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Apple Exploit Log #2

a guest
May 27th, 2015
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  1. Wed May 27 07:34:41 2015: SpringBoard ( Application 'UIKitApplication:com.toyopagroup.picaboo[0xba95]' exited voluntarily.
  2. Wed May 27 07:34:41 2015: SpringBoard ( [MPUSystemMediaControls] Updating supported commands for now playing application.
  3. Wed May 27 07:34:41 2015: SpringBoard ( [MPUSystemMediaControls] Updating supported commands for now playing application.
  4. Wed May 27 07:34:42 2015: SpringBoard ( PowerSoundDisabler: Playing sound 1104
  5. Wed May 27 07:34:42 2015: SpringBoard ( PowerSoundDisabler: Playing sound 1104
  6. Wed May 27 07:34:43 2015: SpringBoard ( PowerSoundDisabler: Playing sound 1104
  7. Wed May 27 07:34:43 2015: SpringBoard ( PowerSoundDisabler: Playing sound 1104
  8. Wed May 27 07:34:44 2015: SpringBoard ( Zeppelin: Disabling Item: 4
  9. Wed May 27 07:34:44 2015: SpringBoard ( Zeppelin: update service item (content type: 0
  10. Wed May 27 07:34:56 2015: ReportCrash (Crash Reporter): task_set_exception_ports(B07, 400, F03, 0, 0) failed with error (4: (os/kern) invalid argument)
  11. Wed May 27 07:34:56 2015: ReportCrash (Crash Reporter): ReportCrash acting against PID 4419
  12. Wed May 27 07:34:56 2015: ReportCrash (Crash Reporter): Formulating crash report for process SpringBoard[4419]
  13. Wed May 27 07:34:56 2015: ReportCrash (Crash Reporter): Saved report to /var/mobile/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/SpringBoard_2015-05-27-073456_iPhone.ips
  14. Wed May 27 07:34:56 2015: SpringBoard ( MS:Notice: Injecting: [SpringBoard] (1141.14)
  15. Wed May 27 07:34:56 2015: SpringBoard ( MS:Warning: Entering Safe Mode
  16. Wed May 27 07:34:56 2015: SpringBoard ( MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/MobileSafety.dylib
  17. Wed May 27 07:34:56 2015: SpringBoard ( MS:Warning: nil class argument for selector touchesEnded:withEvent:
  18. Wed May 27 07:34:56 2015: SpringBoard ( MS:Warning: nil class argument for selector mouseDown:
  19. Wed May 27 07:34:56 2015: SpringBoard ( MS:Warning: nil class argument for selector _updateTimeString
  20. Wed May 27 07:34:56 2015: SpringBoard ( MS:Warning: nil class argument for selector _finishUnlockWithSound:unlockSource:isAutoUnlock:
  21. Wed May 27 07:34:56 2015: SpringBoard ( MS:Warning: nil class argument for selector _unlockWithSound:isAutoUnlock:unlockSource:
  22. Wed May 27 07:34:56 2015: SpringBoard ( MS:Warning: nil class argument for selector _unlockWithSound:isAutoUnlock:unlockType:
  23. Wed May 27 07:34:56 2015: SpringBoard ( MS:Warning: message not found [SBIconController showInfoAlertIfNeeded]
  24. Wed May 27 07:34:56 2015: SpringBoard ( MS:Warning: nil class argument for selector maxIconColumns
  25. Wed May 27 07:34:56 2015: SpringBoard ( MS:Warning: message not found [UIImage defaultDesktopImage]
  26. Wed May 27 07:34:56 2015: SpringBoard ( MS:Warning: nil class argument for selector tile
  27. Wed May 27 07:34:56 2015: SpringBoard ( MS:Warning: nil class argument for selector setEnvironment:
  28. Wed May 27 07:34:57 2015: SpringBoard ( Unable to delete job with label UIKitApplication:com.tinyspeck.chatlyio[0xdd44]. Error: Operation now in progress
  29. Wed May 27 07:34:57 2015: SpringBoard ( Unable to delete job with label[0x23bc]. Error: Operation now in progress
  30. Wed May 27 07:34:57 2015: SpringBoard ( Unable to delete job with label UIKitApplication:com.appbrewllc.raincast[0x197e]. Error: Operation now in progress
  31. Wed May 27 07:34:57 2015: SpringBoard ( Unable to delete job with label[0xacc2]. Error: Operation now in progress
  32. Wed May 27 07:34:57 2015: SpringBoard ( Unable to delete job with label UIKitApplication:crash-reporter[0x8315]. Error: Operation now in progress
  33. Wed May 27 07:34:57 2015: SpringBoard ( Unable to delete job with label[0xf30]. Error: Operation now in progress
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