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Jul 12th, 2013
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  1. /*
  3. Player groups configuration file
  4. ---------------------------------
  6. This file defines "player groups" and their privileges.
  8. Each group has its id and name, lists of available commands and other
  9. permissions, and a list of other groups it inherits from.
  12. Group settings
  13. --------------
  14. <id>
  15. Unique group number. The only required field.
  17. <name>
  18. Any string. If empty, defaults to "Group <id>". It is used in several @who
  19. commands.
  21. <level>
  22. Equivalent of GM level, which was used in revisions before r15572. You can
  23. set it to any number, but usually it's between 0 (default) and 99. Members of
  24. groups with lower level can not perform some actions/commands (like @kick) on
  25. members of groups with higher level. It is what script command getgmlevel()
  26. returns. Group level can also be used to override trade restrictions
  27. (db/item_trade.txt).
  29. <commands>
  30. A group of settings
  31. <command name> : <bool>
  32. or
  33. <commandname> : [ <bool>, <bool> ]
  34. First boolean value is for atcommand, second one for charcommand. If set to
  35. true, group can use command. If only atcommand value is provided, false is
  36. assumed for charcommand. If a command name is not included, false is assumed for
  37. both atcommand and charcommand.
  38. For a full list of available commands, see: doc/atcommands.txt.
  39. Command names must not be aliases.
  41. <log_commands>
  42. Boolean value. If true then all commands used by the group will be logged to
  43. atcommandlog. If setting is omitted in a group definition, false is assumed.
  44. Requires 'log_commands' to be enabled in 'conf/log_athena.conf'.
  46. <permissions>
  47. A group of settings
  48. <permission> : <bool>
  49. If a permission is not included, false is assumed.
  50. For a full list of available permissions, see: doc/permissions.txt
  52. <inherit>
  53. A list of group names that given group will inherit commands and permissions
  54. from. Group names are case-sensitive.
  56. Inheritance results
  57. -------------------
  58. Both multiple inheritance (Group 2 -> Group 1 and Group 3 -> Group 1) and
  59. recursive inheritance (Group 3 -> Group 2 -> Group 1) are allowed.
  61. Inheritance rules should not create cycles (eg Group 1 inherits from Group 2,
  62. and Group inherits from Group 1 at the same time). Configuration with cycles is
  63. considered faulty and can't be processed fully by server.
  65. Command or permission is inherited ONLY if it's not already defined for the
  66. group.
  67. If group inherits from multiple groups, and the same command or permission is
  68. defined for more than one of these groups, it's undefined which one will be
  69. inherited.
  71. Syntax
  72. ------
  73. This config file uses libconfig syntax:
  77. Upgrading from revisions before r15572
  78. -------------------------------------
  80. */
  82. groups: (
  83. {
  84. id: 0 /* group 0 is the default group for every new account */
  85. name: "Player"
  86. level: 0
  87. inherit: ( /*empty list*/ )
  88. commands: {
  89. commands: true
  90. help: true
  91. duel: true
  92. accept: true
  93. reject: true
  94. leave: true
  95. go: true
  96. autoloot: true
  97. warp: true
  98. alootid: true
  99. mobinfo: true
  100. rates: true
  101. time: true
  102. storage: true
  103. guildstorage: true
  104. jailtime: true
  105. autotrade: true
  106. showexp: true
  107. refresh: true
  108. storeall: true
  109. haircolor: true
  110. dye: true
  111. hairstyle: true
  112. breakguild: true
  113. request: true
  114. changegm: true
  115. die: true
  116. jump: true
  117. guild: true
  118. }
  119. permissions: {
  120. can_trade: true
  121. can_party: true
  122. can_leave: true
  123. can_accept: true
  124. }},
  125. {
  126. id: 1
  127. name: "Super Player"
  128. inherit: ( "Player" ) /* can do everything Players can and more */
  129. level: 0
  130. commands: {
  131. /* informational commands */
  132. commands: true
  133. charcommands: true
  134. help: true
  135. rates: true
  136. uptime: true
  137. showdelay: true
  138. exp: true
  139. mobinfo: true
  140. iteminfo: true
  141. whodrops: true
  142. time: true
  143. jailtime: true
  144. hominfo: true
  145. homstats: true
  146. showexp: true
  147. showzeny: true
  148. whereis: true
  149. /* feature commands */
  150. refresh: true
  151. noask: true
  152. noks: true
  153. autoloot: true
  154. alootid: true
  155. autotrade: true
  156. request: true
  157. go: true
  158. breakguild: true
  159. channel: true
  160. langtype: true
  161. jump: true
  162. }
  163. permissions: {
  164. }
  165. can_trade: true
  166. can_warp: true
  167. },
  168. {
  169. id: 2
  170. name: "Support"
  171. inherit: ( "Super Player" )
  172. level: 1
  173. commands: {
  174. version: true
  175. where: true
  176. jumpto: true
  177. who: true
  178. who2: true
  179. who3: true
  180. whomap: true
  181. whomap2: true
  182. whomap3: true
  183. users: true
  184. broadcast: true
  185. localbroadcast: true
  186. }
  187. log_commands: true
  188. permissions: {
  189. can_trade: true
  190. receive_requests: true
  191. view_equipment: true
  192. }
  193. },
  194. {
  195. id: 3
  196. name: "Script Manager"
  197. inherit: ( "Support" )
  198. level: 1
  199. commands: {
  200. hide: true
  202. }
  203. log_commands: true
  204. permissions: {
  205. can_trade: true
  206. any_warp: true
  207. }
  208. },
  209. {
  210. id: 4
  211. name: "Event Manager"
  212. inherit: ( "Support" )
  213. level: 4
  214. commands: {
  215. killmonster2: true
  216. cleanarea: true
  217. cleanmap: true
  218. disguise: true
  219. undisguise: true
  220. raise: true
  221. raisemap: true
  222. hide: true
  223. heal: true
  224. go: true
  225. storage: true
  226. gstorage: true
  228. }
  229. log_commands: true
  230. permissions: {
  231. can_trade: true
  232. any_warp: true
  233. }
  234. },
  235. {
  236. id: 10
  237. name: "Law Enforcement"
  238. inherit: ( "Support" )
  239. level: 2
  240. commands: {
  241. hide: true
  242. follow: true
  243. kick: true
  244. disguise: true
  245. fakename: true
  246. undisguise: true
  247. blvl: true
  248. jlvl: true
  249. allskill: true
  250. job: true
  251. evilclone: true
  252. clone: true
  253. pvpon: true
  254. pvpoff: true
  255. speed: true
  256. warp: true
  257. kill: true
  258. recall: true
  259. ban: true
  260. block: true
  261. jail: true
  262. jailfor: true
  263. mute: true
  264. guildstorage: true
  265. storage: true
  266. allstats: true
  267. warpto: true
  268. who2: true
  269. who3: true
  270. guildspy: true
  271. partyspy: true
  272. skillon: true
  273. skilloff: true
  274. unjail: true
  275. unmute: true
  276. heal: true
  277. jobchange: true
  278. killmonster2: true
  279. battleignore: true
  280. monsterignore: true
  281. summon: true
  282. partyrecall: true
  283. guildrecall: true
  284. unloadnpc: true
  285. loadnpc: true
  286. itemlist: true
  287. font: true
  288. localbroadcast: true
  289. broadcast: true
  290. }
  291. log_commands: true
  292. permissions: {
  293. all_skill: true
  294. can_trade: true
  295. join_chat: true
  296. kick_chat: true
  297. hide_session: true
  298. who_display_aid: true
  299. hack_info: true
  300. any_warp: true
  301. view_hpmeter: true
  302. }
  303. },
  304. {
  305. id: 99
  306. name: "Admin"
  307. level: 99
  308. inherit: ( "Support", "Law Enforcement" )
  309. commands: {
  310. hide: true
  311. follow: true
  312. kick: true
  313. disguise: true
  314. can_trade: true
  315. }
  316. log_commands: true
  317. permissions: {
  318. can_trade: true
  319. can_party: true
  320. all_skill: true
  321. all_equipment: true
  322. skill_unconditional: true
  323. use_check: true
  324. use_changemaptype: true
  325. all_commands: true
  326. channel_admin: true
  327. }
  328. }
  329. )
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