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Sep 10th, 2012
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  1. The armored boots of Overseer Orotur rang out through the massive Communications and Control base on the lush world of Veraliss, the blue-greyish tinted metal walls lined with red lights, as he angrily strode to the Command and Control Room. Multiple Kralas troopers strode pass him, either constantly speaking over their ComNets or escorting newly-arrived troopers, prisoners, or VIPs. The disembodied, female AI's voice sounded throughout the building constantly, reporting new troubles and general status updates. "Unit de-serviced at Indexed Block: 9-2-2-1." was just one of many related reports to follow. Orotur rounded a corner, almost colliding with a Combat Raider fully clad in equipment. "Pardon me, Overseer, I'm somewhat out of it today." The Raider hastily said, quickly snapping into attention. Orotur glared at the trooper, scowling. "Well, get BACK into it before I personally hit the side of your face with a malcompliance charge." The Raider nodded before applying the Kralas salute. "Acknowledged. Resuming standard patrol protocols." He replied, striding past Orotur without another word. Orotur watched him leave and sighed as he continued on to the Control Room.
  3. It was some time until he reached the large blast doors, flanked by a full squad of Elites and Raiders. A high-ranking elite approached Orotur, holding up his hand, exclaiming, "Apply." Orotur tilted his head in confusion. "What's going on here? I should have my ID embedded into your HUD's. Is there something I'm missing here?" He paused as the squad of Elites circled around him, eyeing him. He turned back to the Elite leader. "Apply." He repeated. Orotur shook his head slowly and complied with the Elite's demands. "Zero-Zero-One-Two." The Elite nodded, signaling the others to back away. "Welcome, Overseer. Please, enter." The Elite moved to the side, gesturing towards the door. Orotur again nodded slowly as he moved to the door, giving the Elite a somewhat dirty look.
  5. It was dimly lit, if not completely dark, inside the Control Room. The only light coming from the hard-at-work Engineers' helms, the screens, holonets, and the center-taken KINS. Many Engineers and Overseers walked about the room with ease in the dark, clearly accustomed to the dim lighting.
  7. On many sections of the walls were large displays showing video feeds, radar systems, recent communications, and strategic maps. What stood out the most though, was the very large screen taking up an entire wall. It was glowing red as a 3D Kralas symbol rotated slowly with data continually appearing on the sides.
  9. Orotur spotted a group of Overseers in the middle of the room who were standing around a large table showing off a holographic map. He walked over to their location, listening into other conversations. "Alpha Squad, be advised. You have multiple biotics approaching your block. Maintain hardpoint and prosecute to full degree." An Engineer said, watching a battle unfold on his KINS-linked system. Orotur couldn't help but smile at the sound of such a well-communicated military. He continued weaving through the passing Kralas. One of the Overseers saw him approaching and called out over his ComNet. "Good day, Orotur. I trust the battle for Tarkon IV went well?" Orotur reverted back to a scowl as he reached the now curious group. "Neg. We lost the entire system due to some small saurian race with stealth technology we have never even seen before. On top of that, we've reports of another race that has set-up a massive base on Tarkon in association with the Rach." Orotur paused, thinking. "But I would see past all of that. Every single problem during that battle. If Terrika wasn't de-serviced. He was one of the better minds in this military and I fear we'll never get that skill back." The other Overseers grew quiet in respect to the fallen Overseer Terrika. The moment had passed as Orotur brought his gaze up to the illuminated faces of the other Overseers. "But enough grieving. We have a war on our hands. Any new operations being commissioned?" The center Overseer nodded, before tapping away on a small, holographic touchscreen. "We have located a viable system that contains a large amount of Black Dust on approximately three planets in said system. Unfortunately, reports indicate this system in under control of the Rach. But we believe they don't even know they're sitting on. On top of that, it's just the Rach; No super-fortresses or any other unknown race there." Orotur nodded, replying, "Acknowledged. Have Overseers Givul and Cerasta head the operation. Inform them they can use whatever assets to take the system and hold it." The adjacent Overseer nodded as well, "Certainly. Cerasta should be heading out to FOB-FireCave. I don't know abo-" He was cut-off as an Engineer quickly ran up to Orotur, saluting.
  11. "Overseer, we've just received a broadcast ping from an unknown race. We've yet to listen to it and assumed you would prefer to hear it first." Orotur scratched the underside of his neck. "Rodger. Is there a visual feed on it?" The Engineer shook his head. "Rodge. If you would come this way?" Orotur nodded, replying. "Lead the way." He followed the Engineer to a somewhat isolated section of the Control Room for single-man communications. "Just hit play, heh heh." The Kralas said, inputing a series of digits into a keypad. Orotur smiled, giving off a quiet laugh and entered the Comms. room
  13. The control panel was covered in switches and buttons and was connected to a tripled-screen system. Orotur wasted no time in bringing up the video log. He eyed the encrypted data attached to it. He scoffed and mumbled to himself, "Pathetic encryption. This won't be any fun now." He tapped a button and spoke, "KINS." The female, AI voice replied in turn in a more quiet way. "This is KINS. Awaiting for requisitions." Orotur looked up towards the screen as he continued. "Run a de-encrypt protocol on this broadcast ping. Afterwards send it to the archives for future reference on what not to do when encrypting a communication." The voice replied quickly, "Understood, unit. Running decryption process." Orotur nodded, turning back to the control panel. "Well, let's get this show on the road." He flipped a switch as the screen flickered to life. A strange logo appeared on-screen, colored black with a purple outline before switching to an biological figure. It appeared reptilian in nature and spoke with a somewhat powerful voice with a feminine nature. Behind it was an ornate and highly-detailed throne surrounded by small stands topped by a small flame.
  16. "Hear me Kralas Species, I am Matriarch Pan of the Red Rose Dynasty, one of the grand Dynasties of the Margan empire. We recently witnessed your attack on Rach territory and seek to give you information, and a proposition if you would so choose to accept. We are unfamiliar with your communication technology, however you would like to discuss this be it through holo glyphs, personal meeting or whatever else is up to you. If you would so decline our offer you need not respond, otherwise do broadcast back a message with your answer so that we may commune and discuss.
  18. We look forwards to your response, with the High Priestesses blessings.""
  20. The screen flickered back to the logo of the so-called "Margans". Orotur stood there with his mouth open wide, unsure of what he just saw. He shook his head vigorously with only one word escaping his mouth. "Zealots." He ran his armored hand across the side of his face as he called for KINS again. "KINS. Re-ping them. Start a video feed if their systems can accept it. Encrypt it as well." The voice replied with lightning speed. "Acknowledged. Input ping message." The Kralas symbol, half of a dragon's head with an adjacent "K", appeared on the screen.
  22. Orotur looked back the screen, gazing into the Margan symbol with his military instinct kicking in without notice. "Acknowledged. Your request for communication has been accepted. When you are ready, begin visual communication if possible. If you wish to communicate in a more discrete manner, dictate now or be denied any further changes for communications."
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