
Jake: Enter

Oct 11th, 2015
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  2. [15:11:05] <Jaczac> ok START
  3. [15:11:09] <Jaczac> ===START i mean heh===
  4. [15:11:11] — Anastasia_Locke looks out her window, as per Kazuma's instructions
  5. [15:11:20] <Jaczac> Ana gazes out her window and finds...!
  6. [15:11:22] <Jaczac> nothing
  7. [15:11:26] <Jaczac> Its still black.
  8. [15:11:33] <Anastasia_Locke> "Kaz, what am I looking at here?"
  9. [15:12:22] <Mathmatt878> OP: I dunno, my place is all dark and spooky.
  10. [15:12:47] <Anastasia_Locke> "Okay yeah it's DARK, but there's nothing there!"
  11. [15:13:17] <Mathmatt878> OP: I dunno, ask your sprite to explode a hole in the wall. That's what Lefen did.
  12. [15:13:25] <Mathmatt878> OP: Lefen's so cool.
  13. [15:13:35] <Anastasia_Locke> "Is that the thing I put the book in?"
  14. [15:13:47] <Anastasia_Locke> "Wait, Lefen's with you?"
  15. [15:13:54] <Mathmatt878> OP: Yeah!
  16. [15:14:09] <Mathmatt878> OP: I brought him up to my room to help me with the machines and stuff
  17. [15:14:17] <Mathmatt878> OP: And now he's here with me!
  18. [15:14:21] <Anastasia_Locke> "Oh, cool!"
  19. [15:14:28] <Anastasia_Locke> "He's so nice."
  20. [15:14:32] <Mathmatt878> OP: Then my crystal tackled him, and now he's part crystal.
  21. [15:14:36] <Mathmatt878> OP: It's so cool!
  22. [15:14:42] <Anastasia_Locke> "Wait what."
  23. [15:14:49] <Mathmatt878> OP: He called himself a sprite, and he's supposed to help me with stuff.
  24. [15:15:19] <Anastasia_Locke> "COOL! Like a tutorial?"
  25. [15:15:30] <Mathmatt878> OP: Yes! That's the exact analogy I used!
  26. [15:15:35] <Jaczac> LoveNinjaSprite bobs in agreement.
  27. [15:15:51] <Mathmatt878> OP: You should totally become a sprite! You get to shoot lasers and stuff!
  28. [15:16:01] <Mathmatt878> OP: And be awesome like Lefen!
  29. [15:16:04] — Anastasia_Locke looks at LoveNinjaSprite
  30. [15:16:13] <Anastasia_Locke> "Do I just like... jump in?"
  31. [15:16:22] <Mathmatt878> OP: How cool would it be to have the really OP tutorial guy as a party member?
  32. [15:16:26] <Mathmatt878> OP: I guess so?
  33. [15:16:29] <Jaczac> LoveNinjaSprite starts freaking out.
  34. [15:16:39] <Jaczac> He pulses and becomes spiky, running away from you.
  35. [15:16:56] <Anastasia_Locke> "Aww, I scared him off..."
  36. [15:17:14] <Mathmatt878> OP: Awww...
  37. [15:17:27] <Anastasia_Locke> "C'mere you!"
  38. [15:17:36] <Jaczac> He continues to run away
  39. [15:17:36] — Anastasia_Locke chases LoveNinjaSprite
  40. [15:18:02] <Jaczac> .roll dex
  41. [15:18:11] <Anastasia_Locke> Roll 1d20-1
  42. [15:18:19] <Jaczac> goddamnit
  43. [15:18:23] → `DICE joined (
  44. [15:18:31] <Jaczac> roll 1d20-1
  45. [15:18:32] <`DICE> 1,15Jaczac rolled1,15 1d20-1 12,15[ 1d20=3 ]4,15{2}
  46. [15:18:37] <Anastasia_Locke> Roll 1d20-1
  47. [15:18:37] <`DICE> 1,15Anastasia_Locke rolled1,15 1d20-1 12,15[ 1d20=16 ]4,15{15}
  48. [15:18:38] <Mathmatt878> (Welppppp)
  49. [15:18:58] <Jaczac> oh no
  50. [15:19:01] <Jaczac> that was for you ana.
  51. [15:19:05] <Jaczac> roll 1d20+3
  52. [15:19:05] <`DICE> 1,15Jaczac rolled1,15 1d20+3 12,15[ 1d20=20 ]4,15{23}
  53. [15:19:14] <Mathmatt878> (Welppppppp)
  54. [15:19:21] <Jaczac> LoveNinjaSprite expertly evades you.
  55. [15:19:35] <Anastasia_Locke> "Stupid... ninja... thing!"
  56. [15:19:44] <Mathmatt878> OP: Awwww...
  57. [15:19:58] <Anastasia_Locke> ((Hey, remember how I was asking about restatting?))
  58. [15:20:15] <Jaczac> ohlord
  59. [15:20:18] <Jaczac> ((what?))
  60. [15:20:27] <Anastasia_Locke> Telekinesis: Pull 4
  61. [15:21:13] <Jaczac> You expend a ton of PP and...
  62. [15:21:19] <Jaczac> .roll
  63. [15:21:25] <Jaczac> DC 17
  64. [15:21:28] <Anastasia_Locke> Roll 1d20+5
  65. [15:21:29] <`DICE> 1,15Anastasia_Locke rolled1,15 1d20+5 12,15[ 1d20=14 ]4,15{19}
  66. [15:21:51] <Mathmatt878> (Yes.)
  67. [15:21:54] <Mathmatt878> (Heck yes.)
  68. [15:21:54] <Jaczac> LoveNinjaSprite comes hurtling at you, but still manages to dodge the bulk of your body.
  69. [15:21:57] <Jaczac> IT glances off you.
  70. [15:21:59] <Mathmatt878> (Welp.)
  71. [15:22:00] <Jaczac> Nothing happens.
  72. [15:22:15] <Anastasia_Locke> But now it's close. I grab it.
  73. [15:24:58] <Jaczac> You reach out, but it rockets away, and out your window.
  74. [15:25:00] <Jaczac> Its gone for now.
  75. [15:25:04] <Jaczac> Now look at what you've done.
  76. [15:25:08] <Anastasia_Locke> "OH COME ON!!!"
  77. [15:25:29] <jacobBrandt> ((Can I pester ana))
  78. [15:25:56] <Anastasia_Locke> "I almost had it!"
  79. [15:25:56] <Jaczac> yeah sure
  80. [15:26:11] <Jaczac> ((use ~s to denote talking to brandt ana))
  81. [15:26:16] — jacobBrandt starts to pester Anastasia
  82. [15:26:31] <Mathmatt878> OP: Yeah, you almost got it!
  83. [15:26:39] <jacobBrandt> JB: hey ana.
  84. [15:26:48] <Anastasia_Locke> "Ugh!"
  85. [15:27:03] <Mathmatt878> OP: You can get it!
  86. [15:27:03] <Anastasia_Locke> "Guess I didn't hit it hard enough..."
  87. [15:27:16] <Anastasia_Locke> "It ran away, Kaz. It's gone."
  88. [15:27:48] <jacobBrandt> JB: ana
  89. [15:27:53] <Mathmatt878> OP: Cmon, you got this!
  90. [15:28:00] — Anastasia_Locke walks back to her laptop and groans
  91. [15:28:12] <Anastasia_Locke> BE: How did you get this handle?
  92. [15:28:31] <Anastasia_Locke> "It's Brandt."
  93. [15:28:47] <Mathmatt878> OP: That creepy stalker guy?
  94. [15:28:54] <Anastasia_Locke> "That's the one."
  95. [15:29:13] <jacobBrandt> JB: from the files I was sent. you connected to me first, it is your fault.
  96. [15:29:20] <Mathmatt878> OP: Oh yeah, you connected to him, didn't you?
  97. [15:29:32] <Mathmatt878> OP: Why?
  98. [15:29:46] <Anastasia_Locke> BE: Those files didn't come with a name.
  99. [15:30:30] <jacobBrandt> JB: however, it came with all the names of who received them
  100. [15:30:31] <Anastasia_Locke> "Better than letting someone who doesn't know him get surprised."
  101. [15:30:45] <Mathmatt878> OP: That's true, I guess.
  102. [15:30:47] <jacobBrandt> JB: are you in the game yet
  103. [15:31:01] <Anastasia_Locke> BE: That doesn't answer my question.
  104. [15:31:51] <jacobBrandt> JB: it does, you can find every name in the chain from the server files.
  105. [15:32:01] <Anastasia_Locke> "Don't even want to know how he knew it was my handle, though."
  106. [15:32:15] <Mathmatt878> OP: Told you, creepy stalker guy.
  107. [15:32:27] <Anastasia_Locke> BE: And yet you knew it was me.
  108. [15:32:32] <jacobBrandt> JB: I, for example, am connected to gamblingEnergetic
  109. [15:32:36] <Anastasia_Locke> BE: Not BE, Ana.
  110. [15:32:59] <Anastasia_Locke> BE: You said Ana.
  111. [15:33:14] <jacobBrandt> JB: Oh that, callum told me that you were part of everything.
  112. [15:34:22] <Anastasia_Locke> "Cal told him, apparently."
  113. [15:34:37] <Mathmatt878> OP: Yeah, I'm reading the conversation too.
  114. [15:34:42] <Mathmatt878> OP: Not to be creepy, or anything.
  115. [15:34:50] <jacobBrandt> JB: anyway, Sburb.exe is finished downloading, that is what it is called.
  116. [15:35:01] <Anastasia_Locke> "Oh, cool. Wasn't sure if your screen was able to read off mine."
  117. [15:35:18] <Anastasia_Locke> "Zooming in a bunch, I guess?"
  118. [15:35:21] <jacobBrandt> JB: I am counting on you to be a good server.
  119. [15:35:24] <Mathmatt878> OP: Yep.
  120. [15:35:48] <Anastasia_Locke> BE: This coming from a murderer.
  121. [15:35:51] <jacobBrandt> JB: unless you want the world to END.
  122. [15:36:17] — Anastasia_Locke rolls her eyes
  123. [15:36:29] <Mathmatt878> OP: Hehe, I saw that.
  124. [15:36:34] <Anastasia_Locke> BE: *rolls eyes*
  125. [15:37:17] <jacobBrandt> JB: Funny, isn't it. If it wasn't for callum I would have broken the chain to begin with, so thank him, sweetcheeks.
  126. [15:37:40] <Mathmatt878> OP: Is he hitting on you?
  127. [15:37:43] <Mathmatt878> OP: GROSS!
  128. [15:37:49] — Anastasia_Locke shudders
  129. [15:38:06] <Anastasia_Locke> BE: What do you want, Brandt?
  130. [15:38:20] <jacobBrandt> JB: Facilitate my entry.
  131. [15:38:38] <Anastasia_Locke> "Oh shoot."
  132. [15:38:44] <Anastasia_Locke> "I just realized."
  133. [15:38:46] <jacobBrandt> JB: and if I am in a good mood we can have a truce.
  134. [15:39:00] <Anastasia_Locke> "Some poor person has him as a server."
  135. [15:39:10] <Mathmatt878> OP: :O
  136. [15:39:17] <Anastasia_Locke> BE: Why on Earth would I want that?
  137. [15:40:06] <jacobBrandt> JB: it isn't exclusively for us, it is for the good of everyone, callum said we needed to work as a team.
  138. [15:40:20] <Jaczac> ((poor thalix))
  139. [15:40:32] <Mathmatt878> (F)
  140. [15:40:35] <jacobBrandt> JB: i trust callum, and he trusts me.
  141. [15:40:40] <Jaczac> ((his house is wrecked))
  142. [15:40:57] <Mathmatt878> OP: What does he mean the good of everyone? I'm already in level 2
  143. [15:41:04] <Anastasia_Locke> BE: Well, I DON'T trust you.
  144. [15:41:09] <Mathmatt878> OP: So are you, I think.
  145. [15:41:20] <jacobBrandt> JB: good
  146. [15:41:33] <jacobBrandt> JB: s w e e t c h e e k s
  147. [15:42:05] <Anastasia_Locke> BE: Yeah, sweet as pepper.
  148. [15:42:42] <jacobBrandt> JB: *licks his lips*
  149. [15:43:08] <Anastasia_Locke> "This isn't going anywhere. What's next?"
  150. [15:43:20] <Jaczac> Ana suddenly remembers that as his server, she can fully manipulate his enviroment.
  151. [15:45:02] <Anastasia_Locke> "Kaz?"
  152. [15:45:08] <Mathmatt878> (Sorry was afk)
  153. [15:45:20] <Mathmatt878> OP: Um, I dunno.
  154. [15:45:29] <Mathmatt878> OP: I was pretty bored until Lefen blew up my wall so I could get out.
  155. [15:46:02] <Mathmatt878> OP: Maybe you could try to go explore?
  156. [15:46:35] <Anastasia_Locke> "Yeah, alright. See where I am."
  157. [15:46:43] — Anastasia_Locke goes out into the hallway
  158. [15:47:52] <Jaczac> You go into the hallway.
  159. [15:48:16] <Jaczac> Well, whats left of it at least.
  160. [15:48:23] <Jaczac> Above you is black void.
  161. [15:48:35] <Jaczac> You can see the very bottom of the people's rooms a floor above you.
  162. [15:48:36] — Anastasia_Locke stares
  163. [15:48:54] <Jaczac> It stares back.,
  164. [15:48:55] <Jaczac> the hallway abruptly cuts off into void about half
  165. [15:49:03] <Jaczac> way across the floor.
  166. [15:49:22] <Jaczac> The walkway itself only extends about to the end of your room.
  167. [15:50:32] <Mathmatt878> OP: Yeah, hallway didn't work for me either.
  168. [15:50:34] <Anastasia_Locke> Elevators still there?
  169. [15:51:51] → Letaali joined (
  170. [15:53:02] <Anastasia_Locke> "K-Kaz... where are we?"
  171. [15:53:13] <Anastasia_Locke> "The stars are gone. This is..."
  172. [15:53:44] <Jaczac> No
  173. [15:53:48] <Anastasia_Locke> "This is somewhere else."
  174. [15:53:51] <Jaczac> The elevator shaft and doors are though.
  175. [15:54:07] <Anastasia_Locke> "This is somewhere really REALLY else."
  176. [15:55:17] <Mathmatt878> OP: Yep!
  177. [15:55:20] <Mathmatt878> OP: Level 2!
  178. [15:57:15] <Anastasia_Locke> "You mean like... another dimension?"
  179. [15:57:27] <Anastasia_Locke> "I feel ridiculous for saying it, but..."
  180. [15:58:06] <Mathmatt878> OP: Probably!
  181. [15:58:34] <Anastasia_Locke> "And so the rest of the world?"
  182. [15:58:34] <Mathmatt878> OP: I mean, the developers can't have us die in the tutorial, that's bad game design.
  183. [15:58:40] <Mathmatt878> OP: Who knows?
  184. [15:58:56] <Mathmatt878> OP: Our quest is probably to like, get stronger and eventually go back there!
  185. [15:59:04] — Anastasia_Locke gasps
  186. [15:59:17] <Anastasia_Locke> "So like,"
  187. [15:59:35] <Anastasia_Locke> "We're supposed to win the game and-"
  188. [15:59:43] — Anastasia_Locke laughs aloud
  189. [15:59:54] <Anastasia_Locke> "Oh man, I am NOT missing this!"
  190. [16:00:10] <Mathmatt878> OP: Yeah! That's the spirit!
  191. [16:00:40] <Anastasia_Locke> "This is so friggin' cool!"
  192. [16:01:06] <Mathmatt878> OP: Yeah!
  193. [16:01:18] <Anastasia_Locke> "No, wait!"
  194. [16:01:44] <Anastasia_Locke> "What if we're supposed to bring the others here after us?"
  195. [16:01:49] <Anastasia_Locke> "Like-"
  196. [16:02:02] <Anastasia_Locke> "Explorers for a new dimension!"
  197. [16:02:19] <Mathmatt878> OP: Maybe we did already!
  198. [16:02:22] <Mathmatt878> OP: Like Lefen!
  199. [16:02:46] <Anastasia_Locke> "You're right! He's an explorer too!"
  200. [16:02:52] <Mathmatt878> OP: Yeah!
  201. [16:02:56] <Mathmatt878> OP: This is awesome!
  202. [16:03:00] <Anastasia_Locke> "And... wait a minute."
  203. [16:03:10] <Anastasia_Locke> "I got just my floor, it looks like."
  204. [16:03:28] <Mathmatt878> OP: Yeah, same.
  205. [16:03:35] — Anastasia_Locke tries to open one of the other doors in the hallway
  206. [16:06:14] <Anastasia_Locke> (( jaczac ))
  207. [16:06:28] <Jaczac> It opens to void.
  208. [16:06:33] <Jaczac> Literally theres nothing.
  209. [16:06:40] <Jaczac> It looks like the wall was cleaved off.
  210. [16:06:46] <Jaczac> You can see insulation.
  211. [16:06:59] <Jaczac> And wiring and such
  212. [16:07:04] <Anastasia_Locke> "Oh..."
  213. [16:07:14] <Anastasia_Locke> "So it's just my ROOM!"
  214. [16:07:28] <Mathmatt878> OP: Really?
  215. [16:07:34] <Mathmatt878> OP: Mine still has a bit of the stairscases.
  216. [16:07:42] — Anastasia_Locke runs inside and tries to open the door to her bedroom
  217. [16:11:21] <Jaczac> It opens and you see your room.
  218. [16:11:38] <Anastasia_Locke> "Okay, whole apartment then!"
  219. [16:11:54] <Anastasia_Locke> "That's SO COOL!"
  220. [16:12:08] — Anastasia_Locke is practically bouncing with excitement at this point
  221. [16:12:22] <Anastasia_Locke> "So our homes are the ships."
  222. [16:12:41] <Anastasia_Locke> "Have to use what we have on hand!"
  223. [16:13:05] <Anastasia_Locke> "Oh MAN this is cool!"
  224. [16:13:37] <Mathmatt878> OP: ^
  225. [16:14:15] — Anastasia_Locke bounds back to the hallway door and sticks her head out
  226. [16:14:26] <Anastasia_Locke> "HELLO!!!!!"
  227. [16:14:41] <Anastasia_Locke> "ANYBODY OUT HERE!!!!!"
  228. [16:15:34] <Jaczac> Nothing.
  229. [16:15:37] <Jaczac> Not even an echo.
  230. [16:15:48] <Tibalt> < No floating Horrorterrors? Shame >
  231. [16:16:01] <Anastasia_Locke> :O :O :O :O :O
  232. [16:16:30] <Anastasia_Locke> "But I can still breath..."
  233. [16:16:52] <Anastasia_Locke> "Kaz this is so awesome!"
  234. [16:17:32] <Anastasia_Locke> :O
  235. [16:17:41] <Mathmatt878> OP: I KNOW, RIGHT?
  236. [16:17:44] <Anastasia_Locke> "But you're somewhere with spiders?"
  237. [16:17:51] <Jaczac> ((strat))
  238. [16:17:58] <Anastasia_Locke> ((Eeyup?))
  239. [16:17:59] <Jaczac> ((work a way of entering brandt into this IRC))
  240. [16:18:08] <Mathmatt878> OP: Spiderwebs, I haven't seen any spiders yet.
  241. [16:18:34] <Anastasia_Locke> ((Ana is currently ignoring his last message))
  242. [16:19:03] <Anastasia_Locke> ((And squeeing about stuff that we could have covered already))
  243. [16:19:30] — jacobBrandt has started to pester Anastasia
  244. [16:20:14] <jacobBrandt> JB: What are you waiting for.
  245. [16:20:35] <Anastasia_Locke> "Ugh, not again."
  246. [16:20:44] <Anastasia_Locke> BE: What now?
  247. [16:21:11] <jacobBrandt> JB: Open your server file.
  248. [16:21:25] <Anastasia_Locke> BE: Why should I?
  249. [16:21:54] <jacobBrandt> JB: Oh, you want to do this the hard way, huh? Fine.
  250. [16:22:06] <jacobBrandt> JB: Do it or I kill Kirk.
  251. [16:22:17] <Jaczac> ((ooooh))
  252. [16:22:19] ⇐ Vossum_Zulmoh quit ( Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client
  253. [16:22:21] — Anastasia_Locke rolls her eyes some more
  254. [16:22:42] <jacobBrandt> JB: And then I kill my client, who I have already helped enter the game.
  255. [16:22:55] <jacobBrandt> JB: I will smash him with the alchemiter.
  256. [16:23:07] <Mathmatt878> OP: What would that accomplish?
  257. [16:23:12] <Mathmatt878> OP: I'm so confused.
  258. [16:23:20] <Anastasia_Locke> BE: They're already dead, if you've "helped" them already
  259. [16:23:36] <Anastasia_Locke> "It's a threat, it doesn't need to benefit him."
  260. [16:23:56] <Mathmatt878> OP: True.
  261. [16:24:12] <jacobBrandt> JB: No, I see Thalix clearly on my screen.
  262. [16:24:27] <Anastasia_Locke> BE: I don't believe you.
  263. [16:26:17] → gamblingEnergetic joined (
  264. [16:27:19] — gamblingEnergetic pesters Anastasia
  265. [16:28:31] <gamblingEnergetic> He
  266. [16:28:43] <gamblingEnergetic> hell0 an4stat1a
  267. [16:29:01] <Anastasia_Locke> BE: How do you people keep on getting my name!?
  268. [16:29:54] <gamblingEnergetic> well we talk3d a whil3 ag0 so0I
  269. [16:30:12] <Anastasia_Locke> BE: That was like half a year ago!
  270. [16:30:27] <gamblingEnergetic> well the nam3 was still ther3
  271. [16:30:38] <Anastasia_Locke> BE: Not what I meant!
  272. [16:30:58] <gamblingEnergetic> well I'm sorry then!
  273. [16:31:06] <Anastasia_Locke> BE: Is "Ana" just attached to my handle or something!?
  274. [16:31:26] <jacobBrandt> JB: Yes, Ana is attached to it.
  275. [16:31:34] <gamblingEnergetic> you als0 told me
  276. [16:31:46] <jacobBrandt> JB: I can see what GE is saying, as I am his server
  277. [16:31:49] <Anastasia_Locke> BE: Half a year ago!
  278. [16:32:01] <gamblingEnergetic> I didn't just forg3:-!
  279. [16:32:10] <gamblingEnergetic> forg3t**
  280. [16:32:36] <Anastasia_Locke> BE: Fine. What do you want, GE?
  281. [16:32:54] <gamblingEnergetic> ((what do I want??))
  282. [16:32:58] <Anastasia_Locke> BE: I suppose to tell me he'll kill you?
  283. [16:33:11] <gamblingEnergetic> he will?
  284. [16:33:56] <Anastasia_Locke> BE: You're a hostage now. Fun stuff.
  285. [16:34:27] <gamblingEnergetic> I uh... well ok then
  286. [16:34:52] <Anastasia_Locke> BE: Unless Brandt isn't your server after all?
  287. [16:35:06] <gamblingEnergetic> he is
  288. [16:35:15] <Anastasia_Locke> BE: Nuts.
  289. [16:35:29] <gamblingEnergetic> I se3
  290. [16:35:41] — Anastasia_Locke runs the server program
  291. [16:36:04] — jacobBrandt pesters BE
  292. [16:36:10] — jacobBrandt pesters GE
  293. [16:36:11] — gamblingEnergetic pesters Ana without Jacob seeing
  294. [16:36:20] <jacobBrandt> ((Sorry.))
  295. [16:36:26] <jacobBrandt> ((Wrong letter))
  296. [16:36:36] <gamblingEnergetic> if that's tru3 you should help me out
  297. [16:36:50] — gamblingEnergetic responds to Jacob
  298. [16:37:00] <gamblingEnergetic> hey what's up
  299. [16:37:01] <Mathmatt878> (guys, strat and i kinda have to go)
  300. [16:37:05] <Jaczac> ((rip))
  301. [16:37:06] <Mathmatt878> (if youre doing a private convo)
  302. [16:37:11] <jacobBrandt> JB: Don't worry, I am not going to kill you.
  303. [16:37:12] <Mathmatt878> (can you just like, do that while we're gone?)
  304. [16:37:23] <Anastasia_Locke> ((And so it ends))
  305. [16:37:24] <gamblingEnergetic> ((it was just that one line))
  306. [16:37:30] — jacobBrandt stops pestering GE
  307. [16:37:31] <Mathmatt878> (oh)
  308. [16:37:40] <Mathmatt878> (either way, we still gtg)
  309. [16:37:48] <Jaczac> ((oi))
  310. [16:38:27] <gamblingEnergetic> ((what now))
  311. [16:39:12] — jacobBrandt pesters Ana
  312. [16:39:36] <gamblingEnergetic> (( is Jacob entering or ))
  313. [16:39:38] <jacobBrandt> JB: Once you get the server program on just lay down all of the machines. I will do the rest
  314. [16:39:45] → Mauiki joined (
  315. [16:42:04] <gamblingEnergetic> ((it's been half a year since that chat? man Thalix has done a while load of nothing))
  316. [16:48:26] <Letaali> ((just assume Ana dropped the devices and continue?))
  317. [16:48:48] <gamblingEnergetic> ((probably for the best))
  318. [16:51:09] ⇐ Mathmatt878 quit ( Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client
  319. [16:52:34] — jacobBrandt starts tugging on the cap of the cruxtruder
  320. [16:56:43] <jacobBrandt> roll 1d20+3
  321. [16:56:43] <`DICE> 1,15jacobBrandt rolled1,15 1d20+3 12,15[ 1d20=1 ]4,15{4}
  322. [17:00:06] <Letaali> (critfail, nice one :D )
  323. [17:09:09] <jacobBrandt> (( Jaczac ))
  324. [17:10:45] — Anastasia_Locke stares at Jacob on her screen
  325. [17:11:03] <Anastasia_Locke> BE: Now prove it.
  326. [17:11:35] <jacobBrandt> JB: Prove what?
  327. [17:11:43] ⇐ Jaczac_ quit ( Quit: Connection closed for inactivity
  328. [17:12:04] — jacobBrandt turns the wheel on the cruxtruder.
  329. [17:12:12] <jacobBrandt> roll 1d20+3
  330. [17:12:12] <`DICE> 1,15jacobBrandt rolled1,15 1d20+3 12,15[ 1d20=5 ]4,15{8}
  331. [17:12:15] <Anastasia_Locke> ((Did not deploy))
  332. [17:12:27] <jacobBrandt> ((I thought you did.))
  333. [17:12:36] <Anastasia_Locke> ((Nope))
  334. [17:12:46] <gamblingEnergetic> ((we assumed you did ))
  335. [17:13:02] — Anastasia_Locke undeploys the machines
  336. [17:13:06] → Mathmatt878 joined (
  337. [17:13:57] <jacobBrandt> JB: Deploy the machines, please.
  338. [17:14:03] <Anastasia_Locke> BE: Prove you're serving him, and prove he's alive.
  339. [17:14:42] — jacobBrandt turns on the server program and points to the screen
  340. [17:14:55] — jacobBrandt shows that Thalix is alive.
  341. [17:15:06] <gamblingEnergetic> ((big doofy grinned Thalix appears))
  342. [17:16:00] <Anastasia_Locke> BE: Alright then.
  343. [17:16:42] <Anastasia_Locke> BE: Anything happens to him, you know what I'll do.
  344. [17:17:10] <jacobBrandt> JB: Deploy the machines.
  345. [17:17:29] — Anastasia_Locke examines the room Jake is playing from
  346. [17:17:49] — jacobBrandt is in a computer lab.
  347. [17:18:05] — Anastasia_Locke zooms out
  348. [17:18:36] — jacobBrandt is in the school
  349. [17:18:52] <Anastasia_Locke> "Kaz, he's in the school."
  350. [17:19:02] <Anastasia_Locke> "Thoughts?"
  351. [17:19:15] <Mathmatt878> OP: I have no idea.
  352. [17:19:51] <Letaali> ((It's only half of the school now, right?))
  353. [17:20:07] <Jaczac> ((yes))
  354. [17:20:14] <Jaczac> ((split down the middle inbetween the labs
  355. [17:20:35] <Anastasia_Locke> "Er... half the school."
  356. [17:20:42] <Mathmatt878> OP: Oh.
  357. [17:20:46] <Mathmatt878> OP: What happened to the other half?
  358. [17:20:48] <Anastasia_Locke> "Someone else must have used it."
  359. [17:20:55] <Mathmatt878> OP: Huh.
  360. [17:21:01] — jacobBrandt has on loop on all of the other computers.
  361. [17:21:28] <Anastasia_Locke> "Well what the heck."
  362. [17:21:31] <Jaczac> ((brandt what the actuall fuck))
  363. [17:21:50] <Mathmatt878> OP: What? I can't see!
  364. [17:22:00] <Mathmatt878> OP: Can you like, zoom in on him, and I'll zoom in on your computer?
  365. [17:22:07] <gamblingEnergetic> ((what the hell XD))
  366. [17:22:08] — Anastasia_Locke does so
  367. [17:22:24] <Mathmatt878> OP: Well what the heck?
  368. [17:22:46] — jacobBrandt has them on loop, so it keeps repeating.
  369. [17:24:17] <jacobBrandt> JB: Are you going to deploy the machines yet?
  370. [17:25:08] ⇐ Mauiki quit ( Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client
  371. [17:25:10] — Anastasia_Locke uses the cursor to change the computers so they play instead
  372. [17:25:54] — Anastasia_Locke deploys the machines, Cruxtruder and Alchemiter on one end and Lathe on the other
  373. [17:26:28] <Anastasia_Locke> "Much better."
  374. [17:27:12] — jacobBrandt goes up to the cruxtruder and tries to pry the lid off.
  375. [17:28:02] <jacobBrandt> roll 1d20+3
  376. [17:28:02] <`DICE> 1,15jacobBrandt rolled1,15 1d20+3 12,15[ 1d20=6 ]4,15{9}
  377. [17:28:15] — Anastasia_Locke drops a computer on it
  378. [17:29:30] <jacobBrandt> roll 1d20 for it to my computer
  379. [17:29:30] <`DICE> 1,15jacobBrandt rolled1,15 1d20 1,15for it to my computer 12,15[ 1d20=15 ]4,15{15}
  380. [17:29:48] <Anastasia_Locke> Wot
  381. [17:30:03] <Anastasia_Locke> ((I think you accidentally skipped a))
  382. [17:30:36] <jacobBrandt> ((for it to be my computer))
  383. [17:30:42] <Anastasia_Locke> No.
  384. [17:30:52] <Anastasia_Locke> Different one.
  385. [17:30:53] <Mathmatt878> (you cant really roll for that)
  386. [17:31:03] <Mathmatt878> (its his choice what computer he uses)
  387. [17:31:21] <jacobBrandt> ((ik it was a joke roll))
  388. [17:31:33] <jacobBrandt> (( JAczac, does the computer open it?))
  389. [17:31:43] <jacobBrandt> (( JAczac , does the computer open it?))
  390. [17:34:00] <Anastasia_Locke> (( jaczac ))
  391. [17:38:13] <Jaczac> shit sorry
  392. [17:38:31] <Jaczac> No it doesnt open it, its pressing down.
  393. [17:39:12] — jacobBrandt slams the computer into the cruxtruder
  394. [17:39:20] <Jaczac> It shatters, unsuprisingly.
  395. [17:39:25] <Jaczac> Why would you press down?
  396. [17:39:28] <Jaczac> It opens upward.
  397. [17:39:54] — jacobBrandt tries to pry it open
  398. [17:39:59] <jacobBrandt> roll 1d20+3
  399. [17:40:00] <`DICE> 1,15jacobBrandt rolled1,15 1d20+3 12,15[ 1d20=4 ]4,15{7}
  400. [17:40:15] <Jaczac> You budge it a bit, but it still doesnt come free.
  401. [17:40:17] <Jaczac> It is looser though.
  402. [17:40:18] <Mathmatt878> OP: This is hilarious.
  403. [17:40:21] <Jaczac> Probably one morepull.
  404. [17:40:51] — jacobBrandt pulls it harder then he did his calves when he jumped out of the hospital
  405. [17:41:14] <Jaczac> It rips open, explosively sending its contents flying.
  406. [17:41:17] <Jaczac> roll 1d20
  407. [17:41:17] <`DICE> 1,15Jaczac rolled1,15 1d20 12,15[ 1d20=4 ]4,15{4}
  408. [17:41:29] — Anastasia_Locke , while he's distracted, quietly moves his computer out into an empty classroom
  409. [17:41:44] <Jaczac> the cruxite flys up and thunks back onto the ground while the Kernel starts running around and going.
  410. [17:41:47] <Jaczac> crazy
  411. [17:42:02] — jacobBrandt notices the corpse he still has on the ground
  412. [17:42:41] — jacobBrandt yells at the kernel "Fetch This, You Fucker!"
  413. [17:42:49] <Jaczac> It doesnt.
  414. [17:42:51] — jacobBrandt throws tricky's corpse at it.
  415. [17:42:53] ← Jaczac left (~Jaczac@2601:647:4c01:e8b9:6576:824a:2301:b12d)
  416. [17:42:59] → Jaczac joined (~Jaczac@2601:647:4c01:e8b9:6576:824a:2301:b12d)
  417. [17:42:59] * ChanServ set +o Jaczac
  418. [17:43:01] <Jaczac> shit wrong tab
  419. [17:43:02] — jacobBrandt throws tricky's corpse at it.
  420. [17:43:08] <Jaczac> .roll dex
  421. [17:43:21] <jacobBrandt> roll 1d20+2
  422. [17:43:21] <`DICE> 1,15jacobBrandt rolled1,15 1d20+2 12,15[ 1d20=7 ]4,15{9}
  423. [17:43:45] — Anastasia_Locke moves Tricky across the room
  424. [17:43:51] <Jaczac> You barely miss, and the corpse lands on the computers behind the kernel.
  425. [17:43:57] <Jaczac> It is then whisked away.
  426. [17:43:58] <Anastasia_Locke> BE: WHY DO YOU HAVE ANOTHER CORPSE!?!?!?
  427. [17:44:05] — jacobBrandt follows the corpse
  428. [17:44:13] — Anastasia_Locke lifts it into the air
  429. [17:44:19] <jacobBrandt> JB: I am reviving it
  430. [17:44:28] — jacobBrandt jumps at Ana
  431. [17:44:35] <Anastasia_Locke> BE: STOP KILLING PEOPLE!!!
  432. [17:44:41] <Mathmatt878> (I assume you mean Tricky?)
  433. [17:44:42] <Jaczac> .roll dex to catch the corpse
  434. [17:44:52] <jacobBrandt> roll 1d20+2
  435. [17:44:52] <`DICE> 1,15jacobBrandt rolled1,15 1d20+2 12,15[ 1d20=12 ]4,15{14}
  436. [17:45:05] <Jaczac> you sucessfully jump up and grab the corpse,
  437. [17:45:16] <Jaczac> Now that you are interacting with it, it plummets to the ground.
  438. [17:45:17] <Jaczac> Ouch.
  439. [17:45:28] <Jaczac> The kernel looks on with... is it disdain? Yes, it must be,
  440. [17:45:33] <Jaczac> The orb pulses angrily.
  441. [17:45:45] <Jaczac> "What the fuck are you idiots doing" it seems to blink
  442. [17:45:58] — jacobBrandt doesn't care, he shoves Tricky in it anyway.
  443. [17:46:05] <Jaczac> .roll dex.
  444. [17:46:20] <jacobBrandt> roll 1d20+2
  445. [17:46:20] <`DICE> 1,15jacobBrandt rolled1,15 1d20+2 12,15[ 1d20=16 ]4,15{18}
  446. [17:46:35] <Jaczac> You lob his corpse and it hits the kernel smack dab, producing
  447. [17:46:39] <Jaczac> TRICKYSPRITE!
  448. [17:46:42] <Jaczac> the return of tricky.
  449. [17:46:48] <Mathmatt878> (Welp, we're dead)
  450. [17:46:51] <Jaczac> You also notice a timer.
  451. [17:46:53] <Mathmatt878> (Way to go, lerner)
  452. [17:46:59] <Jaczac> Its at 2:45
  453. [17:47:24] <jacobBrandt> (( plays in the backround ))
  454. [17:47:49] <jacobBrandt> JB: GIVE ME THE CARD!
  455. [17:48:04] <Anastasia_Locke> BE: WHY
  456. [17:48:10] <Anastasia_Locke> Be: DO
  457. [17:48:16] <Anastasia_Locke> BE: YOU
  458. [17:48:24] <Anastasia_Locke> BE: HAVE
  459. [17:48:25] <jacobBrandt> JB: WE ARE GONNA EXPLODE SOON!
  460. [17:48:30] <Anastasia_Locke> BE: A
  461. [17:48:39] <Anastasia_Locke> BE: BODY
  462. [17:48:48] <jacobBrandt> Tricky! Can you give me the dowel?
  463. [17:48:58] <jacobBrandt> JB: Long story, ana.
  464. [17:49:10] <Anastasia_Locke> BE: I've got time.
  465. [17:49:11] <Jaczac> ((i have no idea how the fuck to RP tricky.))
  466. [17:49:22] <Mathmatt878> (You dont have to yet)
  467. [17:49:30] <Mathmatt878> (hes still just the kernal)
  468. [17:49:35] <Mathmatt878> (until he enters)
  469. [17:49:51] <Mathmatt878> (But basically, you kill everything, and can't stand to be alone)
  470. [17:50:11] <Jaczac> TRICKYSPRITE: "Ch54epQCKiftU3QBOIoR"
  471. [17:50:21] <Jaczac> He doesn't get you the dowel.
  472. [17:50:23] <Jaczac> 2:30
  473. [17:50:51] — jacobBrandt gets the dowel and puts it in the totem lathe, then puts the card in.
  474. [17:50:59] <Anastasia_Locke> ((No card))
  475. [17:51:14] <jacobBrandt> JB: GIVE ME THE CARD!
  476. [17:51:17] <Anastasia_Locke> BE: Answer me.
  477. [17:51:55] <Jaczac> 2:15
  478. [17:51:56] <jacobBrandt> JB: I was waiting to return it to Tojo to bury it in the forest.
  479. [17:52:25] <Anastasia_Locke> BE: Yeah, sure.
  480. [17:52:35] <Anastasia_Locke> BE: Who did you kill this time?
  481. [17:52:36] — jacobBrandt tries to appearify the card out of sheer will
  482. [17:52:38] <Mathmatt878> OP: Then why is he getting rid of it?
  483. [17:52:55] <jacobBrandt> JB: That is Tricky Harmen
  484. [17:52:55] <Mathmatt878> OP: This guy's story doesnt make sense.
  485. [17:53:09] <Anastasia_Locke> BE: And why are you getting rid of him?
  486. [17:53:29] <jacobBrandt> JB: He is right there. I revived him.
  487. [17:53:46] <jacobBrandt> roll d100 to summon the pre-punched card
  488. [17:53:46] <`DICE> 1,15jacobBrandt rolled1,15 d100 1,15to summon the pre-punched card 12,15[ 1d100=75 ]4,15{75}
  489. [17:54:18] <Jaczac> ((stfu brandt))
  490. [17:54:32] <Jaczac> ((convince her to give it to you or you dont get it)
  491. [17:54:36] <Jaczac> ((lol))
  492. [17:54:36] <Anastasia_Locke> BE: Why did you kill him?
  493. [17:54:39] <Jaczac> 2:00
  494. [17:55:27] <jacobBrandt> roll 1d20-1 to persuade Ana that I am telling the truth.
  495. [17:55:27] <`DICE> 1,15jacobBrandt rolled1,15 1d20-1 1,15to persuade Ana that I am telling the truth. 12,15[ 1d20=7 ]4,15{6}
  496. [17:55:41] <Jaczac> .roll insidght ana
  497. [17:56:24] <Anastasia_Locke> Roll 1d20
  498. [17:56:24] <`DICE> 1,15Anastasia_Locke rolled1,15 1d20 12,15[ 1d20=14 ]4,15{14}
  499. [17:56:29] <Mathmatt878> (Can i roll insight too if im watching?)
  500. [17:56:33] <Jaczac> no
  501. [17:56:36] <Mathmatt878> (aw)
  502. [17:57:06] <Jaczac> i mean if you want
  503. [17:57:10] <Jaczac> go ahead idgaf
  504. [17:58:54] <Mathmatt878> (nah)
  505. [17:59:13] → psionicPskateboard joined (Mibbit@
  506. [17:59:15] — jacobBrandt contacts Kirk
  507. [17:59:33] <Jaczac> ((did you guys organize that w/o tellin me guys))
  508. [17:59:36] <Jaczac> ((for shame))
  509. [17:59:42] <psionicPskateboard> (( im as in the dark as you are))
  510. [17:59:48] <Mathmatt878> (no, hes grasping at straws)
  511. [17:59:55] <Mathmatt878> (he doesnt PLAN)
  512. [17:59:57] <psionicPskateboard> ((jake just told me ti cime))
  513. [17:59:59] <Mathmatt878> (that would be silly)
  514. [18:00:07] <Jaczac> ((close enough))
  515. [18:00:27] <jacobBrandt> JB: Hey Kirk, tell Ana to cut it out and give me the punched card, I revived Tricky.
  516. [18:00:51] <psionicPskateboard> PP: What?
  517. [18:01:03] <jacobBrandt> JB: Tricky is alive.
  518. [18:01:05] <Jaczac> 1:30
  519. [18:01:11] <psionicPskateboard> PP: Who is Tricky?
  520. [18:01:22] <jacobBrandt> JB: Tojo's brother
  521. [18:01:34] <psionicPskateboard> PP: I thought he was dead.
  522. [18:01:43] <jacobBrandt> JB: Not anymore!
  523. [18:02:13] <jacobBrandt> JB: Talk to ana and tell her that she has one minute to get me the card or we all die.
  524. [18:02:23] <psionicPskateboard> PP: Whatever you say.
  525. [18:03:04] — psionicPskateboard has started espering Anastasia_Locke
  526. [18:03:16] <psionicPskateboard> PP: Hey Ana.
  527. [18:03:28] <Anastasia_Locke> BE: I saw him message you.
  528. [18:03:34] <psionicPskateboard> PP: Jacob says you should give him the pre-punched card.
  529. [18:03:42] <Anastasia_Locke> BE: He killed someone again.
  530. [18:03:56] <psionicPskateboard> PP: Oh.
  531. [18:04:00] <Anastasia_Locke> BE: Did you know about that part?
  532. [18:04:08] <psionicPskateboard> PP: No.
  533. [18:04:25] <gamblingEnergetic> (( Jacob is fucked currently))
  534. [18:04:35] <Jaczac> 0:45
  535. [18:04:42] → trickyHarmer joined (
  536. [18:04:44] <Jaczac> get busy movin or get busy dyin
  537. [18:04:46] <Jaczac> ffs
  538. [18:04:50] <Jaczac> its a party in here
  539. [18:05:01] <Mathmatt878> (hi brendan)
  540. [18:05:08] — trickyHarmer starts pestering Ana.
  541. [18:05:08] <Letaali> (oh lord)
  542. [18:05:13] <trickyHarmer> ((Hi. ))
  543. [18:05:18] <Mathmatt878> (brendan, dont do whatever lerner tells you)
  544. [18:05:25] <Mathmatt878> (just dont listen to him)
  545. [18:05:27] <Jaczac> ((fuck me))
  546. [18:06:04] <trickyHarmer> Just give him the card. He did nothing.
  547. [18:06:10] <Letaali> (wait, is that brendan or lerner?)
  548. [18:06:15] <Jaczac> 8/15 of the S8 people are here
  549. [18:06:17] <Letaali> (I think that's lerner)
  550. [18:06:19] <Jaczac> and serk is close
  551. [18:06:19] <Anastasia_Locke> BE: Who on Earth are you?
  552. [18:07:03] <trickyHarmer> None of your business, that corpse is my brother, I saw him die, Jacob didn't kill him.
  553. [18:07:05] <Mathmatt878> (OMG)
  554. [18:07:12] <Mathmatt878> (LERNER IS PRETENDING TO BE BRENDAN)
  555. [18:07:18] <Mathmatt878> (THEY HAVE THE SAME IP)
  556. [18:07:26] <Mathmatt878> (LERNER, THAT IS SAD)
  557. [18:07:26] <trickyHarmer> ((Duh.))
  558. [18:07:32] <Jaczac> ((get aboard the ruse cruise matt))
  559. [18:07:35] <Jaczac> ((hes doing a ruse))
  560. [18:07:39] <Jaczac> ((lets see if itll work))
  561. [18:07:41] <trickyHarmer> ((I am grasping at straws.))
  562. [18:07:42] <Jaczac> ((now shush))
  563. [18:07:49] <Jaczac> 0:30
  564. [18:07:49] <Anastasia_Locke> BE: Brandt, I can see you using that other computer.
  565. [18:08:40] <trickyHarmer> ((I am actually being the real brendan,))
  566. [18:09:26] <jacobBrandt> JB: What?
  567. [18:09:29] <Jaczac> ((ill allow it))
  568. [18:09:33] <Jaczac> ((for now))
  569. [18:09:49] <Anastasia_Locke> *to Kirk* BE: What happens when the timer runs out?
  570. [18:10:01] <psionicPskateboard> PP: I don't know.
  571. [18:10:10] <psionicPskateboard> PP: It never got to zero with Callum.
  572. [18:10:18] <psionicPskateboard> PP: I doubt it's anything good though.
  573. [18:10:30] <jacobBrandt> JB: We explode, just like that bomb under your apartment.
  574. [18:11:03] <Jaczac> 0:10
  575. [18:11:11] <Anastasia_Locke> BE: ...
  576. [18:11:14] <Jaczac> 0:09
  577. [18:11:16] <Anastasia_Locke> BE: Fine.
  578. [18:11:24] — Anastasia_Locke deploys the card into the lathe
  579. [18:11:32] — jacobBrandt starts it
  580. [18:11:33] <Jaczac> There is an earsplitting crack and the roof rips off, flying away into the void
  581. [18:11:47] <Jaczac> A small meteor hits the ground next to Jacob.
  582. [18:11:53] <Jaczac> 0:05
  583. [18:12:04] <Jaczac> You recieve a curvy totem
  584. [18:12:16] — jacobBrandt puts it in the alchemiter
  585. [18:12:42] <Jaczac> A melon appears on the alchemiter, with a large knife sticking out of it.
  586. [18:12:45] <Jaczac> You know what to do.
  587. [18:12:49] <Jaczac> 0:02
  588. [18:12:55] <Jaczac> ((ya cleave the watermelon))
  589. [18:13:13] — jacobBrandt utterly destroys the watermelon with the knife.
  590. [18:13:33] <Jaczac> the watermelon explodes into pieces and whats left of the school is thrown into the medium.
  591. [18:13:35] <Jaczac> ==end==
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