
[Info] Good beginner Gods

Dec 30th, 2016
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  1. You'll probably get loads of different answers as everyone has a different idea of what Gods would fit, but I'll list a few that I think are good ones to start with and shortly explain why I think they're good for a beginner. These are Gods that are often quite forgiving in that you're more likely to survive even if you fuck up, but also Gods that teach you skills that you need for the game as a whole. Hope this helps.
  3. ##ADC
  4. ###Neith
  6. * Good clear: Helps you survive early
  7. * Sustain: Allows you to stay in lane, even if you overagress a bit
  8. * Leap: Allows you to get out of stick situations if you overreach
  9. * Global ult: Allows you to stay relevant even if you get outrotated, also helps practicing your map / game awareness.
  11. ###Anhur
  13. * Pillar: Well placed player structures can turn a fight around, pillar helps you practice that and helps getting a feeling for choke points where you can cut someone off with it.
  15. * Knockback: The knockback requires you to position yourself well so as to get full use out of it, which is an important skill to aquire.
  17. * CC immune ult & leap: Sort of a get out of jail free card, as it allows you to get out of sticky situations quite a lot, even if you're overreached. Also helps to pick up kills that you might not otherwise get.
  19. ##Support
  20. ###Ymir
  22. * Wall: Same thing as pillar, teaches you the value of player made structures when fighting / chasing / escaping.
  24. * Freeze: Good CC on a decent CD, helps you keep your team alive and learn when to (and when not to) use your CC.
  26. * Passive: Teaches you the value of weaving in basics inbetween abilities, even on guardians.
  28. ###Geb
  30. * Pace: Geb's a lot more passive than Ymir early on, which teaches you to not overaggress.
  32. * Shield: Your shield not only allows you to shield someone from DMG but also cleanses CC, as such, it's a good way to learn to discern CC and to recognize when the right moment to cleanse it is.
  34. * Set-up: His ult is a fantastic set-up for team fights, and also teaches you to get your positioning right.
  36. ##Jungle
  38. ###Thor
  40. * Hammer: Great for poking but also gives you the mobility to get out of bad situations. You often have to decide wether to use it offensively or defensively, which is an important skill to aquire.
  42. * Wall: See above.
  44. * Good clear: Thor's got good clear early, helps you farm efficently
  46. * Semi-global ult: Being in the right place at the right time can be a bit of a challenge if you've just started out, the semi-global ult helps with that.
  49. ###Fenrir
  51. * Passive: Keeping your passive up is vital and keeping things like your passive stacks in mind is an important skill to master.
  53. * Good set-up: Your stun and ult provide good set-up for your teammates, which is important as a jungler because you're not just a lone wolf.
  55. * Brutalize: Brutalize can very easily get you killed if you don't cancel it in certain scenarious. Canceling skills when needed is an important skill that you should practice early. It also allows you to follow people through dashes, so learn to use it preemptively.
  57. ##Mid
  58. ###Isis
  60. * Early pressure: Isis has insane pressure early. Getting a lead early and keeping that pressure up is important and Isis is a fantastic God to practice that on.
  62. * Versatile: Her kit is very versatile, so learning the in's and out's of her abilities (e.g. the different uses of her 3) is good practice for other Gods.
  64. * Objective secure: Her ult is one of - if not the - best objective secure abilities in the game. Use this to force early GFs or even FGs. Knowing when to go for those objectives is important.
  66. ###Ra
  68. * Pace: Ra is a lot more passive and more supportive than an Isis in lane and it's important to not play overly aggressive.
  70. * Heals: Your heals can really help your team if place correctly. Try to not use them too offensive but to save them for when your team has time to group up and heal or when you're sieging a tower (by placing it in such a way as that your team can attack the tower while they're getting healed).
  72. * Ult: Ra's ult requires a bit of thinking ahead or set-up by team mates. Both are skills that you should practice.
  74. ##Solo
  75. ###Chaac
  77. * Lane bully: Chaac's an absolute lane bully. Putting pressure on your opponent in solo and then abusing that by outrotating, stealing buffs, proxy farming, etc. is important.
  79. * Sustain: His sustain allows you to stay in lane even if you overaggress a bit which makes solo a bit less punishing when you just start out.
  81. * CC ult: Your ult allows you to survive ganks (the damage reduction helps you stay alive while the silence allows you to make an escape) and is also a great team fighting tool.
  83. ###Guan Yu
  85. * Heals: Guan's heals are a lot different from Ra's, in that you can use them as in-combat healing quite effectively since it's a burst heal. Keeping an eye on the fight and being aware of who needs to be healed is important.
  87. * Good damage that can be interrupted: Your 3 does fantastic damage but it can be cancelled by stuns / silences. Keeping an eye on your opponents kits and his cooldowns is an important skill to aquire.
  89. * Versatile ult: Your ult is a great escape or engage tool, but requires you to think ahead. Knowing when to slow down for extra hits, or when to dismount early for the stun is important.
  91. ***
  93. For builds, check out
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