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Nov 25th, 2014
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  1. when the KKK is celebrating that's how you KNOW you have made the wrong decision. do not say it's about race when racism is the root of the problem. Reminder that James Eagan Holmes, a grown man who entered a public movie theatre in full tactical clothing, carrying seven different fire arms and grenades, did not have a single shot fired at him by police when he walked out of the building after he finished killing 12 people, and he was arrested peacefully. But Mike Brown, an unarmed teenage boy in plain clothing, was shot multiple times after he got down on his knees and begged for mercy. Not only is Darren Wilson a free man but he got paid leave, over $400,000 in donations and he got married, while no justice for Mike Brown or his family. In a country where people get manslaughter for car accidents, for building houses that collapse Darren Wilson was not even indicted for trial.
  2. friendly reminder America is not the land of the free, it was built literally on the basis of killing raping and stealing the lands of the Natives, while then proceeding to enslave blacks and opress all other PoC uptil current day.......... Obama can ask for peace all he wants but behind the scenes he kills innocent victims with his drones, he's just as much of a murderer and a supporter of the corrupt and injust system as the rest of the privelaged whites.
  3. where there is opression there will be resistance
  4. From Ferguson to Palestine, resistance is not a crime
  5. end rascism we've been here for over 2015 years you'd think people would be over the fact that someone has a different exterior than them
  6. my heart goes out to the families travyon martin,mike brown, and all of those who have lost their lives due to this cruel, oppressive,racist world
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