
Mesbin system document

Oct 7th, 2017
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  1. Sun: F7V white star.
  3. Shol: Superjool in a tight orbit around the Sun
  4. -Yeerbor: retrograde planemo ball of salt and sand that travels between Shol's atmosphere and the edge of Shol's hill sphere.
  6. Tiros: Desert planet with lakes at the poles.
  8. Mesbin: Airless iron superkerbin, 3.2 gee at the poles, 0.8 gee at the equator. Rotates rapidly. Homeworld.
  9. -Gramun: Airless rocky world, 0.672 gee.
  10. -Kermun: Lush, habitable, 1.334 gee, 2 atm.
  11. Derbin: 2.3 gee, 2.1 atm rocky superkerbin, distant binary orbit with Mesbin.
  12. -Dermun: Mun-sized moon.
  13. -Derminmus: dark brown, cratered version of Minmus.
  15. Reander: 0.8 gee, green icy planet with a thick, oxygenated atmosphere. 15 atm of oxygen.
  16. -Yalthe: small, yellowish world with lava-filled caldera and a thin volcanic-based atmosphere
  17. -Cayn: A world where all of the air has fallen into thick canyons in the surface.
  18. -Lito: A very large moon with very low gravity. 0.35 gee on a world twice the size of Kerbin.
  19. -Yawer: Rapidly rotating moon of triaxial ellipsoidal shape. The ends of the moon are rotating greater than orbital velocity.
  21. The Boulders: Degenerate Cores wrapped around a couple terrestrial planets, finally an excuse to make an ubertiny world. There are two of them, one an ocean world and the other an airless world.
  23. Hypervelocity Rock: A comet in a hyperbolic orbit, travelling at roughly 300 km/s.
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