
Social Cues

May 6th, 2014 (edited)
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  1. >You hear your rapid breathing, your footfalls.
  2. >You hear wing beats.
  3. >You see the trees in the darkness rush past you as you weave around them.
  4. >Wing beats have stopped, only to be picked up by hoofsteps.
  5. >They approach steadily.
  6. >You don’t stop.
  7. >You chance a glance backwards.
  8. >Princess Luna gallops after you, her features enraged, her eyes with a crazed look about them.
  9. >Her horn glows as she levitates an unusually large fish next to her as she pursues you.
  11. “For the last time, Luna! I’m not doing THAT with a fish!”
  12. >How the hell did you get into this?
  14. \Two weeks ago/
  15. >You are Anonymous; the only human in Equestria.
  16. >You’ve learned one thing about ponies.
  17. >They are all incredibly racist... at least in Canterlot. The place you live.
  18. >After appearing, you could never get a job.
  19. >No one would hire the ‘ape creature’.
  20. >You were on the verge of diving into dumpsters for food.
  21. >The Celestia offered you a job in the castle as well as your own quarters.
  22. >You, of course, accepted.
  23. >The generosity was clearly spawned from pity, but you aren’t nearly prideful or shortsighted enough to refuse.
  24. >Sure, the rest of the staff sneer at you whenever the princesses aren’t there, but the princesses themselves are nice.
  25. >Recently you had been eating at the princess’ table. Celestia invited you to get you away from all of the quiet hatred of the meeting hall.
  26. >Celestia is humble and quite talkative when alone with yourself and Luna. She’s nice.
  27. >Luna is nice as well. Loud, strange, socially clueless, but nice.
  28. >The princess’ attitude towards you makes you feel welcome for once.
  29. >Despite the universe’s best efforts, your life isn’t totally messed up.
  30. >But the universe is known for being persistent...
  31. ---
  32. >You sit at the royal dining table, Luna to your left and Celestia to your right.
  33. >Breakfast.
  34. >It’s relatively quiet, only the sounds of each of you eating your meal.
  35. >Waffles.
  36. >Strangely simplistic, given the two sisters’ profession.
  37. >Celestia argues that fancy dining loses its appeal if you have it every breakfast lunch and dinner.
  38. >Luna in particular seems to enjoy waffles. They didn’t exist a thousand years ago, but she seems pleased by their invention.
  39. >Luna clears her throat.
  41. >You cringe, and Celestia folds her ears back.
  42. >”Volume, dear sister.” Celestia admonishes.
  43. >Luna blushes. “Our apologies.”
  44. >She had been getting better about that.
  45. >You grab the butter, and pass it to Luna’s side of the table.
  46. >Apparently, using magic to levitate items from across the table was frowned upon one thousand years ago. Not so much anymore, but Celestia has adopted the old table manners to help her sister feel more at home.
  47. >You don’t have magical levitation powers to begin with, so that particular table rule is easy for you to follow.
  48. >You finish your waffles quietly, only to notice something strange.
  49. >Underneath the last waffle, is a single pea.
  50. >You lean back as a knife surrounded by a blue aura suddenly launches itself to your plate.
  51. >The knife swings down, and slices the pea in half.
  52. >You look over at Luna, who was looking at you with a blush.
  53. >”Nary a day for peas likeness, Anonymous.”
  54. >You stare at her with a bewildered expression.
  55. >You turn to look at Celestia, who seemed just as confused.
  56. >You turn to look at the split pea and the knife as it clatters on your plate lifelessly.
  57. >You turn back to Luna.
  58. “Uhh... what?”
  59. >Her blush intensifies, before she abruptly stands up and her horn glows.
  60. >”Wewiltbetakingourleavenowgoodmorrow!”
  61. >In a flash and crackle of teleportation, she’s gone.
  62. >You look at Celestia, who looks at you and shrugs.
  63. >What the…?
  64. ---
  65. “What did that mean?”
  66. >Celestia furrows her brow.
  67. >”I...” she pauses. “ not know. Perhaps an old custom? Means of saying thanks?”
  68. >You raise an eyebrow.
  69. “You don’t know? Weren’t you alive when she was?”
  70. >Celestia rolls her eyes, something she never does outside of privacy and those she trusts.
  71. >It’s nice to know she trusts you.
  72. >”It was a thousand years ago, Anon. Cultures and customs change more rapidly than you would think, and I do not retain perfect memory. Luna did seem thoroughly embarrassed, however...” she frowned. “Perhaps she is embarrassed that you did not get it?”
  73. “She could just explain it to me.” You point out.
  74. >”Luna has never been entirely...” she cringes. “’there’, socially. Even when she was within her own culture she was seen by most to be awkward. Please be patient with her.”
  75. “No need to worry about me being impatient. I was awkward beyond measure when I was a teenager. Besides, I tolerated having my eardrums blown out multiple times. A little confusion is really no big deal.”
  76. >Celestia smiles warmly. “Thank you for being so understanding.”
  77. >You wave her off.
  78. “Anyone would do the same.”
  79. >She chuckles bitterly. “If only that were true. As you have experienced, Canterlot ponies are notoriously nasty to those they deem too different.”
  80. >Your eyebrows rise.
  81. “Well, yeah, they’re like that to me because I’m unimportant and a different species. They wouldn’t be like that towards not only another pony but a princess, would they?”
  82. >Celestia sighs and looks down.
  83. >”Unfortunately, they would. If anything, her status as co-ruler and royalty has only made her a bigger target. She has been feeling just as alienated as she was before she was banished.” She looks up at you with a proud smile. “You, however, have been combatting these feelings just by talking to her.”
  84. >You blink.
  85. “I have?”
  86. >Smiles and nods.
  87. ---
  88. >”You’re the only one besides me to actually speak to her like she isn’t either an outcast or a thinly veiled monster. She also connects with you, with you having experienced much of the same during your stay.”
  89. >She sighs sadly.
  90. >”It pains me that my little ponies are capable of such cruelty.”
  91. >You frown.
  92. “Why haven’t you done something?”
  93. >She looks at you and your eyes widen after you realize what you said.
  94. “N-Not that I’m accusing, it’s just-“
  95. >”I understand what you mean, Anonymous.” She placates. “Up until Luna’s return, the citizens of Canterlot only ever gave dirty looks to those they don’t like. Those not dressed properly, those of a particular political persuasion, non-ponies... It was never an active issue and I had assumed that they would eventually halt such behavior.”
  96. >”Since Luna’s return, however, their discrimination against the different has been more active. They’ve gone from dirty looks to insults and glares in the streets. The refuse to acknowledge her as princess despite her position.”
  97. >Celestia shakes her head.
  98. >”I wish I could do more than simply tell ponies that it is wrong. I wish I could punish them to get them to stop, but they have their rights of free speech. Since Luna’s return, more and more of the city populace has been questioning my rule, and dissecting my acts of good intentions as means of manipulation and control like I’m some tyrant. If I actively violate the citizens’ right to free speech by taking a more active position against their treatment, I will only exasperate the problem.”
  99. >You stare at her sympathetically.
  100. “Wow. I already knew the ponies here are jerks, but I didn’t know it was this bad.”
  101. >She nods. “I don’t know what went wrong to make them like this. Ponyville is much friendlier, however. I’m thinking of sending Luna there for next Nightmare Night.” She smiles.
  102. ---
  103. >You have returned to the royal dining room after a hard day’s work.
  104. >Luna had skipped out on lunch earlier in the day.
  105. >You turn to her, seeing a rather downcast look on her face. She poked and prodded her salad, but never seemed to eat it.
  106. >You look at Celestia, who seemed just as concerned as you are.
  107. >You clear your throat.
  108. “So, Luna.” You say. “How has your day been?”
  109. >She looks at you with wide eyes.
  110. >She opens her mouth to speak, then closes it, looking down at the table. She looks back at you, opens her mouth to speak again, before seeming to think better of it again.
  111. >You... didn’t realize you asked such a difficult question.
  112. >”...’Twas fine.” She finally answers.
  113. >No one spoke for a few moments, only the sound of clinking silverware and plating filling the room.
  114. “So uh, what did you do today?”
  115. >She didn’t look up.
  116. >”We spent the majority of our day studying the new duties we are to take responsibility of by and by.”
  117. >You blink.
  118. “’By and by’?”
  119. >She turns to you, looking infuriated.
  120. >”Yes, ‘by and by’. Art thou daft?”
  121. >”Luna.” Celestia interrupted, gaining her sister’s attention. “He is simply asking what that means. Remember, he is not acquainted with all of your terminology and customs.”
  122. >Luna deflates and her ears fold back. “Ah. Our apologies fair Anonymous. Sometimes we forget that you do not... understand... everything...” she trails off, her eyes widening.
  123. >Suddenly, she grins widely.
  124. >She stands up.
  126. >A flash and a crackle later, she is gone.
  127. >You feel just as confused as you were this morning. You turn to Celestia to see surprise on her face.
  128. >”Well, she seemed excited.” She tittered.
  129. “Is abruptly teleporting out of the dining room for no reason going to be a thing she does now?”
  130. ---
  131. >It’s been a day.
  132. >Lunch is in an hour.
  133. >In that hour, you have to sweep the northern second story halls.
  134. >You’d think with them being halls, that it would be relatively easy to clean.
  135. >Nope.
  136. >Ponies are slobs in the strangest places.
  137. >There was a half-eaten carrot on the floor.
  138. >You bet White House janitors never had to deal with this.
  139. >You look down the hall to see a single tomato roll around the corner into your sight.
  140. >You glare at the tomato.
  141. >”Anonymous!”
  142. “Jesus Chr-rrrud!” you shout.
  143. >Wait, why did you censor yourself? That isn’t even a swear in this world.
  144. >Nonetheless, you spin around at the sound of Luna’s voice to see her standing right behind you, with a small smile on her face.
  145. “Princess!” you say, remembering public etiquette. “What can I do for you your majesty?”
  146. >She raises an eyebrow.
  147. >”We art high-lone within this hall. Thou needn’t titles during such casual visits.” She points out.
  148. >...High-lone? Weird ye olde speak is weird.
  149. “Oh, err... of course, Luna.”
  150. >You cough into your fist awkwardly.
  151. “What brings you here?”
  152. >She smiles slightly. “We simply wish to greet thou during thine duties.” Her smile then takes a weird quirk and her eyes squint, as if she just smelled something foul. “We also with to relay that muddl’d leafs art a belike distinction shouldst thou wish it.”
  153. >...What?
  154. “Uhh... I’ll keep that in mind?”
  155. >”Please do.” She says in a suddenly deep voice, as if she’s attempting to mimic a stallion.
  156. >She then slowly blinks one eye, then the other, before practically skipping down the hall.
  157. >She stops at the tomato, before stomping on it three times, mashing it into the marble.
  158. >She looks back at you, smiles, does the weird blink thing again, and then trots around the corner out of sight.
  159. >What is it with her and mutilating fruits lately?
  160. -------
  161. -------
  162. Continuing story from >>17525950 →
  163. >It is about 5 minutes until lunch.
  164. >You are just about finished cleaning the hallway you had been previously assigned to sweep.
  165. >It wouldn't have taken so long, so much as Luna hadn't smashed that tomato into the marble floor about 45 minutes ago.
  166. >You can't help but notice how well the tomato is practically infused into the floor.
  167. >You briefly try to imagine the tomato being smashed again.
  168. >That thing was pretty much mashed into a sauce or a pulp. Not playfully stomped on.
  169. >You quietly smirk to yourself.
  170. >There was definitely some kind of passion in the way Luna stomped on the tomato.
  171. >You can subtly feel it, but you don't want to admit it to yourself.
  172. >It is almost as though Luna truly meant to completely obliterate a tomato from existence.
  173. >Or maybe it meant something else.
  174. >Maybe she was trying to hint something, and you had no plausible way of telling what it could have been.
  175. >You begin to wonder.
  176. >What was that statement about the "muddl'd leafs" she was talking about earlier?
  177. >What does it mean?
  178. >And why was Luna blinking her eyes the way she was?
  179. >Was she trying to wink or something, but in a way that it was acceptable 1,000 years ago?
  180. >You don't know if you should be excited, intrigued or terrified.
  181. >The very thought sends shivers up your spine.
  182. 1/3
  183. -------
  184. >As you furiously scrub the last of the tomato stain off the floor, you begin to think about tomato sauce, which leads you to think about spaghetti sauce.
  185. >You, being Anonymous, begin chuckling about the connection between spaghetti related things and Luna awkwardly stomping a tomato into the floor, mushing it into a tomato sauce.
  186. >You start laughing loudly at this thought, amazed at the absurd connection between the two things.
  187. >"Anonymous?"
  188. >Uh oh..
  189. >You turn around to find Celestia giving you a wry look.
  190. "Oh, um, I was just finishing up with the hall, your majesty." you manage to utter.
  191. >"Oh thank you, Anonymous. I just came over here to tell you that lunch is in a few minutes." Celestia replies, giving a rather suspecting look.
  192. >There is a 3 second pause until she speaks again.
  193. >"I don't mean to seem intrusive, but what was just making you laugh so much?"
  194. >You quickly try to come up with an easy way to explain.
  195. "I… i-it's just that… you know, about Luna and everything…"
  196. >"...What?"
  197. >You immediately realize what you just did.
  198. >"Is there something about Luna you find funny?"
  199. >Now you messed up.
  200. "No! No, that's not what I meant that at all."
  201. >Celestia stares blankly at you.
  202. "It's just that…"
  203. 2/3
  204. -------
  205. >Celestia awaits your answer. You decide to just be straightforward.
  206. "Luna came in here earlier wanting to say hi to me, and then smashed a tomato on the floor. I'm just laughing about how the smashed tomato looked like some kind of sauce. It's funny because where I come from, spaghetti sauce is considered funny."
  207. >Your entire answer is an absolute train wreck.
  208. >Celestia gives you a funny look. The kind that can't really show what one's feelings are doing.
  209. >You stand there with an awkward smile on your face, awaiting your inevitable fate.
  210. >A tight smile spreads across Celestia's face.
  211. >Before you know it, she begins to elegantly laugh.
  212. >"Oh, Anonymous! You truly find the strangest things to be of humorous taste." Celestia declares as she notices the tomato stain that's still on the floor.
  213. >wut
  214. >"But don't feel alone, for I understand how a mere condiment can bring laughter to your day, if given the right situation."
  215. >It is at this moment when you realize how similar you are to Luna, in terms of being different from the rest of the present society.
  216. >You are the most capable one around of feeling empathy for her by being socially awkward. You try to think of something else to say.
  217. "I was just a little afraid I'd embarrass myself."
  218. >"There is no need to feel as though you're being judged, Anon." Celestia answers softly.
  219. >You smile.
  220. 2.5/3
  221. -------
  222. >"And I think we both know how Luna could sometimes give the wrong impression. I'm sure there was a reason she would, ahem, smash a tomato on the floor…"
  223. >Your mind is suddenly flooded with fantasies centering around the notion that Luna might have been trying to impress you.
  224. >You try to focus away from those thoughts and pay attention to Celestia, who is still talking to you.
  225. >"… and I'm glad that I hired you to work here. It warms me to see that Luna finally has somepony else who talks to her to relate closely to. Er, I mean… somebody?"
  226. >You raise your eyebrows in question.
  227. >"Are you more comfortable with the term some'body'? I understand that you use your words differently in certain ways as well." Celestia proposes.
  228. >She understands.
  229. "I'm okay with either word. I actually don't really care."
  230. >Celestia smiles again.
  231. >"Splendid! So anyway, are you coming to lunch? I imagine you must be exhausted from sweeping the halls and would care for a break."
  232. >Oh, god yes.
  233. >You follow Celestia down to the royal dining hall.
  234. 2.75/3
  235. -------
  236. >You enter the room to find Luna already in her seat. She has an anxious look on her face as though she had been awaiting your arrival.
  237. >You can tell something's about to go down.
  238. >You can feel it in the atmosphere.
  239. >The three of you sit in your usual spots.
  240. >Lunch is served. Macaroni and cheese with hot dogs mixed in.
  241. >Awyeah.jpg
  242. >"I advise thou to refrain from consuming too much of a large quantity of the feast today, Anonymous." states Luna.
  243. "What's the occasion?"
  244. >You begin to feel strange as Luna gazes into your eyes before she speaks again.
  245. >"Why, within but a few days, a supper of gudgeon shall be served before thee. Thou art expected to possess a sizable appetite for such a meal!"
  246. >You turn to Celestia and ask what gudgeon is.
  247. >"Fish, Anonymous. Fish."
  248. 3/3
  249. -------
  250. >Needless to say, the rest of lunch definitely could have gone a little less awkwardly.
  251. >You implore to yourself that you could have eaten your macaronidogs and cheese all by yourself without issue.
  252. >Nope.
  253. >Every 2nd or 3rd time you attempt to pierce the noodles (or chunk of hot dog) with your fork, a blue aura surrounds the food and pulls it off the fork.
  254. >"Thou must take precaution whilst ingesting cookery of such slipperiness." Luna insists.
  255. >She would then proceed to ever so slowly slice the hot dog or each macaroni noodle in half, slivering down the middle lengthwise with her magic holding the butter knife.
  256. >She fumblingly smiles as she does this, almost as though she wants you to watch.
  257. >You turn to Celestia, who is giving the of type semi-concerned look that basically says, "I know it's awkward, but just go along with it."
  258. >She then tries to smile as well.
  259. >And as if the moment wasn't uncomfortable enough, Luna then hovers each half of the macaroni noodles over to your mouth.
  260. >One half noodle at a time.
  261. >"Unseal and ventilate thy embouchment, Anonymous. It must be confirmed you consume your edibles with safety."
  262. >Not wanting to add to the scene, you open your mouth, and the half of the macaroni noodle is levitated onto your tongue.
  263. >You are being fed like a baby.
  264. >Why does Luna want to make sure that you "safely" eat your food by slicing it so small, an ant could eat it in one bite?
  265. >What was she trying to make sure of?
  266. >This continues for over an hour, making lunch take incredibly long.
  267. >Of course, the torment eventually ends. Except this time, Luna hasn't hastily teleported out of the royal dining room.
  268. >This would have been been quite an improvement, if the substitute situation hadn't been what it was.
  269. >Everyone leaves the royal dining hall and returns to their business.
  270. >"Anonymous?" Celestia says as she quietly walks towards you. "I believe we need to talk."
  271. -------
  272. >You follow Celestia around a corner into a separate hall.
  273. >You can immediately tell by the distraught expression on her face that her concern about Luna has escalated quickly.
  274. >"I have to be completely honest with you, Anonymous," She hesitantly enunciates, "I have never seen Luna do something like that before…"
  275. >You look down slightly, perhaps trying to hide away from what has just happened.
  276. >Celestia gently lifts your chin up, reassuringly.
  277. >You try to fake a smile.
  278. >"I wish to thank you for going along with, err, whatever Luna was doing back there."
  279. >Celestia smiles slightly.
  280. "I- I'm so confused." you quietly blurt out.
  281. >You start to chuckle awkwardly, but then stop because you notice Celestia isn't chuckling along.
  282. >But then she joins you.
  283. >"It's okay Anonymous. It always helps to laugh it off." She inspirits you.
  284. >You both awkwardly laugh.
  285. >"You have a lot of heart, Anonymous." Celestia ensures. "You are brave, and will endure anything you can just to make someone who's going through the same thing as you feel like they belong. I support and encourage your benevolence.
  286. >You cringe like a little bitch, but still smiling and laughing.
  287. >"I can see that you care, the reason being that you indeed feel empathy for Luna. Tell you what, I'll help you find better ways to connect with Luna. How about we plan something big for her. Thoughts?"
  288. >You nod, feeling the shivers up your spine again.
  289. >"Then it is settled. Meet me here after lunch tomorrow and we'll… talk it out." Celestia concludes before leaving.
  290. >You are now alone.
  291. >Meanwhile, spaghetti. Spaghetti everywhere.
  292. >In the royal dining hall, the hall you swept, the hall you're currently in, on the rooftops, out in the fields, among the sun, the moon, the stars and celestial planets.
  293. >Spaghetti and squashed tomatoes.
  294. -------
  295. >The rest of the day goes relatively smoothly for you.
  296. >You finish up the rest of your duties as Celestia had asked beforehand.
  297. >You often work in the presence of the other ponies in the castle.
  298. >Every now and then, you hear somepony snicker behind you.
  299. >You know full well why.
  300. >Word has already gotten out and has begun to spread.
  301. >You don't even bother turning around to see which one it was.
  302. >Just ignore them.
  303. >Please just ignore them.
  304. >The day eventually ends, and you're off to bed.
  305. >It feels as though that the entire day had dragged on for the longest time, but it's all over now.
  306. >You enter your quarters.
  307. >It's nothing special, just a bed and a desk on opposite sides of the room adjacent to the door. Opposite to the door, a small window so he room can have light during the day.
  308. >There are dirty clothes on the floor, as well as other random objects. You'd clean up, but you're tired, so you put it off until tomorrow and go to bed.
  309. >You immediately drift asleep for once in your life, not being awake for an hour and missing sleep.
  310. >You stand in a white void, surrounded by nothingness.
  311. >The sound of flapping wing catches your ear from a distance.
  312. >You turn to see Luna slowly flying towards you.
  313. >She has a determined smile on her face.
  314. >You can't even escape in your dreams.
  315. 1/2
  316. -------
  317. >Luna draws closer.
  318. >You do not run for some reason, unable to comprehend the occurrences taking place.
  319. >Dumbed down by the ecstasy of your own fatigue.
  320. >You feel comfortable with this. You can't figure out why.
  321. >Luna lands in front of you, her smile now soft and welcoming.
  322. >imokaywiththis.jpg
  323. >"Doth thou know why I hath appeared before thee, Anonymous?"
  324. >You stare blankly, motionless.
  325. >"I stand here before thee because I appear in dreams when I hath been though about as one falls into a slumber."
  326. >You realize that the fact you thought about her drew her into your dreams.
  327. >Why were you thinking about her?
  328. >"I wish to inform thee that there exists no reason to be afraid, Anonymous. I mean well, and wish to establish a stronger relationship with thee!"
  329. >You slowly begin to smile.
  330. >"I… apologize for what hath occurred earlier today. I now realize the amount of discomfort thou must have experienced when presented with an act outside of thy preferred customs."
  331. >She looks down, then back up again.
  332. >You feel a strange mixture of terrified and excited.
  333. >"Do tell, Anonymous, what customs appear more suitable to thy interests?" Luna asks.
  334. >You think back to when she implied the importance of a fish dinner in a couple of days.
  335. >You just wanted it to relate to what she apparently had planned so she doesn't feel lost.
  336. "Fish." you apprehensively whisper. "Just like what you wanted for me."
  337. >You don't want her to feel like you've ruined her plans.
  338. >Luna smiles widely, seeing that you have accepted her views.
  339. >"Of course! I was right all along, Anonymous! Fish is indeed what thou desires!"
  340. >Next thing you know, she hugs you.
  341. >It's a bit uncomfortable and you might have just set yourself up for something you will regret, but Luna is happy. And that's all you care about.
  342. >You feel proud of yourself to have made Luna happy.
  343. >You wake up.
  344. >Morning.
  345. 2/2
  346. -------
  347. >You join the princesses for brunch.
  348. >Everyone got so tired of eating two separate meals before noon, that they decided to just have brunch to save time and effort.
  349. >The Princesses seem very laid back about their meals, as they're not enforcing a strict schedule or anything.
  350. >It's as though all they care about is how comfortable others are with the meals.
  351. >It's really nice.
  352. >Crepes and sausage patties are served.
  353. >The sausage patties are incredibly delicious, given the fact that all the meat in Equestria is generated from vegetation through a combination of magic and advanced chemistry.
  354. >It's nice knowing that you can eat meat without knowing in the back of your mind that an innocent animal was killed so you can have burgers or something.
  355. >At least that's what you're thinking, knowing that the Equestrians never had to go through that in the first place.
  356. >Surprisingly enough, you do not feel awkward sitting next to Luna, despite what happened.
  357. >She seems happy. Satisfied.
  358. >"So, Anonymous, how hath thy day been so far?" Luna speaks out.
  359. >Silence.
  360. >Luna has never publicly started a conversation before, at least in the time you were here.
  361. "It's been great." You respond without realizing.
  362. >"Excellent! Do thou wish to hear about the day of thine?"
  363. >You realize she's finally becoming more social. You admittedly feel proud of her on the inside.
  364. "Do tell, Luna."
  365. 1/2
  366. -------
  367. >Everyone at the table, in support, quietly listens.
  368. >Luna then goes on and on about how lovely the sky is at night, and how she loves the colors that appear when Celestia begins rising the sun.
  369. >Celestia smiles and blushes as her ears fold back, but urges Luna to continue.
  370. >Luna converses with everyone at the table (especially you, in particular) for the remainder of the meal.
  371. >As everyone is getting ready to get up and leave, Luna does one last thing with a closing statement.
  372. >Everything was going so well up until this point.
  373. >Luna levitates a fish from an unseen location.
  374. >What is about to happen?
  375. >The fish is hovered to you, slowly slid across your face and then dropped into your hands.
  376. >Ohgodwhy.jpg
  377. >"A gudgeon for thee, beloved Anonymous! Or as thy kind address it, a 'fish'." Luna declares, now a little red in the face.
  378. >And at that instant, once again, Luna disappears in a flash and a crackle.
  379. >You should have known it was too good to be true.
  380. >You turn to Celestia, who is sitting motionless, jaw dropped, eyes as wide as they can be.
  381. >Things are taking a strange turn.
  382. 2/2
  383. -------
  384. >It is about a couple of hours later.
  385. >You are looking for Celestia as you are deeply concerned about Luna's behavior.
  386. >You find her near the entrance to the castle.
  387. >"Anonymous, I think we have a problem." Celestia quietly announces.
  388. "It's quite alright. I'm okay with some of the things Luna has been saying and doing."
  389. >Celestia folds her ears back and looks at you.
  390. >Your eyes widen.
  391. >"It's not that, I'm afraid."
  392. >You hear faint chanting outside.
  393. "Wh- what is that?"
  394. >"Remember when I said that after Luna's return, the populace of Canterlot was beginning to question my rule?"
  395. "Yes."
  396. >"Well ever since I hired you to work in the castle, rumors spread around town about all of the privileges I've given you. Like when you get to eat at the royal table."
  397. >You automatically remember how much the citizens of Canterlot hated you before you were accepted into the castle.
  398. >"They have grown bitter, and now they protest against us."
  399. >You imagine how much tension you might have caused between the princesses and the citizens by being privileged enough to live in the castle after only a short time.
  400. >You realize that the citizens might have reached their breaking point.
  401. "Oh no! I- if you feel the best thing for me to do is to move back out there with them, I understand. I'll comply so they'll calm down."
  402. >"No." Celestia answers. "Thank you for your generosity, but I refuse to give in that easily."
  403. >You're silent, shaking.
  404. >"If I sent you back onto the streets, what kind of example would that set for Luna?"
  405. >She's right.
  406. "We need to do something."
  407. -------
  408. >Celestia has been able to keep Luna busy for the next two days or so.
  409. >It's not exactly the best reason, however.
  410. >They constantly try to reason with the protestors.
  411. >Celestia cannot downright force them to submit to her, for that would violate their right to free speech.
  412. >She does not want there to be violence at all.
  413. >Only friendship.
  414. >Luna is trying really hard to look credible, while Celestia backs her up in her statements.
  415. >Cadence and Twilight have been urged not to get involved, since Celestia believes that would only increase the severity of the situation.
  416. >So far, Celestia has been successful in taming the crowds. She seems to be very adept in convincing them to listen to her.
  417. >You are busy sweeping the hallways again.
  418. >You can hear soft hoof steps approaching your direction.
  419. >You're not sure how, but you can tell it's Luna.
  420. >She approaches you, levitating a small fish on one side and a tomato on the other.
  421. >She has a rather worried, but determined look on her face.
  422. >"Anonymous!" she utters "This matriarchy is suffering the most difficult of times!"
  423. >You don't know how to respond. You just stand there, unsure of what to do.
  424. >"However, us royals can still findeth ways to… relieve the stress, if need be. By participating in games and entertainment."
  425. >She then places both the fish and the tomato onto the floor.
  426. >She proceeds to stomp on both, then pauses for a moment to look at you.
  427. >All you can do is stand there with a puzzled look on your face.
  428. >Luna's face contorts.
  429. >Tears begin to fill her eyes.
  430. >She stomps go the fish and tomato even harder. So hard, you can feel the vibration of the impacts.
  431. >Luna is incredibly strong, even for a pony her size.
  432. >You try to think of something to say.
  433. -------
  434. >You walk over in attempt to comfort Luna.
  435. >Before you can do anything else, Luna embraces you.
  436. >She is sobbing uncontrollably.
  437. >"Nopony acknowledges the importance of what I speaketh, Anonymous!"
  438. >You just hug back, not wanting to set her off or something.
  439. >"My beloved sister! She does what she can to help. Tries to convince me to have faith in thineself. But alas, the merciless crowds refuse to show acknowledgement."
  440. >She squeezes you tighter.
  441. >"Tis thee, whom holds the true understanding of an outcast. The sole individual I can turn to." Luna says as her crying minimizes.
  442. "Is there anything I can do to help?"
  443. >"Perhaps." Luna answers, looking down at the smashed fish.
  444. >"My apologies, Anonymous. One can say I hath gotten 'carried away' with certain emotions? What doth thou have in mind?"
  445. "Maybe we could go visit Ponyville after I'm finished with my duties. Celestia can come, too. We all can do something fun with the mane 6."
  446. >"...I suppose if that assists us in escaping this current crisis."
  447. "I'll let you have some time to decide."
  448. >You realize that Luna had been heckled by the angry crowds, causing her to lose a lot of self-esteem.
  449. >You can't help but think to yourself that this might be your fault for being a resident in the castle.
  450. >She eventually agrees to visit Ponyville if that helps her clear her head.
  451. >The two of you talk it over with Clelestia, who has so far been successful in keeping the populace from rioting.
  452. >The protests have stopped temporarily.
  453. Visit to Ponyville confirmed.
  454. -------
  455. >It is quite refreshing to briefly distance yourself from an area of ponies that didn't like you or anything about you.
  456. >You, Celestia and Luna arrive into Ponyville via carriage, along with a few guards for protection.
  457. >You find it intriguing that you arrive in a carriage, given that you could have been teleported.
  458. >It just feels a little casual that this was their preferred means of transportation.
  459. >If anything, it's relaxing. So you decide to just enjoy the view.
  460. >You look around as the carriage enters the town.
  461. >All of the ponies smile and wave at you.
  462. >You have never felt so welcomed in your entire time in Equestria.
  463. >It's so beautiful, you feel like shedding tears of joy.
  464. >As you, the Princesses and the guards get out, all of the ponies bow down to you.
  465. >It is absolutely unbelievable how your first appearances in Canterlot and Ponyville differ from one another.
  466. >One week you're being insulted and taunted and the next you're being bowed down to alongside the princesses.
  467. >You eventually make your way over to the library, where you meet up with the mane 6.
  468. >You sheepishly follow Celestia and Luna into the library.
  469. >"Hey, Princess Celestia. How's everything going at the castle?" Twilight asks.
  470. >Celestia sighs. "Although it could have gone better, we are… managing." She answers.
  471. >You notice the other five of the mane 6 gesture Twilight to give an answer, as though they want her to convince Celestia something.
  472. >There is no hiding the fact that they are clearly concerned.
  473. >"Oh," Twilight hesitantly retorts, "well is there anything we can do to help?"
  474. >Celestia briefly smiles.
  475. >You continue to silently watch.
  476. 1/2
  477. -------
  478. >"Your willingness to help truly means a lot, Twilight." Declares Celestia. "But this is a matter of critical connections between ponies of different social classes. Getting involved could affect your reputation, if given the right circumstances."
  479. >Twilight looks confused for a second.
  480. >"With that said, I wouldn't you or Princess Cadence to lose your credibility in the eyes of the population. It's simply safest to let Luna and I take care of this. We can afford certain amounts of public and social disconcertion. We have longer and more sustained rules under our belts.
  481. >Luna gives Celestia a slightly uneasy look.
  482. >"Oh, um well I have convinced them that Luna is indeed as reliable as a princess as I am." Celestia reiterates.
  483. >You remember how difficult it was for Luna to control herself in your presence.
  484. >You can only imagine how overwhelmed she must have felt in front of an angry crowd of protesters.
  485. >She has definitely been trying, however. You feel like she needs you in order to cope with these upcoming circumstances.
  486. >You remember the episode with the fish during brunch.
  487. >You start to feel strange about the intuition that Luna believes that she knows what your "interests" are.
  488. >This intuition slowly turns into a tempting inclination to further fuel Luna's beliefs about you.
  489. >You realize that want her to be comfortable around you.
  490. >You believe that it will help both you and her confront the problems that each of you face.
  491. >"Are you sure you don't want me to al least step in for a second and reason with them?" Twilight finally asks.
  492. >"And what would you say that would convince the citizens of Canterlot?" Celestia responds.
  493. >You, having experienced Canterlot's inhaitants' bitterness first-hand, realize that Celestia's right.
  494. >But you still want to help, for the sake of Luna.
  495. >You try to think of something to say.
  496. 2/2
  497. -------
  498. "Maybe they would listen to Twilight, since she herself used to be a citizen." You try to make your point clear and concise as possible.
  499. >Celestia raises her eyebrows in agreement.
  500. >"Thou art correct, Anonymous!" Luna suddenly interjects.
  501. >You nod her on, supporting her involvement in the conversation.
  502. >"Of course! That's what I've kinda been trying to get across. Maybe they will connect better with me." Twilight adds.
  503. >"That's perfect! They'll practically have to listen to her!" Rainbow Dash insists.
  504. >"Um, I'm not sure if it's that much of a sure thing, but it's definitely worth a try." replies Twilight.
  505. >You remember that the original plan was to briefly visit Ponyville just to escape the problem in Canterlot.
  506. >But you begin to like the events that are unfolding.
  507. >This trip to Ponyville has now become a possible solution to the issue arising in Canterlot, rather than a temporary hideaway from it.
  508. >The entire group leaves the library and heads for the carriage.
  509. >Celestia, realizing that the carriage is now too small to hold everyone, magically enhances it.
  510. >The carriage is now larger, except for the wheels and windows.
  511. >"So, what's the plan going to be? Are we going to address them now, or wait until the protests start up again?" Twilight asks, now seeming ambitious about the upcoming speech.
  512. >"WE SHALST ADDRESS THE MOB AS SOON AS WE POSSIBLY CAN!" Luna blares into the wind, who is now worked up with excitement and wants to strongly reinforce your idea.
  513. >All the ponies in the area freeze and look in her direction.
  514. >"Oh…" Luna, suddenly quiet, continues. "I mean... as soon as we possibly can."
  515. >An apprehensive look washes over her face and her ears fold back.
  516. >Everyone enters the carriage.
  517. -------
  518. >As the carriage takes off, Luna looks at the floor with a forlorn expression.
  519. >You keep trying to imagine what she is going to do in the future that involves fish in some way.
  520. >You try to assure yourself that it is going to be something you can handle and hopefully won't cause too much emotional trauma.
  521. >Luna opens her mouth as though she is about to say something.
  522. >She looks around.
  523. >She decides not to speak, assuming she has caused herself enough embarrassment.
  524. >You are on the borderline whether you should intervene or not.
  525. >After about 5 minutes, you sit next to her and place your hand on her shoulder.
  526. "It's okay. You're doing good, your majesty." you assure her.
  527. >Luna's ears fold back again.
  528. >You smile.
  529. >"Thank thee, Anonymous. Or should I say, thank… y-you?"
  530. >Everypony is shocked at hearing Luna speak in a modern dialect.
  531. >They turn their heads and look in awe.
  532. >Luna's face turns red, but she's smiling now.
  533. >You secretly feel proud of Luna.
  534. >She's finally beginning to adjust.
  535. >She speaks again, more complacently this time.
  536. >"Thank you."
  537. -------
  538. >The carriage rolls through Canterlot.
  539. >The citizens are stopping in what they're doing and they stare.
  540. >Due to the carriage's change in size, not everypony can look out the windows.
  541. >The same goes for looking in.
  542. >Only the tallest of the group can be seen in the carriage; You, Celestia and Luna.
  543. >You observe the citizens giving you dirty looks again.
  544. >Unusually dirtier than before.
  545. >They seem downright angry this time.
  546. >It doesn't take you long to realize why.
  547. >The carriage is much bigger now. It looks as though Celestia just bought an expensive and exclusive imported carriage to personally transport her around.
  548. >In addition to this, you and Luna get to be exclusively carried around in it.
  549. >You being the "disgusting ape creature" that arrived here literally less than a month ago and Luna, the socially unstable Equestrian reject who is culturally a millennium behind everypony else.
  550. >Meanwhile, these citizens who have lived here for years don't receive special treatment of any kind. They are stuck with ordinary lives in which one works hard for a living, but doesn't get anything special.
  551. >You now realize that Celestia just made a huge mistake.
  552. >And what can you now say?
  553. >Just randomly point out that it's magically the same carriage and there are simply more passengers?
  554. >How would they react to that?
  555. >Would they think Celestia's recruiting more ponies from elsewhere for reinforcements?
  556. >Or, despite magic existing, would they even believe you at all?
  557. >You just might literally be up the entire creek without a paddle.
  558. -------
  559. >A few minutes later, the carriage stops in front of the castle.
  560. >As you all exit the carriage, you can feel a grim change in the atmosphere.
  561. >You're not sure how you experience this sensation, but there's not a doubt in anyone's mind that it's there.
  562. >You enter the castle; guards are all around you.
  563. >You all go to the royal dining hall to eat.
  564. >In the presence of the mane 6, the Princesses are being formal and professional.
  565. >A large meal has been arranged for you, the Princesses and the mane 6. As it's almost ready, you all start planning.
  566. >"Should we call the citizens to the castle?" Twilight proposes.
  567. >After a short pause, Celestia answers her.
  568. >"They all would be in the same place, so yes."
  569. >"Wouldst thou like me to assist?" Suggests Luna, who quickly looks at you.
  570. >Perhaps she wants to to hear everything she's saying.
  571. >Celestia has a concerned look on her face.
  572. >"W-well?" Luna seems to be falling apart on the inside.
  573. >She continues to wait for someone to answer.
  574. 1/2
  575. -------
  576. >"Doth thou wish for me to participate in the speech?!" Luna asks again.
  577. >She is so brave for wanting to address the crowd again.
  578. >You get the impression that she wants to prove to you that she's not weak, and that she can stand up for herself.
  579. >"Dearest sister, this is Twilight's speech for now. The crowd need to listen to somepony they can relate to." Implores Celestia, meaning that they relate to Twilight because she used to be a citizen like them.
  580. >"Re… re… relate to?" Luna stutters, now looking rather upset.
  581. >Her eyes squint as her ears fold back again and her mouth begins to quiver.
  582. >"I did not mean that as though they don't respect you or anything." Celestia tries to correct herself, realzing that Luna misinterpreted what she had just said.
  583. >"I-… I understand we do not prove to be not useful in this situation." Luna answers, now disappointed with herself. "We- I mean, I shall take my leave now! Inform us-… me when thou hath resolved the public unrest!"
  584. >"Luna-"
  585. >Luna teleports out of the dining hall again. The group runs to the main hall in attempt to search for her.
  586. >"Oh, my goodness, I didn't mean to-"
  587. >"It's okay, Princess Celestia! We know what you meant. It was just a misunderstanding. We just need to explain it to her." Twilight reassures.
  588. >The others nod in agreement.
  589. >The ominous main hall looms above you as you start to hear the faint uproar of a crowd outside the castle.
  590. >Your stomach sinks.
  591. >It just got real.
  592. 2/2
  593. -------
  594. >"That can't be good." Whispers Celestia as she hears the angry mob outside.
  595. >"What do we do now?" Twilight asks.
  596. >The uproar gets closer, louder.
  597. >Fluttershy squeaks and rushes away to go hide somewhere.
  598. >"Now what the hay is that?" Applejack asks, pointing to the grand entrance.
  599. >"Twilight, follow me to the balcony. Anon, this situation is too dangerous for a human. Go somewhere safe. Everypony else, go look for Luna." Celestia orders.
  600. >Everyone complies.
  601. >You rush over to your quarters, run inside and shut the door.
  602. >You hear a faint whimpering under your bed.
  603. >You steadily peer under your bed.
  604. >"Ummm… I'd like to hide alone in here, if you don't mind…" You hear Fluttershy's voice quietly whisper.
  605. >Of all the places she could have hid, it had to be here.
  606. >Well, what can you do? After all, Celestia never specified where to go to hide.
  607. >You decide to man up and help the others look for Luna.
  608. "Okay. Sorry to bother you." you quickly utter before leaving.
  609. >You start running through the halls, searching everywhere you could look.
  610. >You hope that if anyone found Luna, it would be you.
  611. >"Anonymous!"
  612. >You nearly dump bricks at the sound of Luna's voice right behind you.
  613. >"Oh, good. We art at high lone once again!" Luna declares. "Please, be so kind enough to comfort us."
  614. "Wh-… what?"
  615. >"Keep thyself by our side! We wish not to be in solitude!"
  616. >She's reverting to referring to herself as "we" again.
  617. "We should find the others."
  618. >"Follow us, Anonymous! We must speak with thee!"
  619. >Before you can say anything else, she places her hoof on your shoulder and teleports the both of you out of the hallway.
  620. -------
  621. >You find yourself inside a large and fairly dim room.
  622. >The room reeks of something, it takes you a minute to figure out.
  623. >Fish.
  624. >"Doth thou like it, Anonymous?"
  625. >You spin around to find Luna levitating a small fish beside her.
  626. >Behind Luna, stands a giant pile of fish.
  627. >It's actually so huge, the word "pile" doesn't seem to even fit.
  628. >It's a mountain of dead fish.
  629. >What in the world is going on?
  630. >"Well?" Luna demands an answer.
  631. "I… love it?" you hesitantly respond, faintly remembering that you told Luna in your dream that you really like fish.
  632. >"We understand that thou art awake, and art restrained from displaying true instinct!"
  633. >Your eyes widen as you feel shivers up your spine when she says "instinct".
  634. >"Need not have fear, Anonymous! Resistance is futile and unnecessary! Let loose thy urges and desires!"
  635. >?
  636. >She then levitates the fish in front of your face.
  637. >You turn to run, but a blue aura surrounds your wrists and ankles.
  638. >Ohgodwhathaveidone.jpg
  639. "What are you doing?! We have to find the others!"
  640. >"Do not deny why you are here, Anonymous!" Luna orders.
  641. >The fish is then levitated straight into your mouth, being forcefully pushed inside.
  642. >Why? Why must things be this way?
  643. >"Swallow your gift, Anonymous!"
  644. >You swallow the fish whole, like a pill.
  645. >You are now being fed like a baby whale.
  646. >The aura releases you.
  647. >"Tis but an appetizer, Anonymous! We hope thou hungers for more in thy dreams!"
  648. >In that instant, you are teleported alone back into the hallways.
  649. >You land next to the tomato stain still on the floor.
  650. >??????
  651. -------
  652. >You sit there for a few minutes, gagging on the fish taste still lingering in your mouth.
  653. >Why would Luna want to forcefully feed you fish?
  654. >She said it was an "appetizer", meaning that she's probably going to do it again in the future.
  655. >But in the midst of these thoughts, you can't help but notice that she spoke in a modern dialect when her magic had a hold on you.
  656. >This was only when she had you restrained in her magic. Before and after this, she spoke the way she usually does.
  657. >It's as though she was possessed by something while she had a hold of you.
  658. >The very contact between you and her magic seems to change her.
  659. >"Anonymous!"
  660. >Oh god, no. Not again.
  661. >You spring up to run, only to find out that Rarity is the one who spoke.
  662. >"Oh, thank goodness! I thought we'd never find you."
  663. "Where are the others?" you ask between breaths.
  664. >"We split up searching for you and Luna and-" Rarity pauses.
  665. >You stand there silently.
  666. >"What's that smell?" she asks.
  667. "Umm… I accidentally ran into a storage closet full of fish!" you actually manage to say something somewhat believable right away.
  668. >Rarity gives you a confused look.
  669. >All you can do now is smile awkwardly.
  670. >Silence.
  671. >You see the tomato stain on the floor again.
  672. >You know full well what you're thinking about now.
  673. >"Anonymous!" Pinkie Pie's voice breaks the silence.
  674. >Is this going to happen all day?
  675. >"There you are! We were hoping to find you so you can talk to Princess Luna once we find her!" Pinkie Pie proclaims.
  676. >"Well what are we waiting for? Let's get a move on, darling!" urges Rarity.
  677. >You cannot speak.
  678. >Only follow.
  679. -------
  680. >The three of you head down the hallway.
  681. >Pinkie Pie is calling loudly for Luna to show up.
  682. >You know where she is.
  683. >You know exactly where she is.
  684. >Maybe not location-wise, but you know what her surroundings look like.
  685. >You do not utter a word.
  686. >"Hey!" Pinkie Pie shouts. "What smells so fishy?"
  687. >Oh god, no.
  688. >"If I remember correctly, Anon had explained that he… fell? Into a closet full of fish?" Rarity says, somewhat sarcastically.
  689. >It's obvious that she doesn't believe you.
  690. >You cringe.
  691. "Yes."
  692. >Pinkie bursts out laughing.
  693. >"You're so silly, Anon! Clumsy, too!" She guffaws. "Maybe you can stumble into wherever Luna is! Hope she likes fish!"
  694. >You turn to Rarity.
  695. >She's giving you a derisive look. She has a slightly cheeky grin and slowly raises one eyebrow.
  696. >She is not fooled.
  697. >Pinkie suddenly reaches around a corner.
  698. >"Maybe I can find something to help look for Luna!" she declares.
  699. >She begins pulling random objects from around the corner.
  700. >First, a lamp.
  701. >Then, a turkey dinner.
  702. >A paperclip.
  703. >A rectal thermometer.
  704. >A giant xylophone.
  705. >The chandelier from the royal dining hall.
  706. >And then, Luna herself.
  707. >Silence. Jaws drop.
  708. >"Explainest to me how thou did that…" says Luna, before noticing you.
  709. >She blushes and folds her ears back while making the adorable "squee" sound.
  710. >How?
  711. -------
  712. >You eventually meet up with the rest of the mane 6; except Twilight, who is currently delivering a heartwarming speech to the huge riot outside of the castle.
  713. >You all go to the hall just around the corner to the balcony.
  714. >She's saying a bunch of things about how everything they think is a misunderstanding and that the Princesses have been depended on for a long time since before the modern age.
  715. >You have to admit, she's dishing her facts out quite nicely.
  716. >Her whole speech is very convincing, even her closing statement.
  717. >"…So promise me, ponies of and from Canterlot. Promise to one of your own, that you will not allow yourselves to turn to violence. It is far too easy to misinterpret certain situations and eventually believe that they occur for all the wrong reasons. We have to remember what Equestria was founded on and what it stands for! Love, Tolerance, Acceptance and Friendship." Twilight concludes after her long speech.
  718. >The speech is absolutely enthralling. You're blown away.
  719. >In fact, the crowd has every reason in the world to toss in their torches and pitchforks, and return to their lives.
  720. >They applaud. Not cheer, but applaud.
  721. >It's almost like a reluctant slow clap, from a villain that has been brilliantly outsmarted by a foe.
  722. >A sarcastic, condescending clap. Beckoning. Almost threatening.
  723. >They're not done trying yet.
  724. >You can feel it.
  725. 1/2
  726. -------
  727. >After the crowd finally leaves, everyone finally has a chance to sit down for dinner, which is finally ready.
  728. >You all sit down at the table as the food is brought out.
  729. >You insist that you've lost your appetite.
  730. >"Why so?" Celestia calmly asks.
  731. "Just… after the things that happened today… I'm a little shaken up"
  732. >It's all you are able to say.
  733. >"Be of no concern, sister! Our dear Anonymous willeth have more of an appetite… later." Luna interjects.
  734. >Did she mean "our" as in her and Celestia, or as in just her?
  735. >After dinner, Celestia offers to transport the mane 6 back to Ponyville.
  736. >They accept.
  737. >Celestia advises that you and Luna stay behind in the castle, for safety reasons involving the hatred of the crowd having been directed mainly at you two.
  738. >They all leave.
  739. >The shivers begin again.
  740. >You are alone in the castle with Luna.
  741. 2/2
  742. -------
  743. >Judging by the length of the last trip, Celestia will be back in about 20 to 30 minutes.
  744. >Way too much time for comfort.
  745. >You stand in the middle of the main hall, in the open.
  746. >You have no idea where Luna is.
  747. >You know she's going to try to find you.
  748. >Trying not to make a sound, you slowly creep in the direction of your quarters.
  749. >You just figure that you'll be safest there.
  750. >Ever so slightly.
  751. >You have quite a ways to go before reach the room.
  752. >You carefully analyze the dark corners and corridors everywhere you go.
  753. >Each shadow holding a mystery that could or could not be Luna.
  754. >Strangely enough, you're overwhelmed by a combination of fear and excitement.
  755. >You pass by a corridor feeding into the one in which you walk.
  756. >It's incredibly dark.
  757. >But not a sound can be heard.
  758. >You continue, the deafening apprehension beating down on you like a freight train.
  759. >She could be anywhere, lurking in the darkness.
  760. >Watching.
  761. >You finally approach your door.
  762. >Just a few more steps and you're home free.
  763. >A little bit further.
  764. >Just a little bit further.
  765. >You pass through the doorway.
  766. >The moonlight from the window shines down onto the bed, revealing a shadow lying on it.
  767. >"We hath been expecting thou, Anonymous."
  768. >…
  769. >…
  770. >Book it back down the hall.
  771. >Almost knock a bunch of stuff over, but you don't care.
  772. >You can hear her galloping in pursuit.
  773. >Just why?
  774. -------
  775. >You keep running.
  776. >Luna's gaining.
  777. >She's a lot faster than you.
  778. >Makes sense.
  779. >You turn a corner and cut through a room into another hallway in attempt to lose her.
  780. >lol nope.
  781. >She teleports right in front of you.
  782. >About 4 or 5 fish are floating beside her.
  783. >forgetthat.jpg
  784. >You are sprinting again, now almost out of breath.
  785. >Luna's gaining a lot faster this time.
  786. >There is no hope.
  787. >Once again, you are literally royally up the creek.
  788. >You try turning a corner again.
  789. >Another corner.
  790. >It's a dead end.
  791. >There is a high up window, but not high enough for you to jump up to it.
  792. >The moonlight shines down upon you, like a spotlight.
  793. >The hallway is the stage.
  794. -------
  795. >Luna slowly approaches you.
  796. >She has like 6 or 7 fish now.
  797. >At least 15 minutes until Celestia gets back.
  798. >Luna slowly spreads her wings and speaks in her booming, thundering voice.
  800. >You are unable to make a sound of any kind.
  801. >As she gets within 2 feet (0.60960 meters) from you, you try to sprint for it and dodge around her.
  802. >Her magic swiftly wraps itself around you, topples you over and lands you on your back.
  803. >Luna holds your arms and legs down with her hooves.
  804. >Whoa, she's strong.
  806. >One by one, the small fishes are levitated rammed into your mouth.
  807. >Why can't you just agree that you can eat your fish on your own?
  808. >After the second fish, you decide to just close your eyes and wait for the scene to end.
  809. >A third fish is entered and swallowed.
  810. >This is how you are going to eat from now on.
  811. >You're sure of it.
  812. >A fourth fish.
  813. >You're going to be force fed with fish like a baby whale because you simply wanted Luna and yourself to fit it.
  814. >This is your punishment.
  815. >A fifth and sixth.
  816. >You brought this upon yourself
  817. >Seven fish.
  818. >Luna releases her grasp.
  819. >You swallow the last fish.
  820. >A glass of chocolate milk is hovered in front of you.
  821. >"Drink, my beloved." Luna declares.
  822. >Her magic holds the glass as you sip down the chocolate milk.
  823. >It's so good.
  824. >Not only does it wash away the fish taste, but it's the most delicious chocolate milk you've ever tasted.
  825. >imokaywiththis.jpg
  826. >Luna carries you to your room on her back.
  827. >You fall asleep like a baby before you even reach the room.
  828. >wat
  829. -------
  830. >A dream.
  831. >You are floating in an ocean.
  832. >It goes on forever in every possible direction.
  833. >The water is perfectly flat and motionless.
  834. >Other that the slick, pitch black water is a night sky.
  835. >Filled with the epic wonders of the cosmos.
  836. >The milky way, thousands of distant clusters and blankets of stars and all kinds of colors and warped designs to take your breath away.
  837. >Just epic stars and space and stuff.
  838. >Everything in the wondrous sky is reflected on the immense and vast mirror of the endless sea.
  839. >heckyeah.jpg
  840. >And there you float, in the peacefulness of your own subconsciousness.
  841. >You think about Luna.
  842. >You remember everything you have done for her.
  843. >Talking with her when almost no one else would, supporting her involvement in conversations, enduring her attempts to impress you, confront your interests and desires and bring harmony into your life.
  844. >How much more would need to happen?
  845. >Will Luna ever catch up with the rest of Equestrian society?
  846. >You want the best for her, because she wants the best for you.
  847. >The two of you relate so closely, it's practically unfathomable.
  848. >And all you can do now is think about it.
  849. >Unable to move, unable to speak.
  850. >Only think.
  851. >In the endless sea of tranquility.
  852. >"Anonymous…" you hear a soft whisper.
  853. >You are suddenly on the surface of a grey dirt/clay-like ground.
  854. >The moon.
  855. >Luna slowly flies towards you from the starry and decorated sky.
  856. >What is even going on?
  857. >Has Luna appeared in your dreams again?
  858. >"Art thou prepared for the second serving?" She hums, almost purring.
  859. >Millions of fish start appearing out of nowhere.
  860. >Floating down from the sky.
  861. >Fish, spaghetti and squashed tomatoes gently float through the cosmos.
  862. -------
  863. >Luna spirals a vortex of fish straight into your mouth as you lie of the moon's surface.
  864. >You are still dreaming.
  865. >Thousands and thousands of fish, right down into your mouth.
  866. >Luna has conquered your dreams.
  867. >She rules them now.
  868. >You're so hungry, you need more fish.
  869. >Your body inflates like a balloon.
  870. >So many fish.
  871. >They start pouring out your ears.
  872. >You explode.
  873. >Gigantic tidal waves of fish and spaghetti are launched into the vacuum of space.
  874. >You jolt awake, covered in sweat.
  875. >You are now lying in your bed.
  876. >You immediately begin to reject what you just experienced being awake.
  877. >Why can't Luna leave you alone?
  878. >At least in your dreams?
  879. >You hear Celestia calling for you.
  880. >"Anonymous, breakfast is ready!" she beams.
  881. >You get dressed.
  882. >Try to look as presentable as you can.
  883. >As you walk into the royal dining hall, Luna awaits you.
  884. >You sit next to her.
  885. >She is smiling, confidently this time.
  886. >Without realizing, you smile back.
  887. >It is at this moment that you come to the realization that nothing will ever be the same between you and Luna again.
  888. >She owns you, now.
  889. -------
  890. >After the dream, you just can't get yourself to focus anymore.
  891. >It's borderline impossible to maintain an established grip on reality.
  892. >What has Luna done to your mind?
  893. >What is she even trying to prove anymore?
  894. >You continue with your daily duties.
  895. >Sweeping the floors, and all that jazz.
  896. >You skip lunch.
  897. >You're not about the lunch life anymore.
  898. >You have finally established a connection with Luna.
  899. >It's a strange one, but it's something.
  900. >Between chores, she visits you.
  901. >"Tis time for thy desirable feast, Anon." She says.
  902. >You just go along with it.
  903. >It's the only thing that sustains her overall enthusiasm.
  904. >You can't believe you're eating fish everyday just so Luna can feel accepted.
  905. >Where the hell is she even getting all the fricken fish?
  906. >That's not important right now.
  907. >Until the rest of the ponies of Canterlot can learn to accept Luna for who she is, you have to continue to support her confidence.
  908. >You feel like it's absolutely necessary.
  909. >You'll do almost anything to help her.
  910. >But, regardless of what happens, you know this is bound to go too far sooner or later.
  911. >You eventually approach Celestia in her throne room.
  912. >"Anonymous! How are you patching things up with Luna?" she immediately asks, clearly interested in how the current events are going with her sister.
  913. "I… I really think we need to talk about Luna…" you solemnly respond.
  914. >"I understand." Answers Celestia.
  915. -------
  916. >You explain to Celestia that the reason you had been skipping meals recently is that Luna has wanted you to eat nothing but fish.
  917. >Celestia immediately gives you a perplexed look.
  918. >"I… don't understand." she finally says.
  919. "Remember when I was playing along with Luna's cultural customs?"
  920. >"So eating fish used to be one of those?"
  921. "No. Well maybe, I don't know. But now she thinks that I'm crazy about fish."
  922. >"Well, what exactly would lead her to believe that?"
  923. >You sigh.
  924. >This is going to be painfully awkward to say.
  925. >But what other choice do you have?
  926. "A couple of nights ago, Luna appeared in one of my dreams."
  927. >Celestia's eyes widen slightly.
  928. >You pause, so you can be sure Celestia is following along.
  929. >"Well," Celestia states lightly, "Luna does tend to appear on one's dreams if they think about her while they fall asleep. It's simply something she does."
  930. >You lower your head slightly.
  931. >You just can't figure out how you managed to slip into this situation.
  932. "She was asking me what my… interests are."
  933. >Celestia raises her eyebrows in surprise.
  934. "Not any specific type of interest, I don't think."
  935. >Celestia seems to automatically understand what happened.
  936. >"It appears that…" she hesitantly explains, "she wanted you to feel more comfortable with the things she does when she tries to appeal to you, so her own means of socializing will still be effective, despite them being a thousand years out of date."
  937. >You completely understand everything Celestia is telling you.
  938. >You nod, so she can see that you're actively listening.
  939. >"To do this, she wanted to have knowledge of what your favorite things are, so she could use those things to convince you that she is more than worth being in the presence of and socializing with. She wanted to relate more to you, since it seemed as though you were the easiest out of everyone else around here to connect with. She couldn't really match her interests to pretty much anypony else"
  940. >It's all coming together, now.
  941. 1/2
  942. -------
  943. >Celestia continues to explain everything to you.
  944. >"When she approached you in that dream, you were in a state in which you could not think properly or completely, as this is common when any of us dream. Your opinions were easily swayed, much more easily swayed than when you're awake. You could only give simple, non-thought-out answers."
  945. >Oh god it all makes sense, now.
  946. "But why did she want to appeal to me in the first place? What did I do?" you manage to utter.
  947. >"Apparently, the fact that you started friendly conversations with her and asked her about things in her life has triggered her." Celestia continues. "Nopony else even wanted to talk to her, let alone change their social status to the level she was on, despite her being a Princess. You, on the other hand, were already at a low social status. And the combination of that fact and the act of you being friendly to her when nopony else would, has indeed caused her to literally need your company so she can feel significant not only to others, but to herself."
  948. >All you can do now is nod.
  949. >"However, she is still different from you in certain ways, being she is lost in the social customs of the past. Whenever she wanted to show that she desires your attention, she didn't know how to act around you, and she was well aware of that. But she still tried her best, hence wanting to know your interests. Did I explain it clearly enough so you can understand, Anon?"
  950. >…
  951. >What a mess, Anonymous. What a mess.
  952. >You nod in agreement.
  953. >You head on over to the royal dining hall for dinner, which is almost ready.
  954. >What do?
  955. 2/2
  956. -------
  957. >You are sitting down at the royal dining table with the princesses.
  958. >Luna to your left and Celestia to your right, as usual.
  959. >Your plate, surprisingly, is a formally cooked and prepared fish dinner.
  960. >You would have imagined Luna would have completely taken over the process of preparing the meals that you would eat.
  961. >But you realize that she actually has, but in a better way than you have anticipated.
  962. >"A Toast!" Luna declares. "To another grand Friday supper! In honor of Anonymous, who riseth up throughout above the merciless ranks of Canterlot's Society and achieves greatness to spread amongst us all here in the Castle! A formally prepared Gudgeon Feast for thou, Anonymous."
  963. >Everyone raises their glasses of chocolate milk, the princesses using their magic and you using your hand.
  964. >You suddenly remember that this dinner had been planned even before you told Luna you like fish.
  965. >It finally occurs to you that these meals take place every week, it happened to be fish this time, and one thing led to another, causing Luna to believe you are crazy for and obsessed with fish.
  966. >But little did you know that certain things are still leading into other things.
  967. >Luna is not done appeasing you yet.
  968. >She has something on the next level of "interest" planned for you.
  969. >The rest of the night goes smoothly.
  970. >You finish your dinner and you're off to bed.
  971. >As you walk down the corridor to your room, you hear a voice behind you.
  972. >"Anonymous…"
  973. >You immediately recognize Luna's voice.
  974. >You turn around.
  975. >Luna stands there with a smile on her face.
  976. >Beside her, a larger fish.
  977. >It's unusually large. Much larger than the others.
  978. >Luna didn't have any chocolate milk with her this time.
  979. "L-.. Luna! What a surprise seeing you here late at night." you stammer awkwardly.
  980. >"Art thou ready for thy best gudgeon yet?" Luna asks, kind of sing-songily.
  981. -------
  982. "That one looks a whole lot bigger than the others." you say, seeing that the fish is even too big to fit inside of your digestive system. "And as you know, I've already eaten a large meal."
  983. >Luna continues to stare at you.
  984. >You gulp.
  985. >"This here gudgeon isn't for consuming, Anonymous."
  986. >Wha…?
  987. >It is slowly levitated towards you.
  988. >You run away.
  989. >You know she'll probably catch you but it's worth trying.
  990. >This has officially gone too far.
  991. >It's immensely difficult to run on a full stomach.
  992. >You get a cramp.
  993. >It's so painful.
  994. >But you have to keep going.
  995. >You decide to try to find Celestia.
  996. >She's your only hope.
  997. >Luckily, you're not far away from the throne room.
  998. >You limp your way over to the throne room as fast as you can.
  999. >You stumble inside, in pain.
  1000. >Celestia is on her throne.
  1001. >"Anonymous! Are you alright? You look as though you're in pain!"
  1002. >She leaps down from the throne and races to you.
  1003. "I'm not injured." you manage to blurt out.
  1004. >"Are you sure?"
  1005. >At that instant, Luna appears in the doorway.
  1006. >"Sister? What are you doing here?" Celestia asks.
  1007. "It's not her fault! It's not her fault" you repeatedly groan.
  1008. >It's really all you can say, remembering how much you still want to help Luna.
  1009. >"We saw Anonymous limping through the halls and tried to help him!" Luna beseeches.
  1010. >You just nod in agreement, so Celestia doesn't take things the wrong way.
  1011. -------
  1012. >Luna speaks again.
  1013. >"Seeing that thou hast the situation under control, we are not needed at the moment!" She quickly proclaims.
  1014. >In another crackle and a flash of light later, she's gone.
  1015. >A long pause.
  1016. >"Anonymous," Celestia softly bids, "it does not take a genius to see that something just happened in the hallways. Please be honest. What actually happened?"
  1017. >It takes you a minute to regain your composure.
  1018. >Celestia patiently awaits.
  1019. >You sigh once more.
  1020. "About two or three minutes ago," you reveal, "Luna appeared behind me with a really large fish."
  1021. >This already sounds ridiculously weird.
  1022. "It was way too big to eat. And she knew I had already eaten."
  1023. >Celestia's eyes widen dramatically.
  1024. >She can see where this is going.
  1025. "And when I asked what the fish was for, she said it wasn't for eating and…" you start to trail off.
  1026. >Celestia's ears fold back and she begins to blush.
  1027. >"Oh my…"
  1028. >You know you need to continue.
  1029. "Anyway, she was chasing me down the hallway with the… fish. And I have already eaten, so I got a cramp."
  1030. >"It's okay, Anonymous. You don't need to say anything more. I understand what's going on." Celestia conjures. "We'll figure out what to do. I suppose it's safe to say this might have gone too far, huh?"
  1031. >You can only nod again.
  1032. "Yes."
  1033. -------
  1034. >You are dreaming again.
  1035. >Once again, your surroundings happen to be the surface of the moon.
  1036. >You stand in place, lost.
  1037. >Lost in overwhelmingly confounding bewilderment.
  1038. >You see Luna, slowly and apologetically walking toward you.
  1039. >Her head faces the ground, eyed closed.
  1040. >She stops about arms length in front of you.
  1041. >"Anonymous," she speaks softly, "We wish to apologize to thou for our actions tonight."
  1042. >Silence.
  1043. "It's not what you think, your majesty." you eventually persuade, not wanting Luna to feel undesirable.
  1044. >Luna opens her eyes.
  1045. >The shining reflections next to her pupils rapidly move back and forth.
  1046. "It's not that I don't like fish or anything. It's just, we humans normally eat fish that are cooked."
  1047. >"Cooked?"
  1048. "Yes, cooked. And we eat them with silverware and a plate, not so much be held down and have raw fish being rammed into our mouthes."
  1049. >"We are deeply sorry, Anonymous. We are still adjusting to the modern ways of society, as thou likely already know."
  1050. "I do know."
  1051. >"We are trying. We just wish to comfort thee the best ways we can."
  1052. "I'm still okay with fish, though."
  1053. >Luna gives you a hopeful look.
  1054. "Just not cold, slimy and uncooked fish." you conclude, not remembering the basis of the most recent fish episode.
  1055. >"We… understand. From now on, all gudgeons shall be served warm and decorated." Promises Luna.
  1056. >You're suddenly awake in your bed.
  1057. >You woke up by accident.
  1058. >You figure it's not worth trying to return to the dream, you've never been able to do that.
  1059. >It's morning, anyway.
  1060. >You visit Celestia in the throne room just before breakfast.
  1061. >"Anon," Celestia announces, "I'm afraid I have some bad news."
  1062. >You don't speak, you just follow her to one of the windows and look outside.
  1063. >Down in the streets, you see the ponies of Canterlot gathered in the town square, surrounding two objects.
  1064. >One is a burning pile of unknown material and another looks like some kind of siege weapon under construction.
  1065. >There's no way this can be good.
  1066. -------
  1067. >Everyone is quiet at breakfast.
  1068. >Word about the whereabout and actions of the Canterlot ponies has spread quickly throughout the castle.
  1069. >Concern is so thick in the air, you can feel it.
  1070. >Not a sound can be heard except the sounds of everyone eating their meals.
  1071. >Celestia slowly and dramatically stands up from her chair.
  1072. >"As you all may know, this castle potentially faces a serious threat.
  1073. >Your heart stops when you hear her say "serious threat".
  1074. >"I just got back in touch with the messenger I had sent out. The news definitely could have been better."
  1075. >Everyone is silent.
  1076. >"It comes to my attention that a sizable fraction of the citizens of Canterlot have reached the point where they no longer respect Luna and I as their leaders."
  1077. >Dead silence.
  1078. >"To the best of my knowledge, based on what I've heard from the messenger, the citizens of Canterlot are attempting to build their own sun."
  1079. >Wait. What?
  1080. >Everyone in the room is confused.
  1081. >Celestia allows them a moment to let it all sink in.
  1082. >If this current situation was not as dire as it was, you all would have laughed a little bit.
  1083. >"It's true, I'm afraid." Celestia gravely continues. "They believe they can actually build a sun of their own, and that all the unicorns in Canterlot can collectively use their magic to maintain its rising and setting."
  1084. >"Tis utter madness!" Luna interjects.
  1085. >"Not only that, " Celestia points out, "but they are building multiple trebuchets to first bombard the current sun out of the sky, and then launch their homemade sun into the sky, and have the unicorns catch it with their magic, thus keeping it up there.
  1086. >It's absolute insanity.
  1087. >"Luna, since you're the one who is the most familiar with medieval trebuchets, I sincerely ask for your assistance." Celestia adds.
  1088. >Luna jolts up in her seat.
  1089. >"Th-… there's a use for us?" Luna hopefully asks.
  1090. >Celestia nods slowly.
  1091. >Here we go.
  1092. -------
  1093. >You look out the window to see Twilight's hot air balloon approaching the castle.
  1094. >The mane 6 are aboard.
  1095. >Celestia had contacted them by letter, and urged them to travel by air.
  1096. >It is too dangerous to travel on the ground.
  1097. >Meanwhile, you are called to the meeting hall, where Celestia will disclose the plan for defense to the royal guards.
  1098. >You enter the room, to find all of the guards, Celestia, Luna, Cadence, Shining Armor and pretty much everyone else connected to the royalty in there.
  1099. >Where the hell has Cadence even been this whole time?
  1100. >"We are going to need at least four guards in each of the towers. At the doors, we are going to install and reinforce heavy locks with metal barriers, in case they try to ram the doors." Celestia lays out her instructions to defend the castle.
  1101. >You gulp loudly.
  1102. >There is no way this is going to end well.
  1103. >Meanwhile, Luna is giving her instructions for a plan of counterattack.
  1104. >She has a quickly sketched diagram of an average Trebuchet with a few labels.
  1106. >Cadence is in charge of providing aid to anypony who gets wounded.
  1107. >Within minutes, Twilight and the rest of the mane 6 enter the meeting hall.
  1108. 1/3
  1109. -------
  1110. >"We arrived as fast as we could!" Twilight affirms. "How can we be able to assist?"
  1111. >"We need you to help defend Luna and the guards as they dismantle the trebuchets." Celestia answers.
  1112. >Twilight eyes widen as Celestia mentioned the trebuchets, realizing the severity of the situation.
  1113. >"Just distract the ones on the outside from defending their siege weapons while Luna takes them out." Celestia adds.
  1114. >"Right on it, Princess!" Twilight responds. "And if it helps, I've rallied up some of the population of Ponyville to ride over and distract them as well. We have all the support we need."
  1115. >"Thank you, Twilight. You truly are a big help."
  1116. >Just then, Luna trots over to you.
  1117. >"Anonymous, if something are to happen to us out there, we would like to thank thee for everything thou hast done for us recently." She asserts. "It is much appreciated!"
  1118. "You're welcome, Luna."
  1119. >It's all you're able to say, before you two hug once, and then she flies out with the mane 6 and a few of the guards.
  1120. 2/3
  1121. -------
  1122. >The meeting room is now almost silent.
  1123. >Celestia walks up to you.
  1124. >"I cannot find a way to thank you enough for all that you've helped us princesses with, Anonymous. If you ever start to get the sensation that this might somehow be your fault, do not allow yourself to think that way."
  1125. >You nod and squint your eyes.
  1126. >"This kind of conflict was bound to happen sooner or later, and you simply happened to get caught in the middle."
  1127. >Celestia walks over to the window.
  1128. >She looks out, almost crying.
  1129. >But she knows how to hold the feeling back.
  1130. >"I do not believe that Luna would have anypony to turn to if it weren't for you. Maybe not even me." Celestia reveals.
  1131. "But, you're her sister…"
  1132. >"I know, but what Luna needed most during these time was someone to motivate her to do great things. Someone like her. And for that, I'm more than glad you came along."
  1133. >You can't think of anything else to say.
  1134. >"Because of you, she is brave enough to go out there and confront an entire crowd of citizens who are now making an offensive move toward the castle." Celestia reaffirms.
  1135. "Thank you. It means everything to me." you say after a long pause.
  1136. >"And thank you too, Anonymous." She answers before joining the guards to march up to the tallest towers of the castle.
  1137. >The intensity is too much for you.
  1138. >You feel dizzy and the room begins to spin.
  1139. >You faint like a little bitch.
  1140. 3/3
  1141. -------
  1142. >The next thing you see is an oval-shaped light hovering above you.
  1143. >You squint your eyes so the glare doesn't sting as much.
  1144. >You can now see the outline of a pink pone leaning over you.
  1145. >It's Cadence.
  1146. >"Oh, good! You've come to. For a second there, I thought we had our first casualty already."
  1147. >It take you a minute or two to realize that you're on a bed.
  1148. >You realize that you fainted.
  1149. >You're so embarrassed.
  1150. "Um, you won't tell anypony about what just happened out there, right?" you blubber out the words like a bumbling moron.
  1151. >Cadence smiles slightly, as if she's internally laughing at you, but somehow still means well.
  1152. >"Nopony will ever know."
  1153. "H-how long has it been?" you still can't talk right.
  1154. >"Only a few minutes. I think it's safest to just stay in here for now. Being that you… um… fainted… out there…" Cadence trails off into murmuring.
  1155. >You look down in shame.
  1156. >"No offense, I just want everyone to be safe."
  1157. >Cadence then leaves the room.
  1158. >You wonder if Luna is doing alright in dealing with the trebuchets.
  1159. >It surprises you that the fact that Luna is a thousand years behind actually serves as an advantage in this situation.
  1160. >You wonder if it's actually a good thing to have certain customs that are not consistent with those around you.
  1161. >You feel like a weakling for fainting.
  1162. "Dammit, I gotta be in the action!" you whisper to yourself in self-encouragement.
  1163. >You leap up, and head for the door, the force of the wind from your wake feeling as though it's pushing you back.
  1164. >You resist.
  1165. >You have to go out there.
  1166. >For Luna.
  1167. >The two of you have helped each other in so many ways up until this point, why the hell should you stop now?
  1168. >Before you know it, you're rushing toward the front doors.
  1169. >They are about to be closed after the second wave of defenders has been dispatched.
  1170. >You slip through, entering the outside.
  1171. -------
  1172. >The first thing you see outside of the castle is a towering column of smoke.
  1173. >It looms over the tallest mountains and into the stratosphere.
  1174. >At the base of it are flames, but you can't see what's burning.
  1175. >A ways to the left of the smoke are 3 or 4 trebuchets with a couple of royal guards swarming around them.
  1176. >There is a crowd of ponies surrounding the trebuchets, trying to defend them.
  1177. >You cannot see Luna or the mane 6 anywhere.
  1178. >You decide to just run towards where all the action is happening in hopes to find them.
  1179. >You have hands, so you would be able to do more physical thing in terms of deconstructing equipment or something.
  1180. >You just made a huge mistake.
  1181. >About 20 of the angry Canterlot citizens have spotted you in the open field.
  1182. >Having hands isn't exactly useful if it's 20 against one.
  1183. >You see a large thicket of trees on the far end of the field.
  1184. >Seeing this as your only escape, you head towards the thicket.
  1185. >The ponies are faster runners than you.
  1186. >You can hear the galloping as they gain ground on you.
  1187. >You immediately regret the decision you just made to run outside.
  1188. >You just had to put yourself in danger.
  1189. >You finally make it into the trees.
  1190. >You weave.
  1191. >You make all kinds of complicated turns and maneuvers.
  1192. >You do everything you can to lose them.
  1193. >It's somewhat effective.
  1194. >You reach a clearing, overlooking a valley.
  1195. >In that valley, you can see the town of Ponyville.
  1196. >Not only that, but something else catches your eye.
  1197. >There are large herds of ponies heading from Ponyville in the direction of Canterlot.
  1198. >It looks like enough to be about 3/4 of the entire population.
  1199. -------
  1200. >You can do nothing more than watch in awe as the huge populace of Ponyville charges toward Canterlot.
  1201. >Twilight wasn't kidding when she said she had rallied them up.
  1202. >You hear rustling behind you.
  1203. >It's not your jimmies.
  1204. >Without thinking, you sprint to your right, along the line of the trees bordering your former sanctuary.
  1205. >You are growing tired and out of breath.
  1206. >Why is everything happening so fast?
  1207. >You revert to just running back into the trees to take cover.
  1208. >You have no Idea what you're even doing anymore, just anything you can to survive.
  1209. >You haven't even been outside the safety of the castle for five minutes and you're already running in circles.
  1210. >Alone and confused.
  1211. >You can only imagine the amount of courage it takes to run out into danger, let alone put down a rebellion with siege weapons.
  1212. >Luna must have put a lot of heart into her plan for counterattack.
  1213. >She wanted to defend you. To protect you.
  1214. >Despite her being socially left behind, she is clearly a lot more physically able than you.
  1215. >You're just a simple human.
  1216. >Why did you even think you could survive under these conditions?
  1217. >She knew that it had to be her to deal with the violent side of hatred, not you.
  1218. >And now you have let her down.
  1219. >You are going to die out here in the woods because you weren't smart enough to listen to logic and reason.
  1220. >You are suddenly lifted off of your feet, swept away into the air.
  1221. >A blue aura wraps itself around you; it belongs to Luna.
  1222. >You land on Luna's back as she flies over the woods.
  1223. >She must have spotted you from high above before you were being chased.
  1225. "I just wanted to help you! Please just let me be here so I know you're okay!" you beg.
  1226. >A pause.
  1227. >"FINE! WE UNDERSTAND!" Luna answers. "We feel the same way, Anonymous." you can barely hear her say under her breath.
  1228. >You ride her like a knight on horseback towards the 2 remaining trebuchets.
  1229. -------
  1230. >Absolute chaos has ensued around the bases go the trebuchets.
  1231. >The angry rebels have already lost 3 of their 5 trebuchets.
  1232. >They never even got a chance to use any of them.
  1233. >There is bucking.
  1234. >Bucking everywhere.
  1235. >All the ponies are so desperate now, being so undertrained in just a few days of being steamed up by the evil of hatred.
  1236. >They have no idea what they believe what they are going to accomplish.
  1237. >You ride in with Luna towards the crowd.
  1238. >In a surge of pure excitement, Luna lets out an epic war cry.
  1239. >The massive sound wave knocks the rebels off their hooves and onto the ground.
  1240. >She uses her magic to levitate the pitchforks and torches away from them.
  1241. >You can't help but let out a war cry of your own, for the heat of the moment is just so glorious.
  1242. >Luna lands at the bottom of a small hill, right behind where the crowd around the trebuchets are.
  1243. >"PREPARE THYSELF, BELOVED ANONYMOUS!" Luna warns, as she gets her vocal chords ready.
  1244. >At that instant, a couple of stallions at the top of the hill have positioned a large boulder to roll down towards Luna.
  1245. "Luna! Up there!" you shout, pointing up the hill.
  1246. >Luna turns to see the boulder rolling towards her.
  1247. >She immediately knows what to do.
  1248. >She faces away from the boulder, waits until it is within reach of her, and bucks it as hard as she can with her hind legs.
  1249. >The impact shatters the boulder, shaking the ground itself.
  1250. >The intense vibrations cause you to fall off of Luna's back.
  1251. >Her magic catches you right before you hit the ground.
  1252. >"IVE GOT YOU, ANON!" Luna shouts, using a modern dialect because her magic is making contact with you.
  1253. >The hundreds of pieces of the boulder lay on the ground.
  1254. >The other ponies stare, wide eyed in terror as they witness the power they're up against.
  1255. >Luna faces the crowd once more.
  1256. >She inhales, and then lets out the loudest sound you've ever heard anything make.
  1257. >All the rebel ponies promptly yield in shell-shock.
  1258. -------
  1259. >Two royal guards fly in.
  1260. >They quickly dismantle the last two trebuchets before they can be used.
  1261. >Seeing the last of their siege weapons destroyed, the crowd boils into an uproar of rage.
  1262. >Rage towards Luna, towards you and the members of the castle.
  1263. >But now, also towards each other as well.
  1264. >A monstrous brawl breaks out.
  1265. >So much anger and hatred spread throughout the crowd.
  1266. >A distant rumbling.
  1267. >A larger group is approaching the town square.
  1268. >Ponyville.
  1269. >Their imposing ranks have finally arrived.
  1270. >Charging full force straight at the Canterlot Crackpot Crowd, in which all hell is breaking loose.
  1271. >They flood the scene and restrain the bigots who still remain in the town square.
  1272. >Most have gone into their homes to hide.
  1273. >Cowards.
  1274. >You look to the sky.
  1275. >From the direction of Cloudsdale, you see a couple dozen pegasi swoop down into the area.
  1276. >They must have seen the pillar of black smoke.
  1277. >All of the creatures in Equestria must have seen it.
  1278. >Near and far, all can see this cryptic message of civil unrest. Insanity.
  1279. >A desperate cry for help.
  1280. >Social injustice.
  1281. >The pegasi from cloudsdale immediately help the ponies from Ponyville, as they are clearly trying to dilute and extinguish the uprising.
  1282. >Within minutes, the riot is over.
  1283. -------
  1284. >The weather has grown cold.
  1285. >All of the rebels have been tied up and herded into the castle.
  1286. >It's about half the entire population of Canterlot.
  1287. >It takes all day to get them all into the same place; the meeting room.
  1288. >Due to this, everyone who works at the castle gets to eat in the royal dining hall.
  1289. >A huge feast is prepared in honor of everyone's hard work, and victory.
  1290. >Everyone is talking to each other.
  1291. >The chandelier for the royal dining hall is placed back above the table.
  1292. >Royal guards are sent in shifts to check on the new prisoners, 10 per shift.
  1293. >You sit at the table with everyone else, but you do not eat.
  1294. >Luna still wants you to stick with eating your "favorite" food everyday.
  1295. >You wait. You still want what's best for Luna.
  1296. >After dinner, all of the guest are returned to Ponyville and Cloudsdale.
  1297. >The guards are watching the prisoners.
  1298. >Luna gets up from her seat, walks down a hallway while gesturing you to follow.
  1299. >You follow.
  1300. >The two of you go up a few stairs, down a second hallway and into a dimly lit cathedral ceiling room.
  1301. >You immediately recognize it as the room Luna teleported you into and from before.
  1302. >But this time, it smells of delicious, cooked food.
  1303. --------
  1304. >Luna levitates two immensely large plates of fish ,slices of pizza, cookies, ice cream and multiple gallons of chocolate milk from out of nowhere.
  1305. >But still, mostly fish; the other food is just for decoration.
  1306. >She then raises a curtain on the side of one wall, revealing a large flat screen TV. (it's powered by magic, ain't gotta explain a thing).
  1307. >As she does this, she softly speaks to you.
  1308. >"Thou mustn't hast worry in regards of being full, Anonymous. Magic shall vanish the food from thy stomach, after thou hast pleased thy tastebuds."
  1309. >You automatically understand what she meant: She will use magic to make the food disappear from your stomach after you're done eating it, so you can eat more.
  1310. >"Doth thou like it?" She asks.
  1311. >You nod excitedly.
  1312. >You both sit right next to each other at the foot of her bed.
  1313. >"As thou can see, we have changed the nature of our private meals to fit thy standards more comfortably." Luna states. "We really hope to finally bond with thee."
  1314. >You feel the shivers yet again, but you're smiling this time.
  1315. >"We wish to offer thee a multitude of fun filled nights, without issues of any kind. A gift, for thee, in return for all thou hast done for us."
  1316. >She turns on the TV.
  1317. >Reality show about ponies in Ponyville is on.
  1318. >wut
  1319. >The two of you sit on the bed, watching the show while eating.
  1320. >You swear it's like you're watching lost episodes of MLP: FiM.
  1321. >Luna takes her forks and knives, and completely dissects each part of her food, as though it were some kind of an operation.
  1322. >She's using two forks and a knife on a single slice of pizza, skinning the cheese off and slicing it into sections.
  1323. >She then does the same to your food, and still feeds you herself.
  1324. >She is being too careful with her neatness this time.
  1325. >You don't say anything, you don't want to spoil the moment.
  1326. >A small improvement is still an improvement.
  1327. >At least until the big fish is brought out.
  1328. >You are about to feel more regret than you ever did in your entire life.
  1329. --------
  1330. >Needless to say, the rest of dinner goes great between you and Luna.
  1331. >You both casually watch TV while eating seemingly endless food.
  1332. >You don't seem to mind her dicing up the food in weird ways and feeding you.
  1333. >At least it's not forced this time.
  1334. >At the end of the meal, you sip what seems like ten gallons of chocolate milk through a thick silly straw.
  1335. >The milk disappears after it's been in your stomach for a few seconds, so you don't even feel full at any point.
  1336. >You can always drink more.
  1337. >It's easily the best thing that's ever happened to you.
  1338. >Luna leans up against you, holding the gallons in front of you and the straw so it can stick into your mouth.
  1339. >"Art thou pleased with our friendly gift to thee?" Luna asks.
  1340. >You nod, occasionally taking breathing breaks every five seconds or so.
  1341. >You are continuously sipping chocolate milk for over 3 minutes.
  1342. >ohyeah.jpg
  1343. >The milk finally runs out, and you barely feel like you've eaten or drank anything at all.
  1344. >The episode on the TV ends, and Luna turns off the screen.
  1345. >You stand up to go to bed; there is nothing left to do now but sleep (and probably hang out with Luna more anyway).
  1346. >Nope.
  1347. >Luna levitates an even larger fish this time beside her.
  1348. >There's something different about this one.
  1349. >"We remember that thou said they prefer thy gudgeon cooked. For thee, to mount, Anonymous!" Luna says, almost ordering.
  1350. >Oh god she heated it up so it's warm.
  1351. >This isn't what you asked for.
  1352. >Luna locks the door.
  1353. >No escape.
  1354. -------
  1355. >Luna approaches you, fish beside her.
  1356. >"Make haste, Anon. Thy gudgeon grows cold."
  1357. >You cannot allow this to happen.
  1358. >You are not about to lose your virginity to a fish.
  1359. "No. I can't do this!" You make your stand.
  1360. >It's a shame.
  1361. >You and Luna have come so far.
  1362. >Made so much progress.
  1363. >You two bonded so strongly.
  1364. >And now it comes to this.
  1365. >Your last stand.
  1366. >"We… don't understand…" Luna stutters, confused.
  1367. "I don't want to do this!"
  1368. >"But… thou wanted it warm…" Luna's eye begins twitching.
  1369. "To eat! Not to do… that!”
  1370. >"But… but…"
  1371. >Oh boy.
  1372. >"No matter! Thou art awake, Anonymous. The fear of embarrassment cloudeth thy instincts!"
  1373. >…
  1374. >"Thou needst… assistance getting comfortable."
  1375. >The room has a window; it's been open the whole time.
  1376. >Outside the window is a tree, you are able to see in in the darkness of the night because the leaves are pink.
  1377. >If it weren't for you spotting the tree, you'd have been up the creek.
  1378. >You sprint for the window; you will try to jump out and land in the tree's leaves for cushioning and then slide down the trunk like a poll.
  1379. >Almost back to the part in the beginning where this was left off.
  1380. >You jump and land in the tree.
  1381. >The tree makes a startled squeaking sound.
  1382. >?
  1383. >Nevermind.
  1384. >You slide down the yellow trunk, like you planned, and bolt into the darkness.
  1385. >You feel like you run faster in the dark.
  1386. --------
  1387. >You continue to sprint through the night.
  1388. >You hear your rapid breathing, your footfalls.
  1389. >You hear wing beats.
  1390. >You see the trees in the darkness rush past you as you weave around them.
  1391. >Wing beats have stopped, only to be picked up by hoofsteps.
  1392. >They approach steadily.
  1393. >You don’t stop.
  1394. >You chance a glance backwards.
  1395. >Princess Luna gallops after you, her features enraged, her eyes with a crazed look about them.
  1396. >Her horn glows as she levitates an unusually large fish next to her as she pursues you.
  1398. “For the last time, Luna! I’m not doing THAT with a fish!”
  1399. >How the hell did you get into this?
  1400. >You are finished with your flashback, now.
  1401. >All you have by your side this time is the present and the future, no longer the past.
  1402. >Luna has clearly snapped.
  1403. >There's no convincing her.
  1404. >She has completely reverted back to her ye olde english dialect, seemingly forgetting everything she had learned.
  1405. >She is gaining incredibly fast, being a lot more powerful during the night.
  1406. >Given that it's been proven before, she knows very well that you can't outrun her.
  1407. >You can see it in her expression.
  1408. >She now has a sadistically optimistic look on her face, a fixed gaze and wide, tenacious grin piercing into your soul.
  1409. >You don't need a pic of Ainsley to see what kind of face this is.
  1410. >You've read enough /mlp/ fanfics to know where this is going.
  1411. >"THOU CAN'TST ESCAPE US! CONFESS UNTO THY INSTINCTS THYSELF 'R WE SHALL ASSIST BY FORCE!" She blares once more, right behind you at this point.
  1412. >Her deafening voice has been waking up the ponies of now hostile environment Canterlot.
  1413. >You start to hear other voices in the distance.
  1414. >They sound agitated, but Luna seems to be ignoring them.
  1415. >She's way too determined to care.
  1416. --------
  1417. >Stupidly enough, like a movie character, you trip over nothing.
  1418. >You lie helplessly on the ground, in the darkness.
  1419. >Luna stands right on top of you, levitating the now cold fish above you.
  1420. >You could have at least still did this when it was still warm.
  1421. >Itsallovernow.jpg
  1422. >You know that the riots of Canterlot are going to have their way with you if Luna doesn't first.
  1423. >You can hear them approaching, galloping close as you lie on your back, now.
  1424. >If anything, they're your only hope at this point.
  1425. >You want to cry, but can't find the stamina to even preform a simple action as that.
  1426. >Luna suddenly lets go of the fish and lets it limply land on top of you.
  1427. >You might have been saved.
  1428. >Might.
  1430. >You can't see her around the giant fish, which is now only being used to momentarily pin you on your back as Luna fight off the now many Canterlotians.
  1431. >Luna's not controlling it, but it's still heavy.
  1432. >It's a huge fish.
  1433. >"Let our neighbor go, you monster!" you hear one of them shout.
  1434. >You realize that they can't see well in the dark, and believe that Luna is trying to force this act on one of their own.
  1435. >A fight ensues.
  1436. >You have no Idea how you're going to squirm your way out of this.
  1437. >You try to push the fish off of you.
  1438. >It's not very effective.
  1439. >Luna is winning her battle against the Canterlotians.
  1440. >It's only a matter of time.
  1441. >You need to act fast.
  1442. -------
  1443. >You try pushing the fish off again.
  1444. >It's so heavy.
  1445. >How did Luna even get ahold of this thing?
  1446. >You squirm.
  1447. >The fish is slippery.
  1448. >You realize haw stupid you are.
  1449. >It's a slippery fish.
  1450. >You position yourself so it slides off of you.
  1451. >You're finally able to stand up.
  1452. >More villagers have arrived with torches.
  1453. >But this time they can see that you're a human.
  1454. >Luna is darker than you, so they notice you first.
  1455. >They charge after you.
  1456. >Of course, you run.
  1457. >What else were you supposed to do?
  1458. >Luna is now nowhere to be found and the villagers are in high pursuit.
  1459. >You have to get away and make it back to the castle.
  1460. >You travel through the darkness.
  1461. >Alone in the dark, scared and confused.
  1462. >You now reek of wet fish, and are more easily tracked by the mob.
  1463. >You turn onto a street.
  1464. >There you see a few more villagers.
  1465. >They charge.
  1466. >As you fall to your knees, ready to accept your fate, Luna sweeps out of the sky.
  1467. >She blares her triumphant voice, shaking the very ground beneath your feet.
  1469. >The crowd resists. Unaware of what they're up against.
  1470. >You watch in silence as your Princess nobly defends you, no matter what the cost.
  1471. -------
  1472. >The angry ponies begin throwing rocks and other objects.
  1473. >Desperately doing whatever they can to force Luna to yield and submit.
  1474. >They don't seem affective at all.
  1475. >Why haven't you stepped in yet?
  1476. >You imagine that you could make the authority of the castle's royal guards aware of the out of control villagers, and they would handle the situation.
  1477. >You shout into the winds for the guards.
  1478. >Meanwhile, Luna is bucking the villagers one by one many feet (or meters) back into the darkness.
  1480. >The villagers are so desperate.
  1481. >Perilously and hysterically flinging anything they can get their hooves on. Chucking them at you and Luna.
  1482. >Shouting every single profanity they could muster up in their limited vocabulary.
  1483. >This madness needs to end.
  1484. >You run to the castle.
  1485. >You just book it in the direction you are most sure the castle is in.
  1486. >Block after block, you continue to sprint.
  1487. >Then jog.
  1488. >You are now rendered out of breath.
  1489. >The barbaric army of hate and confusion hot on your tail.
  1490. >You hear the flapping of wings behind you.
  1491. >You can immediately tell it's Luna.
  1492. >But can you trust her?
  1493. >Has the attacking crowd finally snapped her out of her demented desires to force you to fornicate a fish?
  1494. >You remember that your virginity is still on the line.
  1495. >The barbarian crowd is indeed losing.
  1496. >Badly.
  1497. -------
  1498. >You realize that you do not have a choice in the matter of whether Luna sweeps you off your feet or not.
  1499. >You are in the air before you know it.
  1500. >You are lifted dozens of feet (or meters) above Canterlot.
  1501. >You hold on to Luna for dear life.
  1502. >The night air is immensely cold.
  1503. >You don't even care if Luna is still looney.
  1504. >You're cold, tired and exhausted.
  1505. >The warmth of Luna's back and neck your only beacon of hope.
  1506. >You shut your eyes, tearing up a little bit.
  1507. >Luna is flying you back to the castle.
  1508. >She was unable to find where she left the fish.
  1509. >Thank goodness.
  1510. >You begin to silently weep as you slowly realize that Luna cared more about you as a being than the things you did for her.
  1511. >She really saw you as something more than just a friend.
  1512. >In the midst of all this action.
  1513. >She reenters her room.
  1514. >You fall off of her back, landing on the bed.
  1515. >Your first instinct is to run.
  1516. >You leap up.
  1517. >But Luna blocks you and tackles you back down.
  1518. >She has you pinned to the bed.
  1519. >But there are no fish this time.
  1520. >"Anonymous!" Luna orders, "Please calm thyself! Please say thou art in good condition."
  1521. >You look up at Luna.
  1522. >There's tears in her eyes.
  1523. >The look she had five minutes is gone.
  1524. >You realize that you are now the only one freaking out.
  1525. >"We art… so sorry!" Luna begins to sob quietly. "We have no knowledge of what came over us!"
  1526. >You lie there with a bewildered expression on your face.
  1527. >Luna embraces you, and you embrace back.
  1528. >"Please forgive us, Anonymous! We hold no intentions of drawing thee away! If thou wishest to leave, thy may" the crying has ceased.
  1529. >Luna can stop crying remarkably quickly.
  1530. >She's tough.
  1531. >At that instant, Celestia comes barging through the door.
  1532. >"Luna we need-" she pauses in mid sentence at the sight of you two on the bed holding each other, Luna on top.
  1533. >thisisntwhatitlookslike.jpg
  1534. >"Ugh, this isn't the time for that you two!" Celestia blushes with a worried look on her face. "The castle is being breached! It's urgent!"
  1535. -------
  1536. >Luna gets off of you.
  1537. >You were actually okay with this for the first time, and it had to be interrupted.
  1538. >"How do they plan to breacheth the castle?!" Luna asks.
  1539. >"They mobilized a siege ram to break through the front doors! They waited until everypony else left and we went to sleep! They're trying to free the prisoners for reinforcements!" Celestia informs.
  1540. >It just can't stop getting real can't it?
  1541. >The three of you immediately rush down to the meeting hall.
  1542. >Everyone's panicking.
  1543. >As you pass by the front doors, you notice large cracks in the lower center.
  1544. >A loud boom startles you, violently shaking the doors.
  1545. >Another boom.
  1546. >The ominous and impending impacts staggeringly echo throughout the entire castle.
  1547. >The looming cracked doors have never looked so threatening.
  1548. >On the other side, is a mighty siege ram.
  1549. >Operated by eight of Canterlot's strongest stallions.
  1550. >The royal guards are already having a difficult time keeping the prisoners under control.
  1551. >It's only a matter of time before the doors give way, you're sure of it.
  1553. >You listen this time.
  1554. >You rush into your room and shut the door.
  1555. >The sound of the doors being breached can still be heard.
  1556. >You suddenly hear lots of loud noises.
  1557. >Crashing, rumbling.
  1558. >Screaming.
  1559. >You remember how Luna fought off all of the townsponies.
  1560. >Could she fight off whatever awaited behind that door?
  1561. -------
  1562. >The noises continue for about ten more minutes.
  1563. >They die down.
  1564. >Silence.
  1565. >You then hear hoof steps approach your door.
  1566. >There is no way of being able to tell who they belong to.
  1567. >They get closer.
  1568. >After a few more seconds, they stop and a magical aura turned the doorknob.
  1569. >It's blue.
  1570. >Luna enters the room.
  1571. >"Anonymous!" she sighs.
  1572. >You hug her, relieved that she's alright.
  1573. >Celestia enters the room.
  1574. >"The prisoners have managed to escape." She earnestly announces.
  1575. >She has a traumatized look on her face. Ears folded back and eyes staring into blank space.
  1576. >You and Luna follow her to the main hall.
  1577. >The destroyed doors lie on the floor, forcefully busted open.
  1578. >A lot of the guards are injured, and they are in no condition to pursue the escaped prisoners.
  1579. >You have to help everyone else clean the debris throughout the now violated castle.
  1580. >It takes hours, which pretty much ruins your sleeping pattern for the whole night.
  1581. >itsallogrenow.jpg
  1582. >…
  1583. >Morning comes fast.
  1584. >You are sitting next to Luna at the royal sining table during a reluctant breakfast.
  1585. >No one has an appetite.
  1586. >You try to convince Luna that she tried her best, and shouldn't feel ashamed.
  1587. >You do everything you can to keep her self esteem afloat.
  1588. >It's the most important thing in the world to you.
  1589. >You later learn that the Canterlot citizens had been helped by outsiders who also opposed Celestia and Luna.
  1590. >Mercenaries from the Badlands, San Palomino Desert and the outskirts of Hoofington and Bitspur had aided the rebellion.
  1591. >The movement is quickly gaining ground.
  1592. >But the actual towns of Bitspur and Hoofington are still loyal to Celestia, as well as Ponyville, Clousdale and almost everywhere else.
  1593. >Equestria is on the verge of civil war, which is the opposite of what Friendship stands for.
  1594. 1/2
  1595. -------
  1596. >Revolts similar to the one in Canterlot begin occurng in places all over Equestria.
  1597. >Propaganda is rampant.
  1598. >Civil war in imminent.
  1599. >Later in the day, Celestia gets word that the newly formed Canterlot Legion had received imported cannons with a large supply of gunpowder.
  1600. >This technology is past Luna's time period.
  1601. >In order to prevail, Luna must adjust to the modern social standards and lead the now developing armies of Ponyville and Cloudsdale to victory.
  1602. >You meet Luna in her room, she's really stressed out.
  1603. >She has a plate of fruit on her bed.
  1604. >Within the aura of her magic are about 4 knives, 5 spoons and a fork.
  1605. >She is carefully skinning and dissecting the fruit like a surgeon.
  1606. >No longer messily stomping on them, but dissecting them; apples, oranges, bananas, everything.
  1607. >She doesn't seem to notice you.
  1608. >She's too focused of learning how to dissect foods properly, possibly for you.
  1609. >You slowly approach her.
  1610. >You try to think of something constructive to say.
  1611. >Memories of all the awkward moments you and Luna had together flood your mind.
  1612. >You just want to finally resolve this.
  1613. "Luna, we need to talk." you interrupt her heavy concentration.
  1614. 2/2 (but not the end)
  1615. -------
  1616. >She looks at you, startled.
  1617. >You wave awkwardly, trying to break the ice.
  1618. >She releases the silverware, letting it softly fall onto the bed.
  1619. >"Our apologies, we simply wish to practice learning proper table etiquette to please thee." Luna slowly admits.
  1620. >You try to smile.
  1621. >But you're screaming on the inside.
  1622. "It's okay, your majesty. You don't have to do this now, I'm already thankful for everything else you've done." you answer, remembering how you once rode her into battle.
  1623. >"We have a confession, Anonymous."
  1624. >You tilt your head up slightly, showing that you're listening.
  1625. >Luna clears her throat.
  1626. >"Not even… I… art completely familiar with the dialect which we-… I use, Anonymous. Thou must have noticed by now."
  1627. >You look at her, confused.
  1628. >"After residing on the moon for such an extended period, I have forgotten how to use my own language correctly. Tis pointless trying to understand it, for not even they fashion that we-… I speak it in is not completely correct."
  1629. "I understand."
  1630. >"I wish to be able to speak more like thee. I mean… y-you." Luna gives you a slight smile.
  1631. >You widen your eyes only a little bit this time.
  1632. >"Once this conflict bloweth over, wouldst thou teach me proper modern etiquette? Or perhaps find another who could do such a thing, if thou wish it?" Proposes Luna.
  1633. >You smile and place your hand on her shoulder.
  1634. "I promise."
  1635. >You then remember what you visited her for.
  1636. "Luna, we all need you out there."
  1637. >Luna stares at you, surprised.
  1638. >"Really?"
  1639. "Yes, Luna! You can still do this."
  1640. >"Thou believest we can overcome this social barrier and seize the day?"
  1641. >You nod encouragingly.
  1642. >Luna smiles widely and springs off the bed.
  1643. >"THERE SHALL BE HOPE, ANONYMOUS! WE PROMISE NOT TO LET THOU DOWN!" She loudly declares, suddenly enthusiastic.
  1644. >She teleports out of the room.
  1645. >You stare at the fruits, some of them untouched.
  1646. >You grab an apple, as something to eat before you go try to help Celestia and the others.
  1647. -------
  1648. >The mane 6 have been called over to the castle, yet again.
  1649. >It is remarkably more difficult for them to arrive.
  1650. >The Canterlot Legion throw anything they can in the direction of the balloon.
  1651. >Luckily, the balloon is high enough where nothing can really reach it from the ground.
  1652. >Celestia gathers up as much of the royal guard she can.
  1653. >Ponyville and Clousdale have agreed to send in temporary recruits for extra support.
  1654. >It's truly amazing how a little bit of public unrest can escalate into a civil war.
  1655. >You meet up with the mane 6 in the meting hall.
  1656. >You instantly see how concerned they are, since they just witnessed what is happening outside the castle.
  1657. "How many towns are turning against us?" You hastily ask.
  1658. >"From what Princess Celestia told us, not that many of them. We definitely have the upper hand!" Twilight assures you. "I guarantee it."
  1659. "Have you seen Luna?"
  1660. >"Not since we got here. But I'm certain she's nearby."
  1661. >You begin wandering around the castle in search of Luna.
  1662. >The whole place has been cleaned up to an extreme extent.
  1663. >Everything is organized and ready for its designated use, if need be.
  1664. >You imagine finding Luna would be easy with such organization.
  1665. >You walk through the hallway leading to the balcony.
  1666. >As you approach the balcony, you spot Luna looking over the bannister.
  1667. "Princess Luna?"
  1668. >She turns her head.
  1669. >"Anonymous! What brings thee here?"
  1670. "I just wanted to… greet you during your duties, your majesty."
  1671. >Luna smiles warmly, remembering last weeks's the incident in the hallway.
  1672. >"As we had stated before, we art high-lone on this balcony, Anon. Thou needn't titles during such casual visits."
  1673. >She remembers.
  1674. >You get next to her.
  1675. >You can see the members of the Canterlot Legion patrolling through the town.
  1676. "Could I… stay with you through this whole thing that about to happen. I feel safest around you the most."
  1677. >Luna sighs and hesitates for a couple of seconds.
  1678. >"Of course, Anonymous. We both make quite the… awesome team."
  1679. -------
  1680. >Everyone in the castle is getting ready to ride out into Canterlot to put down the rebellion once and for all.
  1681. >Seeing that you and Luna want to work as a team, Celestia appoints you two in charge of a group of 100 pegasi that will be used for arial maneuvers.
  1682. >All of the castle's defenders have to act soon, before the rebellion reaches a point where it cannot be stopped.
  1683. >They have already started building another homemade sun; the first one was extinguished and taken apart.
  1684. >The citizens of Canterlot can be very persistent when they want to achieve something.
  1685. >Twilight is delivering another speech to the Ponies of Canterlot, telling them that they do not know what they are doing.
  1686. >She reiterates that they can still turn this around, and refrain from using violence.
  1687. >They refuse to listen.
  1688. >Seeing this, Twilight understands that there is no there option but to stop them by using force.
  1689. >You overhear her talking to Celestia, who tells her that this problem has been brewing for a while now.
  1690. >You don't want to believe that you caused this.
  1691. >You just want to rewind back through time, and tell your past self what was going on with Luna.
  1692. >You never wanted a war.
  1693. >But it also occurs to you that this war has motivated both you and Luna to draw closer to each other.
  1694. >It has given Luna a propose, which allows her to play an important role in restoring the Equestrian way in Canterlot.
  1695. >It had finally pushed her forward in time, and into the company of someone who is a lot like her; you.
  1696. >The time has finally come.
  1697. >All of the citizens in support of Celestia depart from the castle and into the streets of Canterlot.
  1698. >You, Luna and your Battalion of Pegasi launch yourselves into the sky and join together in formation over Canterlot.
  1699. >Once again, Luna lets out an epic war cry. The rest of the flyers join in.
  1700. >She has a whole group of ponies following her now.
  1701. >You yourself can feel how confident she is.
  1702. >The last encounter begins.
  1703. -------
  1704. >The citizens of Canterlot automatically begin running around the streets in panic as the available royal guards start to confront them.
  1705. >You, Luna lead the pegasi between the buildings of the town to look for any of the cannons that might be hiding.
  1706. >You are the one giving the commands at first, since it is easier for the flyers to understand what you mean.
  1707. >But Luna's voice projects a lot better.
  1708. >Luna proposes you something.
  1709. >"Anonymous, It should prove useful for thou the say thy commands to us so we can repeat thy words in high volume!" She explains.
  1710. "That's perfect!" you encourage, seeing this as a chance to help Luna further prove her usefulness.
  1711. >You start to shout commands as Luna listens.
  1712. >She then blares them out to the large group of pegasi who take the said maneuvers and scan the town.
  1713. >This process happens repetitively.
  1714. >Many Canterlot citizens are apprehended by being lifted off the ground and thrown into the ranks of the ground troops, where they are tied up and taken prisoner.
  1715. >Others are forced into their homes, to be later taken away.
  1716. >This continues, until you come into contact with one of the cannons.
  1717. >It fires right when you and Luna appear in front of it.
  1718. >Luna dodges it by doing a back flip, causing you to fall off.
  1719. >Her magic quickly catches you, and you are lifted back onto her.
  1720. >She then flies behind the cannon, using the sound waves from her voice to knock its operators off their hooves.
  1721. >She bucks the cannon, causing the barrel to fly back about half a block.
  1722. >My god, this Princess can fight.
  1723. >This kind of things happens to a good fraction of the cannons, but there are too many for everyone to handle at once.
  1724. >On the other hand, the rebellion is on the verge of defeat once again.
  1725. >In a final act of sheer desperation, the last of the cannons are grouped together and pointed towards the sun.
  1726. >They are being defended by numerous dragons from the Badlands.
  1727. >There is no way any of you can get to the cannons on time.
  1728. -------
  1729. >Luna sees this and spawns an Idea.
  1730. >"FEAR NOT, DEAR SISTER! WE SHALL DEFEND THY LIKELINESS!" She confidently yells.
  1731. >A bright flash of magic flares from her horn.
  1732. >Across the sky, the moon suddenly hovers into view.
  1733. >Luna has to use all of her strength to push it fast enough.
  1734. >The cannons get ready to open fire all of their ammunition.
  1735. >The fuses are lit.
  1736. >Dozens of royal guards try to stop the cannons, but are promptly fought off by a multitude of dragons outnumbering them.
  1737. >It seems like it's all over now.
  1738. >The royalty has failed.
  1739. >The cannons are seconds away from firing.
  1740. >The rebels start ecstatically laughing in the foresight of their victory and Celestia's failure to defend the sun.
  1741. >The land and the sky suddenly grow dim, dramatically changing color.
  1742. >The fighting pauses.
  1743. >All who are in the land of Equestria look up to the skies in pure amazement.
  1744. >The mane 6, who were battling the rebels as well, begin to cheer.
  1745. >The royal guards cheer as well.
  1746. >The rebels' jaws drop in terrifying defeat.
  1747. >There, in front of the sun, is the moon.
  1748. >Shielding it from the last of the cannons' ammo, which is now being launched.
  1749. >Bearing a beautiful ring of rays of light around it's circumference as it casts a massive shadow over Equestria.
  1750. >A Solar Eclipse.
  1751. -------
  1752. >The feeble cannonballs bombard the surface of the mighty moon.
  1753. >It's not very effective.
  1754. >All the moon gains is a few more craters; not that much of a difference at all.
  1755. >The cannons are out of ammunition, having used most of it in battle, and the last of it for their brand new epic failure.
  1756. >The Badlandic dragons have nothing significant left to defend.
  1757. >Their loyalty diminishes, as their ranks begin to fall apart.
  1758. >Celestia, realizing that it's not over yet, sees this as the ultimate opportunity to finally end this conflict that has dragged on for far too long.
  1759. >"Guards! Flyers!" She commands in her own booming voice. "Now's our chance! All at once! For Equestria! For Friendship!"
  1760. >You had no idea that Luna wasn't the only one who could blare her voice so loud.
  1761. >Guess it's a thing that's common among alicorns.
  1762. >The royal guards rush in from all directions.
  1763. >The Cloudsdale pegasi swoop in from above.
  1764. >The struggle is over in less than a minute.
  1765. >The side of good prevails.
  1766. >The dragons are forced to flee.
  1767. >They fly back in groups, signaling to their comrades that the fight has ended.
  1768. >The battlefield slowly clears.
  1769. >You begin to feel more and more at ease as this happens.
  1770. >Voices everywhere triumphantly chant Luna's name.
  1771. >Thousands of voices.
  1772. >Everywhere Luna turns, there are smiling faces cheering her on.
  1773. >Luna begins to accumulate tears in her eyes.
  1774. >You realize that she's never felt so loved by so many before.
  1775. >Luna has finally found her place in society.
  1776. >She flies around with you on her back as the Equestrians chant her name.
  1777. >"Anonymous!" she charmingly shouts to you. "When shall be the time for thou to teach us modern ways?"
  1778. "What do you have in mind?" you ask.
  1779. >"Perhaps… during the next feast among all of our friends!"
  1780. "You got it, your majesty!"
  1781. >Neither of you can wait.
  1782. -------
  1783. >It's now about an hour until dinner.
  1784. >You, Celestia, Luna and the mane 6 are all gathered in Luna's room in preparation for the upcoming victory feast.
  1785. >Luna seems a bit nervous, for she has yet to properly adopt the etiquette appropriate for a large celebration.
  1786. >After all, she will be at the center of attention, since the dinner is in honor of her.
  1787. >"We art… not entire sure if thou canst teach us the manners necessary in due time." Luna warns. "What if we don't know what to say?"
  1788. >"We've got yer back!" Applejack encourages Luna.
  1789. >"Yeah! We can teach you! You don't have to worry about embarrassing yourself or anything!" Pinkie Pie adds.
  1790. >"Thou means, we could learn modern formal behavior from thee?" Luna hesitantly asks.
  1791. >"Well, this is a super huge celebration… We'll just teach you how to be fancy and everything!" answers Pinkie.
  1792. >"Well, if there's anypony in this room who can effectively teach Luna how to act formal, it's definitely Rarity!" Explains Twilight.
  1793. >Everyone in the room looks over at Rarity, who can't help but smile at the thought that she has been chose.
  1794. >"Well, I do suppose it makes sense." She begins. "Very well! You won't have to worry about a thing, darling! I'll teach you exactly everything you need to know about acting proper at a formal dinner."
  1795. >Luna looks over at you.
  1796. >You nod your head, assuringly.
  1797. >You can see in her eyes that she wants to make herself proper for you.
  1798. >She smiles, confidently.
  1799. >She then turns to Rarity.
  1800. >"Okay then, Rarity, what does thou have to instruct us on first?"
  1801. 1/2
  1802. -------
  1803. >For the next 45 minutes or so, Rarity sits down with Luna and walks her through the basic steps on how to properly act like a lady.
  1804. >She reviews correct posture, vocabulary, table manners and many other things.
  1805. >You imagine that the only thing missing is compilation music.
  1806. >Luna is following along the best she can.
  1807. >It's actually cute seeing somepony as couth as Rarity teaching somepony as socially left behind as Princess Luna the basics of modern social cues.
  1808. >(It's actually coincidental as well, since both characters are voiced by the same person in the show)
  1809. >Meanwhile, Celestia congratulates you on boosting Luna's confidence once again.
  1810. >"She wouldn't have saved us without your motivation, Anonymous. I am more than thankful for your support in combatting her social issues with the ponies in Equestria." She lauds.
  1811. >You never expected that an event like this would bring you and Luna closer together.
  1812. >Riding her into battle as she delivers epic war cries, defeating all foes with the mighty sound of her voice.
  1813. >Oh wow even saying that sounds epic.
  1814. "You are completely welcome." You respond, cringing slightly, but not enough where it's noticeable.
  1815. >How are you still so awkward?
  1816. >As Rarity affirms that Luna is ready to attend the feast, you ask Celestia a quick question.
  1817. "Not to be nosy or anything, but what is going to happen to the Canterlotians who rebelled?"
  1818. >"Don't worry about it, Anon." Celestia grimly, but humorously answers, chuckling slightly.
  1819. 2/2 (not the end)
  1820. -------
  1821. >All of the Equestrians who helped Celestia and Luna eat in the royal dining hall for yet another grand Victory feast.
  1822. >The group is now at least twice as large.
  1823. >Celestia has to enlarge the room to be able to comfortably fit everyone inside.
  1824. >Huge feast prepared.
  1825. >Like, really. Indescribably massive, Viking-celebration-tier grand victory feast.
  1826. >There's pizza, cheeseburgers, hot dogs, bacon, waffles, ice cream, Oreos, milkshakes, smoothies, roast-beef, cereal, anything apple-related, steak, ham, fish (of course), cotton candy, hundreds of gallons of chocolate milk and apple cider, cake, cupcakes (courtesy of Pinkie Pie), muffins (courtesy of Derpy), and everything in between.
  1827. >Luna sits at the head of the table, next to the other Princesses, yourself, and the mane 6.
  1828. >"A TOAST!" Luna booms in a modern dialect before the entire table. "TO EVERYONE WHO HAS ASSISTED IN THIS TIME OF CONFLICT, AND RESTORED HARMONY IN EQUESTRIA!"
  1829. >You all applaud.
  1830. >It's such a beautiful moment.
  1831. >You spot Lyra across the table.
  1832. >It's easy to spot her because she is an incredibly bright color.
  1833. >She's grinning widely at you.
  1834. >You remember that you are a human, so Lyra is probably extremely excited to see you in her presence.
  1835. >You wave.
  1836. >She gets up from her seat and prances over to you.
  1837. >"Oh my gosh!" She exclaims. "Hands! Iron Will isn't the only one who has them!"
  1838. >Luna leans over to speak to Lyra.
  1839. >You can't help but think to yourself: "Luna, Lyra, Luna, Lyra…"
  1840. >"I appreciate you being friendly, Lyra. But you only want him for what he is on the outside, not the inside." She hints.
  1841. >"Huh?" Lyra says with a puzzled look on her face. "I'm… just obsessed with humans."
  1842. >Luna realizes that Lyra wasn't flirting with you, and blushes slightly.
  1843. >But she then remembers what Rarity taught her, and keeps her cool.
  1844. >She doesn't teleport out and speaks to Lyra instead.
  1845. -------
  1846. >"I apologize. Twas but a misunderstanding." She calmly states.
  1847. >"It's all cool, your majesty! I don't mean to be in your way or anything!" Lyra ensures.
  1848. >Luna smiles. You can see she is happy that other ponies are finally nicer to her.
  1849. >"Do you know where there are any more humans?" Lyra anxiously asks.
  1850. >Luna turns to look at you, then back at Lyra.
  1851. >"If it helps, there art entire universes full of humans. Anonymous is from one."
  1852. >Lyra stares at Luna blankly; her eyes widen.
  1853. >After a long pause, Lyra leaps into the air in pure excitement and proceeds to hyperactively bounce around the entire table.
  1854. >"I knew it! I knew it! I knew it! I knew it!" she squeals in glee.
  1855. >Pinkie Pie, being Pinkie Pie, joins Lyra in the ecstatic bouncing as she passes by her chair.
  1856. >The guards eventually get them to calm down and go back into their seats.
  1857. >You look at Luna as she sits in her seat.
  1858. >You realize the kind of relationship she wants with you.
  1859. >As she looks back at you, you feel the tingling in you spine again.
  1860. >It's absolutely electrifying.
  1861. >You give her a thumbs up, for maintaining her composure.
  1862. >Celestia turns to you.
  1863. >"Isn't this great? She's finally warming up to you after all this time. Look at how much you've inspired her to learn." She says.
  1864. >You smile and nod in agreement.
  1865. >You then look back at Luna.
  1866. >She's smiling now.
  1867. >"I shall see thou in thy dreams, Anon."
  1868. >Dinner eventually ends, and it's time for everyone to return home and go to sleep.
  1869. -------
  1870. >A dream.
  1871. >You are on the surface of the moon with Luna.
  1872. >She slowly walks toward you once again.
  1873. >She then stops, and places one hoof under your chin.
  1874. >"Thou hast done so much for me, Anonymous." She speaks softly. "I thank thee, so, so much."
  1875. >You say nothing.
  1876. >You are unable to make a sound.
  1877. >"It is okay, Anonymous. Thou needn't to utter a single word. Thou hast done everything one could do for me, already."
  1878. >She smiles.
  1879. >"This is a dream, Anon. Thou canst do anything thy wishes here. The moon's barren surface is thy canvas."
  1880. >You are now aware you are dreaming, but still asleep and there with Luna.
  1881. >She embraces you.
  1882. >Her warmth welcoming you into her kind friendship.
  1883. >"Does thou promise to be by my side as my other half? Regardless of any future events?"
  1884. >You nod slowly.
  1885. >Dreamily.
  1886. >"Forever?"
  1887. >You continue to nod.
  1888. >Luna smiles.
  1889. >"Let us spend time together, Anon. Let us have all the time left we need to completely bond. We can prolong the time as long as we wish in a dream, Anon. Let us spend as much time necessary, walking on the moon together, away from everything else. Where no other can know our whereabouts. Join me, Anon. Together we shall prance the surface of the moon, for as long as thy wish it."
  1890. >You join her.
  1891. >Together, the two of you lightly bounce and prance and gallop all over the vast surface of the moon for an immeasurable amount of time.
  1892. >So long, that you feel it could be a thousand years.
  1893. >The everlasting moment is absolutely beautiful.
  1894. >You imagine a song you remember from your world.
  1895. >The Police - Walking on The Moon.
  1896. >You think about it to yourself.
  1897. >Before you know it, you can hear it playing.
  1898. >It just make the moment even more beautiful.
  1899. >You eventually forget everything about the past. Everything. Only you and Luna now.
  1900. 1/2
  1901. -------
  1902. >…
  1903. >You fade awake.
  1904. >Little by little, you slowly remember everything in and about the real world, because you were only dreaming.
  1905. >It is as though you have only been gone a single night.
  1906. >"Walking on The Moon" is playing on your magically powered radio.
  1907. >Luna must have done this.
  1908. >Morning.
  1909. >You slowly get out of bed.
  1910. >You try make yourself look as presentable as you possibly can.
  1911. >You leave your quarters.
  1912. >It's time for Breakfast.
  1913. >You enter the royal dining hall, it's such a familiar place to you now.
  1914. >Luna sits in her seat, awaiting you.
  1915. >Smiling.
  1916. >You sit in between her and Celestia.
  1917. >The song plays on in your head.
  1918. >At that moment, your awesome connection with Luna had begun.
  1919. >There were never anymore conflicts between you two.
  1920. >Those days have ended.
  1921. >You now truly begin your life in Equestria, with your place in the Royal Castle.
  1922. >There are no words.
  1923. >No tears.
  1924. >Only Dreams, Now.
  1925. 2/2 (end)
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