
Is This About Mindblogger?

Jun 16th, 2013
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  1. * bobbedNonsense PMs "Epi" : ( how're you going, by the way? )
  2. * epinephrineElectrified PMs "Sal" (Improving.)
  3. * bobbedNonsense PMs "Epi" : ( 's good to hear )
  4. * epinephrineElectrified PMs "Sal" (Sorry about the other night, I... spooked.)
  5. * bobbedNonsense PMs "Epi" : ( that's perfectly fine )
  6. * bobbedNonsense PMs "Epi" : ( take time outs when you need them, yeah? )
  7. * epinephrineElectrified PMs "Sal" (yes)
  8. * epinephrineElectrified PMs "Sal" (My... dreamself told you most of what happened to me, I trust?)
  9. * bobbedNonsense PMs "Epi" : ( a bit, yes )
  10. * epinephrineElectrified PMs "Sal" (I was disconnected, for - seven sessions. Myra was the one who saved me, then. Her and Corpseparty.)
  11. * epinephrineElectrified PMs "Sal" (I find myself thinking that by all rights I should've /died/ then.)
  12. * bobbedNonsense PMs "Epi" : ( that's a hell of a while to be playing loose )
  13. * epinephrineElectrified PMs "Sal" (It nearly killed me.)
  14. * epinephrineElectrified PMs "Sal" (I still think about it. All the time.)
  15. * epinephrineElectrified PMs "Sal" (Could I deal, if the linearities came unglued?)
  16. * bobbedNonsense PMs "Epi" : ( if Violet wasn't here to pull us together? )
  17. * epinephrineElectrified PMs "Sal" (And - the answer is no, I simply don't have the mental strength to deal with it again.)
  18. * epinephrineElectrified PMs "Sal" (Bravado's how I dealt with it then, bravado's still how I deal with it.)
  19. * bobbedNonsense PMs "Epi" : ( i don't think i'd be able to deal for long )
  20. * bobbedNonsense PMs "Epi" : ( so is there anything we can do to- to have a backup plan? )
  21. * epinephrineElectrified PMs "Sal" (I've been studying the old literature. I think I might be able to get a backup lined up, for CF at least - don't have access to the infrastructure deep enough for any of the other networks.)
  22. * bobbedNonsense PMs "Epi" : ( so CF'll have its own system, then )
  23. * bobbedNonsense PMs "Epi" : ( if Violet goes down, and CF's still working- people'll start flooding there, regardless of if they've disdained it in the past )
  24. * bobbedNonsense PMs "Epi" : ( do you think the system'll still manage? i don't really know how the dongle systems and all that works, to be honest )
  25. * epinephrineElectrified PMs "Sal" (I /hope/ so.)
  26. * epinephrineElectrified PMs "Sal" (The best I can do without risking trying it out myself is working from the old research. The many competing Transam linearities did a lot of the foundational work in the field - I'm just... not familiar with time and code and how they intersect yet.)
  27. * bobbedNonsense PMs "Epi" : ( what if you talked to violet about it? she would have some understanding of it, presumably )
  28. * epinephrineElectrified PMs "Sal" (Yeah, if I can get a line to her, which is unlikely.)
  29. * bobbedNonsense PMs "Epi" : ( i haven't gotten around to trying to contact her, though i rather should, given she's one of the few non-AWOL admins. she that hard to get ahold of? )
  30. * epinephrineElectrified PMs "Sal" (And here I go, trying to cognitive-distort myself into not trying. Very nice. I'll drop her a line and see if I get anything.)
  31. * bobbedNonsense PMs "Epi" : ( hehe )
  33. * epinephrineElectrified PMs artisticHourglass (Hey - if you've got a moment, I've been reading some of the Transam-era literature about linearities and wanted to ask some... implementation questions.)
  35. * epinephrineElectrified PMs "Sal" (Done, I guess.)
  36. * bobbedNonsense PMs "Epi" : ( good to hear )
  38. * epinephrineElectrified PMs "Sal" (I've never been good at dealing with grief and loss.)
  39. * epinephrineElectrified PMs "Sal" (It's a weakness of mine.)
  40. * bobbedNonsense PMs "Epi" : ( an understandable one. it's hardly an easy thing to deal with. )
  41. * epinephrineElectrified PMs "Sal" (Took me two especially appropriate session rolls and a seven-year Ring voyage with nothing to do to get over Myra.)
  42. * bobbedNonsense PMs "Epi" : ( did you ever run across her in the bubbles? i heard a bit about the ship passing through several of them. )
  43. * epinephrineElectrified PMs "Sal" (Once.)
  44. * epinephrineElectrified PMs "Sal" (It helped.)
  45. * bobbedNonsense PMs "Epi" : ( what was she like? )
  46. * bobbedNonsense PMs "Epi" : ( not just in the bubble, but when you knew her? )
  47. * epinephrineElectrified PMs "Sal" (She had a very finely tuned bullshit detector and a vicious sense of humor to go with it.)
  48. * bobbedNonsense PMs "Epi" : ( i went on a reading binge, picking through old transam threads, ages back )
  49. * bobbedNonsense PMs "Epi" : ( part of an old project when i was being nosy, trying to work out who she might've sessioned with )
  50. * bobbedNonsense PMs "Epi" : ( wasn't a lotta posts from her that're still around )
  51. * bobbedNonsense PMs "Epi" : ( least, that i could find )
  52. * epinephrineElectrified PMs "Sal" (Mmhm. Go on?)
  53. * bobbedNonsense PMs "Epi" : ( mostly stuff about new Wastes turning up )
  54. * bobbedNonsense PMs "Epi" : ( was interesting seeing them progress from 'pull the other one' reactions to 'oh shit you got an occupation' )
  55. * bobbedNonsense PMs "Epi" : ( not really enough to get an idea of who she was, though, aside from the obviously witty )
  56. * epinephrineElectrified PMs "Sal" (Heh. I was on a different timetrav from her. Arrived at at timestamp somewhere 'round 20.)
  57. * bobbedNonsense PMs "Epi" : ( oh? )
  58. * epinephrineElectrified PMs "Sal" (I thought I'd /lost/ her, out in the dark days after the great timetrav splinter of Transamphibian's demise.)
  59. * epinephrineElectrified PMs "Sal" (I really did. I'd almost even braced myself, too, session count 11 or 12 and - and dismissing her, because I was all right and there were still people on the Usuals 'cryption I enjoyed talking with...)
  60. * epinephrineElectrified PMs "Sal" (And then we all landed in the forums with a thump.)
  61. * epinephrineElectrified PMs "Sal" (I get a single private message.)
  62. * epinephrineElectrified PMs "Sal" ("Nice to see you again", except with her usual rhetorical flourishes.)
  63. * epinephrineElectrified PMs "Sal" (After /that/, you couldn't pry me away from her for anything.)
  64. * bobbedNonsense PMs "Epi" : ( ahah )
  65. * epinephrineElectrified PMs "Sal" (She /liked/ me. I knew that was what it meant.)
  66. * bobbedNonsense PMs "Epi" : ( well after all, what other reason would she have for making contact again? )
  67. * epinephrineElectrified PMs "Sal" (Hell, if she told me the Seer Network was bad for me then I would've taken it out for her /then/, but of course that would've been ordering me around, and I suspect it would've been... a negative force on my emotional development.)
  68. * epinephrineElectrified PMs "Sal" (Had to lose her to realize how much choice she left for me in the course of daily life.)
  69. * epinephrineElectrified PMs "Sal" (The highest honor you can pay a Mind player, ironically. Giving them just enough rope to hang themselves.)
  70. * epinephrineElectrified PMs "Sal" (We don't like being "saved".)
  71. * bobbedNonsense PMs "Epi" : ( mhmm )
  72. * epinephrineElectrified PMs "Sal" (It's an insult.)
  73. * bobbedNonsense PMs "Epi" : ( why? )
  74. * epinephrineElectrified PMs "Sal" (Presumption that you can make choices better than the person who was born to make choices.)
  75. * bobbedNonsense PMs "Epi" : ( and the idea that you don't always have the opportunity to make the 'better' choice- how does that get received? )
  76. * epinephrineElectrified PMs "Sal" (...Is this about Mindblogger?)
  77. * bobbedNonsense PMs "Epi" : ( uh- no? )
  78. * epinephrineElectrified PMs "Sal" (It could be.)
  79. * bobbedNonsense PMs "Epi" : ( wasn't intended as such )
  80. * bobbedNonsense PMs "Epi" : ( sorry )
  81. <bobbedNonsense> [To be honest, you haven't thought much about Aelf for a while now. Too many other things to worry about.]
  82. <epinephrineElectrified> [The implications are obvious, you think. Your stepping in to do /anything/ about her is a product of you realizing that, by your standards, she no longer counts as a Mind player.]
  83. <epinephrineElectrified> [Unfortunately, this is not obvious to other people.]
  84. * bobbedNonsense PMs "Epi" : ( it was more a selfish question, if anything )
  85. * epinephrineElectrified PMs "Sal" ( some point I had to admit to myself that she was incapable of saving herself and that I had been /negligent/ for not realizing.)
  86. * epinephrineElectrified PMs "Sal" (She doesn't /act/ like a native Mind. I'd assumed she found /something/ of value in the transactions required to stay in the Seer Network. She thought she did, too.)
  87. * epinephrineElectrified PMs "Sal" (But she didn't. Doesn't know herself, gains no satisfaction from decisive action...)
  88. * epinephrineElectrified PMs "Sal" (Pity. Not respect.)
  89. * epinephrineElectrified PMs "Sal" (There's a certain amount of loss there, too, and I'm shitty at dealing with loss, remember?)
  90. <bobbedNonsense> [You don't know what to say. Flick water, with an arm hanging over the edge of the raft. You feel like you fucked up somehow.]
  91. * bobbedNonsense PMs "Epi" : ( yeah )
  92. * epinephrineElectrified PMs "Sal" (...I appear to have rubberducked you again.)
  93. * epinephrineElectrified PMs "Sal" (Apologies.)
  94. * bobbedNonsense PMs "Epi" : ( ...rubberducked? )
  95. * epinephrineElectrified PMs "Sal" (Programming term. Don't know what you're doing wrong? Explain the whole problem to the rubber duck. Aloud. In detail.)
  96. * epinephrineElectrified PMs "Sal" (Effective problem-solving technique when applied to other domains too.)
  97. * bobbedNonsense PMs "Epi" : ( ahh ok )
  98. * bobbedNonsense PMs "Epi" : ( well, i don't mind, really )
  99. * bobbedNonsense PMs "Epi" : ( i'm happy to listen, even if i can't promise any solutions )
  100. * epinephrineElectrified PMs "Sal" (If I met her today she'd be a refractory, high-reroll Rogue of Light, rather than a role-shirking Sylph of Mind.)
  101. * bobbedNonsense PMs "Epi" : ( huh )
  102. * epinephrineElectrified PMs "Sal" (I thought she wanted to work on something with me - she has a good archive she dug up somewhere, she says a Ring server, of a bunch of possible experiments to do, but... then she just)
  103. * epinephrineElectrified PMs "Sal" (Stops being an effective person)
  104. * epinephrineElectrified PMs "Sal" (For days at a time)
  105. * epinephrineElectrified PMs "Sal" (By the time she tries to pick up where she's left off, all the drive's gone out of it, and she's forced to start over elsewhere.)
  106. * bobbedNonsense PMs "Epi" : ( it's a familiar pattern )
  107. * epinephrineElectrified PMs "Sal" (It's an /exhausting/ pattern.)
  108. * epinephrineElectrified PMs "Sal" (Presumably even on her end it's exhausting.)
  109. * bobbedNonsense PMs "Epi" : ( yeah )
  110. <bobbedNonsense> [Roll over. 'I didn't mean to make this about Aelf, I liked hearing about you, and Myra. Don't want to feel like shit for following that pattern myself, and for just being better at hiding it.']
  111. <bobbedNonsense> [Wonder if you should go for a swim. Or sleep.]
  112. * epinephrineElectrified PMs "Sal" (...)
  113. * epinephrineElectrified PMs "Sal" (I'm sorry, I really don't have anything more that isn't about Aelf to talk about. She's just the problem on my mind lately.)
  114. * bobbedNonsense PMs "Epi" : ( that's okay )
  115. * bobbedNonsense PMs "Epi" : ( i know how some things just kinda well up and take all the attention )
  116. * bobbedNonsense PMs "Epi" : ( do you want to talk more about her, or something else? )
  117. * epinephrineElectrified PMs "Sal" (No, not really.)
  118. * epinephrineElectrified PMs "Sal" (In fact, I think maybe I should go now.)
  119. * bobbedNonsense PMs "Epi" : ( take care, then )
  120. * bobbedNonsense PMs "Epi" : ( /me offers hugs? )
  121. * epinephrineElectrified PMs "Sal" (/me hugs)
  122. * epinephrineElectrified PMs "Sal" (I think she talks to you, yes?)
  123. * epinephrineElectrified PMs "Sal" (...Let me know if anything interesting comes up.)
  124. * bobbedNonsense PMs "Epi" : ( now and then, yes )
  125. * bobbedNonsense PMs "Epi" : ( alright )
  126. * epinephrineElectrified PMs "Sal" (Since she appears to be incapable of basic functions like 'not wanting to kill yourself'.)
  127. * bobbedNonsense PMs "Epi" : ( mhmm )
  128. <bobbedNonsense> right
  129. <bobbedNonsense> time for a swim
  130. <bobbedNonsense> catch y'all later
  131. <epinephrineElectrified> later
  132. <tenaciousTheseus> Take care
  133. * bobbedNonsense has disconnected from the memo
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