
Author Notes : F021's Random Developments.

Feb 13th, 2015
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  1. 13-2-15
  2. - He lived in a circus for several years before the circus landed on Neon City and he left (honorably though). On that circus, he is one of the freakshow, named "The Tentacle Man" and showcased his powers to visitors. His friends on the freakshow are a two-headed man with three hands and is very well in archery and fencing respectively, a very flexible woman that can stretch her hands to an disturbing range (and her body too),and a beast-like man of unknown name (they called him "Brutus the Beast") with supernatural strength and a very lush body hair. There is also an old fortune teller who is, surprisingly correct on most occasions, and is the only one that cares about One. Before he left, the old woman gives him a very cute, little rose quartz. He still keeps it to this day.
  4. 14-2-15
  5. - He is asexual.
  6. - One really hates being touched by someone. He claims that he have a sensitive skin, but this is only a ruse, since his real reason is he had a trauma with touches, to a point that even a simple touch can jolt him.
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