
The Ironclad Salvation

Aug 20th, 2016
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  1. NOTE: This RP is a follow-up to a previous RP, Rust Soaked Winds. Reading it isn't necessary for context on this RP, but if you desire to do so, all three parts are posted on this account.
  3. [1:20 AM] Skilletzorz: The winter weather finally hit full force, snow powdering the city. The main plaza seemed to being prepared for a press confrence as podium and security staff were set up in front of the FEF building, a few spectators commenting on the suddeness of the announcement, a few just complaining about having to go around the slightly rushed display...Irina would stumble across this event on her daily commute, a blue haired woman and a fish man sitting at outside of the cafe talking about sentimental tripe as per the norm, when....
  5. ???: Ofh!!! Sorry miss!
  7. A messy red head in a suit bumped into her, his dark brown eyes quickly scanning over her as he raised his left hand...
  9. ???: H-hey I'm not from around here, can you direct me to the national history museum...?
  10. [1:28 AM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina pauses, taking a step back as the man approaches... her paranoia flaring up, the girl wanting nothing to do with this person other than to send him on his way.
  11. [1:30 AM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: Ah.. um... You're going the wrong way.. turn around and take a left at 52nd... then a right onto main street and go down three blocks. It's the large building near the old Benjamin clock tower...
  12. [1:30 AM] PlasticAutomaton: she motions that way with one gloved hand That way.. now if you'll excuse me, I'm quite late...
  13. [2:00 AM] Skilletzorz: ???: Ah I've gotcha...right...pleasure to meetcha miss but I'm out of time it seems! He gives her a quick salute and carries on his way....quickly breaking into a sprint around the corner and out of sight...
  15. A few of the armed staff from the podium seemed to have diverted from the stand, to chase after him. At the cafe however, Joan was enjoying her usual coffee with Sam as had become a morning tradition with them...
  17. Joan: Oooh maybe we should go get something to bring back Edward to play with after the announ-...huh? she takes note of the events, and gets up looking a bit worried (What just happened...?) Lucius, I am sorry but it looks like I must return to work sooner than expected...
  18. [2:03 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: looks towards the commotion as he stirs a glass of tea, then turns to face Joan Aww, so soon? ... You think I'd be of any help, or...?
  19. [10:29 PM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: ...Weirdo. the girl sighs, adjusting the violin case on her back, hoping that the EFF don't take an interest in her now... it takes her all of two seconds to turn and try to duck into a crowd just in case
  20. [10:37 PM] Skilletzorz: Joan: Kh..(Not enough time to make any clear judgements...)...She tracks Irina glancing to Sam, before looking back into the crowd... Please, Lucius if...if you wish to help, go find out why they are pursuing that man, I need to find the woman he spoke to.... she briskly pushes in, trying to follow Irina
  21. [10:47 PM] PlasticAutomaton: the musician... well, she's being as invisible as she can be, but if someone's looking for her, the violin case she carries is still a dead giveaway as she ducks and weaves her way through the crowd, heading towards one of the side alleys
  22. [10:47 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Right, got it. quickly sips his tea before approaching the armed staff, following behind to see if he can overhear anything
  23. [10:55 PM] Skilletzorz: Joan: follows Irina through the crowd... E-excuse me, pardon me ugh....she eventually makes it through and Joan waves Irina down in the alley Excuse me, miss!
  25. With the headstart the security and the suspect have, Sam is unable to hear much, until he finally hears gunfire cracking as he rounds the corner into the alley, spotting the man in a balaclava as a whip retracted to his wrist...Sam would note the two pursuing guards on the floor twitching and groaning, one of the guards holding a smoking gun...
  27. ???: Mhn...Oh, you seem different...a merman...? He leans against the wall, glancing up briefly These guys didn't understand I'm on a bit of a time crunch, so can we just cut the formalities and let me on my way?(edited)
  28. [11:03 PM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: ...Crap. she mutters under her breath, darting her glance between the other side of the alley and her pursuer, a hand going down towards her ankle holster out of reflex Not interested.
  29. [11:07 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Close, but not quite right, I'm sorry but I get the feeling you're not someone I should just let go! jumping up, he aims an ice beam at the man's feet in an attempt to freeze him
  30. [11:15 PM] Skilletzorz: Joan: she tenses and raises a her hands, slowly approaching Please, I only wish to speak with you about the individual you spoke to...(Have I done something to provoke such aggression?) My name is Joan, what is yours?
  32. ???: He hops back and fires his whip at the top of the wall, using it to grapple his way up to the roof and try to to run away from Samuel...Sam would note that his speed wasn't too impressive without the hook though Worth a shot I guess!(edited)
  33. [11:21 PM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: ...Nice try, but tell those Foundation bastards I'm never coming back. she steps back again. right hand, clasping a dagger as she backs down the alley
  34. [11:24 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Get back here! surrounds himself in water & lunges diagonally upwards to chase him, going for another one near him to get to the roof
  35. [11:31 PM] Skilletzorz: Joan: Foundation....? she frowns, keeping her eye trained on the dagger I-I am with the Federation Expeditionary Force, the foundation is a defunct public sector company...I do not intend to take you in, just please...relax and put down the weapon and I can try to help...
  37. ???: pulling himself onto the roof he runs across the roof top, attempting to spin and smack Sam with his whip as Sam cleared the ledge I'll get right on that!
  38. [11:41 PM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: ...Defunct. Right. she has a quiet disbelief to her tone, and after a moment of hesitation, she lets go of the dagger, letting it slide back into her holster Don't know the guy. But if you want to help me, you can start by backing off and leaving me alone...
  39. [11:43 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: powers through the whip with a third water lunge, he attempts to grab the whip & then pull it towards him to get the guy over to him
  40. [11:51 PM] Skilletzorz: Joan: Takes a step back, lowering her hands, and adjusting her collar, looking relieved. I simply wish to know what you spoke about...I'll leave you alone after that... Miss...?
  42. ???: he flicks his wrist, sending an electric charge down the whip as Sam grabs it Sweet dreams!
  43. [11:54 PM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: ...Irina. she sighs in annoyance and relaxes her posture ...Stubborn. He just wanted directions to the national history museum...
  44. May 26, 2016
  45. [12:02 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Ngh-! is forced to let go as he's knocked back from the electric shock, forced onto his back from the shock S-shoot... tries to quickly get back up, throwing a wave of water at them with his blade (It might be a bad idea to continue too far, but...)
  46. [12:12 AM] Skilletzorz: Joan: That is one of my failings I suppose...With a smile, she raises a hand again and reaches into her coat, pulling out a card and slowly placing it on the ground Thank you very much Irina....I'd kindly ask if you are willing, to report to the FEF building after the press confrence tonight so as to give a description of the man's features...if you wish to speak, I'm leaving my card with my number. Please, feel free to contact me at any ti-. She winces and turns way as a loud crack comes from the direction of the chase... L-lucius...
  48. ???:(He didn't like that huh...well it doesn't look like either of us can keep at this for long...) *He draws a revolver and prepares a beam shield from his whip arm to block the water, firing once at Sam's feet... * Easy now! Back off and maybe we won't have a fish fry!
  49. [12:15 AM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: I'l'l consider it... who is... before she can ask who it is, she's interrupted by the loud noise, the girl jumping slightly
  50. [12:16 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: smirks as he attempts to power through the bullet with another ice beam, then does a water-covered lunge towards & to the inwards side of the roof Oh c'mon, that's all you have?!
  51. [12:30 AM] Skilletzorz: Joan: She looks concerned then glances back to Irina... I-I do not wish to get you involved further than you already have been...She bows and tries to press back through the crowd looking frustrated (H-hang in there!)
  53. ???: Not even he fires his whip at the adjecent building and away from the ice beam, snapped a set of 3 shots at Sam...he'd note that the shots were both insanely fast, and unnaturally accurate as the man covered his escape... (Two more...)
  54. [12:45 AM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: she just feels flustered at this point Already involved... you'll never get through the crowd like this.. I'll distract them. she sighs and gets on a ledge.. then takes out her violin... starting to play a soft song to aim the crowd's attention at her... hoping she can make a few dollars to make up for this mess
  55. [12:49 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: (Tch, great...) stops to try to block the ensuing bullets, before trying to make up for lost time by performing two of the water-covered lunges towards the man
  56. [1:01 AM] Skilletzorz: the crowd disperses somewhat as some people come to check on Irina's performance...however some seem startled by the sounds but seem uncertain of what was going on...
  58. Joan: T-thank you! using the new opening she bursts through, almost appearing as a blue flash
  62. ???: he let's himself fall into the alley, detaching the apparatus that his whip deployed from, the device hanging off the wall loosely as he tried to fire once more at Sam to drive him away (Last shot...) Persistent aren'tcha?
  63. [7:39 PM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: Coin for a struggling artist... Donate for a song. she picks up the pace of her playing, getting into the one element where she feels comfortable, a performance... her song starts to echo across the crowded platform
  64. [9:53 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: (Dang sure I am!) does one more dive after him, though he's forced to block the bullet once more afterwards
  65. [10:33 PM] Skilletzorz: ???: One for the road! As Sam blocks his shot he fires his last shot at the device, a large explosion generating from the device
  67. Joan: She slides to a halt at the alley's entrance as the explosion comes out, shielding her face A-agh?!
  69. While Irina would initially get some money, the crowd would turn to the sound of the explosion and immediately start fleeing in a panic....
  70. [10:45 PM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: she grabs her case and hastily moves to get out of the way of the panicking crowd Stupid sheep... Wonder if the pushy one's okay...
  71. [10:48 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Gh...! gets knocked to the ground by the explosion, though he tries to brace himself so he lands as safely as possible after being knocked down by an explosion from behind
  72. [11:09 PM] Skilletzorz: As the smoke settles, the man would be nowhere to be seen, though a manhole cover would be seen thrown aside, a hole to the sewers exposed
  74. Joan: L-lucius are you alright?! She rushes over to him looking pained herself...
  75. [11:32 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: gets back up and turns to Joan, giving her a thumbs up I-I'm fine, honey... guy just got me good. He went down there, I think. points to the manhole Dude had an electric whip, got me pretty good.
  76. [11:40 PM] Skilletzorz: Joan:she glances down to the hole and frowns, clutching her arm. If Sam looked over her, it seemed like some shrapnel was embedded in it... The sewers go for miles, that pursuit would not end well....we know his target however...
  77. [11:42 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: nods Well, that's good then. Maybe we can go & cut him off, but... should we do something about that stuff stuck in your arm? indicates the shrapnel
  78. [11:49 PM] Skilletzorz: Joan: There is no rush...after that display he would be foolish to go straight to his target...I shall head back to the facility to receive repairs once I ensure the safety of my subordinates...she glances down
  79. [11:54 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Y'sure? Doesn't seem safe to run around with junk in your arm, even if you're made of metal. pauses briefly, rubbing the arm he grabbed the whip with Not that I'm in much better shape, though... lemme help you with the safety ensuring, then.
  80. May 27, 2016
  81. [12:01 AM] Skilletzorz: Joan:...she nods, offering him a hand......I hate to ask this but...I need to be present at the press conference tonight. The national history museum is his target and military personnel may deter him...will you go in my stead?
  82. [12:04 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: takes her hand Yeah, of course I can.
  83. [12:15 AM] Skilletzorz: Joan:...she smiles and walks with him, making sure he's not in too bad of shape.
  85. with that the pair collected the guards who were largely unharmed, having been tased. They claim to have missed the man's face only noting that he used the whip to subdue them....the group head to the infirmary at the Fef, Sam being quickly scanned for injuries as Joan is treated, sitting at a cott as the metal chunks are removed from her arm...
  87. Nurse: That explosion must have been something to get through your skin AND your AMF...what happened?
  89. Joan: N-ngh I...was... I did not have the time to assess the situation adequately...
  90. [12:16 AM] PlasticAutomaton: off to the side, Joan's phone buzzes with an incoming call
  91. [12:23 AM] Skilletzorz: Joan: O-Oh..one moment...touching her ear with her good arm she shuts an eye and accepts the call... U-um...hello who is this?
  93. Nurse:...Sighs and holds Joan's arm steady as she begins binding it......(edited)
  94. [12:25 AM] PlasticAutomaton: "I... er... um... it's Irina... I heard that explosion... remembered you were running towards it..
  95. [12:27 AM] Skilletzorz: Joan:...O-oh..um...I am alive it seems....She glances over to Samuel, and then the nurse, glowering at her A-aha?! I-if it's alright, may I put you on speaker phone?
  97. Nurse: If it stops you from moving so much...
  98. [12:35 AM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: Ah.. um.. go ahead.
  99. [12:39 AM] PlasticAutomaton: she hesitates a bit That guy you were asking about... did he do that..?
  100. [12:47 AM] Skilletzorz: Joan:letting go of the ear, she glances to a panel at the wall and Irina's voice booms from the computer...Yes ...Yes he was...
  101. [12:50 AM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: Did you still need a sketch...?
  102. [12:57 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: is laying down, arms crossed over his chest Yeah, dude was a right pain at that... did you see his face or something?
  103. [12:58 AM] Skilletzorz: Joan: He was unmasked when we saw him running, presumably so...do you intend to come in soon then Irina?(edited)
  104. [12:59 AM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: Yes... I like this town... monsters like that. can not be allowed to hurt it..
  105. [1:04 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Great! We'd appreciate the help, and the attitude's a nice change of pace too.
  106. [1:06 AM] Skilletzorz: Joan:....She nods....I appreciate the efforts...um...we'll meet you soon but...may I ask for one more favor if it's alright?
  107. [1:08 AM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: ...Depends on the favor.
  108. [1:19 AM] Skilletzorz: Joan: I would like you to accompany Lucius to the museum tonight to apprehend the masked man...my people cannot go without drawing attention...a-and you would be compensated for your time if you would like...
  109. [1:23 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: (Just straight-up like that...? Well...) I'm Lucius, by the way. waves in the direction of the voice I know we've never met, but if she trusts you then so do I, and I'm sure we'll get along great! It's only one guy, anyways, nothing we can't handle.
  110. [1:24 AM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: ...You what now? I m..mean I guess I can point him out if he shows up... she sounds nervous and hesitant I've got a memory for people that get in my face...
  111. [1:30 AM] Skilletzorz: Joan: ....I...I know it is sudden...and you do not have to accept, but we have no idea when he will strike...and even with visual aid, we cannot ensure Samuel will be able to identify him....and we are short staffed...(edited)
  112. [1:30 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Besides, don't worry, nobody's gonna be getting in anyone's face. You'll have me with you.
  113. [1:32 AM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: O...okay.. I'll do it. Where do you want me to go?
  114. [1:20 PM] Skilletzorz: Joan: Thank you! Um...meet him at the museum tonight at 8 pm and....excuse such an embarassing display from my organization. she frowns I shall send what support I can...
  115. [7:24 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: ... Say, just so I know who I'm working with. What's your name, then?
  116. [9:43 PM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: ...Irina Cossack..
  117. [10:03 PM] Skilletzorz: Joan:...I have to get ready tfor the confrence tonight...
  119. Nurse: You know, you should probably take a break, you did just survive an explosion...maybe call it off?
  121. Joan: No, this be done as soon as possible...she adjusts her wrist...and I am speaking, not fighting....it should be fine yes...? Farewell, Irina, Lucius...She gets up and heads out of the room, leaving them....I wish only the best of luck to you both.
  123. Irina hears a click on her end of the line and the monitor in the medical room shuts off
  124. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  125. That night, the muffled sounds of the crowd could be heard from the museum's front steps, their cries almost overpowering the wind's howls....At the top of the stairs a long black haired woman in a black overcoat and jeans seemed to be playing with a key ring as if she had nothing better to do, singing to herself...
  127. Rachel:...I tried to reach the mooon but when I got thereee...
  128. [10:38 PM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: she approaches the steps leading up to the museum... the girl hesitating as she sees the crowd, stopping in her tracks No... I can do this. This city has been good to me... I can do it one favor. she takes a deep breath, slaps her face for confidence, and heads up the steps
  129. [10:49 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: is sitting across from Rachel, looking a little bored as he leans on his sword; upon hearing Irina talking to herself, he looks down, and as she climbs up, he smiles & waves to her Oh, so you're Irina, huh? Thank goodness, I was going to fall asleep if I had to listen to that any longer than I had to. he gets up, reaching out his hand to her as she reaches the top of the stairs
  130. [10:57 PM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: ... she stares at the fishman in a mix of confusion and terror I... er... you're.... what?
  131. [10:58 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: ... a little sad, his hand lowers slightly I'm the guy you heard talking to you earlier, remember? Don't worry about the scales, I'm a good guy.
  132. [11:04 PM] Skilletzorz: Rachel:...Hey I didn't see you come up with anything better...she points a key at Sam looking annoyed, before glancing over Irina......(So she's the one....)....You're the one who spotted the shooter today?(edited)
  133. [11:06 PM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: S...Sorry... Don't take surprises well.. and yes.. that was me..
  134. [11:07 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: She's Rachel. Good friend of ours. looks over to Rachel And that's because I know better.
  135. [11:18 PM] Skilletzorz: Rachel: She sighs and shakes her head You're such a bore sometimes Tiger...she heads to the front door and unlocks it....Well...sorry about the scare, we didn't really think it was an issue at the time.
  137. she leads them through the entrance hall a display of vintage documents and banners decorating the area
  139. Rachel: The security staff knows we're coming, so everything should be pretty straight forward tonight....(edited)
  140. [11:21 PM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: ...Tiger? He doesn't look fuzzy... she quietly falls in line... still carrying the violin case on her back So.. You just want me to watch for that guy?
  141. [11:27 PM] Skilletzorz: Rachel: He's really a big old teddy bear once you get to know him...* she sits on the reception desk and grins, flipping her phone from her jacket as she slips it off revealing a black athletic shirt *But yeah once we see him you can get going, it's not like we can ask you to fight ya know. Draft hasn't been around for centuries, think that paper there was what outlawed it. she points to one of the displays(edited)
  142. [11:37 PM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: looks over at the paper, as she loosens her coat... the girl is wearing a necklace with a beautiful ruby on it... though whether the necklace is being worn or attached to her is hard to tell
  143. [11:38 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: adjusts his vest slightly as he looks at the two undressing ... So what's our plan? Do we have one? Anywhere Irina can stay that's safe?(edited)
  144. [11:53 PM] Skilletzorz: Rachel:...She stares at Irina's necklace for a moment, shaking her head before looking back to her phone... H-huh?...O-oh yeah there's a security room in the old war exhibit, I'm just waiting to get reports from the other wings before we move...unfortunately we're kind of sitting ducks though, it's on that guy to make a move. Basically once something happens we're to try to find the source and snuff it out, relying on the museum's security systems to give us some war...ning...She glances up as the lights start to flicker, sprinting down the left hallway...or not!
  146. +++++++++++++++++++++++++
  147. Underground in the long forgotten bunker....Knox would hear the door on his cryopod snap open, his equipment sitting on a crate beside it, the lights flickering to life in the room he was in. There seemed to be no security staff in sight but the cyroroom still seemed to be sealed shut as a safety measure. It seems like he's been out for some time, as dust has coated the surrounding equipment and control panels....an automated voice came over the speaker, and heavy footsteps outside of his room
  149. Speaker: Main power systems restored. Reboot automated functions to resume normal operation....
  150. [11:58 PM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: We should follow her, shouldn't we..?
  151. [11:59 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Shoot... I'll follow her, you should find your way to that room, got it? begins following Rachel(edited)
  152. May 28, 2016
  153. [12:04 AM] [REDACTED]: Knox:Man, leave it to me to get myself into such a horrible situation. quickly throws on his equipment, stopping breifly to look at the stopwatch Wonder if the good ol' doc's tech still works... finishes getting equipped, then presses himself to the wall by the doorway
  154. [12:22 AM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: Okay, I did enough... just go hide... don't want to get caught up... she takes a breath and heads to go find the security room... before realizing she has no idea where she's going...
  155. [12:26 AM] Skilletzorz: If Irina looked at the directory, she'd note the security room was two exhibits the other way, down the right hallway. Assuming they both split and went their seperate ways, Rachel and Sam would make their way to a maintence room a floor down, stumbling upon 3 robots connecting a metal box to the power grid, before turning to spot them, a single mono eye on each of them lighting up as they spotted the duo.
  157. Rachel: she draws her handgun and aims at them W-whoa...Sam those are drones, they're not people so give'em everything you got!
  159. On Irina's end, she would head down the hall past a few of the exhibits before finding the security room door ajar...a red stain on the door. If she glanced in she'd spot a single black robot watching the security monitors, slowly turning to face her, the security staff neatly pressed against the wall, a few with bullet holes in their body, a few with snapped necks...
  160. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  161. Knox would hear voices along with the marching, one with a slight southern drawl, and one with a more harsh grizzled tone to it, both american...
  163. ???: Lemme worry about the logistics Hara, you've got your own problems managing the drones....
  165. Hara: Well if you hadn't fucked up the bombing, this would be your show now wouldn't it?
  167. ???: Kch fair enough...still, these old systems are amazing for surviving this long on a single battery...the old nuclear batteries sure were somethin' special.
  169. Hara:.....Oy, we have guests topside. The Redstroke girl and your merman...
  170. [12:29 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Got it! fires an ice beam at one of the robots, before rushing towards them whilst surrounded in water
  171. [12:40 AM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: she doesn't even have time to gulp... stepping back.. removing her right glove while she steps back... very much wanting to be anywhere but here
  172. [12:45 AM] [REDACTED]: Knox:Those two sound American... but wasn't I frozen over in Europe? This might be my best bet to get answers though... I'll have to wait and see
  173. [12:53 AM] Skilletzorz: Sam would nail one with an ice beam, the machine toppling over and struggling with the ice as Rachel fired upon another, swiping her Handgun and tearing it open with a telekinetic slash...The remaining one attempted to stomp the ice off it's partner
  175. Rachel: Alright! Let's keep at it!
  177. The drone would kick off after Irina, gathering an electric charge at it's palm as it chased her
  178. ++++++++++
  179. A pause comes and the footsteps stop for a moment before accelerating....
  181. ????:....What the....Someone's behind that door?!
  183. Hara:...A member of the security team perhaps?
  185. ???: Can't be, that thing hasn't been opened for centuries...Not our problem I guess, let's secure the battery and get out of here alright?
  187. Hara:...Roger. Seal the bulkheads behind us to buy some time...
  189. Knox hears a set of lighter, desynchronized footsteps heading away from him, and several blast doors closing outside of his cyro room(edited)
  190. [12:56 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: slashes his sword at the last robot, aiming to cut it in half This is going great already...
  191. [1:06 AM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: Oh hell.... she waves her hand... the floor in front of her freezing.... her running turning to adept skating as she tries to put distance between her and the pursuing drone
  192. [1:08 AM] [REDACTED]: Knox:(Damn, they're really forcing my hand here...) begins knocking on the door Hey, if you can hear me, you were right, there's someone on the other side of this door. Care to help another American out of a pinch? (This could end so horribly it hurts to think about it.)
  193. [1:18 AM] Skilletzorz: Though the machine tries to block, it fails falling to Sam's blade. Rachel glances over to Sam as she shoots the restrained robot. She quickly heads back up the stairs
  195. Rachel: Oy we need to find Irina, now! These things operate in bulk so there's no telling how many will be on her if we don't!
  197. The robot fires an eletric blast at Irina, sliding across the ice with some initial difficulty before deploying some sort of ice cleats and resuming a normal pursuit...
  198. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  199. Knox hears the unidentified voice calling back, a bit of sadness in the distant voice...
  200. ???:....Sorry just doing our jobs....
  202. After a while the footsteps become too distant for Knox to hear....
  203. [1:20 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Got it! I'll go check up on her! runs back in Irina's direction, putting his hand to his mouth as he calls out for her Irina!
  204. [1:24 AM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: Of course they're all terrain drones.. Aaah! she ducks, her hair inches away from getting singed Thank god it's cold in here... she turns on her heels suddenly.. forming a large icicle in her hand as she turns ...Bad robot. she chucks the sharp icicle right at her pursuer's chestplate
  205. [1:28 AM] [REDACTED]: Knox:(Fffffffff... okay Knox, calm down... blinking through the door may be the only chance I have, I really don't want to, but I have to get ready to in the case I don't get help...) begins guaging the distance between his position and where he heard the voice, refraining from blinking
  206. [1:32 AM] Skilletzorz: Irina's spike lands clean in the robot's chest, the machine sliding to a halt at her feet...Rachel and Sam arrive shortly after, Rachel relaxing a bit as she notices the scene, holstering her gun...
  208. Rachel: Huh...Nice shot...You okay Irina?
  209. +++++++++++
  210. Knox would guess it was about 4 meters away through the blast door to the hallway. However he could not verify the exact location of the voices or how many blast doors, in what locations. A brief guess would mean that a blink would kill him without further preparation of somekind
  211. [1:40 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Yeah, looks like this is gonna be more than the one guy like we thought... so you can fight, huh? rubs his head Sorry, I would've stuck with you if I thought you'd be running into problems. Let's stick together now.
  212. [1:49 AM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: ..I can defend myself... yes... she takes a breath, shivering a bit as she buttons her coat back up
  213. [1:51 AM] [REDACTED]: Knox:(This is insanely risky... I don't want to do this unless I know for sure the distance, or unless I know I have no other choice... maybe there's some sort of monitoring system in the room? I'd doubt it, but it's worth a shot.) begins looking for a security monitor within the room
  214. [2:03 AM] Skilletzorz: Rachel: Oy....She tries to place the back of her palm on Irina's head to check her temperature briefly....This got out of hand fast. Irina...you should head home, you don't have to be here anymore...
  215. +++++++++
  216. Knox would find a security console but it was passcode protected. Knox's cyropod computer was unlocked, however, and it contained documents on prisoners and their locations as well as some orders...however.... the internal clock's date would seem off...the clocks on the computers would all seem to have their dates off by a little over 600 years...(edited)
  217. [11:13 PM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: ...I went to the security room... it was... horrible... no one should do that to people... Irina looks down at her feet as Rachel touches her, the girl's forehead feels cold for a moment... but then suddenly warms back up
  218. [11:22 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Ah... looks to the floor briefly, then goes over to Irina, putting his hand on her shoulder as he looks her in the eye ... Well, if you want out, you're still free to go. We won't force you to stay here, I'll even get you somewhere safe if you want. Least I could do for leaving you alone with that.
  219. [11:24 PM] [REDACTED]: Knox:(600 years? No way that can be right... well, while I'm waiting for someone to come I might as well check out these files) begins looking through the files on the computer
  220. [11:37 PM] Skilletzorz: Rachel: Sam that goes for you too, if you wanna head back to your apartment and wait for Jo after you take Irina home I won't hold it against you...she frowns and takes her hand back from Irina's head, staring at it for a moment If they killed the staff, they're playing for keeps and I can't ask you to risk yourself like that...
  221. ++++++++
  222. Knox would find release records, showing that after his imprisonment, releases ceased and that his shipment back home had been disrupted by an unknown party and logs stopped shortly after his capture, mentioning something of unnatural monstrosities. His military arrest record shows that he was held under suspicions of attacking medical personel, posession of illegal weaponry, killing/torturing prisoners, attacking without regard to civilians or using civilians a shields, and excessive damage to property following a scorched earth policy...
  223. [11:40 PM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: You... still need to identify him... he might duck out into the crowd or something like that..
  224. [11:47 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: frowns slightly I don't think identifying him is worth the risk of getting yourself killed... though I know how you feel. looks away in Rachel's direction I'd not be able to forgive myself if I just left him to go home.
  225. [11:54 PM] [REDACTED]: Knox:(Well... This is bullshit. Only one of these charges holds ANY substantial evidence, and it wasn't MY fault that my mechs arm falling off caused that huge forest fire... More importantly, what the hell does it mean by unnatural monstrosities?)
  226. May 29, 2016
  227. [12:04 AM] Skilletzorz: Rachel: Both of you...She rubs her head for a moment and shrugs....Let's head back to the maintence room. Irina I'm not gonna stop you, but if things get too much for you, get behind us and run got it...?
  229. She leads them to the maintence room, quickly scanning the room. Getting behind the main generator the group would note an open trap door and a flight of stairs leading to a control panel. There seemed to a be a wall of monitors blacked out, but the lights were on and everything else seemed functional. Dead ahead of the console was a blast door...
  231. Rachel:...A vintage bunker...? I guess they want something old school...I don't have the access codes, do you guys know if you can do anything about that thing or should I try to brute force the locks?
  232. ++++++
  233. Knox would hear footsteps and muffled voices, slowly approaching...
  234. [12:08 AM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: Right.. I'm good at running..she nods and falls in line quietly ...I'm no good with locks though.. never took a programming class in my life.
  235. [12:10 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: quickly looks over the door I'm all for breaking it down, I'm no good with these things. Joan's not really got around to explaining it to me.
  236. [12:14 AM] Skilletzorz: Rachel: I'd imagine it's not the best pillow talk...she smirks and sits on the console, hooking her phone up to it You figure it out then, I'll try to see if there's anything left of the security protocols and see if we can find them...
  237. [12:17 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Yeah, yeah, sure... alright, Irina, go stay over by Rachel. I'm best at being old-fashioned. steps back a bit, then charges into the wall shoulder-first, surrounded in water, aiming to at least put a dent into it
  238. [12:21 AM] Skilletzorz: Sam's strategy damages the door but it resists, crunching and failing in an irregular fashion against his attempts...
  240. Rachel: Geeze that's...she raises an eyebrow I guess if it works though....Irina can you chill the door a bit first to make it easier on Sam?
  242. ++++++++++++++++++++++
  244. Knox hears the horrible sound of metal crunching apart some 12 meters away.
  245. [12:23 AM] [REDACTED]: Knox:(Is someone breaking through the blast doors? well, that makes things easier, maybe I will get out of here sometime today. ...I should probably make sure I'm well clear of the door though) begins putting distance between himself and the door
  246. [12:24 AM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: Y..yeah.. that's easy.. she nods and puts her hand on the door... ice spreading from it across the metal surface... then the metal itself starts to freeze
  247. [12:33 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: steps back again Alright, now to make this door lose it's cool! does another water-covered shoulder bash
  248. [12:37 AM] Skilletzorz: With Irina's assistance, the door easily busts open, and tears into the next door down with a horrid crack, leaving one left in their path...On the sides the group would note smaller, but similar blast doors on each sides...
  250. Rachel:...Oy....was...this blacksite prison facility? What the hell could be done here that's so important....
  251. +++++++++++++++++++++
  252. Knox would hear a horrible crack and the familiar sound of metal shredding metal just outside of his door....Rachel's voice coming as clearly as the voices before hers had
  253. [12:40 AM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: ...Some museum... didn't advertise this exhibit at all..
  254. [12:41 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Considering the security, I doubt this was intended as an exhibit... sheesh. looks around briefly before checking the one door ... Do you guys want me to break this one down, too? It was effective enough on the first door...
  255. [12:57 AM] [REDACTED]: Knox:(Well, it's PROBABLY my best option right now... Let's give it a shot) Walks over to the door and begins knocking Hey, can you hear me? I'm kinda stuck in here. Can you help me out?
  256. [12:59 AM] Skilletzorz: Rachel:..O-oy...She puts down her phone, looking a little freaked out...Did anyone else hear that?
  257. [1:05 AM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: ...No, I did not hear that strange voice begging for help.
  258. [1:06 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Yeah, little hard to miss anything banging on metal... heads over to the door the sound came from Hey, who's there?
  259. [1:07 AM] [REDACTED]: Knox: The name's Knox, I've been stuck in here since that last group came through and sealed that blast door. (To be fair though, I've been here longer than that...)
  260. [1:15 AM] Skilletzorz: Rachel: (...Security team survivor? No, Irina said she saw....)...I'm getting nowhere on my end...She frowns and disconnects her phone....Get clear of the door, we're gonna bust you out okay?
  261. [1:17 AM] [REDACTED]: Knox: You got it, lady once again clears away from the door
  262. [1:21 AM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: nods and once again freezes the door, touching her hand to the gem on her necklace once she's done Been a while... since I"ve done this so much at once..
  263. [1:24 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: begins stepping back Sorry to do that to you, though believe us, the help's appreciated. Now then...! does the same to this door as he did to the last one
  264. [1:37 AM] Skilletzorz: Rachel: Let us know if you need a break then...she places a hand on Irina's back and she would feel a gentle warmth from her hand
  266. the door blasts open, tearing apart the room revealing a very well armed soldier...to Knox he would see a fish demon and a pair of young women behind him, presumably the brits he heard before...(edited)
  267. [1:39 AM] [REDACTED]: Knox:(Ah, so THAT was what the report meant... let's just pretend this guy isn't a fucking fish) Hey, thanks for the save, are you all after that group that came through or...?
  268. [5:33 PM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: Th..thank you.. I'll be fine. she stays behind Rachel as the soldier appears Th..they are after them..
  269. [6:59 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: rubs his chin as he listens to Knox ... So there's a group, huh? Well this is just getting better... but yeah, we're after someone who broke into this museum. Did you see where they went?
  270. [7:04 PM] Skilletzorz: Rachel: Sam on your toes....she rests a hand at her holster looking a little concerned..You're....you from the United States Military right?
  271. [7:23 PM] [REDACTED]: Knox:Hmm... That's a good question... I mean, I've been in a cryopod for god knows how long. I USED to be a mech pilot though, for what that counts, but if these computers are right I've been out for about 600 years
  272. [9:50 PM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: .. she just blinks in absolute confusion Six... hundred... w..wow.
  273. [9:52 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: 600 years... long time to be out. warily reaches for his sword ... So, did you see where they went, or...?
  274. [10:16 PM] Skilletzorz: Rachel: she shrugs Probably didn't see much from behind a blast door. Sam work on the next one on your own for a bit okay? glancing back to Irina, she frowned...Things have changed a lot since you went under old man, but lying to people with guns still isn't exactly the best idea...What's the plan now that you're out of the freezer?
  275. [10:23 PM] [REDACTED]: Knox:Honestly, I don't have one... I know what the last group is after though, said something about a battery? Given that this place looks like it hasn't been gotten into since my time, I'm going to have to guess it's nuclear... Probably best to do something about that before they end up nuking everything by accident, eh?
  276. [10:35 PM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: ...We have to stop them..
  277. [10:40 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Fine, fine... understood. he runs towards, then goes into his usual water-covered shoulder bash, the blast door he was originally going to hit
  278. [10:56 PM] Skilletzorz: Sam thanks to the damage from the initial charge, is able to put more damage on this door, and it seems like it'll give in one more...however, Sam hears metal footsteps clattering on the other side of the door as he pulls himself off it...
  280. Rachel: I think we have a few discrepancies buddy, nukes don't do as much as you'd think they would these days...and...you seem to think you're coming with us?
  281. [11:20 PM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: Um.. should I...? she motions to the door, a bit concerned at the fishman ramming himself into it... even if he still unnerves her
  282. [11:21 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Guys, I hear baddies behind this one. We might have no choice but to work with the guy for now, should probably get ready for a fight... steps back, going for one last charge
  283. [11:25 PM] [REDACTED]: Knox:Not my initial plan, but hey, maybe I'll get some answers this way... readies his shotgun, training it on the door(edited)
  284. May 30, 2016
  285. [12:11 AM] Skilletzorz: Rachel:...she draws her gun and sighs aiming at the door.. Fine, we'll sort him out later....
  287. Smashing the door open the group would spot a pair of drones falling down onto Samuel's back, three on his left and three on his right, each gathering an electric charge, as they stood in front of a main stairwell of somekind....
  288. [12:14 AM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: she gasps as the drones fall on Samuel, her hand glowing blue for a moment as she fires off icicles aimed right at the drones... her aim surprisingly good for someone who should be a civilian under massive stress
  289. [12:18 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: dashing towards & hopefully under the closer drones, he then raises his sword upwards, creating a ring of ice around him that should catch the drones & knock them upwards, as well as perhaps absorbing any projectile attacks launched at him from the other drones
  290. [12:26 AM] [REDACTED]: Knox:blinks directly behind a drone on the left, Blasting it with the shotgun at point blank range
  291. [1:16 AM] Skilletzorz: The other two quickly respond to Knox snapping their electric bolts at him intending to electrocute him point blank range. Irina's icicles and Rachel's gunfire are predicted, the drones dodging just barely out of the way. Samuel would fail to pass under as they landed on them, he would free himself with his ice ring, blocking the projectiles sent by the right most squad
  293. Rachel: Kch...so they recognize our strategies? she pulls back the slide on her pistol looking annoyed as a sparrow forms on it...
  294. [6:51 PM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: Good agility for buckets of bolts... Got any better ideas...? she stares at Samuel's ice ring Hey... get that close to them, I have something!
  295. [8:27 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: (I'd be surprised if it works again...) Got it! dashing towards the other group of drones, he tries to bash into them first before trying the ice ring again
  296. [9:26 PM] [REDACTED]: Knox:(Probably not my smartest move... but hey, one is down) Snaps back, readying his assault rifle(edited)
  297. [10:02 PM] Skilletzorz: The drones quickly disperse, moving well out of the way of Samuel's charge as he raised his ice ring, quickly preparing an electric charge and latching hands together, electricity gathering around each of them. The drones near Knox attempted to gather charges as well, this time rushing after the girls...
  299. Rachel: Try something different, they can't guess all of our tricks! She releases the slide of her gun, the sparrow flying after one of the approaching drones, and though the drone attempted to sidestep it, the sparrow redirected and slammed into the drone.
  300. [10:10 PM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: Okay, turn towards them... NOW! she raises her hand... Sam's ice ring suddenly shattering into a volley of shards which fly out at the nearby drones
  301. [11:18 PM] [REDACTED]: Knox:(Alright, let's see just how quick these things actually are) Fires his assault rifle in a short sweeping pattern at the remaining charging robot
  302. May 31, 2016
  303. [5:25 PM] Skilletzorz: Irina's sneak attack successfully connects, dispersing Sam's ice into the drones before they can try to formulate a counter strategy. Knox's spraying pattern simply encourages the drone to strafe along it's original path upon spotting the fire, this time firing a bolt at Irina as it jumped aside of Rachel and attempted to grab her by the throat
  304. [11:32 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Rach, watch out! quickly turning towards the drone, he fires a beam of ice at it while it's trying to attack her
  305. [11:41 PM] [REDACTED]: Knox: (No, no, no, this isn't going to happen again) blinks towards the side of the drone, shoving the shotgun into it, firing at point blank range(edited)
  306. June 1, 2016
  307. [12:11 AM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: No! she stumbles back to let the bolt sail over her head, letting a wave of ice out from her hands.. freezing the floor below Rachel and the drone, hoping to slip her out of the way and make the damn thing temporarily stumble long enough to go down
  308. [11:25 PM] Skilletzorz: The drone spotting Irina freezing the floor, activates it's ice cleats but the ice beam and shotgun tear it apart as Rachel looks over, a little shocked...
  310. Rachel:...W-Whoa....thanks for the assist guys...she holsters her gun and though she slips on the ice for a moment, she stands up straight I must have spaced out there....
  311. [11:28 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: thumbs up Don't worry 'bout it. We all got lucky anyways... I'm surprised Irina's capable of something like that. looks over Irina and Knox briefly ... Right, then, everyone's okay, right?
  312. June 2, 2016
  313. [1:13 AM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: Long story... she goes quiet and holds the gem on her necklace close for a moment
  314. [9:41 PM] [REDACTED]: Knox:Well, as alright as possible for my situation, anyway...
  315. [10:29 PM] Skilletzorz: Rachel: You're a big boy, not like it's bothered you yet.... she tries skating across the ice until she's on solid ground, walking to the stairs......So if the detention center used cryo facilities, I guess it's mostly just gonna be staff quarters and power management...
  316. [11:30 PM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: ...They killed a lot of people for some old facilities. Something must be down here worth all that blood.
  317. June 3, 2016
  318. [2:00 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: looks down the hallway the drones came from, before starting to head towards the stairs after Rachel, making sure to be careful over the ice (looks like we have a few secrets with these two, huh...) And I doubt our new friend's what they want... though then, what would be down here?
  319. [11:41 AM] [REDACTED]: Knox:(Geez, she's so much like cap it isn't even funny...) starts toward the stairs after the two, mindful of the ice Like I told you, they said something about being after a battery, probably something pretty crazy to be willing to kill this many people over it...
  320. [11:55 PM] Skilletzorz: Rachel: She glances back Well it's gotta be something pretty old for them to want one of those...the only thing I can think of is maybe they wanted to jack some old mechanized armor or some other piece of hardware but that's not worth killing people over...she sighs and slips her hands in her pockets, stumbling for a moment before pressing onward...
  322. As the group pressed through, they'd note the stairwell emptying out to staff quarters as predicted, empty bunks, foot lockers and a few strewn magazines and pin ups pushing outward, worn calendars confirming the lack of activity in the last few centuries...the group eventually would hear a buzz as they pushed their way past a room labeled Officer's cabin, a final blast door standing in their way...
  323. June 4, 2016
  324. [10:18 PM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: ...The end of this symphony is behind there, huh? Ominous. she's been quiet the whole time, but finally speaks up, staring at the doors
  325. June 5, 2016
  326. [3:38 PM] Skilletzorz: Rachel: She shakes her head, looking a bit pained as she draws her gun If it isn't I'd be surprised...Let's get ready and bust in, they probably know we're coming...
  327. June 6, 2016
  328. [10:52 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: I'm as ready as I'll ever be. steps back, preparing to bash into the door You two, get ready, right?
  329. [11:06 PM] [REDACTED]: Knox:Alright, let's do this, I guess readies his shotgun, training it on the door
  330. June 7, 2016
  331. [1:38 AM] Skilletzorz: With some effort Sam tears open the door to the reactor room, aged computer panels and a large pulsating pillar in the middle of the room gave a light red glow to the dimly lit room....at the opposite side of the room, a large main terminal was set up, Sam and Irina recognizing one of voices from the two armored men with Knox recognizing both.... One seemed to have a tower shield on his back and it seemed clear he was wearing some sort of tactical armor, clearly watching the door from behind the red visor as they barged into the room. His partner, with the familiar voice seemed to be wearing a lighter more form fitting combat suit, a large scoped rifle leaning on the console he was working at...he didn't seem to be wearing his balaclava this time however and irina would note his hair was black...
  333. Hara...he turns, revealing his pointed helmet.. Knew we didn't have time for this...
  335. ???:Gah...he sighed and sat on the console Well, careful what you wish for....he gives a wave and a grin, giving Irina positive confirmation of his identity as she gets a good look at his face Hey there, good to see you all again!
  337. Rachel: Yeah, it's been a while...She smiles, aiming her gun at the pair When did you and Hara start working together Leo?
  339. If attentive, the group would also note a small amount of explosive charges set on the wall behind the terminal and Knox would recognize that they were directional charges to breach the wall and create an escape path...
  340. [11:48 PM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: ...That's definitely the creep. she shivers, not from the cold, but how cheerful he is after all the bodies that she's seen today Probably not the part where he surrenders though...
  341. June 8, 2016
  342. [10:04 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: taking a battle stance with his sword in both hands, he nods at Irina before turning to Leo & Hara Yeah, we got a bit of a score to settle, huh, Leeyo.
  343. [11:01 PM] [REDACTED]: Knox: Y'know, kiiinda glad you guys didn't bail me out looking at the body count behind ya... Trying to use those directional charges to get away, huh? Let's not do that. trains his shotgun on the pair
  344. [11:32 PM] Skilletzorz: Leoric: I...don't get the question...he frowns, picking up his rifle Well the little miss has it right at least, It's a little disrespectful to give the morgue that much work for nothing, and with our record I'm up 1-0 on you Partner he gives a quick gesture to Sam
  346. Hara: That's...cute coming from a war criminal, but we had our orders....he unslings his shield But honestly, what do you think will happen once you finish up here anyway "soldier"? Joining up with us sounds a bit better than rotting in a cell...
  348. Rachel: she lowers her gun looking confused...You...fine be that way! I'm not letting you guys off that easy either way!
  349. [11:49 PM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: she steps back behind the fighters, conflicted... she does not want to use her powers for violence again... but that monster is just as sadistic as her old doctors... What could be worth all those deaths...?
  350. June 10, 2016
  351. [12:22 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Which is why we gotta even it! You just got lucky last time, this time I'm gonna make sure you don't get away! reaches his arm out & clenches his fist, causing a spire of ice to appear from the ceiling on top of Leoric
  352. [12:32 AM] [REDACTED]: Knox:Yeah, yeah, just keep spouting those false charges at me, maybe one day they'll change the truth prepares to blink, still keeping his weapon trained on the pair
  353. [1:23 AM] Skilletzorz: Rachel: S-sam! Irina, you need to head back while you still can!
  355. Leoric: W-whoa?! he pulls away as the ice pillar falls on the console, smashing it. Leoric still seems hesistant to ready his rifle....Hara's an ass but he's got a point Soldier, I don't know what charges are on you but we're not the ones who locked you up, technically it'd be her government points to Rachel, keeping his rifle lowered. We can help you try to get out of here, get you whatever you need to get your own life in order and get you a home...I can guarentee that much at least, not sure what you've heard from the boss lady over there, but we're not your enemy.
  357. Hara:....he looks over to Irina and adjusts his shield shoulder Lives. There's more on the line than some rent a cops here...(edited)
  358. June 11, 2016
  359. [12:32 AM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: ...For the greater good, some must die. ..I've heard that too often... she quietly concentrates on the fallen ice pillar.. the pillar starting to freeze the ground around it... aiming to entangle their feet with it
  360. [11:18 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: smirks What guarantee can criminals who're willing to murder innocents like you two give this guy? he dashes towards Leoric whilst surrounded in water, aiming to bash him into the wall behind him
  361. [11:57 PM] [REDACTED]: Knox: Man has a point, you know, and while I'd love to just have a civil chat, looks like the mood's shifting a bit... begins training the shotgun on Hara
  362. June 12, 2016
  363. [12:42 AM] Skilletzorz: Leoric: Fine be that way!! he fires his grappling hook at the pillar in the middle of the room and pulls himself away breaking the ice, pulling a detonator and blowing a hole in the wall...if anyone lingered around to look, water seemed to be flooding in through the hole
  365. Hara: producing a beam saber from his shield he quickly bursts at Samuel attempting to catch him with a lightning fast overhead swipe before he could react, keeping Sam inbetween himself and Knox Eyes over here freak!
  367. Rachel: (She's sticking around...?) She glances back to Irina and thinks for a moment I got an idea! ice forms over the muzzle of her gun and she runs over to Sam to assist Keep him busy!
  368. [1:22 AM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: :Where most would see the rushing water as a problem, for Irina... it's the perfect venue for her powers... the musician freezing the water as it comes into the room... making it into an icy battering ram which she directs at Leoric
  369. June 14, 2016
  370. [7:37 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: noticing Hara coming at him, he sidesteps whilst surrounding in water to try & avoid the attack, and if he has enough time, tries to thrust his sword towards Hara, beginning to rapidly slash at him if he connects
  371. [7:54 PM] [REDACTED]: Knox:(Damn shame that this can't be civil, but I've made my bed...) Blinks away from Hara's direction, aiming at Leoric and firing(edited)
  372. June 15, 2016
  373. [1:35 AM] Skilletzorz: while irina would initially freeze the running water, the additional water pressure began breaking the ice apart preventing it from acting as a stable battering ram and cracking the wall further, worsening the flood...
  375. Leoric: Leoric cuts readies his beam shield, projecting a pair of energy barriers in front of himself to block Knox's shots, cocking his rifle....(Well...I don't like this but..let's start thinning out the crowd so I can make my get away...)
  377. Hara: he spins aside and breaks off as he spots Rachel coming, quickly attempting to stab her with his shield...
  379. Rachel: she tries to block with the ice blade on her pistol, sliding back very clearly budging G-gah!(edited)
  380. [10:54 PM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: This is.. bad.. she's focused on the flood, using the water around her and freezing it up into pillars to cover her... freezing the water below her into ice so she can float to the top of the flood... working on building a small ice fortress to use as cover
  381. June 16, 2016
  382. [11:15 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: he quickly swings his blade to the left, trying to knock Hara over by swinging into his back. whether this is successful or not, he quickly throws a wave at water at Leoric's shield; should it connect, it explodes into a rapid-hitting barrage of water, in an attempt to try to batter it
  383. [11:17 PM] [REDACTED]: Knox:(I have to catch them off guard, but how...) pulls out the assault rifle, laying cover fire on leoric
  384. June 17, 2016
  385. [12:09 AM] Skilletzorz: While Leoric's barriers were in place it seemed the projectile pressure was ineffective, Sam and Knox's projectiles dissapating against the shields before they can disrupt Leoric.
  387. Hara: He hops back, firing a shot from his shield as he disengages from Rachel, shattering Rachel's ice blade and knocking her off balance, as he begins sprinting after Knox
  389. Leoric: (...I can't hit the fast one until he teleports, and the fish is also moving a lot more than I like...ice queen is all hunkered up...which leaves...)... He fires on the Rachel, a thick solid beam punching through her side instantly.
  391. Rachel: Kagh?! She stumbles over, Rachel clutching her wound as she tries to pull herself back on to her feet with some effort... S-someone get on top of him!
  392. [12:20 AM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: No.. no more death... not again... she mutters to herself, almost like a woman possessed... as her fortress suddenly cracks... the ice she's built up exploding into hundreds of sharp icicles, all aimed at the mad gunner... Irina's eyes seem to be an almost disturbingly deep blue now as she controls the storm... the ice raining down on his shield, figuring an energy shield would have more trouble with physical projectiles... or at least, act as a massive distraction for the others
  393. [11:54 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: quickly fires a beam of ice at Hara as he runs to Knox, then turns around and dashes whilst surrounded in water, trying to get below Leoric before performing an uppercut with his blade
  394. June 18, 2016
  395. [12:28 AM] [REDACTED]: Knox:(Cap.... no, not again, I won't let this happen again... Guess it's time to pull a trump card... and i think i have just the target) Pulls the rail magnum from his holster, firing it directly at leoric
  396. [12:37 AM] Skilletzorz: Rachel: she stumbles to her feet, conjuring a sword and planting it to stand on, a field of light glowing around her. her wound sealing...B-bastard!
  398. Leoric: he seems relatively calm as Irina's hail blocks his line of sight however...Knox's rail magnum punches straight through him G-gah!? D-damn it! he throws his rifle onto his back and quickly readies his beam shield to protect himself as he hops off the pillar, heading for the gushing water...
  400. Hara: sheathing his beam saber, he draws his pistol and flips over knox, attempting to rain a hail of shots down on him while he's firing on Leoric Sorry I'm not letting you go!
  401. [12:41 AM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: ...I don't think so... as Leoric reaches the water... she freezes it around him to try and imprison him
  402. [1:38 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: (Shootshootshoot...) he attempts to water-dash towards Knox, throwing a water projectile towards Hara Hey, watch your back!
  403. [1:43 AM] [REDACTED]: Knox:(Yeah, this was expected) blinks away from underneath hara, aiming the rail-magnum at where he will land Just give it up, unless you want a hole to match your partner's.
  404. [2:14 AM] Skilletzorz: Hara: Gotcha! He fires a whip from his shield and pulls himself himself straight down while firing on Knox, to throw his prediction off and dodge Sam's projectile Not a chance amateur!
  406. Leoric: he activates his beam shield and tries cutting his way through the water and ice, relying on the running water to disrupt Irina's freezing as he used his whip to pull through the running water...
  408. Rachel still seemed to be catching her breath but she seemed to be standing more on her own power...
  410. Rachel: Sam, Irina after him!
  411. [6:39 PM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: she nods and skates after him, shivering a bit as she abruptly stops her attempts to freez him in place... instead focusing on the breach, trying to freeze the water ahead of him to slow him down
  412. June 19, 2016
  413. [1:16 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: nods to Rachel, dashing behind Leoric & firing an ice beam at his back
  414. [1:49 AM] [REDACTED]: Knox:(That's checkmate.) Snaps back behind hara, putting the handgun to his back and firing three times in succession
  415. [11:14 PM] Skilletzorz: As Knox reached for his handgun, Hara spun at Knox's gut,attempting to smash away his gun arm with his shield in the process...
  417. Rachel: B-bastard! she tries to run for him
  419. As the pair chased Leoric into the water, it seems the water flow came from a water system of some sort, Leoric using his whip to pull himself to a cover, attempting to bash it off...the pair would note he was bleeding fairly badly...(edited)
  420. June 22, 2016
  421. [8:56 PM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: You will... not escape... she's shivering a bit, the cold water not helping with her body heat situation... but she's determined to stop the uncaring monster, focusing the water to try and freeze around his whip to stick it to the cover
  422. [10:51 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: briefly looking back to the others, he decides to chase after Leoric, following after him & swimming straight towards him at his highest speed, aiming to grab his leg & pull him off
  423. [11:04 PM] [REDACTED]: Knox:(Shit... his reaction time is ridiculous. Guess I gotta play keepaway with this bastard) blinks to the other side of the room pulling out his assault rifle and firing on hara
  424. June 23, 2016
  425. [12:31 AM] Skilletzorz: Hara: he raised his shield and fires on Rachel, sprinting after Knox
  427. Rachel: She rolls aside, clutching her wounded area G-gh...drive him over here!
  429. Leoric: He manages to bash open the covering, attempting to throw a red glowing device out of the waterway as Sam grabs him. Irina freezes his whip successfully and Sam would note he wasn't struggling too much
  430. [8:48 PM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: Is it over... d..did we get him...? she grabs the gem on her neck and holds it tight, her shivering starting to lessen, the girl not even noticing the device
  431. [9:48 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: shakes his head as he begins freezing his leg as he grabs his sword, aiming to at least slash at Leoric with it (T-this isn't good at all... why's he not fighting?)(edited)
  432. [11:33 PM] [REDACTED]: Knox:Right... Lemme see what I can do about that. (This guy is insanely fast, i have to do something fast or i'm going to be in deep trouble...) snaps back, firing the assault rifle on hara while moving toward Rachel
  433. June 24, 2016
  434. [12:23 AM] Skilletzorz: Sam freezes Leoric's leg and slashes him across the chest, the man clearly lurching and losing his breath from Sam's attack, going limp against the current as he clutched at his chest for a moment. If Leoric was alive, he at the very least wasn't concious anymore...
  436. Hara: He jumps aside and snaps his handgun and shield together, energy gathering at it's tip as he flipped over Knox's fire I'm not missing this time you coward!
  438. Rachel: she gathers ice on her blade as she stands, pulling the sword behind herself (Fuck I'm not getting nearly as much time as I need here...Irina manipulated the ice so maybe...)
  439. [12:36 AM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: she shivers... not from the cold, but from the sight of the man collapsing, then takes a breath and freezes the water around Leoric to make him a human popsicle Th..that should.. keep him until you can properly contain him..
  440. [11:09 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: (... Shoot, man... I'm sure they'll take good care of you in the jail, at least...) he kicks off the wall to head back towards the rest of the group, proceeding to do a dash through the water & aiming to do one of his water-covered lunges towards where he remembered Hara was
  441. [11:45 PM] [REDACTED]: Knox:(That's bad news... and if he's planning on firing that at me... shit!) Shifting momentum, Knox begins sprinting in the direction opposite of rachel, preparing to blink past the attack coming his way
  442. June 25, 2016
  443. [12:08 AM] Skilletzorz: Hara: He fires a beam shot at Knox, almost identical in yield and speed to Leoric's instant sniper shot, disengaging his pistol from his shield as he fired his whip at the ceiling
  445. Rachel: I'm taking you down She swings her sword, sending a hail of ice after hara, manipulating it and forcing it to follow him much like Irina directed the ice at Leoric before
  447. Rentering the room, Sam and Irina would note, Rachel still seemed to be in relatively bad shape...
  448. [12:19 AM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: HEY! We've got your partner... surrender now and we might still be able to get him medical attention before he... dies... she puts on a brave face, but is clearly uncomfortable with the thought
  449. [7:39 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Irina, he's not going to listen! throws a wave of water at the whip, aiming to at least knock it down if not stop it from latching onto something
  450. [8:12 PM] [REDACTED]: Knox:Aside from the obvious pain, Knox seems more annoyed than despaired by his new hole, looking up, he smirks, snapping back to before he was hit by the beam Sorry bud, but I have a few more tricks up my sleeve.
  451. [9:03 PM] Skilletzorz: Hara: he curls up behind his shield to protect himself from Rachel's ice barrage but Sam's attack on his whip prevents him from latching onto anything, forcing him to fall as the line is cut, Hara flipping off it and pulling his beam saber from it again I can't give up now! There's too much on the line!
  453. Rachel: She plants her sword in the ground, creating the field of light from before to heal herself again, catching her breath... It's no use, we're just gonna have to make sure he can't fight anymore!
  454. [10:09 PM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: she nods wearily.. still not ready to use her trump card Idiot... she starts to freeze the ground around him to try and limit his mobility and help the others pin Hara down
  455. [11:01 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: throws a wave of water at Hara before dashing towards Hara, attempting to lunge at him with his blade
  456. [11:06 PM] [REDACTED]: Knox:Pulls out his shotgun, preparing to fire on hara
  457. [11:38 PM] Skilletzorz: Hopping aside of the water slash as he lands, he stumbles on the ice, planting the beam saber to try to slow himself down but he instead cuts through the ice and continues sliding, clumsily ducking under Sam's thrust as he tries to slow himself.
  459. Rachel: pulling her arm back she sends a wave of three wind cutters at Hara. Don't let up!
  460. [11:43 PM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: now that Hara's off balance, she decides to limit his mobility further... cutting off his sliding by forming stalagmites out of the ice to block him in
  461. [11:47 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: *sliding on the ice due to his momentum, he turns around & slips slightly before jumping, going for an overhead swing from the air on Hara
  462. [11:49 PM] [REDACTED]: Knox:(Damn, I can't get a clear shot with everyone in the way...) continues aiming, looking for an oppurtunity to fire
  463. June 26, 2016
  464. [12:00 AM] Skilletzorz: Slamming against the ice, Hara tries to block but Rachel's wind cutters open him up for Sam's overhead slash, Hara slumping against the stalagmites from the wounds across his chest as he dropped his weapons....
  467. Rachel:....she shakes her head and looks around ....Everyone okay here?(edited)
  468. [12:17 AM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: she's shivering quite a bit I'm... f..fine... she clutches her necklace tightly
  469. [12:20 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: puts his sword away I'm doing fine. More importantly, we need to get these two in... blinks twice ... uh, jail I guess. And probably healed up. Just so we don't end up being no different from those two. For the poor girl's sake.
  470. [12:23 AM] [REDACTED]: Knox:Yeah, I'm good. puts away his shotgun How about you?
  471. [12:26 AM] Skilletzorz: Rachel:...she pokes where she was wounded, wincing as she heads over to Hara Managing, but I'll be fine...I'll try my best for Hara, Irina do you need help?(edited)
  472. [12:27 AM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: Just... cold... I'll be fine...
  473. [12:36 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: looks a little worriedly at Irina You sure? Don't sound it. goes over to Irina, his expression softening That ice magic sure is something, you're really good at it. C'mon, sit down, you could probably use a break or sumfin'. sighs as he puts his hand on his waist, looking downwards Though I should check on that Leorick guy myself.
  474. [12:47 AM] [REDACTED]: Knox:Have to wonder what these guys were after though... Maybe they can answer that when they come to.
  475. [12:51 AM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: ... she blinks and seems confused for just a moment at Sam's comments Oh, right... Yes.. my magic takes a lot out of me. she holds on tighter to her necklace This helps keep me warm... she walks over to assist Rachel.... using a bit more ice to freeze his saber just in case he's not really down
  476. [12:53 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: watches Irina go over, a little worried from her just shrugging him off Rachel, you think you guys'll be fine with Hawruh there? I should check on the other guy.
  477. [1:03 AM] Skilletzorz: Rachel:....I don't think we'll have a problem, do what you need to do Tiger. she tries her healing field again...
  479. Irina would note, Rachel wasn't having much effect on Hara, his weapon shutting off as she freezes it....(edited)
  480. [1:06 AM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: It's not working... kicks the ice block of a sword away You're exhausted and injured... L..let me put him on ice too... she leans in to check for a pulse
  481. [1:07 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Right! rushes over to the opening into the waterway, preparing to dive in towards where Leoric was, aiming to check where he was about to come out
  482. [1:17 AM] Skilletzorz: Rachel:...R-right...She sighs and slumps over, letting herself lean on the sword...Ugh....I need to get in touch with some people, once we get everyone cuffed and patched up, do you want me to walk you home Irina?
  484. Looking out the covering Sam would note the device still pulsating on a catwalk....it seemed to be some sort of water treatment plant...In the distance he could hear a crack followed by a steady series of cracks, like fireworks from far away. He'd note Leoric was still in place
  486. Irina would note she couldn't find one, not even a weak one...
  487. [1:27 AM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: ... she freezes up for a moment I.. I... think.. he's... gone... she goes a bit pale.. very unnerved despite what that man has already done
  488. [1:40 AM] [REDACTED]: Knox:...He may have been a bastard, but damn... Let's at least make sure the other one makes it I guess...
  489. [1:43 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: looks around at the place around him quickly Huh, fancy place here. looks over to the device I... get the feeling that that probably shouldn't be left there. he grabs the device, proceeding to head back to the waterway I'm sure they'll know what to do with this.
  490. [2:04 AM] Skilletzorz: Rachel:...That...She frowns, she walks over and puts a hand on her shoulder Irina...we should go...
  492. As he retrieved the device and made his way back into the water way, he'd spot a woman in a white tactical suit, similar to leoric's, hopping onto the catwalk....she watches him leave before departing herself in a white flash.(edited)
  493. [2:08 AM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: ...Y..yes... let's go... she nods weakly and helps Rachel head to the exit
  494. [2:12 AM] [REDACTED]: Knox:Alright, let's get out of here
  495. [2:42 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: catching her out of the corner of his eye, he pauses briefly as she disappears (That's no good.) putting the device in his pocket, he heads back to the rest of the group, playfully knocking Leoric's ice prison with the back of his index finger before then trying to see if he can move him off the ladder before regrouping with the rest of the group(edited)
  496. [9:14 PM] Skilletzorz: Rachel walked with Irina back toward the museum. While mostly able to make it on her own power, she still took Irina's support.
  498. Rachel: Sorry, tonight's been an ordeal huh...? Sam, if you can, bring him along. If not, I'll have the clean up crew manage it...
  499. [9:23 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Sure, got it. tears Leoric off the wall, leaving a bit of ice behind; he quickly catches up to Rachel, Leoric being held under his arm like a carnival toy Say, Rachel. reaches into his pocket with his free arm, and pulls out the device Any idea what the heck this thing is? I've never seen anything like it.
  500. [9:24 PM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: ...Yeah.. ordeal.. she's quiet, not saying much at all, still looking quite distant and shivering a bit
  501. [9:36 PM] Skilletzorz: Rachel:...That's the battery they were after....hold onto it for now Tiger, it's better with you than with me right now. she rubs Irina's shoulder and starts heading up
  503. The group make it back to the museum steps, Rachel having retrieved her coat and slung it around Irina by now...
  505. Rachel: She checks her phone....Oh for fuck's sake.... Sam, Knox can you guys wait here while the cops come over? Things got messy back at HQ...
  506. [9:37 PM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: Should I go now...?
  507. [9:41 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: puts the battery back in his pockets Shoot... yeah, understood. looks towards Knox, then Irina Ya got that, Knocks? Irina, feel free to go home, we're sorry for dragging you into this mess. Be safe, y'hear?
  508. [9:47 PM] [REDACTED]: Knox:Yeah, I got it, I'll just be over on the wall if you need me. Hands in his pockets, Knox walks over to the wall, leaning against it
  509. [9:49 PM] Skilletzorz: Rachel: Yeah Irina, you're good we can go home now....
  510. [10:15 PM] Skilletzorz: Some time passes, and a brunette in a blue LPD uniform flashed her badge, A white glove appearing from under her sleeve
  512. Officer: LPD Officer Hamilton...Redstroke called. Are you Samuel?
  513. ++++++++++++++
  514. Meanwhile Rachel and Irina began approaching Irina's apartment...
  515. [10:22 PM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: ...Thanks for walking me home.
  516. [10:23 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: raises his hand Yeah, that's me. Whaddya need?
  517. [10:33 PM] Skilletzorz: Rachel: No worries...she frowns...You shouldn't have been here tonight, but I'm glad you were.
  518. +++++++++++
  519. Hamilton:...She turns to Knox So that makes you the third suspect...I'm gonna have to take you in.
  520. [10:35 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: W-wait a sec. his hand lowers, and he looks a little surprised as he looks between Knox and Hamilton What's he getting taken in for?
  521. [10:39 PM] [REDACTED]: Knox:Yeah, sure, but can I at least ask what I'm getting taken in for?
  522. [10:41 PM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: ...It's been a long time since I had to use my.. magic..
  523. [11:17 PM] Skilletzorz: Rachel: she leans on the wall next to the doorway Jo said you had a run in with the foundation in the past yeah? When was that?
  524. ++++
  525. Hamilton: Frankly...? He was in a military prison and you tried to manipulate military personel in a combat zone and you don't seem to have any flag. That's probable cause enough, ignoring whatever got you thrown in there in the first place.(edited)
  526. [11:27 PM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: ...Years ago.. I've lost track of how long. ...You know them, then..?
  527. [11:41 PM] Skilletzorz: Rachel: Years ago...they were investigated by my people after they let a major contract lapse...she looks up....I was still in school when it was still happening but...they hurt a lot people to try to fufill that contract.
  528. [11:43 PM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: ...A contract... was that all it was?
  529. [11:44 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Look, he helped us in there, and- sighs, scratching his head Probably not a good idea arguing you down, police never listen anyways. he turns to Knox Hey, if you're cooperative at least you might get a bit better off. I'll put in a good word to get you out sooner or something.
  530. [11:50 PM] [REDACTED]: Knox:Thanks, Sam, but I really didn't plan on resisting anyway, not like I have anywhere to go anyway Knox brings himself off the wall facing Hamilton just an answer and a question real quick: One, I'm a mercenary, so that's why I don't have a flag, and two, you said something about manipulating military personel?
  531. [11:57 PM] Skilletzorz: Rachel: It was considered a scientific anamoly, not magic, not ki or anything inbetween...the FEF discovered the ability but didn't have the ability to interpret the data at the time, and the Foundation was an expert in this sort of thing...I guess they tried to replicate it though...
  532. +++++
  533. Hamilton: Redstroke mentioned he was cooperative once he was cornered, but he was evasive when questioned and was quote "consistently suicidal and reckless in the presence of a civilian" she taps her foot and shrugs I don't get what your problem is with law enforcement is but...yeah he jerked around an FEF officer during a terrorist attack, I don't think this is the best time to give people the benefit of the doubt.(edited)
  534. June 27, 2016
  535. [12:00 AM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: ...Replicate...? So... they had an original test subject...?
  536. [12:00 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: his expression becomes very annoyed as he crosses his arms I'll give the benefit of the doubt to whoever I want, ma'am.
  537. [12:06 AM] [REDACTED]: Knox:Sighs Well, not like there's a way to convince you I'm innocent, so I guess it's whatever... Do you guys still do cuffs or do you just hold onto weapons now? I'd love the latter but I bet that's pressing my luck.
  538. [12:25 AM] Skilletzorz: Rachel: she raises her hand... I was twelve at the time, so my mom denied consent for more invasive or long term testing...
  539. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  540. Hamilton: she raises an eyebrow Honestly, I'm not gonna bother with either. The admiral warned me that you can just undo any consequences somehow so until we get you to lock up I don't see the point of trying... she glances back as EMTs and other officers begin to show up, a lavender haired one rushing toward the pair in a blue officer's uniform If you say you won't resist, I guess I've missed my window anyway...let's get going.
  542. Purple haired officer: she gives wave and timidly looks between Samuel and Knox H-hi...she approaches Samuel Lucius correct...? I need you to follow me to the hospital if that's alright.
  543. [12:32 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: The hospital...? he becomes worried D-did something... he seems to realize something I-is it Joan? Is she okay?
  544. [12:37 AM] [REDACTED]: Knox:Alright... Might as well get on the way. Oh, while I'm thinking about it, can you have someone tell a woman named Rachel what happened here? She asked Sam and I to wait here for her to come back and well... Y'know.(edited)
  545. [12:37 AM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: ...So you're... psychic...? she's slow to let out the words, shaking a bit, not from cold, but from nerves.. a lot of repressed feelings coming back to the surface
  546. [12:56 AM] Skilletzorz: Rachel:...She nods and frowns Yeah...that's right....She frowns...Should...we head inside?
  547. +++++++
  548. Hamilton:...She glances over to knox as she begins leading him I'll give Admiral Redstroke my regards....
  550. Officer: Yes, I'm afraid, she was...the victim of a sniper attack tonight...her condition is stable but...she's not in good shape. She frowns
  551. [1:00 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: he immediately becomes incredibly anxious, his arms loosening & his hands fiddling as his eyes grow wide; if a fish could sweat, he'd probably be doing so S-shoot... yeah, p-please take me IMMEDIATELY!
  552. [1:01 AM] [REDACTED]: Knox:(Ah, now it all makes sense)
  553. [1:13 AM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: ...Yes... we should... talk. she opens her door to let Rachel in I guess you've figured out my powers.. aren't magic.
  554. [1:32 AM] Skilletzorz: Rachel: she steps in to Irina's apartment...I wasn't sure till I saw you work to be honest...but...yeah...they made you like that right?
  555. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  556. Officer: Righty then! She takes his hand and starts running over with him to the hospital...
  558. Hamilton: Follow me merc...
  559. [1:34 AM] [REDACTED]: Knox:Alright... (Something seems off... I can't put my finger on it, but i better stay on guard)
  560. [1:37 AM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: ...Yes. I.... I was experimented on... many children were. But for all the torture, Iwas the only success that I know of... escaped before the whole lab self destructed.
  561. June 28, 2016
  562. [12:35 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: desperately follows along, worry and fear very visible on his countenance (S-sniped, huh, guess someone d-didn't like her sharing all that info. D-did that lady back there do it? Was that whole thing just a big distraction? J-Joan, I'm coming - don't end up like Alena, dammit, I-I've had enough suffering for one life!)
  563. [2:29 AM] Skilletzorz: The officer eventually leads Samuel to the hospital, and after pushing through a crowded front office they arrive at a windowless room with Joan, the left side of her head bandaged, her right eye somewhat red...there were a few other holes in her clothes but there didn't seem to be wounds there...She seemed to be trying to get out of bed, against a doctor's will, the doctor seeming to be a rather large lizard man...
  565. Joan: I-I am fine...please...let me help my people find who did this... She stumbles out of the bed, the doctor helping her up I...I will be fine...
  567. Doctor: Miss if you keep pushing yourself, the damage may be permenant...most people take the night off when a bullet tears through an eye, let alone the rest of your injuries....
  569. Officer: she looks between Sam and Joan for a moment looking concerned I've...got to get back to the the station...will you be okay?
  570. ++++++++++
  571. Knox is taken to booking at the police station and processed, placed in a holding cell, Officer Hamilton setting up a chair outside of his cell. Knox's cell seemed to have a bed and a sink, and he would note a slight heavy feeling as he felt himself enter the cell.
  573. Hamilton: Buckle in, you and I are gonna have all night to get to know each other while the investigation goes through....
  574. ++++++++++
  575. Rachel: (I think I know why but...)...You okay Irina? She frowns If this is too much we can pick this up tommorow...
  576. [10:06 PM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: she nods, and walks over to a small fireplace, taking off her ruby necklace and tossing it into the fire Yes, I think I just need some time to process tonight. ..But, thank you.. I've... never had someone to talk to about.. that..
  577. [10:14 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: quickly nods to the officer before running towards Joan, wide-eyed and clearly worried Joan...! Joan!
  578. [10:32 PM] [REDACTED]: Knox:Yeah... Guess we do, huh? turns around, flashing a smile, while falling onto the bed
  579. [10:58 PM] Skilletzorz: Hamilton: She slips off her coat and hangs it on the chair, slipping off her coat revealing a white tactical suit Yes I believe that's the case....can't make you talk though...What's your story?
  580. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  581. Rachel: She nods...I'll be around whenever you need me...uh...mind if I crash here tonight? I wanna make sure you're safe, things got kinda crazy while we were under the museum....
  582. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  583. Joan:...She takes a second to register it, turning to him L-Lucius? I-I'm fine...She tries stand but she stumbles onto the doctor
  585. Doctor: You were listed on her emergency contact information along with her brother...he sighs and glances over Can you help me talk some sense into her? She's rather desperate to get placed on the operating table...(edited)
  586. [11:07 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: nods hastily Joan, it's me, Lucius! Y-you should sit down, please... you shouldn't be going anywhere in your condition...
  587. [11:21 PM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: I.. don't really have a guest room. I... don't do guests. You'll have to take the couch. Irina walks over and picks up her violin case from by her bed, taking the instrument out ...You sing?
  588. [11:29 PM] [REDACTED]: Knox: Y'see, that depends, want the whole thing, the juicy bits, or the abridged version?
  589. June 29, 2016
  590. [12:03 AM] Skilletzorz: Hamilton: Let's go for the long version, you're not in a hurry are you? She taps her foot against the bars of Knox's cell
  591. ++++++++++++++++++
  592. Rachel: I'm fine with that I was...huh? Um...She scratches her neck I do for fun sometimes but....I can accompany you I guess, just give me a sec to get a feel for it.
  593. ++++++++++++++++++
  594. Doc: Joan's sensory and motor functions were damaged from the gun-shot...I keep trying to tell her to stay so we can make sure she isn't worse than we suspect, or at the very least so she doesn't hurt herself more.
  596. Joan: ...I-It is not so dire...my self repair functions will take care of them s-so... She sits back down ...I will be fine.
  598. Doc: We can't know for sure ma'am and honestly...your other wounds took care of themselves already, I want to check on why the worst of it decided to stick around...
  599. [12:09 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: he sits down next to Joan, placing his arm around her Please, Joan. Even if you can repair yourself, you probably need time to do it, and trying to walk around everywhere in your state's only gonna make it worse. So, please, Joan. I'm here now, just take it easy.
  600. [12:12 AM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: smiles softly I play before bed.. evening ritual. Helps calm my nerves. ..Keeps the nightmares away.
  601. [12:44 AM] [REDACTED]: Knox:chuckles Yeah, guess you're right. Guess I'll just start with how and why I was arrested, then. Like I said, I was a merc, I was part of a mech recon squad, we mostly just surveyed areas and kept our heads down. Everything was fine and dandy till the orders came in to recon a set list of areas globally, not entirely sure what the purpose was, but it wasn't our job to ask. One of the areas happened to be in the EF. We woulda gotten in and out fine, but it turns out one of our boys turned on us, so we all went down. Back then my abillities were completely unheard of, and rightfully so, so after giving up on killing me they just captured me. Turns out the EF tried to get a ransom for me, but the US just turned around and put false charges on me as a war criminal, I never even heard em before I was frozen.
  602. [12:54 AM] Skilletzorz: Hamilton:....she leans back Broad orders but I suppose that's why I never enlisted....(The military of the time had a vendetta against mercenary activies...I guess I still do...still it looks like he got the short end of the stick)...She rubs her head So what happened then...?
  603. ++++++++++++++++++++
  604. Rachel:...she nods and leans on the couch Yeah I could use a break after what happened last night...Lead on then Irina.
  605. ++++++++++++++++++++
  606. Doc: It...doesn't look good honestly but...I can't do much more than wait for the test results for now...would you like to stay with her for tonight Mr. Bruinwood?
  608. Joan:...she frowns and tries to look up to him....Sam would note her remaining eye still seemed to be dulled, as if a light was going out behind it... Sam would note she was also not quite meeting his gaze so much as looking at his direction....Though she tries to speak, for a moment she stumbles over her words and just begins crying, burying her head against his chest I-I'm sorry...I-I should have listened to Noa...
  609. [1:01 AM] [REDACTED]: Knox:Shrugs Not much else to tell, in all honesty, my cryopod snapped open and I woke up in a bunker 600 years later, then I got wrapped up in the whole situation that happened there. Although if you wanted to hear more... I guess I could go into how and why I even became a mercenary.(edited)
  610. [1:02 AM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: she nods and starts to play a mournful tune on her violin, a song from her childhood about a father and daughter's last conversation before he goes out to war
  611. [9:18 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: nods to the doctor as he holds her close to him, looking down at her with a less worried, more comforting expression It's okay, Joan... just tell me what happened...
  612. [10:18 PM] Skilletzorz: Hamilton: If it's alright...what gets someone into killing for money? How can you stomach such a lifestyle...
  613. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  614. Rachel:...she listens for a bit before accompanying Irina's tune, smiling a bit (Well...it's not the most upbeat song but it works.)
  615. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  616. Joan: I-I was speaking when...I saw a glint of light underneath a bill board...s-shots rang out and...I-I woke up here...she sniffles I-I am sorry...I never should have..
  617. [10:20 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: It's not your fault, Joan, there's nothing to be sorry about. At least you're alive, that's all that matters to me.
  618. [10:40 PM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: Not bad... she sets her violin down carefully Thank you for indulging me..
  619. [10:52 PM] [REDACTED]: Knox:To be quite honest... I was only really a merc for two years, and in that time I only ever killed three people... Like I said we were a recon squad, our job wasn't to fight, it was to survey and disengage. To be quite honest, mercenary life was the only thing I really ever knew... I woke up at 12 years old without any memories in a burning home. Turns out my dad had been a pretty good mech pilot, and somebody wanted him dead. Only reason I'm still here is cap dragged me out of the rubble and treated me like family. Cap was in charge of a mercenary unit, so it was just kinda natural I joined it when I got a bit older. After I was rescued I was in training for 6 years, then when I came of age I was officially welcomed into the unit.
  620. June 30, 2016
  621. [12:02 AM] Skilletzorz: Hamilton:....She looks up and clentches her fist... Funny....(...I wonder if his captain is the reason for his childhood tragedy...)....I guess it was just the life you were born into.
  622. +++++++
  623. Rachel: Yawns and hops over onto the couch Any time Irina, I'm here for ya. But...maybe not now...we should get some sleep ya know?
  624. +++++++
  625. Joan:....She sniffles and holds onto Sam, shivering....I-I...should get some rest...
  626. [12:11 AM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina:Yes... we'll talk in the morning.. she yawns, stripping off her usual heavy clothing, going down to a simpler set of sleepwear and then hops into bed Good night..
  627. [12:22 AM] [REDACTED]: Knox:Yeah... Guess it was, huh? At least I finally got the fuck that claimed responsibillity for what happened. So, what's your story?
  628. July 3, 2016
  629. [3:58 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: smiles softly, stroking her hair Yeah, you should. I'll be here if you need me. So just let me know, okay? he helps lay her down on the bed
  630. July 4, 2016
  631. [12:33 AM] Skilletzorz: Hamilton:..I was um...just a normal girl I guess....she glances aside I tried going to college but I realized I wanted to make a difference in the community, so I enrolled in the police academy so...here I am.
  632. ++++++++++++
  633. Rachel:...she flips out her phone and sits on the couch, facing the door as much as possible Get some rest kiddo...(....I need to call Alessa...)
  634. ++++++++++
  635. Joan: She weakly nods and crawls into bed, shutting her eye...she mutters something but seems to crash pretty quickly...
  637. Doctor: he gives a toothy grin That's good...We can get a chair for you, if you need one Mr. Bruinwood.
  638. [12:40 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: nods to the doctor Yeah, that'd be good. he looks over Joan, crossing his arms (Don't worry, Joan. If I ever find out who did this to you...)
  639. [12:48 AM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: Kiddo...? You look my age... she huffs softly and settles down to sleep
  640. [5:05 PM] [REDACTED]: Knox:College, huh...? I always wanted to get a higher education, but merc life doesn't exactly allow that kind of thing. Good for you though, doing what you felt was right.
  641. [9:45 PM] Skilletzorz: Hamilton: ....Some decisions are made for you really....she leans back in her seat and glances down...I've got no further questions...if you've got something say your piece...
  642. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  643. Rachel:...She chuckles, quietly and slumps into the couch I suppose not...
  644. [9:49 PM] [REDACTED]: Knox:Ain't that the truth... Knox says, chuckling, looking up at the ceiling Nah, I think I'm good, at least for now.
  645. July 5, 2016
  646. [12:23 AM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: she doesn't say anything, drifitng off to a quiet sleep until morning
  647. July 6, 2016
  648. [12:57 AM] Skilletzorz: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  649. The following morning...Knox would hear a conversation outside of his cell, Hamilton wearing a more formal black and white suit with a blue tie instead of her combat gear
  651. Hamilton:...Like I said he seems sincere but...something is off about the man Evie...I couldn't find anything
  653. Evie: Well, you did your best and that's what counts yes...? The rest is up to his lawyer...
  654. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  655. when Irina woke she'd note Rachel leaning over her couch talking on the phone...she sounded tired
  657. Rachel:...Her condition is better than I thought but it'd be nice if we could have you there...yeah I'll pay you back for the ticket you stingy old bastard...I'll meet you at the station...
  658. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  659. Rousing in his chair Sam would note Joan sleeping, though she seemed somewhat uncomfortable, occasionally groaning in her sleep outside the room he could hear voices...
  661. Security staff: Back off from the doo-ghn?!
  663. A slam on the wall, and a pair of gunshots were followed by another loud slam, the wallside door cracking...
  665. Leoric: What the hell...we should get going, this isn't gonna get anything done!
  667. White:...They'll live
  668. [1:02 AM] [REDACTED]: Knox:(Sounds like I'll be going back in the tube probably... then again, not like I expected anything different... I'll just have to wait and see at this point.) Knox makes no apparent effort to hide the fact that he's awake, however, he has yet to sit up, staring at the ceiling.
  669. [1:05 AM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: ...Did you actually sleep? she sits up in her nightgown, yawning a bit, still looking a bit fatigued herself
  670. [2:31 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Gh...! (though initially a bit groggy, he snaps awake as he hears Leoric, and he immediately rushes towards the door, grabbing his sword & entering a battle stance, enchanting his blade with ice magic* (That little ba- I swear to the gods- no, calm down, this isn't worth risking Joan over, you don't even know if they're connected...)
  671. [12:40 PM] Skilletzorz: Hamilton: She glances back to Knox and sighs....(I don't really think I an talk to this guy much longer without wanting to puke...) You're finally up huh...?
  673. Evie: U-um! H-hello mister scary mercenar-she slowly steps away looking a little scared...Oough...um....can we...go now?
  675. Hamilton: No. sighs Crime scene investigators recovered your record from the bunker's computers...you've got quite the rap sheet sir...
  676. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  677. Rachel:...she glances back to Irina, and smiles Not a wink...things got real complicated real fast, and we're still sorting through it...how'd you sleep...?
  678. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  679. The door opens and the woman in the white tactical suit opens the door, her helmet and blue visor more visible under the hospital's light....Leoric seemed to have his hand on her shoulder, and the place where Samuel had struck him seemed to have healed already...
  681. White:...You...You are the one who...her fist clentches and she looks Samuel dead on....Please leave. That woman does not concern you any longer...Leoric, head back and resupply, you can make it on your own right?
  683. Leoric:.. He nods and frowns, running off Yeah boss...I'll meet you and the commander once we secure
  684. [12:45 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Like heck I'll do that! he fires a beam of ice at the woman as he dashes backwards, aiming to get right besides her You're going nowhere near her!
  685. [12:45 PM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: she rubs her head Not well.. old nightmares coming back...
  686. [1:37 PM] [REDACTED]: Knox:Hearing the news, Knox sits up, a troubled look on his face Ah, yeah... The records... I got to see those for the first time when I woke up in the bunker. I've already said my piece on em, and if you don't believe me, then there's nothing i can do, not exactly negotiating from a position of power here.
  687. [5:55 PM] Skilletzorz: Sam: I agree, the charges look mostly bogus...she crosses her arms and huffs Back in that era, the government was xenophobic and was cracking down hard...but...she glances aside...You're a messed up puppy...we retrieved security footage and checked your gear, the evidence and much less your criminal activity is unprovable but you are carrying the contraband you're accused of and....well you're kind of not a citizen of any current nation. We have no idea what to do with you. You've profiled as dangerous and uncaring if not demonstrating psychopathic tendencies...
  689. Evie:...U-until you are appointed a lawyer by the courts, you are to remain in our custody...she frowns
  690. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  691. Rachel:....Oy...she puts down her phone and sighs...um...wanna share a bit over breakfast? If you want that is...
  692. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  693. Joan: G-ghn...so loud...she wakes up W-what's going on....I-I feel sick...
  695. White: She steps aside of the ice beam behind the doorway and calls out I have no quarrel with you Mister Bruinwood, even after what you did to my friend, but if you insist I shall gladly finish what I started with your lover if you believe that is my intent!
  696. [5:59 PM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: ...Breakfast sounds nice, yes.
  697. [6:39 PM] [REDACTED]: Knox:Yeah, sounds about right... Can't exactly have a merc from 600 years ago with a bad track record out on the streets without knowing for sure he's safe, can you? But that whole psychopathic tendencies thing though, I still can't quite wrap my head around that. Don't get me wrong, I know I'm odd and all, but that feels like it's taking it a bit far, doesn't it?
  698. [9:04 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: he looks surprised as he lowers his weapon slightly How in the name of the gods do you know that? And if you're not here to finish her off, what're you even up to?
  699. [10:38 PM] Skilletzorz: Evie: S-sammy we don't have to, this is just ammo for his defen-
  701. Hamilton: It's fine... she leans on the cell and frown I am not a full-time forensic psychologist, but I do work profiling. Strictly speaking that's a little different but it lets me know enough to write on my report that releasing somebody like you into the public is a bad idea in general, and a disaster waiting to happen during a public crisis. Nothing personal, but we can't let you go, not like this. Stating somebody's leans towards psycho isn't something I do lightly, but, just... How do we know how in touch with reality you are? There's only so much training can prepare you for; you woke up 600 years in the future and didn't even raise your eyebrows. You seem to be neither in shock nor questioning of the new world around you.... We can confirm from camera feeds in the bunker and from an officer's sworn statement that you're not just not afraid of being hurt but actually welcoming of it, to the point of suicidal recklessness during combat. To top this off, shifting attention even when unnecessary or inappropriate is second nature to you. Continually acting evasive while trying to manipulate those around you, attempting to garner sympathy for yourself... You see where this is going. That's not the kind of person that's fit to be released. Although your lawyer or court doctors may disagree, I can't in good consience simply write this off.
  703. Hamilton pulls away and frowns, Evie cringing, slowly slinking behind Hamilton
  705. Evie: ...We are truly sorry for this but that is how it is.
  706. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  707. Rachel:..There's a cafe my friend goes to all the time, you wanna come with after you get showered? I've gotta pick up her brother by the train station before we get things sorted out. she yawns I need some coffee anyway.
  708. [10:38 PM] Skilletzorz: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  709. White:...I wanted to speak with her, in private. She peeks her head out, her hands raised as she places her self in the doorway... ...I have caused both of you undue suffering, moreso than nessecary but the woman you protect is a non-combatant after my action. Even if this is war I wanted to confirm her status...Despite killing my friend Hara, you saw to Leoric's safety yes...? I appreciate that much at least...
  711. Joan:...she, clutches onto the bed sheets, breathing heavily...(My head hurts)....W-war...? We have never harmed any of your people, whoever they are! What do you have to gain from such a conflict with people who have done you no wrong?!
  713. White:...A home...she turns to Samuel The helmet hara wore. I queried the video feed from it after you captured Leoric, I needed to confirm the status of my friends...I watched you take his life, from his eyes.
  714. [10:55 PM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: The grumpy old bastard who I assume is a psychic researcher? she yawns and stretches Very well...
  715. [11:00 PM] [REDACTED]: Knox:Turning to Evie, Knox forces a melancholic smile, trying to comfort her It's alright, ma'am, I understand, I look pretty sketchy, and I probably wouldn't let me go either, it's just your job. Turning back to Hamilton, Knox begins addressing her Well, that pretty much explains why you'd think that... And I can't say given that description I wouldn't think the same...
  716. [11:00 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: his eyes turn downwards, regret showing on his face I never intended to kill the guy. I just didn't want them to get away. he faces White again, a bit more of a determined look returning to his eyes Unfortunately, though, I'm not going to be giving you any privacy. I know how losing a friend feels, but I'm not letting her out of my sights.
  717. [11:10 PM] Skilletzorz: Hamilton: Admiral Redstroke said she's coming around to get your statement again later....you take care friend...She begins heading out Evie, we need to start making our rounds in the neighborhoods soon
  718. Evie:...she glances over to Knox and nods, quickly scurrying after her as they head into the main police building
  719. Knox seems to have now been left alone in his cell...
  720. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  721. Rachel: Nah, foriegn cop. He's a nice guy just uh....cranky because he's an old man is all. she chuckles into her sleeve It's fine really...maybe we should go pick up Sam first see if he wants to bring Jo anything....
  722. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  723. White:....Then you know what it is like to be forced into decisions you do not enjoy...she shakes her head...I do not ask that you stop defending your lover, you...you are quite well suited for her but....she sighs....Can you please leave with her...go home? Or to another country? It will not be safe here soon...
  724. [11:14 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: ... Why? What's going to happen? What're you people up to?
  725. [11:16 PM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: Okay... Let me get cleaned up first. You can use my shower too if you need it. she nods quietly and slips off to a side room, the sound of water running soon
  726. [11:25 PM] [REDACTED]: Knox:...(Finally alone, huh?) If someone were to be watching, they would note Knox visibilly shaking, having been trying to keep an absolute poker face until now(Man, as if cap dying wasn't enough... 600 years? What the hell did I ever do to deserve this? How do I salvage this situation? Is there even a way to?)
  727. [2:06 AM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: ...You have weird friends. from right behind Joan
  728. [9:17 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Well, they're your friends too, so... he gets up, proceeding to help Joan up If your brother tries anything dumb, do I have permission to hit him? he says this jokingly to Joan
  729. [9:52 PM] Skilletzorz: Rachel: She grins and gives a thumbs up as she runs off ahead Just the way I like'em, ice queen!
  731. Joan:...She smiles and follows, holding onto Samuel I suppose he has earned it but...n-not too hard I hope...
  732. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  733. Clearing the way to the train station the party would note a young woman, a small gathering of people outside of the train station's entrance, a few railway police officers and civilians, some of the officers heavily wounded. One woman seemed to be cradling a Koranian officer, that seemed to be in great pain, his eyes solid red...
  735. Woman: L-liam! Hold it together honey, help is on the way! She cradled the officer looking worried
  737. Liam: He groans, clutching his head trying to get up despite being held in place I-I've gotta get back in there...l-let go...I...
  739. Rachel: O-oy...she glances back to Joan, before rushing to one of the officers in better shape What's going on in there?!
  741. Human Officer: Some chick in a combat suit ordered everyone out of the station and that the trains all needed to depart...we tried to hold her off but she ran us over when we tried to resist. One crazy dude ordered us to get our wounded out and evacuate the remaining civilians...and honestly I wasn't in a hurry to stay with the psycho woman and he seemed to be managing himself pretty well...
  743. Joan: She winces, her fingers digging into Samuel's arm to a painful degree. If they looked, her eye would begin flickering red again... N-noa...W-we have to go in help him...
  745. Rachel:...She grits her teeth......Sam...I'm gonna take Joan away from here alright? Something's not sitting right with me...
  747. Joan: ...W-what...? Y-you cannot!(edited)
  748. [10:01 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: he looks at Joan & then at the Koranian, and he suddenly becomes very concerned & his face turning deathly serious* ... Joan, please leave with Rachel. There's already other 'Core annie uns' in trouble here. he hugs Joan, to try and comfort her And I don't want anything happening to you, okay? I'm gonna make sure Noa's safe, you can trust me.
  749. [10:20 PM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: It must be that monster's friend. ...I.. can't let you go in alone, Fishstick.. ...Even if I just want to run...
  750. [10:57 PM] Skilletzorz: Rachel: She tries to take Joan from Sam I'll be back soon, just let me get her out of here....she whispers And keep an eye on the sick dude on the way out okay?
  752. Joan: N-no! I..I can help....She struggles slightly but Rachel's able to take her and begin dragging her away as she reaches out for Samuel P-please...promise you will stay safe!
  753. [11:03 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: nods to Rachel, then turns to Joan I'll be fine, I promise! I don't care what it is, I'm not letting a single darn thing come between us!
  754. [11:23 PM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: ...Let's go, Fishstick. These monsters need to go back on ice.
  755. July 11, 2016
  756. [12:17 AM] Skilletzorz: As Rachel dragged off Joan, Samuel and Irina made their way into the station....while a few shattered drones and dead koranians were scattered around, the only living civilians seemed to be on the trains themselves, smashing at doors, begging to be released. However at the furthest out platform, they'd spot the woman in the grey suit as described, a green visor on her helmet and the unfamiliar voice indicating someone different to Samuel, than the woman he met previously. A few drones stood at her sides, rifles trained on a man with a brown ponytail and a grey jacket. Samuel would recognize him as Noa, and that one of his eyes already solid red, the other still flickering.
  758. Grey: Surrender while you're still yourself Noa, we can restrain you in and make sure nothing permenant takes hold if you just come with us...
  760. Noa: We're not done here yet! he aims his beam saber at the figure, though his hand was obviously shaky I'd rather go down swinging than let you have your way!
  762. Grey: Fair enough...she cracks her knuckles I'll just take you in by for..ce...? she glances back spotting the pair coming in....It's these brats again...
  763. [12:29 AM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: ...Brats? ...Just how old are you, grandma?
  764. [11:39 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: turns to Irina, quickly speaking quietly to her Shoot, that's Noa, he's in a bad spot... we need to get him outta here, and fast. he turns to Grey, thrusting his arm out to the side Whaddya mean "again"? I've never met you before in my life! Now if you wanna make this easier, let the man go, and we'll take care of you ourselves!
  765. [11:52 AM] Skilletzorz: Grey:...She takes off her helmet looking pissed off, her red eyes trained on Samuel. Sam and Irina would note that despite her age she looked very similar to Joan with a similar bob cut, except her hair was green and for some reason the ends were tipped white... I mean again, because every time we've conducted an operation in this area she points at the duo You've been around throwing everything into disarray! You and Maria's useless daughter are the only things that have stood in our way!
  767. Noa: I-I'm not going anywhere Sam! he winces and steadies himself We're taking her down even if it kills me!
  769. Grey: She barks at Noa And I'm saying stand down before you end up killing your friends here too!
  770. [12:16 PM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: whispers to Sam Cover me. in her normal voice ...You know, Fishstick, I am extremely confused. But I think we could all use some music, to help us calm down and discuss this like rational adults. she steps back and rather calmly sets down her violin case, and takes out... a normal looking violin
  771. July 12, 2016
  772. [2:17 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: he grits his teeth as he recognizes Grey, leaning towards Irina & speaking through his teeth (Isn't that...? She's still alive?!) This is gonna be tough, so whatever you've got planned, make it snappy... he turns to Noa & Grey Well, unfortunately we're not stopping anytime soon, lady, not till you're gone again! Noa, I appreciate your spirit, but they've got something that screws up Koranians, you stay here any longer and you're not gonna be able to help us - Joan's already in trouble from it! Just let us deal with her!
  773. [2:53 AM] Skilletzorz: the group hears gunshots outside, Noa glancing over to Sam
  775. Noa:...R-right...Sorry you're cleaning up what I started here...he dashes out the drones training their guns on the two...
  777. Grey:Well then...Now that the time bomb is gone....she runs a hand through her hair.... You have something I need...If discourse is what you desire, state your terms....if not, surrender and we can save some time and blood....(edited)
  778. [3:03 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: blinks twice at how smoothly that worked, before snapping back to Grey ... A-ah, right. The thing from yesterday, I take it? he seems to have a sudden realization Well, what can you give me in return? I'm not the greatest negotiator out in the ocean, but that doesn't mean I'm just gonna hand it over. And I can tell ya that if you can explain what's going on with the Koranians, that'd be getting on my good side pretty quickly.(edited)
  779. [5:42 PM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: Whispers as she casually takes her violin out of its case, and inspecting the strings I take it she's not a good person?
  780. [6:13 PM] Skilletzorz: Grey:....I was a soldier, nothing more nothing less. She adjusts her shoulder In this world and my own I was reputed for quite a distinguished history with this country's military....but I suppose that doesn't answer your question right? She pulls at her eye slightly The damage to my iris was caused by a virus that scourged my homeland, infecting Koranians and driving them mad...the condition was cured but the survivors remain hosts for the condition I'm afraid. I tried to warn the people here but they did not believe me....
  782. More gunfire could be heard as well as the sound of metalic screetching outside, crunching metal could be heard as well
  783. [6:18 PM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: ...So what does this have to do with the mass murders your friends have been comitting?
  784. [6:23 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: (So she's also from another world?) So why're you going around spreading it? It have anything to do with what you people are after? quietly, to Irina Yeah, not especially... And those sounds're making me worried.
  785. [6:30 PM] Skilletzorz: Grey: Let me think....the museum..was likely to prevent the spread of the disease while stealing the battery, and hide the purpose of the attack in the first place...She crosses her arms Honestly though, Hara was a sick bastard he may have done it for the fun of it. As for the attempted bombing and assassination, it was an attempt to decapitate the leadership of the enemy's military...successful enough....and this station...? She shrugs Are you suggesting I kill myself? Hardly a noble way to go out...(edited)
  786. [6:38 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: grits his teeth as he speaks under his breath to himself, annoyed with the last comment Because it's more noble to keep spreading it and ruin the lives of others, huh... louder So then, why do you need this special thing anyways? (I get the feeling we should wrap this up soon...)(edited)
  787. [6:55 PM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: she nods and takes out the bow to her violin Just say when..
  788. [7:20 PM] Skilletzorz: Grey: ....My people need a home....the virus took it's own toll on our land, people refused to believe we could cure ourselves before glassing it to apart. she crosses her arms I need that battery to try to save our people and if you intend to get in my way, I'll put you both in your place!(edited)
  789. [10:18 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Well, while I appreciate wanting a home, I don't appreciate how you've been going about it, especially to my Koranian friends! he thrusts his arm to the side And we'll stand in your way as long as you're going to jeopardize not just them, but all of these people!
  790. [10:37 PM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: ...I have spent my life running. For today, no more... she starts to play a mournful tune... snow starting to fall on the platform, the winter's winds being whipped up, dancing to the beat of her song(edited)
  791. [11:36 PM] Skilletzorz: The drones instantly begin firing on Irina as Irina makes her move....
  793. Jade: She swipes her arm, spectral hounds encircling her as she began to sprint after Sam Then fall before me!
  794. [11:59 PM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: as the bullets fire, a heavy blizzard seems to encircle her, a large creature made of snow and ice forming in front of her to take most of the shots, before it breaks apart, Irina's song re-forming it into some kind of winter wolves I'll do what I can, fishstick... Keep grandma off me while my friends deal with those..
  795. July 14, 2016
  796. [11:15 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: nods, dashing towards & above Jade whilst surrounded in water
  797. July 15, 2016
  798. [1:29 AM] Skilletzorz: Jade: she jumps after Samuel and attempts grab at him as the hounds rush at him and attempt to latch on
  800. The drones quickly ran, spreading out as they continued to fire.....a crash would be heard a fair distance away followed by footsteps....it seemed like something was coming from one of the other platforms....(edited)
  801. July 19, 2016
  802. [1:01 AM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: takes cover behind a pillar, the wolves turning and leaping around , riding the winter winds to get more speed as they focus on the drone closest to the tracks, trying to knock it off the platform
  803. [1:10 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: dashes back, firing a beam of ice at Jade
  804. [1:50 PM] Skilletzorz: The hounds continue their pursuit as Jade jukes aside of the beam and swings her arm, sending an energy disk at him
  806. Jade: You're not getting away that easy!
  808. Irina's wolves connects and slams the drone off the tracks and off the platform, the other drone circiling around...Irina would note that from further down additional drones were pouring into the station, heading to their location...
  809. [6:04 PM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: Fishstick, more are coming! she picks up the pace of her playing.. loosening control over the wolves, and pouring her power into controlling the winds... trying to turn the winter chill into an all out blizzard to block the entrance in snow
  810. [8:50 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: he throws a wave of water at the energy disc as he lands, proceeding to punch the ground & create a ring of ice around him in an attempt to get the wolves off of him(edited)
  811. July 21, 2016
  812. [3:01 AM] Skilletzorz: Sam's wave connects and clashes with the disk, the ice ring destroying the hounds as they connect with it. However Jade jumps and attempts to slam her fist into his skull as she lands
  814. Jade: Where do you think you're going?!
  816. Meanwhile Irina's efforts are success, though at least 4 more drones clear the platform, and with the one remaining drone from Jade's initial set, there seem to be five remaining, the remaining drone on the platform trying to circle around the pillar(edited)
  817. July 22, 2016
  818. [6:15 PM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: with her position under fire, she can't keep safely playing... doing one last tone shift in her song to direct the wolves to charge the incoming set of four as a last distraction before she loses control of them. She then hastily sets her violin down and starts forming stalactites to shove into the drone when it circles to face her
  819. [6:22 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: he attempts to block the fist with his sword, pushing her off & away from him before throwing a water projectile at her if he succeeds
  820. [6:39 PM] Skilletzorz: Irina's wolves take shots from the drones, and without her control manage to eliminate two before being shot down, the approaching drone giving a sluggish response as it tries to raise its gun on Irina
  822. Jade: she pushes off and produces an energy blade from her arm to cut down the projectile as she runs after him (It's too hard to pilot and focus on this fight...!) Coward! What good is a sword if you just keep running away?!
  823. July 23, 2016
  824. [11:19 PM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: she throws the readied icicles right in the drone's face as it slowly responds
  825. [11:21 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: he lunges towards her whilst surrounded in water, going into a rapid barrage of water-covered strikes if he connects with her That's rich, coming from you!
  826. [11:24 PM] Skilletzorz: Jade: she attempts to clap her hands around the blade and run an electric current through it Whatever it takes!
  828. successfully eliminating the Drone, Irina would note one of the drones rushing over to Sam and Jade, the other firing on Irina again with it's rifle
  829. [11:27 PM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: she ducks back behind the pillar, throwing out a sheet of ice on the floor, hoping that with their controller busy, they won't notice in time to switch treads
  830. [11:29 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: G-gh!! clearly quite hurt by the electricity, he tries to push his sword towards Jade before being forced to let go
  831. [11:39 PM] Skilletzorz: Jade: her hand slips and she's stabbed through the chest but she chuckles as she shakily reaches for the hilt
  833. The drones react in time, benefitting from one of them having their eyes on her from the outset, while Sam's sword was inside of Jade, the drone quickly attempts to grab Sam and take the battery
  834. July 24, 2016
  835. [12:01 AM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: Friggin scrap metal.. she grumbles under her breath, stalagmites pippoing out of the ice floor as close to under the drones as she can get
  836. [12:10 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Dangit! he quickly punches the ground to create a circle of ice around him Irina, get Jade, quickly!
  837. [12:27 AM] Skilletzorz: Jade: She draws the blade from her chest and stumbles after Irina, clutching her wound I'm not through...too many people are counting on me!!!
  839. The drone engaging sam hopped ontop of Samuel as it snatched the battery kicking off the ice and attempting to escape the platform, moving with unusual agility in comparison to drones they had previous seen, as evidenced by it's partner getting run through
  840. [12:33 AM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: Settle down, Grandma! she tries to skate after the drone, hoping that the snowbank will slow it down long enough to catch up
  841. [2:13 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Shoot...! he clenches his fist, causing an icicle to appear from the ceiling & fall on the drone with the battery I can't let you get that!
  842. [9:09 PM] Skilletzorz: Jade: Raising her fist above her head she generates an orb of darkness, that begins to pull everything toward her, except for the drone...Samuel and Irina would feel themselves being drawn to it Over here you bastards!
  844. The drone sidesteps the icicle, and quickly sprints off
  845. July 25, 2016
  846. [12:20 AM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: it takes Irina a moment to process what is going on before she realizes that the woman has summoned a frickin' black hole Are you insane, Grandma?! You're going to kill us all...!
  847. [12:24 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Don't worry about her, get that drone! he fires a beam of ice at the drone as it sidesteps the ice pillar, before thrusting his hand towards Jade's face, hoping to grab her face & attempt to start freezing it
  848. [10:23 AM] Skilletzorz: The drone slides under the beam and off the platform, disappearing from sight
  850. Jade: As long you go down with me I'm fine with that! as the pair pulled closer, Jade refuses to dodge Samuel's attck attempting to run him through with his own sword, closing her fist and attempting to detonate the orb all the while...
  851. [7:08 PM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: she concentrates on the orb, trying to freeze Jade's fist before she can detonate the bomb
  852. July 26, 2016
  853. [8:55 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: does a water-covered sidestep to avoid the stab, keeping ahold of Jade in the process(edited)
  854. July 28, 2016
  855. [5:53 PM] Skilletzorz: Jade: MNFH?! Taken aback by the sudden freezing of her face and detonation hand, she clumsily swings the blade at her foes, trying to smash off the ice with her other hand...(edited)
  856. [10:24 PM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: Stay down, Grandma... she focuses on the orb.. trying to encase it in ice while Jade is focusing on her hands
  857. [11:00 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: jumps over Jade as she swings the sword, handstanding on her head as he switches to her back with a water-covered dash, throwing a wave of water at her hand in an attempt to make her drop the sword
  858. [11:22 PM] Skilletzorz: Jade:is unable to react thanks to freezing and intensity of her wound...dropping the blade and nearly falling from Sam's weight.
  860. Irina successfully freezes the orb and both of them feel gravity return to normal as the orb dissipates...
  861. July 29, 2016
  862. [9:00 PM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: Sam.. can you restrain the crazy woman..? she's panting hard, holding her gem to reheat herself
  863. [9:08 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: (Even in this state, dunno how smoothly that'll go...) Right. he nods as he proceeds to take both of Jade's arms & pin them behind her, attempting to freeze them to her back
  864. [9:50 PM] Skilletzorz: Though Jade very weakly pries off the last of Irina's ice from her face, as Sam walks over he'd note that as he took her arm, Jade had felt very faint from the excess bloodloss. It was likely taking everything she had to remain standing and judging from the buckets of blood, she would not remain standing much longer.
  866. Jade:..I...am impressed...such strength....i-it's been so long...she chuckles...b-but...i-it's my win...isn't it...?
  867. [11:15 PM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: ...I had finally achieved quiet.. was starting to forget... then you came along.. Brought back the death and pain... she walks up and kicks Jade right in the shin
  868. [11:22 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: I'll make darned sure that it isn't, witch. he goes & picks up his sword, grabbing Irina's shoulder and giving her a serious look as he tries to pull her away No use beating her up now, she's probably a goner now anyways...
  869. [11:29 PM] Skilletzorz: Jade: She stumbles from Irina's kick, falling to the ground... Something...always does right...? To live...is to struggle against that...even if it means bringing strife to others....She laughs very at Samuel's mentioning of Witch, clearly pained That's...too...funny...I suppose to you...that's....all....
  871. She trails off...Samuel and Irina would note the crowds trapped in the trains were caught somewhere between shock and cheering for the pair...(edited)
  872. [11:44 PM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: ... suddenly cognizant of the crowds, she pulls up her hood and starts to make for the exit.. her flight instincts coming back I... um.. excuse me..
  873. [11:47 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: reaches out to Irina Hey, wait! he begins to move towards her, but hesitates as he checks Jade & the passenger cars I-I still need some help here...
  874. July 30, 2016
  875. [12:18 AM] Skilletzorz: The passenger cars seem to be sealed and not opening but the passengers seem to be safe. Sam would note that the cars seemed to be airtight and if he tried to to open them himself they would be too too well armored to pry open for some reason...
  876. [12:28 AM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: she stops walking away and turns around, hesitating S..sure you need me, Fishstick..?
  877. [12:33 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: he nods, worried Yeah... I know this is a lot for you, and I'd let you go if I could, but I've gotta go after that drone, and I'm gonna need all the help I can get. he tries forcing open one of the doors, to no avail ... Some help opening this thing would also be nice...
  878. [12:42 AM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: ...Drone gone.. she walks over to try and freeze the door
  879. [9:12 AM] Skilletzorz: as Irina headed to freeze one of the train doors, Rachel opened the front door and whistled, some of the guard staff from the train station heading in and began making their way into service rooms
  881. Rachel: Guys! I need you out here, let the station workers do their jobs!
  883. Sam would note checking Jade that she was gone, and the citizens in the train he was at seemed a bit worried he was trying to pry open the doors barehanded....
  884. [7:15 PM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: C'mon, Fishstick... she puts her hood up and walks over to Rachel
  885. [7:42 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: he nods as he runs over to Rachel Right! Rachel, what's up?
  886. [8:06 PM] Skilletzorz: Heading out to the door Noa seemed to be catchnig his breath, a few of the remaining staff seemed to be standing over the dead guard and seemed like Joan was nowhere to be seen
  888. Rachel:...Things went badly here, your friend in white showed up. she leans against the doorframe, forcing a smile Well...Uh...How'd things go on your end?
  889. [8:19 PM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: ...We lost the shiny battery..
  890. [8:21 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Yeah, we beat Jade at least though... M-more importantly, where's Joan?!
  891. [8:28 PM] Skilletzorz: Rachel:....she glances aside ...Noa and Jo were going crazy, and she took her while I dealt with Liam. I couldn't fend her off and keep the people out here safe...
  893. Noa: he seemed to be still be a bit out of it, but otherwise fine as he approached the pair Hey....thanks for bailing me out in there, it looks like things would have gotten worse.
  894. [8:35 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Yeah, it's a good thing we got to you when we did. though he does his best to look fine at least to Noa, he clenches his fists, fairly visibly shaking with anger ... W-which direction did they go?
  895. [8:45 PM] Skilletzorz: Noa: I couldn't see, anything, and Rachel can't keep up with something that fast, the rent a cop nearly ran her down when he was all crazed...he rubs his head
  897. Rachel: Fuck's sake, things have been rough lately...rubs the bridge of her nose Well...there should be good news on that front at least...I've been trying to get ahead of this mess, and there should only be three places where they could have stashed the Salvation if they really are going for it....I'm having my guys narrow down the search and we'll go after her first chance we get...
  898. [11:42 PM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: ...I have no idea what's going on.. but we should save Miss Nosey...
  899. [11:46 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: R-right... Irina, we k-kinda c-can't, not until we know where they're going. he breathes in heavily W-what's this about a Salvation?
  900. July 31, 2016
  901. [12:38 AM] Skilletzorz: Rachel: H-hey...you okay...? she hesistantly tries to place a hand on Sam's shoulder
  903. Noa:...he glances aside The Salvation is the name of the dumb airship that these idiots built and never actually flew.
  905. Rachel: O-oy, not the time for it Noa....
  906. [1:15 AM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: ...Did those idiots need a battery to make it fly?
  907. [2:21 PM] Skilletzorz: Rach: They probably needed it for a security override, older computers tend resist hacking attempts so the plan may have just been to fry the old one and replace it...plus starting the reactors...
  909. Noa:...So yes. he groans(edited)
  910. [10:25 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: he weakly smiles to Rachel before facing the ground, his half-baked attempt to look fine quickly fading ... I-I'm just... worried about Joan. Jade said there was a disease that drove Koranians like her mad. A-and... I don't wanna lose her.
  911. [10:35 PM] Skilletzorz: Rachel: she glances back to the grieving widow and Liam's corpse, nodding It's true yeah...Liam...kinda went nuts and tried to kill everyone after you went inside...
  913. Noa:...he shakes his head I...can attest to that...she was handling it better than I was but....he frowns...We...should try to see if we can get them to fork over whatever cure they have. Jade and...T-the white one didn't seem to be crazy, not in the way Liam was at least.
  915. Rachel: I-in any case....we're gonna get her back before anything bad happens I'm sure of it!
  916. [11:20 PM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: ...Pretty sure grandma was utterly crazy. she stays quiet ...You okay, Rachel?
  917. [11:26 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Yeah, I know we will. I'm not letting these people screw up anyone else....! he shuts his eyes tightly
  918. [11:48 PM] Skilletzorz: Rachel: Gh...yeah I'm fine, it's...she laughs and pats Sam on the back. I need to get some sleep when all of this is done okay...?
  920. Noa:...That's just Jade though. he rubs his head ...Okay she was bonkers but...Whatever it was, it turned the security guard almost rabid...
  922. Rachel: Not helping sunshine!
  923. [11:49 PM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: ... looks over at Noa So you're Mister Grumpy. ...it's what she called you.
  924. August 1, 2016
  925. [12:07 AM] Skilletzorz: Noa: he shrugs...Uh...yeah I guess that'd be right.
  926. [12:10 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Yeah... we'll all need a rest then. he turns to face Noa and Irina, looking a bit calmer than before His name's Noa, though Mister Grumpy's pretty accurate too.
  927. [12:11 AM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: ...I see.. I'm Irina.. I'm just.. here by circumstance.
  928. [12:30 AM] Skilletzorz: Noa: Chill fish breath... he nods and looks over to the newcomer It's nice to meet you Irina, sorry you got dragged into our mess....
  930. Rachel: ....It's a bit to ask if anyone wants to back out but....her ring tone goes off... Aghhh...she rummages her pocket and picks up her phone, walking off......One sec guys...
  932. Noa: ...Still...you guys beat Jade right...that's...impressive, and you guys did it pretty publically...that's gonna be fun to sort out after all this.
  933. [12:34 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: nods to Rachel, before turning back, breathing in a bit Well, unfortunately we didn't have much of a choice with location. But yeah... we at least hurt her pretty badly. (I'm not gonna explode here, I'm not gonna explode here, I'm not gonna explode here...)
  934. [12:35 AM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: ...So much for staying hidden.. she grumbles, fiddling with her necklace
  935. [12:42 AM] Skilletzorz: Noa: ...he shuts an eye Obscurity isn't really an option now really...but...oy...kid...do you need a sec?
  936. [12:56 AM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: Just... re-heating myself... I'm fine.
  937. [4:00 PM] Skilletzorz: Noa: Re-heating huh? he shuts an eye ...I guess everyone has their own problems this time of year. he glances over to Sam
  939. Rachel: Yeah I figured as much...I'll keep you posted, thanks for the tip... walking back, she hangs up looking annoyed Sam...remember the pier you got picked up on...?
  940. [4:23 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: S-she's an ice user, so I guess she needs to warm up after that. he matches Noa's gaze, not looking away as he answers Rachel It's been a while, but... I think so.
  941. [10:44 PM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: Something like that... yes.
  942. August 2, 2016
  943. [3:40 AM] Skilletzorz: Rachel: The warehouse a bit down from you washed up by, the FEF owned it until Jade's resignation and the cancellation of the airship project...that's gotta be...she notes Irina...O-oy don't burn yourself out on me alright...?
  945. Noa: ...he rummages his jacket and tosses Sam a white handle with a trigger on the grip before turning to Irina....She's expecting the big guy here to play hero...Make sure he doesn't mess up alright?(edited)
  946. [10:51 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: a bit shocked, he does his best to grab what Noa throws So we're headed down that way, huh?(edited)
  947. [11:28 PM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: I'll be fine..Burning myself out isn't something I can do...
  948. [11:54 PM] Skilletzorz: Rachel: she sighs Yeah that's the plan...Noa's gonna help my guys retake the other entrances to the city and we get to stop an airship on our own. she mutters and starts heading out We've got this.
  950. Noa: he starts heading out and waves Good luck.
  951. August 3, 2016
  952. [12:21 AM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: ...Is your life always this insane, Rachel..?
  953. [12:26 AM] Skilletzorz: Rachel:...She weakly laughs...Let's not talk about it.
  954. [12:30 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: he nods to Noa Don't worry, Mister Grumpy! We're not failing now! runs to catch up to Irina and Rachel ... Right, so we're gonna stop a ship, beat up White, and save Joan, that's the plan right? he seems strangely excited, given how he was earlier
  955. [12:59 AM] Skilletzorz: Rachel: Yeah that's the plan...she grins and gives a thumbs up Just gotta believe we'll manage somehow!
  956. [1:10 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Dang straight! he punches his palm I'm not losing anyone special to me again... I've got the chance to get her back, and darn it I'm gonna do it!
  957. [10:08 PM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: she sighs deeply Insane.. the lot of you.
  958. [11:16 PM] Skilletzorz: Rachel: Yeah you get used to it after a while, you'll see~!
  959. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  960. after a brief and energetic run to the warehouse, the group made their way to the decrepit building, the smell of sea salt and rust permeating the air...they could hear the sound of machinery and intercom calls, White's voice resounding through the thick double doors.
  962. White: Final take of preparations need to be completed as soon as possible! This is our last chance, we cannot afford to wait any longer! Silverette will cover our escape, but if we do not get airborne it is a hopeless effort!
  964. Rachel: Sweet, finally ahead of schedule for once! Let's get this party started!
  966. Rachel kicks open the doors revealing the inside of the warehouse...
  968. The Warehouse seems to have been converted into some sort of hanger, scaffoldings overlooking a long blocky aircraft, two large turbines hanging off the sides of what almost looked to be a flying bunker. Some workers gave a paralyzed look at the trio and scattered.
  970. White would be visible ontop of the aircraft carrier, Joan chained ontop of the airship by her legs and wrists, a thin cable running between White and Joan's necks.
  972. White:...she looks down on the three, clentching her fist...I thought I told you to stay away?
  974. Rachel: I must have missed that part when you KIDNAPPED MY FRIEND! Give her back!
  975. [11:32 PM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: ...You people are really quite stupid. ...All offense meant.
  976. [11:41 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: You...! practically without thinking, he immediately dashes up towards White, water surrounding him as he attempts to get up to her
  977. [11:52 PM] Skilletzorz: White: she grabs the cable connecting her and Joan and tugs it as Samuel lands on the airship Stop right there or she goes with me!
  979. Joan:she twitches clearly in pain, as she weakly reaches for the cable her hand trembling
  981. Rachel: Stop using her as a shield and fight us already! she looks over to Irina as she draws her gun And uh...In our defense you stuck around with us at least.(edited)
  982. [11:55 PM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: ...Was mostly referring to those idiots on the ship. ...Sorry. she slips off to the side, advancing towards the turbines while Rachel and Joan get White monologuing
  983. August 4, 2016
  984. [12:52 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: he thrusts his sword at White, an air of determination and anger emanating from him as his voice trembles with rage The heck are you doing to her?!
  985. [1:11 AM] Skilletzorz: White: *she gasps and weaves aside of the blade * Did you not hear me?! I am wired to her brain, you try that again we both die!
  987. Joan:she chokes out a reply...Do...it...
  989. Irina would note as she made her by the turbine....a familiar man in a pilot waiting, a gun raised on her. Irina would note a bronze humanoid mech on the far side of the hanger as well...
  991. Leoric: Going somewhere?
  992. [1:18 AM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: ...As a matter of fact, I was, and it's really rude to point a gun at the girl who saved your life.
  993. [1:45 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: he keeps his blade where it is, his eyes locked on White Tell me what you're doing to her!
  994. [2:09 AM] Skilletzorz: White: Keeping her sane, Samuel. she seems to be breathing very hard She became infected, the timing could have been better!
  996. Joan: ....E-end...her...please!
  998. Rachel: she aims at White Disconnect or I'll follow through!
  1000. Leoric: Consider it a courtesy I didn't pull the trigger yet...you'd best head home before I change my mind.
  1001. [9:21 PM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: ...I'd love to curl up under my bed. It's warm. But you idiots had to start killing everyone in sight and kidnap miss nosey.
  1002. [1:01 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: How? Why her? Why's she so weak? What're you doing to her?!
  1003. [1:45 AM] Skilletzorz: Joan:...L-lucius...she reaches out for him...
  1005. White: I am applying limiters on her motor functions and suppressing her processing power...she is weak because if I stop she would tear herself apart breaking the chains!
  1007. Rachel: Justified or not you're using her as a shield! You've been doing that ever since we saw you!
  1009. Leoric: You killed my pal and my CO, so far you guys are two for one on the "loved ones hurt" count....
  1011. They hear a loud roar...it sounds like the are engines firing. Irina would note a wind picking up next to her as Leoric fired on her, sprinting for the mech.
  1013. White:....Now is your chance. Take it and kill us both or wait.
  1015. Rachel: D-damn it! Irina can you stop this thing?!
  1016. [7:05 PM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: ...I am not.. a killer... she dives out of the way, putting up a large ice pillar to try and protect herself Busy, Rachel! Giant problem!
  1017. August 7, 2016
  1018. [10:14 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: ... he stares at White, glancing to Joan, still hesitant to attack Why're you... so eager for me to kill you two?
  1019. [10:22 PM] Skilletzorz: White: ...I am trusting my shield...perhaps she wants you to be the one to end her while there is something left of the woman you care for...
  1021. Joan:...I-I will not...be used...!
  1023. Leoric: uses his whip to pull himself into the cockpit of his mech, the machine screeching to life, a set of metalic wings flaring behind it...
  1025. Rachel: What the hell do you...she runs over and slides to a halt lowering her gun ...Shit...Irina, help Sam alright?!
  1028. The airship seemed to be making it's way out of the hanger slowly but steadily picking up speed(edited)
  1029. [10:25 PM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: I'll go for the turbines... can you keep the nutjob busy? she throws up some ice pillars for cover and goes for the airship, trying to catch up and start freezing the turbines before it's too late
  1030. [10:41 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: ... Don't put words in her mouth, I might actually take your suggestion. he lowers his sword, his eyes still filled with anger, before quickly moving closer to the edge of the ship; seeing Leoric in the mech, he fires a beam of ice at him before yelling down There any way you guys can get up here?
  1031. [11:00 PM] Skilletzorz: Irina cannot freeze turbine in one swift motion, and it seemed to be difficult to overpower the engine's heat but...
  1033. Mech: Leoric's mech is hit with Sam's ice beam but it tries to ram through the ice barrier, Leoric shooting the ice off the turbine and leaving a scorch mark where it once was.
  1035. Rachel: she jumps out of the way and swipes her wrist, shrouding herself in light, the barrel of her gun glowing bright... I'm gonna try to keep him busy just get on the damn thing and help Sam alright?!
  1037. White:...Then do it. I cannot run forever, not with the ball and chain...She lightly yanks the cord. However...once we are airborne...I will release my hold on her. I shall have what I need by then and I do not think I can keep her much longer.
  1039. Joan:...She weakly smiles at Samuel It...is okay...do it now....
  1040. [11:42 PM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: ...Alright. Be careful. ...I don't want to lose any more friends. she whispers the last part as she makes some ice ramps to skate up to the airship
  1041. August 8, 2016
  1042. [9:16 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: he fires another beam at the mech, before turning around to White and pointing his hand at her What you need, huh? Care to explain that one?
  1043. August 9, 2016
  1044. [2:15 AM] Skilletzorz: Rachel: Yeah I'll figure something out don't worry about me!
  1046. * Sam's beam connects with the mech, and Rachel fires a beam of light, and the mech seemed to be staggering but it recovered with ease. As they began to rise out of the hanger and over the sea and began to look out the city, the airship's acceleration began to pull them away from the city, exposing them to snowfall again.*
  1048. White: ...she walks away from Sam and stares out to the city she disconnects the cable tethering herself to Joan from her neck, the cable retracting to her helmet.......The forces we deployed will lose the city's entrances in a few hours if that without reinforcements...the eight thousand crew and staff of the Salvation will escape to the artic, as the american and haecian anti air reinforcements will not arrive in time...She glances back to Irina and Sam...
  1050. Joan: As she's released she grabs onto the airship's surface and bites her lip, clearly surpressing a scream as she clawed at the airship...
  1052. White: That leaves us with her does it not?
  1053. [6:21 PM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: ...All I know is you lunatics have hurt and killed too many people over this piece of junk. I'm sick of it.
  1054. August 10, 2016
  1055. [8:53 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: he clenches his teeth & fists, upset by what White did, though managing not to just burst with anger again as he gets into a stance The way you say that... you think we're going to be working together or something?
  1056. [10:06 PM] Skilletzorz: White: I said nothing of the sort, our differences are irreconcilable by now. she turns to face them... I shall turn her over and you can leave unmolested...or we can settle this...
  1057. [10:12 PM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: ...Should get nosey out of here...
  1058. [10:17 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Glad we're on the same page, then! he fires a water projectile at White, before lunging towards her, surrounded in water
  1059. August 11, 2016
  1060. [1:13 AM] Skilletzorz: White: weaving aside of the water projectile she swept her leg to trip Sam, a gust of wind attracting Irina.
  1061. [1:39 AM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: she tries to anchor herself to the ship, making a large icicle in her hand and slamming into the ship below her to act as a sturdy handhold to keep from getting sucked in
  1062. [8:58 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: going over White's sweep barely, he goes for an overhead swing of his sword
  1063. [9:21 PM] Skilletzorz: White: rising to her feet she attempts to slam her shoulder into Samuel before he can connect the overhead, attempting to knock him into Irina...
  1064. August 15, 2016
  1065. [11:25 PM] Skilletzorz: [bump]
  1066. August 16, 2016
  1067. [12:26 AM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: This is not how I wanted my fish and chips served today... She grumbles, trying to duck out of the way if Sam goes flying, still focused on securing Joan as she tries to make her way across the ship, using new icicles to anchor herself
  1068. [12:53 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Gh! he gets knocked back by White's attack, aiming to stop his knockback by plunging his sword into the ship, clenching his fist to cause a spire of ice to appear above her
  1069. [1:39 AM] Skilletzorz: White: she jet after Samuel firing a blast of blue energy at Sam as he stands The conflict we started was selfish but it seems now that you too understand what it means to lose yourself, protecting what is precious!
  1071. Joan: She seems to be shivering and quietly surpressing the pain where the group left her, unable to move due to her chains(edited)
  1072. [10:07 PM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: Hi, nosey. ...Hope you have a plan.. she starts to freeze the chains so she can smash them off Joan
  1073. [10:09 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: he jumps up & tries to go over the blue energy blast, attempting to drop diagonally downwards onto White
  1074. [11:12 PM] Skilletzorz: Joan: ....she weakly looks to Irina, her eye blood red....P-please stop!
  1076. White: as he falls to her she attempts to bicycle kick him out of the air
  1077. [11:25 PM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: ...Crazy virus.. right. Still. Plan?
  1078. [11:28 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: he becomes surrounded in water as he attempts to push through White's bicycle kick
  1079. August 17, 2016
  1080. [12:21 AM] Skilletzorz: Joan: she glances at frozen chain...F-freeze the turbines from above...that woman cannot swim!
  1081. [12:25 AM] Skilletzorz: White:....she follows through with the kick unimpeded sending him back into the air as she gathers particles at her right hand, forming an energy blad above her head. I shall grant no quarter
  1082. [12:44 AM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: ... she gulps and nods Right.. Stay here,... she skates off towrds the turbines, hoping Sam can buy her the needed time to work
  1083. [12:51 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Gh! as he's sent into the air, he tries to quickly right himself, firing a beam of ice at White
  1084. [1:05 AM] Skilletzorz: White; *her helmet cracks as she releases a field of particles around herself, negating the beam. The blade grows and thickens rapidly as she does so soon several times her length...at this rate it would reach end to end on the airship * I shall challenge your resolve with everything I am, everything I have!
  1086. Joan:S-SAMUEL!!!(edited)
  1087. [1:08 AM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: ...No more death, no more death... she whispers to herself, like she's in some kind of trance as she focuses on the first turbine... pouring her power into freezing it, hoping White will be too distracted with Sam to notice until it's too late... and that he doesn't die in the process
  1088. [4:08 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Very well then, so shall I! Then so... he suddenly becomes coated in blue light, gaining a golden suit of armor around him as he dashes towards her whilst surrounded in water ... shall I!
  1089. [4:16 PM] Skilletzorz: White: THIS ENDS NOW! EXCALIBUR! she attempts to slam down the blade on the three, attempting to crush and shred them....
  1091. Joan: IRINA! SAMUELLL! she weakly reaches for the duo, though she thanks to her restraints she's barely able to move her hands toward them...
  1092. [9:55 PM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: No, no.... no.... No one else dies around me... NOOOOOO! her eyes glow blue... the very air around her seemingly starting to freeze as time slows to a crawl, the bubble stretching out from her and starting to engulf the ship in her frozen world
  1093. [10:21 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: ?! he notices what's happening, covering his face with his arm as the bubble reaches him (T-the heck is... this freezing cold...)
  1094. [10:25 PM] Skilletzorz: White seems to have been slowed as the energy blade falling on the group slows upon contact Irina's orb
  1096. White:Hn?! she seems unable to swing the collosal blade faster than Samuel can move in the field thanks to his resistance and the sheer swing arc...
  1097. [10:31 PM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: Sam! her voice sounds distorted almost in the field.. hard to understand her Get her... I'll... minimize the damage...
  1098. [10:34 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: R-right...! he thrusts his sword straight into White Then... take... this!
  1099. [10:40 PM] Skilletzorz: *As Sam runs her through, White's energy blade dispells and despite the slow she follows through and attempts to slam the elbow of his sword arm with her fists to break it and disarm him, her ragged breathing coming through the cracked mask...a familiar if distorted voice as well..
  1100. * I....WILL NOT...SURRENDER!
  1102. Joan:...she winces...
  1103. [11:12 PM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: the girl runs up... seeming to move at lightning speed when she's only moving at a a simple run S...sorry... I don't... want to do this... she grips White's arm and tries to drain her heat to leave her unable to continue her mad fight
  1104. [11:30 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: he tries to pull his arm & blade out to avoid White's attack, and then attempts to grab her face as he tries to freeze her face off
  1105. [11:38 PM] Skilletzorz: White:she screams, and flares a blue particle field around herself to knock them both away before Samuel can retrieve his blade, hopping back as her mask cracked even more severely...Sam and Irina would note that despite being impaled like Jade she did not seem to be nearly as strained, and despite the slowing effect of Irina's, she seemed to be moving relatively quickly, perhaps because she was already absurdly fast before she was frozen. ...She slowly draws the blade from her chest catching her breath N-neither do I....
  1106. [11:49 PM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: she's shivering quite a bit I don't... think I can hold this for much longer... can we get her.. in water?
  1107. August 18, 2016
  1108. [4:12 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: I'll try...! he runs towards White, throwing a wave of water at her
  1109. [4:21 PM] Skilletzorz: White: she swipes the wave of water out of her way with Samuel's sword sprinting after Irina despite the severity of her wound...
  1110. August 19, 2016
  1111. [12:26 AM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: ...H..How is she still.... * Please, stop this! I don't want anyone else to die today! the air seems to freeze around Irina, as she directs the cold around her... using the last of the time she can maintain this to stop White's movement as much as she can, ice and snow forming around White's feet
  1112. [12:36 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: Hey! he performs a water-covered shoulder dash at White, aiming to stop her before she gets to Irina & knock her down
  1113. [12:49 AM] Skilletzorz: White:she tries swining but it's slowed to a crawl by Irina's ice and knocked off balance by Sam's assault(edited)
  1114. [12:51 AM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: F..finish it,.. she's shivering,visibily, her concentration fully on keeping White in place... Irina clearly can't continue to maintain this
  1115. [1:00 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: he attempts to grab White's head whilst holding her sword arm down, attempting to smash her head into the ship Don't worry about me, just stop the airship!
  1116. [1:07 AM] Skilletzorz: White: unable to react White's mask is shattered against the hull of the ship, white stubbornly clinging to the sword as she tries to raise her head, a set of red eyes from a familiar face glared back at him, slightly obscured by blue bangs...
  1117. [6:19 PM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: she nods.. running off towards the turbine.. clutching her gem for every ounce of heat it has.. time starting to return to its normal speed as Irina leaves, hoping Sam can handle her
  1118. [8:39 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: he slightly loosens up on his grip on her head, confused as to what he's looking at ... J-Joan...?
  1119. [9:30 PM] Skilletzorz: White:....her anger faulters for a moment, as she looks to Irina, then back to Samuel......It does not matter now does it? We have taken too much from one another to try to reach a mutual understanding...and...Joan is the person you care for...for us names are unnessecary..
  1120. [9:32 PM] Skilletzorz: Irina reaching the turbine would encounter no resistance though, looking down she'd note they were fairly high and above water....
  1121. [9:44 PM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: she pours the rest of her energy into freezing the turbine.. trying to slow it down and bring it down towards the water
  1122. [10:07 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: ... You must be from that other world Jade mentioned, and infected too from the looks of it. I... though it might be hard to see or hear from behind his helmet, he's a bit choked up by this; he suddenly grips her head even stronger, pushing it into the ground as he begins once more to try to freeze her I...!
  1123. [10:09 PM] Skilletzorz: White:as he does so, she attempts to swipe out his ankles with the sword to force him away and free herself G-gh?!
  1125. Irina's efforts now straight on with the exposed turbine are successful...and the ship begins lurching sideways as the engine stalls....
  1126. [10:33 PM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: she shivers... collapsing down as the ship lurches, holding on for dear life
  1127. August 20, 2016
  1128. [12:42 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: feeling her attempting to attack him, he forces White's sword arm down as he shoves her face further into the ship I hate that I have to do this... so don't resist, darn it! I want this to end quickly!
  1129. [12:51 AM] Skilletzorz: White: T-THEN END IT OR I WILL! she attempts to reach up to Samuel with her free hand and grab his chest...
  1131. As Irina grabs the side of the ship, if she looked over the turning airship, she'd note coast guard boats coming to their aid....
  1132. [1:04 AM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: she weakly scrambles up to a position where she's safe and collapses, her free hand clutching her heating gem for any bit of warmth she can get
  1133. [1:20 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: I SAID DON'T RESIST! he attempts to just shove her through the ship's deck, firing a beam of ice point-blank
  1134. [1:33 AM] Skilletzorz: The hull is too hard and White pulls herself to look him in the eye, though she seemed to be in not the best shape after multiple head smashes....the ice beam didn't seem to have much effect...
  1136. White:..she tries to gather energy at her palm but...she weakly lets go...Get it...over with already...she is waiting for you....
  1137. [1:34 AM] Skilletzorz: Irina and Sam would note the ship capsizing...
  1138. [1:42 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: ... DARN IT! he grabs Noa's saber with the arm he was using to keep White's sword arm down, and as quickly as he can, tries to cut through her neck with the weapon
  1139. [1:48 AM] Skilletzorz: White: she winces as he runs her through, holding onto Samuel's chest plate tightly before slipping off....
  1141. Joan: Hearing the ship beginning to sink she shouted as they hit the surface of the water, quickly submerging L-LUCIUSSSS!
  1143. As the ship hit water...Irina floated freely and safely of the ship, the sound of the patrol boats approaching...If Samuel looked he'd note they were very close, though slowing down to make sure they don't get caught(edited)
  1144. [2:02 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: grabbing his sword from White, he hastily swims over to Joan, trying to break through her chains with either blade
  1145. [2:30 AM] Skilletzorz: He manages to cut through the chains albeit with some resistance, and Joan clings to Sam....Sam would note Rachel diving into the water above from one of the approaching boats, swimming toward Irina to retrieve her...
  1146. [11:35 AM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: (Don't worry, Joan, I'm going to get you out of here...) he grabs ahold of Joan & begins swimming back up to the surface from around where Rachel dived in, using his water dash to try to get there as soon as possible, his increased strength hopefully making up for Joan's weight
  1147. [12:12 PM] Skilletzorz: Sam would find little difficulty with taking her to the surface and would spot Rachel dragging Irina to a nearby patrol boat, armed staff waiting though...looking a little exhasperated as they helped the group on board,
  1148. Rachel shivering as she started a spell to warm the bow of the ship, a light exuding from her palms....
  1150. Rachel: G-ghaa! Fuck that, not doing that again...She glances back, nervously eying Joan....You guys okay over there? What happened?
  1152. Joan:...She held onto Sam tightly, squeezing him almost painfully as she pressed her head against his chest, slowly nodding though if Sam got a look at her eyes she'd note they were still red... I-I will be f-fine...once we return safely...
  1153. [9:09 PM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina she stays quiet for a bit, shivering as she absorbs the heat ...I.. I have no idea...
  1154. [9:19 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: reverts back to normal as he gets on the boat; he falls flat on his behind as he holds Joan close to him, though he only briefly looks at her before quickly turning away from seeing her eyes ... It's fine, just... j-just give me some time. despite his words, he sounds sort of upset
  1155. [9:30 PM] Skilletzorz: Rachel:...(She isn't violent but...well he's got this I think...)....Okay Sam you take it easy....she grins turning over to Irina, roughly patting her on the shoulder Hey I thought we said not to over do it....
  1157. Joan:.... It...is over now...e-everything will be...fine...Lucius Joan's tone tries to be reassuring despite the strain her her voice...after a moment he'd note her grip loosening and her breathing relaxing as she began to fall asleep....
  1158. [9:34 PM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: ...Scared they'd die.... didn't want to lose anyone else... ....Slowing time just kinda happened..
  1159. [9:36 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: She did pretty well... thanks, Irina. Were it not for you, I'm not sure I could've won...
  1160. [9:44 PM] Skilletzorz: Rachel: Sounds like you were the hero...you saved at least that doofus and one of my best friends....she looks to Joan for a moment Things could have gone better but you guys were amazing
  1161. [10:11 PM] PlasticAutomaton: Irina: ...I think... I just want to go run and hide... she blushes and pulls her hood over her head
  1162. [10:18 PM] Jason Pichu: Samuel: he looks down a bit, a little shaken Hah, I'm no hero. I just did what I had to. raising his head again, he does his best to smile for Irina Yeah, I think it's over now. You'll be able to go back to normal now, I think.
  1163. [10:39 PM] Skilletzorz: Rachel: she smirks Yeah you're the doofus, I knew what I was saying...but...yeah let's get home guys.
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