFF, ImmibisMicroblocks:OFF, BetterStorage:OFF
  167. Profiler Position: N/A (disabled)
  168. Vec3 Pool Size: 0 (0 bytes; 0 MB) allocated, 0 (0 bytes; 0 MB) used
  169. Player Count: 0 / 20; []
  170. Is Modded: Definitely; Server brand changed to 'fml,forge'
  171. Type: Dedicated Server (map_server.txt)
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