
Golemquest Apr. 17 preliminary post

Apr 17th, 2012
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  1. Savoy MUST be killed or eliminated as a combatant, and quickly. The moment we disengage from Savoy he'll be able to start teleporting and stabbing them in the back, which could rapidly kill almost anyone else here since they're already occupied with the not-skinwalker. We can't merely drive him off or injure him- he can heal too quickly now since he's got cannibalization tricks like we do, and will come back to menace us once again. We end him here.
  3. While we're working on killing Savoy, everyone else needs to prepare for a withdrawal. Shadowbro and Sake can hopefully coordinate this- the mafia mooks, DΓ vgon, Gianni, Camella, Rocco if he's in here, anyone and anything else the mafia needs can all start pulling out. Once they hit the street, they need to communicate to the Russians what a horrible enemy this is; we need all the heaviest and most enchanted armaments ready to pound the crap out of this not-skinwalker the moment it emerges. Then Hillevi, Duke, and Tartalo can pull the fuck back. Shadowbro needs to keep an eye on Hillevi and make sure she doesn't die before then.
  5. Primary
  6. Take Savoy out in melee; we've been in melee with him once already and taken his measure, and while he was deadly both sides took wounds so we've got a shot. Say something along the lines of "Let's try this the warrior's way" to the hummingbird, pump ourselves 110% full of adrenaline, and charge Savoy with Silja. Use all our best tricks- dunter footwork, hummingbird momentum shifting and focus (and if he can give us anything else to make us even faster or more powerful, that would be great), all our spear-based combat skill, egoless fighting, shifting soul guises, chakra reinforcement, doonongaes poison, assistance from Shadowbro, flickers of the soul shield we used against Duke, the soul slam that we attempted against the Nazinauts, and constant regeneration from any injury we suffer. We are a legitimate fucking badass armed with a whole array of magic tricks and a weapon that literally wants to do what we want it to do- pull out the stops and we can take this guy.
  8. Trickster
  9. But in case we can't, hedge our bets with a gambler's ploy- make a stack of bets against Iron Trick, one per loaded bullet. The stakes for all bets are one soul sliver a day for a week against his activating a power upon our request that would severely harm Savoy even if he catches the bullet like he has so far. Moment of accelerated thought for conversation before charging Savoy.
  10. -Bet that we'll be able to successfully hit Savoy on our initial charge.
  11. -Bet that we can get Savoy to say our name within ten seconds.
  12. -Bet that we'll be able to get at least two-thirds of the surviving mafia members out of here alive, counting from the moment we make the bet.
  13. -Bet that we can disarm Savoy before we're done here (pun here means removing weapon or either of his arms should count).
  14. -Bet that Savoy won't manage to successfully hit us with acid during our melee engagement.
  15. -Bet that Savoy will manage to do enough damage to us that a normal person would be dead at least three times over.
  16. If we win any of them, then we have a backup plan for if the primary falls through and Savoy completely mauls us in melee in a way that we can't easily heal: Gain space, switch weapons, and blast him. If we win multiple bets, then we get multiple power shots. If we lose multiple bets, then we're stuck giving Iron Trick soul slivers for the next few weeks, but we can afford that. Because of the wording of our bets we should still get the more powerful shots for any triggers that we meet even if we kill Savoy successfully in our melee, so we'll be able to deploy those against the not-skinwalker if we've got extras.
  18. Heavy Handed
  19. If the first two plans have failed, then Savoy will have proven himself simply too tough for Armas to beat alone. That means we need other people to help kill him- and with everyone inside occupied, that means the Russian firepower awaiting outside. Give the order to everyone left inside to get the fuck out; hopefully the not-skinwalker team will be able to manage a successful withdrawal. Taunt Savoy as we withdraw to provoke him into remaining focused on us even as we pass through the barrier and might lose track of him; hopefully that will ensure that he teleports after us instead of starting to slaughter our friends. If possible, arrange so that he's actually physically charging at us and goes through the barrier of his own volition.
  21. At that point, we have either Savoy and the not-skinwalker or just the not-skinwalker outside on the street. Everyone hits either and both of them with everything- rockets, mortars, miniguns, every magical weapon we brought and all the powers that any of us can bring to bear. Keep it up until they're dead, we run out of ammo and power, or things are clearly turning against us.
  23. Escape
  24. It comes to this if we're done- our resources are largely exhausted and some people are probably dead. Give the word for everyone to flee and meet back at the mansion. We try one of the only gambits left to us to salvage a victory- call in something bigger and nastier than us. Pull out our phone and call Oggmum (for she was nice and what's bigger and nastier than a witch?), stating that both the Istanbul mafia and our company will owe her a serious favor if she can deal with whatever the fuck this horrific monster is. If that fails there's really nothing left but to run and hope we can reach the mansion before we all die.
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