
Endeavorance. part VII

Jul 23rd, 2012
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  1. Part VII
  2. >The next day
  3. >Dash Knocks on Twilight’s door
  4. >no answer
  5. >she opens it Slowly
  6. >Dash: “Twilight?”
  7. >steps in
  8. >Dash: “Twilight, are you in here?”
  9. >Silence
  10. >Dash swooshes to the top of the staircase
  11. >Sees twilight standing on the top floor staring at her shelves in dispassion
  12. >Dash: “Twilight, you missed the funeral”
  13. >Twilight stands unresponsive to dash
  14. >Dash: “Twilight?”
  15. >Twilight: “…I gave him the means to use magic”
  16. >the coldness in her voice is nearly tangible
  17. >Twilight: “I lent him books, I taught him a few things myself. I gave that monster, Anon, a way to kill Princess Celestia”
  18. >Dash: “Twilight, its not your fault. You Didn’t know he was going to…Do what he did. Become what he did”
  19. >Twilight continues to stare at the shelves
  20. >Twilight: “I should have known better. I should have seen this coming”
  21. >Dash: “How could you have seen this coming?”
  22. >Twilight: “Anon told me what the human race is like. Did he ever tell you?”
  23. >Dash: “N-no?”
  24. >Twilight: “They’re just…Machines”
  25. >Dash: “Don’t beat yourself up over it, You had no way of knowing what would happen. that’s all there is to it”
  26. >Twilight continues to face her shelves, unresponsive to Dash’s attempts to comfort
  27. >Dash’s voice goes timid
  28. >Dash: “Twilight…”
  29. >Twilight finally breaks her fixed gaze on the shelves and turns to Dash
  30. >Dash: “Thank you for being concerned about me. I should have listened to you from the beginning. I was lucky that I didn’t meet up with Anon. They could have been burying me today, Along with all the others”
  31. >Twilight: “…Your welcome, Dash”
  32. >Twilight turns back to her shelves
  33. >Dash steps close to Twilight
  34. >gives her a hug
  35. >Twilight remains unresponsive
  36. >Dash swoops down to the front door
  37. >opens it
  38. >steps out
  39. >looks at twilight one last time
  40. >shuts the door
  42. >out in the sticks
  43. >walking along the train track
  44. >hoping it’ll lead to a town you can rest at
  45. >still carrying the gun
  46. >in an intensely despondent, detached, and vacant state
  47. >brought on by a mix of worry, trauma, confusion, an ongoing adrenaline rush and not having slept for 2 nights
  48. >staring into the abyss
  49. >brain wont turn off
  50. >reflecting on everything that happened over the past 3 days; finding the horn, evading the guards, using magic, making the gun, assassinating Celestia
  51. >all these events running through your head at once
  52. >feeling your shoulder wound still aching, stomach growling from hunger, feet hurting from walking, a headache from dehydration and a vibration on the ground
  53. >wondering what to do from here on; stay on the run? Turn yourself over? Go into hiding? try and leave Equestria ? seek refuge in a neighboring country?
  54. >the vibration from the ground is getting more intense
  55. >regretting picking up that horn
  56. >Regretting going out in the forest that day
  57. >wish you would have stayed home
  58. >none of this would have happened
  59. >yet it seems inevitable
  60. >look at the horn resting in your palm
  61. >contemplate how things would have gone if you hadn’t found it
  62. >the myriad alternative scenarios run through your head
  63. >having trouble focusing on one for more than a few seconds
  64. >the vibration is getting really intense
  65. >think about your encounter with Celestia: Why did she apologize?
  66. >the vibration gets too intense to ignore
  67. >snap out of your entranced stupor
  68. >realize the train is less than 15 feet in front of you
  69. >react to it like a dear in the headlights
  70. >collide with it head on
  71. >get knocked off to the side tracks
  72. >land on the ground
  73. >tumble over and over and finally land on your back
  74. >hear the train passing bye
  75. >the splintered remains of the gun land all around you
  76. >attempt to catch your breath
  77. >cough
  78. >blood spurts out
  79. >feels like your organs have been replaced with broken glass
  80. >blood is leaking out from your ribcage and fast
  81. >start breathing slower
  82. >dizziness sets in
  83. >look around for the horn
  84. >it’s laying an arm’s reach from your hand
  85. >try to grab it
  86. >no good, your arms broken
  87. >can barely move it at all
  88. >roll over
  89. >bite your tongue in pain
  90. >dizziness takes over
  91. >feel the blood pooling all around you
  92. >try and reach for the horn with your other arm
  93. >still out of reach
  94. >inch your way over to it
  95. >try and reach it again to no effect
  96. >attempt to inch over a little closer
  97. >black out before you can make it
  98. >bleed to death near the tracks
  101. >Back in Canterlot
  102. >Luna is sitting on the throne
  103. >having just been crowned the new ruler
  104. >she stares at the empty chamber unhappily
  105. >Shining Armor enters
  106. >Shining: “Princess Luna”
  107. >Luna: “Greetings, Shining Armor. To what do I owe this unannounced visit?”
  108. >Shining: “I have a letter for your, from myself”
  109. >Luna: “What does it concern?”
  110. >Shining: “My resignation from the position of captain of the guard”
  111. >Luna attempts to respond as calmly as possible
  112. >Luna: “Shining, I would tremendously appreciate you holding off your resignation until further notice”
  113. >Shining: “There’s plenty of members of the royal guard who would be happy to take my spot, they can fill in for me”
  114. >Luna: “Yes, but the guard is experiencing a severe shortage of members at the moment.”
  115. >Shining: “Severe?! we only lost…”
  116. >The rest of the sentence prompts Shining to hesitate
  117. >Shining: “…19”
  118. >Luna: “the guards lost 19 to the likes of Anon. As of today, there have been 87 members who voluntarily quit, and still counting. I apologize, but I cannot accept your resignation at this time”
  119. >Shining: “Princess Luna, please just let me leave.”
  120. >Luna: “Why are you choosing to leave now of all times?”
  121. >Shining responds in frustration
  122. >Shining: “if you want to know, its in the letter.”
  123. >Shining carelessly tosses the letter to the ground in front of Luna
  124. >he leaves the chamber
  125. >steps out into the gardens
  126. >Luna rolls her eyes and reads the letter
  127. >raises her eyebrow as she sifts through it
  128. >steps outside and sees shining standing over of Celestia’s tomb
  129. >approaches Shinning
  130. >Luna: “You are feeling outmatched?”
  131. >Shining sighs and turns to her
  132. >Shining: “After what happened over the past days, I don’t think I’m fit to do the job”
  133. >Luna: “What brought you to such a conclusion?”
  134. >Shining looks down in shame
  135. >Shining: “19 guards were lost under me, I failed to protect the princess. And even after all that, I still couldn’t catch…him. I don’t want to do this anymore”
  136. >Luna responds in a sympathetic tone
  137. >Luna: “…If its any comfort, I understand your frustration”
  138. >Shining turns to back Luna
  139. >Luna: “I am trapped in a career I do not enjoy”
  140. >Shining looks at Luna intrigued
  141. >Luna: “When I was in my thousand year exile, there was not a day that passed that I did not so greatly wish to be the true and only ruler of Equestria”
  142. >Shining continues to listen to Luna intently
  143. >Luna: “But on my return, I was so happy to see my sister and so happy be freed from my other self, that I accepted her as the supreme leader without further disagreements. Now…she is no longer with us. And I have inherited her title, Her kingdom and all of her responsibilities. You cannot fathom how greatly I wish I could give my problems to Somepony else.”
  144. >Shining continues to listen passively
  145. “I am dealing with the world in a panic from the scar left by our criminal. I am challenged to be as beloved of a ruler as my predecessor. I have guards quitting in ever growing numbers. Also, I am required to raise and dismiss the sun every day. that is not a task to be taken lightly. Now please lighten my woes by reversing your decision to resign.”
  146. >Shining: “But I‘ve failed as a captain…”
  147. >Luna: “Do not allow our recent tragedy to sway your nerve, Shinning. You have not failed anyone, not even yourself. As a member of the royal guard, you’re mettle is measured not by what you can accomplish but by what you can withstand. If anything, These past days have only made you stronger”
  148. >Shining Meditates on Luna’s words, renewing his spirits somewhat
  149. >Shining: “Alright, I‘ll stay for now”
  150. >Luna: “Thank you, what do you plan to do about our fugitive?”
  151. >Shining: “…I plan to Label him as escaped and hope we may catch him if he ever returns”
  152. >Luna: “you are not continuing your pursuit?”
  153. >Shining: “It doesn’t seem like its worth losing more lives only to end up not finding him”
  154. >Luna: “I sympathize with your decision, I agree with it, And I understand if you feel Anon has you bested ”
  155. >Shining responds in a very nebulous tone
  156. >Shining: “To be completely honest, Princess Luna, I don‘t even think Anon is real”
  157. >Luna listens to shining curiousley
  158. >Shining: “I’ve never Met him, He disappears when I need to find him, I’m only able to learn about him from others, I went all over searching for him and I didn’t find anything. The only thing I did find was just an obscure trail…and it seems Anypony who has met him hasn’t lived to talk about it. Putting all that together makes me question what he really is”
  159. >Luna pauses in uncertainty over what shining is conveying
  160. >Luna: “What do you think he is?”
  161. >Shining shakes his head in thought
  162. >Shining: “He‘s just a rumor to me”
  164. The end
  166. "Hey Sunset, why'd you call me out here?"
  167. >"Oh hi Anon, I'm so glad you could make it out here. I was just thinking, we're friends right?"
  168. "Sure, especially after you blackmailed me into licking your vagina for a month."
  169. >Sunset smiles nervously blushing a bit.
  170. >"W-well, I.. I want you to know I've changed, and I feel bad about all the terrible things I've done in the past."
  171. "That's great, because you were bad and you should feel bad." You said bitterly.
  172. >"Aww, come on don't be like that." She says smiling walking over to you. She slings her arms around your shoulder from behind.
  173. "W-what are you?"
  174. >She leans in close, her chest slightly pressed against your back. In a more serious tone she says,
  175. >"I'm sorry, for everything.. I know you'll probably have a hard time finding in yourself to forgive me, but I'm willing to do whatever it takes to make it up to you."
  176. >You blush intensely when she says this.
  177. "A-anything... Y-you'll really do, anything?" You can feel tears streaming down her face onto your neck.
  178. >"Of course, and you know, I just thought of how many times we've had our differences, but deep down, I always knew that you were a really nice guy. S-so, I'm sorry for getting all emotional, but it just hurts to know what a terrible person I used to be."
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