
Group 8/∞ EP/RP 10 13 hour game

Jul 15th, 2012
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  1. [2012-07-15 03:03:13] * Grand_Finale slowed his trot to a slow walk as he nears the general store that Zaliz worked at. As much as he wanted to see the zebra he had wanted to be prepared first, now he was going in blind. Sighing Grand pushes this to the back of his mind and enters the shop.
  2. [2012-07-15 03:03:17] <AMARDA_GM> WE join our group of ponies as they mull over tough and decisions that need to be made. Surely they will be able to handle them without any major disasters occurring... Yeah Right!
  3. [2012-07-15 03:04:38] <AMARDA_GM> One of the ponies at the counter spots Grand and pushes a door open. "Zaliz is down there, should be free at this time of day, especially after how last night went."
  4. [2012-07-15 03:06:38] -->| Haywire ( has joined #FalloutEquestriaPNP2
  5. [2012-07-15 03:07:19] -->| DontAskForCookies ( has joined #FalloutEquestriaPNP2
  6. [2012-07-15 03:07:35] =-= DontAskForCookies is now known as Grand-Finale
  7. [2012-07-15 03:07:44] =-= Mode #FalloutEquestriaPNP2 +vv Grand-Finale Haywire by Shade
  8. [2012-07-15 03:07:58] <Grand-Finale> is a bit suprised and taken aback at his instant recognition from the shop owner. He had spent most of his time here yesterday out of sight and left quietly. "Oh well I wanted to do some shoping first but... wait, after last night? you mean the attack on east side?"
  9. [2012-07-15 03:09:03] * Shade is in the tavern, frowning over her tattered and worn looking armor
  10. [2012-07-15 03:09:27] <AMARDA_GM> The pony shakes his head. "After the ruckus caused by those slavers. At least sixty ponies died last night, not counting those slavers!"
  11. [2012-07-15 03:10:08] |<-- Grand_Finale has left (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
  12. [2012-07-15 03:10:45] * Midnight_Rain is checking her gear one last time "Any idea where we can find the sheriff?"
  13. [2012-07-15 03:10:58] * Grand-Finale nods, "I was there, but I didnt know that the attack was so spread out... I thought we had the worst of it. Is Zaliz ok?"
  14. [2012-07-15 03:12:41] <Shade> "Mmm, in his office, I'd presume."
  15. [2012-07-15 03:14:21] <Haywire> "That would be the most likely possibility.]"
  16. [2012-07-15 03:14:41] * Shade looks over at Haywire, her frown remaining "Give me a minute, Rain." She stands up and trots over, placing the armor on her back "Hey, Haywire? Can I talk to you about something?"
  17. [2012-07-15 03:14:55] <Midnight_Rain> "I guess i'll go check you guys wanna come with me?"
  18. [2012-07-15 03:15:43] <Shade> "Um...I' you there, Rain."
  19. [2012-07-15 03:16:21] * Haywire ponders over his work table. "Are you going to question the slavers right now?"
  20. [2012-07-15 03:16:51] * Shade fidgets nervously, waiting for Haywire to finish doing what he's doing.
  21. [2012-07-15 03:17:13] <AMARDA_GM> "Attack? It was a massacrer more like, those slavers decided to go and start something they couldn't finish." He moves his head towards the door. "Zaliz got to do a lot of what he does best, unfortunately for those ponies."
  22. [2012-07-15 03:17:19] <Midnight_Rain> "Yeah if he hasn't gotten any info i'll get it out of them."
  23. [2012-07-15 03:18:39] * Grand-Finale eyes whent wide in suprise, had the attack really been so large?
  24. [2012-07-15 03:20:34] * Grand-Finale looks towards the door leading down to Zaliz's room. Without looking back Grand calls over his shoulder as he makes for the door. "I may be in a hury when I leave, Have 30 rounds of .22 ammo and four sticks of dynamite ready for me when I come back up!"
  25. [2012-07-15 03:22:12] * Midnight_Rain heads out looking for the sheriff
  26. [2012-07-15 03:22:51] * Haywire looks at Midnight. "I'd like to be there when you do that. It's advisable to have more than one pony to avoid overlooking information."
  27. [2012-07-15 03:23:29] <AMARDA_GM> As Grand approaches the final door he hears the distinctive sounds of Zaliz and his wife having sex. H
  28. [2012-07-15 03:24:36] |<-- Grand-Finale has left (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
  29. [2012-07-15 03:26:15] <Midnight_Rain> "Well i can't say i'll wait but at least i will talk to the sheriff first so that should give you some time."
  30. [2012-07-15 03:28:15] * Haywire nods to Midnight, then gets up, putting his collar on his neck again. "What were you asking, Shade?"
  31. [2012-07-15 03:29:19] * Midnight_Rain goes out looking for the sheriff so she can talk with him
  32. [2012-07-15 03:29:38] * Shade tilts her head to indicate her armor " some armor. It's sturdier...than my old set,'s quite worn out...and kind of in tatters...I wondering if you would help it a bit?"
  33. [2012-07-15 03:29:52] -->| DontAskForCookies ( has joined #FalloutEquestriaPNP2
  34. [2012-07-15 03:30:17] =-= DontAskForCookies is now known as Grand_Finale
  35. [2012-07-15 03:32:09] =-= Mode #FalloutEquestriaPNP2 +v Grand_Finale by Shade
  36. [2012-07-15 03:34:40] <Grand_Finale> Not bothering to wait for an answer Grand trots down the steps, only slowing once he had reached the door to Zaliz apartment. Hearing the sounds Grand blushes and quietly begins to climb back up the steps, hopeing he wasnt so loud as to alert them to his intrusion.
  37. [2012-07-15 03:35:39] <AMARDA_GM> "Who's at the door?" You here Zaliz ask loudly, the other sounds don't seem to stop in the mean time.
  38. [2012-07-15 03:37:24] * Grand_Finale cringes as he hears the zebra call out. Damn, why did Zaliz have to be so fucking peceptive? In a less than loud voice Grand calls back, "ummm... its Grand, Grand Finale...From yesterday, I came to see if you were ok"
  39. [2012-07-15 03:38:00] * Haywire looks at the state of the armor. "...I'lll see what I can do. I don't suppose you did buy anything to patch that up, did you?"
  40. [2012-07-15 03:39:12] <AMARDA_GM> Midnight's quest to find the Sheriff leads her to the jail cell where she was held. Inside you see the Sheriff staring at the ex Slaver.
  41. [2012-07-15 03:41:32] -->| Chor (Mibbit@Pony-hra.fl3.148.217.IP) has joined #FalloutEquestriaPNP2
  42. [2012-07-15 03:41:32] =-= Mode #FalloutEquestriaPNP2 +h Chor by ChanServ
  43. [2012-07-15 03:42:21] <AMARDA_GM> The mare lets out a very loud and passionate sound. Grand hears some shuffling and then the door opens, Zaliz looking different again. Relaxed and very happy. "Come in." He says softly.
  44. [2012-07-15 03:44:51] <Midnight_Rain> "Sheriff i see you have a guest today."
  45. [2012-07-15 03:45:21] * Shade shakes her head "I didn't buy anything...but I salvaged...some stuff from...the slavers armour if that'll help..."
  46. [2012-07-15 03:45:29] * Grand_Finale blushes at the whole weird situation, Zaliz was being so... casual about this. Nervously grand tip-hooves in behind Zlaiz, keeping his eyes cast upward in case Zaliz wife was actually around, he remembered well the zebras warning not to look at her.
  47. [2012-07-15 03:46:55] <AMARDA_GM> He laughs at Grand. "She's already gone, you can look around." He trots into the center of the room. "Come, sit sit." He sits down and points to another spot on the floor.
  48. [2012-07-15 03:49:56] <AMARDA_GM> The Sheriff looks at Midnight_Rain and smiles. "Yes I do. He's squaking quite nicely at the moment. I've got a few more ponies to deal with then this entire mess will be sorted."
  49. [2012-07-15 03:50:00] * Haywire holds up the finished rifle, feeling its weight. "A bit bulkier than I planned, but the power efficiency is acceptable."
  50. [2012-07-15 03:50:41] * Shade smiles "It looks good. Was...that one of"
  51. [2012-07-15 03:50:55] * Grand_Finale allows his eyes to lower but still refrains from looking around to much, best to be on the safe side after all. "I see...", sitting where the zebra indicated Grand looks him over for wounds or new scars, "So about the attack last night..."
  52. [2012-07-15 03:52:00] <Midnight_Rain> "Well if you don't mind i was looking to help deal with this problem."
  53. [2012-07-15 03:52:48] <AMARDA_GM> Zaliz waves his hooves around. "I've already made my records!" He points to some fresh drawings on one of the walls. "I got to have so much fun, you should have been there Grand, it was beautiful to watch, the way they fell before me."
  54. [2012-07-15 03:53:07] * Haywire nods. "Correct. The initial plan was for a pistol, but I couldn't get the plasma hot enough with a single battery in that structure."
  55. [2012-07-15 03:55:18] * Shade nods "Makes sense."
  56. [2012-07-15 03:55:36] * Grand_Finale follows Zlaiz hoof as he looks at the new additions to Zlaiz artwork. "Well Im glad your alright, and you seem to be in high spirits today. I was actually in a bit of a scrape myself at east side, but nothing as grand as your battle it seems..."
  57. [2012-07-15 03:55:45] <AMARDA_GM> The Sheriff nods. "Right, thanks for the offer but your type of help is not needed." He then trots over to her, looking closely at Midnight_Rain's face. "Sorry bout the face though dear."
  58. [2012-07-15 03:56:29] <Midnight_Rain> "Thanks but i want more then a sorry i want payback."
  59. [2012-07-15 03:57:09] <AMARDA_GM> Zaliz laughs. "I do wish you'd tell me though, grand it may not be, but it is good for the teacher to know his students progress."
  60. [2012-07-15 03:57:59] <AMARDA_GM> The Sheriff looks at Midnight_Rain sadly. "that's a bad road to walk dear, turn back, try to focus on other things."
  61. [2012-07-15 03:58:00] * Haywire examines the gun with a little fondness.
  62. [2012-07-15 03:59:19] * Shade sets her armor on a nearby chair and tilts her head, looking up at Haywire's new weapon.
  63. [2012-07-15 03:59:47] <Midnight_Rain> "Sheriff right now i have no home or caps and the one place i have been staying has been attacked and my friends have been hurt i want to walk down this road and make them pay."
  64. [2012-07-15 04:01:17] * Haywire 's gaze seem to move beyond the rifle as he loses himself in thought.
  65. [2012-07-15 04:01:20] * Grand_Finale brings his gaze back to the zebra, "Well... me and some freinds were pinned down by a group of the slavers. Me and two others were moving for cover when one of there guns jamed. I threw my gun away and charged the pony to give them some time. He gave up before I could do any real damage, and shortly after that the fight was over"
  66. [2012-07-15 04:01:30] <Grand_Finale> I threw my gun away and charged the pony to give them some time. He gave up before I could do any real damage, and shortly after that the fight was over"
  67. [2012-07-15 04:02:04] <AMARDA_GM> The Sheriff proceeds to give Midnight a sound whack to the side of the head. "Miss, you need to snap out of your stupid thoughts of revenge and think for a second!" He points at the prisoner. "If you don't I guarantee you'll end up JUST. LIKE. HIM!"
  68. [2012-07-15 04:03:45] * Shade is entirely content to let Haywire frolick in reminiscence-land while she waits
  69. [2012-07-15 04:04:00] <AMARDA_GM> Zaliz laughs. "Good job student, good job!" He quickly gets to his hooves and tackles Grand. "You need to unwind oh master of blades!" he then begins to tickle Grand.
  70. [2012-07-15 04:06:20] <Haywire> A smile slowly grows on his face, before vanishing again. "Anyway, about that armor..."
  71. [2012-07-15 04:06:41] <Midnight_Rain> "They are no good scum that hurt ponies and sell them you can't tell me they will be missed."
  72. [2012-07-15 04:07:33] * Grand_Finale somehow manages to combine a gasp and an eek as the striped warrior tackles him. The poor ponies blush only doubles as he is tickled, "Ack! what are you doing?!? Ha Ha HA! your crazy! He He He. Oh not there, Im super ticklish there!!!"
  73. [2012-07-15 04:08:10] <AMARDA_GM> "And you miss need to realize that doing what your trying to do will not help anypony, not even your self. If you want to make them pay, go and free the slaves they hold!" the Sheriff yells in Midnight's face
  74. [2012-07-15 04:08:51] * Shade nods "Like I said, I salvaged some of the armor from the two dead slavers from yesterday. It should be usable to patch up the parts that need...patching up." She stops, looking at Haywire's face "You look nice when you smile. You should do it more often. Make a reason to smile, even if there is none."
  75. [2012-07-15 04:09:19] <Midnight_Rain> "Thats why i came here is to see if you might know where they are being held."
  76. [2012-07-15 04:09:56] <AMARDA_GM> Zaliz laughs as he continues tickling Grand. "Back before I left my tribe this was what we did after every battle." He then gives Grand a peck on the cheek before increasing the amount of tickling.
  77. [2012-07-15 04:12:37] * Haywire raises an eyebrow, keeping silent for a moment.
  78. [2012-07-15 04:13:52] <Haywire> "...well, I'll need the armors to work on them."
  79. [2012-07-15 04:14:20] * Shade nods and goes to get the armor
  80. [2012-07-15 04:14:38] <AMARDA_GM> The Sheriff looks at Midnight_Rain and sighs. "You'd better make sure that's what you do."
  81. [2012-07-15 04:15:01] * Grand_Finale face is now nearly solid red, which was odd as he had already slept with Zaliz. But this? It was downright odd is what it was! Realizing that pleading was gettin him no where Grand moves from defence to offense, tickiling the zebra back. "HeHeHe Alright then, you asked for it Zaliz!"
  82. [2012-07-15 04:15:36] * Shade returns shortly after with the two sets of armor "Here you are."
  83. [2012-07-15 04:16:05] <Midnight_Rain> "Trust me Sheriff i want to bring them down and if freeing the slaves makes them fall then so be it."
  84. [2012-07-15 04:17:18] <AMARDA_GM> Zaliz laughs as Grand strikes back, although he seems a lot more composed then Grand. "Good, good!" He proceeds to pin Grand to the ground and give him a full on kiss.
  85. [2012-07-15 04:19:15] * Grand_Finale face burns not only from his embarasment but the heat of the kiss. Grand kisses back, dropping his guard and not bothing to think anymore as nothing ever made since with Zaliz anyway. "mmmmmmm"
  86. [2012-07-15 04:20:20] <AMARDA_GM> Zaliz holds the kiss for ages, then, gently he gets up and away from Grand. "Now then, shall we continue where we left off in your training?"
  87. [2012-07-15 04:22:03] * Haywire places them on the table, taking a closer look. "Well, that shouldn't be much of a problem." He starts unpicking the slaver armor.
  88. [2012-07-15 04:23:00] * Grand_Finale remains on the floor where he was pinned a moment before, a giddy and almost drunk look on his face. "He He, that sounds fun but only if we get to do more selebrating each other later"
  89. [2012-07-15 04:23:19] * Grand_Finale almost radiates happiness
  90. [2012-07-15 04:23:38] <AMARDA_GM> The Sheriff pulls out a map and hands it to Midnight_Rain. "If your sincere, here's where they were based. They have only twenty ponies left there, they have slave pens and will be well defended. If your going to save those enslaved there, move quickly, then I'll believe you."
  91. [2012-07-15 04:24:15] * Shade trots over to her bags and grabs a cigarette and her lighter then trots back over to watch Haywire work interestedly
  92. [2012-07-15 04:25:40] <Midnight_Rain> "Right thank you i'll get my team and we'll go save some ponies but first i don't think i caught your name sheriff mine is Midnight Rain."
  93. [2012-07-15 04:26:31] <AMARDA_GM> Haywire doesn't do a good job on the entire armour thing. Some of the plates are ill fitting and poorly suited for the task at hand. He has to start over.
  94. [2012-07-15 04:26:56] * Haywire mutters something unflattering about the armor original makers and tries again.
  95. [2012-07-15 04:27:55] * Shade takes a drag of her cigarette and blows the smoke out of the side of her mouth, away from Haywire
  96. [2012-07-15 04:28:01] <AMARDA_GM> Again his efforts are in vain. Haywire must once more start over.
  97. [2012-07-15 04:28:58] * Haywire takes a deep breath and tries again, muttering something about his father.
  98. [2012-07-15 04:29:38] <AMARDA_GM> The Sheriff pauses, then holds a hoof out. "Certain Justice, pleasure to finally introduce myself."
  99. [2012-07-15 04:30:21] <AMARDA_GM> More bits and pieces of armour clatter to the ground, sure it's better than it was, but that's still a long way off being decent.
  100. [2012-07-15 04:32:39] <Midnight_Rain> "Well then Certain Justice i will make sure not to fail but any other info you have would help."
  101. [2012-07-15 04:32:46] * Grand_Finale sighing Grand finaly stands up and draws his sword, takeing as best of a defensive stance as he can with his currently weak and rubbery legs
  102. [2012-07-15 04:33:33] <AMARDA_GM> Haywire realizes that he's been going about this the hard way. He now tires the new, better way of repairing the armour.
  103. [2012-07-15 04:34:13] <AMARDA_GM> Zaliz playfully dances towards Grand and then slashes with his blade.
  104. [2012-07-15 04:35:11] * Grand_Finale grins at the zebras antics as he prepares to defend himself
  105. [2012-07-15 04:36:24] <AMARDA_GM> Zaliz easily pushes Grands blade aside. "Come on, try again." He says in a sing song voice.
  106. [2012-07-15 04:36:44] * Haywire looks at the fixed armor, finally satisfied with his work. "Here it is, fixed."
  107. [2012-07-15 04:37:18] * Grand_Finale flinches at the temporary pain before noding back at the zebra,"You wont get me so easy next time!"
  108. [2012-07-15 04:38:16] <AMARDA_GM> He laughs and then moves to tackle Grand_Finale. "Stop me if you can!" He dropped his sword to do so.
  109. [2012-07-15 04:38:24] * Shade lets out a little squee, a big cloud of smoke puffing out of her mouth as she starts to go around the table to hug Haywire and stops abruptly "'d probably just hit me if I hugged you..."
  110. [2012-07-15 04:39:20] <AMARDA_GM> Certain Justice nods. "See that you do, better get there in the next week, other wise word will reach them and things will get bad."
  111. [2012-07-15 04:39:34] * Haywire rolls his eyes. "...I recall you doing the hitting. But yes, I'd rather you didn't."
  112. [2012-07-15 04:40:27] <Midnight_Rain> "I'll get there before then."
  113. [2012-07-15 04:40:28] * Grand_Finale drops his sword and opens himself up into a playful stance, allowing himself to be tackled by the zebra. "OH NO, The brave and galiant zebra warrior has me!", he says in a playful voice, "Whatever will you do with me now?"
  114. [2012-07-15 04:41:42] <Shade> "Well, you're right. You...did pull a...weapon on me, however, and that's...a little more dangerous. Just know that...I'd hug you right now...if you'd let me."
  115. [2012-07-15 04:42:23] <AMARDA_GM> Zaliz tackles Grand. "Not keeping your guard up Grand, tut tut tut. You should try harder, or do you just like me doing this to you?" He begins moving his hooves in ways that Grand could only call amazing.
  116. [2012-07-15 04:43:41] * Midnight_Rain heads back to the tavern with the map so she can plan out an attack
  117. [2012-07-15 04:45:08] * Grand_Finale purrrs as Zaliz has his fun, "Who, little ol' defenseless me? How could I resist such a flawless atack from a warrior like you?". Grand flutters his eyes playfuly, "And yes, I love it whenever you touch me. Your hooves are like magic!"
  118. [2012-07-15 04:46:14] <AMARDA_GM> Zaliz nods. "Good then, you won't mind if we get more serious then." He then makes good on his word.
  119. [2012-07-15 04:46:33] * Grand_Finale is in heaven
  120. [2012-07-15 04:47:46] * Haywire adjusts his goggles, looking increasingly uneasy. "That was less than sensible from me. I'll make saure it doesn't happen again."
  121. [2012-07-15 04:47:59] <Haywire> *sure
  122. [2012-07-15 04:48:41] * Shade nods "Don't worry...I've forgiven were kind of it."
  123. [2012-07-15 04:49:25] * Midnight_Rain trots back into the tavern "Okay i got a map and some info."
  124. [2012-07-15 04:50:42] * Shade looks over at Rain "That's good."
  125. [2012-07-15 04:50:56] |<-- Grand_Finale has left (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
  126. [2012-07-15 04:51:26] <Haywire> "What info?" He says, glad for the sudden change of topic.
  127. [2012-07-15 04:51:32] <Midnight_Rain> "New plan we are saving slaves."
  128. [2012-07-15 04:51:51] * Shade nods "I prefer this plan."
  129. [2012-07-15 04:52:13] * Shade grabs her armor and starts putting it on "Thank you again, Haywire."
  130. [2012-07-15 04:53:22] * Haywire nods. "...wasn't that the plan to begin with? In fact, that is not a plan. That is an objective."
  131. [2012-07-15 04:53:44] * Midnight_Rain trots over to a table and sits down laying out the map and pointing out where the slaves are "There are about 20 slavers left."
  132. [2012-07-15 04:53:58] <AMARDA_GM> The map is an old military one. It shows the surrounding terrain and the fact that it was at one point a police station. It makes sense for the Slaver to use it as it already has everything needed to hold slaves.
  133. [2012-07-15 04:54:29] <AMARDA_GM> time for epic PAINT SKILLZ!
  134. [2012-07-15 04:55:09] <Midnight_Rain> "The slaves are our main target we need to get them out of there alive."
  135. [2012-07-15 04:58:23] <Haywire> "Do they wear explosive collars?"
  136. [2012-07-15 04:59:27] <Midnight_Rain> "They might i'm not sure do you know how to disarm them Haywire if they are wearing some?"
  137. [2012-07-15 05:00:15] * Shade wiggles in her new armor "More stiff and less flexible than I am used to..." She looks up at Haywire "It...would be odd...if they were...not wearing explosive collars, Wire..."
  138. [2012-07-15 05:07:00] <Midnight_Rain> "We will have to disarm them first so we will have to sneak in."
  139. [2012-07-15 05:07:50] * Haywire nods. "It's expected, but not certain. It seems costly to have a radio-triggered explosives for every single slave. Smaller operations probably wouldn't be able to afford it initially, but that doesn't seem to be the case."
  140. [2012-07-15 05:08:15] * Shade smiles and pats her new weapon "I the weapon for sneaking now, too. Though...I am still...not very sneaky..."
  141. [2012-07-15 05:09:08] <Midnight_Rain> "I'm sneaky just all my guns still make sound."
  142. [2012-07-15 05:09:47] * Haywire sighs. ", did you get any information on slaver caravans? We can make this much easier if we can prevent the collars from ever exploding in the first place."
  143. [2012-07-15 05:13:45] <Midnight_Rain> "The Sheriff couldn't give me much so we will have to scout it out."
  144. [2012-07-15 05:16:20] * Shade frowns and hops up into the air, hovering around "At least it doesn't mess up my flying too much..."
  145. [2012-07-15 05:20:21] * Haywire moves the right hoof on the floor, muttering numbers and names. "Welll, it seems this course of action can only lead to conflict very soon. We need to find small groups of slavers, detached from the rest, release their slaves and most importantly take their collars. Does anypony know where Grand is?"
  146. [2012-07-15 05:21:23] <Midnight_Rain> "No idea where he is right now."
  147. [2012-07-15 05:22:03] <Shade> "I think...he went back to"
  148. [2012-07-15 05:23:02] <Midnight_Rain> "North Side."
  149. [2012-07-15 05:25:09] * Haywire rubs his cheek. "I see... we will need an explosive specialist."
  150. [2012-07-15 05:29:20] <Midnight_Rain> "Can't disarm them alone?"
  151. [2012-07-15 05:29:45] <Shade> "Two um...better than one?"
  152. [2012-07-15 05:29:53] <Shade> "Unless you're a cow..."
  153. [2012-07-15 05:29:58] <Shade> "Then you are just...shit out of luck..."
  154. [2012-07-15 05:30:18] * Haywire shakes his hoof"I most likelu"
  155. [2012-07-15 05:31:32] <Haywire> *"I most likely can, but I'd need someone who could remove them safely so I can do some tests. He could also know how to make use of the charges inside."
  156. [2012-07-15 05:36:33] * Haywire looks vacantly for a moment. "...South Hoof Rot deals with slavers."
  157. [2012-07-15 05:36:56] <Midnight_Rain> "i doubt we can just ask them."
  158. [2012-07-15 05:39:40] <Haywire> "No, but maybe we can buy some collars and a detonator. It would hasten the plan. Not you though..." He turns to Shade, pondering.
  159. [2012-07-15 05:40:20] * Shade is still hovering around getting used to her new armor. She lands and tilts her head at Haywire "Hmm?"
  160. [2012-07-15 05:42:08] <Midnight_Rain> "Haywire what are you thinking?"
  161. [2012-07-15 05:44:35] * Haywire looks beyond her, trying to piece together his thoughts. "During the slaver fight, you were only seen as your original form... from all of us you would be the less likely to draw attention if you go int the less reputable part of the city... But then again, you were seen walking with Midnight as a pony..."
  162. [2012-07-15 05:47:28] * Shade frowns "I can take more than one am not good...on my own...I get incredibly nervous...and um...panicky?"
  163. [2012-07-15 05:48:13] * Shade takes off her armor and disappears in a wave of green fire. suddenly, Haywire is looking at himself.
  164. [2012-07-15 05:49:07] <Midnight_Rain> "Haywire i am not sending Shade in alone."
  165. [2012-07-15 05:49:08] <Shade> " a point..." the wave of fire envelops her again and she's back to normal."
  166. [2012-07-15 05:49:18] * Haywire takes a step back, surprised. "...well..."
  167. [2012-07-15 05:49:23] * Shade fidgets nervously
  168. [2012-07-15 05:50:08] <AMARDA_GM> There a wistle from the door. "Nice trick, but you lot are overthinking the matter." It was the mare who healed Midnight_Rain.
  169. [2012-07-15 05:50:46] * Haywire shakes his head. "Anyway, you can't go along. It's not the first time you get into fights with raiders."
  170. [2012-07-15 05:50:57] <Haywire> *slavers
  171. [2012-07-15 05:50:58] * Shade eeps and hides under a table
  172. [2012-07-15 05:53:42] * Haywire turns to the medic mare. "This is something I'd rather err on the safe side. There are lives in stake, after all."
  173. [2012-07-15 05:56:39] * Midnight_Rain walks over and checks on Shade "Hey you alright?"
  174. [2012-07-15 05:56:57] <AMARDA_GM> The mare laughs. "You've all got this wrong, these slavers are the most hated around Hoof Rot at the moment. Hell, some of the other slaver gangs are itching to get at them now." She enters the tavern and sits at the table. The only reason they don't is due to how bad their place of trade looks, thus they aren't going to scare away any more potential customers."
  175. [2012-07-15 05:57:10] * Shade is cowering behind a table leg "I am fine."
  176. [2012-07-15 05:58:20] <Midnight_Rain> "Why?"
  177. [2012-07-15 06:00:20] <Shade> "Just said I' and panicky...especially around ponies...I don'"
  178. [2012-07-15 06:01:42] <Midnight_Rain> "Now i am sure i don't want to send you alone."
  179. [2012-07-15 06:02:19] * Shade fidgets "...I'm sorry...I am not a...very"
  180. [2012-07-15 06:03:22] <Haywire> "That does makes things simpler. Do you know if collars can be purchased over there, or would we need to be affiliated to a group of slavers?"
  181. [2012-07-15 06:05:26] <Midnight_Rain> "I know and i wish i had your powers then i could do it."
  182. [2012-07-15 06:05:47] <AMARDA_GM> The mare sighs. "Over south they got shock collars, better then explosive ones that are used outside of Hoof Rot, keeps the slaves alive. Outside though it depends on which group your dealing with." She points at the map. "These ponies wouldn't likely have them, they may have a fancy base, but in reality they were very new and poor."
  183. [2012-07-15 06:06:55] <Shade> "If you had my'd be reviled. You're down here hunting others of my kind...remember? Rogues, anyways..."
  184. [2012-07-15 06:08:07] <Midnight_Rain> "Yeah and you have seen how far i have gotten on that mission."
  185. [2012-07-15 06:09:24] * Shade shrugs. She isn't cowering anymore but she's still hiding "But it proves my point...Changelings...are hated by...all other races..."
  186. [2012-07-15 06:11:07] * Haywire adjusts his goggles. "I considered the possibility. This piece of information was something we were missing." He glances at Midnight. "...unsurprisingly. I guess we are as prepared as we can be, then."
  187. [2012-07-15 06:12:45] * Shade glances at Haywire "They won't recognize Rain, you know..."
  188. [2012-07-15 06:13:07] <Midnight_Rain> "Shade i don't hate changelings i am just hunting them to defend my home and people."
  189. [2012-07-15 06:13:46] <Shade> "Different armor, and the scars on her face change her look enough that it is nearly as effective as my shapeshifting..."
  190. [2012-07-15 06:14:29] * Shade smiles at Midnight_Rain "I know. We wouldn' friends...if you did, now would we?"
  191. [2012-07-15 06:15:57] <Midnight_Rain> "I know i just wish i didn't have to hunt your own kind."
  192. [2012-07-15 06:16:49] * Shade leans over and nuzzles Rain
  193. [2012-07-15 06:17:18] * Haywire shakes his hoof. "It doesn't matter anymore. We can plan a direct attack now, since they don't have the advantage of explosive collars."
  194. [2012-07-15 06:17:30] * Haywire trots to the map and takes a closer look.
  195. [2012-07-15 06:18:37] * Midnight_Rain nuzzles Shade back "Haywire i'm not taking on 20 ponies."
  196. [2012-07-15 06:23:11] * Haywire looks at her, surprised. "Well, had a change of mind? That is... unexpected. Good to know you are realizing the risks." He looks at the map and mutters. "...though sniping from the couds really could clear the way for a rescue..."
  197. [2012-07-15 06:23:56] <Haywire> *cloud.
  198. [2012-07-15 06:24:48] <Midnight_Rain> "No i just don't like the fact you are trying to use the same plan i was thinking of that you shot down."
  199. [2012-07-15 06:25:43] * Shade snorts "Oh...I'm sorry..."
  200. [2012-07-15 06:30:13] * Haywire blinks, puzzled by hiis own thoughts. "Yes, that is rather unusual. Well, that is probably because the threat is not nearly as well prepared as it would be expected. I'm not saying to just charge in, though. We just need to clear the way for the slaves,. Yet they might be slow and that would lead to having to fight most of the slavers... and there might be griffin, so the clouds aren't...
  201. [2012-07-15 06:30:14] * Haywire ...necessarily safe."
  202. [2012-07-15 06:31:33] <Shade> "I from the clouds...or at least fly bait so they ignore Rain..."
  203. [2012-07-15 06:33:33] <Midnight_Rain> "The clouds are my domain i can take care of the slavers from up there but i need someone to watch my back it's kinda hard to aim and keep track of griffins."
  204. [2012-07-15 06:34:22] * Shade nods "I can do that. Make sure...They attention to me...and not the pegasus...sitting in a cloud."
  205. [2012-07-15 06:35:34] * Haywire shakes his head. "Splitting their attention is good, but don't be too eager to be a target."
  206. [2012-07-15 06:37:08] <Shade> "I've...already said...I would prefer to be hurt...instead of my friends...I can take the pain..."
  207. [2012-07-15 06:37:20] <Shade> "...Adrenaline helps..."
  208. [2012-07-15 06:38:02] * Haywire glares at Shade. "You aren't doing them that much of a favor."
  209. [2012-07-15 06:38:04] <Midnight_Rain> "Don't worry i'll take out any snipers and long range enemies first then i'll pick them off of you as we fight."
  210. [2012-07-15 06:38:18] =-= Arcane_Scroll[A] is now known as Arcane_Scroll
  211. [2012-07-15 06:38:27] * Shade shrugs
  212. [2012-07-15 06:39:11] <Haywire> "...which reminds me. What is that 'healy goo' you mentioned?"
  213. [2012-07-15 06:47:41] <Shade> "...promise not to dissect me?"
  214. [2012-07-15 06:48:48] * Haywire blinks. "Why would you think I'd do that? I'm not even a biologist."
  215. [2012-07-15 06:49:38] * Shade blinks and states blandly "Because you...get a sometimes."
  216. [2012-07-15 06:51:56] <Midnight_Rain> "Don't worry Shade nothing will happen to you so long as i live."
  217. [2012-07-15 06:52:50] * Haywire chuckles. "I don't even know how to use a scalpel or... bandages..." He shakes his head.
  218. [2012-07-15 06:53:34] <Haywire> "I assure you I have no interest in having you dissected."
  219. [2012-07-15 06:54:24] <Shade> "Simply put, I can...create an ichor...that wounds. not important...but it does...come from...inside of me...and I kind it all over the wound...most find that fact...well lets just say...they don't like it..."
  220. [2012-07-15 06:54:53] <Shade> "...Terminal eats the stuff sometimes...though I tell her not it's harmless if least"
  221. [2012-07-15 06:56:25] <Midnight_Rain> "I don't mind it on me it really does help the wounds."
  222. [2012-07-15 06:57:57] <Haywire> "You never ceases to show curious capabilities. I can't really see why someone would protest about something that heals them."
  223. [2012-07-15 06:58:29] * Shade deadpans "Because I essentially vomit on you?"
  224. [2012-07-15 07:01:08] <Midnight_Rain> "But hell when you in loads of pain healing vomit doesn't really phase you."
  225. [2012-07-15 07:01:11] <Haywire> "A pony wouldn't live very long out in the wasteland if they can't deal with some unpleasant situations."
  226. [2012-07-15 07:01:37] <Shade> "I guess."
  227. [2012-07-15 07:07:28] <Midnight_Rain> "Thanks Shade for healing me so much."
  228. [2012-07-15 07:07:53] * Shade smiles and kisses Midnight_Rain's cheek "Don't worry about it...Rain..."
  229. [2012-07-15 07:08:35] <Midnight_Rain> "I mean it if it weren't for you i might be dead right about now."
  230. [2012-07-15 07:08:57] * Shade frowns "don't talk like that..."
  231. [2012-07-15 07:09:39] * Haywire trots back to his table, gathering the remining bits of his projects.
  232. [2012-07-15 07:11:13] <Midnight_Rain> "It's true Shade no matter how much it hurts without you or Dusk i would be a dead pony."
  233. [2012-07-15 07:11:40] * Shade frowns "I don't do much..."
  234. [2012-07-15 07:13:38] <Midnight_Rain> "No Shade you do a lot, you keep me healed and alive and out of danger."
  235. [2012-07-15 07:14:42] * Shade sighs "If you say so..."
  236. [2012-07-15 07:15:53] -->| Curatie ( has joined #FalloutEquestriaPNP2
  237. [2012-07-15 07:16:11] -->| Pantzar ( has joined #FalloutEquestriaPNP2
  238. [2012-07-15 07:16:36] =-= Pantzar is now known as Pony_56051
  239. [2012-07-15 07:16:57] =-= Pony_56051 is now known as Puzzler
  240. [2012-07-15 07:17:33] =-= Puzzler is now known as Dusk_Beam
  241. [2012-07-15 07:17:49] <Midnight_Rain> "Don't worry after this we can relax a little with out being attacked."
  242. [2012-07-15 07:19:14] * Shade nods
  243. [2012-07-15 07:19:17] =-= Mode #FalloutEquestriaPNP2 +v Dusk_Beam by Shade
  244. [2012-07-15 07:20:02] * Shade sighs and leans again Midnight_Rain
  245. [2012-07-15 07:22:42] =-= Curatie is now known as Wasteland_Daisy
  246. [2012-07-15 07:25:59] * Dusk_Beam awakens (FINALY), her head leaning against the bar. She groans and flicks her tail as she slowly raises up to a sitting possition. "Ugh.. Never drinking again..." She mumbles under her breath, looking around for any of her friends.
  247. [2012-07-15 07:26:49] * Midnight_Rain trots over to Dusk_Beam and rubs her hoof on her friends head "Morning."
  248. [2012-07-15 07:28:11] * Shade smiles and trots over "Wakey wakey sunshine."
  249. [2012-07-15 07:29:17] * Dusk_Beam "H-hey!" She gently swats the hoof away. "Morning, Rain.. Eh, what the heck happened last night.. " She blushes, "Oh my.. I didn't do anything whiles being drunk did I?"
  250. [2012-07-15 07:29:42] <Midnight_Rain> "Maybe."
  251. [2012-07-15 07:29:59] <Shade> "No! Mostly just fell asleep. You were too cute...I didn't want to move you..."
  252. [2012-07-15 07:31:02] * Dusk_Beam "M-maybe?.. " She looks at Shade, sighing with relief. "Oh, good.." She blushes and looks away. "Didn't want to have a repeat of.. Last time."
  253. [2012-07-15 07:31:52] * Shade smiles and trots closer, kissing Dusk's forehead "I said I wouldn't do anything while you drunk. I want you sober and able to remember every minute went something finally happens."
  254. [2012-07-15 07:31:58] * Shade grins innocently
  255. [2012-07-15 07:32:07] <Shade> your*)
  256. [2012-07-15 07:33:08] <Shade> (Also when*)
  257. [2012-07-15 07:35:00] <Midnight_Rain> "I'm just messing with you Dusk the only thing you have missed is us making plans."
  258. [2012-07-15 07:35:30] * Dusk_Beam blushes a little more, nuzzles Shade gently. "So.. What did you girls do while I was out of it?" She turns to Rain, giving her a nuzzle too. "Plans..?"
  259. [2012-07-15 07:35:59] * Shade nods "Well...the plan basically equates to charge en masse, but yes."
  260. [2012-07-15 07:37:02] * Dusk_Beam frowns. "That's the plan? Just charge in?"
  261. [2012-07-15 07:37:08] <Midnight_Rain> "While i snipe them but i need some pony up there with me."
  262. [2012-07-15 07:37:34] * Shade nods "I fly around and distract them, Rain snipes from a cloud..." she shrugs
  263. [2012-07-15 07:38:26] |<-- Chor has left (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  264. [2012-07-15 07:38:52] * Dusk_Beam smiles at Rain. "You know I'll be up there next to you Midnight.. But I'll also have to be ready to go help anypony that needs it..."
  265. [2012-07-15 07:39:35] <Midnight_Rain> "Which is why i bought you that barding."
  266. [2012-07-15 07:40:55] * Dusk_Beam wingshrugs. "It is a plan, I guess." She hugs Midnight. "And It is lovely, thank you." kissing her gently on the cheek.
  267. [2012-07-15 07:41:34] <Shade> "I am glace for my new armor's added protection, but I am not exactly raring to test it's capabilities..."
  268. [2012-07-15 07:41:44] <Shade> (Glad*)
  269. [2012-07-15 07:42:15] * Midnight_Rain kisses Dusk_Beam back gently so as to not scare Dusk
  270. [2012-07-15 07:43:24] * Shade bites her cheek in thought and trots over to her bags and gets herself another cigarette
  271. [2012-07-15 07:46:16] <Midnight_Rain> "So Dusk think we can take out half of the slavers before they see us coming?"
  272. [2012-07-15 07:46:31] * Shade hops up into a chair and puffs on her cigarette
  273. [2012-07-15 07:47:36] * Dusk_Beam leans out of the hug looking concerned. "That, depends on how many they are." Her ear flicks. "And if we can be stealthy.. But we won't seeing as the frontal assualt is what we are going for."
  274. [2012-07-15 07:48:18] <Midnight_Rain> "20 thats how many there are and i want to take down half."
  275. [2012-07-15 07:51:20] * Dusk_Beam "20 huh.. " Looks over at Shade. "Are we sure about this plan..? There was only 5 of them outside during the atack, and.." She winces. "You both got shot up pretty badly.."
  276. [2012-07-15 07:52:01] <Shade> "I got shot once, it wasn't that bad...I fainted me squeamish..."
  277. [2012-07-15 07:52:54] <Midnight_Rain> "I took a shotgun to the face this time i will be up high in the clouds with you looking for any griffons."
  278. [2012-07-15 07:53:31] * Shade nods "...probably with wingblades...And probably better fliers...I am going to likely die."
  279. [2012-07-15 07:53:52] * Shade tilts her head, taking a drag of her cigarette "Oddly, that fact does not bother me."
  280. [2012-07-15 07:54:34] <Midnight_Rain> "Shade i think all that smoke is going to your brain."
  281. [2012-07-15 07:56:40] * Dusk_Beam nods at Shade "there is nothing wrong with having difficulty around blood. But twenty slavers. " She sighs. "I just don't want any of you to be hurt, but somepony will be, it would be stupid to assume otherwise."
  282. [2012-07-15 07:58:09] * Shade pouts "But I like the smoke..."
  283. [2012-07-15 07:58:14] * Dusk_Beam winces. "Sorry.. Shoulnt have said that."
  284. [2012-07-15 07:59:06] * Midnight_Rain hugs Dusk_Beam "It's okay Dusk the smoke isn't helping her any."
  285. [2012-07-15 08:00:12] * Shade frowns
  286. [2012-07-15 08:00:56] * Shade looks at Midnight_Rain "Come here, Rain."
  287. [2012-07-15 08:01:11] * Dusk_Beam just waves a hoof. "Smoking is bad, but so are other things in the wasteland.. Let her relax. " She grins. "Im not even sure if Smoking affects Changelings the same way it does Ponies."
  288. [2012-07-15 08:02:01] * Midnight_Rain walks over to Shade "Yes?"
  289. [2012-07-15 08:02:30] * Shade takes a drag of her cigarette, kisses Rain and blows some of the smoke into her mouth with a grin
  290. [2012-07-15 08:03:06] * Midnight_Rain coughs the smoke wasn't really helping her any.
  291. [2012-07-15 08:03:49] * Shade keeps smiling "Sorry. I couldn't help myself."
  292. [2012-07-15 08:03:58] * Shade leans over and kisses Rains cheek
  293. [2012-07-15 08:08:03] * Midnight_Rain is okay after that little bit of smoke "Yep it really is bad for you."
  294. [2012-07-15 08:08:37] * Shade sighs "I'm calms me down..."
  295. [2012-07-15 08:09:52] <Midnight_Rain> "It may calm you're nerves but it seems to make you more of a jerk."
  296. [2012-07-15 08:10:55] * Shade winces and turns away
  297. [2012-07-15 08:11:58] <Midnight_Rain> "I'm sorry Shade i worry about you thats all."
  298. [2012-07-15 08:12:38] * Shade takes the last dragof her cigarette and puts it out "It's okay."
  299. [2012-07-15 08:13:30] * Dusk_Beam gets of her chair and stretches her back. Sleeping in chairs is not good for you.
  300. [2012-07-15 08:15:36] <Midnight_Rain> "So how did you sleep Dusk?"
  301. [2012-07-15 08:16:38] * Dusk_Beam grins. "Hard." Walking over to the two of you. "We should get a cloud down here.. Clouds are wonderfull to sleep on." She sits down next to you.
  302. [2012-07-15 08:18:29] * Shade just kind of sits there staring at nothing.
  303. [2012-07-15 08:18:51] <Dusk_Beam> "You alright, Shade?"
  304. [2012-07-15 08:19:21] <Shade> "Fine."
  305. [2012-07-15 08:19:55] <Midnight_Rain> "I might be able to grab one."
  306. [2012-07-15 08:20:11] <Shade> "What?"
  307. [2012-07-15 08:20:32] * Dusk_Beam grins. "A cloud."
  308. [2012-07-15 08:20:48] <Shade> "Oh."
  309. [2012-07-15 08:22:07] <Midnight_Rain> "Want me to go snag one?"
  310. [2012-07-15 08:22:33] <Shade> "Your prerogative."
  311. [2012-07-15 08:23:29] * Dusk_Beam shrugs. "Better not.. You know what will happen, Enclave will be all over this place if they discover it.."
  312. [2012-07-15 08:23:56] <Shade> "There are beds."
  313. [2012-07-15 08:24:43] <Midnight_Rain> "Yeah i guess you are right they will shoot me if i don't have the remains or my team."
  314. [2012-07-15 08:25:12] * Dusk_Beam mumbles. "And for other reasons..."
  315. [2012-07-15 08:25:29] <Shade> "How are you going to get on a cloud if they shoot you?"
  316. [2012-07-15 08:25:57] <Shade> "When we attack the slavers, I mean."
  317. [2012-07-15 08:26:59] <Midnight_Rain> "I'll snag it from somewhere else before the fight so i can use it."
  318. [2012-07-15 08:32:30] <Midnight_Rain> "You're right Dusk i haven't killed any changelings yet can't go home until i get done with my mission."
  319. [2012-07-15 08:33:26] * Shade deadpans "One right next to you. just need a body to take home, right?"
  320. [2012-07-15 08:33:37] * Dusk_Beam raises an eyebrow. "You.. What?"
  321. [2012-07-15 08:34:43] * Midnight_Rain looks grim "i um oh i was kidding?"
  322. [2012-07-15 08:35:01] * Shade frowns but doesn't say anything
  323. [2012-07-15 08:36:39] * Dusk_Beam shrugs. "Oh, sure.. Kidding. Heh."
  324. [2012-07-15 08:38:07] <Midnight_Rain> "So Dusk you never did say why you were down here."
  325. [2012-07-15 08:40:00] * Dusk_Beam leans her head to the side. Sighs. "Because I choose to, I want to help..."
  326. [2012-07-15 08:41:19] * Shade lays her head down on her forelegs on the table
  327. [2012-07-15 08:42:05] <Midnight_Rain> "Oh well that makes sense i guess."
  328. [2012-07-15 08:44:51] * Dusk_Beam frowns. "Heh, yeah. It didn't go so well." She leans her head down on the table aswell. "We soon found out that most ponies down here dosn't want help.. Not the ones we met atleast."
  329. [2012-07-15 08:45:10] * Shade totally didn't doze off. She isn't making little 'chu' noises as she sleeps. nope.
  330. [2012-07-15 08:48:13] * Midnight_Rain slams her face into the table making a sound that says stupid
  331. [2012-07-15 08:49:39] * Dusk_Beam jumps slightly as Rain slams her head into the table. " okay?"
  332. [2012-07-15 08:50:42] <Midnight_Rain> "Just me being stupid."
  333. [2012-07-15 08:50:59] * Shade chu
  334. [2012-07-15 08:53:47] * Dusk_Beam lays a wing over Midnight's back, smiling. "Don't worry so much.. You are doing fine."
  335. [2012-07-15 08:55:46] <Midnight_Rain> "I wasn't thinking when i said that."
  336. [2012-07-15 09:00:36] * Dusk_Beam nuzzles Midnight gently. "Told you.. Don't worry about it. We will need you focused on the plan."
  337. [2012-07-15 09:01:48] <Midnight_Rain> "You mean the part where i snipe them all and you guys get shot?"
  338. [2012-07-15 09:09:10] * Dusk_Beam winces. "No, where we take care of the bad guys, like a team. Don't.. Overthink it."
  339. [2012-07-15 09:10:16] <Midnight_Rain> "Just saying Dusk it was my plan first then Haywire shot it down and brought it up as his own."
  340. [2012-07-15 09:11:53] <Dusk_Beam> "I guess.. We'll just have to talk with Haywire about this plan then, but Rain. Honestly, if the plan is the same.. Should it matter who came up with it?"
  341. [2012-07-15 09:13:44] <Midnight_Rain> "It's not that it's just i don't understand why he is using the same plan even though he already said ii was a bad idea."
  342. [2012-07-15 09:14:33] * Shade just sleeps because there isn't anything to do.
  343. [2012-07-15 09:14:39] * Shade chu
  344. [2012-07-15 09:18:43] * Midnight_Rain rubs Shade's head
  345. [2012-07-15 09:18:48] * Dusk_Beam nudges Midnight. "There you go again.. Don't worry about it so much, the plan is still the same... Maybe Haywire just wanted it worded differently to suit his.. Attitude towards life. No matter, the plan is still a go. Right?"
  346. [2012-07-15 09:21:07] * Midnight_Rain nudges Dusk_Beam back "I'm worried about Shade, Dusk i think she should stay here.
  347. [2012-07-15 09:21:28] <Shade> "No."
  348. [2012-07-15 09:22:22] * Dusk_Beam shakes her head. "We are all in this together. We will all go."
  349. [2012-07-15 09:25:00] <Midnight_Rain> "Shade you don't care if you live or die that won't help me if you are dead before we save the slaves."
  350. [2012-07-15 09:25:46] <Shade> "Servicable distraction. And a body for you. You could leave. Not the point though."
  351. [2012-07-15 09:26:10] <Shade> "And I do care. Terminal would be lost without me..."
  352. [2012-07-15 09:27:28] <Midnight_Rain> "Don't say that Shade you're my friend not a body and the last thing i want you to be is dead."
  353. [2012-07-15 09:28:39] <Shade> "Can I not be both?" She smirks "A morbid momento to stuff and place in your home?"
  354. [2012-07-15 09:29:59] * Dusk_Beam groans. "Here we go again.." She buries her head into her forehooves.
  355. [2012-07-15 09:30:30] * Shade smiles "Forgive my dark humor."
  356. [2012-07-15 09:31:27] * Midnight_Rain just lays down "Whatever do what you want Shade see if i care."
  357. [2012-07-15 09:32:58] * Shade sighs and stands up "I apologize." She walks off, heading towards one of the rooms."
  358. [2012-07-15 09:36:16] <Midnight_Rain> "I can be so stupid Dusk you know that?"
  359. [2012-07-15 09:38:30] * Dusk_Beam groans again. "I can't say I dissagree..." She looks over at Midnight. "-maybe you should talk to her?"
  360. [2012-07-15 09:40:16] <Midnight_Rain> "I'm not sure anymore maybe i should just wait out here with you for now."
  361. [2012-07-15 09:42:32] * Dusk_Beam shrugs. "I don't mind.. But you will have to talk to her eventually."
  362. [2012-07-15 09:44:40] <Midnight_Rain> "If i go talk to her will you come along and make sure i don't say anything stupid?"
  363. [2012-07-15 09:46:29] * Dusk_Beam smiles. "Rainy.. I can't talk for you, you have to do that. But yes, I'll come with you."
  364. [2012-07-15 09:47:30] * Midnight_Rain smiles back at Dusk_Beam "I'm not saying you have to talk for me Dusk i'm saying keep me from being stupid."
  365. [2012-07-15 09:48:56] * Dusk_Beam winks. "Oh I don't know.. That is quite a task." She giggles. "Sorry.. Of course Ill help."
  366. [2012-07-15 09:50:28] * Midnight_Rain tickles Dusk_Beam "Sure is Dusk it's a full time job."
  367. [2012-07-15 09:52:24] * Dusk_Beam squirms and laughs. "Ah! Don't I'm ticklish!"
  368. [2012-07-15 09:54:23] <Midnight_Rain> "Sorry Dusk but i don't think i reward you enough for watching out for me."
  369. [2012-07-15 09:55:42] * Haywire nods off.
  370. [2012-07-15 09:56:04] * Dusk_Beam smirks. "Just.. Don't pay me by tickling me."
  371. [2012-07-15 09:56:56] * Shade 's probably dozed off by now. She did wait to see if anyone would follow but that also like half an hour ago.
  372. [2012-07-15 09:57:28] * Midnight_Rain kisses Dusk_Beam "You're right it needs something more."
  373. [2012-07-15 09:58:55] * Dusk_Beam blushes, sighs and returns the kiss.
  374. [2012-07-15 09:59:48] <Midnight_Rain> "Now then lets go find us a Changeling."
  375. [2012-07-15 10:00:43] * Dusk_Beam lingers in the kiss for just a second longer. "S-sure.." She gathers herself and follows Midnight wherever she heads off to.
  376. [2012-07-15 10:04:31] * Midnight_Rain goes looking for a changeling that she has to talk to
  377. [2012-07-15 10:05:14] * Shade hadn't exactly made it a secret where she went. She left the door open a little.
  378. [2012-07-15 10:08:18] <Midnight_Rain> "Hey Shade you asleep?"
  379. [2012-07-15 10:09:45] <Shade> "I'm not now. What took you?"
  380. [2012-07-15 10:10:47] <Midnight_Rain> "Had to deal with a mean medic."
  381. [2012-07-15 10:10:56] <Shade> "I see."
  382. [2012-07-15 10:11:54] * Shade is laying down on the bed with her head pointed towards the door
  383. [2012-07-15 10:12:46] * Dusk_Beam smirks. "I didn't do anything." She looks over at Shade. "You alright?"
  384. [2012-07-15 10:13:04] <Shade> "In a bad mood."
  385. [2012-07-15 10:14:05] <Dusk_Beam> "So.. Talk to us about it, don't go bottle it all up."
  386. [2012-07-15 10:14:24] <Midnight_Rain> "Listen Shade i'm sorry for what i said i shouldn't have brought up my mission."
  387. [2012-07-15 10:14:45] <Shade> "It wasn't the mission that put me in a bad mood."
  388. [2012-07-15 10:14:49] <Shade> "You calling me a jerk did."
  389. [2012-07-15 10:16:31] <Midnight_Rain> "I'm sorry it;s just you weren't acting like you're self and you had me worried."
  390. [2012-07-15 10:17:22] <Shade> "So...calling me a jerk...was your solution?"
  391. [2012-07-15 10:18:14] * Haywire jumps awake, looking around confused.
  392. [2012-07-15 10:19:26] <Shade> "Sure you...didn't call me an...insect, but it still...hurt."
  393. [2012-07-15 10:19:41] <Midnight_Rain> "It's how i deal with things, in the enclave Shade we learn to deal with things on our own and sometimes it can get really bad."
  394. [2012-07-15 10:20:21] * Dusk_Beam "Hey, I'm pretty sure she called you a Jerk for blowing smoke into her mouth." She walks closer to the bed, sitting down and leaning her back to it.
  395. [2012-07-15 10:20:29] * Dusk_Beam "And nothing else.."
  396. [2012-07-15 10:21:03] * Haywire trots over to the map, tking a closer look on it. Maybe there could be a better way...
  397. [2012-07-15 10:21:06] <Shade> "Yea? Well down here...we rely on our friends...sometimes. least...that's what I thought. And it was a...tiny amount, barely really do anything.""
  398. [2012-07-15 10:22:04] <Midnight_Rain> "I guess i was shocked and hurt that you would do that to me Shade."
  399. [2012-07-15 10:22:44] * Dusk_Beam shrugs. "So lets just agree on that you both did something you shouln't have.. No harm done, right?"
  400. [2012-07-15 10:22:45] * Shade nods "I said...I was sorry."
  401. [2012-07-15 10:24:17] <Midnight_Rain> "I guess i was scared how you were acting Shade you just didn't seem like you."
  402. [2012-07-15 10:25:39] <Shade> "That...seems to be going around...a lot lately. I don't...even know who I am...sometimes...So many many falser personalities..."
  403. [2012-07-15 10:27:34] * Midnight_Rain hugs Shade "You're my friend and an ally it hurts me to see you like this."
  404. [2012-07-15 10:27:53] * Shade nuzzles Rain
  405. [2012-07-15 10:30:35] * Dusk_Beam "You are Shade, and our friend. That's what's important." Nuzzles Shade gently.
  406. [2012-07-15 10:30:51] * Midnight_Rain nuzzles both Shade and Dusk_Beam
  407. [2012-07-15 10:31:27] * Shade sighs "But...who is Shade? Am I certain...I am myself...or just another falsified persona?"
  408. [2012-07-15 10:34:01] =-= Arcane_Scroll is now known as Arcane_Scroll[A]
  409. [2012-07-15 10:34:07] <Midnight_Rain> "Only you can find out Shade but for right now you are our friend and you are here and thats all that matters."
  410. [2012-07-15 10:35:21] * Shade smiles "I suppose that is true."
  411. [2012-07-15 10:35:57] * Dusk_Beam hugs Shade. "You are yourself, nothing false about it."
  412. [2012-07-15 10:37:54] <Midnight_Rain> "Just remember Shade we will always be there for you."
  413. [2012-07-15 10:38:41] * Shade nuzzles both mares "Thank you..."
  414. [2012-07-15 10:40:33] * Haywire draws mental lines over the map with his hooves, muttering possbilities.
  415. [2012-07-15 10:42:57] <Midnight_Rain> "So i say we go kill some slavers and free some slaves then we can relax and have some fun."
  416. [2012-07-15 10:43:37] * Shade nods "I wish to help them."
  417. [2012-07-15 10:43:57] * Dusk_Beam "That.. is one way of putting it I supose." She gives you both a final squeeze in the hug before flopping down on her back next to Shade.
  418. [2012-07-15 10:44:57] * Shade leans over a lays her head against Dusk's side "Maybe when we're done...we can wear our dresses... just go do something fun..."
  419. [2012-07-15 10:46:04] <Midnight_Rain> "Yeah that would be nice."
  420. [2012-07-15 10:46:06] * Dusk_Beam nuzzles Shade gently. "I'd like that.."
  421. [2012-07-15 10:49:26] <Shade> "I wonder if there are any nice resturant type place in North side..."
  422. [2012-07-15 10:50:29] <Midnight_Rain> "That would be sweet to get to eat something fancy."
  423. [2012-07-15 10:52:27] <Shade> "Nice resturant with the three of us in our sexy little dresses...we'd kill half of the stallions in town from bloodloss."
  424. [2012-07-15 10:53:01] * Dusk_Beam nuzzles. "So, that's a deal then.. A, date? Once we have taken care of certain business.. Perhaps we should ask the stallions to come too?"
  425. [2012-07-15 10:54:29] <Midnight_Rain> "I dunno i think it would be better if it was just the three of us."
  426. [2012-07-15 10:54:56] * Shade chuckles "I always wondered what being a stallion was like..."
  427. [2012-07-15 10:55:28] <Shade> "I agree with Rain though. I'd like it if it was just us. Maybe Term if we could hid her wings and find a dress big enough for her."
  428. [2012-07-15 10:55:32] <Shade> hide*)
  429. [2012-07-15 10:56:53] * Dusk_Beam nods. "Sure.. Was just a thought."
  430. [2012-07-15 10:57:34] * Shade teases Dusk "And if you really feel that strongly about it, I could always be a stallion."
  431. [2012-07-15 10:58:53] <Midnight_Rain> "That would be interesting to see."
  432. [2012-07-15 10:59:05] * Dusk_Beam blushes. "Y-you can do that?"
  433. [2012-07-15 10:59:42] * Shade states blandly "I turned into Haywire earlier didn't I? for a few seconds anyways..."
  434. [2012-07-15 11:01:31] * Dusk_Beam "Oh! Yeah, I remember now.. " Nuzzles you again. "But I like you more as yourself.. "
  435. [2012-07-15 11:01:36] <Midnight_Rain> "Maybe Dusk needs a big strong stallion to start her off."
  436. [2012-07-15 11:02:10] * Shade blinks "Also teased Grand about seducing him as a stallion back when we first met up..."
  437. [2012-07-15 11:02:23] * Shade smiles and nuzzles Dusk back "Thank you."
  438. [2012-07-15 11:04:11] * Haywire 's ear twitches with the mention of his name.
  439. [2012-07-15 11:04:52] <Shade> "Also I'd mention less chance of unintended pregnancy with mares, anyways."
  440. [2012-07-15 11:05:46] * Dusk_Beam "Ah, maybe.." She swallows. "Maybe Shade can show us all her tricks once we go out."
  441. [2012-07-15 11:06:25] * Dusk_Beam "O-oh.. Less chance huh..?" She blushes
  442. [2012-07-15 11:06:36] <Midnight_Rain> "That would be great."
  443. [2012-07-15 11:06:56] * Shade chuckles "Well, less chance as in no chance..."
  444. [2012-07-15 11:07:11] <Shade> "I'm also sterile while shifted..."
  445. [2012-07-15 11:08:15] * Dusk_Beam "Aha.. So no chance for any.. Accidents, then." She nuzzles you again.
  446. [2012-07-15 11:08:46] * Shade nods "I just got dragged into something again, didn't I?
  447. [2012-07-15 11:10:04] <Haywire> /me shakes his head and takes the map, and walking to te tavern doorframe.
  448. [2012-07-15 11:10:32] <Midnight_Rain> "Yes you did Shade."
  449. [2012-07-15 11:10:40] * Dusk_Beam says nothing, hugs the changeling close.
  450. [2012-07-15 11:11:42] * Shade is silent for a few moments and hugs Dusk "I don't think I mind that..."
  451. [2012-07-15 11:23:37] -->| Chor (Mibbit@Pony-hra.fl3.148.217.IP) has joined #FalloutEquestriaPNP2
  452. [2012-07-15 11:23:38] =-= Mode #FalloutEquestriaPNP2 +h Chor by ChanServ
  453. [2012-07-15 11:28:31] =-= Arcane_Scroll[A] is now known as Arcane_Scroll
  454. [2012-07-15 11:30:29] * Haywire goes back inside, taking the map to where Midnight, Dusk and Shade are in. "Fillies. I have some suggestions about the plan. That is, if you are still bent into getting shot for others. But this could reduce the overall risk."
  455. [2012-07-15 11:30:50] * Shade pokes her head out "What's that Wire?"
  456. [2012-07-15 11:31:36] <Midnight_Rain> "Whats the plan?"
  457. [2012-07-15 11:32:48] * Dusk_Beam "Oh?"
  458. [2012-07-15 11:33:55] * Haywire lays the map out on the floor. "Looking at it, the base has an opening to the river. I wouldn't advise going by boat, to be sunk in the irradiated water, BUT, it allows you to get better shots into whoever is inside, from above."
  459. [2012-07-15 11:35:43] <Shade> "Wouldn't being able grant you a general advantage period?"
  460. [2012-07-15 11:37:29] * Dusk_Beam looks at the map for a second. "-and what would you and Grand be doing?"
  461. [2012-07-15 11:38:51] <Haywire> "Exactly, but that is not all of it. Midnight and Dusk can attack from above, redirecting the attention to the river side. Then, if Grand is up to it, we could plant bombs on different places on the wall. We need to check if we can create an opening, and also redirect their attention away from you and us as they start retributing fire. Then we go in."
  462. [2012-07-15 11:39:12] <Haywire> "We need to know where the slaves are located, though."
  463. [2012-07-15 11:42:40] <Shade> "I could cover mid field, cover the area between Rain and dusk, and you and Grand."
  464. [2012-07-15 11:43:12] <Shade> "Likely draw any fliying force they have and hopefully catch them in a crossfire once the show starts."
  465. [2012-07-15 11:43:17] <Shade> flying*)
  466. [2012-07-15 11:45:04] * Haywire nods. "Certainly it will be better than just charging in."
  467. [2012-07-15 11:46:48] * Dusk_Beam nods. "I hate to say it, but if Shade could draw the attention of any fliers, so we can take them out quickly we should have a pretty decent chance of doing this." She nudges Shade. "You okay with this plan?"
  468. [2012-07-15 11:48:23] * Shade nods "I was fine with it from the start. That way, once the fliers, if there are any, are dealt with, I can fly close support for the two on the ground. It would help to have a medic in the air and on the ground, even if I am untrained and can only help in one way."
  469. [2012-07-15 11:50:09] * Dusk_Beam "It's a plan."
  470. [2012-07-15 11:50:37] <Midnight_Rain> "Everyone should move on mine and Dusk's signal."
  471. [2012-07-15 11:51:33] <Shade> "It is unfortunate we don't have a way to communicate and coordinate the two offenses...radios or Terminal's telepathy for example."
  472. [2012-07-15 11:52:04] <Shade> "Terminal would be useful, but I would prefer having more than one battlemind...and one less eccentric than Terminal."
  473. [2012-07-15 11:52:27] <Midnight_Rain> "Simple you all move after you hear our shots as we strike our targets."
  474. [2012-07-15 11:53:06] <Haywire> "I considered that, Shade. I need to take another look on the parts shop, but it should be possible."
  475. [2012-07-15 11:53:35] <Shade> "I meant after the battle has started. An eye in the sky relating enemy movements would be immensely useful
  476. [2012-07-15 11:57:35] <Midnight_Rain> "Well if Haywire can make us some then i guess we can test them out."
  477. [2012-07-15 11:58:12] * Dusk_Beam nods. "Would clear up a lot of confusion, aswell as easier for medics to know if they are needed."
  478. [2012-07-15 12:08:03] <Haywire> "I will come up with something and go get the parts for them as soon as possible. Not sure how much it could cost, though... in fact..." He looks down.
  479. [2012-07-15 12:08:54] <Shade> "I've got caps left. In fact, how about I 'pay' you the caps it would have cost to get my armor repaired?"
  480. [2012-07-15 12:09:12] * Dusk_Beam "Hmn? I think I have some caps left over too."
  481. [2012-07-15 12:12:20] <Haywire> "Good, we also need to decide if we are getting communicators for everypony or just one for each team."
  482. [2012-07-15 12:13:05] <Shade> "That is a problem...You and Grand will be seperated, and I will be in the air between you least in the beginning."
  483. [2012-07-15 12:17:01] * Dusk_Beam ponders for a minute. "Let's see how many communicators we can get our hoofs upon, the more the better if you ask me."
  484. [2012-07-15 12:18:48] * Shade nods "Agreed."
  485. [2012-07-15 12:19:42] * Haywire nods. "But we don't know if there are availabe parts to make many of them. We need to set an order of priority... and I think someone else should handle the negotiations."
  486. [2012-07-15 12:20:01] <Shade> "Not it."
  487. [2012-07-15 12:20:45] * Dusk_Beam shrugs. "I'd be gratefull for one, need to be able to keep in contact with both teams if anything goes wrong and you need a medic."
  488. [2012-07-15 12:34:25] <Haywire> "I'd say the priority is me, Midnight, Shade, then Dusk and Grand" He turns to the exit. "So, who is handling negotiations?"
  489. [2012-07-15 12:35:03] <Shade> "I'll come with you...but I will'handle the negotiations'...I will help you carry parts, though..."
  490. [2012-07-15 12:35:12] -->| nomad ( has joined #FalloutEquestriaPNP2
  491. [2012-07-15 12:35:47] -->| linedot (linedot@uses.gentoo.linux) has joined #FalloutEquestriaPNP2
  492. [2012-07-15 12:35:48] * Dusk_Beam "Ah sure.. I'll come with you."
  493. [2012-07-15 12:40:23] =-= Arcane_Scroll is now known as Arcane_Scroll[A]
  494. [2012-07-15 12:45:39] * Haywire follows the road going out of East Hoof Rot towards North.
  495. [2012-07-15 12:46:20] * Haywire glances at Dusk every other moment.
  496. [2012-07-15 12:47:32] * Shade trots along, a wave of green fire momentarily enveloping her and replacing her with her earth pony form
  497. [2012-07-15 12:47:35] * Dusk_Beam "Eh, something on your mind, Haywire?" She says, walking next to him.
  498. [2012-07-15 12:49:35] * Haywire turns away. "...what does Midnight mean to you?"He asks without looking on her eyes;
  499. [2012-07-15 12:50:30] * Shade tilts her head but doesn't say anything
  500. [2012-07-15 12:51:45] * Dusk_Beam "Midnight.. Eh, she.. Is a friend, and-" She blushes. "- hopefully a little more then that." Looking over at Haywire. "Why do you ask?"
  501. [2012-07-15 12:54:14] <Haywire> "Well..." He glances back again, noticing Shade. "...nevermind. I guess it isn't too bad then." He rubs his cheek.
  502. [2012-07-15 12:54:44] <Shade> "I'll go back over there if you wish to have a private conversation, Haywire. Do not stop on my account."
  503. [2012-07-15 12:56:31] * Shade drops back until she's trailing the two by a decent distance.
  504. [2012-07-15 12:56:55] * Dusk_Beam "No, please tell me. If there is anything you'd like to talk about then please just say so. It's better that way." She moves a little closer to Haywire.
  505. [2012-07-15 12:59:36] * Haywire looks at Shade going away, seeming more distressed by the questioning. "....well... just keep in mind... as much as we may plan... well... it can always go wrong and then..."
  506. [2012-07-15 13:00:40] * Haywire rubs his cheek again. "Anyway! Do you have any idea of what may be the reason behind this pain."
  507. [2012-07-15 13:02:39] * Dusk_Beam sighs deeply. "Yes.. I know that, but it dosn't stop it from being the right thing to do-" She raises an eyebrow, looking closer at Haywires face. "-you mean OTHER then being hit in the head repeatedly by the other members of our group? I'm not sure, last time I tried to have a look at it we got interupted by Midnight. I could have another look once we are back at the tavern if you like."
  508. [2012-07-15 13:03:43] * Haywire nods. "Of course."
  509. [2012-07-15 13:05:40] * Dusk_Beam keeps moving forward towards their location, letting Haywire lead the way. "Let's get parts and then I'll have a closer inspection, perhaps without any of the others nearby. To make sure you don't suffer more trauma to your head." She smirks slightly.
  510. [2012-07-15 13:05:46] * Shade plods along with a bored look on her face
  511. [2012-07-15 13:06:37] * Haywire smirks as well. "Don't worry about that. I have everything under control."
  512. [2012-07-15 13:08:03] * Shade tries to hum an off-tune...tune to keep herself occupied. It doesn't work very well.
  513. [2012-07-15 13:15:21] =-= Arcane_Scroll[A] is now known as Arcane_Scroll
  514. [2012-07-15 13:16:32] <AMARDA_GM> As the group enters the north, the place seems to be a lot quieter than the previous day before the Slaver raids.
  515. [2012-07-15 13:17:18] * Shade is still trailing behind the two
  516. [2012-07-15 13:18:13] <AMARDA_GM> The group sees a handful of groups wandering around, but the traders on the side of the road seem to have all packed up and not to be seen.
  517. [2012-07-15 13:18:46] * Dusk_Beam holds up for a few seconds to let Shade catch up, giving her a wink.
  518. [2012-07-15 13:19:30] * Shade doesn't even realize Dusk_Beam had stopped until she faceplots and stumbles backwards "Sorry!"
  519. [2012-07-15 13:19:57] * Shade was off in her own little world.
  520. [2012-07-15 13:21:09] * Dusk_Beam eeps! "Its okay, just wanted to keep you company; me and Haywire are done talking now." She smiles at Shade. Cocking her and keeps moving as soon as Shade does.
  521. [2012-07-15 13:21:46] * Shade trots foward "Done with secret meeting time? Nice of you to inform me."
  522. [2012-07-15 13:22:02] * Haywire sighs.
  523. [2012-07-15 13:22:52] * Haywire mutters. "...should have kept my mouth shut..."
  524. [2012-07-15 13:23:17] * Dusk_Beam "I just wanted let you know..." She sighs.
  525. [2012-07-15 13:24:02] * Shade tilts her head "And you did. And I said it was nice of you to tell me I didn't have to trail behind you two any more."
  526. [2012-07-15 13:24:11] <Shade> "I figured you could extrapolate a little, dear."
  527. [2012-07-15 13:25:15] * Haywire looks around. "It seems the conflict scared some of the traders. I hope that doesn't end up being a problem. " he trots a little faster, toward the parts shop
  528. [2012-07-15 13:25:46] <Shade> "Yes, It would be unfortunate to be unable to obtain the parts we need."
  529. [2012-07-15 13:26:10] <Shade> "I did enjoy watching you working on my armor. These communicatrs would like be even more interesting."
  530. [2012-07-15 13:26:24] * Dusk_Beam trots alongside the other two. "Shouln't be much further, right?"
  531. [2012-07-15 13:27:02] <AMARDA_GM> Also the harbour and the ships that were coming and going yesterday seem to not be used as much.
  532. [2012-07-15 13:28:05] <Haywire> "It should be close now."
  533. [2012-07-15 13:30:13] <AMARDA_GM> The store is the same as earlier. This time it looks open rather than Grand just walking straight on in.
  534. [2012-07-15 13:33:45] <AMARDA_GM> *Haywire just walking straight on in.*
  535. [2012-07-15 13:36:39] * Haywire searches around the store for radio receptor and broadcaster parts.
  536. [2012-07-15 13:37:17] * Shade loiters around
  537. [2012-07-15 13:37:31] * Dusk_Beam follows Haywire inside, she moves up to one of the electronic devices and curiously pokes it.
  538. [2012-07-15 13:38:13] <Shade> "Don't poke things you don't know what are dear."
  539. [2012-07-15 13:39:36] <AMARDA_GM> Haywire spots an old battered radio set in the corner and few more walkie talkies.
  540. [2012-07-15 13:39:50] * Dusk_Beam blinks. Puts her hoof down. "Sure, I'll just stand over here then.." She moves away from the device and twitches a little.
  541. [2012-07-15 13:40:30] <Shade> "You want to poke it again, don't you?"
  542. [2012-07-15 13:41:14] * Dusk_Beam glances at it. "Nooooo..?"
  543. [2012-07-15 13:41:18] * Haywire fetches all of them. Taking them to the counter. "A little curiosity is not bad, but you should know this store sells gun parts where is that buffalo?"
  544. [2012-07-15 13:42:06] * Shade trots over, picks up Dusk's hoof, and pokes the device lightly with Dusk's hoof.
  545. [2012-07-15 13:43:14] * Dusk_Beam smiles and giggles a little. "I can poke it myself if you like, Shade."
  546. [2012-07-15 13:43:34] * Shade pokes it again "Naw, I like doing it this way."
  547. [2012-07-15 13:43:51] <AMARDA_GM> The Buffalo makes his way into the room from behind the counter. "Back again? Want those radios?"
  548. [2012-07-15 13:44:20] * Dusk_Beam nuzzles Shade gently. "Alright then, just don't make me break it. Cause then Im not sure who is responsible."
  549. [2012-07-15 13:44:58] * Shade blinks and sets Dusk's hoof down "Good point." She smirks and nuzzles Dusk back
  550. [2012-07-15 13:45:31] * Haywire nods. "That is correct. Now, I'll leave my friend discuss the price with you. Shade?"
  551. [2012-07-15 13:45:55] * Shade perks up and looks over "Hmm? I'm not handling the negotiations. I said that."
  552. [2012-07-15 13:48:32] * Haywire shakes his head. "True, it was Dusk who decided to take care of that, right? Well, I'll leave you to deal with that peacefully." He leaves the radios on the counter and trots away of the store rather stiffly.
  553. [2012-07-15 13:49:14] * Shade frowns and hands Dusk_Beam her caps "Here. I'm gonna go see what's up with Wire this time..."
  554. [2012-07-15 13:49:36] * Shade trots out after Haywire "Hey, Wire! Wait up a second!"
  555. [2012-07-15 13:49:44] * Dusk_Beam nods at Shade, "Oh okay. Sure, I'll just take care of this." She takes the caps and moves up to teh counter.
  556. [2012-07-15 13:50:41] * Haywire stops a few steps away from the store. "What is it, Shade?"
  557. [2012-07-15 13:51:03] <Shade> "What's up? You seem a little irritated."
  558. [2012-07-15 13:51:11] * Midnight_Rain trots around north side not really doing anything just looking at the damage that was done
  559. [2012-07-15 13:52:15] <Haywire> me shakes his head vigorously. "No. Everything is fine, everything is perfect, there is nothing wrong."
  560. [2012-07-15 13:52:23] * Dusk_Beam "So then, we are looking to buy these Radios of you, and first Id like to ask you what you deem to be a decent price for them?" She takes one of the Radios to look at it closer.
  561. [2012-07-15 13:53:07] * Shade sigh "Come on wire, when you deny things like that, it's a little obvious something's wrong, and I'd like to help you..."
  562. [2012-07-15 13:53:57] <Haywire> "I'm not good with negotiations, that is all."
  563. [2012-07-15 13:54:29] <AMARDA_GM> The Buffalo nods. "Fifty caps total, not gonna bother selling it a street value, just need as many caps as I can get for the time being."
  564. [2012-07-15 13:55:03] <Shade> "You sure that's all?" She's got a rather worried look on her face
  565. [2012-07-15 13:57:23] * Dusk_Beam smirks. "Hmn, so what if you sell them to me for 40 caps. And I'll make sure to put in a good word for you and your store to anybody asking. That way you will invest in some free.. Promotion aswell as gain caps. Seems like a fair deal to me, dont you think?" She dosn't look at the Buffalo but keeps looking at the Radios instead.
  566. [2012-07-15 13:57:34] <AMARDA_GM> He nods. "I need the caps aat this point, after last night and how the days gone so far prices will have to beslash significantly to remain competitive." He waves a hoof at his shops product. "I resell junk, I gotta move with the times for the moment."
  567. [2012-07-15 13:58:11] * Midnight_Rain trots around north side
  568. [2012-07-15 13:58:25] * Haywire grits his teeth for a moment, then looks down.
  569. [2012-07-15 13:58:56] * Dusk_Beam "Well, that's just wonderul Mister. So, 30 caps then? Deal?" She puts the 30 caps on the counter.
  570. [2012-07-15 13:59:24] * Shade frowns "That's not all. Listen, Haywire. If you don't want to talk to me that's fine, I just want to help you."
  571. [2012-07-15 14:00:10] <AMARDA_GM> The Buffalo looks ate her then motions to the door. "If your going to be cheeky miss then I and every other store on this side won't serve you. Pay your forty caps."
  572. [2012-07-15 14:01:36] =-= Chor is now known as Chor|hitdabooks
  573. [2012-07-15 14:01:45] <Haywire> " said you can change into other ponies..."
  574. [2012-07-15 14:02:09] * Dusk_Beam smirks. "Alright then, here you are Mister." She adds another 10 caps to the counter and quickly takes the radios in her saddlebags. "Untill next time.." She takes a few steps back before turning around, moving towards Haywire and Shade.
  575. [2012-07-15 14:02:15] * Shade tilts her head "I can."
  576. [2012-07-15 14:04:11] * Haywire looks back to you, grief-stricken. "...can you.. no... well..."
  577. [2012-07-15 14:05:00] <Shade> "I can't do anything if you don't ask me what it is you'd like to try..."
  578. [2012-07-15 14:05:17] * Midnight_Rain sneaks her way towards someponies
  579. [2012-07-15 14:05:21] <Shade> "And to specify, I can take on their appearance...not their personality, nor memories."
  580. [2012-07-15 14:06:40] * Dusk_Beam joins the other two. "I have the radios.. Uh, you two okay?" She puts a hoof over the other, scratching up her leg.
  581. [2012-07-15 14:08:19] * Shade shrugs
  582. [2012-07-15 14:11:20] * Haywire is startled by Dusk's voice. "G-Good... welll... we c-can... that's it then. Let's go b-back."
  583. [2012-07-15 14:12:31] * Shade frowns and whispers something in Haywire's ear
  584. [2012-07-15 14:12:45] * Midnight_Rain sneaks up behind Dusk_Beam and hugs her "Boo!"
  585. [2012-07-15 14:12:51] * Dusk_Beam leans her head to the side and looks concerned. "Ah, yeah sure. Let's head back to the tavern, see if we can get these to work properly and so I can.. Take a look at that pain of yours."
  586. [2012-07-15 14:13:06] * Haywire nods.
  587. [2012-07-15 14:13:40] * Dusk_Beam eeps! Flailing her hooves in the hug. "Ahhhh! I'm being attacked!"
  588. [2012-07-15 14:14:09] <Shade> "By the most fearsome beast in the world. A sneaky, likely horny, pegasus mare."
  589. [2012-07-15 14:14:55] <Midnight_Rain> "You let you're guard down Dusk i was hoping for more of a challenge."
  590. [2012-07-15 14:15:17] <Shade> "Picked the wrong target, Dear."
  591. [2012-07-15 14:15:46] * Dusk_Beam giggles and hugs Midnight back. "You are just to sneaky! Next time I'll be ready though, just wait and see."
  592. [2012-07-15 14:16:37] <Midnight_Rain> "I thought i would try sneaking up on Dusk to see if i would make it unseen and i did."
  593. [2012-07-15 14:16:52] * Dusk_Beam gently pulls out of the hug. Smiling and nods. "Right! Back to the tavern then? We have a lot of preperation to take care of, really want to see how long range these radios have aswell."
  594. [2012-07-15 14:17:36] * Haywire silently trots back to the tavern. He adjusts his goggles and a tear rolls from under it.
  595. [2012-07-15 14:18:18] * Shade follows Haywire
  596. [2012-07-15 14:19:29] * Dusk_Beam quickly trotts up to shade. Hoofing over the bag of caps. "I manage to get them for 40 caps, used 30 of yours and 10 of mine. Hope that's alright."
  597. [2012-07-15 14:20:06] <Midnight_Rain> "Dusk lets practice a little on our way."
  598. [2012-07-15 14:20:27] <Shade> "That's fine. less than I expected."
  599. [2012-07-15 14:22:09] * Dusk_Beam shrugs, looking at Midnight. "I'm not even sure if they work Rainy. Lets have Haywire take a look at them first before we tinker with them ourselfs."
  600. [2012-07-15 14:22:38] <Midnight_Rain> "I meant sneaking around Dusk."
  601. [2012-07-15 14:25:03] * Dusk_Beam "Oh.. Yeah, sure we can do that but I'll have to have a word with Haywire first."
  602. [2012-07-15 14:25:46] * Midnight_Rain slips away "okay i'll be watching you."
  603. [2012-07-15 14:25:51] * Shade looks over at Dusk_Beam "You too, hmm? Well you can go first. my conversation can wait."
  604. [2012-07-15 14:27:42] * Dusk_Beam nods. "Sure, let's do it like that then." She keeps moving towards the tavern.
  605. [2012-07-15 14:29:54] <Midnight_Rain> "So Shade what do you think of my sneaking?"
  606. [2012-07-15 14:30:11] * Shade smiles "Sneaky."
  607. [2012-07-15 14:30:25] * Dusk_Beam smirks. "What Shade said, very sneaky."
  608. [2012-07-15 14:31:27] <Midnight_Rain> "Just wait until i hide from the enemy and kill them."
  609. [2012-07-15 14:32:08] <Shade> "That's...basically the plan, yes."
  610. [2012-07-15 14:34:51] * Haywire mutters " can't hide from them..."
  611. [2012-07-15 14:35:11] <Midnight_Rain> "But this is what i do best Shade."
  612. [2012-07-15 14:35:49] <Shade> "Scaring the tartarus out of your friends by glomping them?
  613. [2012-07-15 14:37:34] <Midnight_Rain> "That and i sneak around line up my sights with a target and bang they are dead."
  614. [2012-07-15 14:46:58] * Haywire gets to the tavern and immediately takes one of the countless bottles of whisky.
  615. [2012-07-15 14:47:43] * Midnight_Rain floats into the tavern on a cloud "Hey dusk want to come lay by me?"
  616. [2012-07-15 14:48:11] * Shade is just loitering around not really paying attention to anything
  617. [2012-07-15 14:49:18] =-= Arcane_Scroll is now known as Arcane_Scroll[A]
  618. [2012-07-15 14:49:22] -->| DiceArt ( has joined #FalloutEquestriaPNP2
  619. [2012-07-15 14:50:07] * Dusk_Beam smiles up at Rain while she carefully picks the radios out of her bags. Putting them gently down on a table. "Not now Rainy, maybe later. I have to take care of this first." She nods a head towards Haywire.
  620. [2012-07-15 14:51:01] <--| DiceArt has left #FalloutEquestriaPNP2
  621. [2012-07-15 14:51:29] * Haywire looks vacantly ahead.
  622. [2012-07-15 14:52:20] <Midnight_Rain> "Okay but if the enclave asks you took it."
  623. [2012-07-15 14:53:56] * Dusk_Beam leaves the bag on the table. Giving Midnight a grin. "Sure.. You have fun with that cloud now." She walks up and sits down next to Haywire. "So, Wire, how are you feeling. And I mean, really feeling."
  624. [2012-07-15 14:55:23] * Haywire snaps out of his thoughts. "What? Oh, well, I have this pain on my cheek that doesn't seem to go away."
  625. [2012-07-15 14:55:43] * Midnight_Rain jumps on the cloud trying to make it thunder
  626. [2012-07-15 14:57:33] * Midnight_Rain makes the cloud rumble and growl thundering like a monster
  627. [2012-07-15 14:58:39] * Dusk_Beam takes pours a glas for herself, she turns to look at Haywire. "I -could- take a look at it again, if you want me too. But I couln't really find anything last time, so I doubt I will now.." She takes tastes the drink and frowns.
  628. [2012-07-15 15:02:05] * Midnight_Rain jumps on the cloud some more
  629. [2012-07-15 15:02:31] * Haywire rubs his cheek and frowns at Dusk. "I could ask the other doctor then. Certainly there must be a reason for it."
  630. [2012-07-15 15:03:39] * Midnight_Rain is shocked by lightning with a large boom she falls over onto the cloud shocked "Dusk..."
  631. [2012-07-15 15:04:53] * Dusk_Beam "I.. Do have another theory aswell, if you are willing to hear me out." She turns around towards Midnight. "You'll be fine, just don't jump on it again. And stay away from water for a while."
  632. [2012-07-15 15:05:30] <Midnight_Rain> "I just don't know what went wrong."
  633. [2012-07-15 15:07:34] * Haywire purs himself a glass. "Well, what would it be?"
  634. [2012-07-15 15:12:12] * Dusk_Beam "Now I'm not really sure, but I think that this pain might have to do something with how you feel inside. You have, during the last few days been through a lot, which has obviously brought up some bad memories." She waves a hoof towards the room where she had found Haywire raging. sighs. "Do you get what Im aiming at?"
  635. [2012-07-15 15:14:46] * Midnight_Rain gets into the cloud and flies it around trying to get a feel "This is a nice cloud."
  636. [2012-07-15 15:21:16] * Haywire looks back at the room Dusk shows. "That... is a very unusual suggestion. How would memories cause physical pain?"
  637. [2012-07-15 15:22:47] * Midnight_Rain pulls out her sniper and sticks it out of the cloud making a cloud have a long nose like object out of it
  638. [2012-07-15 15:27:07] * Dusk_Beam wingshrugs and takes another sip of her drink. "I'm not sure exactly -how- it happens, but I guess we could compare it with something as natural as anger. Have you ever been so angry that you loose all your control? The pain in your head is something like that.. I think. There is just, to much of one emotion for you right now." She tries to make eyecontact with Haywire. "So I ask you again.. How are you feeling?"
  639. [2012-07-15 15:32:34] * Midnight_Rain flies over to the map in her cloud and marks out where she will be with her mind
  640. [2012-07-15 15:37:25] * Haywire sustains Dusk's eyecontact, staying slient for a moment. "...not very well. I can't really deny that I have been seeing things I'd rather wouldn't... I don't even know why I'm here. This whole endeavor is insane. Attacking gangs? I am not a soldier, I'm just a researcher... yet I'm still here, without any good reason for it."
  641. [2012-07-15 15:44:29] * Shade goes up to have kinky cloud sex with Midnight_Rain or something
  642. <Dusk_Beam> 0x01ACTION "...I can undestand how you feel, this whole mission is something none of us where planning. But, sometimes we just -have- to be better then our fears. These ponies.. Are slavers, which means that they have slaves, and we are going to save those slaves. The reason to why is simple, because the wasteland have enought ponies that dosn't care, I don't want to be one of them, I want to help those slaves, I want to do better."
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