
Swaggot in Equestria (FR Short)

Mar 3rd, 2013
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  1. >Day SWAG in Equestria
  2. >You are Anon
  3. >The muthafukkin swaggest human ever to grace the Equestrian landscape
  4. >Wake up
  5. >Shit, shower, shave
  6. >Throw on your backwards multi-color hat, shutter shades, wifebeater, loose-as-fuck jeans hanging off your ass, and an open sweater
  7. >Swag +351
  8. >Level up!
  9. >Promoted from Douche to Swaggot!
  10. >Your hair is instantly gel-spiked up
  11. >Swagwalk down the stairs over to your kitchen
  12. >Grab a bowl of Yole-O’s and dig in
  13. >Swag +53
  14. >Suddenly, there’s a knock on the door
  15. >You get up, and saunter over to the door
  16. >Cracking it open, you notice that yellow hoe Fluttershy
  17. >You raise your eyebrow to her
  18. >She meekly hides behind her mane
  19. >”G-Good morning, Anon…” she says with a nervous smile
  20. >You cross your arms
  21. Ay yo, Bananathang. What’s you doin’ all up over my house so early anyways?
  22. >You already know, though
  23. >This girl’s been trying to get in your pants ever since you got here
  24. >But bitch, you got standards
  25. >And she ain’t meetin’ up to them
  26. >”I was just wondering… if…”
  27. >She reaches behind her, and pulls out a rubik’s cube
  28. >”If… if this was your fetish?”
  29. >You laugh out loud
  30. Bitch! You even tryin’ anymore? What, gurl, you fin’ that thing on yo walk ova?
  31. >”Well, um, I—“
  32. Do I look like sum mathematronic geek? Gurl, I ain’t got the TIME to mess with that shit!
  33. >You grab the cube from her and chuck it as far as you can
  34. Now ‘scuse me, G, I got sum thangs to take care of, ya hear?
  35. >You push past her and begin walking to town
  36. >Wow! Incredible!
  37. >Geek insult AND successfully avoiding the yellow menace!
  38. >Swag +289
  39. >Level up!
  40. >Promoted from Swaggot to Hashtag Swaglicious!
  41. >Gold chains form around your neck, rattling as you do your retarded walk
  42. >Fluttershy is left mouth agape, staring at you as you mosey your way toward town
  43. >Her eye twitches a little…
  44. >…something may have snapped…
  45. >You arrive in town, eager to reach your destination
  46. >You heard through the grape vine that there’d be some swagarific accessories on sale at the market
  47. >As a connoisseur of all things stylish and swag, you had to check them out
  48. >Maybe even add something to your collection
  49. >As you saunter through town, you suddenly here a shrill shriek
  50. >Clasping your hands over your ears and gritting your teeth, you turn your head to see Rarity, the marshmallowy fashion p0ny, staring at you in horror
  51. Ay gurl!
  52. >You yell, releasing your grip from your ears
  53. What’s yo deal, homie? Tryna bust mah ear drums or sumthn? I need these muhfuggas, ya dig?
  54. >She scoffs
  55. >”What. Are. You. Wearing?!”
  56. >You look at her questioningly, then down to your duds
  57. >You lift your shutter shades and give her a queer look
  58. You mirin’ or what?
  59. >She gags and nearly throws up
  60. >”I don’t know WHAT Fluttershy sees in you, but if you’re to be her significant other, you NEED to change those clothes!”
  61. >Change your duds?
  62. >Date Fluttershy?
  63. >Oh HELL naw!
  64. >This bitch is going down!
  67. >Rarity blocks the path!
  68. >What will you do?
  69. >…
  70. >Anon uses Battle Cry!
  71. YOLO!!
  72. >Anon’s Offense increases!
  73. >Rarity uses Dress Shirt!
  74. >SMACK!
  75. >27 damage!
  76. >What will you do?
  77. >…
  78. >Anon uses Bling Swing!
  79. >52 damage!
  80. >Rarity uses Hair Brush!
  81. >Your do is ruined!
  82. >36 damage!
  83. >What will you do?
  84. >…
  85. >Anon uses Summon!
  86. >Anon summons Mike Jones!
  87. >…who?
  88. >MIKE JONES!!
  89. >Mike Jones demands a grill!
  90. >Rarity is confused!
  91. >Mike Jones threatens to rob the jewelry store until they make him a grill!
  92. >Rarity hurts herself in confusion!
  93. >Mike Jones flashes his bling!
  94. >It’s super effective!!!
  95. >Rarity is defeated!
  97. >Anon gained 702 Swag Points!
  98. >Level up!
  99. >Promoted from Hashtag Swaglicious to Lord of Swag!
  100. >A grill manifests on top of your teeth!
  102. >The defeated Rarity stumbles back into her boutique
  103. >You sigh a relieving sigh
  104. >That was a close one…
  105. >You almost lost your swagnificent style!
  106. >Can’t have that!
  107. >…
  108. >What’s that noise…?
  109. >You turn your head and lift your shades for a better view
  110. >…some yellow blur is bolting toward you
  111. >…oh shit! That’s Fluttershy!
  112. >She looks pissed, and is screaming at the top of her lungs
  113. >She’s got the eye of the tiger!
  114. >A tiger that’s eager for some rape!
  115. >Shit!
  116. >You turn around and sprint away
  117. >Your baggy pants nearly falling from your waist
  118. >You gotta find the market!
  119. >You dash and weave in between a crowd of p0nies, your bling rattling and jingling loudly
  120. >You can hear the rush of Flutterbutter’s wings not too far behind you
  121. >Gotta go fast!
  122. >You dart around buildings, quick to get her off of your tail
  123. >Alleyways, yards, whatever you can make your way through, you do
  124. >You think you gave her the slip!
  125. >Until suddenly
  126. >You round a corner into a crowd of busy p0nies
  127. >All kinds of tents and booths are set up
  128. >The high pitched jingle of bits being exchanged nicely compliments the chatter of bartering
  129. >The market!
  130. >You made it!
  131. >You push your way through the p0nies, using your superior height to eye out the booth you’re looking for
  132. >Until…
  133. Aha! That shizz looks like it might be the real deal!
  134. >A booth with all kinds of bling and accessories is set up
  135. >#Yolo shirts and all kinds of swag are set up with it
  136. >The p0ny running the booth is doing Snoop Dogg’s Drop-It-Like-It’s-Hot wheel turning dance
  137. >You glance behind you to double check if Flutters is on your tail, then dart your way over
  138. >You slam your palms down onto the table, your chains dangling back and forth
  139. >Peering over the top of your shutter shades, you stare at the shopkeep p0ny right in the eye
  140. >He stops his dance, gapes his mouth, and stares deeply into you
  141. >”Ay homie… that aura I’m feeling… what it is you feelin’, ay? Y’all simply OOZIN’ swag!”
  142. ‘ts right, dawg. I’m Duke Swag IV up in this bitch, you feel me?
  143. >He reels back in surprise
  144. >”Then them stah-ries we’ve been hearin’ ain’t full ‘a shit after all… you… I know jus’ what yo lookin’ for, holmes.”
  145. >He dips down under his counter and rummages
  146. >Then finally, he pops back up, with a multi-colored patched T-Shirt
  147. >It looks straight out of the 90’s
  148. >”Shit’s straight from the ol’ world, G. Back when King Swiggidyswag XVI ruled the land of Equestria.”
  149. >You hold your hand out to the heirloom
  150. >Such powerful levels of swag are radiating from it…
  151. >Right as it touches your hand…
  152. >”AAAANOOOOON!!”
  153. >You dart your head to the left
  154. >Shit! She found you!
  155. >Her eyes burn with the desire for nonconsensual human-on-p0ny coitus
  156. >She bolts with blinding speed to you
  157. >The shopkeep sees the fear in your eyes
  158. >”Homie, quick! Put the shirt on!”
  159. >You lock eyes with him
  160. >And nod
  161. >You whip off your open sweater and fling the relic onto your body
  162. >Suddenly, it feels like the world has stopped
  163. >The mass amount of swag radiating from the shirt seeps into your bloodstream
  164. >You can feel the power course through you
  165. >A bright light emits from you, blinding everyp0ny around
  166. >The shopkeep shields his eyes
  167. >”It’s true!” He screams, “the second comin’ of our swag lord is here!”
  168. >You can feel yourself morphing
  169. >Your ears jut out the side of your head like an airplane’s wings
  170. >You grow taller, lankier, sexier
  171. >Your hair curls tightly, then stacks up high, like some kind of odd Frankenstein Monster hair do
  172. >Your transformation is here!
  173. >Swag +26475683
  174. >Level up!
  175. >Promoted from Lord of Swag to
  176. [spoiler]>The Fresh Prince![/spoiler]
  177. >You drop to your knees, the new form overwhelming you
  178. …damn, G! This shit’s for real!
  179. >”WILL!!!” you hear from your left
  180. >Fluttershy has transformed into Uncle Phil!
  181. >Oh shit!
  182. >Get up and start running manning away
  183. >The shopkeep has transformed into Jazz, and begins obnoxiously playing the drums
  184. >Today was pretty standard
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