
Maintenance Bro Plane Ponies

May 4th, 2014
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  1. Be only human aviation technician in Equestria, not to mention only tech within 1000 mi of an airbase. But the plane ponies love you because of your small size and ability to fix the small things.
  2. you look at your schedule and see two ponies coming in for maintenance. An A-10 named Thunderbolt and a AV-8 Harrier named Sidney.
  3. You let out a sigh as you realize Sidney is in for an engine overhaul and have no clue why Thunderbolt's coming in. Your schedule lists Thunderbolt coming in first, as her maintenance is probably going to be rather quick, literally nothing breaks on those A-10 pones, but when accidents happen they're usually pretty bad. You dislike the thought of having to crawl into Sidney to fix whatever the hell is wrong with that arrogant VTOL let alone opening up the panels to even access the engine
  4. "Um, you're not busy are you annon?"
  5. "No, was just getting ready for you Thunderbolt, what brings you in?" you ask as her reason for being in wasn't listed.
  6. "Umm, I think my aileron actuators are going out."
  7. "Seriously? Your ailerons?"
  8. "Wha? it's not serious is it?"
  9. "No, it's not. Just really confined for me. No worries, are you sure it's both? Cause I'm going to have to hunt down another if it is." you say as you scratch your head as she stands on the hangar floor looking at you with concern.
  10. "I think it's just my right actuator."
  11. "Alright, let me take a look." you say as you grab the necessary tools to access her right aileron.
  12. Removing the access panels takes all of five minutes to complete with everything neatly placed off to the side.
  13. "Alright, go Thunderbolt comes in earlier than expected as you are rolling out your toolbox to the hangar floor.
  14. ahead and give me a full movement with your ailerons."
  15. "Alright. How's it look?" Thunderbolt asked clearly a little nervous of being in for maintenance.
  16. You see nothing wrong with the actuator, but on the safe side you check her hydraulic fluid to make sure there's not metal fragments in it.
  17. "Thunderbolt, I don't really see anything wrong with you. Your hydraulic fluid is clear of metal fragments, and your actuators seem to be alright. Unless you want me to go digging for a problem I may not find anything in your hydraulic systems." You say concerned as to why she's here.
  18. "In flight I can feel them binding up."
  19. "I didn't see any binding, but let's do a full check of all your control surfaces just to be safe OK?" you say trying to comfort her a little.
  20. "Alright." Thunderbolt says as she looks back at you underneath her right wing.
  21. An hour and a half of painstakingly checking her control surfaces later, you find small things like a rusty bolt or a missing cotter pin which you replace.
  22. "Thunderbolt you check out. There's not a thing wrong with you that I can see. What brought you in?" You ask.
  23. Thunderbolt stays quiet. The last time a plane pony came in and did this she went full Yandere and thankfully you managed to hide in a small area where she couldn't reach. You grab your hammer in case Thunderbolt does the same.
  24. "Ugh, I'm not getting the performance I should be. I'm a little sluggish." Thunderbolt said breaking the silence and looking away from you.
  25. Although this relieves you of the Yandere terror, her turbines could be damaged, good cause for her to be concerned. Hopefully the damage wasn't too major or she had a cracked engine mount. You know that "New" parts for A-10s are increasingly hard to find. Most of the parts you have are "Overhauled" or scavenged from the ones that didn't make it back.
  26. "Which turbine is under-preforming?" You ask setting the hammer back down and picking up a flashlight.
  27. "Left turbine.It hurts when I fly." Thunderbolt says as she avoids all eye contact with you.
  28. You grab a ladder and climb up to inspect the fan of her turbine, to indicate if there is internal damage or bad igniters. A single blade was shattered, which was bad news for you, but good for her, turbine blades you can remake from scratch with your CNC machine, mountings and other things not so much.
  29. "Good news, yea you probably ingested something into your left turbine and wrecked it, but I can fix it and I've still got new turbine blades. Though it's time consuming I'll get it done. Bad news, it's going to have to wait. If you would have listed this I would have allowed more time, I've got another turbine job today, and I should have seen to him five minutes ago." You say relieved to not have to use parts scavenged from other ponies you've worked on.
  30. "So it's not major?"
  31. "Yea it's not major. Just time consuming Thunderbolt. Come back tomorrow, until then, stay out of the sky, you're unairworthy, since you've probably waited until your turbine makes no thrust to come and see me." You say as Thunderbolt finally makes eye contact with you and smiles.
  32. "Thank you Annon" Thunderbolt says as you put the ladder back so she could leave without knocking it over and breaking it.
  33. "No worries. It's just time consuming. I'll see you tomorrow Thunderbolt, tell the receptionist on your way out." You say as you move over to grab the harrier checklist for turbine overhauls.
  34. "Who's coming in after me?" Thunderbolt asks as you both hear pounding on the hangar doors.
  35. "A VTOL." You say with a bit of anger.
  36. "VTOL?"
  37. "An AV-8 Harrier. I'm not looking forward to his overhaul." You say as she realizes who's after her.
  38. "May Celestia have mercy on your soul" Thunderbolt says as she leaves and Sidney walked in and sneered at Thunderbolt.
  39. "You know I don't like to be kept waiting Anon." Sidney says as he walks into your shop.
  40. "Sidney, I try to keep to my schedule. Sometimes I have overruns." You say irritated with him for bringing up the fact that you're "late"
  41. "So let's get started shall we?" You say as you pull out the GPU to keep this arrogant dickhead alive while you rip out his engine.Unfortunately for him it involves removing his wings.
  42. "What's that for? Why are there these lift points on my wing?"
  43. "Sidney, how the hell can you be so stupid? We've done this twice already. How many times do I need to tell you for me to fully access your engine I've got to take your wings off." You say as you get ready to throw a wrench at his face.
  44. "Can we not take my wings off? The last time you did you messed up my lift nozzles. Also it's Sid you dickhead, only the flight ops and my doctor call me Sidney." He said as you hide your anger with him.
  45. "Technically I am your doctor Sidney, I just don't want to crawl into your intakes to see if you've broken anything. The reason your lift nozzles were messed up was because you jammed them on landing. It had nothing to do with me." You say as you attach him to the overhead crane with bolts into the lift eyelets you installed.
  46. "Fuck you doc" Sidney says as you climb up onto his back and start removing bolts that held his wings on. Those Rolls-Royce Pegasus turbines were nice, but god help you if they got damaged.
  47. Forty five minutes later his wings are hanging above him in the hangar as he whines to you about them being removed.
  48. Sidney asked for an overhaul of his engine, though you want the chance to just fuck with him as he is always paranoid about FOD.
  49. As he's hooked up to the GPU and you're replacing all the igniters on his turbine you stop and look at him as he's drowsy from having only a portion of his full power, you look away and smile giving his turbine a spin.
  50. "Hey Sidney, did you ingest something?" You say never looking back to check his reaction.
  51. "What? No! I always check before I lift off, that's impossible." Sidney says as he turns to look at you looking at his turbine.
  52. If you pull this off it would be the greatest prank in the history of the airstrip, and it might get him to shut up. You look around after pulling a turbine blade from the front array and find one that Thunderbolt dropped, as well she blew out a turbine's worth.
  53. "Then what's this?" You say as you show him a severely undersized blade, which you hope scares the hell out of him.
  54. "A damaged A-10 turbine blade." he says as you smile
  55. "Is it? Look at your turbine, I pulled it from there." You say pointing to the missing blade that you had in your pocket.
  56. "That's" he said as he looses himself in how that could have happened.
  57. "You got lucky Sidney, that was the only damaged blade. You should be more careful." You say knowing you just barely managed to pull off the prank.
  58. The rest of his overhaul goes as planned, there's nothing worth noting anything that needs to be replaced is, and there's not much wrong with the Pegasus Turbine, just a couple of twisted control linkages for his thrust nozzles.
  59. When you finish putting him back together again, he berates you for how long it took as usual, and you threaten to throw a wrench at him as usual. His overhaul takes all the way up to clocking out and both of you leave the hangar telling the other to "go fuck off" and "I hope you suck birds through your turbine" respectively. Thanks to him, it was a long day and you need to unwind.
  60. You go down to the local bar to unwind. Normally you'd be more than happy to go there, but you did an overhaul on the most obnoxious jet pony that wasn't one of your "composite nightmares" as you call them, you dread being in the same place as him as he berates you even further into a drunken stupor.
  61. It surprises you that he's not here, you take a few good looks around before asking KC the bartender where he is.
  62. "KC have you seen Sidney?" You ask as you're confused by the lack of his loud mouth.
  63. "He came in for a drink to go Anon. In and out. Didn't say much, but he said something about FOD damage to his turbine." KC, the KC-135 bartender said.
  64. "Shit, I know he takes FOD more seriously than you guys, but hell that was a joke. I was overhauling his turbine today, and I removed one and showed him a busted one saying it was his. I hope I didn't cause him to go nuts or anything." you say not really regretting your decision to do such a thing, but at least wanted to cover your ass in case flight ops decides to come down on you for the joke.
  65. "Hey if it keeps him from running his mouth and getting into drunken brawls with the others, I don't care if you made him into a basket case." KC said basically agreeing with your prank.
  66. "Yea, knew you guys wouldn't complain if I did." You say as KC passes you a drink, and the "Composite Nightmares" come to talk to you.
  67. "Heard Sid had some FOD damage." Raptor an F-22 says.
  68. "No, I tricked him into thinking he had FOD." You say revealing it was a joke.
  69. "Hey man that's not funny." Lightning, Raptor's younger brother said.
  70. "Lightning aren't you a little young to be in here?" You say knowing that the F-35 is still pretty new.
  71. KC overheard this and is now staring at Lightning.
  72. "Hey KC, how's it going?" Lightning says as you start laughing. Most of these planes don't know that you tend to joke with them when given the chance. Considering they make fun of you for your inability to fly.
  73. "Anon, don't do shit like that." Raptor said as you roll your eyes at her.
  74. "Whatever Raptor. Shouldn't you be preparing for your mission tomorrow?" You say trying to get rid of her.
  75. "Ha, I don't have a mission." Raptor says as you look up at the high ceiling hoping that there was a pony from ops in the bar.
  76. "What the hell do you want Raptor?" You say knowing that without Sidney here she doesn't really have any competition for queen of the airspace.
  77. "Tell Sidney it was a joke. That wasn't a nice thing to do Anon." Raptor said as you were about ready to smash your drink into her face.
  78. "I'll tell him when he comes in next." You say as you down your drink and push the cup back towards KC.
  79. "Another Anon?" KC asks
  80. "Yea, another. Raptor wants me to go apologize to Sidney." You say as KC laughs getting the entire bar's attention.
  81. "Anon here pulled prank on Sid. Tricked him into thinking that he had FOD on his turbine. Sid believed him." KC said explaining the situation to the entire bar as the place erupts with laughter and making Raptor's face go red and her warning lights go off.
  82. "Oh, that's why you want me to go apologize to Sidney. You like him, don't you Raptor?" You say pushing her buttons.
  83. "I.. I do not!" Raptor said stuttering and spilling flares. You made her go full spaghetti or at least the aircraft version of it.
  84. "Hey if you're going to be dropping flares in here Raptor you're going to blow this place up." KC said as he effectively had her thrown from the bar. You do nothing but laugh as this was what you needed to unwind before turning around and doing this again tomorrow with Thunderbolt.
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