
CrippleAnon Chapter 1: Beginnings

Jun 26th, 2012
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  1. >Through the power of Science I'm finally in Equestria
  2. >I gazed at all the colors, the beatiful scenery, and of course the reason I came here, THE ENDLESS AMOUNTS OF PONIES AROUND ME
  3. >I lost all sense of sanity and just went on a hugging rampage
  4. >First I grabbed Dr.Whooves and gave him a sqeeze
  5. >Next I hugged Lyra, then BonBon, then Carrot Top, and Bruce Man then the fucking dirt just because
  6. >Everyp0ny in the resturant I seemed to be in were just baffled at what you were and why you were there
  7. >And everyp0ny was creeped out by my rampage of hugs and creepy smile, except Lyra
  8. >When I finally calmed down alittle, I decided to start looking for the Mane Six
  9. >My eyes beamed left right for anyp0ny that might be casually walking the market square
  10. >I wonder where they might be, hmm...
  11. >I know I'll start with Surgarcube Corner there must be sooooooommmm...
  12. >Before my very eyes was Spike THE mutha fuckin dragon
  13. >I ran full speed at him and scooped him for a big ass hug
  14. >He was surprised at first by how I charged at him and the fact that I was squeezing the shit out of his head
  15. >"Woah woah man chill out your gonna crush my buckin skull"
  16. "Oh sorry man," I set him down and calmed the fuck down, "I guess I didn't know my own strength"
  17. >Spike caught his breath and stared at me for a while with a confused look on his face
  18. >"Are you from around here, I haven't seen anyone or thing like you before?"
  19. "Nope but I know you and Twilight and Pinkie and Rainbow Dash and..."
  20. >"Okay man I get the point, but how do you know that?"
  21. "Well stories their really famous where I'm from being the Elements of Harmony you know"
  22. >"Oh okay that makes sense, well what your name stranger?"
  23. >He extends a fist out to me which I brofist like we've known eachother forever"
  24. "Anon, little man"
  25. >"Anon, weird, anyway where ya from?"
  26. "I'm from a place called Earth"
  27. >"Earth? like the earth ponies?"
  28. "I guess so, Born in Montana, raised in Tokyo"
  29. >"Haha wow keep talkin these places sound great, do you guys have any dragons there"
  30. "Well in stories they were believed to live thousands of years ago, mainly to cause trouble, but some were good"
  31. >"Wow tell me more!"
  32. >You and Spike walked to library while you told him stories about Earth, mainly just your life experiences, but he hung on to every word as if he were on a cliff
  33. >When you and him entered the library you saw Twilight out of the corner of your eye and grew a big ass grin
  34. >Spike ran to Twilight and motioned you to follow
  35. >"Twi you gotta meet this guy he's so cool and he's got awesome stories about what'd ya call it?...Earth!"
  36. >Twilight got up and inspected you
  37. >She looked at you up and down
  38. >Often commenting on you with "Mmhmm's" and "I see's"
  39. >She tugs on your long hair, and lightly punts your knee to check your reflexes
  40. >With a final "Uh-huh" she stares at you
  41. >You give a friendly smile and stick out your hand
  42. "I'm Anon nice to meet you Miss Sparkle"
  43. >"...How do you know me?"
  44. >"He's read stories of your adventures as the Elements of Harmony and he's kinda your biggest fan"
  45. >"Really now? I don't have any books about me or my friends being the Elements of Harmony"
  46. >You detected some hostility in her voice but brushed it off
  47. "Well you guys are just really famous where I come from, there's books, doll, plastic figureens, you name it we got it back on Earth"
  48. >"Hmm...Okaaay then well since your new here Pinkie'll want to throw you a welcome party so come back here in a little while"
  49. "Great," you turn to Spike, "so what do we do till then"
  50. >"Ya got anymore stories? or we could play tag"
  51. "Haha I'll tell ya one more story then we'll play some tag"
  52. >"Alright!"
  53. >You and Spike head out of the Library and go...anywhere really
  54. >After playing with Spike and apologizing for your earlier rampage to a few pissed p0nies you return to the library and Spike starts to open the door
  55. >"SURPISE!"
  56. "SURPRISE!"
  57. >You and Spike look around confused that nop0ny was there
  58. >There was no cake, no visitors, no music, not even Gummi just convenietly standing in the background not giving a fuck
  59. >The two of you search around for anyp0ny who might be hiding
  60. >Then you hear Twilight's voice down in the basement asking you to come downstairs
  61. >You sneak off away from Spike in case things get sexual
  62. >As you slowly close the door you turn around
  63. "Ok I'm ready for my," you turn to see the mane six wearing their Elements of Harmony necklaces, "...surprise?"
  64. >You stand there confused as Applejack turn to Twilight
  65. >"He don't look that tough to me"
  66. >"Trust me he knows too much about us to be trusted"
  67. >"Maybe he could be nice" Fluttershy pointed out
  68. >As you opened your mouth to agree Rainbow Dash cuts you off
  69. >"No way, look at him he's so weird looking, plus what Twilight said about him knowing everything about us from no where obviously means he's up to something"
  70. >You try to argue but are tackled by Applejack
  71. >"Hush we don't wanna hear any lip outta ya now tell us yer plans"
  72. >You lie there confused as shit with AJ sitting on your chest and holding your shirt with her hoof
  73. >"Ah said talk" she punches you in the jaw and your still at a lose for words
  74. >"Here lemme help, SPIT IT OUT YOU LITTLE WEIRDO" Rainbow kicks your face and you spit out a tooth
  75. >Both ponies beat you up for a good twenty minutes until their ring leader calls them back
  76. >It's finally over and I can explain that I am not a threat, You thought
  77. >Then you saw all the p0nies stand in a circle and they started glowing
  78. >Oh shit you knew what happened next
  79. "SPIKE HEEEEEEELP" you managed to yell at the top of your lungs before you were enveloped in a rainbow
  80. >Now you know how Discord, Luna, and Queen Crysalis felt
  81. >...and it hurt like shit
  82. >To put it lightly it felt like your skin was melting, while you were being suspended by hooks, while a guy with a dick the size of Russia was raping you from behind, while a guy with steal toed boots was kicking you in balls and they crucified you, while still kicking you in the balls, stabbed you, and went cupcakes on you except you didn't die
  83. >To you it felt like hours of endless pain, but in reality it was just ten seconds
  84. >And when the blast was done you felt nothing
  85. > weren't breathing
  86. > couldn't move
  87. >you just lied there vision failing you and your hearing was fading in and out on someone talking
  88. >"...on?...are yo...ang on...lestia!"
  90. ---
  92. >...
  93. >........
  94. >.......................
  95. >....beep....beep...beep
  96. "...Wha?"
  97. >Your vision, while blurry, was finally returning and all you could see was an incredibly bright light
  98. >Once your eyes adjusted and you shook the hair out of your eyes you saw a hospital ceiling
  99. >You could hear the murmuring of nurses checking you vital signs
  100. >One notices you woke up
  101. >"Oh your awake how are you feeling"
  102. >Your dazed but you swear your looking at Nurse Redhart
  103. >...NURSE REDHART?
  104. >You look around and you see Spike sitting in a chair asleep
  105. >He looked like he was there for days, poor little guy
  106. >Wait a minute it's coming back to me
  107. >Twilight said she had a surprise for you in her basement
  108. >Then a pit forms in your stomach as you relize that the Mane six used the EOH on you for no reason
  109. >That pit wasn't empty though in fact it was full, filled with a rage that could beat Repulican's hate for Obamacare
  110. >You wanted to jump out of bed and beat the shit out of Rainbow and Applejack until they were nothing but smuges of blood on the cobblestone road
  111. >Nurse Redhart snaps you out of your thoughts of killing the p0nies with a white marshmellow hoof waving in your face
  112. >"Are you there?"
  113. "Oh...uhm....yeah I'm fine could you wake up Spike over there"
  114. >"Sure"
  115. >She gently shook Spike and he jumped to life
  116. >"Woah! How's Anon?! Is he alright?!"
  117. "Yeah man i'm alright"
  118. >He gets out of his seat and looks over you with a depression in his eyes
  119. "Hey man don't worry the unicorns'll, fix me up nice and good and we can chill together again"
  120. >"Ahem about that," Nurse Redhart interjects, "It seems you are immune to the unicorn's healing spells since miraculously your body heals on it's own"
  121. >Damn human anatomy, with it's cells regenerating and it's bones meding themselves
  122. >"So I guess you'll just have to...wait it out and you'll be fine in no time"
  123. "Well that really sucks Spike, but don't worry I'll be on my feet in a matter of...some amount of time? heh heh"
  124. >You and Spike sit there awkwardly when Princess Celestia enters the room
  125. >"Hmm it appears your awake," she turns to someone outside, "Enter...all of you" she says coldly
  126. >One by one the Mane six enter your hospital room with the last being Rainbow Dash
  127. >You stared at them, each getting a taste of your fury through you cold and unforgiving eyes
  128. >All were averting your gaze and looking so pitiful and worthless
  129. >Celestia cleared her throat loudly and they all looked up at you
  130. >"Now that you all've had time to absorb what you've done let's let our friend speak"
  131. "Wow, I finally get a word in edge wise, where do I start? Oh I know what the fuck was all of that?!"
  132. >You prop yourself on your elbows while Spike adjusts you bed so you can sit up
  133. >They all stay quiet and look at the floor to avoid looking at you
  134. >"Well?!" Celestia shouts running low on paitenice
  135. >Her sudden yell startles the six ponies and Twilight finally speaks up
  136. >"W-well he came to my library and we sorta *ahem* used the Elements of Harmony on him..."
  137. >"Without my permission or authorization" Celestia adds
  138. "...Why? I loved you all, I wanted nothing more but your friendship and care, and you took me as a threat?"
  139. >"Well when you just waltzed into my house seemingly knowing everything about me and my friends I thought you were a spy"
  140. >"I told you he was a huge fan of you guys, what are you gonna blast me with the elements just cause I know you?"
  141. "Thanks Spike"
  142. >"No prob bro"
  143. >You two fist bump and go to back to serious mode
  144. "None of you even considered I was a nice guy did you?"
  145. >"...Fluttershy did but Twilight ignored her and Rainbow Dash started beating you up and..."
  146. >"That's enough Laughter" Celestia interupts
  147. "So what happens now?"
  148. >"Well," she turns to the mane six, "you six are going to make it up to Anonymous and take care of his EVERY need while he is incapasitated," she lowers head to meet Twilight's, "do I make myself clear?"
  149. >"Yes ma'am" they all answer
  150. >"Good now Anonymous which would you like for you to take care of you?"
  151. "Uh...I don't know"
  152. >You have no idea where this is going but you don't like that look on Celestia's face
  153. >"Then we shall make a game of it"
  154. >She conjures up a magical wheel of fortune with all of the Mane six's faces on each tile
  155. >"Each day you shall spin the wheel and whoever it lands on shall be your caretaker for the day"
  156. >Everyone in the room shared a "wait what" moment
  157. >"That's right, you six shall all walk into the room everyday and Anon her will spin the wheel and whom ever it lands on shall be the caretaker of the day
  158. >Ah Trollestia at her finest
  159. "Oooookaaay? uhm I guess I'll spin the wheel now"
  160. >Luckly your arms aren't broken and you reach out and spin the wheel
  161. >"The wheel spins and goes round and round where it shall stop nop0ny knows" The wheel says in Celestia's voice
  162. >"Ok now this is getting weird" Spike whispers to you
  163. "Your tellin me" you say back
  164. >The wheel starts losing momentum and finally lands on Rainbow Dash
  165. >"The almighty Wheelestia has chosen Rainbow Dash as today's caretaker"
  166. >You get a smug grin as Rainbow Dash shows her excitement by sacasticly saying oh joy
  167. >"There we go Loyalty you shall take of Anon for the rest of the day"
  168. >Your mind wanders through the evils that are about to commence as Nurse Redhart explains to RD how to be a caretaker
  169. >Oh man what do I do? I can't stand yet but I have use of my arms, nah I can't beat her cause she can just fly away
  170. >Plus I'm not all that strong and lying in this bed for who knows how long probably did some toll on my body
  171. >If I try to be a pervy old man in his death bed she can just hover above me or not bend over when I tell her
  172. >No I've got it, Rainbow Dash is confident but the confident ones aren't always as stong willed as they lead on
  173. >I can mess with her mentally, I can go Discord on Pinkie, mess with her head and make her feel like the worthless little filly she really is
  174. >She'll crack under my mental assault and lock herself in her cloud home only to come back and get some more abuse
  175. >As your thoughts become more and more devilish Spike is trying to get your attention
  176. >"Hey man you alright?"
  177. >You realize you were smiling evilly with a crazed look in your eyes
  178. "Oh Spike I'm just glorious"
  179. >"Okay man I gotta go and tend to the Library but I'll be back tomorrow and we can chat some more ok dude?"
  180. "Yeah man see ya around"
  181. >You and Spike brofist and he walks out the door
  182. >As the door closes you chuckle to yourself malisiously
  184. ---
  186. >Rainbow approches you cautiously and peers at your heart monitor, protecting her flank with her wing
  187. >She hovers above you and looks at you face to face
  188. >She takes notice of your long hair and tugs on it like Twilight did a while ago
  189. "Please stop that"
  190. >You smack her hoof off your hair and put it back to its original sitting spot
  191. >"Geez ya don't gotta be so snippy, anyway about your mane, why is it that color
  192. "What black?"
  193. >"Yeah and why's it so long?"
  194. "Are we gonna spend the entirety of your shift arguing about my hair?"
  195. >"Okay okay geez man why so negative?"
  196. "How about you beat the ever loving shit out of me and gave me a sensation of pain that was close to grabbing a lighter and light my skin on fire?"
  197. >"Alright I get it your pissed, I'm pissed to,o you think I'd waste my time babysitting a little freak like you?"
  198. "Wow your so noble Rainbow Crash, golly gee how do you do it?"
  199. >"Woah dude you really do know too much about me and my friends, but seriously don't call me that or you'll wish you died back there"
  200. "Huh? big talk from a bitch who's too lost in her own sense of cowardice to actually be loyal anyone but her self"
  201. >She pauses and gets in your face
  202. >"What was that?," she pushes her forehead onto yours, "I couldn't quite hear you"
  203. "Head caught in the clouds again, maybe if you good then Fluttershy will bail you out again, like she did when you guys had to make that giant tornado to get water to cloudsdale"
  204. >"She only had to bail us pegasi out cause a bunch of pussies got sick before we could do the tornado you little shit!"
  205. "Hmmph really?, I wonder if she'll get into the Wonderbolts, and if memory serves she's proven to outstage you in the flying department a couple of times before"
  206. >"What the fuck are you talking about?"
  207. "I'm talking about Mysterious Mare Do-well if I'm correct she out shined you when you were to busy being a pathetic little hothead"
  208. >"...Okay you better shut the fuck up now before I 'assist you' with that" she plants her hooves on your bed and she stares you in the eyes
  209. "Also while you were to busy being a selfish little bitch when Discord came back she was able to catch up to you while you were speeding ahead and she was pulling a hot air balloon with Applejack and Twilight on it"
  210. >Rainbow growls and stomps on your bed, seemingly shouting behind her clenched teeth
  211. >"That's it I'm done you can just help your fucking self cause I'm not gonna take this shit anymore"
  212. >She grabs for the door and is instantly shocked with magic
  213. >upon her smoking body a note appears and she begins to read it
  214. Dear Rainbow Dash
  215. I have magiclly sealed the door shut in order for you to fulfill you duties as caretaker of Anonymous D. Davidson.
  216. You may leave when the alotted time period has passed which I have set to next morning.
  217. Sincerely
  218. Princess Celestia
  219. >She turns to you and your just laughing your ass off
  220. >Hell your laughing your ass's ass off now that Rainbow can't do anything but take your mental onslaught
  221. >Suddenly you feel a dryness in your mouth and you desprately need some water
  222. "Hey Crash, get me a glass of water"
  223. >"No"
  224. "What the hell do you mean no?"
  225. >"I mean no as your not getting you fucking water unless you get up and do it yourself"
  226. "Why?"
  227. >"You've done nothing but say mean shit about me and my abilities and that's not cool man"
  228. "It's not like I didn't have a reason"
  229. >"And what reason would that be"
  230. >You extend your arms as if your saying "Hello I'm stuck in bed and I can't fucking move my legs, please kill me"
  231. >"Okay fine good point and I probably would've done the same things, but ya don't gotta be a dick about it!"
  232. "And you were just an angel when you beat the shit out of me and broke my bones and..."
  233. >"Alright fine I'll get you that water geez"
  234. >She grabs a plastic cup from the water cooler nearby and gets you some water
  235. >"Here" she said passing the cup to you
  236. >You inpect it carefully and dip your finger in the liquid to test it's tempurature
  237. >Then you lick your finger to make sure it's water and sure enough it is, it just bluer and more cartoony looking water but it's the same as it is at home
  238. "Thanks" drinking the whole thing in seconds
  239. >You then rudely drop it on the ground and swat it out of reach so Rainbow is forced to go grab it
  240. >When she picks it up and floats over to you, you smack it out of her mouth and make her pick it up again
  241. >"Hey man watch it" she picks it up again and you proceed to smack it again
  242. >"Fine you don't want it I'll throw it away," she trots victoriously over to the wastebin and drops it in with a "Ha!"
  243. "I have to pee"
  244. >Rainbow growls with anger and flys around the hospital room to of those little toilet things they give to comatose paitents
  245. >While she's zipping around you notice you have a roomate
  246. "Hiya buddy how are ya?"
  247. >"Well I'm in a hospital but not as long as you were"
  248. "How long was I here"
  249. >"I don't know I showed up three months ago and you were lying there no moving with tubes in your body"
  250. "Well that just sucks hear that Crash? I was on lifesupport oh joy I've always want to be a tomato"
  251. >"Shut up" she continues to zip around to find the object in question
  252. >You and your roomie chuckle as she searches desperately for one of those whatchamacallits
  253. >Finally she finds it and prys it under your ass
  254. >"There need anything else?"
  255. "The ability to move, oh wait you can't do that, all you can do is take that ability away!"
  256. >"Shut your ass up already"
  257. >You and Rainbow stare out the nearby window and, to her dismay, the sun had just set stating she had entire 12 more hours until she was done for the day
  258. "I'm hungry"
  259. >"What am I suppose to do about..."
  260. >Nurse Redhart wheels in some food for you and your roomate
  261. >"Wait, but how did your get past the barrier"
  262. >"What barrier?"
  263. >"Sweet, later jackass" she says zooming for the open door
  264. >She is again stopped and shocked for your amusement
  265. >You roll on your sides, laughing, until the pain in your legs is too much
  266. >Your childish torment of the cyan pegasus doesn't end, until you eventually get boreed an go to sleep
  267. >You wake up the next morning feeling refreshed and excited to find out who your next care taker will be
  268. >You grin evilly as the Mane six enter you hospital room one by one
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