
TSW 15: Kasra's Talk with Walker and his following Dream

Jun 4th, 2016
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  1. [17:55] IcePickLobotomy Time: July 2nd, 9:12pm.
  2. [17:56] IcePickLobotomy It's about a hour after you've returned to the apartment from your discussion with Vernbeck, when someone knocks on your door. "Kasra, it's Walker. Got a moment to chat? I wanted to see how you are doing."
  3. [17:59] Kasra had been staring at his ceiling and listening to his clock ticking for an hour while laying on his bed. "Just a moment, C-Amanda."
  4. [18:00] Kasra After standing, he moves to his desk, opening drawers and shuffling papers that were not out on the desk nor out of order. After he has closed all of them again, he answers the door.
  5. [18:04] IcePickLobotomy "Dr Vernbeck sent me a memo on what happened. I'm. . . somewhat relived that you're alright."
  6. [18:08] Kasra "Oh, that yes, I...well, I'm sorry, I didn't think it was worth a memo, what did he say?"
  7. [18:19] IcePickLobotomy "For one that it wasn't. . . self-inflicted, and that's it's likely a syncrotruamtic injury brought on by unforeseen side effects of long time Synchronization with the units." She taps her finger on her arm "Not in so few words but that was the jist of it."
  8. [18:20] Kasra "Yeah it''s kind of interesting actually."
  9. [18:20] IcePickLobotomy "Oh?"
  10. [18:23] Kasra "I mean, you read it. Well, I guess, maybe it's not-," clearing his throat abruptly cuts the sentence short. "Yeah, I guess it's not." Kasra has a strange look in his eyes.
  11. [18:23] Kasra "Is that all?"
  12. [18:23] IcePickLobotomy "No, no, I was more asking why you found it so interesting, I'm not as up on the mechanics of things as you are. . ."
  13. [18:25] Kasra "It's...nevermind, I'm not...I don't want to get into that right now. No need to bore you with it, right?"
  14. [18:26] IcePickLobotomy She nods. "That's fine. I am glad you're ok."
  15. [18:29] Kasra "Yeah, and thanks for checking on me. Sorry, I didn't, heh, have anything more exciting to report." He shrugs and smiles. Once his arms move back down he rests one on the back of the door.
  16. [18:30] IcePickLobotomy "Any time Kasra." Sensing the mood she doesn't press further "Sleep well."
  17. [18:30] Kasra "Of course! Good night, Walker!"
  18. [18:31] Kasra After closing the door, Kasra leans against it for a moment before laying back down on his bed and watching the ceiling for the night.
  19. [18:32] IcePickLobotomy . . .
  20. [18:32] IcePickLobotomy Time: . . . .
  21. [18:32] IcePickLobotomy Location ???
  22. [18:33] IcePickLobotomy The black sands are still damp with droplets of your blood, which seem to refuse to sink into the ground, but the moon is out once more, amidst the pinkish sky and glittering stars.
  23. [18:37] Kasra Standing up, Kasra checks for his sword.
  24. [18:38] IcePickLobotomy It's still in hand. No longer glowing, but the silvery blade shines in the moonlight.
  25. [18:39] Kasra stares at it for a moment and then looks towards the skyline wondering if it was too late to head for the capital instead.
  26. [18:42] IcePickLobotomy You look to the direction of the capitol, or at least what you think is the direction. The skyline reveals nothing save for more dunes and stars. You glance back north, the direction of your travel. You think you see something poking just past the horizon, a black silhouette of something, a tower of some kind.
  27. [18:47] Kasra resumes his way towards the alleged object
  28. [19:03] IcePickLobotomy Slowly, it grows taller and more detailed. A obsidian black tower, in the shape of a octagon. There is a doorway, a black hole with a set of stairs descending downward and a pair of lit torches flickering at the entrance.
  29. [19:05] Kasra walks the perimiter of the building scanning for other entrances or features.
  30. [19:16] IcePickLobotomy Black stone, pitted, scoured and worn by the sands.
  31. [19:23] IcePickLobotomy And a few deeper scores and marks. They look like the result of weapons fire and strikes.
  32. [19:25] Kasra looks over the surrounding area more closely.
  33. [19:26] IcePickLobotomy The sand shifts. A spot of white bleached bone stands in sharp contrast to the black sands. Rusted shards of shattered blades and arms linger in the dunes.
  34. [19:27] Kasra Moving towards the extruding object, Kasra attempts to shovel away sand in an effort to excavate.
  35. [19:28] IcePickLobotomy Your hand catches on a naked blade, drawing another bead of blood, but you manage to pull the weapon free. It's identical to your old sword, save that the blade is shattered 1 third of the way up and heavily rusted.
  36. [19:31] Kasra With mounting concern, Kasra sets the blade aside and attempts to reveal more of the skeleton.
  37. [19:35] IcePickLobotomy A skull, bleached and preserved by the sands. The rest of the skeleton remains buried. The wind slivers across your back, a few grains of sand shifting over your feet.
  38. [19:36] Kasra Taking up the fractured blade, Kasra backs away from the grave and returns to the door, testing its weight.
  39. [19:36] IcePickLobotomy (There wasn't a door, just the doorway/entrance)
  40. [19:37] Kasra *Taking up the fractured blade, Kasra backs away from the grave and returns to the entrance and peering inside
  41. [19:38] IcePickLobotomy The flickering light of the torches goes only so far, leaving the full depth of the stairwell hidden.
  42. [19:40] Kasra Moving very cautiously, Kasra draws his good sword and proceeds downward
  43. [19:42] IcePickLobotomy The everpresent whisper of the wind fades. The clap of your feet on stone echoes as you move down.
  44. [19:44] IcePickLobotomy The stairs stop suddenly, and you find yourself standing before a large wooden double door that stands taller than you are.
  45. [19:46] Kasra This time, Kasra tests the weight of the door, which is totally there
  46. [19:53] IcePickLobotomy The door is easy to move. The hinges well oiled.
  47. [19:56] Kasra Blade at the ready, Kasra ventures forth
  48. [19:57] IcePickLobotomy The door swings open fully, revealing a long wide hall. Two rows of pillars run parallel along the central path, which leads to another set of large doors. Standing between you and the other doorway is a towering figure in black armor, a equally large sword held point down.
  49. [20:01] IcePickLobotomy At the sound of the door opening the figure pulls its sword into a ready poistion, and. . . Salutes you?
  50. [20:04] Kasra returns the salute. "My name is Nariman. Yours?" As he calls his greeting, he makes an awkward attempt to spread his AT field as though he were in his outrider.
  51. [20:05] IcePickLobotomy There's a sense of strain, tension within yourself as you attempt it. The figure responds with a node, before making the universal "Come At Me." gesture.
  52. [20:14] IcePickLobotomy You press your field further an- StRaNGe ViSTaS anD StaRleSS SkiEs
  53. [20:15] IcePickLobotomy You awaken in your bed, covered in sweat. Your head throbs painfully, your tongue feels thick. You feel ill, something unstintingly wrong deep in your stomach.
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