
welcome to ryukita hell population fucking ME

Aug 6th, 2017
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  1. - okay so it starts as ryuji reflecting on things he likes about yusuke
  2. - or rather, things he observes. appearance, little idiosyncrasies, things like that
  3. - i don't know what exactly, but ryuji and yusuke are hanging out or something and ryuji does something and yusuke just smiles and says "that's what i love about you"
  4. - ryuji bluescreens because HEY /WHAT/ NOW
  5. - and he sputters and just stares at yusuke who doesn't even realize what he's done
  6. - "why are you looking at me like that?" "YOU SAID YOU LOVE ME" "yes, i did" "WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT" "because...i do???" and yusuke treats it like the most obvious and natural thing in the world
  7. - and things click into place for ryuji because somehow despite having his eyes glued to yusuke at all times and his thoughts constantly drifting to yusuke, he never once registered that he himself might have feelings as well? something beyond "hey yusuke my good buddy" feelings because let's face it, does ryuji really entertain his feelings that much
  8. (no btw the answer is no)
  9. - this can go one of two ways
  10. - one. ryuji's really hesitant about his feelings and slowly tries to articulate it
  11. - "i...shit, i think i love you too?" "you think?" "i dunno, man, but it would explain a lot. and i think that's what this is. i mean, i think you're really pretty--" "pretty?" "fine, handsome, but i like to watch you a lot, and whenever you smile at me my chest gets all tight, and i want to deck anyone who makes you feel even the slightest bit sad and i dunno. sometimes i feel like i want to take your face in my hands and press my forehead against yours and just stay there. and maybe kiss a little, i dunno." "that does seem very love-like, ryuji." "then i...i guess i love you too."
  12. - or two. ryuji is so adamant about it. he grabs yusuke's hands and stares yusuke dead in the eye.
  13. - "i-i!! i love you too!" and yusuke raises his eyebrows but not his voice. "you do?" "i do!! holy shit, i'm a fucking /idiot/ for not realizing it sooner. oh my god. i'm the densest motherfucker." "...well--" "alright don't rag on me, i'm the only one allowed to do that." but fuck. everything clicks into place and ryuji's grinning and laughing and immediately puts his hands on yusuke's cheeks and just. beams. holy shit things finally fucking make sense.
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