
Discord's Quest: Part 1

Jan 28th, 2013
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  1. Part 1: Dawn of the first day
  3. >The morning light seeps into my bedroom, waking me up.
  4. >Shit, alarm didn’t go off. I’m late for my mentally and physically stimulating job as a “crew member” at Mcdonald’s.
  5. >I groan and drag myself out of bed, feeling around for my phone on the bedside counter….
  6. >Which is mysteriously far away now, next to my mysteriously massive bed.
  7. >Oh shit… OH SHIT! DID I SHRINK?!
  8. >I literally have to stand and walk across the bed to reach my counter, which turns out to be a waste because no phone lays on it.
  9. >The morning light creeps in further and reveals more secrets about my wonky bedroom.
  10. >Massive tapestries, jeweled sun-shaped ornaments, fancy potted plants, massive golden gilded doors- a chandelier AND a fireplace?!
  11. >Well fuck, how’d I end up in Europe?
  12. >Well, the bed has those flappy Arabian-looking things on it, so maybe I’m just in a super exotic hotel.
  13. > still… WHAT THE FUCK, MAN.
  14. >The light still crawls further; might I add that this is a large fucking room. I DO NOT want to be here when the bill arrives.
  15. >Knock knock knock at the door, bill’s here at the crack of dawn I guess, kill me.
  16. >I hear a sophisticated, feminine voice from beyond the doors.
  17. >”Rise and shine, Discord; we have to talk. Now.”
  18. >Shit, whoever she is, she sounds just a tad pissed. Time to make my escape.
  19. > I get off the bed and peer out the nearest window and….
  20. >Yeah, life just got VERY FUCKING COMPLICATED. My room is not only obviously far beyond too expensive for my McPaycheck to handle, but I’m inside a massive Disneyland sized castle.
  21. >Okay… probably a good couple trillion goddamn times larger than the Disneyland castle. And on the side of a mountain. And my room is facing the longest way down, overlooking an incredibly long drop down to this wide, green valley that stretches out forever.
  22. >KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK on the door again, this chick is serious about her job.
  23. “ Alright, alright, I’m coming. Just let me get decent.”
  24. >I wander a bit, searching for something more than my boxers. But alas, the room was packed with every amenity EXCEPT clothes.
  25. >The voice from outside returns far more urgent than last time.
  26. >”Discord! This very important, and it requires our attention at once!”
  27. >What’s discord? Is that some European word, kinda like… Sacrebleu?
  28. “ I’m coming, just let me get a towel or something!”
  29. >I’ve got to hurry up, or this bitch is gonna kick the door in on me. Luckily, this ultra-luxury room has its very own bathroom.
  30. >I rush in and grab a towel out of the cupboard in the bathroom and cover myself; I won’t be paying for this room, so the least I can do is not be in my boxers at the fucking door for this wild bitch maid.
  31. >”Discord, if you don’t open the door right now, I’m coming in!”
  32. >Is Discord a name? Well, this IS Europe. People in Europe have fucked up names. I just hope Discord paid the fucking bill before I arrived.
  33. >Wait a minute… What if Discord’s a gay German guy who got me drunk and fucked my ass before leaving me to PAY THE FUCKING BILL? Shit, the plot thickens.
  34. >Well, my ass doesn’t hurt, and I don’t feel hung over or hopped up on goofballs and shit. So, like, what the hell? Maybe my mind is making me forget what happened; I heard that sometimes your mind does tha-
  35. >BAM! The doors swing hard and slam against the walls behind them; they were barely hanging onto their hinges and creaked terribly as they trembled from the force by which they were broken.
  36. >The maid walks in, and hot damn does this girl have some sick bling!
  37. >She walks in with these clackity-clack golden shoes that reflect like mirrors, her massive necklace was a thick ring of solid gold with this glorious purple jewel embedded in the centre, a golden crown rests on her head with a similarly immaculate purple jewel embedded in it as well, her hair flows over one eye and down to her feet with several fetching rainbow colors and sparkles like the stars in the sky at night, and she’s a tall horse with a horn and bird wings.
  38. >……………….fuck?
  39. >She seems shocked, too… just not anywhere near my level of shockedness.
  40. >”Discord? What are you doing THIS time?”
  41. >Now as she asks me this, two things have become apparent: 1. I am certainly not in any European country that I know off, and 2. THAT IS A HORSE WITH WINGS AND A HORN.
  42. >She’s staring at me with such a look, like I’M the one who should be explaining himself!
  43. >I stare back blankly, not even capable of comprehending human emotions right now.
  44. >” DISCORD!” she yells. Damn, she’s a bit pissed, but her problems will have to wait, because mine are far bigger.
  45. “ AAAAAAGH!”
  46. >I scream my throat to shreds and scramble to the bathroom, but the door suddenly glows and slams shut on my face just as I reach it. Great, this fucking castle place has aliens AND ghosts.
  47. >I run across the bed, losing my towel, yelling whatever pathetic half-baked ramblings I can to fend the horse off.
  49. >Glow surrounds me, I lift into the air and get pulled towards her like the tractor beam from Star Wars on that Millennium shit-box shuttle.
  50. >I struggle and squirm and all that, but my deadliest karate moves are ineffectual on the glow. She’s pulling me in.
  51. >”Stop that now, Discord! Your immaturity can wait until later.”
  52. >What? I’m not some fucking European! Despite my strangling terror and sudden unnatural means of locomotion, my brain instinctually corrects her.
  53. “ I’M NOT DISCORD!”
  54. >She floats me at eye level with her, looking stern as fuck.
  55. >”I’m serious, Discord. We’re under attack.”
  56. >I’m still scared shitless, and my mind will never be the same after seeing aliens and glowing ghostly doors and shit in the same morning, so a little knowledge won’t hurt.
  57. “ W-w-w-who?”
  58. >”It’s the changelings, and in full force this time- a full scale invasion!”
  59. >When I hear of the changelings, all kinds of fanciful ideas pop into my head of little robots that work in change rooms and help you get dressed and recommend different clothes and shit…. I am SO inventing that when I get home!
  60. >Anywho, the horse and the glow take me for a walk and I get to have a better understanding of just how far from home I am.
  61. >Hallways and hallways and rooms and hallways everywhere. Christ, this building is bigger than fucking N.Y.C.
  62. >I see other creatures – smaller horsey things, some with horns, some with wings, others have jackshit and are probably the servants or something.
  63. >They go about their business, but every now and then, one spots me and stares; I find it strange that they act so nonchalant about this total human here, being all up in their spaceship – or planet or whatever we’re on.
  64. >I haven’t ruled out the possibility that we’re on a colossal deathstar. Maybe I’m being spared along with another female to repopulate the human race like some Adam and Eve shit, after they blow up Earth and drop us on some other planet.
  65. >The thought of getting laid at the end of this is kinda cool, I guess. But I’m not some heartless bastard.
  66. >I mean, I have family on Earth, and friends, and a girlfriend who –even though she’s been a little goddamn STINGY with the sexing lately, I still love that bitch.
  67. >Our silent walk is interrupted when a group of armored horses suddenly surround us and keep pace with the big horse- the one with the bling, that is. (Sorry, I’ve been a bit non-descriptive with the horsepeople so far, but shit, how do I do it justice when meeting aliens? They speak English, so I’m sure they could just describe themselves to somebody so why should I?).
  68. >The horse with the crown is white and so are the armored horses, descriptive enough?
  69. >The other white horses are wearing this shiny-ass golden armor, except one fairy who’s talking with my keeper about some stuff; he’s wearing the gayest fucking shiny gilded deep purple armor ever.
  70. >”Your majesty, we’ve reports of changeling activity as close as Ponyville. Shall we escort you to the saferoom?” asked the flaming purple armored horse.
  71. >Majesty? This bitch is royalty?
  72. >….Ooooh, yeah. The crown and necklace and whatnot, now it makes sense to me! Royalty.
  73. >”I do not intend to cower while my subjects suffer, Shining Armor. If they dare attack us here, I’ll aid in the defense.” Replied the bling horse.
  74. >Why am I starting to feel left out? I mean, I’m a human among horses! They should be all over me!
  75. >I notice that the armor worn by some of the horses incorporates a saddle. Maybe we humans aren’t so rare? But horses don’t speak and that’s a FACT. Something fishy is afoot.
  76. >”Princess, with Discord’s magic on our side, this invasion should be over in no time!” said the gay horse, or Shining Armor as the royal horse called him.
  77. >At that, they all turn to me, waiting expectantly for me to do something.
  78. “… Well who the fuck is Discord?”
  79. >They keep staring, the royal horse and gay horse narrow their horse-eyes at me; I guess they’re getting sick of my shit.
  80. >Well fuck them, I’m not getting blamed for Discord’s bullshit, whoever that asshole is.
  81. “ Guys, I’m dead fucking serious. I-I don’t know who you think I am, but I’m not some guy named Discord.”
  82. >The eyes go wide; I think they’re starting to understand. Y’know what? These horses aren’t all that fucking smart, considering I’ve been telling them that I was-
  83. >”Discord, STOP THE CHANGELINGS OR YOU GO BACK IN THE GARDEN!” the royal bitch yells.
  84. >They still don’t get it, and who the hell is scared of gardens? Is Discord allergic to flowers or something?
  85. >Stupid bitch, I’ll fucking tell her.
  86. “ You aren’t fucking listening to me! Close your mouth and listen, horse! I AM NOT DISCORD. I’M A HUMAN FROM EARTH!”
  87. >She’s pissed. I swear I can see hatred in her eyes that dates back to the holocaust. The armor horses look pissed, too; they’re looking to her, probably thinking: “Give it to him, bitch, let him have it!”
  88. >The glow disappears and I fall on my ass; the horses are all glaring at me from all sides. This shit is getting scary again.
  89. “I’m not… fucking Discord, man. You gotta believe me, you’ve got to fucking believe me.”
  90. >The bling horse won’t stop staring at me. Weirdo. But it’s something different; the immense rage is dissipating and a more hospitable sense of curiosity is replacing it.
  91. >”Princess, how can we be sure that Discord isn’t playing one of his annoying tricks again?” asks gay horse.
  92. >The royal horse replies without taking her eyes off of me. I stare back with the most innocent look I can conjure up; it might save my life.
  93. >”Shining Armor, I understand that you and Discord don’t exactly see eye to eye, but I assure you, he’s just as concerned for Equestria’s safety as any of your guards; he would never play a joke like this when his friends are in danger.”
  94. >Uuum, okay then, Princess (if that’s really your name), then where IS your big, responsible Discord? That’s what I was thinking; now here’s how it came out:
  95. “Where’s Discord at?”
  96. >Aw shit, the mean look’s back. She lowers her head closer to mine to the point where we’re almost Inuit kissing.
  97. >Hmm, I wonder what her breath smells like? Does she eat horse-food or people food?
  98. >”I was hoping that you could help us figure that out.”
  99. >I sniff.
  100. >Don’t say it, don’t say it, DO NOT SAY IT.
  101. “ Your breath smells nice.”
  102. >She recoils at my stupid-ass awkward remark, but elegantly –y’know, like a princess. Then her eyes soften, are compliments the key?
  103. >”Why thank you,” she says.
  104. >That went better than exp-
  105. >”Take him to the dungeon for interrogation.”
  106. >Oh snap.
  107. “ YEAH FUCK YOU TOO, BITCH! I FUCKING SAY SOMETHING FUCKING NICE AND YOU SEND ME AWAY?! FUCKING BITCH GO TO HEEELLL!” I scream as I’m roughly dragged away by a combination of horse-feet, gripping jaws and glow shit.
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