

Oct 27th, 2011
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  1. Design Related
  2. Donate button:
  3. "Donate" button be renamed to "Donate to Project" since, apparently, people seem to think that it means Donate to Bukkit instead.
  5. Sorting arrows are difficult to see:
  6. The green sorting arrows are difficult to see at the top of the projects listing due to the blue background. Maybe make the arrow base thinner and the entire image a bit bigger so it is easier to see which direction the arrow is pointing?
  8. Ticket listing is cut off:
  9. The "name" column in the tickets listing is really small and cramped, this needs to be widened. On top of this, there seems to be extra columns that have been cut off due to the limiting fixed width of the site's design. I propose we either ignore the fixed width and increase it accordingly
  11. Or tweak the columns: The priority column is not needed. It would probably be better to remove it and colour the ticket name based on the priority of the ticket instead. The Votes, Milestone are not really needed for most projects, though it would be ideal if the columns shown were customisable per-project.
  13. Technical Related
  14. Important
  15. Key information visibility:
  16. A clear way for people to figure out what is a Bukkit Plugin and what is a Minecraft server mod, among other things, is needed. Our current solution is to make use of the Project Name to provide people with this information, like so:
  17. PluginName v0.1 [CB1060] - For Bukkit projects
  18. ServerMod v0.1 [MC1.7.3] - For Minecraft Server mod projects
  19. ClientMod v0.1 [MC1.7.3] - For Minecraft Client mod projects
  21. However, a dedicated field would be ideal. With dedicated fields and a proper setup, we could display pertinent information right on the projects list and offer better sorting and searching capability.
  23. Since we already have a system in place to handle what is the main project download, we could make use of this system to parse the version from the second word onwards in the file name and automatically update the project's name accordingly, so that it is easy for everyone to know what the latest version of the project's release is, as well as what Minecraft or Bukkit version it was developed against.
  25. Deleting Files:
  26. Files marked as deleted appear to be deleted to normal users, however they are just hidden - if someone knows the URL for a direct download to the file, they can still download the file or if someone knows the URL for the file's page, they can still see the file page. While this is not a problem, the inability to then upload a new file with the same MD5 hash (to address issues that occur based on the order that you upload files in - the last one becomes the file that the project's 'download' button directs to) is causing issues.
  28. If the staff had the ability to un-delete deleted files, then this system would make sense. However, this doesn't appear to be the case so this definitely needs to be addressed. Either files should be treated as properly deleted throughout the system or people should be given an option to reupload a file or something similar.
  30. Missing trailing slashes redirects to
  31. -- Works
  32. -- Redirects to Forum.
  33. Doesn’t seem to occur to me. Just re-adds the trailing slash. - chriz
  35. Error messages are non-existent or vague:
  36. When people register on BukkitDev and the name they're trying to register already exists, they get a 'Bad Request' error. When people login with an incorrect password, they get a 'Bad Request' error. There are probably more errors that are non-existent or vague that need to be updated but these are the ones I've been informed about or am aware of.
  38. Packager and Documenter are not suited for Bukkit yet:
  39. These two tabs should be hidden until and if we have modified them to fit the needs of the community.
  41. Caching issue?
  42. There seems to be a lot of misleading information, possibly due to a caching issue. This problem can frequently be seen when looking at PMs and the PM unread count notification. It regularly displays that you have unread messages despite your having already read them. +1 confirmed - chriz
  44. Project Authors seem to be lacking permissions:
  45. It seems like Project Authors don't have the same permissions as Managers. While this makes sense, the difference in their privileges is too much. Authors should be able to moderate the project's forums and edit more aspects of the project which they can't seem to do at the moment.
  47. Needing to approve all files:
  48. While I understand the policy behind needing someone to approve file uploads, the community doesn't feel it should be necessary if someone has shown to be trustworthy and an established developer. I agree with this sentiment and feel that it would be best to provide BukkitDev staff with a means to flag accounts as trusted so that future file uploads from trusted accounts will automatically be approved.
  50. Something we discovered when handling files is that people are given the link to a direct download of the file they've uploaded for approval and can freely share this link regardless of the file's approval status. This negates the point of the approval system since files can be shared anyway and has my staff questioning what the point of the approval system is in this case. While I have my staff performing random checks on files uploaded, the chances of us coming across a malicious file are unlikely, at least in terms of Server Mods, which makes me wonder if the extra overhead is really worth it and necessary. For Client mods which run on a PC and are more prone to be a means to distribute malicious material, I understand the point of the approval system.
  52. Ideally we'd be able to skip the approval process, however we can also work around having to approve every file by getting enough staff to handle things if that is the only option.
  54. Front page information widgets:
  55. What kind of front page information widgets are there? I'm thinking we should have some widgets like: latest forum post, newest projects, recently updated and so on.
  57. Unable to delete localization setup:
  58. The localization setup on BukkitDev seems to only support LUA, so it doesn't really have a purpose for us. On top of this, once a project has setup localization, there doesn't appear to be any way to delete or remove it from the project.
  60. Approval Queue - 'Other Projects' link points to the wrong location:
  61. <img>
  63. The 1 other project link takes you to when it should be or depending on whether it is a client or server mod.
  65. Allow authors to mark a specific file as the primary download:
  66. To avoid authors having to upload files in a specific order just to end up with the right file as their primary download, it would be nice to have a way for authors to set a specific file to their primary download file.
  68. Minor but leaves a bad impression/should be improved
  69. Broken links in the Curse Footer:
  70. Blade & Soul Wiki -
  71. Blade & Soul Dojo -
  73. Broken JS causing unpleasant display:
  74. "Hi <[{(USERNAME)}]>!<[{(USER_PM_NUM)}]>Sign out" being shown instead of the proper "Hi EvilSeph! 0 PMs Sign out". This can easily be reproduced by simply logging out and going to BukkitDev.
  76. Default project image shows in the description:
  77. Whenever a project sets an image uploaded to be the default image, it is shown in an odd area at the top of the project description. From what I can see, there is no point to it being there as it merely serves to specify what image is shown as a thumbnail in the project listing.
  79. Stock default project image:
  80. A stock default project image should be provided by default for projects so that the layout of the projects listing is uniform regardless of if a project has a default image set or not.
  82. Any way to get “in-line” git(hub) repositories?
  83. It would be nice if the repository tab “copied” over the file trees, and commits etc. from Git(Hub), instead of just linking. Would save a lot of hassle with having to open new tabs - chriz.
  85. Other observations
  86. The general reaction to BukkitDev has been positive. The only real problems I've had thus far are people bringing up the week-long Minecraft community downtime when the Curse Network went down, people pointing out the Terms of Service without fully understanding it and people that just hate change. Other than this, people are happy with the initial launch and are watching to see how we move forward from this point: what improvements we make, how much we listen to the feedback and so on.
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