
.. The Good Work ..

Feb 18th, 2012
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  1. We were once Legion! We forget Sometimes! Expect Us if the hip isn't bad today! .. :)- ..
  3. I am a 26 year veteran of the Internet having abandoned my Degree to chase that dream in 1985. It is a decision I have come to regret every so often. But good dreams are expensive sometimes.
  5. As envisioned by my contemporaries and mentors - the X.25 'Internet' of 1986 had within its power the recreation of the social, political and economic revolution brought about by the first generation of commons publishing in the 17th century.
  7. It was our dream that the Internet might once again allow people with limited capital and limited access to education - who thereby lack the luxury of time - to know all that was knowable about anything, as and when needed ..
  9. To achieve that goal - the Internet was RFC'd specifically to allow the voiceless and powerless to speak and be heard regardless of where they lived or what they had to say. You and I are living our dream right now by virtue of being able to read my post here.
  11. While it remains to be seen if we will weld the power now in our hands better and more wisely than those who have come to have it before us - the Internet as you know it now is exactly what we hoped it might be.
  13. The reason why we felt our dream might come true was because a Neutral information and communications Network, uniquely, is a wholly Darwinian ecosystem of culture and information where the natural laws of evolution natively apply and re-apply to the circulation of knowledge and ideas.
  15. Propose anything, say anything, offer anything you want to the Internet.. And like minded people everywhere will find and support you or confront your position.
  17. If you are just wrong, say a Westboro Church screwhead - then you will be outted for it. If you are mostly right, say a #NetNeutrality campaigner - then you will find support and your idea will evolve to its natural outcome.
  19. That is what has inspired my work all these long years and continues to sustain me even now as I gallingly go slowly blind. Factory defect as it turns out ..
  21. The #Anonymous movement is a practical example of our dream in action. It is a mirror of the real world in which we actually live today and is, in point of fact, a natural outcome of the technology operating at scale.
  23. Then, as now, critical advancements in science, commerce and society were no longer the exclusive purview of the church, government or the gentry. Although now, as then, great ideas and advancements are not exclusionary of the church, government or gentry - they are just equal.
  25. Ideas - more so now then ever - need to be equal if my own children are to advance and survive as contributing members of a very recent species here on planet earth. And that is why the #anonymous movement is so very important.
  27. Even if it is as messy and disorganized as almost everything groups of people have ever done when getting started on something new - the #Anonymous movement is a natural maturation in the Internet's evolution and one that I fully support.
  29. The movement again re-balances the scale against those who continue to hold onto the 19th century illusion that - by virtue of their press, capital or ability to wield powers - they do not need to subject their ideas to natural evolutionary processes or public scrutiny and discourse.
  31. And that was exactly why Dr Postel designed the IP system he did and why dreamers everywhere pulled up terminals and hustled every angle we could to get this beast to operate on a self-sustaining financial and cultural basis.
  33. And thus the Internet remains, so far, a place were the only real thing that counts is the truth held in your heart.
  35. So keep up the good work - please try to make sure it remains good work - as it would be a terrible and immensely saddening thing to once again waste the opportunity so many have spent their entire lives building for you.
  37. alt.kaos
  39. #Webkids Manifesto Translation project - can you help?
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