
The Final Episode

Nov 18th, 2014
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  1. >Final episode of Friendship is Magic.
  2. >All the mane six are princesses.
  3. >The evil is defeated and Equestria is safe forever.
  4. >Every character from the entire show is gathered in Ponyville one last time, having a massive party. When suddenly-
  5. >"Celestia? Celestia! Diiinner tiiiime!"
  6. >Little Celestia puts down her toys and sprints out of her room, famished from a long day of Princess school with her sister.
  7. "COOMIING!"
  9. >Celestia's caretaker piles her plate with food, humming that 'winter wrap-up' song she always hums around the winter time.
  10. >The little princess is happy to eat, but thoughts about her toys' grand adventures enter her thoughts again.
  11. "Auntie Blueblood?"
  12. >She considered all her royal caretakers to be aunties and uncles.
  13. >"Yes, my little pony?"
  14. >To most, Celestia and her sister were 'your Highness' or 'your Majesty', despite being shorter than all the overly serious adults who gave them such titles. But to those few who she knew best, she and her sister were always 'my little pony'.
  15. "Do you think anypony could be a princess?"
  16. >Aunt Blueblood thinks it over.
  17. >"Well, there are certainly a lot of ponies that would wish to be princesses... But no, dear, only you and your sister can be the princesses of Equestria. You two have the most potential to succeed as rulers."
  18. "Is it because we're... Al-ee-corns?"
  19. >"Yes, my little pony. You have the natural gifts to rule."
  20. >Celestia frowns at this. She couldn't imagine her toy ponies being turned down from being princesses simply because they weren't born looking like her! They were every bit as important as anypony else, and in fact, their differences make them stronger together.
  21. "But... What if there was a bunch of REALLY GREAT ponies, and-and they were just so great, that they HAD to be princesses!"
  22. >Aunt Blueblood smiles.
  23. >"Well, dear. One day, you and your sister shall rule Equestria. And when you find ponies that are so great, you may choose to give them titles."
  24. >Celestia beams and stands with her forelegs on the table.
  25. "One day, I can make YOU a princess!"
  26. >Blueblood narrows her eyes at the intruding hooves; the little princess sits back down and smiles sheepishly.
  27. >"My little pony, you've already given me the title of aunt. All I can ask you to do for me is eat your food."
  28. >Celestia lifts a fork-full of her dinner to her mouth, but stops short to pitch another idea to her patient caretaker.
  29. "Well, maybe one day I can make somepony in your family a princess!"
  30. >Again, Blueblood only smiles.
  31. >"Only if they earn it, my little pony, only if they earn it."
  33. Fin.
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