
Deadmeat Chronicles: Play Time

Feb 2nd, 2013
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  1. >You are a maroon unicorn fluffy with a light green mane.
  2. >You have been taken in by a two legged monster that covers herself in stinky water.
  3. >They made you do bad poopies on yourself and then punished YOU for it.
  4. >And now they have let you go.
  5. >You have seen the door and was going to run for it but right now the light brown alicorn fluffy is hanging on your neck.
  6. >”Pwincess Pwincess wub new fwen!”
  7. >She yells to the stinky water monster, “Mommeh! Wha new fwen name?”
  8. >You look at her, “Am Deadmeat.”
  9. >The woman looks down, “Oh he is Sir William Reginald baby.”
  10. >You get indignant, “Nu! Deadmeat am Deadmeat!”
  11. >The light brown alicorn giggles at you, “Nu bad fwuffy, mommeh gif new fwen nuu name.”
  12. >She sets in front of you, “When mommeh gif new name fwuffy go by new name, yoo Siw Wiwwam Wiginooo noa.”
  13. >”Nu! Deadmeat am-“
  14. >She runs away from you.
  15. >”Whewe fwuffy go?” You say as you follow.
  16. >She runs to a bunch of miniature vehicles.
  17. >You recognize them as the road monsters that the two legged monsters ride in.
  18. >But these are small, smaller than you.
  19. >There are giggling fluffies pushing them around.
  20. >They look up and see Princess Princess and start to jump happily, “Yay! Smawty pway wif fwuffy!”
  21. >Then they see you walk up behind her.
  22. >They all stop jumping and one turns and runs crying begging not to be hurt.
  23. >One fluffy lays down and exposes its belly to you, “Pwease nuu hewt fwuffy!”
  24. >Princess Princess looks indignant, “Yoo bad fwuffies! Pway wif new fwen! Dis Siw Wiwwam Weggienad.”
  25. >”Am Deadmeat!” You say stomping.
  26. >The other fluffies back away as you walk into the little car area.
  27. >Princess Princess bounds next to you, “Yay! Pway wif toys!”
  28. >You look around, “Yoo mean dese?”
  29. >”Wes bad fwuffy. Yoo pway wif dese toys, smawty wet Siw Wiwwam Begigeee pway wif toys cause am gud smawty!”
  30. >She is smiling at you wagging her tail.
  31. >”Deadmeat nuu wan pway wif toys ! Deadmeat wan go way!”
  32. >She giggles, “Why bad fwuffy wan go? Mommeh have efewy ting hewe and haf wall to keep munstas way.”
  33. >You snort, “Deadmeat nuu cawe! Deadmeat wan go! Nu wan pway wif toys!”
  34. >You top off your comment by pushing one of these stupid toys!
  35. >It rolled!
  36. >You look in amazement as it coast along the floor.
  37. >You run up to it and push it again.
  38. >It rolls again!
  39. >You bound up to it and start pushing this amazing machine.
  40. >Soon you are pushing the toy car all around the room.
  41. >You get lost in pushing the car.
  42. >As you push it along the light brown alicorn steps in your path and stops you.
  43. >”Why yoo get in Deadmeat way?” You demand.
  44. >”Siwwy fwuffy, dey mo toys!” She points to blocks and balls.
  45. >You walk over to the blocks and push some around.
  46. >You then swat at a ball and watch it roll.
  47. >You start to prance about pushing all these wonderful thing in the room.
  48. >You find yourself giggling.
  49. >Princess Princess runs beside you, “Yay! New fwen happy! Am gud smawty fo Siw Wiwwam Rewewnot!”
  50. >A ball flies up hitting Princess Princess in the side knocking her down.
  51. >”Owie! Why baww hit Pwincess Pwincess!”
  52. >Alexander runs up, “Awexandeh baww! Yoo nuu pway wif it!”
  53. >He looks at you and sticks his toungue out, “Stinky fwuffy!”
  54. >You puff your cheeks and face him.
  55. >He runs off pushing his ball.
  56. >You are about to chase when Princess Princess stands back up and gets in your way.
  57. >She giggles at you, “Awexandeh dummy fwuffy. Awexandeh seem to hewt Pwincess pwincess a wat by mistake.”
  58. >”Deadmeat gif owchies!” You try to get around her.
  59. >She grabs your neck and hugs, “Siwwy Siw Wiwwam Bwegibweg! It pway time, we haf fun now!”
  60. >She lets go and starts to push you from the side turning you away from the light blue unicorn.
  61. >She pushes you to a little slide.
  62. >”Come new fwen! We pway!” She says running up a ramp to the top.
  63. >She wiggles her back sides slightly before stepping off and sliding down her belly into foam squares.
  64. >You tentatively walk up the ramp and look down.
  65. >You hear giggling behind you and feel yourself get pushed from behind by two hooves.
  66. >You try to back pedal but only fall backwards and slide down with your feet kicking in the air.
  67. >You land softly in the foam squares.
  68. >You jump up just as Princess Princess falls in next to you.
  69. >”Swide fun! Smawty make sure aww fwuffy haf fun!”
  70. >She starts to push you again.
  71. >You back pedal again as the enthusiastic smiling alicorn pushes you.
  72. >You back into something firm and stop.
  73. >Princess Princess starts to jump happily around, “Now fwuffies pway wif mommeh!”
  74. >You turn around and freeze, the stinky two legged monster is right in front of you.
  75. >You jump back and puff your cheeks, “Wun! Munsta!”
  76. >The fluffies nearby look around scared, “Munsta! Whewe munsta!”
  77. >None of the fluffies listen to you, in fact most ignore you and try to jump on this monster giggling.
  78. >The others when they don’t see a monster go back to rubbing on the stinky monster.
  79. >Princess Princess is jumping around her, “Mommeh! Mommeh! Mommeh! Pwincess Pwincess sow new fwen awound mommeh!”
  80. >You look around but you don’t see which fluffy Princess Princess is talking to.
  81. >The woman is preoccupied with all the fluffies trying to hug her and play with her.
  82. >You start to back away glancing for a place to run to.
  83. >The woman looks down at you with a warm smile on her face.
  84. >”Do you like your new home Sir William Reginald?”
  85. >You don’t answer, you just puff your cheeks.
  86. >You want to make sparklies but this thing on your horn is stopping it.
  87. >”Aren’t you glad to have me as a new mommy?” She says smiling down at you starting to reach in her purse.
  88. >You shake your hoof angrily at her, ”Yoo nuu Deadmeat mommeh! Deadmeat mommeh-“
  89. *Squirt*
  90. >She sprays some stinky water on you.
  91. >Your mouth was open.
  92. >You start gagging and tearing up.
  93. >You fall back coughing, “Why…cough cough… spway Deadmea- *bleh!*… wif stinky wa wa?”
  94. >She sets beck with the perfume in hand, “Fluffies just love my perfume and it makes them smell so much better!”
  95. >”Who else wants to smell pretty for mommy?”
  96. >The other fluffies start to clamber around her excitedly, “Fwuffy wan smeww pwetty!”
  97. >You get on your belly and try to crawl away from this monster.
  98. >You are shaking your head trying to shake off the stench.
  99. >You hear the squirts behind you and can smell the horrid odor filling air.
  100. >When you are far enough away you stand up.
  101. >You look for an escape kicking yourself for getting distracted.
  102. >You see the door to the hallway.
  103. >You start to head for it when you are hugged around your neck.
  104. >”Yay! New fwen!”
  105. >You turn around and see a male unicorn hugging you.
  106. >”Andwew wub make new fwen!”
  107. >He sits in front of you smiling and wagging his tail.
  108. >”Wha new fwen wan pway?”
  109. >You look back at the door to the hall, “Deadmeat nuu wan pway, Deadmeat wan go way!”
  110. >He cuts you off and stats to jump happily, “Nuu go way siwwy! It pway time!”
  111. >He runs between you and the toys excitedly, “We pway bwocks! We… we pway baww! We pway!... pway…”
  112. >His suddenly stops and his face contorts, “Andwew nee go poopies!”
  113. >He turns and tucks his tail under his belly and starts a slow waddle to the white gravel.
  114. >You look past him to the white gravel, “But dat where fwuffy wive… dat nuu poopie pwace.”
  115. >He does a little dance trying with all his might to keep his rump pinched as he continues to move to the white gravel.
  116. >”Andwew mus make witteh box…. Nuu wan make bad poopies…”
  117. >You watch as he makes his slow trek and stomp in frustration.
  118. >Why are these two legged monsters forcing fluffies to make bad poopies?
  119. >You look around, “Deadmeat fin pwace fo good poopies!”
  120. >Andrew slowly truddles ahead and climbs into the litter box.
  121. >You try to tell him to stop when he raises his tail and gets a satisfied look on his face as a stream of poop sprays out into the white gravel.
  122. >”Ahhhhhh…. Andwew feew betteh now….” He steps forward and kicks some white gravel back before he jumps out of the box.
  123. >You walk up and step up on the side looking in at the pile of poop spread out in the gravel.
  124. >”De meanie munstas put Deadmeat in poopie!”
  125. >The box whirrs to life and starts to move.
  126. >You jump back in shock, not only were you put in poop, you were put in the mouth of a monster!
  127. >You quickly act, you yell “Munsta!” and turn and run.
  128. >You run to the house plant and jump behind it.
  129. >You puff your cheeks out and slowly look around the pot.
  130. >Something is being pushed through the white gravel.
  131. >A small door opens up and the thing seems to push something into the door.
  132. >”Wha new fwen do?” You hear whispered behind you.
  133. >You turn and see Andrew behind you looking over your shoulder.
  134. >”Deadmeat hide fwom munsta.” You look back at the strange beast, “Why fwuffy go poopie in musta eatie pwace?
  135. >Andrew looks past you, “Wha… witteh box?”
  136. >You point at the litter box, “Dat munsta!”
  137. >He giggles, “New fwen be siwwy, dat witteh box. Make gud poopie dere!”
  138. >You watch in shock as another fluffy runs up to the beast and jumps into it.
  139. >It hunkers down and lets out a stream off pee pee.
  140. >He jumps out and goes running to a pile of balloons.
  141. >The strange monster springs to life again.
  142. >You get on your belly and crawl to the strange thing.
  143. >Andrew crawls next to you, “Andwew pway cwawl game too!”
  144. >You get close to the monster and sniff, “Deadmeat nuu smell poppies…. Whewe poopies go?
  145. >You peek over the edge into the white gravel.
  146. >The gravel is clean.
  147. >Andrew looks in, “Witteh bawks take poopie way. Poopie in witteh bawks gud poopies!”
  148. >Your jaw drops open at this marvel, “Dis poopie eating munsta…”
  149. >”Ok my little children! Play time is over!” The stinky monster stands up clapping her hands.
  150. >Andrew starts to run randomly, “Pway time ofer! Nee pway one mo time!”
  151. >Princess Princess trots up to you smiling.
  152. >”Did bad fwuffy Siw Wiwwam Regiwegi haf fun? Pwincess Pwincess am gud smawty! Aww fwuffy haf fun!”
  153. >”Ok now, mommy is serious! Stop playing!” She waves her finger at the rambunctious fluffies around her.
  154. >”Pwincess Pwincess gif bad fwuffy own toy soon.” She smiles warmly at you.
  155. >”Ok, this is the last warning! Play time is over!” She is looking stern.
  156. >Princess Princess looks at you sternly as well, “Now yoo get yoo bad fwuffy sowwies! Yoo nuu mo pway wif toys!”
  157. >You look at Princess Princess confused.
  158. >It seems now is the time you are not supposed to play.
  159. >”Ok little ones, time to leave!”
  160. >The man gets up and starts to shoo fluffies and pick up toys.
  161. >Princess Princess jumps on you hugging your neck, “Pwincess Pwincess sowwy she be meanie to new fwen!”
  162. >”Mommeh say smawty nee to be stwong so gif worstest sowwies smawty know.”
  163. >”It over now, yoo gud fwuffy again Sir Wiwwam Goolimoo!”
  164. >She turns and walks away. You shake your hoof at her, “Am Deadmeat!”
  165. >You see all the fluffies gather around the stinky monster jumping on her and trying to hug her.
  166. >You are by yourself.
  167. >You steal yourself, you have been distracted enough, it is time to get out of here.
  168. >You take off through the door into the hall.
  169. >You look around, you remember being taken to the bath area so you run opposite of that.
  170. >You charge down the hallway and into a large room.
  171. >You look around seeing the windows and the door to the outside.
  172. >You run to these opening to the outside and try to jump up to them.
  173. >You cannot really get a hold to the sills and fall down.
  174. >You run to in front of the door.
  175. >You remember these things and know they open.
  176. >You buck it a few times, it doesn’t budge.
  177. >You stare at this magic wall that opens trying to figure out how to make it work.
  178. >”Ok little ones! Keep up with mommy!”
  179. >You hear giggling and laughter behind you.
  180. >You turn and see the stinky monster coming your way with the throng of fluffies jumping around her feet.
  181. >You look around and scramble for a place to hide.
  182. >You run to the side of the room and shake your hoof angrily at the door.
  183. >You then fall over and close your eyes.
  184. >You hope the monster passes you by until you can figure out how to open the door.
  185. >The woman walks into the room.
  186. >You open an eye slightly as she walks to the door.
  187. >She grabs the handle and opens it, “Ok everyone, let’s go outside!”
  188. >Your heart skips a beat, you can’t believe what has happened.
  189. >You jump up and run to the door.
  190. >She doesn’t notice you run in from the side.
  191. >You go through the door.
  192. >You have made it.
  193. >You are outside!
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