
B.L.T.T. Epilogue II, Bursting end

Dec 10th, 2016
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  1. >This was going to be the best gift Celestia had gotten in centuries.
  2. >Nopony could put away cake like the Princess, and everypony knew it.
  3. >Every year the centerpiece of Celestia’s Feast was always her birthday cake.
  4. >Bakers from around the world would compete for the chance to bake it.
  5. >It always resulted in oneupmanship of ridiculous proportions.
  6. >Last year the winner presented a seventy five pound 1:410 scale model of Cloudsdale.
  7. >All of Cloudsdale.
  8. >Every. Single. Building.
  9. >Celestia ate nearly a third of it over the course of the night.
  10. >And this year, Twilight had plans for the centerpiece.
  11. >Through sweat, tears, Twilight had managed to secure the championship for Sugar Cube Corner.
  12. >This year it was a Pinkie Pie original for the highlight.
  13. >There were, of course, a few royal edicts that came into play, none of which Twilight Sparkle was particularly proud of.
  14. >It would be almost six months before the Equestrian cane sugar reserves would recover.
  15. >Pinkie and the Cakes had opted for a balloon motif, and made dozens of hot airship shaped cakes.
  16. >Anypony who saw the assembly had to admit that it looked rather nice once suspended from the framework Pinkie built.
  17. >For now, it was stowed away in the nearby kitchen, waiting for its grand entrance.
  19. >“But I want to eat it now…”
  20. >”Sister, I swear thee to be a foal at times.”
  21. >”Twilight’s been dropping hints about it all night, Luna, I just want a taste.”
  22. >”You shall survive until after dinner.”
  23. >”But I’m a princess, why can’t I just declare cake comes before dinner?”
  24. >“We hold this same conversation each year, sister.”
  25. >Twilight too, was nearly as giddy with anticipation over the dessert.
  26. >While Twilight herself sat at the royal table, the table reserved for her friends was the one right below Celestia’s own.
  27. >Of all her friends, only Pinkie Pie knew the cake’s surprise.
  28. >Together they ate and laughed, enjoying the festivities as friends should.
  29. >Almost too soon, the chiming of silver on crystal rang out throughout the hall as Luna stood and called attention.
  30. >It was time.
  31. >Luna rose from her throne and began a brief speech to the ponies sitting throughout the great hall.
  32. >”Citizens, Subjects, Freeponies, We are here to mark yet another year come and gone.”
  33. >Cheers and raised glasses filled the pause.
  34. >“Celestia, Our dear sister, has guided you in peace and strife. In famine and in plenty. Even when We Ourselves were unable, Celestia stood tall and bright as Her sun! But We, and indeed all of Equestria, knows that her stewardship is not without toll. The road mine stalwart sister leads this nation down is treacherous and fraught with opportunities to abandon us. But She does not, so long as her flock pay heed to her most sacred tribute. Today, We gather to preserve the old ways. Today, We gather to settle this grand levy of our civilization. Today, We seal her guidance for us for yet one more year. BRING OUT THE CAKE!”
  36. >On cue, a dozen servants slowly and carefully walked a massive table into the room.
  37. >Atop it, rested a skyscape of multihued balloons, airships and spun-sugar clouds.
  38. >All of them were suspended from thin wires to give the illusion of lazily drifting flight.
  39. >”Oooh, Pinkie Pie went all out this year. I’ve never had one quite like this before.”
  40. >”I’m glad you like it, Princess, but wait until you’ve tasted any. I’ve made a few improvements that you’ll just love.”
  41. >”Is that so, Twilight Sparkle?”
  42. >“Yes! I wanted to make your birthday cake something really special this year. I spent a long time, um… testing, it. You remember the mirror pool, right?”
  43. >”Of course, my faithful student, I recall quite a bit of trouble caused by it in nearly every generation. It’s usage rarely benefits the user in the end. It seems an odd thing to bring up, why do you ask?”
  44. >“Eh hehe… well… I may have used it to make the cake. A few times.”
  45. >“Twilight, I thought I taught you better than to play with primordial forces.”
  46. >“I tested it out! It’s perfectly safe, Princess!”
  47. >“Relax, Twilight Sparkle, I’m only teasing you. I’m sure you took all the necessary precautions. But you still haven’t explained exactly what’s going on with the cake.”
  48. >As the rest of the guests chatted and commented about the centerpiece, the waitstaff that had brought it out began collecting requests for flavor.
  49. >“Well, it took me a while to work out what would make a memorable birthday gift for you. I’m sure you’ve been given almost everything at least twice by now.”
  50. >Princess Celestia nodded in agreement.
  52. >”So I got to thinking about how much you love cake. Originally I wanted to make a cake that never ran out. That’s why I went to the mirror pool. That didn’t work out as well as I’d hoped. But it did make the cake tastier. A lot tastier.”
  53. >”Oh?”
  54. >“I kinda went overboard on the first one, but after a few trials I got it down. When you take a bite of that cake over there, it’s going to taste as rich and sweet as one hundred and fifteen bites.”
  55. >“Oh my, that certainly sounds like a unique present. Though one hundred fifteen is an oddly specific number.”
  56. >“It’s because that’s how many times I copied the cakes with the mirror pool. Have you ever run across Star Wander’s Twin-fold spell?”
  57. >“I can’t say that I have, though I do recall a particularly annoying pair of individuals named Star Wander and Star Finder from some centuries back. Or at least they were normally a pair of individuals. It caused no end of headaches with official documentation and paperwork. I’d wager this Twin-fold spell came from those two.”
  58. >“Yes! It did. What I thought I’d do is use the spell on the reflected cakes-”
  59. >“And combine them into one ultimate cake.”
  60. >“Yes! Well, not quite. I wouldn’t say ‘ultimate.’ The first ones I tested were the ‘ultimate’ cake, and things got kind of messy. I think this is more of a penultimate cake.”
  61. >“Messy?”
  62. >“Eh hehe, yeah. I tested the first ones on mirror copies, and they kind of…. well… kindofexplodedintocakeanditwasreallyhotwatchingthemswellupandIshouldstoptalking.”
  63. >“I didn’t quite catch all that, Twilight Sparkle, but did you say ‘exploded?’”
  64. >“I did say I over did it at first. Besides, I toned it down to a much safer level and gave the waitstaff simple and clear instructions for serving it.”
  65. >“Simple and clear for you or simple and clear for them?”
  67. >“I made three revisions before having spike hand it over. You know… he asked the same thing.”
  68. -
  69. >Two hours previous, in the adjacent kitchen.
  70. >“Read it again.”
  71. >“It says ‘All guests are to receive one portion of a flavor of their own choice with an ideal final calculated mass of 85g. This mass is calculated for each individual slice based on two factors to equalize density variations between the cake slices and provide a common experience to everypony in attendance. The mass of the icing on any given piece is to be measured with a weighted outcome of 1.4:1, with the exception of cream-cheese icing, which is weighted to 1.6:1, and whipped cream dollop, which is measured at a weighted scale of 0.7:1. The density of the cake is also to be accounted for. For each 0.1 ρ the slice varies from 1.0 ρ, adjust the weighting ratio of the slice by an inversion of that variation. You only need to bother calculating to two significant digits for sufficient accuracy. E.g., a slice of carrot cake has an average ρ of 1.12, and should be calculated at a mass of 0.88 to it’s true mass. I suggest using these instructions to devise a simple formula, to allow for faster calculations. So long as the final calculated weight of every slice lies between 78 and 90g everything will be well within acceptable bounds for the best experience, though 85g is the target mass. Celestia’s slice, with her known penchant for cake and larger frame, has a separate target mass of 128g, or half-again as large as the other slices.’”
  72. >“Then the rest is just color coding the icing to what kind of cake it is.”
  73. >“I meant read it again, in Equuish.”
  74. >“I did. I think.”
  76. >“Look, its just a cake, albeit a fancy one. This isn’t something like Theoretical Transmutation we’re talking about. It’s a cake. Just cut slices off the balloons and serve it. Then give Celestia the big one.”
  77. >“He’s right. I say we just cut off what looks good, plate it, and hoof it off.”
  78. >“Agreed, this thing looks like it could serve two hundred and fifty or so. Maybe more on account of the clouds. Even with the Princess accounted for it’s only down to about a hundred-seventy five. There’s more than enough to eyeball it.”
  79. -
  80. >The present.
  81. >“There is no way anypony anypony as competent as your kitchen staff could misinterpret it. And speaking of, it looks like it’s our turn to choose.”
  82. >“Choose?”
  83. >“Every blimp, balloon, and dirigible is a different kind of cake. Pick whatever flavor you want, and I’m sure Pinkie made one out of it.”
  84. >“In that case, I’ll have a Blackforest Kirsch-cake. Sister?”
  85. >“This certainly sounds like a compelling final course. Mayhap a slice of traditional Lunar poundcake?”
  86. >“I knew you’d ask for that, princess. I had Pinkie make one just in case. It’s the midnight-blue and white one over there.”
  87. >“Always the considerate one, Twilight sparkle. And what would you choose?”
  88. >“I want something nice and dense. Raspberry cheesecake please.”
  89. >“There’s cheesecake? I’m going to have to eat that next.”
  90. >“I don’t think that’s a good idea, Princess. You’ll probably think otherwise after you’ve finished your kirsch-cake. And yes, there’s cheesecake. If you can think of any kind of -cake it’s probably here. I had to talk Pinkie out of making one balloon a RICE-cake.”
  91. >“Remind me again why Pinkie Pie lives in Ponyville and not Canterlot Keep?”
  92. >“Sister, thine flank is large enough without the pink one living in our midst.”
  93. >Clank.
  94. >A landing plate of Blackforest Kirsch-cake, stopped Celestia’s reply before it began.
  95. >Dessert was served.
  97. >With everypony served, all that remained was tradition.
  98. >With all eyes expectantly upon her, Celestia rose for a brief toast of her own.
  99. >“Subjects, nobles, and above all else, friends, I am pleased beyond words to have spent another year in your company. Though the faces may come and go, the spirit of this dinner never changes. Even if it is only one day’s pause, the moment of respite and reflection on my birthday is all I could ever want or need. Seeing you happy, well fed, and warm reminds me of why I must continue to rise and bring each sunrise. Now if you will excuse me there is, from what I have heard, cake.”
  100. >With all the grace expected of a princess, Celestia flowed back into her throne.
  101. >Raising a silvered fork in her golden aura, she carved off a tiny sliver of her large slice, and drew it to her lips.
  102. >If anypony’s eyes weren’t on Celestia, they’d have noticed Twilight’s eyes tracking the fork with a different kind of hunger.
  103. >Her wings rose ever-so-slightly in anticipation of how big and full her mentor was about to become.
  104. >It was distracting enough to not notice that her own slice of cheesecake was quite a bit bigger than it should be.
  105. >A little over twice as much.
  106. >When the cherry cake melted on Celestia’s tongue, she couldn’t help but let out a guttural moan.
  107. >It was unlike anything she’d ever tasted, far outclassing any other cake she’d eaten in her long and storied past.
  108. >Celestia had possessed lovers who’d lived their entire lives with her and still brought her less pleasure than that wafer thin forkful had in the span of seconds.
  109. >For everypony else, the flag was down and it was time to eat.
  110. >Even as ponies were taking their first tentative bites, Celestia was more than halfway through her slab of a slice.
  111. >Nopony could pack it away like Celestia.
  112. >But Pinkie Pie came close.
  114. >At the table below, Twilight’s friends were digging in with great zeal.
  115. >Even Rarity, the quintessential paragon of etiquette, was blazing through her own dessert at record pace while making more than a few uncouth sounds.
  116. >Throughout the room, the effects of the enchanted cake were immediate.
  117. >The flavor was so intense and pure that none cared how full they felt.
  118. >Nearly every plate was clean not ten seconds after Celestia’s first bite.
  119. >More than a few ponies were licking them clean.
  120. >And all of them were swelling.
  121. >The room was so absolutely enthralled with the taste still dancing on their tongues that none paid attention to the growing tightness inside them.
  122. >Until it began to be a problem.
  123. >Confusion began to spread, as one by one, ponies found themselves either forced out of their chairs or wedged deeper into them.
  124. >Though many were content to ignore it and focus instead on their own hedonism.
  125. >All along the dozens of tables in the great hall, ponies began to balloon up like grapes on a vine.
  126. >The air was filled with an odd combination of bewildered exclamations, panicked cries, and supremely satisfied groans.
  127. >A small amount of erotic moaning could be heard as well, if only barely.
  128. >Twilight Sparkle was one of the latter.
  129. >With her wings at full attention and her rounded belly starting to push past her knees with the divinely thick cheesecake, she watched it all unfold in a state of awe.
  130. >Part of her wanted to see them keep going until their drum-tight bodies splat apart like all her mirror copies had.
  131. >But she knew that everypony here weren’t disposable like those simulacra, and the cakes were too weak for bursting a pony with only one serving.
  132. >It was nice to imagine, though.
  133. >She didn’t need to imagine long.
  134. >Fleur-de-lis had hit at her limit.
  136. >The formerly paper-thin model had become a pink and white blimp, crammed full of the best Nightmare’s Food cake she’d ever eaten.
  137. >And she was panicked.
  138. >Fleur had swollen so large her belly had fully engulfed the rest of her, leaving the mare as a squirming and gurgling ball of cake.
  139. >A rolling groan from her overtaxed hide drew the attention of those still cognizant.
  140. >Fleur-de-lis let out a long scream that heightened in pitch as another, longer, groan erupted from her.
  141. >Twilight watched what happened unfold, biting her lip in extreme arousal.
  142. >WHUMP!
  143. >In the blink of an eye the phenomenally bloated mare splattered apart in a splash of gooey black cake.
  144. >Understandably, this raised some questions in most of those that witnessed it.
  145. >Namely, ‘Am I going to explode?’
  146. >The answer, as Sassy Saddles discovered a few seconds later, was yes.
  147. >A spattering of banana creme covered the bloating ponies at her table.
  148. >All throughout the great hall, mares and stallions went off one by one.
  149. >Thump.
  150. >POP.
  151. >Whump.
  152. >Each added their own coatings of mushed cake to the walls, ceiling, and floor.
  153. >Needless to say, Twilight Sparkle was very, very, wet.
  154. >Splat.
  155. >There was no going back from here, Twilight might as well enjoy the ride.
  156. >She turned her eyes downward, at least as well as she could manage to do so given her cake-bloated state, to get a look at her ballooning friends.
  158. >Six wonderful balls of cake waited for her.
  159. >Pinkie-Pie, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Fluttershy, and Spike had all billowed out marvelously.
  160. >Of them all, she was most amazed by Spike.
  161. >The little guy was nearly the same size as everypony else.
  162. >Judging from the creaking and cracking coming from his scales, he was about to get much more spread-out.
  163. >Spike rolled back in his squirming, exposing his now massive under-belly.
  164. >It was growing redder by the second.
  165. >The gaps between his belly-scales took on a dark and ominous pink.
  166. >Twilight’s loins unconsciously twitched in anticipation.
  167. >WHUMP!
  168. >Spike erupted into a spray of strawberry cake and icing.
  169. >From the look of it, Fluttershy was going to be next.
  170. >The poor mare had eaten a healthy helping of spongecake.
  171. >Unhealthy, might be the better word.
  172. >The peach and cream topping was doing it’s best to escape.
  173. >A torrent of peach juice and whipped cream poured out of her, all while the sponge cake inside packed itself tighter and tighter.
  174. >Fluttershy looked like an over-stuffed caricature of herself, eyes wide as she tried to comprehend what was going on.
  175. >She too, reached her limit.
  176. >The movement’s in her legs slowed and stopped as she became too full to move at all.
  177. >Bright blue eyes darted back and forth across the room, almost obscured by her taut cheeks,
  178. >They landed momentarily on Fancy Pants.
  179. >It was just in time to watch the unicorn gurgle and paint the table in vanilla bean and cake.
  180. >Overbearing tightness lanced through her, and her eyes involuntarily rolled back.
  181. >In pain or pleasure, nopony would know.
  182. >Fluttershy burst apart, sending wide arcs of whip cream and peach across the room and leaving a pile of spongey mush in her place.
  184. >The others weren’t far behind.
  185. >The pops and splats of other ponies in the great hall were still creating a constant beat.
  186. >Every few seconds another pony would reach their limits and shower the room in more cake, to Twilight’s unending delight.
  187. >Her remaining friends were no exception.
  188. >Of the four, Pinkie Pie was easily the largest but not the tightest.
  189. >That title was still in competition for between Applejack and Rainbow Dash.
  190. >The two creaking and groaning mares had stopped stretching at around the time Fluttershy had become Splattershy.
  191. >But they didn’t stop filling.
  192. >Applejack was crammed to the gills with a cinnamon apple torte that, to her shame, was better than Granny’s.
  193. >Every second that ticked by the creaks and groans grew louder, and a maze of burning red stretch marks blazed across her whole body as she tried to hold together.
  194. >Whatever happened to her in the end, Applejack decided that the taste of apple heaven had been worth it.
  195. >Rainbow Dash was having her own difficulties stemming from her delicious piece rum cake.
  196. >She was just as drum-taut as AJ, but a not-inconsiderable amount of that tightness came from rum.
  197. >The alcohol had hit her like a runaway carriage, an oversight on Twilight’s part.
  198. >The mare was completely incoherent, and it was an amazing feat of fortitude just to stay that way.
  199. >A lesser pony would have passed out two-dozen times over.
  200. >The haze of the rum turned Rainbow’s mind into a mush of sensations.
  201. >The overwhelming flavor in her mouth mixed with a complete and total feeling of creaking fullness, and the strange sensation of her now-rounded form being spattered in slowly dripping cake.
  202. >The cacophony of the great hall’s bursting ponies only added to the effect.
  203. >A massively bloated Twilight watched lustily from above, trying to imagine if the first to blow would be Rainbow Splash or Applesplat.
  205. >The answer was both.
  206. >They reached their limit with a gurgling uproar and then splattered apart less than a quarter second apart.
  207. >Two fountains of cake pulsed into the air while Twilight watched and swelled even further with a needy moan.
  208. >The tightness from her own dessert was becoming apparent.
  209. >She couldn’t wait.
  210. >Her lewd and unusual thoughts were accented by another three guests going off in close succession.
  211. >She came.
  212. >Hoping for a preview into her own future, Twilight turned her eyes towards Rarity.
  213. >The unicorn had chosen another variety of cheesecake, blueberry, and looked to be in great distress.
  214. >Rarity was absolutely out of room.
  215. >Blue tinted mush seeped out of her mouth, landing in the mess her friends left behind with heavy plops.
  216. >She was so full, that Twilight swore she could see her very hide turning blue at the edges.
  217. >The cheesecake, as thick and dense as it was compared to the others, filled the mare completely differently.
  218. >She was no mere ball of cake and pony, but had kept her relative shape.
  219. >Rarity’s flanks had widened massively, along with her withers and belly.
  220. >Even her neck and face had filled in.
  221. >As tight as she was, it was almost unapparent to the eye.
  222. >Her fur and skin were still pristine and unmarred.
  223. >Inner grumbles and groans came from her, but none of the piercing creaks others let out around her.
  224. >Perhaps worst of all, her dress hung in tatters over her bloated haunches.
  225. >Between mouthfuls of blueberry cheesecake she let out garbled sobs.
  226. >One sob turned into a whimper as the cheesecake tried to force itself where it was no longer welcome
  227. >Before Twilight’s eyes, Rarity’s silky flank began to grow outward at an incredible pace.
  228. >Rarity’s cry spiked in volume as the rest of her body shot outward to match in an instant.
  229. >It didn’t stop.
  230. >She tore apart from her plushy rear first, bursting into a slush of thick, creamy, cheesecake.
  232. >Lightning danced through Twilight’s spine as she came again, atop her filled self.
  233. >She was so close now.
  234. >Over half the feast’s guests had burst already.
  235. >More followed them by the minute.
  236. >The constant creak-groan-pop-splat-pop-groan was the most beautiful music Twilight had ever heard.
  237. >She could feel the tingles at her edges.
  238. >Her skin pulling further and further as the wonderful cake wedged her wider.
  239. >Twilight could even taste it again, as it started to work its way back up to her tongue.
  240. >Looking down at Pinkie Pie, Twilight saw that the peculiar mare seemed nowhere near her limit.
  241. >So she looked elsewhere for enjoyment before her ultimate climax.
  242. >To her joy, she found her brother and Cadence at the Crystal Delegation’s table.
  243. >They were surrounded by glittering shards and piles of mush.
  244. >They looked worse for wear.
  245. >Shining Armor had rolled to his side, and angry red marks crossed his globular stomach.
  246. >At his very center, the stallion’s navel had popped out in protest.
  247. >Even from across the room Twilight could see the reddening tears marching up the protruding belly button.
  248. >Just above his head, and in no better shape, Cadence lay on her back.
  249. >Twilight got more than an eyeful of the squirming princess.
  250. >She, too, showed signs of skin stressed to the limit.
  251. >Though she was too far away to hear them, Twilight’s mind happily filled in the scene with plenty of creaking and gurgling.
  252. >Octavia Medley bursting apart into a spray of carrot cake at the next table over accented the scene perfectly.
  253. >It finally came.
  254. >In one final outward pulse, Shining Armor threw his head back as the marks converged and reddened his navel.
  255. >His horn dug deeply into his cake-balloon of a wife.
  256. >She couldn’t take the pressure of his sharp horn.
  257. >Princess Cadence burst upward into a fountain of red gooey cake.
  258. >before it had finished raining to the ground, Shining Armor exploded outward, a wide pulse of red velvet splattering the hall around him.
  260. >Twilight could really feel it now.
  261. >Every last inch was being squeezed and pressed outward to it’s utmost.
  262. >She felt the growth stop, but the tautness intensify in turn.
  263. >Her imminent future played out in her head over and over.
  264. >Would she get marked and taut like her brother?
  265. >Or smooth and ballooned like Rarity?
  266. >Would she go everywhere in a wide splat, or simply rupture and burst.
  267. >Would it be like Applejack and RD, where she geysers upward?
  268. >All the while Twilight’s ears rang with the pops and splats of those only now hitting their limit.
  269. >Twilight had become so enraptured that she had forgotten about Pinkie Pie.
  270. >Pinkie Pie was quick to remind her.
  271. >The mare was massive.
  272. >She was easily twice-again as large as anypony else had gotten, but even Pinkie Pie has her limits.
  273. >And she’d just crossed them.
  274. >An ominous groan unlike anything Twilight had yet heard tore through the great hall, silencing the room in comparison.
  275. >It was more akin to a stressed steel hull than creaking pony hide.
  276. >The noise only sounded once before Pinkie Pie came apart.
  277. >And the huge mare burst in a big way.
  278. >The huge wave of pineapple upside down cake shoved away everything in its path, knocking aside nearby tables and scattering chairs.
  279. >A rounded crater of cake was all she left behind.
  280. >The Royal table above her was not spared.
  281. >The great ebony table was lifted from below on one corner, starting it in a lazy flip as it rose.
  282. >It clapped down with it’s heavy face to the floor.
  283. >Of the three Princesses seated behind it, it came down with one end on Twilight.
  285. >The heavy slab pressed Twilight into the floor, bulging her edges even further.
  286. >As she squished further and further out from the edges of the table, the pressure threatening to split her at the seams intensified under the weight.
  287. >Even before it had begun to squeeze her, Twilight had reached her limit.
  288. >In more ways than one.
  289. >The squeezing hit just as another stuffing-induced orgasm struck her, and the table’s grip only kept it boiling harder inside her.
  290. >Bulges of purple creaked and groaned from under three edges of the long dining table.
  291. >Every inch of her self fought to expand, with cheesecake fighting against both her straining hide and the forces of the table.
  292. >Twilight was in heaven.
  293. >It was like she was being pulled in every direction at at once.
  294. >She didn’t even care that she could no longer breathe from it all.
  295. >Pops and tingles shot all over her body, as her drum-tight self began to tear at the edges.
  296. >Stretch marks blossomed all across her purple self, and still the table pressed down harder and harder.
  297. >Gooey cheesecake pressed back, just as hard.
  298. >She could still hear the other guests, ears filled with the sounds of her future.
  299. >SPLAT.
  300. >This was perfect.
  301. >POP.
  302. >This was bliss.
  303. >WHUMP.
  304. >This was-
  305. >Twilight Sparkle violently surged an inch in every direction, her last traces of elasticity finally giving out.
  306. >On reaching the end of that small inch she splattered apart, jetting raspberry cheesecake to the left and right from beneath the table.
  307. >The dining table finally made contact with the floor, splattering the rest of the puddle of cheesecake into a wide circle.
  308. >The room was nearly empty now, with most ponies already having erupted into splashes of cake.
  310. >The two remaining Princesses were in no better of condition.
  311. >Both were catastrophically boated, creaking at the seams.
  312. >Considering the triple-sized portion Celestia had eaten, it was a wonder she was as small as she was.
  313. >Nopony could pack away cake like Celestia.
  314. >”Sister… Tis too much… Why— urk! Dost this— aaaah! Happen? Wha…”
  315. >“Hold together Lu-, Luna.”
  316. >Luna’s taught hide let loose a deep groan as the cake inside fought for space.
  317. >“Thine st-student be cursed. Urk.”
  318. >“Twilight couldn’t have mea- oooh, meant this.”
  319. >“’Tis a, argh! Reassuring thought. Ca—ah! Care to a~sk what the puddle under the table… has to say?”
  320. >A deep gurgle shook the Moon Princess, sending her twitching from the pressure.
  321. >“Luna?”
  322. >”I’m, ah, fine sis— ter.”
  323. >The groans only grew in volume.
  324. >“I’m… Okay. I — arh — will hold.”
  325. >The deep stretch marks on her body argued otherwise.
  326. “Luna, no. Not you too.”
  327. >”I swear, Celestia…”
  328. >The marks reddened as they bit even deeper, her whole body ballooned beyond the mortal limit.
  329. >”I.”
  330. >Creak
  331. >”WILL.”
  332. >GROAN.
  333. >“NOT.”
  334. >WHUMP!
  335. >Luna splattered open, coating the floor and her sister in thick brown cake.
  336. >“NO! LUNA!”
  338. >Celestia slid down the back of her cake splattered throne, tears welling in her eyes.
  339. >Unconsciously, she rubbed at her sore and cram-packed belly.
  340. >POP.
  341. >SPLAT.
  342. >WHUMP.
  343. >One by one, Celestia watched the stragglers pop and burst in the banquet hall though her teary vision.
  344. >They were like the lights flicking out bulb by bulb after a theater’s final show.
  345. >WHUMP.
  346. >WHUMP.
  347. >POP.
  348. >Soon enough, she was alone.
  349. >Alone with the sounds of a maelstrom swirling inside her.
  350. >Even Celestia, exemplar of cake-eating, had her limits.
  351. >And she had just met them.
  352. >All across her cake-spattered body, Celestia felt herself pulsing.
  353. >More and more of the dreaded Kirsch-cake kept piling in, every new ounce threatening to rip her apart.
  354. >Celestia’s near spherical body wedged into her throne, and the only thing she could think about now was the intense sensations pulling at her from all sides.
  355. >The stone arms of her chair cracked thunderously as her rock-hard and tight body wedged them apart.
  356. >The release of pressure did nothing to slow her growth.
  357. >If anything, being free of her confines allowed her to grow faster.
  359. >She surged out in every direction, cake grumbling and groaning as it kept piling into her.
  360. >The surge slowed, then stopped.
  361. >Princess Celestia had become a true ball of cake, easily twice her height in diameter.
  362. >But as the growth slowed, her body’s groaning protests gathered speed.
  363. >Soon she stopped growing altogether.
  364. >Celestia’s tightened swell emitted an orchestra of straining, stretching, and creaking noises.
  365. >Her back still pressed against the rest of her throne, and her legs hung limply downward.
  366. >Celestia’s eyes grew unfocused as the sensations of mortal fullness took over.
  367. >Her jaw hung loosely as she simply gave into it.
  368. >All across her elephantine middle, Princess Celestia felt twinges and tickles of tightness dance over her skin as her hide struggled to hold together.
  369. >Soft pink splits emerged on the white mare, slowly deepening and darkening as they cut their way through her tight-pressed form.
  370. >A soft thump sloshed her, as the cake flipped her belly button in a desperate bid for space.
  371. >One last groan ran through her as she stretched to her utmost.
  372. >Another kind of groan hung in her throat.
  373. >With the sound of a meaty slap, Celestia splattered apart spectacularly.
  374. >As huge and as tight as she was when it happened, the gooey splash of cake covered the walls, ceiling, and flooring, out to midway down the great hall.
  375. >The fateful hot air balloons, dirigibles, and blimps hanging in the middle of the hall swung lightly on their wires, the nearest half of each painted with a new layer of blackforest kirsch-cake.
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