

Apr 1st, 2014
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  1. when i was little, my dad was a pizza man
  2. id only ever see him when he came home from work, which was usually after i went to bed
  3. i remember one time i was talking to my mom and i told her "i feel like dad is a stranger, i never see him"
  4. a few years later he quit his job
  5. i started seeing him more and more
  6. and i started to understand what my mom was doing when she was drinking
  7. when i was in th grade, they separated
  8. i didnt really get it at the time
  9. but it was because she smoked and dranked
  10. smoked weed*
  11. i think
  12. i cant even remember but
  13. i think i stayed at my dad's on the weekends
  14. my mom and i faught a lot
  15. usually we'd end up crying and hugging eachother
  16. my dad and i never really faught except when i didnt want to do something
  17. then my mom got ill
  18. when it started she just felt a little numb
  19. then she had trouble walking, so she started using a stepladder like a walker
  20. she went to the hospital and had to stay there and do physical therapy
  21. she was numb pretty much everywher
  22. after a few months she could come home
  23. and she had to use a wheelchair
  24. i remember
  25. the last time i hung out with one of my friends was around when she started using the walker
  26. and then
  27. it was my aunt that told me when she went to the hospital, when i was at my cousin's
  28. she was fine for about a year
  29. my uncle moved in after divorcing his wife and my cousin would come over every other week
  30. my other uncle's halfdaughter also moved in at a later date
  31. her boyfriend didnt live with us, but he was almost always over
  32. one day they brought home a dog
  33. i was at first really mad because i didnt like dogs
  34. but then i really loved dogs
  35. and i really loved THAT dog
  36. my dad and i were preparing for our yearly visit to my grandparents in michigan
  37. i said goodbye to my mom and kissed and hugged her and told her i'd be back after the trip
  38. and that was the last time i ever spoke to her
  39. while we were in the cabin, my dad got a call, and he went outside to get a better signal
  40. it was starting to rain
  41. he was out there for a long time
  42. so we went outside to see what was up
  43. i could see him holding his forehead with his hands through his hair while he looked out toward the corn fields on the hills of my grandparent's land
  44. he turned around and looked at us and it was the first time i had ever seen my father crying
  45. we walked towards eachother
  46. we were next to the corner of the cabin
  47. i remember it all
  48. he looked at me
  49. he dropped his arm to stop speaking on the phone for a minute
  50. and he said
  51. "your mom's dead"
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