
Salesman and greg

Jan 23rd, 2015
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  1. 19:32 Salesman walks into the bar
  2. 19:33 GregClaskovic follows Salesman in
  3. 19:33 Salesman Now, the only problem a transmutation circle may bring, is that it uses blood as a power source, making up the left out value
  4. 19:34 GregClaskovic Is it of my blood, or your blood?
  5. 19:34 Salesman Whoever is doing the alchemy blood, Normally it would take a boulder to get a diamond rock, but blood replaces the missing factor
  6. 19:35 Salesman And no, you don't need to actually draw blood
  7. 19:35 GregClaskovic Ah, so it is not of equivalent exchange.
  8. 19:36 Salesman The blood makes it equal
  9. 19:36 GregClaskovic Oh.
  10. 19:37 Salesman Now, you must be careful, the bigger the object, the more blood, at a certain point your going to have to draw some out
  11. 19:38 GregClaskovic It is not of worries. I have small yet significant healing factor of my metal skin power.
  12. 19:39 Salesman Hmm, Alchemy allows shape change, perhaps your iron skin could factor into that!
  13. 19:39 Salesman [again, all of this is canon in the covengerverse only, I actually have no clue about real alchemy]
  14. 19:40 GregClaskovic [Pretty accurate, actually. Alchemy is the study of exchange, some would say.]
  15. 19:41 Salesman Now for some examples, wishingwell ! mind giving us some gold coins?
  16. 19:42 WishingWell awakens from his drunken stupor to the call of his name and throws a roll of gold coins at the two, "Let a man have a hangover IN PEACE!!!"
  17. 19:43 Salesman Aha, yes, thank you
  18. 19:44 Salesman gets a idea "say greg, how about I visit my old days of alchemy, follow my lead"
  19. 19:46 GregClaskovic starts to get ready to get off the chair, still trying to follow the idea of the whole concept of alchemy. "Sure, where are we into going?"
  20. 19:46 Salesman walks over to wishingwell. "Say buddy, having a hangover? I know just the cure!"
  21. 19:48 WishingWell "None of your gypsy talk, please. I want to handle this as not magically as possible..."
  22. 19:49 Salesman "now now, Alchemy is not magic, well it wasn't but thats not the point! I know of a, yoga like pose to fix you right up!
  23. 19:50 GregClaskovic Can we get to the point, Greg is of losing attention.
  24. 19:51 Salesman ...yeah alright
  25. 19:52 Salesman places hand on WishingWell's head, making his helmet MUCH heavier, too much for the table in fact
  26. 19:54 GregClaskovic Greg is concerned for coin man, Is he of well being?
  27. 19:54 Salesman Well, that was suppose to be a simple prank, but he may of broken his neck
  28. 19:55 Salesman turns Wishingwell's helmet back to normal
  29. 19:55 GregClaskovic I think that will not help the broken neck.
  30. 19:56 Salesman Hrmm, help me get the helmet off, I'll give him a healing potion
  31. 19:57 GregClaskovic touches WishingWell's helmet, the metal turns into a liquid-like substance, retreating to my finger.
  32. 19:58 Salesman Oooh, you already can control metal, that'll shorten the teaching time, but he'll want that back
  33. 19:59 GregClaskovic I can give it back to him, but it won't be of the same pattern or shape. I have to really know of the object in order to put it back of normal state.
  34. 19:59 Salesman I'm sure he has extra
  35. 20:00 Salesman pours the red liquid down WishingWell's throat, loud snapping is heard as his neck heals
  36. 20:02 GregClaskovic So, do I need that funny circle shape on my back to be good at the alchemy?
  37. 20:03 Salesman transmutation circle? no, unless you want to draw it on the ground every time you desire to use alchemy
  38. 20:04 GregClaskovic I can do that funny transmutation shape without needing of any pencil to draw it, you know. All I need to be do is be able to fully remember the magic shape.
  39. 20:05 Salesman Oh? well I have a poster of it back at the shop so you wont need to look at my back all dya
  40. 20:06 GregClaskovic That is good. It will take some time to do. Making hard patterns takes time for Greg.
  41. 20:08 Salesman fixes the table and places Wishingwell back onto it, neck not broken and well alive, but still hung over
  42. 20:10 GregClaskovic So, the image, If I make this on my back, I will gain alchemy power?
  43. 20:12 Salesman Kinda, it takes immense focus and training, having to get the right element, getting use to the sudden blood loss, knowing the rules
  44. 20:13 Salesman But thats with all magic, years of training, for what you want to do, it won't take that long, anything to metal correct
  45. 20:13 GregClaskovic Yes, All I want is to have the power of controlling metal better.
  46. 20:14 GregClaskovic Although the Magic sound's good.
  47. 20:16 Salesman Only magic I know of is Alchemy, but I do sell various magic objects in my store, and you get a discount
  48. 20:17 WishingWell just can't anymore
  49. 20:17 GregClaskovic So, will we get the image of the transmorphic thing of magic?
  50. 20:17 Salesman Oh good the potion worked, I promise never to pull pranks on you again Wishingwell
  51. 20:18 Salesman And yes I have it back at home
  52. 20:18 GregClaskovic So then, will we go and get it?
  53. 20:18 Salesman Sure, I can show you around Neon
  54. 20:18 WishingWell "Motherfucking gypsy...."
  55. 20:19 Salesman Alchemist
  56. 20:19 Salesman if your going to insult me do it right
  57. 20:21 GregClaskovic gets off the chair, drips the metal absorbed from WishingWell's helmet into a liquid puddle next to him. "I think you will be of needing this back."
  58. 20:22 WishingWell ..."No....this can't be....."
  59. 20:22 Salesman places a free discount card next to the puddle
  60. 20:23 WishingWell leaves the bar, it's code red dawn. They're teaching the commies magic. And he isn't having any of that, not in his America.
  61. 20:25 GregClaskovic So, will we go now? I'm getting more needful for this magic exchange.
  62. 20:26 Salesman Sure, lets go now!
  63. GregClaskovic Right, so will we get on with this ritual for magic?
  64. 20:31 Salesman At my house, follow me
  65. 20:31 GregClaskovic I am worried for the Coin man, He wasn't very friendly when we revived him.
  66. 20:41 Salesman [sorry for taking a bit, had to take out trash]
  67. 20:41 GregClaskovic ['ight.]
  68. 20:42 Salesman Wells? Yeah he can be a bit...weird, at times, I'm sure he won't do any harm, he doesn't even know where house is
  69. 20:42 Salesman where my house is*
  70. 20:43 Salesman [damn it your accent is rubbing off]
  71. 20:43 GregClaskovic [cyka, it is the russian pride]
  72. 20:43 GregClaskovic It occured to me that he is of not appreciative of me giving him back his metal helmet.
  73. 20:44 Salesman Well if someone turned my hat to liquid I would be a bit mad as well, but if I had tons more, it wouldn't be as bad
  74. 20:45 GregClaskovic I understand. A lot of people did not like it when I turned their guns into mushy substance. Are we almost to your house yet?
  75. 20:49 Salesman points to a small two story store, 'Trash To Treasure' is a sign on top
  76. 20:49 Salesman here we are
  77. 20:50 GregClaskovic Very roomy. Reminds me of my old cabin back in Stalingrad.
  78. 20:53 Salesman -as they approach the store, a giant stands up from behind the store, revealing itself as a 20ft brick golem, looking right at Greg-
  79. 20:54 GregClaskovic Is the golem of a threat?
  80. 20:54 Salesman Oh nonono, Greg, meet my main guard, Brick-house
  81. 20:55 Salesman He makes sure no one robes my store when I'm out
  82. 20:55 GregClaskovic It is not looking very strong, to be of honesty. Couldn't you make him out of metal?
  83. 20:56 *** WishingWell quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 35.0/20150108202552])
  84. 20:56 Salesman Its more of a camouflage reason
  85. 20:56 Salesman enters the store
  86. 20:57 GregClaskovic follows Salesman in, looking around the store at certain things.
  87. 20:59 Salesman -The store looks like any old gas station, except with magical items, such as runes, books, wands, and some sort of giant eye in a jar looking at everything with its three pupils, behind the main desk it suddenly looks like a pawn shop-
  88. 20:59 GregClaskovic So, this is where I will be of working from now on?
  89. 21:01 Salesman Yep, mainly behind the counter, if Brick-House ever gets destroyed, I can move you to main guard, a lot of people want whats in here
  90. 21:02 GregClaskovic So, where is the poster, then?
  91. 21:03 Salesman wonders why he is so dedicated to getting the poster, but ignores it as simple wanting to learn
  92. 21:04 Salesman moves a few shirts hanged up behind the counter, opening a door behind them. "up here to my house"
  93. 21:04 GregClaskovic It is probably of understanding that If I move into here, there will be people looking for me. I have no good reputation from both my country and international relations.
  94. 21:05 Salesman Of course, I'll add a extension. -whistles-
  95. 21:06 Salesman -around 15 golems of different sizes enter the store, walking into the door, which only leads to a stair case-
  96. 21:07 GregClaskovic You have more Golems? I thought brick-house would of been your only defender of the house.
  97. 21:08 Salesman shuts the door, opening it back up a few minutes later, revealing a brand new door inside next to the stares
  98. 21:08 Salesman The golems were usually just for cleaning, picking up orders, or being material for making a new room
  99. 21:09 GregClaskovic You kill the Golems for material?
  100. 21:09 Salesman Well, its killing like remolding clay
  101. 21:11 Salesman Golems are just made for following orders, its all they know, legend has it when a man tried to give a golem a soul..didn't end well
  102. 21:13 GregClaskovic So I haven't really took to undertstand the full potential of the magic alchemy power. I know I need of aspect of myself, but it is not of great detail.
  103. 21:15 Salesman alchemy can be very powerful, creating golems made of water, fire, lightning, jumping into lava that turns to water, no harm done to the person, turning a entire mountain to a single golem. skilled I may seem, I'm nothing compared to the Alchemists of legend
  104. 21:16 GregClaskovic Alchemists of Legend? Are they of similarities of Lenin and Stalin?
  105. 21:19 Salesman I...wouldn't know, kinda failed world history when I was younger, spent all my time trying to perfect my first golem
  106. 21:21 GregClaskovic Alright, so if I were to perfect this magic, I would also be able to create golems?
  107. 21:21 Salesman leads him to a medium sized room, a table and chairs over to the side, and a soft bed in the back middle, with a large transmutation circle imprinted on the wall adjacent to it
  108. 21:22 Salesman I left a lot of room for you to customize, give me a bit to find a good tv though
  109. 21:22 Salesman And a fridge
  110. 21:23 GregClaskovic I don't need food, I've spent 6 months in the cold siberia of the motherland. But TV is good.
  111. 21:24 GregClaskovic sits looks at the transmutation circle on the wall, as he focuses on it, a small line appears on his back, going at a circular angle.
  112. 21:27 Salesman grabs a broom, placing it inside "Just hit the ceiling with it when your done, or want more Alchemy info"
  113. 21:27 GregClaskovic finishes the circle, then proceeds to the shape within the circle. Greg has to focus more, the sharp angles are hard to create for him.
  114. 21:30 GregClaskovic is done creating the most of the shapes within the circle. Trys to focus on finishing it off. All that is left is the three symbols within the middle.
  115. 21:31 GregClaskovic ... I think I'm done. Is it right? I do not know if I have done it right.
  116. 21:33 Salesman compares the two."Yep, pretty perfect"
  117. 21:36 Salesman Now, before we start on Alchemy, I want to go over store rules
  118. 21:37 GregClaskovic What type of rules are we of talking here?
  119. 21:41 Salesman all party, sexually activity, drinking, eating, smoking, killing, are to be keep in here and out of store view, You don't need to wear a shirt because your muscles are defiantly going to bring in more customers, and no stealing from the store
  120. 21:42 Salesman Work hours are 7 am to 3 pm
  121. 21:42 Salesman Any magic practices must be viewed by me until I feel you are ready
  122. 21:43 GregClaskovic I have no need of stealing things. I have one request. I understand that I cannot preform alchemy on living things, but can I of turn say, metal, into normal skin?
  123. 21:45 Salesman Hmmm, alchemy on living things is possible, but banned, however, I do see why you would want such a request, it may take some time, but, yes, I do think it will be possible
  124. 21:46 GregClaskovic So, I could of turn myself back to normal then with the alchemy magic?
  125. 21:48 Salesman Yes, but I'm not sure if your healing factor, metal control, any powers besides the alchemy would stay
  126. 21:50 GregClaskovic I know the powers will stay with me as long as I keep some of metal with me. I'll keep the transmutation shape on my back along with the metal, if I can.
  127. 21:54 Salesman That would be dangerous, having a body part being such different, and a constant sin if you use it to switch back and forth
  128. 21:55 GregClaskovic So I cannot ever go back to normal to the point where I look normal?
  129. 22:00 Salesman Quiet the chose, go on with powers, or lose it all to be normal
  130. 22:02 GregClaskovic I don't know anymore. I know if I remove my metal powers, I will be allowed back to motherlands. I won't be followed anymore by my own people.
  131. 22:04 GregClaskovic sits down on the chair. Elbows balanced on his knees, hands up holding his face. "Черт".
  132. 22:06 Salesman places hand on Gregs shoulder. "I promise, once you master the magic of Alchemy, I'll change you back to normal, better to have some power then non"
  133. 22:08 GregClaskovic No, We can think of this out. Maybe if we could use the alchemy power to control the metal powers... If I could find a way to control the metal powers fully.
  134. 22:08 Salesman What do you mean?
  135. 22:10 GregClaskovic If I can mold and make the metal squishy substance, then there is more than just having metal skin, or being very strong. I think I can control it, but I don't know how.
  136. 22:13 Salesman Make the metal skin like?
  137. 22:13 Salesman Make the metal, skin like?
  138. 22:14 GregClaskovic Maybe. I thought that with your powers, it would be easy to turn back into normal than into metal. Seems more hard now with the choice, but I do believe of a way to think around it.
  139. 18:23 GregClaskovic I think we can do this, it is of possibilities. What about those legendary alchemist men? What have you studied of them?
  140. 18:31 Salesman Thats just the thing, legends may or may not be true. Transforming you back to normal is one thing, but somehow letting you keep your powers...I'm just not sure
  141. 18:32 GregClaskovic We're going have to take the chance. I am never not patient when it comes up to things like these. It's it's a chance, I'm going to be taking the chance.
  142. 18:39 Salesman Alright, I'll try, how much do you weigh?
  143. 18:40 Salesman I need to know for the blood loss amount
  144. 18:40 GregClaskovic I weigh just over 2 tons. How will this be of working?
  145. 18:45 Salesman We'll start small, give me your arm
  146. 18:47 GregClaskovic touches his left arm, the metal from the arm slowly circulates into a blob floating slightly over my finger. "This will do, yeah?" The metal solidifies back into the shape of my right arm.
  147. 18:48 Salesman I'm guessing you made it skin think?
  148. 18:48 Salesman thick*
  149. 18:48 GregClaskovic Yeah. Will it do, or do I need more?
  150. 18:49 Salesman No no, it will do fine
  151. 18:49 Salesman places a hand above and below Gregs arm
  152. 18:50 Salesman focuses and....nothing happens
  153. 18:50 GregClaskovic Was it not enough?
  154. 18:51 Salesman No,no, greg, is it just your skin that is metal?
  155. 18:52 GregClaskovic No. I am of certainty that my body is made of metal. The more I used it back in Russia, the more my body became metal.
  156. 18:53 Salesman Greg, I'm sorry but, I, I'm not sure I can do this, skin is one thing, but, organs, blood...I'm sorry
  157. 18:53 GregClaskovic So there is no chance?
  158. 18:56 Salesman Maybe, what exactly happened to make you like this?
  159. 18:58 GregClaskovic I was a test experiment. I was taken from my squad to do some man weapon experiment, to see if they could make a soldier capable of fighting the nuclear war, but what they of found was more important to them than the experiment, I was a infinite source of metal to them. They strapped me up and put me into a thermalnuclear furnace. Things didn't go well.
  160. 19:03 Salesman Hmm, Magic may not help you, tel you what, Xenon has a science department that maybe able to, we'll visit them first thing tomorrow
  161. 19:04 Salesman gets up, but a dark thought came across his mind
  162. 19:04 Salesman Greg, do you know how many people were experimented on?
  163. 19:05 GregClaskovic My father, me, and some other man, they tried to give my Father the ability to be able to phase through bullets, and the other man... that is another story.
  164. 19:05 GregClaskovic Why?
  165. 19:08 Salesman Well, infinite metal is one hell of a resource, and whose to say they didn't make more men or women like this, if they come to find you, Neon could be in some very big danger
  166. 19:10 GregClaskovic It has occurred to me that they will come here. I've went to every place on earth, running. They've always been on my trail, but if we're lucky, they won't check Neon city.
  167. 19:13 Salesman Lets hope your right
  168. 19:14 GregClaskovic I know where my father lives. In Poland, I assume he settled down there. It could be of possibility that we could go there.
  169. 19:18 Salesman I have friends here in Neon, and I'm sure Xenon can defend it, still...
  170. 19:18 GregClaskovic You need someone to protect the shop.
  171. 19:21 Salesman We'll think about this tomorrow, remember, work starts at 7
  172. 19:22 Salesman And, sorry again I wasn't able to help
  173. 19:24 GregClaskovic It is alright. I'll try to get in touch with my father, but for now, I think it will be of necessity to have get going with the job, yes?
  174. 19:28 Salesman Work doesn't start till 7 am, and its night out, so, get some rest, or go out drinking, your choice
  175. 19:31 GregClaskovic Ladno. I'll try to catch up on some sleep. Goodnight, Salesman.
  176. 19:37 Salesman Goodnight Greg
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