
Lev Character Sheet

Mar 19th, 2017
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  1. Name: Lev Wilnius
  2. Class: Archer Trainee>Archer>Sniper
  3. Character Specific Skill: Meteor
  5. Personal Fault: Draw fatigue: When below 50% HP, -2AT
  6. Personal Skill: Stark reminder: When facing an enemy using the Fire subclass of anima, + 10 Crit.
  7. /Personal Skill: Spray n' pray: When within three tiles of three or more enemies, +15 Hit
  8. // Personal Skill: TBD
  10. Affinity:?
  12. Preferred stats: Skill, Defence
  14. Weapon profs: Bow (E)
  16. Level: 1 (0/100)
  17. Total Level: 1
  19. Progression spent: 300%
  21. Base Stats:
  23. HP: 16 (70%)
  24. STR: 4+2 (60%)
  25. MAG: 1 (0%)
  26. SKL: 5 (40%)
  27. CON: 4
  28. AID: 3
  29. LCK: 2 (20%)
  30. DEF: 3+1 (20%)
  31. RES: 1 (25%)
  32. SPD: 4+1 (65%)
  33. MOV: 4
  35. [code]Inventory:
  36. Name Type () RNG MT WT CR Hit QL
  37. Training Bow Recu (E) 2 4 4 10 90 35/35
  38. Vulnerary (3/3)
  39. [/code]
  41. Battle stats (Training Bow):
  42. AT: 10
  43. Hit: 101
  44. AS: 5
  45. Eva: 12
  46. Crt: 12
  47. DG: 2
  49. Bio: Lev was born into house Wilnius, who ruled over their modest estate on the bank of the river Jah at the edge of the great Cyndaen woods. Because he was the nephew of the lord, who already had a son and daughter, he was unlikely to rule, and, if you asked Lev, this was fine. From a young age, he was raised to perform other functions in the demesne.
  51. However, this changed when he was seventeen. One night, whilst he was awake and roaming around their castle, a fire was sparked inside. Though he tried to warn the other inhabitants, the son of Lord Wilnius perished in the flames. Moreover, the fact he was awake before the fire started cast suspicion upon him. Some theorised Lev attempted to kill his cousins to one day become lord himself. Regardless of Lev’s protests- after all, he had no designs on the throne- he was sent away by his uncle. In the half year that has passed since his expulsion, he has been looking for a new home and vocation.
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