
Dreams (FiE: 10)

Jun 27th, 2012
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  1. Part 10:
  2. >It's been extremely busy the last few weeks at the boutique.
  3. >You've been helping Rarity with outfit orders for some big party in Canterlot.
  4. >Apparently this is where the monarchs of this land live.
  5. >Interesting information, not to mention completely useless to you.
  6. >It seems that being a hermit is in your nature.
  7. >Besides that party that Pinkie threw you, and the occasional venture to get supplies from the post office, you didn't leave the boutique.
  8. >Not that you really minded.
  9. >Rarity kept you company, and you her.
  10. >It was nice, really.
  11. >As you are in the process of cutting some cloth, an absolutely ecstatic Rarity comes crashing through the front door.
  12. >”Fiddlesticks, guess what?!” She only ever said your full name when she was either extremely upset, or extremely happy.
  13. >And judging from her smile, it would appear to be the latter.
  14. >*shrug*
  15. >”Aw, you're no fun, darling.”
  16. >*shrug*
  18. >Anyways,” she approaches the couch you are cutting on. “Apparently Twilight's brother is captain of the Canterlot Guard, and he is getting MARRIED to a PRINCESS!” Her squees of joy would kill a lesser man.
  19. >But you are not a man, are you Fid?
  20. >Soon Brain, soon.
  21. >She is staring at you now.
  22. >You are looking at her, deadpan as always.
  23. >”Don't you know what this means?” Her happy demeanor is contagious.
  24. >You continue to stare at her.
  25. >”You... you really don't know?” her face is one of puzzled amusement
  26. >*shrug*
  27. >”I've told you about how me and the girls are Elements of Harmony, right? Well, being such prestigious p0nies means that we are invited to the wedding!” She is now jumping up and down on her couch.
  28. >”That's great. I hope you have fun.” you let out a closed mouth smile as you continue cutting.
  29. >”Well, I'm sure I will, but you will too!”
  30. >You look at her and simply stare for a moment, unmoving.
  31. >She realizes you're confused, and continues on.
  32. >”Darling, you saved Twilight from those filthy Diamond Dogs! You saved the life of an Element, and one of Princess Celestia's closest students!”
  33. >”What does that matter?” you ask
  34. >”Well, it matters because you are formally invited to attend as well!” Her smile is ear to ear.
  35. >Oh.
  37. >”We need to get you dressed up for the occasion!”
  38. >”I don't think I will be attending.”
  39. >”Oh? And why is that?” she is staring daggers.
  40. >”Well, I am going to help Zecora with some issues she is having in the Everfree.” you say.
  41. >”Oh...” She seems completely defeated at this development
  42. >An awkward silence hangs in the air.
  43. >”I'll still see you off. And if I finish early, I'll go to the wedding, alright?”
  44. >Ah, there's that smile you have grown to love.
  45. >That's a strange thought, Fiddle.
  46. >What is, Brain?
  47. >You loving something.
  48. >Well, yeah, that smile is adorable, and you know it.
  50. >What? I don't have feeli-
  52. >Images of scarep0ny foals flash across your mind. In the distance, a p0ny shouts “The horror! The horror!”
  53. >Rarity's joyous squeal snaps you out of your vision.
  54. >”Well, should you be able to go, you'll need to look a bit fancier. I'm going to make you that hat and eyepiece you had before. You looked positively smashing when you had those on!” She jumps off the couch and bolts for the creativity room, slamming the door behind her.
  55. >Leaving you alone with your thoughts.
  56. >And the only thought in your head is scarep0nies.
  57. >Brain, you're a jerk
  58. >I know.
  60. >You wake up to a tiny white p0ny jumping up and down on the foot of your bed.
  61. >”wakeupwakeupwakeupwakeupwakeupwakeup”
  62. >Just one quick slice, and this hell would be over, Fid.
  63. >And a whole new personal hell would arise with me killing an innocent. Not to mention Rarity would literally slay me for killing her daughter.
  64. >”Quiet little one.” you sit straight up and get out of bed, not taking your eyes off the little marshmallow.
  65. >”What is so important that you must wake me?”
  66. >”Rarity told me to tell you something.” She stopped jumping, and is now smiling.
  67. >*stare*
  68. >She is merely staring back at you, still smiling.
  69. >”What did she say?” You ask.
  70. >”Uhm... I forgot.”
  71. >Is this little filly serious?
  72. >”Then why wake me?” You ask, your anger rising.
  73. >”Well, I remembered before. Then when I started jumping, I forgot.” Her smile generates more rage than you have ever felt before.
  75. >”FEAR ME!” You shout at the little filly.
  76. >You grab your scythe and cut the little marshmallow into several pieces before she could even make a sound.
  77. >You walk out of the room, bloody scythe in hand.
  78. >”Fid, darling, why is your scythe bloody? Wheres Sweetie-” You cut her off
  79. >”You spawned that little marshmallow demon! You will suffer for your sins against p0nykind!”
  80. >You cut off a portion of her mane with a quick, methodical chop.
  81. >She is staring in horror at the curled purple lump of hair that has landed in front of her.
  82. >You throw your scythe aside, and kick a stunned Rarity onto her back.
  83. >You grab the lock of mane, and proceed to throttle the life out of her with it.
  84. >”This is for creating that little filly, you filthy harlot!” you say as her face goes blue.
  85. >You shake your head and see Sweetie Belle staring at you.
  86. >”Are you ok, Mr. Fiddle?“ She looks concerned.
  87. >You inaudibly sigh.
  88. >”Please, don't wake me up so suddenly unless its an emergency, alright?”
  89. >”Okay!” she bounds out of the room.
  90. >Her joyful attitude disarms any previous anger you held.
  91. >Confound these fillies, they drive you to drink.
  92. >You walk out of the room, donning the top hat and monocle.
  94. >Rarity is standing by the front door, bags in tow, staring at you general direction.
  95. >”Hello Rarity.”
  96. >”Good morning. Are you sure you don't want to go?”
  97. >*nod*
  98. >”Oh, alright then. Sweetie, grab your bag, it's time to go!”
  99. >”Okay sis!” she beams.
  100. >Rarity magics open the door.
  101. >Nudging your hat with your cane, you walk between Rarity and Sweetie, and straight out the door.
  102. >Like a boss.
  103. >Rarity chuckles at your antics, and follows suit.
  104. >On the way to the train station, you meet up with her other friends.
  105. >AJ is still hesitant to stand near you or look you in the eye, but the others treat you as one of their own.
  106. >You expected as much. When you make things fear, they usually don't look at you again.
  107. >They are talking among themselves.
  108. >No one is really paying you much mind, except for Pinkie, who commented on your “really really neat hat”
  109. >You prefer the unintentional solitude.
  111. >They board the train, all saying goodbye to you.
  112. >Rarity was the last to leave, giving you a longer goodbye.
  113. >”Are you sure you don't want to come along?” there is a hint of sorrow in her voice.
  114. >”I'm sure. My presence would do nothing but unsettle all attending. Have fun, and be safe, ok?”
  115. >Be safe? Fid, you wuss.
  116. >Shut up brain.
  117. >”Ok, will do. I'll be back in a few days.”
  118. >*nod*
  119. >As the train fades into the distance, you see Rarity poke her head out of the window, and wave back to you.
  120. >You smile and wave back.
  121. >Brain, what time is it?
  122. >Its time to visit Zecora.
  123. >Damn straight it is.
  125. >After about an hour, you approach the zebra's hut.
  126. >You use your cane to knock on the door.
  127. >”If I could have you wait, it would be an act I would appreciate.”
  128. >So you wait.
  129. >After a few minutes, the door opens to show you that familiar mohawked zebra.
  130. >”Ah, if it isnt the man of hay. How are you doing on this day.” she smiles.
  131. >”I'm fine. I came out here to talk to you about something.”
  132. >”What seems to be the issue? Is it something sad? Should I grab you a tissue?”
  133. >You simply stare at her, face deadpan as ever.
  134. >”I cannot cry in this form. But I want to change that.”
  135. >”Ah, you want to be a human again, I can tell. Come on in and sit down for a spell.”
  136. >You enter the shack, ducking to get in and stand in the center of the room.
  137. >Its been a month, but the room is pretty much exactly the same.
  138. >Except the didgeridoo on the wall.
  139. >Where did she get that?
  140. >”Ah, I see you admire my didgeridoo. I think its a great addition to the house, don't you?”
  141. >*nod*
  142. > “But enough about my choice in decorations. I think I have a potion that will meet your specifications.” She has a smile on her face.
  143. >”How do you know what I will ask for?” your head is cocked.
  144. >”It's simple, my potato sack friend. You do not want your new body to be your end. There is a flower called 'Hearts Desire'. Whatever you want most will transpire.” she goes into a cupboard and pulls out a potion.
  146. >”This potion here always works on pony type. But with you, I am unsure if it will live up to the hype.” She looks you up and down.
  147. >”Potions and elixirs affect me the same as anyone with flesh, Zecora. This is my best chance of regaining humanity.” You stare at the potion she is holding.
  148. >Seriously how do these equine do that?
  149. >”When you drink this, think of what you want most of all. Whatever your heart desires, the potion will answer its call.” she puts the potion on the table in front of you.
  150. >You grab the small potion in your hands, and focus.
  151. >Popping the cap, you tilt your head back and chug the potion.
  152. >Once it's gone, you put the bottle back down, and you wait.
  153. >And wait.
  154. >And wait some more.
  155. >”Zecora, I don't think-” A massive pain in your chest prevents you from finishing your thought.
  156. >Clutching your chest, you fall to your knees, and attempt to lean on the table.
  157. >Your feeble grip slips, and you fall to the ground on your side, arms ahead of you.
  158. >You turn your head towards the zebra.
  159. >”” You reach your hand out towards her.
  160. >”I cannot help you my friend. To get what you want, you must focus on it until the end.” she takes a step back out of your reach
  161. >Think Fiddle, THINK! What do you want more than anything in this world?
  162. >...
  163. >WHAT DO YOU WANT?!
  164. >I want... to feel.
  165. >You black out.
  167. >You bolt upright and hit your head on the bottom of the table
  168. >”Ow.” You clutch your head in pain.
  169. >Wait a minute...
  170. >You feel the top of your head.
  171. >Hair.
  172. >Again.
  173. >You look at your hands (which have fingers) and your feet (which have toes).
  174. >You let out a large smile.
  175. >”Zecora! It worked! I'm a human again!” you quickly rise to your feet, grabbing your hat and monocle as you do.
  176. >Zecora walk into the room.
  177. >”I can see that, you look healthy and fine. And now that you're human, you are all mine.” She has a sultry smile on her face.
  178. >Nope.
  179. >”Uh. Thanks but no thanks. I have to head back to town. I have things I need to take care of. Bye!” You speak quickly before turning around and literally running out of the hut.
  180. >”Fiddlesticks, one last thing you absolutely must do.” You stop in your tracks, and turn to face her. “Come back on another night, so we can screw!” her sultry smile has grown somehow, and her eyes are half lidded
  181. >Nopenopenopenopenopenope.
  182. >”Generous, but I must leave. Goodbye!” you turn around and book it.
  184. >You approach the edge of the Everfree.
  185. >You walk slower, to enjoy the feeling of the grass on your feet.
  186. >As you walk into town, you don't get many strange glances your way.
  187. >Your scythe identifies who you are, and the town (while being fearful of you) have accepted your presence in their living area.
  188. >You approach a familiar flower stand.
  189. >”Hello, ma'am. May I?” You point at one of the blood red roses in the basket.
  190. >She nods her head as you gently pick up the rose to avoid the thorns on it.
  191. >After brushing your fingertips along the silky pedals, you put your nose into the bud of the flower, and breathe it in.
  192. >You close your eyes as you relish the scent.
  193. >Oh, how beautiful the scent is. Having to try to put the scent into words would simply not do it justice.
  194. >Opening your eyes, you put the flower back into the basket.
  195. >”Thank you” You can feel your eyes start to moisten.
  196. >”You are quite welcome, sir.” She smiles.
  197. >You turn around and head back toward the boutique.
  198. >As you walk you stop to enjoy the sensation of the smooth stone road against your bare feet and the warm sun on your skin.
  199. >You hear howling and buzzing in the distance.
  200. >You instinctively grab your scythe and will it to be 2 handed
  201. >There are about 3 or 4 dozen dogs, and just as many black ponies with translucent wings flying above them.
  202. >”ATTACK!” Shouts the largest dog.
  203. >The fact these beings are attacking such a peaceful town is real low.
  204. >Perhaps it is time to teach them [spoiler] to fear the crows [/spoiler]
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