
Sylum and Eri talk

Nov 30th, 2015
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  1. [08:34] <Eridana> Seems to be very self-pity and stuff right now, which is understandable
  2. [08:34] <Eridana> Honestly, this is the kind of thing I'd really like to see become like
  3. [08:35] <Eridana> Sylum realises his faults, resolves to try and right his wrongs and explore his origins
  4. [08:35] <Eridana> Go on a journey of self-discovery and that
  5. [08:35] <Eridana> Its pretty downer right now
  6. [08:36] <Eridana> If you were to balance it out with some uplifting spirit and him attempting to get out, something you could discuss with Oyu, you could make a rather nice character arc out of it
  7. [08:37] <Eridana> That make sense?
  8. [08:37] <Sylum> Yeah thats, wow
  9. [08:37] <Eridana> I feel like I'm kind of rambling to myself, in a way.
  10. [08:38] <Eridana> You'd have to be careful with how you word it though
  11. [08:39] <Eridana> It could easily be spun as 'I'll show them! I'll become even better than I was before! I'll be the good guy!' or 'I'll show them! I'll become the best there ever was! I'll show them all! They'll all pay!'
  12. [08:41] <Sylum> the original idea was going to focus more on the whole insanity aspect of him, but having him go to his lowest and rise above seems a lot better
  13. [08:44] <Eridana> yeah maybe steer away from indulging the insanity aspect in a sadder context
  14. [08:44] <Eridana> Like, playing it for funnies would be great
  15. [08:44] <Eridana> But everyone is trying to steer away from the dark and sad, so it might meet mixed reception
  16. [08:45] <Sylum> this can also tie into an ealier idea I've had for Sylum, him walking across america in, as you said, a journy of self discovery
  17. [08:46] <Sylum> and while I'm not 100% sure how to do that with a jacket, having some semblance of an idea and arc is great, thanks Eri
  18. [08:48] <Eridana> No problem
  19. [08:48] <Eridana> happy to help
  20. [08:49] <Eridana> >meanwhile I can't get Eri's story straight and want her to go back to being a hero and not sketchy merc
  21. [08:49] <Eridana> wahhh
  22. [08:51] <Sylum> I always figured shes better as a merc giving her power and look, like the attack form you made.
  23. [08:51] <Eridana> truth
  24. [08:54] <Sylum> But if you do want her to be a hero hero, maybe talk to bud with the Meta Police force hes making? I can't remember what its called
  25. [08:56] <Eridana> Regulators?
  26. [08:56] <Sylum> yeah those
  27. [08:57] <Eridana> Hrmmmmm.
  28. [08:57] <Eridana> Intredesting
  29. [08:57] <Eridana> I was thinking about having Eri go on an international job, and have Juniper stow away to go with her
  30. [08:58] <Sylum> Its always good to see those two develop more as a family
  31. [08:58] <Eridana> Then they argue, and Eri still has to do the job, but Juniper says no killing and it all begins a moral shift for Eri
  32. [09:00] <Sylum> maybe bring up past indences of harm Eri brought?
  33. [09:05] <Eridana> yeah I need to write her on a job in the first place
  34. [09:05] <Eridana> jesus
  35. [09:05] <Eridana> I am behind
  36. [09:06] <Sylum> Not like we have a set time here, I said both the Trance invasion and Purifiers would happen soon. now its been 3 months
  37. [09:07] <Eridana> truuuuuuuue
  38. [09:07] <Eridana> I'd like to get her sorted soon though
  39. [09:08] <Sylum> I can understand that easily. Not being able to use your main character because you feel they are wrong is disheartening
  40. [09:12] <Eridana> saaaad
  41. [09:12] <Eridana> but hopefully I can sort it
  42. [09:12] <Sylum> I can also Tell you Trance is available for international shenanigans, if you can't come up with anything else, which I'm sure you can. but as a backup plan its there
  43. [09:19] <Eridana> Hrmmm.
  44. [09:19] <Eridana> Shooting down ruskies
  45. [09:19] <Eridana> Tempting
  46. [09:26] <Sylum> It'd be good both ways too, you'd get to shoot ruskies and possible punch Ryan in the face for the tournament [wrong character and Elise is doing arguably worse, but who would resist punching that smug grin] and me/anna would be able to have someone not related with Russia or Poland fight them
  47. [09:26] <Sylum> Everyone wins
  48. [09:31] <Eridana> [interest intensifies]
  49. [09:31] <Eridana> wait
  50. [09:31] <Eridana> when you say Elise is worse off
  51. [09:31] <Eridana> do you mean the fact that she is homeless?
  52. [09:31] <Eridana> because I'm totally cool with that
  53. [09:31] <Sylum> No I mean shes doing worse to Ryan then punching him
  54. [09:32] <Eridana> ohhhhh
  55. [09:50] <Eridana> hrmmmmm, you've given me shit to ponder
  56. [09:50] <Eridana> i will return
  57. [09:50] <Sylum> You've gave me lots to think about too
  58. [09:50] <Eridana> i am glad this exchange occurred
  59. [09:50] <Sylum> I think you may have saved Sylum in my eyes, thanksEri
  60. [09:50] <Eridana> for now i submit to the lifestream
  61. [09:51] <Sylum> Laater Girl
  62. [09:54] <Eridana> boi m80
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