

Mar 19th, 2017
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  1. On 15 Mar 2017, at 22:15, Ivan Panchev <> wrote:
  3. Dear Mrs Salama,
  5. I have been given your email by Dr Wang for questions, regarding the software engineering assignment and I would really benefit answering those for me.
  7. Firstly, the way that I understand the part where we have to "Identify and document the scope of the first release" is just to list a few of the scenarios which involve functional requirements, identified as Must by the MoSCoW criteria as these are the most important ones and then, for each, to supply preconditions, starting point, normal flow of events and post-conditions -- is that correct? Could you also give me an approximate number of scenarios that we should list? Also, could you please clarify what is meant by "in an RUP elaboration sense"?
  9. The first release applies to the part of UML, activity diagram, use cases and sequence diagrams. You should the part of requirements and MoSCoW applies to the whole system. So, you need to specify all requirements for the whole system. Then, specify the first release and focus on this release for the UML part.
  11. Secondly, for the MoSCoW criteria, I have just provided a table with each individual requirement being identified as either Must, Should, Could and Want - is that the correct approach?
  12. Yes correct
  14. Finally, one of my biggest issues was trying to figure out the right amount of detail to put into my KAOS model so that it's neither too vague nor needlessly detailed -- could you please take a look at what I currently have and say if I have the right idea?
  15. Your goal model should be fine.
  17. With this email, I attach the work I have done so far on the assignment -- I would really appreciate it if you go through it and give me some suggestions about its strong and weak points.
  18. You requirements eliciation is a development oriented requirements, means that you are focusing on the way to develop the system. The way requirements elicitation is done is to specify what the system should do, not how the system will be developed.
  21. Looking forward to your response!
  23. Kind regards,
  24. Ivan Panchev
  25. 2nd year student
  27. <Software Engineering Assignment.docx>
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