
Wastest Babbeh - 2

Nov 9th, 2019
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  1. FractalFluff, February 27, 2014; 07:52 / FB 18580
  2. =======================================================================================================================================
  3. >Be a fine, upstanding fluffy owner.
  4. >Loving, responsible, blah blah all that hugbox crap.
  5. >Your mare, Bruna, is a great fluffy in may ways.
  6. >She's sweet, affectionate, a wonderful mother to her foals.
  7. >Unfortunately she's also a knucklehead.
  8. >Even by fluffy standards.
  9. >If brains were dynamite, Bruna couldn't even blow her nose.
  11. >She foaled fairly recently
  12. >Four lovely, healthy girls, all doing well.
  13. >But an unfortunate quirk of fate led to the smallest of them being called Last.
  14. >Bruna's tiny fluffy brain takes this to mean that the pegasus is her last baby.
  15. >If Last is out of her sight, she can't be a mother anymore.
  16. >It's confusing for the foal and devastating for her.
  18. >The foals are marginally brighter than their mother
  19. >Last understands that she needs to stay close to Bruna
  20. >Or Bruna "has bigges saddies".
  21. >She's very good about it, usually
  22. >Even though they're almost old enough to be weaned, and getting to that adventurous stage.
  24. >You've stuck some of those colourful magnetic letters to the fridge door
  25. >They've grasped the concept of "letters" and "writing"
  26. >Even get some of the names and sounds right
  27. >Although the alphabet song defeats them.
  28. >Their version is a potluck, but usually goes something like:
  29. >"Ay bee see dee effy... dee... jay... lemonopy... tee... wy... bee... ZED! Sketties?"
  30. >(Yes, the Roman alphabet is now under 20 characters long, and goes from A to Sketties.)
  32. >They probably won't ever learn to read;
  33. >But they're happy, and that's what matters.
  34. >They like to play with the letters while you cook
  35. >Their favourite game is arranging them into random groups
  36. >Then asking you to read back the gibberish they've created.
  37. >Apparently hearing you try to pronounce "Mrngl uop cbst" or "Hdelfsmt" is the height of comedy.
  38. >They roll on the floor, kicking their hooves and clutching at their pudgy tummies.
  40. >Things take a turn for the worse when Last falls ill.
  41. >Complains of "feewin sickies" and having "tummeh owwies, Daddah!"
  42. >Careful questioning reveals that she's swallowed at least two of the magnetic letters.
  43. >You groan inwardly.
  44. >It seems she thought the "fwidgy wettups" looked like the alphabet noodles you sometimes give them for a treat.
  45. >Decided to see if they "tasties wike sketties."
  46. >You know how serious this could be.
  47. >Last needs the vet, ASAP
  48. >You look at the panic on Bruna's fluffy face and realize you can't leave her behind.
  49. >You bundle the whole fluffy family into their carrier and drive them to the vet.
  51. >The scan reveals that it's not too serious
  52. >She's chewed up the plastic casing and swallowed that, but must have spat out the actual magnets.
  53. >Still, she's very unwell, and the vet wants to keep her in overnight.
  54. >You explain the "wastest baby" issue
  55. >The vet is sympathetic, being familiar with fluffy logic, but Last really needs to stay over
  56. >And right now, there's just no room for her mother to stay there too.
  58. >You go back to the carrier, ready to take your girls home
  59. >"Miwkies, mummah? Pwease gif miwkies! Babbeh gut tummeh owwies," you hear Chiffon plead.
  60. >Rosy and Bluebell join in.
  61. >"Nu can gif miwkies, babbehs. Nu mowe am mummah," you hear Bruna say sadly.
  62. >Nothing you say can persuade Bruna to let her foals nurse.
  64. >This is ridiculous.
  66. >You speak to the receptionist, asking if she'll phone through to the vet for advice
  67. >But she's with another patient now.
  68. >In any case, the receptionist insists that there's not much that can be done.
  69. >"All I can suggest is a substitute," she says.
  71. >The vet's assistant is collared on her way through reception
  72. >And detailed to help you out.
  74. >"Here, let's see if she'll take this little fellow," she says.
  75. >She's holding a toy foal with purple fluff.
  76. >"Nothing as sophisticated a Fluffcker's, of course; he's basically just a modified cat toy. Voice chip lets him talk, and a small motor makes him wriggle."
  77. >She presses the "foal"'s tummy firmly with one thumb.
  78. >Its eyes flash a couple of times.
  79. >She holds the foal's head up to her mouth like a microphone.
  80. >"Babbeh name am Wastest," she says, then thumbs the hidden button again.
  81. >"Babbeh name am Wastest," repeats the foal
  82. >The pitch of her voice has been shifted
  83. >It sounds like the high, cartoony voice of a fluffy:
  85. >"It has a couple of other pre-programmed phrases, like 'miwkies', 'wuv mummah' and so on," she elaborates,
  86. >"And those play at random. But you can bring up the custom phrase at any time by pushing the stomach twice. Press and hold to go back to random. There's a random 'sleep' function that will turn it off completely for a while now and then, but you can have it sleep or wake up by squeezing its hindquarters." She demonstrates.
  87. >"Babbeh sweeepee..." drawls the foal, closing its eyes.
  89. >"Gotcha."
  91. >She gives it a spritz of Foal-So-Good anti-rejection spray.
  92. >Makes babies smell like the bestest baby on its best day ever!
  93. >According to fluffy test subjects.
  94. >To you, it has a mild caramel odour
  95. >Like the scent of a human baby's pate.
  97. >You take the "foal" over to the carrier.
  98. >'Wake it up' by squeezing its butt
  99. >Not something you'd want to try with a real fluffy
  100. >Then show it to your fluffies.
  101. >"Hey, fluffies, I brought a new baby to visit you."
  102. >The fillies don't seem to know what to make of it.
  103. >They don't recognize it as a toy
  104. >But there's none of the "Nyu fwend!" and "Huggies?" prattle that usually accompanies an encounter with an unknown foal.
  106. >Bruna is completely taken in, though.
  107. >"Wha... babbeh? Yu am pwetty babbeh."
  108. > *snf* *snf*
  109. >"Yu am smeww vewwy pwetty!"
  110. >She leans in
  111. >Inhales the toy's smell for a long moment
  112. >Nostrils flaring
  113. >You want to laugh
  114. >She's basically huffing the baby.
  115. >She opens dilated eyes and asks: "Whewe... whewe yu mummah, babbeh?"
  116. >"You're his mummah now."
  117. >"Dat... nu... huh?"
  118. >"He doesn't have a mummah. He'd like you to be his mummah."
  119. >"Dat am a vewwy pwetty babbeh... an am smeww suuuuu pwetty... Bwuna wan dat babbeh be Bwuna's..."
  120. >"He's a very good baby. He wants to come and be your foal."
  121. >After blinking rapidly for a while, crossing her eyes with the effort of trying to integrate this new information, she says:
  122. >"Buh... nu can be mummah... nu haf wastest babbeh..."
  124. showtime.nes
  126. >Press the button X2
  127. >Doll does its thing.
  129. >"Babbeh name am Wastest!"
  131. >She draws in her breath like someone watching a fireworks display.
  132. >"Babbeh am wastest babbeh?"
  134. >*press press*
  136. >"Babbeh name am Wastest!"
  138. >"OooOOOooOOooh..." She starts to reach for him, then stops.
  139. >"Buh... buh wah happen uffew Wastest babbeh? Wuv uffew Wastest babbeh tuu!"
  141. >"Last needs to stay here tonight, Bruna. The nice doctor-lady and her friends want to make sure all her tummy-owwies are gone. She can come home with us tomorrow."
  143. >"Mummah... mummah miss puwpuw Wastest Babbeh..."
  145. >"I know, Bruna. I'll miss her too. But we'll see her in the morning, and then she'll be all better."
  147. >"Otay..." she says, a little sadly.
  148. >She really does care for the filly, over and above her mystical worth as the Last Baby.
  150. >*press'n'hold*
  152. >"Mummah!" says the baby. "Babbeh wub."
  154. >She coos, and gathers it to her chest.
  155. >"It otay nao, babbehs," she tells the three unhappy fillies.
  156. >"Mummah haf wastest babbeh, an nu mowe am nu mowe mummah!"
  158. >The fillies attempt to parse this.
  159. >They fail.
  160. >The huuhuus start.
  162. >"Babbehs come an haf miwkies nao!" she clarifies.
  164. >There's a slight scrum as three hungry foals compete for two pony udders
  165. >But by the time you have them loaded back into the car, everyone's settling down.
  167. >"Babbeh wub," you hear from the back where the carrier is strapped.
  169. >"Mummah wuv yu tuu, Wastest Babbeh!"
  171. >"Mummah! Huggies!"
  173. >"Mummah hewe, Wastest Babbeh! Gif wotsa huggies."
  175. >"Babbeh wub."
  177. >"Mummah wuv yu tuu, Wastest Babbeh."
  179. >This could get repetitive.
  180. >But it's still better than the tears and panic you usually have to deal with when Last is out of her sight.
  182. >The next day, you're able to leave everyone in the saferoom while you go to pick up Last.
  184. Last is a little wobbly and still somewhat uncomfortable
  185. >Having passed a difficult night — and some difficult poopies
  186. >With the help of a lot of castor oil.
  187. >"What did we learn about the fridgie-letters, Last?" you ask her, as you carry her from the car.
  189. >"Fwidgie-wettups nu am nummies, Daddah."
  191. >"Are you going to try and num the fridgie-letters again?"
  193. >"Nu, Daddah! Gif wowstest tummeh-owwies, an den poopies aww scwatchy on poopie-pwace! Nu wike meanie poopies. Nu gonna num wettups 'gain, wess dey sketties."
  195. >"That's my good girl."
  197. >You bring her in to rejoin her mother and sisters
  198. >There's a comedic interlude as Last is introduced to Wastest.
  200. >"Babbeh name am Wastest!"
  202. >"Oooh! Dat Babbeh name tuu!"
  204. >"Wuv Mummah!"
  206. >"Ooo! Yu am MUS' be bwuddah! Babbeh wuv Mummah tuu?"
  208. >"The coincidences just keep mounting up, don't they, Last?"
  210. >"...Huh?"
  212. >You ruffle her thick black shock of a mane.
  214. >"Have fun with your new brother, Last. I'm going to make some spaghetti for tea."
  216. >You close the saferoom door as your fluffies give four cheers for "SKETTIES!"
  217. >And one for "Wub."
  219. ***
  221. >"Wastest" seems to produce a shift in Bruna's attitude overall.
  222. >She's still a very attentive fluffy mummah
  223. >But as long as the toy is close by
  224. >She's able to let Last run and play without watching her like a hawk every second.
  225. >Last is greatly enjoying the freedom to rove.
  227. >"Gud babbeh," says Bruna happily. "Wuv Wastest babbeh."
  229. >She's watching her foals play and "nursing" Wastest.
  230. >She doesn't seem to notice that he's only gumming, not actually drinking.
  231. >You plan on finding new homes for the girls once they're fully grown
  232. >You suspect that Wastest is going to make that a lot easier.
  234. ***
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