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Feb 26th, 2017
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  1. ou are a kid living in a certain city with monsters in it. You have no parents, but you have an adoptive Monstergirl Mother to take care of you. Take your pick.
  3. 1. Lich Mom.
  4. Lich mom is fairly strict, she's grooming you to become a necromancer and will make sure you keep to your necromancy studies. She also doesn't like you interacting with the living, saying that they're a bad influence. However, if you ever want a girl she wouldn't mind raising a nice zombie girl or bringing some undead beauty out from the underworld. Lich mom may seem cold and distant at times, using magic to take care of you, but she still cares deeply for you.
  6. 2. Wurm Mom
  7. Wurm mom is not very bright and a bit of a bimbo and a klutz. She will shower you with affection provided she can remember your name. Although your patience may be tested at times as you try to keep up with her shenanigans, but her warm smile and positive disposition will grow on you and you will learn to love her.
  9. 3. Salamander Mom
  10. Salamander mom is bright, energetic and generally the cool mom. It will never be boring around her as she takes you on countless trips and adventures. On the downside, she won't tolerate laziness and will force you to go to the gym or take some sport as an activity to stay fit and healthy.
  12. 4. Arachne Mom
  13. Arachne mom has a LOT of daughterus. She will be busy taking care of them as well as you and you'll need to get along with your new siblings who will initially see you as an outsider. While Arachne mom will love you all equally, she will often be too busy to show it. Any friends you invite around will probably not come if they have Arachnophobia.
  15. 5. Dragon Mom
  16. Dragon mom is an incredibly rich and powerful woman and by being her adpotive son, you will reap the benefits. However if you thought Lich mom was strict, then Dragon mom will show you what strict really is. As her heir, you will need to have outstanding grades, be polite and formal, fit and strong and prove yourself worthy constantly. Your friends will also be rich and you will be in the popular group of kids at school. You'll generally have your choice of girls and have a large of allowance to spend on things.
  18. 6. Catgirl Mom
  19. Catgirl mom lives with her husband and 2 daughterus in the suburban part of the city. With average income, 2 cars, a pool and pancakes on Sunday. This will be an excessively vanilla family where nothing out of the ordinary will happen, except that your mother has cat ears and a tail, otherwise it's completely average.
  21. 7. Oni Mom
  22. Oni mom is not a very responsible parent, leaving you to find out shit for yourself, it also doesn't help that she's a heavy drinker. However she would never hurt you and her popularity in the MGC nightlife means that if you ever get jumped by some sex-starved MG, chances are, an MG that knows your mom will step in and protect you.
  24. 8. Sea Bishop Mom
  25. As you can expect, Sea Bishop Mom is a bit of a religious fanatic. Devout in her worship of Poseidon which she expects you to join her in. You'll be attending Poseidon High, where Poseidon worshiping parents send their kids. This will mean a school populated entirely by aquatic MGs. However, instead of treating you as an outcast, you'll be quite popular with everyone, except for the group of Shark Girl delinquents who smoke behind the coral reef in recess. Does not get along with Shark Girl Mom.
  27. 9. Shark Girl Mom
  28. Shark Girl Mom is kind of a frightening, quite vocal and not afraid to give you a smack if you ever manage to set her off. Although it might be hard to believe, she loves you deeply and if you're ever in danger she will be fiercely protective. You don't have to worship Poseidon fervently as she really doesn't care about some bearded geezer with a trident. You'll still be going to Poseidon High, ironically. However, the Shark Girls won't pick on you. Does not get along with Sea Bishop Mom.
  30. 10. Slime Mom
  31. Slime mom is an incredibly clingy and possessive mom. Sometimes you don't think she understands that adoption isn't just buying a human pet to keep around, but she is fairly simple. Despite being mute and not too bright she can cook very well, she'll express her love purely through actions, but will be very assertive.
  33. 11. Ryu Mom
  34. Ryu Mom is bright, dignified and wealthy. She expects you to go to school and study well like most mothers would, but still allows you to have fun. However, her job as a weather forecaster and weather creator means she's somewhat busy. Leaving you in the care of lecherous Cat Girl maids for most of the time, who try to molest you more than clean. Should be fine if you can just keep them at bay until Ryu Mom returns from work. [spoiler]Do not touch Ryu Mom's reverse scale.[/spoiler]
  36. 12. Weresheep Mom
  37. Weresheep Mom lives out in the rural outskirts of Monster Girl City. So first off, there won't be much to do. You will be going to some backwoods school with other humans and MGs who live in the area, moving from the city will take some getting used to and you'll either be popular or unpopular with other kids for coming from the big apple. As for Weresheep Mom herself, she's as motherly as can be and cooks really god damn well, her food will be amazing. On the other hand you'll need to help her with technology, she's very old-fashioned.
  39. 13. Holstaurus Mom
  40. Holstaurus mom makes sure you get the right amount of nutrition you need for your exciting MG-filled day. She lives in the city as a stay-at-home mother, but makes money by selling her milk, giving her a steady income. She isn't intolerably lewd 100% of the time and is a great parent over all. However, she might tend to embarrass you in public, such as yelling out from the car as she drops you off at school to not to forget to drink the milk she made. Some of the tougher MG's will probably see this as a sign of weakness and easy prey.
  42. 14. Grizzly Mom
  43. Grizzly mom is a bit slow, but gives the best hugs. In her spare time she hangs around the outskirts of the MGC national park, stealing picnic baskets and viriginites from human tourists. In order to continue with this hobby of hers, she lives in the rural outskirts of MGC. While you'll attend school the school there. Life will be simple, eating the food she steals and enjoying nature with little to no technology.
  45. 15. Mantis Mom
  46. Mantis mom don't say much, maybe muttering out an 'I love you' or 'good night' but otherwise being quiet. You'll begin to learn she lives a mysterious life, she's got a lot of money, but she never tells you what her job is. She usually leaves the house carrying a sniper rifle in a suit case along with a collection of exotic blades. She does always bring back cool souvenirs though.
  48. 16. Alarune Mom
  49. Alarune mom lives in a modified greenhouse, which you will too, with the rest of her family. From young saplings to fully grown "Ara ara~" plant MGs, you'll be part of a big, loving family. However, being rooted to the ground, Alarune mom can't move. Meaning that it's difficult for her to go out. Making your activities together limited.
  51. 17. Zombie Mom
  52. Zombie mom is, well, a bit of a zombie. Quite slow physically and mentally and her body parts tend to fall off which you'll need to help her re-attach. She lives in the Undead district, a sprawling graveyard with many homes there. It's a fairly gated community which means you'll end up attending a school for Undead MGs until college. Being alive will make you quite popular, since you're so warm, only jealous Vampire girls might not get along with you.
  54. 18. Yuki-Onna Mom
  55. Yuki-Onna mom is a great mom, she cooks very well, keeps everything tidy, she makes a good amount of money from a cooking channel she runs and she makes ice puns. You attend whatever school in MGC you choose and she's not too strict. The dreaded however, however, is that you may never move out. She won't have you leaving her all alone and cold, so you have to live with her forever and not be away from home for too long. She will not hesitate to use extreme measures if you try to run away from home.
  57. 19. Dark Priest Mom
  59. Dark Priest Mom is a religious nut and you'll be helping her with her twisted religion, summoning smug Succubi and the like to the world. While she's a very nice mom and you'll get introduced to other members of the cult 'family' you're probably going to find yourself either raped to death by a succubi or slain by a warrior of the light when you're an adult, having graduated with a demonology degree and as a professional dark cultist. In the mean time though, the cult meetings Dark Priest mom takes you too will have free pizza. Which is pretty sweet.
  61. 20. Wyvern Mom
  62. Wyvern mom seems normal at first, being quite fit and working as a reporter for the Daily Rape-Whistle and earning a steady income. However, after pulling a certain book from a bookshelf, the Wyvern Cave was revealed to you. Now Wyvern mom has adopted you as her crime-fighting sidekick: Dragoon kid. Where you'll face down against the worst criminals MGC has to offer.
  64. 21. Mimic Mom
  65. At first you thought you got the wrong house, but after she burst out from an old chest, you were greeted by your childish, flat-chested Mimic mom. She works as a private investigator, although an old wooden chest can be a bit of a telltale at times. She has you work as her assistant, writing down important clues while you hide in the chest with her. Which makes it awkward if you're ever caught.
  67. 22. Merrow Mom
  68. Merrow mom lives in the aquatic district of MGC. Which is the part that's submerged underwater and she gives you her hat so you can breathe. She's rich and owns a chain of beauty salons, but has a habit of dressing you up because it 'makes you look cute'. For this reason when you attend Poseidon High, the underwater high school, you will be a target for Shark Girl bullies because of your embarrassing mom and stupid hat.
  70. 23. Sylph Mom
  71. Sylph mom is an airhead. [spoiler]I'm sorry.[/spoiler] Yet she has an important job regulating the wind. Being her adopted son she will bestow her power on you. Which will take a while to master, but you'll be able to defend yourself from aggressive Monster Girls. The downside is that as you become more one with the air, you become less with the earth. Meaning you'll be more dexterous and fast, but not very strong. Sylph mom will want to do air-based activities with you, like flying kites or skydiving.
  73. 24. Dark Elf Mom
  74. Dark Elf Mom is pretty lewd, owning her own 'Sex dungeon' complex in the red light district which makes a lot of money in a city like MGC. If you're a 'bad boy' she has unorthodox ways to punish you, but other than that, she won't force you to go into the same line of work as her. Unless you want to of course. Any Human friends you might make will probably fall prey to your lecherous mother. So it's up to you to make sure they don't go missing for 3 days only for you to find them bound and gagged in the basement when you go down to look for your old bike.
  76. 25. Amazon Mom
  77. Amazon mom is very old-fashioned. The woman are the breadwinners, the men stay at home and cook the dinners. She will love you unconditionally and even bond with you in showing you how to do the housework. She expects you to find a nice Monster Girl, not while your too young but not too old either, and marry her. She'll get along fine with your wife as long as she isn't a massive beta, in that case they might not get along. If this all sounds a bit overbearing don't fret, the Amazon tribe your mom belongs to looks after their own, so no MGs will try to 'proactively date' you unless you're okay with it. [spoiler]Don't go fucking any Monster Girl you bump into though, your Amazon mom doesn't her son to be some tramp.[/spoiler]
  79. 26. Lizard Mom
  80. Lizard Mom served in the army for several years before retiring and adopting you to live a more peaceful life. Lizard Mom is pretty strict, waking you up at 0600 hours well into your teenage years, to take part in mandatory sword-fighting practice with her which she argues as tradition. You won't have a lot of money between the two of you and at some point you'll come home to find her wounded, dying at the hands of some unknown assailant who's left only a small clue to follow. She'll pass away and you'll find yourself on some cliche path of revenge. Keeping the bonnet she wore as a keepsake.
  82. 27. Nightmare Mom
  83. Here you weren't actually adopted by anyone, but you begin to have dreams of an alluring, spooky and motherly woman. This will carry on throughout your life at the orphanage. By day you struggle to make it on the streets of MGC, by night you have the mysterious woman comfort you. You wake up each day refreshed and this helps you succeed. You claw your way to the top, eventually owning a nice house, a car and a massive swimming pool. You'll find some girl to marry and live a happy life. Spending time with your 'mother' everytime you sleep.
  85. 28. Dark Valkyrie Mom
  86. Dark Valkyrie Mom's past is kept a secret from you. She only tells you that she loves you and everything she did was so she could protect you as a mother. That being said, you'll find yourself attending a school for Demonic Monster Girls, mostly Succubi. You'll never be quite accepted, with your mother once being a Valkyrie and Angelic. While the Angelic Monster Girl school has apparently shunned your mother, something again that she doesn't like talking about, but they know her by name. Stuck in between you'll both be alone, but free to find your own place in the world.
  88. 29. Sahuagin Mom
  89. You live with Sahuagin Mom in the woods, near a lake. Where you and her fish on Sundays. Like on the Andy Griffith Show ( Selling the excess fish to keep the both of you well-fed and in good health. She doesn't say much, but she bonds with you as you fish, showing you how to do it properly. She might blush or smile a little as you get the hang of it. You'll be attending a rural school and life will be simple and although your mom is well-known, it's no secret she likes to keep to herself.
  91. 30. Cheshire Cat Mom
  92. Cheshire Cat mom is a cool mom, having good advice, while often messing around with you with pranks and such. An example might be lying on a couch with her head above the neck hidden by invisibility, lying in a pool of tomato sauce. Or when you talk to her about some lame band you might be into in your awkward pre-teen years, she might get into it on purpose and embarrass you in front of your friends by dressing like the lead singer. Cheshire Cat mom is a handful, walking around in lewd clothing in your house that always seems to smell like lavender. You suspect she doesn't have a job, but instead just abuses her magical cat powers to steal things.
  94. 31. Cyclops Mom
  95. Cyclops mom is a professional modern age blacksmith, getting orders from all over the world to make master-crafted pieces of art. She's fairly quiet, but seems happy to teach you her trade, hopefully to carry on the business. You might find out that she was bullied in High school, only to later find out that she actually enjoyed it. Cyclops Mom is quite well-off, though you live in a simple studio apartment, you can probably afford good training to use whatever weapon you might smith. Even some Salamander swords-woman who charges a lot and will turn you away if she thinks you aren't worthy.
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