
Nervous about the root canal.

Dec 7th, 2016
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  1. I am so fucking scared. There's no way to tell you how nervous I am about the root canal tomorrow. I haven't been under since I was a kid having tubes put in my ear, and it was the freakiest damn thing ever.
  2. I so fuckingn ervous that any number of a hundred things could go wrong, that I'm not able to sleep right now. the only thing I can think about right now is, if something does go wrong, or they fuck something up and I bleed out, or I wind up in a coma... Who's going to finish my books? who's going to upload my videos? when will I find time to find someone to have a family with? These and many more questions keep circling through my head as I struggle to get some sleep.
  3. I know it's nothing compared to what your going through over there, but for me, these are the fears that are keeping me from having a decent nights sleep, and hard as I try to relax,to count sheep, to do anything really, I find myself not even able to fucking drop off to snooze land.
  4. I found myself questioning a number of things i'm attempting right now, whether the long term goals are worth the short term frustrations, whether chipping away at the mountain of doubt is my best option, or should I have worked harder to make every one of my goals a reality? Stupid pointless questions, true. but they are valid concerns that I'm having. I need to figure something out, I need to do something to smoothout whatever wrinkles are currently preventing me from getting myself some slumber.
  5. I found myself think about us, and whther I was just fooling myself into believing somethign that might be just some idiot fantasy, or whther this was actually the real thing. questioning myself isn't going to get me any sleep, nor will doubting myself about the path I'm currently on.
  6. I'm worried about tomorrow, terrified about it, and even though I joke and play around about the whole situation, I can't help but feel I'm out in the cold again, and I don't like being cold, never have, never will. But, I have to remind myself this:
  8. The sun will always rise again.
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