
Citizen Fluffy

Sep 3rd, 2012
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  1. >You are President Obama.
  2. >You have a country to run and have been way too busy to campaign.
  3. >Seriously, Uzbekistan declares war on Paraguay and you’re supposed to show leadership?
  4. >They both mobilize their armies at their borders and those assholes at the UN want you to broker peace.
  5. >You can’t believe it took three months before anyone noticed they were land locked countries on two different continents.
  6. >What the hell did anyone think they would do to each other?
  7. >And now you have missed the entire campaign season.
  8. >But you have complete confidence in your campaign staff and you are meeting with them today.
  9. >A young man with bright eyes and a huge smiles walks in.
  10. >”Good to see you Mr. President! Four more years! Four more years! Four more years!”
  11. >You motion for him to calm down, “We’re in the oval office, there is no crowd to pump up here.”
  12. >”Oh! Sorry Mr. President, hehe. Just excited to be part of history! Re-electing the greatest president ever!”
  13. >”Ok, that’s fine and all but what I need to know is how is the campaign going?”
  14. >”It is going just fine and super dandy sir!”
  15. >”We have hired a new campaign manager to show we are truly the big tent party!”
  16. >”I’m sure you will be pleased!” He is shaking with excitement.
  17. >He seems very enthusiastic, you have a good feeling about this election.
  18. >”Sounds good, let me meet this new campaign manager then.”
  19. >You set back as the young man runs to the door.
  20. >”He has been running the campaign for months now, I know you’ll be satisfied!”
  21. >He opens the door and a fluffy pony waddles in, “Fwuffy wan pway!”
  22. >You glance at the pastel colored fluff ball then look back at the door.
  23. >You wait a minute then say, “So where is this new man in charge of the future of our great country?”
  24. >The fluffy pony walks up in front of your desk, “Fwuffy am hewe.”
  25. >The young man squees, “Yes, he has been doing a bang up job sir! We decided to make a statement by putting a fluffy pony in charge.”
  26. >You look down, “Wait a minute… the presidential election… the most important election in politics…”
  27. >”You put a fluffy pony in charge of that… to make a statement?”
  28. >”Fwuffy am gud campaaa… shampain… fwuffy hewp nice hoomin!”
  29. >”He went and studied hard for it sir!”
  30. >You look down at the ball of fluff, “You… studied? Where did you study?”
  31. >”Nice hoomin teww fwuffy ‘bout pwesiment! Nice hoomin under ewefant!”
  32. >”Just wait until you see the commercial sir! We have been running this in all time slots and channels across the nation!”
  33. >”I think it really makes a statement!”
  34. >He rolls in a TV and puts in a DVD disc.
  35. >The screen goes black and a voice starts to talk, “Are we better off than we were four years ago?”
  36. >The screen illuminates and shows a bright red ball. “Baww! Fwuffy wan!”, “Shhh, be a good fluffy, he’s watching!”
  37. >”Isn’t it time we elected someone to fight the status quo, not a Washington insider.”
  38. >”We need a president for change.”
  39. >The screen turns to a big bowl of spaghetti.
  40. >You see the fluffy run onto the screen and start to eat it being chased by a stage hand, the screen goes black again.
  41. >”We need someone to reform Washington! We need someone to bring change to these troubled times!”
  42. >”We need Barak Obama in the White House!”
  43. >”Vote out the past and vote in Barak Obama!”
  44. >The screen goes back to the now empty bowl and a ball bounces across the screen. “Ron Paul…”
  45. >”I’m Barak Obama, and I approved this message.”
  46. >The screen goes black again.
  47. >You stare at the TV, your mouth agape.
  48. >”My political science teacher said attacking the incumbent’s policies is a sure way to get elected!”
  49. >”Fwuffy wan baww! Whewe baww!” The fluffy pony is scratching at the TV screen trying to get in.
  50. >You finally compose yourself, “The failed policies?”
  51. >The fluffy runs in front of your desk, “Fwuffy say yoo betteh dan dum dum hoomin aweady dere!”
  52. >Rage rising, “You do realize I am the incumbent right?”
  53. >”Wha incwument mean?”
  54. >”Don’t worry sir, we made a statement!”
  55. >”The presidency of the United States, and you decided to make a statement….”
  56. >”and Ron Paul…. Ron Paul is a fucking Republican!”
  57. >”Fwuffy hewe hoomins wike Won Pauw. Fwuffy say name!” He jumps around happily.
  58. >”And the election is tonight and this has been playing all over the nation…”
  59. >”We are taking the fight to them sir! Four more years! Four more years! Four more years!”
  60. >You look between the fluffy pony and the young man.
  61. >You calmly get out from behind your desk and walk in front of the young man.
  62. >He hasn’t even paused to breath in his chant.
  63. >You smile at the young person and then kick him as hard as you can square in his nuts.
  64. >His face contorts and his voice goes high pitched, “Four… more… years… Arrgghhhh!”
  65. >He falls over holding his bruised manhood.
  66. >”Ahhh! Why nice hoomin hewt fwuffy fwen?”
  67. >You just smile at the ball of fluff.
  68. >You walk back to your desk, you always wondered why your predecessor had a broom attached to its side.
  69. >Today you will take advantage of it.
  70. >You pull the broom out and start to walk toward the fluffy pony.
  71. >He shrinks back, “Fwuffy am gud fwuffy… pwease nuu sowwy stick…”
  72. >You ignore him and swat him across the room.
  73. >It screams in pain and leaves a trail of shit behind him.
  74. >You walk over and start to poke its body hard with the handle.
  75. >”Waahhhhh! Fwuffy sowwy! Pwease nuu hewt fwuffy! Bahhhhh!!”
  76. >You continue the assault for an hour only to take breaks to kick the young asshole in his nuts again.
  77. >You call in the secret service, “Take this asshole and throw him out in the street and put the fluffy pony in a sorry box and send him to Gitmo tomorrow!”
  78. >They grab up the whimpering man and crying fluffy and roughly take them out.
  79. >You look at the shit stained oval office.
  80. >”Fuck it! That rich mother fucker can pay someone to clean this shit up!”
  81. >You walk and go to sleep, you’ll write your concession speech tomorrow.
  82. >When you wake up you turn on the news, “-a total sweep of all fifty states! Barak Obama is re-elected!”
  83. >You perk up, “What?” You start flipping channels.
  84. >”I’ll vote for anyone to get that asshole out of office!”, “Even if that person is Barak Obama?”, “Damn straight!”
  85. >*click*
  86. >”We don’t need yes men in there! We need an outsider to-“
  87. >*click*
  88. >”Ron Paul! Ron Paul! Ron Pau-“
  89. >*click*
  90. >”I was going to vote for that nice Romney man, but my fluffy pony was really excited for Barak Obama so I voted for him. Can’t be any worse than who is in there now”
  91. >*click*
  92. >”-and in a fit of rage, kicked a fluffy pony across the stage. This picture of Mitt Romney will be the lasting reminder-“
  93. >*click*
  94. >You turn off the TV, you can’t believe it.
  95. >You jump up not even getting dressed and run out to the secret service area.
  96. >”Is that fluffy pony still here?”
  97. >”Yes sir, we were just about to send him out.”
  98. >You see a box in the corner with whimpering coming from it.
  99. >You run over and open seeing the fluffy pony curled up and crying in it.
  100. >You pick him up, “Are you sorry?”
  101. >Fluffy starts to nod furiously, “Fwuffy am sowwy… pwease no mo sowwy stick… no mo sowwy box…”
  102. >You know he will forget what you did quickly, “Good! Because your country needs you!”
  103. >You look at the secret service, “Is that faggot still outside?”
  104. >”Yes sir, he still laying crying where we threw him. Surprised h hasn’t been run over yet.”
  105. >”Good, go get him and make him clean up the Oval Office!”
  106. >”Yes sir!” The men start to run off.
  107. >You yell after them, “And when he’s finished throw him out again!”
  108. >You look at the shivering fluffy pony, “Buck up there guy, you are about to be my senior advisor!”
  109. >He looks at you weakly, “Fwuffy am gud fwuffy?”
  110. >”As long as you keep me up in the polls, yes.”
  111. >Four more years!
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