
Spoonlicker Anon Pt. 11

Dec 3rd, 2013
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  1. ===================================================================================================================
  2. Summary: Anonymous is a child that no one can understand, not even Flutters. Twilight has learned 3 pseudo-words, and feels like she has finally started to make some real progress. However, each new discovery leads to even more questions, and her brother’s words mixed with a near fatal event have her concerned about everyone’s safety. Hoping to count on the help of her friends, she must first fill them in about everything.
  4. Last Chapter: Fluttershy, Twilight, and Anonymous head to Applejack's farm to have lunch. The plan is to have Pinkie bring baked good, and Applejack to provide natural foods in order to find out what Anonymous eats. Twilight questions the strange feeling between her and Anonymous, and Fluttershy reveals that she has not been able to connect with Anonymous any more than before.
  6. Pinkie is waiting for them at the barn, and takes Anonymous off to try some pudding. Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Applejack all show up a little later and everyone takes a break to enjoy the meal. After Twilight winds down, Rarity calls attention to Anonymous and Twilight having the same bandaged areas, and Twilight decides now is the time to update everyone.
  8. Posted in Thread 889
  9. ===================================================================================================================
  11. >You have everyone’s attention in the silent barn. Fluttershy is watching in worried curiosity while Rarity patiently awaits your explanation. The others are all looking on almost stunned.
  12. >Why did they think Anonymous was bandaged?
  13. >That’s not important. Right now you have to answer the question, but you are not going to stop there. They need to know everything.
  14. “Yes. There is a lot I need to tell all of you. First and foremost is this: I THINK Anonymous is safe.”
  15. >Where to begin? Not a single one of them has been present for everything, and no more than two have ever been around at the same time.
  16. >There’s only ever one place to start.
  18. “When Anonymous first showed up most of you heard the shouts it makes. Applejack, everypony was watching the creature when they first saw it, but when it shouted they all ran inside their homes; except Pinkie. She ran into mine.”
  19. >”Ah remember the sound; I was on the way to the market with Ahpplebloom when I heard it, and we ran straight fer Rarity’s. Ah ain’t ever gonna forget that noise.”
  20. >”It was quite the shock; first the screams and then Applejack suddenly barging in with Applebloom. I must say it created a bit of a scene.”
  21. >”Ah ain’t ever gonna forget that noise neither.”
  22. >Rarity gifts Applejack a cross stare.
  23. >“Yes, well I was a little on edge. You try getting enough sleep with Sweetie and Scootaloo having a sleepover.”
  24. >Reigning in her eager defense, she clears her throat and continues on.
  25. >”Ahem. After all the fuss I asked Applejack to take Sweetie and Scootaloo with her back to the farm when the coast was clear, and to keep them over for the night. I told Scootaloo’s parents about the arrangement a little later.”
  26. >Didn’t she say she was enjoying sleeping in without Sweetie Belle home earlier? Although you doubt that was a plan of convenience, there is a niggling uncertainty.
  29. >Picking up on your suspicious glare Rarity recoils and puts her hoof to her chest.
  30. >”What? I know that look; I had only the girl’s best interest in mind. Applejack and I were going to come find you afterwards until word got out that you were handling the situation, and to keep away from the creature.“
  31. >That’s reassuring. She can be self-centered at times, but when things are serious she is rather altruistic…usually.
  33. >“A lady simply knows how to make the most out of a situation. If I knew Anonymous would be making use of the barn I would have kept them with me.”
  34. >”I shoulda taken ‘em back to ya when I offered Twilight to use the barn. I was sure Ah could handle ‘em this time.”
  35. “That’s a mistake we both shared, Applejack.”
  36. >You were sure you had everything under control, as well. Neither of you are blameless.
  37. >The only thing to do is to move forward.
  38. “After the town’s freakout I sent a letter to Princess Celestia. She called for a Meeting of the Princesses with Luna and Cadence coming here too. We decided to have Fluttershy talk to the creature and after I brought her back we tried to get some answers. Turns out Fluttershy can’t understand Anonymous’ words either, but she could tell it was scared.”
  39. >”Anonymous is, um….different. It acts like the other animals, but I can’t understand what it is trying to tell us. The bond animals choose to share with me is very faint in Anonymous, and I don’t think it is doing it on purpose.”
  40. “We then came up with the non-interference plan. I would watch Anonymous from a distance, hoping that it would be fine on its own, and to keep everyone safe. We really had no idea what Anonymous was capable of, and we still don’t.”
  41. >Fluttershy wastes no time in picking up your spot.
  42. >”But it never acted mean or angry. It was curious, and used its hands to investigate us. Anonymous’ touch is rather nice; m-most of the time.”
  45. >The group completely absorbs the report as they listen intently. Pinkie is slightly bouncing in her seat, burning off the sugar without disturbing Anon. Rarity and Applejack calmly wait for more, carefully considering their position. Rainbow is equally quiet, but utterly enthralled.
  46. >Oddly enough, the four did not react to Fluttershy not being able to talk with it. The only one you told was Pinkie; but if Pinke told Dash, and Dash told Rarity than the entire town probably knows by now.
  48. “We did find out that Anonymous is susceptible to magic. Another reason for the plan was keeping everypony safe just in case. I have made some recent discoveries regarding those points, but I’ll get into that in a bit. I presented the plan to the other princesses, and they all agreed. I then sent Fluttershy home and took Anonymous out of town. That’s when everyone was told to keep their distance.”
  49. >You’re going to cut ahead a little regardless. The lessons deserve early admission.
  50. “I later learned that sending Fluttershy home, and isolating Anonymous were both mistakes. Flutteshy has an invaluable understanding of animals, and her personal support would have been a huge help. Anonymous seems to rely on company in small numbers. I have some theories as to why, but they are only theories. When I left Anonymous alone to observe from a distance, the first thing it did was cry before falling asleep.”
  51. >Applejack’s hard contemplating eyes shoot open, and flare with a burning recollection.
  52. >”So that was also cryin’! Ah thought the cryin’ when it rushed ya from the Everfree sounded familiar.”
  53. “Right; the two were similar but not the exact same. Before I get to that, there is another crucial part. When Anonymous woke up it noticed the townsponies and came back into Ponyville. Everypony was told to go inside, but Anonymous followed them and started knocking on doors. That’s when it first ran into Pinkie.”
  56. >Pinkie ceases her slight bouncing and adopts a mild manner. A bright smugness accompanies her discreet energy.
  57. >Anon is idly playing with the pieces of carrot on its plate.
  58. “Pinkie gave Anonymous some food and let Anonymous inside, despite being told to keep her distance.”
  59. >Rarity gasps at the revelation while Dash tries to hold back her laughter.
  60. >”You didn’t!”
  61. >Pinkie’s façade ends as the wall of normalcy crumbles. She is full of pure glee as she nods her head at Rarity.
  62. >”Mmmhmm. Actually, Twilight, you told me to stay inside and wait. I waited for a sign, and then Nony came knocking on the door.”
  63. “You know what I meant, Pinkie.”
  64. >Pinkie hooves Anonymous’ cheeks, snapping its attention from the plate. It defends itself and pushes her limbs away.
  65. >”How could I say no to this face?”
  66. >Even though she used the literal meaning of your words to find some loophole, you’re not mad at her; for now or for yesterday. Still, you won’t let her off that easily. She needs to know the score.
  67. “You had me near death with panic trying to keep the both of you safe. We got lucky with Anonymous being rather passive and able to eat the cake mix you gave it.”
  69. >Rainbow is still snickering to herself, while Fluttershy appears to be making a mental note of the information. Rarity and Applejack both share a peculiar glance.
  70. >”Ya gave it cake mix? Shouldn’t ya have tried somethin’ a lil’ more food like?”
  71. >Pinkie remains as innocent looking as ever.
  72. >“The cupcakes weren’t done yet, and who doesn’t like to lick the spoon?”
  73. >”While I’ll admit to enjoying the occasional bout of childish fancy, you can’t expect us to believe all of the food was gone.”
  74. >They’re not going to get far with her unless they cut to the center. You can follow Pinkie’s train of thought and guess how the next few bits will go. Although you could butt in, you’ll let the scene play out and see how close your hypothesis is.
  77. >She’s first going to mention that the flavor had to be vanilla. Then, Rarity and Applejack will look at each other in confusion before asking why. Dash will stop laughing and your two pegasus friends will listen in out of curiosity. Next Pinkie will nonchalantly give her big reveal like it was the most obvious answer.
  78. >”We were out of vanilla so I was making more.”
  79. >The duo questioning Pinkie face one another with perplexed expressions. Applejack shrugs, leaving Rarity to press further.
  80. >”I’m afraid I don’t quite follow. What does that have to do with it?”
  81. >As predicted, Rainbow Dash quiets down and Fluttershy leans in a little closer. Pinkie turns to you with a suggestive look.
  82. >”Why don’t you tell them, Twilight.”
  83. >Huh? Why you?
  84. >The ambush temporarily stuns you, but you soon recover from the near miss of your assumption. You’ll play along, why not?
  85. “The flavor had to be vanilla because we don’t know which flavor it likes.”
  86. >Rainbow immediately starts laughing again.
  87. >“Hahaha, that’s what I like about you, Pinkie. I hope I never figure you out, I’d miss the surprises.”
  88. >Rarity and Fluttershy are both dumbstruck, while Applejack is more focused on the plates at the end of the table.
  89. >”By the looks of things, Ah’d say its favorite flavor is sweet.”
  91. >Most of the plates belonged to Pinkie in her effort to have Anonymous try everything. It refused to eat anything green, instead focusing mainly on the sweets. It did have some berries and a pear, and last night it did eat some apples. Given the fruit’s natural sweetness, sugar must be a high diet requirement.
  92. >Grains may be a secondary requirement since Anonymous mostly ate the baked goods over the fruit. Or it was just after the higher sugar content. Either way it seems happy with its selection. Pinkie, however, raises a pouty tone with her cheer.
  93. >”Aww, you didn’t eat any of your carrots.”
  96. >Anonymous’ eyes follow the pink hoof to the orange vegetable dancers it was playing with a moment ago. Pinkie mimics eating before pointing to Anonymous, and repeating the message.
  97. “Pinkie, don’t force it to eat if it doesn’t want to. The purpose was to let Anonymous pick.”
  98. >Putting the carrots back down, Pinkie decides to listen to you for once and behave herself. Grabbing one of the carrot pieces from the plate, Anonymous reaches over the table. It holds its hand out to Fluttershy and presents the snack; the act taking her completely by surprise.
  99. >Whatever topic you were discussing dies down as your body suspends everything else in order to closely watch this new development. The others follow your lead, becoming silent spectators.
  101. >”Do you want me to have it? U-um, thank you.”
  102. >Although she moves to take it with her hoof, Anonymous presses the carrot towards her face with the vegetable sitting in its open palm. The vigorous offer is both forceful and timid, with Anonymous refusing to move the few remaining inches towards contact. Instead it seems to be waiting for Fluttershy’s answer.
  103. >Fluttershy is slow to accept the gesture, and tentatively bows her head to take the gift. Like bobbing for apples, she rises back up once she has a hold and eats it normally. Anonymous selects another carrot and places it in its outstretched hand as a fresh offer.
  104. >With a little more speed, Fluttershy accepts; the pair growing more comfortable with the act each time.
  105. >Your mind is already buzzing with interpretations of the exchange. Was it a symbol of some kind, a show of good will? Was it repaying Fluttershy for her help earlier?
  106. >Solely focused on reading into the action, you don’t even notice your own purple glow scrawling notes.
  108. >Not a one of your friends dare to disturb the scene. As the initial shock passes, each display a distinct character.
  109. >Dash is wearing a huge grin with teasing eyes, Rarity’s soft gaze is warm alongside her small encouraging smile. Applejack gives a single peaceful nod along a merry smirk. Pinkie’s wistful face holds a somber joy.
  110. >And you; your completely lost in the moment. A resident of a world inhabited by squiggly notes, with only the sounds of scribbles scratching through the air. The only thing preventing a frosty stare in your eyes is the burning desire for more.
  112. >This time Anonymous holds the offer in its fist, and points it towards Fluttershy. Trying to be careful of Anon’s hand, Fluttershy bites down on the tip. Anonymous continues to hold onto the other end despite how little carrot is between its fingers and Fluttershy’s teeth. Fluttershy tries giving a soft tug to no avail, and mumbles a plea while keeping her uneasy grasp.
  113. >”Cam yul left go pwease?”
  114. >Anonymous does not let go, forcing her to bite down a little further for a stronger grip. There is no apparent concern from the creature about possibly being bit as Fluttershy moves in closer. Before she pulls again Anonymous slowly unravels its fist, and surrenders the carrot.
  115. >You used to find that lack of fear a possible sign of being a threat, but you have begun to build a better understanding since then. Although the exact reasons why are still a mystery you desperately want to solve, the evidence has shown that Anonymous trusts you.
  116. >You’ve seen real fear overtake Anon, and the results. Something you need to return to sharing.
  117. >With a faux cough you awaken your friends from their observations while Fluttershy continues to entertain Anonymous.
  120. “I carried Anonymous out to the Everfree in the early evening to try and coax it in going home, or at least finding somewhere to sleep. On the way I ran into Applejack and she came along, too. Despite Fluttershy’s warning and the many signs, it was what happened next that really made things start to sink in.”
  121. >As you all view the tender show of affection, the crunch of another bite lazily sails by.
  122. “The Anonymous you see now is in what I call the ‘Active Stage A’. I hypothesize that this is the main characteristic when the creature feels safest. While in the company of a small group and able to see its surroundings, Anonymous will act and react freely. On the other hoof is ‘Passive Stage A’. These two stages are the ones I have seen Anonymous in the most. In ‘Passive Stage A’ it will be slow to make a move and can be easily persuaded along. When Anonymous was left alone outside of town and inside the Everfree it stuck to a very small radius while constantly looking around. If we put ourselves in the same situation, alone when we want our family and friends, I’m sure you can understand why.”
  123. >You can still hear the whimpers before the charge, every sound and motion catalogued.
  124. “Then there is ‘Active Stage B’. Here it responds equally strong as ‘Active Stage A’, but in fear.”
  125. >Your five friends study every detail of the creature; its posture, its face, its mannerisms. The information you share diving straight into their heads in whatever sort of memory system they each use.
  126. >They’re going to need a lot of space up there.
  127. “When Applejack and I tried to leave in order to give Anonymous some privacy it went from ‘Passive Stage A’ into ‘Active Stage B’ and ran out of the forest to us.”
  128. >”Anon was right quick. It rushed over to Twi, bawlin’ its eyes out the whole time. Clung to her and everything.”
  131. >Applejacks choice of words pierces right through you. Anonymous had clung to you; wrapping its arms tightly around you in fear. It wasn’t as strong as the time with the bandersnatch, but it was the same exact thing. How could you miss that? Anonymous was the most scared it had ever been, and so it held onto you tighter than ever.
  132. >The strange feeling between you and Anonymous on the way here starts to make a bit more sense. In its fear it had inadvertently hurt you, and you worry you may have ended up doing the same. It wasn’t a physical pain, but to be shunned when in need can hurt even more.
  133. >The weariness of your body rises to the surface; the exhaustion coming to a roaring boil. Of all the times to have a revelation.
  134. >With a robust blast of will you smother the rogue sensations of fatigue. You have a lot left to do. The coming future for everyone, pony and Anonymous, is going to need a strong foundation and you will lay the groundwork.
  135. >You are Twilight Sparkle, and knowledge is your power; good and bad. This new data only provides a stronger tool for you to do the right thing.
  137. >With steady resolve you collect yourself.
  138. “Anon was very scared, and perhaps saw us as protection. I believe a part of that fear was because of the darkness. This morning it went into the Everfree with no regard for its own safety, but that comes later. Applejack was nice enough to let us use the barn for Anonymous to sleep in for the night. I slept on the roof, still trying to keep Anon’s contact with ponies to a minimum, and we left the door slightly open in case it wanted to go outside.”
  139. >”Applebloom and her friends were stayin’ the night, and Ah was outside their room the whole time. When Ah woke up it was still dark, but Ah couldn’t get back to sleep. I checked on the girls just to be safe, and they were missin’.”
  140. >Rarity’s eyes flicker as she collects both sides.
  141. >”How did they get by you, Applejack?”
  142. >”Ah bet you can guess.”
  145. >Rarity lets out a very drawn out sigh as her face buries itself in one of her hooves.
  146. >”It was the window wasn’t it?”
  147. >”Yup.”
  148. >”I swear. I am going to bury every last blanket.”
  149. >That’s a rather hard line stance for her to take, and the annoyance in her voice leaves you unsure whether she was only being dramatic.
  150. >The crusaders’ intentions may have been well placed, but it was a very foolish thing to do. Still, their contribution cannot be overlooked.
  152. “The girls got into the barn sometime late in the night and were there until morning. From what they have told us, most of the time was spent drawing with Anonymous. Turns out that Anon is very capable at making complex motions with its hands. Its ability to draw, alongside the other evidence, points to a societal nature.”
  153. >Rainbow Dash is wearing a quizzical face, and makes a quick self check of her vocabulary.
  154. >”Societal?”
  155. >There’s a part of you that hates sounding like a dictionary, but definitions are kinda your thing.
  156. “It’s a social being. It relies on groups, has an intricate means of communication, favors cooperation, and recognizes certain behaviors as acceptable; quite like us. Maybe even just like us.”
  157. >”Sounds an awfully lot like aliens…”
  158. Urghhhhhhh.
  159. >The low groan slithers out of you despite your attempted restraint.
  160. >Dash lets the sentence hang in the air as your acknowledgment has no doubt encouraged her further. You almost don’t want to go into the next part, if only to not solidify her stance any more.
  161. >Pinkie giggles in delight.
  162. >”I knew you wanted to be friends.”
  163. >Anonymous is too busy offering the last carrot to Fluttershy. The poor girl had been trying to juggle listening to you and paying attention to Anon at the same time. With the carrots gone, Anonymous finally notices Pinkie’s focus. It swiftly lifts up the now empty plate and shows her before setting it back down with a naughty smile.
  164. >That little sneak.
  167. >”Well, ya did feed the critter. They don’t exactly run away after ya offer ‘em food.”
  168. >Applejack has a point there. You had the same thought, but there is some truth to what Pinkie is saying. Anonymous could mostly be adapting to the circumstances or it is genuinely friendly. At this point you cannot say which reason is the main factor.
  169. >Rarity is in quiet contemplation while the noisier three give their interpretations; her keen senses noticing the misshapen piece of this puzzle.
  170. >”If it prefers to be in groups then why is it alone?”
  171. >And there it is; the big question.
  172. “That is what I really want to know. There are so many possibilities, and all of the evidence points to the improbable.”
  173. >You don’t even wait for them to ask before going into your tangent.
  175. “When I said ‘maybe even just like us’, I meant that in more ways than wanting friends around. Anon’s behavior and drawings suggests a complex society. I thought it may have been somepony’s exotic pet or a magical construct, but neither of those seems to be the case. Princess Celestia, Luna and Cadence don’t even have any idea; and keeping knowledge of another civilization a secret would be near impossible. Given those facts I doubt that it comes from the other nations. Honestly, my best guess is that Anonymous is part of a hidden civilization or civilizations. Even then, there’s not so much as an ancient prophecy to go on. It could also be an entirely new species, but that leaves even more to question. Maybe one day we’ll find something or Anon might somehow tell us, but as of right now who knows?”
  176. >The list of options pile on top of whatever ideas each of your friends personally held. Their guesses and fantasies apparently paled in comparison given the hint of shock on their faces, and those were just the most likely scenarios. Rainbow could very well be right about Anonymous being an alien, but the odds are so astronomical.
  177. >Hehe, you made a funny.
  180. >”Maybe the doctors will find somethin’ when Ah take the girls in, though Ah’m hopin’ they don’t.”
  181. >Say what now?!
  182. “Doctors?”
  183. >”Ah know you said the girls were most likely safe, and I don’t straight doubt ya, but Ah want to be sure. I set up an appointment fer after lunch. Earliest openin’ they had.”
  184. >That’s a good idea! The hospital can run thorough tests! Why didn’t you think of that?!
  185. >Oh, right. You were concentrating on Anonymous. Your one track mind strikes again.
  186. >They should go as quickly as possible, you could have already lost precious hours.
  187. >In a blitz, you cut off Rarity who was about to speak.
  188. “If you tell them it’s an emergency you wouldn’t have to wait.”
  189. >Rarity closes her mouth and eases back, willing to let Applejack answer you first. She is unexpectedly calm here; shouldn’t she be equally impatient?
  191. >Applejack continues to take the middle road; her reserved tone holding her eagerness at bay. She may be the most levelheaded of your friends, but when it comes to family she is always gung-ho.
  192. >”Ah thought about it, but they’d ask all sorts of questions if I took ‘em to the emergency room; questions Ah’d have to answer. You know how ponies are, Twi. If they found out we’re there cause of Anonymous word will spread and there’d be all sorts of crazy rumors. Ah ain’t gonna forget how it ran ta hug ya last night at the forest. Dangerous critters don’t do that, scared youngin’s do. Ah couldn’t help but think of Applebloom when I saw it runnin’ n cryin’.”
  193. >That comparison is more accurate than she knows.
  194. >”And like Ah said, I don’t doubt ya. Waitin’ isn’t a risk I like ta take, but the last thing Anonymous needs is a bunch of gossip makin’ everypony even more afraid of it. Gettin’ them ta do more than a checkup without revealin’ anything’ll be hard enough as is. Big Mac’s gonna come along and help; he can be downright evasive when he wants ta be.”
  197. >Rarity lets it all sink in before picking up her question.
  198. >”What time are you leaving?”
  199. >”I was gonna head out in 20 minutes or so.”
  200. >”I’ll go with you. If they do find something I want to be the first to know, and I have a few choice words for the girls.”
  201. >Pinkie springs into protest, startling Anon.
  202. >”Awww, you can’t go; you’ll miss charades.”
  203. >Was she actually planning to do that today? Ignoring the question of how to incorporate Anonymous, where would you even play?
  204. >Your memory waves your eyes over to the chairs in the center of the room. The amount of food now makes a little more sense.
  205. > Sometimes…just sometimes...
  207. >Rarity speaks apologetically, but with absolution. Her condolences prepared for both Applejack and herself.
  208. >”I’m sorry dear, but their health comes first.”
  209. >”Applejack said Big Mac was going to take them. You two could stay.”
  210. >”Now, Pinkie, would you play games if the Cake twins were possibly in danger?”
  211. >The question smacks Pinkie across the face, breaking her usual bubbliness. Her new posture was more neutral, still containing the chirp of Pinkie, but low-key
  212. >”No, I guess not.”
  213. >Rainbow Dash mixes in her own apology with a guilty grin.
  214. >”I hate to say no, but I have to get ready for work tonight.”
  215. >Free from carrots, Fluttershy places her hoof on your shoulder, and joins in after everyone else.
  216. >”Twilight and Anonymous need some rest. We shouldn’t ask them to play any games today, but I can play with you.”
  217. >Defeated on practically all fronts, Pinkie puts her elbows on the table and props her chin up with her hooves.
  218. >”And I worked so hard getting everything ready, too.”
  219. “Today is just a bad time. We can try another day.”
  220. >Pinkie’s usual resilience materializes, bringing along her impish optimism.
  221. >”Okay, but you all have to promise to play next time.”
  222. >The entire group answers in unison.
  223. >”We promise.”
  225. ===================================================================================================================
  226. Posted in Thread 895
  227. ===================================================================================================================
  229. >Springing forth, Pinkie looks around the table at each of you.
  230. >”Pinkie Promise.”
  231. >”We Pinkie Promise.”
  232. >All members mimic the little rhyme to seal the deal save one.
  233. >Anonymous’ head has started bobbing towards the table, its hazy eyes drilling into the wood. Pinkie gives it a gentle poke to grab its attention, and then makes the promise motions as well. She then points to Anonymous and repeats the gesture several times, but she merely gets a muddled stare.
  234. >Symbolizing eating may have been simple, but seems even she cannot overcome the obstacle of complex communication.
  236. >You, however, have a bit of a lead. You’re admittedly a little giddy at the prospect of surprising your friends. They have no idea what is about to hit them.
  237. >Okay; you won’t brag or showoff outright, but there’s nothing quite like the feeling of impressing others. Besides, this is important, as well.
  238. >Relaxing your body, you draw up Anonymous’ coaching in your mind. You are ever thankful for the fruit punch that cured your distressed throat.
  239. >With a deep breath and patient build up, you make the low growling noise from earlier. Anonymous’ attention flies to you, as does that of your friends.
  240. >Before they can question what you are doing a similar rumbling sound oozes out from Anonymous. The response is faint yet distinct enough to grasp the shared meaning.
  241. >Rarity is the only one to twitch at the noise; Applejack and Rainbow’s ears go flat, while Fluttershy and Pinkie point an ear at both you and Anonymous.
  244. >Every one of them has a surprised look. Anonymous is simply waiting, and Fluttershy is the first to piece together what you just did from the information you gave her on the way here.
  245. >Pinkie is frozen, her wide eyes drinking in the entirety of the scene. The only thing missing is the blue chill from her pink coat.
  246. >Although you can’t see Rarity beside you, the feeling of her astonishment tingles on your back. Making such a rough sound is something she would certainly frown upon, but that surprise quickly shifts into beaming amazement. You can just imagine the gaping expression she most likely has.
  247. >Rainbow Dash’s wings ruffle in your peripheral, and her front legs angle upwards towards her chest. Warm shivers coast along her, contrasting her wintry neighbor.
  248. >Applejack is also out of your sight, and her steadfast nature would try to hide the bewilderment. The intensity of such a revelation would overcome even her steely determination; her pupils shrinking down to icy pinpricks.
  250. >The sound of shuffling paper echoes throughout the barn as you dig into your pack. The object of your desire easily found in your sorting system.
  251. >Pulling out the paper Anon held onto so dearly, you offer the picture with a bona fide smile.
  252. “Here, this is yours.”
  253. >Anonymous is hesitant to react, its eyes fixated on the purple glow surrounding the drawing. An unsure hand pokes at the aura just like it did with the cupcake.
  254. >With the first prod, Anon yanks back its hand far quicker than last time.
  255. >After the next two tests, it slowly grabs the drawing and pulls the picture in.
  257. “That picture is very important to Anonymous, and has been a focal point in several discoveries. With it, we have established three ‘words’, and the one I just made is how it refers to itself.”
  258. >The name registers with everyone, and their thoughtful faces match their silent attempts at the sound.
  261. >Pinkie is the first to actively try, blasting through multiple iterations. After several versions her voice becomes raspy and strained.
  262. >”That’s a mean tongue twister. Try saying that five times fast.”
  263. >None of the others are willing to try as many times as Pinkie. The chorus soon dying down and they all reach for a drink. Rarity was the first to stop trying, and to finish her drink.
  264. >”Can we stick to using ‘Anonymous’?”
  265. “Anonymous can be our version, but it doesn’t identify Anonymous as its name.”
  266. >An idea instantly pops in your head. Perhaps if you were to reverse the equation used to establish the name in the first place…
  267. >That fuzzy feeling you get when solving a complicated algorithm itches through your brain. There is no way you can wait to scratch!
  269. >Pointing to the creature, you repeat the call. When it locks eyes with yours, you lightly jab towards it.
  270. “Anonymous.”
  271. >Again, you make the foreign noise; the soreness of your throat already starting to present itself. You can push yourself further.
  272. >The usual blank stare molds into what you hope with all of your heart to be understanding.
  273. “Anonymous.”
  274. >You repeat both words again for good measure. One of the creature’s brows arcs down, while the other rises up. When you see the mouth open your body tenses in anticipation.
  275. >A new, frightful, sound roars out; pulverizing your ear drums. You, and every single one of your friends, clasp your hooves over your ears.
  276. >The volume wasn’t even that loud, yet the effect is shattering. Your hooves linger against your ears, despite Anonymous having quickly stopped itself.
  277. >As your friends release their own grip one by one, you hold yours to the last. But! You were not keeping the sound out; you were keeping it in.
  278. >This call was unique; completely different from any of the others you have heard so far. It did understand!
  281. >There is only one thing left to do; to test your theory!
  282. >Anonymous is still staring at you, though silent. You’ll have to wait until it loses interest to try. Otherwise, the experiment will be flawed.
  283. >Oh, you can do an even more extensive test with some help.
  284. >You lean up against Rarity, the sudden contact startling her. As your touch awakens her from the trauma of Anon’s voice you whisper into her ear.
  285. “Rarity, I need you to do me a favor. I’m going to continue talking, and I want you to watch Anonymous. Every once in a while say ‘Anonymous’ and see if it reacts. Try this several times, and each time it looks to you give some sort of positive reinforcement.”
  286. >”What kind of ‘positive reinforcement’?”
  287. “Do what you do best; use your charm.”
  288. >Rarity gives a nod, but her upturned face suggests she’s more than a little bit skeptical. Now you just have to be very careful about what you say.
  290. >You return to your normal position with everyone else giving you a wondering stare. Ignoring their unspoken questions, you enact the plan.
  291. “The other words we know are %^&* and #$@!#“. These are for the two taller versions, and another thing the picture shows, is that…”
  292. >The mental standstill as you try to think of replacement words gives your throat a short reprieve. If you value your speaking voice you are going to have to stop with the calls. They did manage to draw Anonymous’ full attention, though.
  293. “…the…species can grow much larger. According to the data, this one is possibly a baby.”
  294. >The loudest gasp comes from Fluttershy, who is floored by the announcement. Her hectic jittering is troubling.
  295. >”I’m sorry, I didn’t know you were so young. I mean, you’re just so big. I’m really sorry, I should have done more.”
  296. >Uh-oh, you hit one of her buttons, and set off a rampant apologist. You better untangle her nerves before she works herself up into a panic.
  299. “Fluttershy, you did more than enough. I’m sure it was taken good care of before we found it, and a day or two is not the end of the world.”
  300. >”But, every day is important for a baby separated from its parents.”
  301. “Okay, maybe baby was not the right word to use. It may even be an adolescent, but without an accurate benchmark of their full height we can only guess how mature it is. Considering everything we currently know I believe the larger ones are its guardians.”
  302. >Pinkie boundless energy remains fully intact with her returning joy.
  303. >”It’s like a baby minotaur! I called it!”
  304. >Rainbow and Applejack both try to glimpse at the picture and gauge the height.
  305. >”So it’s going to get even bigger? I wonder how big.”
  306. >”Ya saw the drawin’. It could get mighty large.”
  308. >Rarity keeps a sharp eye on Anon; preoccupied with her task.
  309. >”Anonymous.”
  310. >Shooting a glance to Anonymous, its vision appears to have moved over to Rarity. Perfect. How is she handling her part?
  311. >Trying to grab a subtle peek, you see Rarity giving a pleasant smile to Anonymous. The kind of smile she uses when greeting new customers.
  312. >Ooooh, you’re just so tingly, the progress tickling your insides
  314. “So far, our friend here appears to be more interested in finding these two rather than concerning itself with its own needs. The high significance of these guardians may be related to a heavy reliance on them for survival. The little evidence I have to support this guess, is that ‘Nony’ has not searched for food or a place to sleep, and has even willingly put itself at risk in search of the two.”
  315. >Trying to not say ‘Anonymous’ is getting harder. Using the nickname Pinkie gave it may be the best answer. You don’t want to use the shortened ‘Anon’ since that sounds too familiar to Anonymous for your test.
  318. “This morning it left the barn with no hesitation, and, unlike yesterday, began exploring everywhere. It continued in this fashion all the way back into town until it came across the line of guards outside town hall. When confronted with a large group, the ‘Active Stage A’ behavior changed into ‘Passive Stage A’. It remained quiet and by my side during the short meeting I had with the other princesses and my brother. Then when it noticed Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash it ran off to Sugarcube Corner again.”
  320. >”We saw you! That’s when they told us all to stay inside. Poor Rainbow, we had a fun day planned.”
  321. >”The hypnocake more than made up for it.”
  322. >”So Nony wanted to come visit us, right? Stopping by to say ‘Good Morning’ to its new friends?”
  323. “The reason may have been for more food or it may have been responding to Pinkie and Rainbow’s waving. It responded to their wave in kind, and although it was cautious of Dash at first, it seemed more comfortable near her than the guards.”
  324. >A delicate voice rings out.
  325. >”Anonymous.”
  326. >Again, it looks up to Rarity. Perhaps selecting parts of the story, she offers a pleasant wave along with her smile. Anonymous delivers a wave of its own and gives out a short call. Rarity tries to hold her usual greeting, but the grinding of her teeth compromises her smile.
  327. >It is, in fact, acknowledging her. It also appears to be trying to respond in kind. You need Rarity participating in this next part, though. Nudging her side, you catch Rarity’s attention and give a nod. With a nod of her own, the wordless request for her to stop goes through.
  329. “We went out of town, and back to the hill outside the Everfree. Through trial and error, I was able to discover the three ‘words’ using the picture it is currently holding. Now, I want each of you to take a look at some of the other pictures it drew.”
  332. >Grabbing the cross section of the pile signifying Anonymous’ work, you split the papers between your friends. They pass the pictures they’ve seen along in a clean clockwise order, as per your instructions.
  333. >Anonymous leans over Pinkie to see. It watches her flip through each paper before passing the drawings along.
  334. >The group scrutinizes each one, picking apart the pieces in their own way.
  335. >Rarity and Applejack examine them all thoroughly, regardless of the content. Their expressions remain indifferent, only showing heavy concentration; their thoughts mechanically ticking away.
  336. >Rainbow Dash is equally enchanted, her enthusiasm and worry worn openly. The gears in her head rocking back and forth, unable to find a clean answer. Who knows what sort of conclusions she is coming up with?
  337. >Fluttershy matches each look at the drawings with one to Anonymous. Her big round eyes offer soft sympathy while apparently plugging in where Anonymous fits in.
  338. >Pinkie is taking a similar, but more direct, approach.
  339. >”Is this you? How about this one? Where you in Manehattan? Wow, there’s a lot of Anonymousesesess’ in these. They seem super big; are you sure you’re not a minotaur?”
  341. >Anonymous is paying attention to Pinkie as much as it is to the pictures, and the way it is watching her sends a shiver down your spine. Those inquisitive eyes, the unconditional focus. It’s the same kind of stare you have when analyzing something.
  342. >Of course Anonymous has been examining ponies as much as you have it; that you already know. Fluttershy even said that it was inspecting her when they first met. The question is, how deep of an understanding is it searching for?
  343. >Odd how it relied on its hands back then, and didn’t acknowledge the sounds you made while speaking. Is touch really that important to its species?
  344. >Lucky for Anon, it is studying Pinkie. She is no doubt the most expressive of the bunch. Not a very good baseline for normal, though.
  347. >The cram session continues without interruption until one of the drawings attracts Anon’s attention, and it snatches the paper. The suddenness of the maneuver causes Pinkie to let out a startled yelp, and draws the awareness of the crowd to it.
  348. >Immediately afterwards, Anonymous holds out its hand towards you with the palm facing the sky, and curls its fingers in and out several times.
  349. >What’s that supposed to mean?
  351. >Your confusion earns a weary huff from the creature. Anonymous pushes the plates in front of it away, and sets the paper down in their place. The angle allows you to see that the sketch it grabbed was the one with it and the crusaders.
  352. >Those long fingers ball up into a fist, and begin gliding across the surface of the paper in rapid motions, almost as if it is drawing…
  353. >It wants a quill!
  354. >You instantly respond by floating over the quill you were using to take notes. This time, there is only a brief pause before Anon plucks the item from your magic. With utensil in hand, it goes to place the tip against the paper, but takes a few glances at the ink tipped feather before making any marks.
  355. >Everyone watches as Anonymous slowly draws and redraws the lines. The previous speed it had when using the crayon was insanely faster. The difference was as drastic as comparing Rainbow Dash to Fluttershy. The developing image was also sloppier looking, despite the finer point.
  357. >After a few moments, Anonymous pulls away from overtop the picture, and reveals its additions. A larger representation of each type of pony is now beside their respective original versions.
  358. >Lifting up the paper in one hand, Anonymous points to the small earthpony and then to Applejack. It then makes the horizontal chopping motions at various heights it made to Rarity earlier.
  359. >After executing the command, it does the same thing to the unicorn and points to Rarity. Finally, Anonymous recites the steps with the pegasus and Rainbow Dash.
  362. >If the original pictures were of the crusaders, and the bigger ones were for Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow, the most obvious difference is size.
  363. >So the chopping stands for size or a size comparison; smallest to largest? That kind of makes sense.
  364. >Then in theory, you can use the same method to indicate Anon is the smallest. Since you are fairly confident in the discovery that Anonymous is small for its kind, this should prove an adequate test. Absolute certainty escapes you until you can find another member of its species, but at some point you need a little faith.
  366. >Using one of the spare quills Owlicious had packed, you make a larger image of Anonymous. It watches your efforts carefully, more focused on the drawing than your magical grip. All of your friends have an identical gaze.
  367. >When you finish, Pinkie attempts to say something, but you promptly shush her. This is thinking time; you need the quiet.
  368. >With the tip of the quill, you tap against the small Anonymous first, and then the bigger one. Then, you point the tip towards yourself to direct Anon’s attention. Once you have that, you try your best to mimic the chopping motion.
  369. >In response, Anonymous makes a fist with both hands and bangs the sides with the littlest finger together in front of its face twice. You haven’t seen that before.
  370. >Pinkie can’t stay quiet anymore; the results overcome her defenses.
  371. >”What’d they say, what’d they say?”
  372. “Uh…”
  373. >With the silence broken, Rainbow Dash surges right in.
  374. >”What was that all about? Why did it point at me? Does it want something?”
  375. >Rarity joins in, and although she has a little more control her tone matches Dash’s concern.
  376. >”I am quite interested as well.”
  377. >All these questions and you are still trying to answer your own. It’s too much to take on at once.
  378. “Please, just calm down. I need a little more time.”
  381. >The quiet swiftly returns, and the relief escapes into your breath. Now, how to attack this problem?
  382. >First, address your assumptions. You are assuming that Anonymous is reacting to your version of the chops in a similar way as it would its own. Let’s start with the biggest variable; you.
  383. >Marking the two variants of the earthpony, you lead your hoof towards Applejack, and make the chops again.
  384. >You look back to Anonymous waiting for its response, being careful to not make any other moves so that Anonymous knows you are done, and to prevent compromising the test.
  385. >The reply is another double bang of its fists.
  386. >Good, good. The response is consistent; you appear to have done the size gesture correctly. Well, you are also assuming it is a size gesture. Hmmm.
  387. >Tapping down on the two earthponies on the paper again, you then point to Pinkie Pie and make the chops.
  388. >This time Anonymous gently bangs its arms against each other once, and not its fists. That’s the exact same as one of the displays earlier today when you were testing deliberately wrong answers, though it had significantly less vigor.
  389. > Is that a definite sign for no? Let’s try using an obviously wrong answer again.
  390. >After identifying the earthponies, you point to Rarity.
  391. >The light single smack of its crossed arms offers confirmation to your guess.
  393. >Kazaam!
  394. >The meaning is still lost to you, but the regularity allows for isolating the sections. Isolation makes for easier study, and if your theory of those signs being for yes and no is true you will have a very powerful tool at your disposal. So powerful, you could theoretically answer everything given enough time.
  395. >You need to do more tests, lots more tests. You’re on the verge of a breakthrough!
  396. >What can you both agree on? What is something absolutely true, and readily available?
  399. >Every object in your vision changes as you search. Even your friends transform into elements and components of a foggy equation. Where to begin the trial and error?
  400. >The picture of the three Anonymouses, and the one with the six ponies stand out as the strongest candidate.
  401. >They take their place at the front of your mental chalkboard, and as your eyes adopt a fiery white glow the papers rise up in reality as well.
  402. *pomf*
  403. >Your wings flare out as calculations spin through your mind like a slots machine reel split into different combinations. Add, Subtract, Mulitply, Divide | Pinkie, Rainbow, Rarity, Fluttershy, Applejack, You | Chop, Arm Cross, Banging Fists, Call for Anonymous, Call for Middle Height Anonymous, Call for Tallest Anonymous.
  404. >Fluttershy and Rarity scoot away from you, giving you ample room.
  405. >Every set runs its course with the blistering speed only found in a statistician’s wildest dream. As your brain rattles, the section separating thought and speech occasionally fails its job.
  406. “Yes, Yes, YES! I’m so close!”
  408. >The wheel begins to slow down, ticking passed each option. As the circle makes one final revolution the pair of pictures fly into your reach.
  409. >Pictures, You, Add, Calls.
  410. >You need to comprehend the pictures; you both have an agreed understanding on the calls.
  411. “This WILL work!”
  412. >Rainbow Dash remains in her seat with her forelimbs folded across her chest.
  413. >”We’ve lost her.”
  414. >Applejack is waving her hooves parallel to the table, and trying to coax you down from a distance.
  415. >”Now get a hold of yerself, girl. Ain’t nothin’ ta get worked up over.”
  416. “Breakthrough.”
  417. >That is all you are capable of giving to anything not related to the equation.
  418. >Pinkie Pie is holding onto Anonymous, wrapping it tight against her.
  419. >”Calm down, Twilight. You’ll scare Nony.”
  420. >If you were in the proper frame of mind you would call her out on the audacity of that sentence, but the important thing is progress.
  423. >Shooting your illuminated gaze towards Anonymous, you are met with a mix of uncertainty and wonder in its stare.
  424. >It is not stiff like with the bandersnatch, it is not recoiled like when you first met it, it is not clinging to Pinkie in fear. It wants this; you know it wants this. Perhaps even more than you do.
  425. >You make the first call indicating Anonymous. Instantly, your throat burns and the previous thought of losing your voice pings for a millisecond, but to Tartarus with your voice.
  426. >Anonymous predictably returns the call.
  427. >You then make the call again, point to Anonymous, and clap your hooves together in the best attempt to copy the original symbol you think is for ‘yes’.
  428. >When Anonymous lifts itself up from Pinkie and sends the same gesture, the embers inside you burst in delight. Magical energy crackles through your bandages.
  429. >Picking up the speed, you make the call for Anonymous and the call for the tallest guardian before flinging one limb against the other for ‘no’.
  430. >Anonymous follows in kind, the path of progress fully lit.
  431. “Potential meanings: Yes/ No, Same/ Different.”
  433. >The uncertainty Anonymous once held seems to disappear. Without pause, you go through the process of reaffirming the two ponies on the picture match Rarity, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash using the ‘yes/ same’ gesture.
  434. >Every other combination of mixed match ponies, and any with Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, or yourself are met with the ‘no/ different’ sign.
  435. >How are you not like Rarity? Well, you’re an alicorn duh. Yet, Fluttershy and Rainbow are both pegasi, and Applejack and Pinkie are both earth ponies.
  436. >Maybe your approach is too basic. What do the picture’s represent?
  437. “Applebloom : Applejack, Sweetie Belle : Rarity, Scootaloo : Rainbow Dash…”
  438. >No way.
  439. >A possible relation hits with the first two cases; leaving you stunned. Was it actually implying something like family? Could it be that accurate?
  442. >So then, the Anonymous you sketched was not a larger Anonymous, but one of its family; probably one of the guardians.
  443. >The entirety of the magic building around you disperses; even some of the magic inside feels sucked out. Your wings fold back down, and with a few surprised blinks your normal eyes replace the glow.
  445. >The aches in your body rebound as you awake from the spell; the burning of your throat ever present. As you relax back into your seat, you take a deep drink from your cup of punch.
  446. >Your friends drop from high alert when they see you recollect yourself, and drift back to their normal spots. Although you seem calm, your thoughts are still racing.
  447. >The case with Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash would be wrong if that was the message. That reason alone fills you with doubt; then there’s the precision of the relationship between Rarity and Sweetie Belle. Anonymous has proven smart time and again, but the fact of the matter is Anonymous has never seen Rarity before. And yet, it made the chops when it first saw her.
  448. >Applejack has the same look of shock on her face that you do. The cogs in Rarity’s head are turning, and she is only a step or two behind.
  449. >”Twi, you thinkin’ Anon knows we’re their sisters?”
  450. >Anonymous turns to Applejack with intense interest. The wonder in its expression had dwindled alongside your magic, but a little bit of life springs back when Applejack speaks. Either it recognized the shorthand for its name, or it was simply attracted to the sound.
  451. “I am. Maybe not that relationship exactly, but it seems to be suggesting more than you two being taller; IF my hunch is correct.”
  452. >You have to pause and take another drink.
  453. “I can’t say for sure what that symbol means.”
  454. >Rarity’s face lights up as things click into place.
  455. >”The girls were drawing with Anonymous as well, correct? What did they draw?”
  457. >Your mind instantly jumps tracks following Rarity’s train of thought. Seizing the stacks from your bag, you hold the three groups in a separate aura with what little magic you have left.
  459. >Your vision blurs are you frantically try to skim all three segments at once. No matter how much you want to push yourself, there is only so much a pony body can do. This split focus is going to get you nowhere.
  460. >Steady yourself, Twilight. Divide, Organize, and Distribute. Work to your strengths.
  461. >Taking each stack, you slice horizontally across the middle as evenly as possible. The three piles turning into six.
  462. >Scootaloo’s drawings glide in your purple hold over to Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. Applejack and Pinkie Pie each get half of Appleblooms. Sweetie Belle’s goes to Rarity and yourself.
  463. “Look for drawings with groups. Include anything that has Rarity, Applejack, or Rainbow.
  464. >Your friends accept their given task, and start the hunt. Rainbow and Applejack flip through theirs rather quickly. Rarity and you analyze each one thoroughly. Pinkie and Fluttershy have adopted a team effort approach, including the subject in question.
  465. >”Does this one ring any bells? Oh look, it’s all of us. And this one is of Spike~”
  466. >”This is a nice one. This one, too. Oh my—”
  467. >Fluttershy lets out a small giggle. The doodle in question is of Mare Do Well being chased by Rainbow Dash in the style of a comic book cover.
  468. >Anonymous will temporarily watch one and then move to the other, grabbing whichever sketch appeals to it.
  470. >Sweetie Belle pays a lot of attention to the small details in her drawings. The town, the school, the boutique, everything is in the right place. Even the number and placement of windows looks exact. For all of that detail, you do notice a peculiar pattern. Most of the time everypony has no cutiemark; the usual exception being Rarity.
  473. >Oddities aside, you select the appropriate papers and make a neat bundle. With your friends doing the same, it takes no time at all to create six new piles filling the requirements set.
  474. >Next steps: Consolidate, Analyze, Reflect.
  475. >Merging the six piles into three, you scrutinize every picture. While the crusaders often drew pictures of groups, there were a few with just one of them and their adult counterpart. Perhaps that is how Anonymous made the connection. Not exactly family, but it recognizes which one of you is most important to each. The fact that they are the same type of pony being mere coincidence.
  476. >Or maybe not. A definitive answer will require more research. Part of you really wants to keep pushing this to some sort of conclusion, but the exercise has settled your thinking. If you weren’t so tired you probably would, however, you are able to realize how far off course you had gone.
  477. >Anonymous’ actions completely sidetracked you from your goal of filling everypony in. You need to steer things back along. The things you just learned make for a good opening transition.
  478. “It appears most likely that Anonymous may have come to the conclusion that Rarity, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash are related to Sweetie Belle, Applebloom, and Scootaloo through the prevalence they had in each drawing. Remember, this is only a hunch. Nothing is concrete yet.”
  479. >Anonymous casts a leer at you and your explanation.
  480. >”I suppose Rarity and Applejack make sense, but should I be creeped out a little by Scootaloo?”
  481. >”Shucks, Rainbow, she just looks up ta ya is all.”
  482. >”Really dear, you should be flattered.”
  484. >”And Nony’s special somepony is one of the guardians?”
  485. >”I don’t think that’s right…the somepony part.”
  486. “If my theory is correct, than yes; Anonymous looks up to one of or both of its guardians.”
  487. >Out of nowhere a loud thud resonates from the table. Turning to the source you all see Anonymous with red fists.
  490. >The creature’s voice strikes out, possessing the clash of iron upon iron. Pleadingly fierce eyes meet you and shifts alongside the furious maneuvers of its hands.
  491. >Despite the sound, not even Rarity tucks her ears. The scene catches your heart in your throat and none of you can look away if you try. You’ve never seen Anonymous act this way; there is something very wrong here.
  493. >While everyone is still in the middle of processing the sight, Fluttershy reaches over the table and places a hoof in each of Anonymous’ hands.
  494. >”Shhh, it’s okay. You don’t need to be upset.”
  495. >It’s upset?
  496. “Why is it upset?”
  497. >Anonymous turns its full attention to Fluttershy, and the words keep pouring out while it holds onto her. Fluttershy remains focused on Anonymous, offering a venue for its voice to sink into.
  498. >”Anonymous…Anonymous wants to be understood.”
  499. “That’s what I’m trying to do!”
  500. >”Y-yes, but we at least have someone to talk to.”
  502. >The flow of Anon’s groans goes on unimpeded, and Fluttershy gently moves to the seat next to Anonymous. With wing and arm she covers the creature’s back, the comfort eventually shushing the creature. While its somber expression remains, its focus drops down to the table surface.
  503. >A tranquil Pinkie reaches over and grabs the quill Anonymous had been using. Flipping over the paper, she begins to draw. Her well practiced speed and deliberate motions produce three images in no time. She then slides the paper underneath Anonymous’ stare.
  504. >Even upside-down, you can make out the simple sketches. At the top is a cartoony version of all six of you along with Anonymous; a giant heart encircles the group. Next is a doodle of houses looking similar to Ponyville with Anonymous in the center of town. It too has the same heart shaped outline. The final shape is a circle with Anonymous on top, and another heart border. A few lines in the circle split up the representation of land and water.
  507. >The angle of Anonymous’ head obscures its reaction, and its body remains slumped, providing no real tells. Pinkie joins Fluttershy in leaning against Anon.
  509. >Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack seem equally uncertain in what to do; their thoughts likely matching your own. When it comes to compassion and cheering somepony up, there’s no better duo. You’ll leave the situation in their hooves.
  510. >Onto your part; where did you leave off in the summary? We were at the pictures and learned calls, putting us at…the Everfree. What a place to have stopped. This is not the kind of mood to go into the danger Anonymous may pose, but you have to tell them.
  511. >How can you lightly break the silence?
  512. “Um…”
  513. >Smooth.
  514. >Springboard, springboard, springboard…A-ha. The picture Pinkie made, maybe that will help with your transition. You are admittedly a little curious as well.
  515. “Pinkie, I can get the first two parts of your drawing, but what’s with the last one?”
  516. >She’s all pep, as per usual.
  517. >”Oh that? I was showing Nony that the whooooole world is nice and cares about them. Also so that they can tell their friends to come visit, too.”
  518. >Fiddlywinks. That worked as a lead in, but makes you even less inclined to share. Regardless, it’s time to buck up.
  520. “About that; Anonymous is many things, and a lot of those are currently a mystery.“
  521. >There is no reaction from Anonymous this time when you say its’ name.
  522. “Consider the drawings it made; the size of them, the numbers, the buildings, the group with the zebra and others. Now, remember when I said Anonymous is possibly afraid of the dark? That is because during the day it has shown very little fear. I can count on one hoof the amount of times it saw ponies as any sort of threat; even when it knew I was confronting it. On top of that, it also walked right into the Everfree with an apparent disregard for its own safety; yelling and making itself an easy target for any predator to find.”
  525. >Rainbow’s curiosity is muted but ever present.
  526. >”It can be loud, alright. Maybe those screams are how it defends itself?”
  527. “I don’t think so. When it was in the Everfree, the only thing that the calls did was draw the attention of a bandersnatch.”
  528. >Each of your friends coats grow a little pale, except for Fluttershy. She instead gives Anonymous a light squeeze before speaking up.
  529. >”That won’t happen again, I promise.”
  530. “Fluttershy did take care of the bandersnatch, but when it went to attack, Anonymous just stood there in shock. I had to fly in and pull it out of harm’s way.”
  531. >A suspicious Rainbow narrows her eyes and forcefully points her hoof towards you.
  532. >”Even I would have trouble outracing a bandersnatch.”
  533. “I had to pull Anonymous away with my magic first, and Fluttershy caught up to the bandersnatch before it could continue chasing us. I was also…encouraged to move as fast as I could by Anonymous, who was on my back the whole time. We shared the crash landing, and that is why we are both wearing bandages.”
  535. >Noticing the delay, Rarity’s neutral smile loosens and hooks downward.
  536. >”When you say ‘encouraged’…”
  537. “I’ll get to that in a second.”
  538. >Honestly you will.
  539. “Finding the guardians may have been so vitally important to its survival that the danger was worth the risk, but it could also be because Anonymous does not have to fear predators where it comes from. That would mean that, somehow, they have found a way to effectively defend themselves against even dragons and hydras. What I mean by ‘I was encouraged by Anonymous’ is that while on my back it had its arms tightly wrapped around my neck. Anonymous is deceptively strong for its size, and while clenching in fear it nearly strangled the life out of me.”
  540. >Any joy remaining in the room was swiftly snuffed out. Applejack turns a stern stare towards Anon, though it doesn’t notice with its head against the table.
  543. >Pinkie sits upright, and a fraction of her playfulness tries to edge out from her sincere demeanor.
  544. >”You mean like GLURK strangled?”
  545. >She mimes chocking, adopting an appropriate face for the act. You reply with a nod with closed eyes.
  546. >”Oh.”
  547. >She sits back down, and looks to her lap for answers. Fluttershy jumps straight into the defense.
  548. >”Anonymous didn’t mean to hurt Twilight; it was just really really scared. There’s not a mean bone in their body, and it would feel terrible if it knew what it did.”
  549. >Fluttershy’s assurance holds the same fervor of truth as earlier. Her claim easing your friends’ defensiveness similar to how it eased yours.
  550. >Rainbow has the same expression she did when you first told her you crashed today. At the start, a mix of concern and confusion.
  551. >”Why didn’t you use your magic? You can teleport and stuff.”
  552. “I didn’t want to risk hurting Anonymous.”
  553. >Then transferring from confusion to annoyance.
  554. >”Cripes, Twilight! There’s a time to worry about others and a time to worry about you!”
  555. “We don’t know what would happen to Anonymous if I did, and this is the only one we know of.”
  556. >”I don’t care if it is the last of its kind. I’m not exchanging you for it!”
  557. >Her urgency knocks directly into you. You never actually considered things that way, and the concept alone makes you queasy. Would you actually go to such an extent; to put your very life after that of Anonymous’?
  559. >Rarity places a hoof on your shoulder, and eases the tension. The genuine smile she wears is one seldom seen by anyone but her closest friends.
  560. >”With the way you’ve been acting today, I’d say you are taking this rather well.”
  561. >If only she knew.
  562. “Not really. I’m trying to look passed what happened, but it still scares me sometimes.”
  563. >”That’s entirely reasonable, dear. You went through a lot.”
  566. “But, that may have caused me to hurt Anonymous in turn. The possibility of a friendly Pony-Anonymous relationship could end up ruined!”
  567. >Rarity scoffs in the face of your explanation.
  568. >How could she?! This encompasses everything you’ve been working for.
  569. >”Tell me, what makes you think Anonymous now dislikes us ponies? Was it Pinkie feeding it? The carrots it offered Fluttershy? The attempt to communicate?“
  570. “But we still know so little. How can I help find answers if it doesn’t like me?”
  571. >”Oh, so it was the time it chose to talk to YOU that has you worried.”
  572. “Well…”
  573. >How did she make you seem silly so easily?
  574. >”Dash has a point, Twilight. You need to be less concerned about every little possibility, and focus on the important bits.”
  575. >Rarity’s recounting of the recent events brightens the mood of the entire room. Pinkie’s carefree attitude quickly revitalizes.
  576. >”Yeah, and Nony isn’t the type to hold grudges. I can sense these things.”
  577. >Fluttershy is almost as cheerful, something you once thought impossible.
  578. >”I’m sure Anonymous would forgive you, just like you are trying to forgive them.”
  579. >That is all reassuring, but you have to look at every scenario. That’s your job, how you protect everyone.
  580. “Just imagine what a fully grown Anonymous could do, or a group of them! We have to be prepared.”
  581. >Rarity instantly drums up a fine tipped counter.
  582. >”And what can a group of ponies, or even a lone alicorn, do to a small Anonymous?”
  584. >Even Applejack’s callous stare completely fades at those words. You kept saying you understood Anonymous was scared and alone, to put yourself in its horseshoes; and yet, you never considered the reverse of what frightens you most. The closest you ever got was considering its possible defenses.
  585. >At this very moment, Anon is the one most in danger in this room. Despite that, it has fallen asleep with its head on the table between the blanket of Pinkie and Fluttershy.
  588. >Your imagination was making Anonymous out to be some super being capable of ending worlds. For one so grounded in reality, you were spending your days in fantasy.
  589. >How much has your fear held you back? How much more progress would there have been if you were accepting at the start? Would you do it all the same way again?
  590. >As you calculate each, the factor of safety remains top priority.
  591. >In the same situation, under the same circumstances, yes; you would do it all the same again. Even though you now feel awful, that is because you have a better grasp on Anonymous’ character. When there is nothing to go on, it is better to be safe than sorry.
  592. “We still need to keep everyone safe.”
  593. >Rarity gives two small nods in quick succession.
  594. >”Of course, of course; but why walk on eggshells? We can be careful and upfront at the same time.”
  595. >Applejack’s eyes bounce back and forth at the top while she judges.
  596. >”We’ll keep an eye on it, that’s fer sure. Ah guess Rarity’s right though; we ain’t gotta be so antsy. Watch the fox in the yard, not the woods.”
  597. >Rainbow gives a leisurely and confident pat against her chest.
  598. >”If anything happens we got your back.”
  599. >The accumulated stress over Anon’s potential threat evaporates in the warmth of your friends. While you were trying to find a more preventative solution, the simple suggestion offered may work just as well, if not even better.
  600. >There’s only one thing left to cover.
  602. “Okay, okay, you’ve all convinced me. I’ll worry a little less about every possible outcome, and a little more about the big things, including myself. One last thing about Anonymous, after the crash Fluttershy was the one to console it, and later apply first aid. The clothes it is wearing hide the vulnerabilities from view. It appears picky about what it shows, and removing the clothes is out of the question.”
  605. >The mix of bandage and fabric is looked over by everyone except Fluttershy and yourself. Rarity’s narrow eyes hold the most intense scrutiny as you expected.
  606. >”Ah, I was hoping you would get to that. They are of quite a unique design, though I suppose I will have to discuss that with you another time. We should really get going, right Applejack?”
  607. >Rarity putting off discussing clothes catches Applejack unawares.
  608. >”Uh, yeah, Ah reckon we should. They’re just up at the house.”
  609. >”Splendid. Dash, why don’t you come along and join us? I’m sure Scootaloo would appreciate it.”
  610. >”I guess I can go too. I’ll have to leave for work soon, so let’s not take too long getting there.”
  611. >There’s actually one thing you would like to try, but more importantly you need a place to stay for that rainstorm.
  612. “Applejack, can I use your barn again for tonight?”
  613. >She cocks an eyebrow at your request.
  614. >”Ah was figurin’ Anon was gonna stay here anyhow. No need ta ask, go right ahead.”
  615. “Thanks. Um, do you mind if I use your restroom?”
  616. >”How many times do Ah gotta tell ya to make yerself at home?”
  617. “Hehe, right. Do you mind if I take Anonymous too? I would like to test if they are familiar with the concept.”
  618. >This time Applejack isn’t so forthcoming, and rubs her chin with her hoof. It takes her a moment to answer.
  619. >”Ah suppose.”
  621. >With a gentle poke you try to rouse the sleeping beast. At first nothing, then after another few it swats at your hoof. It doesn’t stir until Pinkie and Fluttershy move away, Anonymous shivering from the sudden chill.
  622. >Groggy eyes look to yours, and with a smile you motion out the barn with your head. The eyes shut again, and go back against the table. With the renewed confidence, you dare to try lifting Anonymous up with your magic again.
  625. >The creature remains limp, and once on your back loops its arms around your neck while burying its face in your mane. The bite of fear nips at you, but you manage to hold it at bay. With parcel in tow, you head out the barn with the others.
  626. >Fluttershy cherishes the scene of you and Anon before heading out the door.
  627. >”I’ll let you two sleep, you both had a big day. Remember what I said about resting up. I’ll visit in the morning to check up on you.”
  628. >Pinkie zips in, stopping next to Fluttershy and wrapping a limb around her.
  629. >”I’ll stop by too, and bring lots of goodies.”
  630. >She has such gusto it is amazing that Anonymous can keep sleeping.
  631. “Sounds good. We’ll be here.”
  632. >”Cya cya~”
  633. >”Bye.”
  634. >Pinkie bounces in step alongside Fluttershy as the two mosey back to town.
  636. >The rest of you move to the house. Applejack and Rarity begin going over their plan.
  637. >”Now don’t you worry, just leave all of the talking to me. I’ll get them the best care, no questions asked.”
  638. >”If ya say so. Twi, I’ll let ya know the results first thing in the mornin’; unless they find somethin’ big. Then Ah’ll have no choice but ta get ya.”
  639. “Thanks. Feel free to come get me if you need anything; I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
  640. >Entering the back door, you find Granny Smith, Big Mac, and the crusaders are all in the kitchen cleaning up. The crusaders tense up the moment they hear the door open, and Sweetie Belle’s woe expands when she sees Rarity. Scootaloo is far more excited than her compatriots.
  641. >”Hey, Rainbow Dash!”
  642. >”Hey squirt. Heard you had a run in with Anonymous.”
  643. >Scootaloo’s energy is quickly withdraws, until Rainbow leans in closer.
  644. >”Told ya it was a cool alien.”
  647. >Rarity hurries the group along in her usual refined manner, even though every one of you knows it is a façade. She’ll start yelling at them halfway down the road, when she’s far enough to avoid making a scene.
  648. >”Come along girls, we can’t be late.”
  649. >”Granny, Twilight and Anonymous are gonna be usin’ the barn again tonight.”
  650. >”Huh?”
  652. >”Alright. Don’t know why you’d highlight yarn, though.”
  653. >As Granny Smith hobbles to the living room she continues to mumble to herself.
  654. >”Youngsters these days. What kinda saddle was that anyway? Ain’t like it used ta be, no siree.”
  655. >The family pays no mind to Granny’s ramblings, and you try your best to do the same.
  656. >”Big Mac, ya ready ta go?”
  657. >“Eyup.”
  659. >Each says their goodbyes, and you finally manage to shake Anonymous awake. While outside the restroom door, you lift Anonymous off your back and help it to its feet. Without any further guidance it walks in and closes the door behind it.
  660. >A few moments later the sound of running water confirms the validity of one of your most off the wall hunches. Anonymous is familiar with the luxuries of modern society. This may help you narrow down the possible locations their civilization could be hiding. Fresh water locations are fairly obvious, but you can also be on the lookout for aqueducts or pipes. Pipes would be very difficult to find with eyesight alone, but maybe there’s a spell to help?
  661. >Before you can continue the thought, the door opens. There is water dripping from its hands. Anonymous even has sanitary practices, and could possibly have some sort of germ theory. The thought has potential, but you are going to take up your friends advice and focus on the bigger issue. And right now, that is getting some sleep.
  664. >You point to Anonymous and then where it is standing. You also try to accentuate the stopping motion with your hoof.
  665. “Wait right here. Stay.”
  666. >As you take your turn in the bathroom, you hear a single set of steps walking through the hall. Not even the simplest thing is easy.
  667. >Focus on the big things. It can’t get too far before you’re done, and the steps have stopped. Anonymous is still in the house.
  668. >Once you’re out of the bathroom you begin your search. It does not take long, you find Anonymous in literally the first available door. From the decorations, you would guess this is Applebloom’s room. The knotted up bundle of blankets on the bed are also a sort of giveaway.
  669. >Underneath every single blanket is Anonymous, already fast asleep. You can’t blame it for wanting to sleep in a bed, you would really like to as well. However, it’s the barn for you two.
  670. “No, we can’t sleep here.”
  671. >As you lift up Anonymous with your magic, a low moan seeps out and it wears a scrunched face. It had curled into a ball and keeps its eyes shut. You suppose you can take a few blankets along for it.
  672. >Grabbing the easiest bundle, you pick up the rope of blankets. The crusaders won’t be needing this tonight. You’ll be guarding the barn door from the inside this time, anyway. You taking the blankets is just keeping them out of more trouble.
  674. >Carrying both Anon and blankets back to the barn, you set Anon on the hay pile in the back. Untangling the blankets, you place them next to the makeshift bed before moving to the door.
  675. With a hearty thud, the door closes shut. Removing your bag proves more difficult than usual with the pressure points of pain, and stiff limbs. Still, you manage, and after placing it to the side you lay down by the door. Not even all the Blue Minotaurs in the world could keep you awake any longer, and you float off to sleep.
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