
Savlar Chem-Riders Regiment

Feb 6th, 2015
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  1. Rulebooks used: Core Rulebook, Hammer of the Emperor
  3. 62nd Chem-Riders, Savlar Chem-Riders
  4. Sanguine Commander
  5. Characteristic Modifiers: +3 to any two of the following Characteristics— Agility, Strength, Toughness.
  6. Characteristics: +3 Agility, –3 Ballistic Skill
  7. Starting Skill Skills: Intimidate, Linguistics (Low Gothic), Survival
  8. Starting Talents: Catfall, Die Hard
  9. Starting Wounds: Penal colony characters begin play with +1 starting Wound.
  11. >Honour Amongst Thieves: Penal colonists, whether criminals themselves, or the descendants of the previous generation’s scum, know well the way criminal societies operate, understanding the nuances of deception, loyalty, intimidation, and violence that characterise the criminal classes. Penal colonist characters start with one of the following Talents: Peer (Underworld) or Street Fighting.
  12. >Larcenous: Hailing from worlds where the black market is the only market, penal colonists are skilled at obtaining illicit items, whether to sell, on or for their own purposes. Penal colony characters add a +10 to all Logistics Tests made to acquire illegal or contraband items.
  13. >Scum and Villainy: Penal colonists are ill-regarded by just about everyone else in the Imperial Guard, and tend to be viewed more as expendable fodder than as worthwhile soldiers. As a result, they are seldom afforded more than the most basic of equipment. Penal colony regiments have only 15 points when determining Standard Regimental Kit.
  15. >Scavenger Doctrine: The regiment may choose to gain a +10 bonus on any Logistics Test. However, on any test where this bonus is used, if any doubles are rolled (22, 33, 44, etc.) whether the Test was a success or a failure, then the scavenging and stealing attracts unwanted attention from higher authorities within the Imperial Guard or the Departmento Munitorum.
  16. >Combat Drugs Doctrine: The regiment adds an injector or inhaler and three doses of frenzon or five doses of stimm. Additional doses must be obtained through requisition or additional standard kit items.
  18. >Mental Trauma: Members of this regiment begin play with 1d10 Insanity Points. Any time that a member of this regiment fails a Willpower-based Test by three or more Degrees of Failure, he becomes lost in traumatic recollection, and is Stunned until the end of his next Turn.
  19. >Keep What You Take: The Savlar Chem-Dogs, unlike other regiments, are allowed to freely loot whenever and wherever they want. With the exemption of warp-tainted gear, they really can loot anything.
  21. Standard Savlar Chem-Riders' Kit
  22. Favored Basic: Hades Assault Flamer
  23. (Basic; 20m; S/-/-; 1d10+4 E; Pen 2; Clip 10; Reload 2 Full; Flame, Spray, Reliable; 12kg; Scarce)
  24. Favored Heavy:
  25. (
  26. 1 hunting lance (frag) [Main Weapon] (Melee; 2d10+3 R 0; Concussive (3); 4kg; Scarce)
  27. 1 laspistol and 4 charge packs (Pistol; 30m; S/2/-; 1d10+2 E; Pen 0; Clip 30; Reload Half; Reliable; 1.5kg; Common)
  28. 1 chainsword (Melee; 1d10+2 R; Pen 2; Tearing, Balanced; 6kg; Average)
  29. 1 knife (Melee/Thrown; 5m; 1d5 R; Pen 0; 1kg; Plentiful)
  30. 1 flak jacket (Armor; Arms, Body; 3 AP; 5kg; Scarce)
  31. 1 flak helmet (Armor; Head; 2 AP; 2kg; Average)
  32. 1 uniform
  33. 1 set of Good weather gear
  34. 1 rebreather
  35. 1 injector or inhaler (If you choose an inhaler, the inhaler can be built into the rebreather)
  36. 3 doses of frenzon or 5 doses of stimm
  38. 1 Savlarian blightraptor
  39. 1 saddle
  40. 2 saddlebags
  41. 1 set of riding tack
  42. 2 weeks’ supply of rations for Savlarian blightraptors
  44. 1 rucksack or sling bag
  45. 1 set of basic tools
  46. 1 mess kit and 1 water canteen
  47. 1 blanket and 1 sleep bag
  48. 2 weeks' supply of combat sustenance rations
  50. 1 rechargeable lamp pack
  51. 1 grooming kit
  52. 1 set of cognomen tags or equivalent identification
  53. 1 Uplifting Primer
  54. 1 Munitorum Manual
  56. Savlarian Blightraptor
  57. Strong, fearsome predators of the Savlar wastes, these reptilian creatures are less cousins of the Velociraptor than they are of the Tyrannosaurus Rex. No one knows how the Savlar prisoners managed to tame these creatures, much less breed them for generations upon generations as beasts of burden and of sport, but their tenacious nature and terrible temper bely the ability to form strong, almost unbreakable bonds with their riders. Though not particularly fast or agile creatures, Blightraptors are some of the toughest creatures this side of a Space Marine, completely unfazed by weapons that can wreck a tank. Their razor-sharp teeth and metal-rending claws are terrifying enough, but their most formidable weapon is the corrosive, nerve-damaging venom they excrete, which can dissolve almost anything they touch.
  58. Size (5)
  59. Wounds: 32
  60. Availability: Extremely Rare
  61. WeS 30 (+3)
  62. BaS 01 (+0)
  63. Str 40 (+4)
  64. Tou 60 (+6)
  65. Agi 30 (+3)
  66. Int 10 (+1)
  67. Per 25 (+2)
  68. Wil 20 (+2)
  69. Fel 10 (+1)
  70. Skills: Athletics (Known), Awareness (Known), Survival (Known)
  71. Movement: Half-Move (4), Full Move (8), Charge (12), Run (24)
  72. [Talents]
  73. >Hard Target: When the character performs a Charge or Run action, opponents suffer a –20 penalty to Ballistic Skill Tests made to hit the character with a ranged weapon. This penalty continues until the start of the character’s next Turn.
  74. [Traits]
  75. >Bestial: A creature with this Trait never needs to make a Survival Test whilst in its natural habitat. Unless starving or desperate, a Bestial creature must make a Challenging (+0) Willpower Test when frightened, startled, or injured. On a failed Test, the creature flees.
  76. >Bred for War: This Mount is used to the rigours of combat and the din of battle, and thus automatically passes all Willpower Tests to avoid fleeing due to the Bestial Trait.
  77. >Enduring: This Mount gains a +30 bonus to any Toughness Tests it makes due to dehydration or starvation and can carry one additional passenger or comparably heavy item without the associated penalties.
  78. >Frenzy: If the Mount spends one full Round fuelling its anger, on the next Round it goes into an uncontrolled rage, gaining a +10 bonus to Weapon Skill, Strength, Toughness, and Willpower, but suffering a –20 penalty to Ballistic Skill, Intelligence, and Fellowship— note that Characteristic penalties are different from Characteristic Damage (see page 188), and cannot reduce a Characteristic below 1. While Frenzied, the mount must attack the nearest enemy in melee combat if possible. If it is not engaged with the nearest enemy, it must move towards that enemy and engage it if possible. The mount will not take obviously suicidal actions such as leaping off a building in order to engage someone on the ground, but it will take any actions that have a reasonable opportunity to engage in melee with the nearest enemy.
  79. While Frenzied, it is immune to Fear, Pinning, stunning effects, the effects of Fatigue, and it may not Parry, retreat, or flee. It remains Frenzied for the duration of the combat. Mounts may not use psychic powers while Frenzied. After combat ends, or if there are no more eligible enemy targets for the mount to attack, it can make a Willpower Test to snap out of its Frenzy. If it fails, it must continue to attack, favouring NPCs over PCs. Each successive Round, however, it may make another Willpower Test, with a cumulative +10 bonus to return to a stable state of mind and come out of Frenzy. After Frenzying, a mount may not Frenzy again for at least an hour as it recovers his mental and physical strength.
  80. >Loyal: Loyal Mounts do not leave their riders when they are Thrown from the saddle. Further, Riders gain a +10 bonus to Survival Tests when attempting to control a Mount with this Trait.
  81. >Regeneration (1): Each Round, at the start of its Turn, the creature makes a Toughness Test to removes an amount of Damage indicated in the parentheses after the Trait. It loses this Trait when slain.
  82. >Terrain Master: This Creature has large padded feet, widely splayed toes, double-jointed legs or even a preternatural ability to sense uneven ground. It suffers no penalties for moving over difficult terrain.
  84. >Deadly Natural Weapons: This creature has sharp claws, teeth, spines or some other natural weapon with which it can slice and dice its foes. It counts as being armed even when not wielding weapons. Its attacks deal 1d10 points of Damage plus its Strength Bonus. The creature may make attacks with its Natural Weapons using its Weapon Skill, though it cannot Parry with its natural weapons, nor can it be disarmed unless, of course, its limbs are hacked off! (In general, creatures with Natural Weapons are immune to the Power Field quality, as it’s assumed they have enough teeth, claws, or spines to ignore a few being removed.)
  85. >Corrosive: If a target is hit by an attack from the Mount's claws or jaws, the Armour Points of any armour worn by the target in that location are reduced by 1d10 points. If the Armour Points of the armour are reduced below 0 or the target is not wearing any armour in that location, the excess amount of Armour Point Damage is dealt to the target. This excess Damage is not reduced by Toughness. A target’s armour can be reduced multiple times by the effects of a Corrosive weapon. The Armour Point Damage is cumulative.
  86. >Paralytic Venom: All this Mount’s attacks gain the Toxic (2) Quality. However, rather than suffering additional Damage, for every two Degrees of Failure on the Test to resist the Toxic Quality, the victim gains one Level of Fatigue.
  87. >Toxic (2): Anyone that successfully deals Damage to a Toxic creature must make a Toughness Test with a -20 penalty or suffer 1d10 points of Damage (of the same type as the weapon which inflicted the hit) not reduced by Armour or Toughness. Some creatures may carry additional effects with their toxins or inflict more Damage as indicated in their individual descriptions.
  88. Shredding Claws and Teeth (Melee; 1d10+4 R; Pen 0; Toxic [2])
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