
Seer of Dreams

Oct 27th, 2013
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  1. * venetianManufacture PMs epinephrineElectrified (You bumped her off, right?)
  2. * venetianManufacture PMs epinephrineElectrified (To be honest she was an embarrassment.)
  3. * epiele|online PMs venetianManufacture (What the /fuck/)
  4. * venetianManufacture PMs epinephrineElectrified ( * venetianManufacture PMs epinephrineElectrified (You bumped her off, right?) * venetianManufacture PMs epinephrineElectrified (To be honest she was an embarrassment.) )
  5. * epiele|online PMs venetianManufacture (No, seriously, /what/ /the/ /fuck/.)
  6. * venetianManufacture PMs epinephrineElectrified (So you didn't know about it beforehand?)
  7. * epiele|online PMs venetianManufacture (Why in the nine-and-one-eighth fresh hells would I /want/ to kill her?)
  8. * epiele|online PMs venetianManufacture (Tell me.)
  9. * venetianManufacture PMs epinephrineElectrified (Well, because she was the Seer Network's drooling lobotomized Rosemary Kennedy?)
  10. * venetianManufacture PMs epinephrineElectrified (I mean, you would've /loved/ for her to stop putting her foot in her mouth!)
  11. * venetianManufacture PMs epinephrineElectrified (I would if I were you.)
  12. * epiele|online PMs venetianManufacture (I'm /not/ you.)
  13. * epiele|online PMs venetianManufacture (And there's a reason I stopped talking to most of you guys after the Network fell.)
  14. * epiele|online PMs venetianManufacture (Hint: it's because you guys are fucking assholes.)
  15. * venetianManufacture PMs epinephrineElectrified (Ahah, going back to raze the school you learnt karate from?)
  16. * epiele|online PMs venetianManufacture (Firstly, what I learned was /judo/, not karate.)
  17. * epiele|online PMs venetianManufacture (Secondly, you still believe Kaya, after /all/ /these/ /years/?)
  18. * epiele|online PMs venetianManufacture (Are you fucking serious?)
  19. * venetianManufacture PMs epinephrineElectrified (No, you're just crazy.)
  20. * epiele|online PMs venetianManufacture (I am not!)
  21. * venetianManufacture PMs epinephrineElectrified (How ironic.)
  22. * venetianManufacture PMs epinephrineElectrified (The Mind player whose sanity snapped.)
  23. * epiele|online PMs venetianManufacture (That's a 'have you stopped beating your wife' question.)
  24. * venetianManufacture PMs epinephrineElectrified (But you did not refuse to answer it.)
  25. * epiele|online PMs venetianManufacture (Well, no, that's why people usually /ask/ questions like that.)
  26. * venetianManufacture PMs epinephrineElectrified (She was an embarrassment to all of us. I, for one, am glad that she is dead, even if you were not the one who did it.)
  27. * venetianManufacture PMs epinephrineElectrified (And you're just sympathetic with her because she shared your Native.)
  28. * epiele|online PMs venetianManufacture (Am not!)
  29. * venetianManufacture PMs epinephrineElectrified (Are too.)
  30. * epiele|online PMs venetianManufacture (Oh, are we getting in another slappyfight?)
  31. * venetianManufacture PMs epinephrineElectrified (No, but think about this: )
  32. * venetianManufacture PMs epinephrineElectrified (We spent our /lives/ in the Seer Network, /building/ an /institution/ that would be respected for generations to come, and you Johnny-come-lately decide to turn it inside out for your own personal enjoyment?)
  33. * epiele|online PMs venetianManufacture (I cared, too!)
  34. * venetianManufacture PMs epinephrineElectrified (You wouldn't've destroyed it, if you /really/ cared.)
  35. * epiele|online PMs venetianManufacture (No True Scotsman.)
  36. * venetianManufacture PMs epinephrineElectrified (Frankly, I regret voting for you to join the group in the first place.)
  37. * epiele|online PMs venetianManufacture (You mean !voting.)
  38. * venetianManufacture PMs epinephrineElectrified (Your insistence on proper terminology is at stark odds with your reckless disregard of everything else, including personal privacy.)
  39. * epiele|online PMs venetianManufacture (Well, I'll not bore you with the anecdote about the panda in the Chinese restaurant with the mispunctuated wildlife guide.)
  40. * venetianManufacture PMs epinephrineElectrified (You've told it already.)
  41. * venetianManufacture PMs epinephrineElectrified (I do not forget so quickly.)
  42. * venetianManufacture PMs epinephrineElectrified (Like you seem to have forgotten the promises you made, at your induction.)
  43. * epiele|online PMs venetianManufacture (Wait, which one of us has moved on and made a totally new institution with a greater reach over replayerspace?)
  44. * epiele|online PMs venetianManufacture (Hint: not you.)
  45. * venetianManufacture PMs epinephrineElectrified (A base imageboard is not an institution.)
  46. * epiele|online PMs venetianManufacture (Then what /is/?)
  47. * epiele|online PMs venetianManufacture (Are you just going to define what you want as what we used to have, and basically exclude everything else that could be innovated in the meantime?)
  48. * epiele|online PMs venetianManufacture (Huh?)
  49. * epiele|online PMs venetianManufacture (Huh???)
  50. * venetianManufacture PMs epinephrineElectrified (Well, I see I'm not getting anywhere.)
  51. * venetianManufacture PMs epinephrineElectrified (As you were, then.)
  52. * venetianManufacture has disconnected from the server!
  53. * epiele|online PMs venetianManufacture (You didn't answer my question!)
  54. * venetianManufacture has bounced back system message: Error: user not online!
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