
Mama Yuri's Candy Van WIP

Mar 21st, 2018
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  1. >Be me
  2. >Be 16 highschooler
  3. >Everything is fine with life, parents are good to me, house is stable, friends are plentiful
  4. >except
  5. >Can't get a gf to save my life
  6. >Keep getting turned down by my classmates
  7. >Feelings of insufficiency drowning me on a daily basis
  8. >Start doubting myself
  9. >Lose interest in doing most things
  10. >Daily routine becomes an endless cycle
  11. >Go to school
  12. >Feel sorry for myself over what I can't get
  13. >walk home
  14. >Today was different though
  15. >Walking home
  16. >Suddenly an older woman is walking next to me
  17. >Greet her
  18. >She greets me back
  19. >We exchange names, hers is Yuri
  20. >She tells me she's walking home from work
  21. >I bring up I haven't seen her walking through here before, despite my daily walks through this path
  22. >She hesitates her response, telling me she recently got the job, haven't been able to get a car yet
  23. >Way she responded was weird, but I didn't think anything of it
  24. >We talk all the way until we get to my house
  25. >Tell her it was nice meeting her
  26. >She smiles and tells me it was very nice meeting me
  27. >Go inside house
  28. >Walk past window
  29. >She's still at my front door
  30. >After a minute she then walks away
  31. >Weird, but she probably needed to take a rest or something
  32. >Next day she's waiting for me at the corner of the street
  33. >Several days we keep walking to my home, meeting her closer and closer to my school each day
  34. >Eventually she's waiting for me on the border of the school grounds
  35. >Think it's kind of weird, but I don't mind the attention
  36. >One day she's waiting for me the street with my school just out of sight.
  37. >She's leaning against a white windowless van with a large grin on her face
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